HomeMy WebLinkAbout49- Gallatin County Agreement . .. , I , ~ AGRZE!JSnT -------.......- THIS AGRKiiUENT, Made u!;d e!.tered into t::,is 21th day of April, ... D. , 1)11/, >ya:xi c\etween GALLJ, TIt; COUNTY, a )olit.ical su~.di'fision of the State of .J,o:1tana, and t.he CITY OF EO'i:r;MAN, a Mor::ta.na ::mnicipal CClroorn ,ionJl herein referred to as the First Party, and E. L. TRENT and FANNIE TUB!!T, hus- , d . . f of'c, p l';rade, ,'.[G:, ta.r:".., ~el~ci" ro..:'erred to as the SAC8;0 Farty; can~ a~,c va.e, l. '-!-:"'\.~~~-1 "'"t '"", r'~ rnT" or.L .u..,;:";):),,.~j '1% That for and in cODsidera':.ion or the :,mtual cavemmts hsreir: con- tained, the Parties m:utua,11y uGr<'e: 1. '!'hat the First Pa:"t'-' b ths OVi"cr of vrrvlt is knovm as 1.1:0 '";a1- latir' Field, ;1ear~81':::'ade, l.4:or,ta...'1a, w1:ich Airport is 81 tuate upon a~:mroxi- ~..,<:,t:lY seven hundred (700) I:!cre~ of la:ld, nel?r the said Town of EclrTado and . c:e."Jcribcd <13 follows: r~ ""'j .' :'I'~'~n'1.'.(.'lT" ' "V (<) ~.....~, J.' -r'\' "-I"';' ;-, ih"~l ':' """,.,.' 1.. f' ,~'~""""".- .)','..:.... ,. .~__... ._.u.~':>ec 1..~O,j ,",J.:,.. .>~ ,)1,.. ,0 -,-," nyl,.'-,,,...... '-',.,...... ,.h.",t." 0.. ""'.":;''- . ~va East, (TIS H,5E) arldtl1e Bast Half of the iast Half (E~ :st), 01' ~)ection One (1), l'ownship One South of ,taq~e F'our East, ('flsR4E) M. P .K., G[',llu tin Cour: ty J :,iOli t,,-na. 2.nd t ',u ,:jeco\td Pnrt;'t is th,::: owner oi' the fcllO'Yfinf desc~ric'ed propcrt): T\,e ,:,o,lt.hwest Quarter of the I,jortheast Quarter (3\,;':'; 1:E,); the ':~""tllea-t "uart,er of the ~~or.hweat "'uarter (('EJ IDV)' +lV3!O"'t __,\ I..,~ d. " '~.,J \ik~ \,. ,,' J. IJ.I. \.ci lJ . ~l. "1 J,:;' , ,H ' . 'j l.) ilalf ,;f the Southeas t Quarter ('w~, SE;~); the )j~a3t Half of the E;ol1thwest C;uo.\rtcr E~ SWJi), i.."d Lots One (1), 'I1vo (2), Three (3) and FOllr CIL) of Section Thirty-o're (31), in I'O'\!f'lS~i;) O;le Tio-:'t.h of Hange Five East (TlN 11:;1::), M.P.M., exceptin;r, the.re- ,:'ro:'\ the :ci-:.:ht-of-wnv of the Northern Pacific Railway CO::lpany ovcr and aC:r:'Or5G said land as contained in those two certain de~')ds , in which ;,Terri tt tV. Penwell and.>:ary A. Pecwell a,,)pear as Grantors and Northern Pacific Hailway Company, a Corporation appears as Grantee, 'which said deeds m,re recorded inl:~ook 42 of Deeds a t pai~e 422, and Book: 56 of deeds at paGe 356, of Deed F~'~cords in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of C:ll".-;'j_,'1 COlcn:"y, "oLtana. 2. That a bre.':;ch of what. ie] ]\riO\~ a3 t:l1C '""nain-l"errl,! :)L,c1:, which ',ras constr'JC tad for tho !:low of VIa te!'s for h':rir~a'.:,ion :;l1rnoses mrt oj' ~~he ",Ie:ot CHl1l.'l,tin i~iv"'r, in Gallatin County, Hontana, traverses said 18 :,ds, 'Ie- lo:!:,:ir:r to the First Pal'ty, &rd uSBdto conduct water to 18 net; aw~cd')y tho Second Party;t.hat said ()ranch enters said lands of t}1e Tirst Part.y, at a. , . . . . . . - 2 - point near the Southwesv corner of said Section Six, and contil'iUes in a.. north- erl:r direction for a distance of 2.:')pro:t:L~l&tely one ::1ile alo",1': the ':rest side ()f said Section 3ix., to near the :.JOrthwest co:n:er of said Section, ~1aid <:11 tch conti::mcst.h';mce in I;,L! easterly dir!';ction :for a. dis"tar:ce of arproxir:lately o:le-}1kJ.lf (.lile along the North side of said See tioD :3ix, thence ,;;.orOS3 fA County Road and onto the lands of the Second Party} 3. That t~ere has been constr;cted '::"Jy the First Party, fiCd its pre- decessors in inter';'st, a li,)vy "long a part of the said ditch, com1:J.cncinc; at a point approximately five