HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx 4 BPC 2 14 19 PPM Report7DBOZEMAN PARKI NG COM M ISSIONParkins Prosram Manager's ReportDate: February 8,2019To: Bozeman Parking CommissionFrom: Ed Meece, Parking Program ManagerAn update of major developments, in January, includes:. !2t_A team of software development engineers from Genetec (LPR manufacturer) was on-site in January forfurther adjustments of the fixed-LPR system. The result of this effort was that the 'Read' rate for all eligible plateswas increased to +96%. Genetec, PCS, T2, and the PPM are implementing further work to increase the 'Capture'rate for all plates as well. T2 staff will be on-site in February to conduct additional CoB stafftraining, and systemupdate/mod ifications.o Ordinance 2013: On L/I9/t9, PSD staff began implementation of the code modifications that were part ofOrdinance # 20t3, most notably the direct towing of abandoned vehicles (no longer relying on Code Enforcementto complete this task). ln the first 6 days of this transition, PEO's removed (towed) six vehicles from city streets'To assist with public education, the PSD developed a "72 hou/' information card to be placed with all warningcitations (attached).o Parking Comptaint Dispatch: The PPM and Brit Fontinot, Eco. Dev. Director, began work with the Police and lTdepartments on a project to transfer parking complaints (phone) to the Parking Enforcement Officers via a proventechnology solution; so as to avoid the need for additional staff time monitoring the phones.o Leadership Training: Parking Enforcement Officer Helen DelaHunt attended the "Women in Leadership"workshop featuring Mayor Andrus and City Manager Surratt.o Downtown-Midtown Shuttle: BPC Commissioners Naumann and Bryan, as well as the PPM, participated in a jointagency discussion regarding the establishment of a Downtown-Midtown Streamline Shuttle service; alsoattending were Western Transportation lnstitute, Bridger Bowl, Gallatin County, and Economic Development staff.o Ethics Training: Parking Services staff participated in a joint (annual) ethics training with Facilities Management,lT, Economic Development, and Neighborhoods departments.oaCritical Function Assessment: The PPM developed a critical functions inventory assessment for Bozeman Fire, aspart of their crisis response planning with Montana State University (TEEX)Stoten Vehicles: The PPM worked with Police lnformation Specialists to develop a process whereby dailystolen/recovered vehicle reports to the PPM, and then input to the FLEX/LPR databases.FinancialUpdateRevenues for the fiscol year ore at 88% (w/out TIFD funds).Expenditures for the fiscol yeor ore ot 5t/o (w/out TIFD funds) BOZEMAN''Porking ServicesPorking Services Divisiıñ j 40ê582-2903https://www. bozemon.neUgovern menVporking72 HOUR VIOI.ATIONSThe Citg of Bozemon requires thot ot[ vehictesporked on citg streets move everu 72 hours . ldeottg,vehicl.es shoutd move 500 feet or to the other side ofthe street. This is necessorg to be sure thot þublicstreets ore being used for oppropriote porking, notLong term storoge of vehicles, compers, etc. Thefrequent movement of vehicles is criticoI for snowremovol, os wetl os other street mointenonce ondpubtic sofetg services.The Porking Services Division enforces thisregulotion, on o comploint bosis, with o citotion.After the issuonce of two (2) consecutive citotions,ond/or o period of seven consecutive dogs, o tow¡ngservice.will be colted to remove the vehicle. l-=z<=IJJNooØoU\-G)Lrto)C-)/.Loo-Porking Violotions:2AM-7AM