HomeMy WebLinkAbout42- Cooperative Agreement for Road Survey , - ... -- ;- -J . . ~ , . . . J b - I I-I r /,- I Cf , <(' fl. . COOPIlATlVl AOUIIIIIIT FOR ROAD -8UlM$Y I 'n'- .. '~"III 1 r ,...._"~"....,,.~ i; Tb18 a~t ..... lUll of tile C../ day of Sept....r, 1956, ua4e1' au:tIlorlty of ''''AGtof - - :tr; 1914, 3. S_tute 430, u _.... bJ' the Aot of A:p11 14, 1950, MBUtute 83. V.s.C. &?3, by &ad ,*,WHO tbe C:t.t, of ".AIl., 1. state of MoDt...., _"lQ- afte... called tile PN'tyof ... fint part, aDel tile Sllpenteor of tile Gal1&tla 1ta'10_1 J'ontlt for &1ld Oft be....lf of tbe U. S. Dep~ of All'lCN1taN, Poreat Sel"l'108, 1ael'e1aattar ImoWll .. tile party of tile ..... part, WITBI8SB1'll: ~~S. the party of the first part is a joint owner and part i- c1patE\fl 1,,;. the operatica &ad Ilaint.eJUl.Roe- o! a dtuI on :Mystic LaIce 11l See. 10, If. al. I B. 7 B., loeat.. OB _t1oa1 forM. laad. wk1e1l cIaa i8 pantal1, .... for tile purpoee ofaupply1ng domestic water to the Clty of ao..v~.; aad / WIIEBMS, tber9 18 .. preaeat aeedfor adequate ....DS of trans- portt.. at.rial. 8.Dd equip...t for the repair ud _lnt.DRO. ofaaid damJ &Dd 11IBRIA8 tbe" Ie DO ~- J'O&d tato aat.d diIa uea to .aabl. neh u'er1t".. aacS ....UpM.t tc> be ,.....pon... J alld IBEB&lS, tile pan, of t.lIe second pari 18 1......01 Altol. t.....portM:loa fMl1tt1.. to __ possl.b1.. ,.ban..tiq of national feNet t1Jllber io ._ DOH.. end dralea_; &ad Wlllft.'BAI. tM pan)'- of tbe ...ad pan 1.8 1n aeed of adequate tr&D8pOrtatloll !acillt1_ :f0J!' the PUJ'POSG of fire protection ill this -area" HOW, TIL~lU~OR.E, it is l~utual1" a,greed by tbe parties hereto ail f o1loWil-! " That the first step toward obtaining adequate tra.napor- ..... ta"ion facll!tl_ 1.to tbe DoHMa Creek dra1_ 1a to make a fIUl"Vey to ..teftd.ae the 1Nurt- looatlon for a road, tbe termini and approxtmate locatloa .. ahow on attaclaed -p" 2. 'l'bat beUUM of mutual lnt....t in ,be aeecl for .ueh .. road, tbe ocet of IIl1cl.ag tile 8U"f'ef be borDe approximately ecadl1y b1 bOtb partt... 3. That 81.. tile part, of tlae ..oad part has oertaia m1uiftlWll s-tandarda tOI' l00&:t1_ aad oou't1"UCtlDC forest 4ev.loprliM.troads~ atJd 81l'lC8 ,It&t party bu tile qu.al1f:ted pe"o_l and co:er eq1l1..-' &..-al1able 'W1th wIllC.b, to make t1le 8UJ'Ve'Y. tbat t part:, of tM eeecH partw111 be reapotlllible for ItIak1q the road ""e,. 4. That tlse ~., oftbe fint ptU:'t aJa.al1 deposit B1M b.uDdNd flft, aa4 80/100 Doll..... <'910.00) ll1to the Forest ......1_ f:eoparatl... __ had wIleD ca.l1ed for by tile part,. of the aecoad pari, wbtab d.ep(Hlt tWill beuaed 1tytbe- party o--t- 'the secoad part to pay so.larl_, traftl, aad other related and Dee..aary apelJS88 of tbe road 8Ul'VeJ' o.....W. Any re.1Dinc balaace iD tllie fued. aft_tile &peed upoa survey has beeD oomplated., will be retUD.44ld. 5. lit,*-, part, of t.1d.. ........nt _, "ernd.nate t'bl. ap_u.'t -1- '" - :,,' . .,/0 .. ., , I II .. at ...., '1_ u.poa "bin, -.,....1.... ,,"1_ to tile ot_.., " 'l'OVidecl that nail DOtice .11 'be,t...Nt..... HoYetIber 1 of .., ,..,. and. Aps-i 1 1 of ,.. ..... auecMdia, ,...... aacI provided t_t all ob11....1OM ot _II party 'Ullder tll18 a.11"M'" _at are .....18fied. e. HotkUg COIltal'" 1. tlda ........' ....11 rel1eve tlae p&)l'tJ' of the fim pan, 1.. _".t tlJlPlo,...., coDtractoN, 0,," ...