hundred (500) feet South of the Northwest corner of said Section 3ix, thence Northerly approximately five hnndred (500) teet, thence easterl~,' alo.:l(~ the North Giee of said Section Six, for approximately one-half :nile; that, 'there :'as been constructed and 'Daintair:.ed a fence by the first Party, an,d its prede~essors in intcrost alcmr- the said YiBst and North sides ci' saic:.C)ection:ji:::, i::1'nedip.tel;,: ',',"nt ar:d ~ 'orth of sa.id Ditch, as here- inabove descrL>2d; thi.t. bGCfL1SO tl.l.8 said fence int,eri'ert:swith the ;.nainte:J.ance of tho levy a'novo descri"oGd ar:d 'ooc8'se of a dispute between the Partie~ here- to, as '00 tlH:'~ indi'ridual duties of tho Parties in connection with the 1-18.in- CUIlI:iDCe of said Ditch, it is agreedtha t tb,e said First Part~r nIl move appro:d.... 'tlatelJT twenty-nine hundred (2900) feet of the fence, as soon as is reasonably expedient, from the West and North sides of the said 16 v:.y to the East and South sides of said lev;r, as shOYm b;r the plan or sketch which is a tta(~hed to Sc"d :"1.":<:1e .u part hereof, a:':d. the Second Party agrees that they will main- t.ain said dit.ch .from its entrance on the said 30ction 3ix, :i..ncll.ldin' the levy to the point where the said Spain-Ferris Ditch leaves the said la.'1ds of the First Pctrt;r. I t. is a:",reed 8.ci 1m~erstood that, the Second Party will ~,1<dntain said Ditch and lO'.r;'t in 11 ,,:ar:nor OlO a~'3 r'Ot, to :interfere or damar:e the existinG ran~:e or bOlmdar;t li'ht::; or ether airport prop~~rt;t, excent as herein other- wise ;' !:Ireed; l~. . It is a'creed':)y the First t"arty that in!J1i,~ fe'ee to '."c "'), o~ted, tln:'CD will be two gates ins talled in locati()ils, roLl showr, 01 the plan or sketch . . . - - - 3 - attached to and made a part hereof and that a third gate 'Vifillbe :LnstHlled in the fence where it crosses the ditch where the ditch Bnters Gallatin Field near the .3outhwest C or''':er ai' said .3'~ction ]ix. Said ~ates are to ~c kept locked at .'111 tL,.es, '0;.'" eith,,~r Part',' "oi"', s,';!,"E'. It is ar;rei~d U1R t 110th 'Pa..;""ties s:'ls11 }J;{ve lC3:,v.~:J t.o ~3rij.~':~" ~.~;:it..er3... !~ It is furth;r undecs';;.ood 8.1;;1 a..:;rl:1ed:)utv,ec., th~~ ,eacti 213 t.ha t the .' . 3econd Party shall 'c,aintain said [,itch ..E'.~ld tl1nt t:1e first Party ~1eretofore s:1ll11 aSSU::l(J no respol:sibili ty for i t.s r,;palr', mail'ltC::lflr'ce 01.' cond,tio)'; D.nd the Jecond .h;,rt:: agregs that if wa t(~r is conducted throllr~hsaid Uit.ch the sa'ae will be conducted so as not to oyeri'low ad inter:I"ere with the i'w.inten-~~' ';, to · $ ~. .:tDce of' s<iid Airport by the :F'irst Party. It is aGreed and ,"nde1\stClod that l r"1. .... fit .. . ~!(' . tJ I} J, E t' , I r/iJl:>'*'.... ,:.f( ,., . ...-. the h(~:i.ght of the banks of said levy is not to be :,Lncrea.se~Ab:v tl18 .'3econd E t. T Party and:ll; is agreed that there will be no obstacles placed "POO the said -FI" Di tch by the 3eco!ld Party :'or the ri~ht-of-way ease:!1ent hereby bein"- .rTanted ~"4 ....ll ~ -'. to the :3econd Party to T:aintain said. Di:.ch an', ley:,'. It i;J !.'1.lrtll:::,r \:ndcn'stso6 y, j and agreed that eit,hnr Party may go upon nnd cut weeds groV\'in:~ aloLe tho ditch 'Janka of said di tch and lev:y. It is ul1de~'stoorj a-ld a?rccd thti.t if add.".ti.o~"',l 'a :.ertals a~"e '~H~edecl by the ';econd Party to ::laintain said Levy t':', ')'Jil,h.D-' He) thr! ha:lks thereof, that,l.,hc same ,'lay >)0 taken on eithr:':1' sLio O~ t'v') r'i-ht-of-'l'\'a,y of said ':'li..teh ;,,'ut that the Second Part'.' ,viII leave no rid":1,;5 0:);' euts Ln said adjacent land whic:'l wo,ld. interfere with the ,;;aini>m<:i.ce of said richt-oi'-wa'/ for the en'\:.