HomeMy WebLinkAbout82- US Dept. of Housing and Urban Dev. Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program ! "~,,,,',_..'~". . ,j.-. . ~~. .. ... , ..;~ . ~ ~ ' ,A .. r . .. . . .. . ;. '.. u.s. DEPAR.'IMENT OF HOUSING AND U1U\AN DEVlLOPMENT .. SECTION 8 HOUSING ASSISTIUqCE PAYMENTS PROGRAM .. MASTER. SECTION 8 ANNUAL CONTttlBUTIONS CON'l'BACT NO. DEN-2307 -.-.y ~- "- JttW eONSTlUlCTI0N, SUBSTANTIAL IEHAtHLITATtON. MODERATE llEHAb'1LlTAnON AND EXISTING HOUSING Thi. ..ction 8 Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) i. between the United States of AmericI, acting through the Department of Rouling and Urban Development (HlID), under the United SUtes Hauling Act of 1937. 42 U..S.C. 1437. .!.L!~g. (A ci: ) , , and the Department of HUD Act, 1,2 U.S.C. 3531, and Cl ty of Bozemal~ ~ (l'HA), which 11 . "'public housing agencyl U defined in the Act. The parties agree a. follows: . ( , 0.1 PROJECT O'R PROJECTS. Tbe PliA 11 undertaki,ng to provide decent, lafe. and ..nl tlry hou.ing for Eligible FamUha punuant to ..ction 8 of the Act by mUM of Housing A..i.tance Paymenta Contract. (Contracta) with Owners. ~ 18 may involve agreement for the u.e of bousing to be conatructed (New Con.t~uction). agreement for the u.e of exiating houaing to be ,ubatantia1ly Tehabilitated (S~batant1a1 Rehabilitation), agreement for t.he use of exi.ti.ng housing to be mOderately rehabilitated (Moderate Rehabilitation', or the use of existing hou.ing without ,ubltantial or moderate rehabilitation (Exilting Houalng). ), In tach tostance, the number. and ai~el of dwelling unit. with respect to .. which a certain max~ annual contribution. commitment 11 made Ihall con- atitute a project under this ACC and .hall be 1dentified by a project number. 0.2 FART 1. PART II AND PART 111 OF nns ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRACT. (a) Certain provi.ions of dli. ACe, ptlncipa11y tho.e which are .peciflcnlly applicable to a designated project, are contained in Part 1. Separate forms of Part I apply to different typel of projectl (i.e., New Con- .truction and Subltantial R.ehabilitation (HUD-52520D). Moderate Rehabilitation (HUD-52520B (SUpp)) and Existing Hou.ing (HUD-52520B)). A .eparate Part I, on the applicable form, ha. been executed with re.pect to each project. I.eh Part I 1. a part of this ACe. (b) Part II and Part 111 contain the remaining provilions of this ACC and are not executed .eparate1y. Part II (HUO-52520C (SUPP), ":,eed ) i. u.ed for Exi.ting Rousing and Moderate Rehabilitation. Part III (HUD-52520E, dated ) il u.ed for New Construction and Sub- Itantial Rehabilitation. (c) Thil ACC consi.t. of the Master, appropriate Parta 1. and Parts 11 and/or Ill, a. applicable. . 0.3 FISCAL YEAR. Except for the firat filcal y.ar of .ach project, there Ihall be oue filcal year for all project. under thl. ACC. Thil fi.cal year Ihall be the 12-month period ending JUf!e 30' - of each calendar year. The firlt filcal year for .ach project Iball be as provided in the Part 1 applicable to the project. 