~ of GOIItno'ton, troa re8poul'ttl1t.ty for &It,. tire wh10b .....11 be tile ....ltot a. or tMlr _11..ace, willful or _laWful acta, coa4aot or operattou. DOr shall operate to prevent the United States fJtorll ~oY.r1,DC the fire suppression expenaesincurred ~or ql.~~~~~~,.._11'" tll. ~tof '..__ ....... .Itp = .... f1n, 't. .. 1.", 'C1........ ..... ....,....,- .. of .. tfld.tAMlU ., _1.... ....11 ......,. be N11..- ot aay I'8IIPOMl".tl_ plaeeel upOD tMa ..,. tbe 1&_ of lIoIltaaa. 1"61\1.... 1at10DS of the lIoataoa state Board of Forestry, 01" the ter88 of any tht1ted Stat.. coatraci:a to wIlich they are or _y beeome IL panT. "I.. 110 1WII1:Mlr of or "lepte to Co; .Irea or Resideat Com.tn1..1oa.~ .ba,11 he admitted to u1 .1Jbant or part of tlll. ap....t or to aIl7 bfteflt to UTi.. tbenfrom. l'otlUaa.J.u)WGvel",Mrela aontat..... SU11 'be coutned to extend to aU)' laeo1'PO!'ated QOwpa.D1 t. if t_....,.._t bit tor tMptlft'&l ....f1 t of 8Wdt OOI'pora:c1on or eomp&af. 8. 11( 111'111I \fI"A.1l1')F. 'the Cl t.,of ~ u_ aauaed "18 ~ to '"' .xecuted ., 1_ Ma,.or tLDd C1.... of tbe Cit, eo.t..:I.01l tbehUDto duly a_borl.., &ad it. eorponte ..al to be Ml"9\U1to affixed and the 8eeond Pa.rty has eal,u!ie.1 this - -, .... - .-. ~. ----.. ,. ---. --" --. -- ..- -". '...... .." Aar_nt to be executed by Ita proper repreeeutativftl$ thereuuto 4111y &utllorlsed, TD CITY OF BOZ:DIAN C" ) ~ 4/2' ,,' /" --:," ,- BI ,/ ~L~, it./. ;;;;'~I J:,.f[#<;?{.. 'f.-Ch \ L . ~-"1a1!C)r ..... ""teet: ,__/ fi: r.- /p /I . / c:rtift-"Of ..!. efl)" to_li.l0a.~..... ') .. i lIitMa ,.... party 01 .... ~ 8. ~8&~(lallatill Hat'. Fereft --' pvt r:r-:- ~T -. - -- . 1<'f:ii~~J0 __l\t:;h~_)~~..fi,,-P"EY~~ ~.._./ ......0" I r ~... \j ~~~ ~,~ ~RAS!. Y ')/ l ~ , "~ \frj,! f K NOl L , ., , ,., ~ <"1\ ,~( -', ~I Or '7 ~ A ,.. [] r. "\. ~ /' ;' .J:.J //, ~. . E. ~'J ~ j~ -4 I wg~ rJ ,,~'''' v~~ ~ """,' ~.";,,,"""''\\. - '_ , ... L .-...... ~ b ~ --- 'Y..er/ '" '" ~ ,'- Iv. AClft :~ D~ ......;:::y ~ \"'-=0""" "'- · ) ~~ \ .ff JI ~. ~f)l>5'. ;:II:) / I~ ~r: ~~~f i"'~ 'lGI4IK [] M r SlLLlP. ~ ~~ LIS.",-. :__ A ~, \ i S. ~AS~ r= ~C ~.D'.ttMY ../1 ~ CHf,~T!flIT _~ u).,,"--'I\ I / L,/ v \, ~ hV - JJ '% "'l'\~ jI PA~ r;-RSO/l / _____/ \J:l \\ ;:::.--'\ .~ ,1\ OTTE I> / I~ ~ \"1 ~ ? J CHA~ MAN I M THkw ~ i / ./ ~ -, \ i \ / /~ VI ~ '\~ic. PAC \~<-. / I \ \ \ <^;';~ ..,'b?(, .-.-- r--- ~e( ; 1 -Y.''>p-~~C\\ ~t ~:,- , -'>: I ~ "'x: ' ,// ' i . '-" o-? I" \./ / ....,Iit. .-: , .' <') ~ i' ~ \ - Cl) /:~ ~ . i 1j /1' .J _ . ~ 100',- ( ......V C I '\ . ,. ---"r" ::J =';: ",...--- l.../-~ 0-:> ~0,':'/ \ ,/. V ~C'0 1.; ~o ",.s::. ;:,.01 .:; ~~. ~.. t ~ , i ,,: _ \'.; \ '. ;0. 1 () '''... .--' -----l I '" " 'i> I ; \ ~ ~! 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