- tir;2; of w'e,;d~l or oti:c,Jr IJla.intc(:a.nce by the use of ;i\a.ch.i.ncry thcreon; It is understood and agreed that. before machinery is "~loved upon the above-described la.nds of the t'irst Party for the "naintenance of the a~)ove-described '::li tch by the Secorld Pacty, Ghat the Second Pa,rt;v will "oti!':,'" the l'irst h,rty of his inte~:tion to do so a::-:,d tha t sai'.1 machinery will be removed frot: the said lands as soon as :is rl;~rlsonably expedient. 6. It is further ',mdei:'stood a'ld ar,~reed tha L tho banks of the said Ditch shall ;)8 keE't level.3d, with no o',structions th8rr;~on which would interfere wi th the IuowirH{ of the weeds or approach of any aircraft. It is understood . , . . - - 4 - and a.greed th"lt this it ~rGement shall notpreV8'jt the First Part;{ to d.c work ll/.lo:)~ the DLch or levy rmich it. dee~6 necessary for the safety' of aircra.ft. This Af;reer:tent shall be bindinf( upon the heirs, successors and as- stc;ns of the resDective I'arti,'s hereto; 1:: \:11T;::3; ',::':.0.,::'():1<', The Parties have 'lerf:mnto S'?t their ha'1f~s, this 27th day of April, il.. ., lS)h9. CITY OF' EOZI1!J\N, I,:lOIm'.::iu ATT~~STI By; /-P ~ ~~ J ~ GALLA TIN COUNTY, MONTANA. By BOP-Hi") OF COlNTY cO;r.uSSIONERS I ") .';? i/ . ._'"' " h j /d /"",/ ~. ;- ~., '''~'' . b'P' ,A", -h~i;;a:;.; ~ Q (t' ) - 0 '.~ "; L(/'Pi,/ ,I ,/' / ........... -' First?~rl.y' , , ~~~~~ t to;~ "lc~~ ~7h ,,~ "ecol1d . arty . . . . .. - ;; - 311A TE O:F MUNTANA ) . ss. . "''''TTY,)F' c 11 ~ T1Y ) \.J~.)U, J ,l ,.U~, '..' <,.I. ~~ On this 27th day of April, A. D., 191~9, personally appeared before ~.1e, A t:otary Public in and for the state of Honta:-m, CHAS. SORi;n30N, the t1'a,-01' of the City of Bozmllan, \'ontana" a,-;d L. G. SHADOC..j, The Clerk of the C:Lv.' Com- mission of F:,ozeman, Montana,1IIho acknowledged tome that they, and each of them execl:ted th(l fore'join:; A<-:r~ement for the uses ar.d ')1J'('poscs therein set forth. Pi YiITi\n~::l'3 WHS'U';OF, I have 1.1crmmto sot "'ily hR':'::?' BelG aff:L:xed "1;',0 Seal this day and yea,r first ato78 i'J1'i tten. l~otary uo l~esidi.ng at jjozeman, l'J.ontana My cmlli~i5sion expires 5TA':tE OF (.10NTM;',\ ) : ss. COU,!TY OF G;\LL', '1'IN ) On this 27th day of A il, A. D., 19h9, persona11:\' appeared before F.le, a Notary Public in and for the'3ta te of j.,tontanH, W:::L A. VKifLl':./j\r, GEORGE .'3T'GCKY wd J. O.I;..:n':L3m:, comprising th@ 'Ioard of County Commissioners of Gallatin County,':ontD.:-,a, 'Who '$cknowled'"ed to me that the~r, a.nd eZ.tch of t,hem executed tho i'oregoin::;: Ac;ree11<mt for the uses fi\nd rmrpOs8s therein set forth. INWIT!fS$\liHEt{GOl", I have horeunto set my hMd a.nd affixed my Seal thi~J .:,01;' aDd "ear .rirst;,j()'ve 'V.T:.tter. c or the state 0 Montana Hesiding at Bozernan, 1Contana M~,t Com.mission expires . . . , . . ~. - 6 - S lY~ Tt; OF MOl; ThNA ) . 5B. . COU?4T'i OF GALL;. TIN ) On this 27th day of April, !,. D., 1949, personally appeared before me, a:<ot.ar'.' i'uc)lic in and for t.h~;\ State off.lonta.na, ~_~. L. nr,F! and FAJ;tn:~~ T3.EIIT, hus!;B.c:d a~i:5 wL.'e, of ;jelgrade, /cntann, 'who c,c~;nov,l< drreo 1:.0 /:8 that they and each of them exec'J..ted the forei~oing Agreement for t:,e uses and pur- poses ..theroin set forth. IN WITN;::;:33 'X;i8,~iWF, I have hereunto set lXtJ1 hand and affixed m;y Seal 'this day and yeal:' first n:-;ove written. fve~, Notary Pu'~~lic for the St" te off.:ontana Residing at Bo'eman, 'lontana My Cor:lJ1l1ssion nx~)ir03