0.4 COMPLIANCE W'I'm ACT. REGUl.ATIONS. AND OntER RE,QUlREliENTS. 'J.'be PHA agreel to comply, and to require Ovnerl to comply, with the U. S. Bo~1.n& Act of 1937 and all applicable regulation. and requirements. . , - . 0.5 SCHEDULE OF PROJECTS. Attache4 to this ACe, .1 :;tttachment A. 11 a Iht , :Identifying .ach ACe Part 1 .nd Ace rart 1 amendment by project number, date, and ACC/RAP Contract Li.t n~ber and date. . . .. . Rep1acea BUD-5252OA (10-79), ." which 11 oblolete. BUD-5252OA (8.80) ,'_~'., ' _"'.', .".j. _.., u" _ ' .,,' I .' .,' i': '. ,~: '. .,' .:' .",; > ":.; : . I I . ,.'<' . .,".. .~.- t . I ;. . . . .' i ". . . " / / 0.6 J'REVlOUS MASTER ACCS SUPERSEDED. 1'bh H~lt.r Ace (tIUD-5252OA (8-80) )Ilup~r- . - aedel any previouI Kalter Secti.on 8 ACe for the projects identified in Attachment A. . I United Statel of America I Secretary of Hauling and Urban Development By , ' * city Manager By (Official Title) ,It Date March 24 1982 (Official Title) , --'*"-, Date I! , 19 ... , . . \ ;. , 1 ; '.~ " " . . . . \ . . I *Type name of aignatory under aianature line. .2- BUD-5252OA (8-80) - -".~ -_.-~ " -"- ~'... -- r'" "-., .. r I J. : -: . r ( J~ , ! . . . u. S. DEPARnfENI OF HOUS ING Ah"D URBAN DEVELOPMENT .. ~ SECTIO~ 8 HOrSING ASSIST~~CE PA\~KTS PROG~1 " PARI I OF niE HOeSING ASSISTANCE PAY!1ENTS CONTRACT . Type of Project: Private.Owner/PHA . Small Project -L or Partially-Assisted Project ____ or Other . New Construction, Part 8BO ~ or Substantial Rehabilitation, Part BSl ____ "\ Type of Financing: Subject to 24 CFR, Part 811; HUD-insured [For example: subject to Part 811, HUn.insured; GN!1A tandem; . State agency tax exempt loan, not HUD-insured.] ACC!.RAP CONTRACT LIST NUMBER AND DATE: 0-81-003 November 20, 1980 \ DEN-2307 MASTER SECTION 8 ACC NUMBER: DATE OF ACC PART I FOR THIS PROJECT: MAR 5 1981 , ",' SECTION 8 PROJECT NUMBER: MT99-0054-014 FHA PROJECT NUMBER (if applicable): 093-35089 This Housing Assistance Payments Contract (Contract) is entered into by and between the City of Bozeman (FHA),. which is a public housing agency.. defined in the United State Housing Act of 1937, 42 U.S.C. 1437, et~. (Act) and -.fu'eenwood Plaza Associ at~s (Owner), and approved by the United Statea of America acting through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (BUD), pursuant to the Act and the Department of Housing and Urban Development Act, 42 U.S.C. 3531, !! !!S. The purpose of this Contract 1s to provide housing alsiltance payment. on behalf of Eligible Families leasing decent, .afe and .anitary units from the Owner. 1.1 SIGNIFICANT DATES AND OTIiER ITEMS i CONTENTS AND SCOPE OF CONTRACT. (4) Effective Date of Contract: ~e Exhibits 1a. and lb. , 19_. . (-~.. - %'(;Fiscal Year. The ending date of e.ach Fhca! Year .hall be ~- I December 31 . [Io.ert March 31, JuDe 3D, September 30 or / ?