Restricted Zone: $50.0072 Hour Porking Violotion: $30.008AM-sPM Restricted Zone: $50.00Atteg: $20.00Bus Stop: $20.00CommercioI Vehicle Over 1 Hour: $20.00Crosswqtkl $5030Crosswolk Within 20 Feet: $50.00Curb Prohibited Pork¡ng: $20.00Distonôe From Curb: $50.00Drivewog: $50.00Fire Lone: $50.00Hondicop Zone: $100.00High Schoot Residentiol District: $20.00Hgdront: $50.00Looding Zone: $20.00Blocking Moitbox: $50.00MSU Residentiol District: $60.00No Porking: $50.00Overtime Porking: $20.00Overt¡me w¡th Rolling Rute: $20.00Porking Lot Overtime: $20.00Porking Lot with Rolling Rule: $20.00lmproper Displog of Permit: $20.00Pr¡vote Propertu: $20.00Prohibited Porking/DlsptoU for Sole:$20.00Restricted Zone: $50.00Sidewolk: $50.00Street Mointenonce: $20.00Tow Awog Zone: $20.00Within lntersection: $50.00Wrong Side: $50.00 Parking Services Fund - Operating las of 2l8l20l9lJANUARY 2OL9 - Revenue & Expenditure ReportREVENUEParking Lot PermitsGarage PermitsGarage- Tra nsient Reven ueGarage Validation CouponsResidentia I Ngh bd.PermitsEmployee Ngbhd. PermitsVisitor Ngbhd. PermitsAdmin/Late FeesBoot FeesCitation RevenueMisc. RevenueRents/Roya lties/OtherRefunds & ReimbursementsCollection FeesTransfer Other Funds (TIFD)ToTAL (w/Tl FD Transfer)TOTAL (w/out TIFD Transfer)EXPENDITUREAdmin - PersonnelAdmin -- OperatingAdmin -- CapitalEnforcement - PersonnelEnforcement -- OperatingEnforcement -- CapitalGarage -- PersonnelGarage -- OperatingGarage -- CapitalTOTAL (w/Rdmin Capital - TIFD)TOTAL (w/out Admin Capital-TIFD)FY 18 - JANUARYACTUALs36,399.00S328,065.00s64,736.00Sz,sts.ooS31,945.0054,565.00S21,135.00S28,584.00S4so.ooS154,564.00S3,o14.ooS1,170.ooso.ooS446.oos2s6.oos11,183.00so.ooFY 18 - JANUARYACTUALs58,128.00S1i.9,i.64.00s78,205.00S90,o85.oos21,338.00s20,o7o.ooS1l_3,723.00So.oos500,713.00S4zz,5o8.ooFY 19BUDGETS3o,ooo.oos28o,ooo.00575,500.00S3,ooo.oo513,000.00S2,ooo.oos10,500.00s42,000.00s2,000.00s300,ooo.o0so.oos1,500.00so.ooS6,ooo.oos25o,ooo.0os1,015,500.00s765,500.00FY 19BUDGETs87,553.00Si,67,2ss.oos102,031.005223,64'J..OOS51,oB6.oos10,000.00S42,168.00s175,637.005o.ooS859,371.005757,34O.O0FY 19ACTUALs39,354,00s351,630.00527,79oJoS2,507.ooSgo,zgz.oos5,862.00S16,425.00s4,810.00s1,410,00s175,043.00s20,100.00s1,376.00S1,71o.oo-s5,049.00so.oos673,695.00S673,695.00%EARNEDYTD131.1.8%r2558%36,79%83.57%236.44%293j0%156.43%]-L.45%7050%s83s%NA9!.73%0.oo%-84.1.5%o.oo%66.34%88.0t%%EXPECTEDYTDs8%s8%s8%s8%58%s8%s8%58%58%58%s8%s8%58%s8%58%58%58%%EXPECTEDYTDs8%58%s8%58%s8%s8%s8%s8%58%s8%58%FY 19ACTUALs53,737.00S78,i.3o.oos231,070.00S131,445.0052O,242.0OSo.oo526,!47.O0s66,733.00so.oo$607,504.00s376,434.00%SPENTYTD61,.38%46.71%226.47%58.78%39.62%N/A62,O1%37.99%N/A70.69%49.70% Active Projects: Strateg¡c Parking Management PlanJanuary 2019STRATEGY DESCRIPTION COMPLETIONFormalize the guiding principlesas policies within the parking and1 transporation system plan.Adopt the 85% rule as thestandard for measuringperformance of the pa rkingsupply and tr¡gger¡ng specific2 manaBement strategies.Strengthen the role of theParking Manager and the ParkingServ¡ces Division - to betterintegrate with the CommunityDevelopment and EconomicDevelopment planning.Establish a policy for adjustingrates (on and off-street)On-Going34COMPLETIONCOMPLETEDPENDINGCOMMENTSAdopted by the BPC in8/2016.8/2076.PPM attending DRCmeet¡ngs, and offeringdata/comment as staffrevtew.Adopted by the BPC in70/20t6.BPC approved Resolution2oL7-03 (6/20771; CitvCommission approvedResolution #4837 onth4h7.BPC adopted Resolution2018-03 recommending CILincrease to 