/D'ecember 31, as approved by HUD.] The Fiscal Year for the project Ihall - . ,'be the l2-month period ending on thb date. However, the firat Fhca! ~ Year for the project 1s the period beginning with the effective date of the Contract and ending on the last day of the Filed Year which h not less than 12 months after the effective date. If the first Fiscal Yesr exceeds 12 months, the maximum total annual housing aS8istance payment In .ection 1.1(c) will be adjusted by the addition of the pro rata amount applicable to the period of operation in exce81 of 12 months. (c) Maximum Annual Contract Comnitment. The maximum amount of the commit. 8eot for bouling a"i.tance ;;Y;~under this Contract (.ee . "- . ..ctlon 2.3) la $ 309.048 per year. [Inaert -" amount authoriEed under the ACC for bousing al.iatance payments.] Tb1a amount ~y be iocrea.ed or decrea.ed by appropr1ate amendment 1.n accordance with thb Contract. . -"~ -" (d) Pr01ect Description. , 50 units of new construction housing, conSisting of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom units in 3 buildings, for non-elderly families located in Bozeman, Montana " i ----- " -. . I Replace. BUD-S2S8SA (6-76) and S262SA (6-76), BUD-S2522A (8-80) .. which are obaolete. t. "JL:.,:;_~.....,~, ~-:.. ,.. -,,';. I;..::,.....................-..........~...............,._.'~......._- - -,.~_.... ~-~----~......-.-_~'.- -~. -.-.. ,.-- ~ i i' . . . . f A , l (, ... ( ... . (e) Statement of Services. Maintenance and Utilities Provided by the Owner. . ---- .. - (1) Serv~ces and ~intenance:. Groundskeeping. snow removal, structural repalr and malntenance. lntegral equipment and systems maintenance. (2) rquip=e~t: Range, refrigerator, drapery rods, exhaust fans air conditioners, laundry equipment (congregate). disposals. ca~pet. drapes and pl ayground equi pment. - ... (3) Utilities: Electricity, sewer, water. hot water. t ra s h . removal and common area utilities. " \, (4) Other: ;. (f) Contents of Contract. This Contract consists of Part I, Part II , (except as indicated in lection 1.4), and the following exhibits: '," Exhibit 1: The .chedule .having the number of units by size ("Contract Units") and their applicable rents ("Contract Rents"). Exhibit 2: Daily Debt Service. (If the project is not permanently financed when the Contract is executed. this exhibit should be added when the necessary information becomes available. ) Exhibit 3: The Affirmative Fair Hou.ing Marketing Plan, if applicable. Exhibit 4: An agreement between the parties to incorporate the Final Proposal by reference, .pecifying the location of the Final Proposal, and identifying each part of _the Final Proposal, including any amendments. Additional exhibits: [Specify additional exhibits,' if any, luch as Special Conditions for Acceptance. If none. insert "None."] Exhibits 1a and Ib: Effective Date of Contract (g) Scope of Contract. 'Ibis Contract, including the e.xhibit. ,whether attached or incorporated by reference, compriles the entire agreement between the Owner and the PBA with reapect to the mattera contained 1n it. Neither party ia bound by any repre.eotation8 or agreement. of any kind except a. contained 10 th1a Contract, any applicable regu1.atioDJi, and agreement. entered illtO 10 writing by tbe partie. which are not lncoDJIhtent' with th1. Contract. 1.2 n..RM OF CONTRACT: OBLIGATION TO OPERATE PROJECT FOR FULL TERM. (a) Contrao~ e term of thb Contract for any tm.it ,ban be <J year. "ginning with the effective date of thb Con- t it. lInaert number approved by mID in accordance I with ~e BUD regulaUOIUl.) If the project 11 CClIlp1eted in Itage., 'the term ,hall be .eparatel)' related to the unite 10 ueb Itage. However, the total Contract term for aU the .tage., begi.nniDi with the effective date of the Contract for the fir.t Itase, ,hall not exceed the Contract term !Dr any unit, plu. two ,un. -2- BDD-S2S22A (8-80) ~.'.<>"" -- ---. . . , . f . . ) , . - to ! . - ~...t- . - ,. (b) Obli~8tion to Operate ~roject-for Full Term. The Owner agrees to continue operation of the project in accordance with this Contract -, for the full te= specified ~n psragraph (a'. ~ ~~ 1.3 Ah~~AL CO~7RIB~TIO~S CO~TRA:T. (a) Identification of Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) , The PHA ha~ entered into an ACe identified above with Hu~ for this project. llnder the ACC. HUD agrees to provide financial assistance to the PliA pursualit to .ection 8 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 for the purpose of making housing assistance pa:~ents. A copy of the ACe .hall be provided upo,- . reques t. (b) rHA Pledge of Certain ACC Pa~.!. The PHA hereby pledges to the - payment of housing assistance payments pursuant to this Contract the . portion of annual contributions payable under the ACC for the housing I assistance payments. The PHA shall not. without the consent of the Owner. amend or modify the ACe in any manner which would reduce the . amount of the annual contributions. except as authorized in the ACC and I this Contract. , (c)~HUD Assurance. The approval of this Contract by HlID is an assurance by I I HFD to the O'oiner that: \ , (1) HUD has executed the ACC and the ACe has been properly authorized; '," (2) The faith of the United States i. aolemnly pledged to the payment of annual contributions pursuant to the ACC; I (3) HL~ has obligated funds for these payments to assist the PHA in the performance of its obligations under the Contracti and (4) HUD and the FHA will not, without the consent of the Owner. amend or modify the ACC 1n any manner Which would reduce the amount of annual contributions payable under it for housing aniltance payments except as authorized in the ACC and this Contract. 