525000(6 | 2OL8l; City CommissionAPPROVAT of Resolution4292 (increasing CILP toS2s000l onL2|LTlts;PPM worked with the EDdept on changes to them¡nimum parking standards(UDC) in the B2M zone,approved bV CC9/2017;PPM actively attendinginternal DRC meetings tooffer guidance on policyissues; ACM winn is re-assembling an internal"Parking Strategy Team" (atinstruction of City Manager),3/1,/ t8; lnternal'ParkingStrategy Team' is operating,strategies regarding #6,7,8are expected to beforthcoming 16/2OI8l5Establish a Capital MaintenanceReserve FundRe-evaluate and restructurecurrent cash-in-lieu progra m.Re-evaluate code basedminimum parking requirementsJul-16TBD67 89Re-evaluate and clarify thepurpose and intent of thecurrent code section regardingSpecial lmprovement District #s65.lmplement a FacilitiesMa¡ntenance Plan.Develop a reasonable scheduleof data collection to assessperformance, including anaccurate on and off streetinventory (public and private)and an occupancy/utilizationanalysis.ldentify off-street shared useopportunities based on datafrom strategy 9. Establish goalsfor transitioning employees,begin outreach to opportunitysites, negotiate agreements, andassign employees to facilities.TBD7213012018sl!/!7 &7lLlt7PPM is waiting on theAdmin./Legal Depts. Forfurther instruction on thisisue; ACM Winn is re-assembling an internal"Parking Strategy Team" (atinstruction of City Manager),3lth8; lnternal'ParkingStrategy Team' is operating,strategies rega rding f 6,7,8are expected to beforthcoming (61201.8l-PPM is completing researchfor facility mgt. bestpractices, starting to draftFac. Mgt. plan,Sl!7;Data collection ocurred,following the StrategicParking Management Plan,Spring and Summer 2017;report (dreft ) sübmitted9l2Ùt7, under staff reviewat this time; Final commentssubmitted to WTI formodification, to | 23 / L7 ; Thefinal WTI Parking OccupancyReport was released ont].l L4 I 2OL7, a na lysis isunderway - includingreviêw/memorandum fromRlck Williams Consulting.1st shared use agreementnegotiated and approvedwith Big Sky Western Bank(June 2017); Completion ofthe WTI Parking OccupancyStudy on fllIalÚ isexpected to demonstrateareas where new sharedspace agreements will bemost effective; Shared UseAgreement and GIS Layercomplete 6hlt8;PPMisidentifying several privateparking sites as potentialareas for shared use parkingagreements.10tl t2Complete the 2008 ParkingDistrict ldentificationSignage/Branding PlanClarify current on-street parkingsignage, particularly in areaswhere unlimited parking isallowed, Consider incorporatingthe current City parking logo intoon-street signage.Rename all publicly owned lotsand garages by address.Work has begun to designand implement lot specificsignage on "P" towers.Likewise, the PPM isworking to developadditional technologyrelated and regulatorysignage for the garage andlots based on the 2008formaÇ COMPTETE October2018PSD, in cooperation with theGIS Department, hascompleted an ¡nventory ofall parking signs and zoneswithin the B-3. Theinventory has been loadedas a map layer to the COB'sGIS viewer, and is availableto the public atOn-going; January bozeman.net . Next step is2OÎgãCım-PlêtÐ to rev iew cu rre nt s itu atio nPerklng lnventory against desired changes forloaded to GIS modifiying field conditionsas deemed appropriate.Resolution 2018-06 waspresented and approved atthe 8lt2ll8 meet¡ng of theBPC,13L4 151677Upgrade the access/revenuecontrol system at the BridgerGarage.lnstall a vehicle counter systemat Bridger Garage and at theSurface lots.Establish best