1.4 APPLICABILITY OF CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF nns CONTRACT. Applic. Not Applic. (a) 2.4(i) . Payments to Trustee by PHA Where It Is the Lender. Applicability: Applies where the Owner and the FHA a. CA request. X (b) [If the Contract Rents are adjuated under I Section 2.4 of the Agreement, and either Section 2.7(f), (g) or (h) of this Contract bas been checked .'applicable" at the time of execution of the Agreement, it ahould be changed to "not appliCllble" when the Con- tract i. executed.] I (1) 2.7(f). Adiuatment of Contract Rents Bued on CDst CertUicati.~~ Applicability: All projects unle.. (1) the project i. aubject to Part 811i or (2) the Contract Rent. do DOt exceed comparable rent'i or (3) the Contr~ct Rents do DOt exceed comparable reota by more than 10 percen1=, for Smull and partially. Assisted Proje~t5. ... X - .-- (2) 2.7(g). ,&.d1uatment of Contract Renta ~ Reflect Actual Co.t of Tax Exempt J~ncing Not ~ubject to Part 811. App"lfcabUltj:-&ll projecta where -- financing 1& by tax exempt obliga- "-. ~-. tlona not .ubject to Part 811 -- ~-- ~cau'e the iaauer 1. a partici- pating agellcy .~er ~ CJ:R. - .r.art_ 88~.. -----..-... X -- -- - - ..... --~. - - _ n~ .."ll IJTm _ 1:" C ') 'h '0 on\ -..---------- .';".":...,' ,.,. ., II', ,'-,. ..,_.,-~....---_..........,.. "'-"~ -"'~..' .. ...........,. ,- _.,.."~,,"."""..,,-'.... ,. ..,', ,..,,~. :'.'''.~',::~~~., .:'~ ,. '. .' , ' . . ..-- . .: ,..'",~, " .,....~ . ,-, '..~~.:, ..'.'_. ._, _ __~~ ~.,_," __~.,.~~' ".J .--"- -- ~~- .-.- ... ...... -+ ..' ._~_.- , J ,.. . j . . I 1" ~ I ( '.. -, . . App lic. Not APF lic. ;' u 0 Adjustment of Contract Rents. . Part Bll. Applicability: All I HUD~in5ured projects subject t Part 811. X (c) 2.13. Training, Employment and Contracti~ Opportunities. AppHcBbility: All projects for which the totsl initial . Contract Rents over the term of the Contract exceed $500,000. X - (d) 2.14. Flood Insurance. Applicability: All projects in special flood hazard areas. X . (e) 2.15. Clean Air and Federal Water Pollution , Control Acts. Applicability: All ). projects for Which the total initial ;. Contract Rents over the term of the Contract exceed $100,000. X , ',' WARNING: 18 V.S.C. 1001 prOVides, among other things, that Whoever knoYingly and willfully makes or uses a document or writing containing any false, fictitious, or fraudulent Itatement or entry, in any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States. Ihall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than five years. or both. a.mER GREENWOOD PLAZA ASSOCIATES r,~~ jJ r ~k2-:() By it f;i' ( ;1 e;;-- . '('-1z~~-?/' /4>j!." /I-C'l", (Official Title) Date 7/7a>/~fl{ .:Y- . 195'2-' Approved: United States of America I Secretary of Housing and Urban Development By , 19 c-f2-----, it Date (Official Title) Date , 19 · Type name of signatory under signature line. (If the project i. to be completed and accepted in Itages, execution of the Contract with re.pect to the leveral ltage. appears on the following pages of thia Contract.] , ---- - -,- . -4- BUD-S2S22A (8-80) ....~,~__.'".....,..''<'''~,..~~~..~.i~!.;",J...~':~.:.".. _ _.",". .".,.::,." ...r..,,:>"':.).::,(;,,;..,l." ,:.,l,'~,';::""!",,,.,'.:,\.":,.~~:"i:,:... ."',".i:__:',,,' '.',"',,",. ',':.i, .,.' ." ' "".,',. ".:,," . '",." -_.......-, -....... -- ~_.- ..... .'-~"..~ , ~ j I ' J ..,- : ( (" EXEcrrIO~ or CO~TRACT ~lTH RESPECT TO CONTRACT U~ITS CO}~LETED A~~ ACCEPTED IN STAGES Stage 1 This Contract is hereby executed with re5pect to the units described in Exr.ibit la. EFfECTIVE DA:t: The effective date of this Contract with respect to the units des~ cribed in Exhibit la is October 26 . 19 81 . Approved: OOKER GREENWOOD PLAZA ASSOCIATES 0" United States of America By '&/1...t'",j), hf!jJ _ Secretary of Housing and /1. _ II . f' ~- Urban Development .~-?'!.e.--1-tt..-{ Ya-A / ". ~~ (Official Title) By Date ?;;4'MIt / . 19.K:Z- ". (Official Title) } ~ CITY OF BOZEMAN ::te · 19 B C7~~ (Official Title) Date 3- 2------ . 19?? ~ EXECUTION OF CONTRACT WITH RESPECT TO CONTRACT UNITS COMPLETEI> AND ACCEPTED IN STAGES Stage 2 This Contract 16 hereby executed with respect to the units described in Exhibit lb. EFFECTIVE DATE: The effective date of this Contract with respect to the units des- cribed in Exhibit Ib i. December 1 . 19 81 . Approved: OWNER~ENWOOD P~S~~ATES "1 . ,,/'/ Uni ted States of America By.. '.' e. j/ Z~-- . _ Secretary of Housing and 0 '/'.. #---. Urban Development~---nt"'~....-( ) d/)-<--?L-e~ (Official Title) By' Date 1r4/:)-!4 / . 19'? 2- (Official Title) PHA~CITY O~MAN i Date , 19 B . -,.. C 0/7 ~J1-A7'4~/ , (Official Title) I Date -7-- 2-- , 19 cY2--~- I I ! , I , ; I I -4..- BUD-S2S22A (8-80) I ! ~'~'... . I , .. .. r ...._ __.n~'.'."" ~~. I " . ( { EXECUTlOt\ OF CONFACT \.:'ITIl. RESPECT TO . CO~TRACT UNITS COMPLETED AND ACCEPtED IN STAGES Stage 3 This Contract is hereby executed with respect to the units described in Exhibit lc. EFFECTIV[ DA;L: The effective date of this Contract with respect to the units des~ cribcG ir. L~.ibit lc is , 19 . Appro""f:c: - - United States of America Secret6~' of Housing and - Urban Develop~ent Title) By , 19 (Official Titl I Date \ ) ", , 19 - . . -4b- BUD-S2S22A (8-80) ~. .. . .. ....:. ~_ .' H,'" " - ..- -- .., -~- ,. -- -_. .,._.........-'~"-~. ._-~- ~'...._.........-~,~- .....-- -., -.. .~.., ...~. .'" . I . , . l ~ l I .- { , i . .. \- EXHIBIT 1 ,- I SCBED'i.'1.E OF CO~TRACT maTS AND CONTRACT REKTS . 2 Ku:::t€::- 0: Number of Units Household Typ~ Contrac:: Be~roo:::" (elderly. no:-:- Rent elderl)" fa.::-.i 1 y, large nonelderly " . fami 1y) 2 32 non-elderly family $468 "l 3 12 non-elderly family 537 4 6 non-elderly family 614 50 , } ), 1/ Thh Exhibit SlWlt be completed and attached to the Contract at the time the Agreement il executed. It may. however. be amended in accordance with program rules before the Contract il executed. ~en Contract Rent. are amend~d (e.g. at the time of an annual adjultment) thb format Ihould be uaed. Jj If Ie.. than 100 percent of unit. 1n the project are covered by thil Contrac~. identify specific un1ts to be IUled at initial rent-up to el1g1.ble famllie6. See Section 2.8(c)(6). --- -. - -5- BUD-52522A (8-80) . n'" .