practice protocolsand performance metrics forexisting enforcement personneland support enforcement witha ppropriate technology.Expand bike parking network tocreate connections betweenparking and the downtown toencourage employee bikecommute trips and drawcustomers to sowntownbusinesses.shl2oLs2ltl2otgRFP Selection Committee isin final stages of awardreccomendation, as of9 17 I t7 . Following 9 I 2Ot7bid award, staff is engagedin final contract negotiationsand project planning;Contracts signed 701 L6/ t7 -Scope of Work signedtO / 27 I L7 ; Project lau nchexpected by L2l7lt7:Project kick off call heldÍl tO / !7, data conversionand preliminary stafftra¡ning undenruay; Dataconversion is nearingcompletion of second dataextract¡on, staff training isundenmay, transitionplanning on-going;estimated GOLIVE ofal28ll8;T2 Software and allinstalled; cont¡nu¡ng tomake operational tweaks,and remedy fixed-cameraaccuracy ("context") issuesasol9l6lt8.lnstallatlon of véhiclecount¡ng system has beenmoved to "Phase ll" of the2018 Parking TechnologyProject; followingsuccessful completion of t"Phase l" - T2 andfixed/mobile tPR.Court/Appeals Packet(4/17); Uniform Policy(8/17); Enhanced SafetyProcedures; SecurityCamera Policy; LPR Policy;PEO Assigned Routes Policy;PPM met with City's' bike/pedestrian' consu ltantto open the door forpotent¡al new partnerships;follow up planned forSpring 201918 192I222325Explore changes to existingresidential on street permitprograms and evaluatepotentially implement newresidential parking permitdistricts in the neighborhoodnortha nd south ofthedowntown commercial distr¡ct.Evaluate on street pricing in highoccupancy areas,Explore expanding accesscapacity with new parking supplyand/or transitDevelop cost forecasts forpreferred parking supply andshuttle options.Explore and develop fundingopt¡ons.Explore the implementation ofon street pricing.Consider consolidating currentusers of the Carnegie Lot ¡nto theBridger Garage. Sell the CarnegieLot to fund acquis¡tion of lbetterlocated parking parcels and/orconstruct¡on of a parking garage.thl2otsOn-goingCity Commission requested0rl21/L7l that this effortbe complete, withrecommendation to them,by late Spring/Early Summer2018. PPM will providepreliminary repor to BPC on3/81t8, final report ona/ !2h8; Presentation toCity Commission ona/23h8:, Post-CC report,the PPM cont¡nues to workon revised code changesand RPPD determinationsfor eventual resubmittal tocc,tl2ot9;No act¡vlty at this timeNo activity at this time.No activity at this time.No activity at this time.No activity at this time.No activ¡ty at this time.2024 PPM is part¡cipating inseveral separate economicdevelopment projects thatwould create new publicpa rking facllitie s (7 l20t8l.The internal parklng strategyteam has identified this as apriority action, and asiting/fundlng plan ls beingdeveloped for furthercomment and action bycommunity stakeholders -includlng the BPC. ; Twosepa rate feasib¡lity stud¡esare undenrvay at this time 1)feasibility of additionaldeck to the existing garage,2) feasibility of several newstructured parking sites inthe downtown - results26 ln¡t¡ate new capacity expansion*2bV5l20t8. Noræmber-18December-18050January-19Peak Occupancy Trend - Parking Garage4æ3503æ292m1501æ363318Bozeman Parkimission - Februa rv t4, 2OL9*NOTE: Storting with January 2079, the monthly. dota point reflects an averoge of the three (3) highestpeok occuponcy's for the entire month. As time ollows, the PPM will adiust November-and December of2078 to reflect the some 3 doto point averoge.