~.,' . , '...:.," ."~" ~. ".. : ' ' 'j ',' , < " :'. . :' , '. ";, :, ,".::. ". ". ,....". J ','+.<<",'.;. ,~..:...~ '~N .",,'''.~_...........,,, ~..:; ,. . ',,~:.~' , . I . I , ; EXHIB IT la STAGE 1 Effective Date of Contract: October 26, 1981 24 uni ts 12 2-bedroom non-elderly family 6 3-bedroom non-elderly family 6 4-bedroom non-elderly family " .~ , .... . ~ , I . EXHIB IT lb. STAGE 2 Effective Date of Contract: December 1, 1981 26 units 20 2-bedroom non-elderly family 6 3-bedroom non-elderly family ~ ;~ , "':' ....... .1", '., ' ~::,~::L(i~:>.~)iU~&:.1..N,~,~':-;l"~:\.,'~:~' . :;;. ::::~'. ',. ".~-- .~..,._~~....~ .....~ - ,. 7_~ - ~.......- - ~~ .... ,. ~ . , . . , . { ( I . EXHIBIT 2 - DAILY DEBT SERVICE Number of Bedrooms Number of Unill Daily Debt Se~ . . 0 $ 1 $ ~. 2 $ 9.69 2 30 $ 8.56 3 12 $10. 91 4 6 $12.92 , ~l. $ ) .' This information is used for computing assistance payments for vacant units under " section 2.4(e). .. . -6- HUD-52522A (8-80) . '..""',,""',_ . '_"n~~~"_' n. . ~ ,,~_...,.,,_, ',"" ....' _ ,"~':. ,,'.." ....~""',......-,.. ,,,,,,,,,,~,,.~.....:,,;.".....~...,",.>..';-',."" ,., '..::i' . ._,,'n' :'1"'0'" ..,.','. :,","~"'. ,,'~.,.' .....,. H' ." ',. ' /:. - ~_. ~ --:-- . ":-:."-"-~~.--' _~~-~~-:~~~~~-=-.--:--:-~r~~__________'_ ~~__ s '_ .1'7*;"W;-=-'~~:-~~~~~~~ _:.~~:~_'.~. ..,/ .'. ..,'-.. .. 1 ... ,T ('e' .1.." N D III . ... J P l. \ r ~ ( r,. ,'. T e ..' ~,._-_..--,. _.~--_.. . t . r \ f~"..' , .:....t:. :.'J:: tH':' i..: r'";f.f(".; iJ.-J_tH" :.:.f.-;':;.....; -. I,;,...J.'.,J~'.H! ;..Fr-lflj,::,TIVE F:,IR 1I0US1~~G r.~,.\H~nli':G PL^N . . -- CO.'.:r:..t7L' 10/;!,1 ,:.\() Ei.';-'.','IT TO' fAIR /;(lUS.:NG',Vm [(j(ML OPPORTUNITY n/1:ECTOI',5,I'fCI.f.UST AR[.. '!t:S'JRING OFfiCE I. 1l.'/1-::"Dl'CTlO:.': 1n... ~"','flr,~~:h'~ F~,t H(,~'\tn9 ,.1,'''.cti(\PJ RC9ul"Ottot\\ H.'Quirt UHf 1 '':It.'' apf;:lic.~t'\t ll..~jetl ''0 t:',c\e R~9t.;~.1:'vn~ C.1'''y out an t:I~1;'m.'Hh.t ~r\)':Jr~'~ to attroir. ~'o:,,,,,('(.\alio" buyc.ts Pf U:'r...:p,U Of.11t 'f1Il'(./Ji~y ,lI'ld nCJn.minurllV 9'QUP~ tQ lnc h(..u~i"g. .n(tu~lnl) \':hi~e, (fI/UI,'ilr'Htlt":lil,.'J.) i);nC' mtl;"t'\~ei, 0' mi....=.,rity 4;rOlJ, r~,,"'~lr"::.:~iolC"'. 5&.>~1\ht': A"'!"'.t',.c~nl A""'l''lI_,;'I1'\ 'nd..n, Otielil,l. or other minority -;~oup'lln tne s,t4'iOC:.'d, t".(.:\tn"Ulit~r. ~)~~h~ti~wl Au:.), {.\',,~S.;} or 1I('I.'.'"u,; It~...;..("' ~H'j \',1\(1 in..lV' Dt \ulJ.' , t to h..HI~lnV (ti~';*,f"i"JIIt.'H on tile b.n" Qf r"te. (oleu. tt:'j;l'Q!'"'~ lIt''' U' r'ltJliun31 I"\rl':,"U. 2. A:'i'L\C':'NT "':\:D PROJECT IDENTifICATION: I.. ;,,'<:'L1CANT'S, R. PIHJJECTO~ Ar>I>....'CAT'O'~MT99-0054-014 . GE~E D TODD & ARLTON J. OSWOOD NUt.f.UER ._~ ~--_._-- NI.'.,[., . ~CeTlON ur' ACT' 2~UD)4/Sect:. 8 riUMULI. or UrllT!.:~ "uu"l~!">.--.Jtth Street & 15th Ave. South Great Falls, }lantana 59405 PRICr: OR ReNTI.L RAi':Cr.: 0" UNITS. 1tL,::I'HQNE NO.: (406) 761-2233 FRor.1 50 ~O. 00 - 2BR TO S 495.00 - 4BR - --....-..,-- ..-.-.. C. ~'kl.;JLct: U. FOR MULT....AMILy.HOUSING ONLY' i':AIo'C , ~REENWOOD PLAZA 0 ELO!;RLY t[] ND~.ELOERLV LO':J:.TIU"l";I\OOR[.~S' No. Grand Ave. & Tamarack St E. AI>PI1G)(IMATE STARTIN(; OATE:S: . .- Bozeman ... Montana AOVERT'SIl~l; January 1981 OCCUI>ANCV Hay 1981 CITY. ,STAT... --~ c;OUNTY: Galla tin . CCN~US TRr.CT: ED 13 .., J. TYPE Of AFFIR~.1';TIVE IJlARKETING PLAN: XX PrOlce, PIJ". 0 A''''UJ' PI.'" If'" SCQrr..,,'J si'l'l), NOTe: A" "~'~I~ A",,,,~I p,." ,."", tiC acvclupcd ru, c~eh Iyl'l' oII'eJ In ""hieh huu~in9" 10 toe bUill. ."d\"a tn. Jo."li, .'u lor ..,njell \n" pl~" JPP" o :.'."o"'r A,t-J 0 While ("or"III;",,,;,..-1 AnJ. ~ MI.ed A,c,' III'ill,---.l.2 ': """'''';11' ,j.s"1,,,"sl 4. DIRlC1ION Of 1.~~;:;l(nlh:G ACTIVITY: rl~h .);-...tll;::~ld IS. H'U\J"C'C 10 C~"'t' oul In ,(at!..m..ltivc rn:.,kelfng prul)tlllrn to.)It'''CI DUYCH t.H h.'n~t1tt. of 4111 r"h~HH,ty a"d non,mlnonlY 9'c.,uPS H.' ltlc hO\J~jn9. Tht' t)u'P\J~t (.if tttl\ Dr09~Jm " 10 tJuu,e tll,)! "ny gt("uPh) 0' l1lU,ons. normally NOT likely to "~Dly for Uu' t,OV\tn9 W,lhOtJt IPt"CI,,1 uuhoi:.3ctl f' "orl~ (ht,c. .:lU4' "1 t., 1\ ti",1,.' Iit'I.s:h'" ,rlltiol! r.,lt 'i~1 pI" (.tllI';" '-II/I4.'rns. I,,.i,.(,. fJlIJ iu, fllhrr JUt fHnJ &,. nnw -'bf)li! the h<.u,H,lfI"J. fe~'1 W'clcon'" 1 U .Jf1ply ..no ".'1'1't Ih,' D~)J.Jnt1\Jnlty h.' btly" \Jf rent. tnOIc.Jlr b(!low ,^:hich t1r'r;;u,JlJ(sl ~rc:: ICj~1 hkel)' to "po""y tOt ttlc hUl.H,i.,g w.thuu: 'lPtCilil (HJhCI{h e!lorh. o WillIe.. ,', ~ N~9'O/BI"k ~ SP",.~h Amerocan ~ Am"rjeJn Indl~", 0 01.."111 0 0'''.'. M,norll,. IlItU,-Hlltlt"41.I'j (Si'('t;ljy) ~. 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FU1URE f,:hi~KETIl~G .t..CTJVITILS .,/,'",'!t:l lfllll.\ (}"'.I'J Ch\.C:k lhl" tJll'c..~(' 1h..." ~.,'~I {1. ~l.lltJ.-, luluft M.)f""'lln'i ;'l';,ll\IIIC':!I te "'1 \.tC,)r".,-H:-;.U lhC"'y o.c.ol..U' ..!t.... Itlt" IJf{\Jf',t r;J~ ~C..-n in"I~lty ll~,,:upl('c;;I. 0: ,....t'v.~.~,.:-H:'';./PuLJIIl...lt,..;:.\f'''\, :J U.'HhO [l TV :}{-IIH,'';I1I,J,{.#,''_(',)!Ic:t'4./~1.lt'd :vt\ ~J ~,~C' ~li'1~ ~~ Cr...~'"IU"jtr Cl,nt.It.U f:l L\~'" I~ I.\:I~, 1'1 I _n_ _ -- -- - -- I ,.~, !....11 c.; I;' ;\ "'j ; fJ OC C l ~"'~'';:: Y h l ~I U L T:'; i ,\ :..','f' '" IfU '~l!'("' ,.J :It.',' Y I;: I 1.:1 i,: ,',:. r ;]':;... '~II.' 43111t'l/ I~ '.; c.' Ion :: 1". '.' ,1/ (,'1 ,,'.'j,"'\"', I '1: i ,:/ {I. J/I (1/: I\.',:;.f "~.; fin' "..:.:. /; ."'_.",..' 4-2..~ \'.. d~{' 11:.'/; ''',f!,.tOl"J 1__ t,:,'I'HU/(j,I,ll.'-' __ ~"\;..l"l..h /,F-'.:O", .I" :........... ^"''':r1Co'1." lI~ij,,~'1 _ O'I':""^: (~;... 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Great Falls, Hontana i .. VI I <: i5 0 HOIIS1n9 JO:1S (4{160+'+-"'~~ . IJ.----- - I-... L..-,~",.t'f~1:fl_....-.~"",. I I I Green,,'ood Plaza Assoc~,:t s 1.., .J+_~_-_L-- -.- -- --1.-- ~ ~ Gene D. Todd P'Ol.F HI ---J -1 I! ) ~ Arlton J. Os,,'ood p'-I - 1- I - --j- -,- . ~ J,\)> 1,1 LI. __ ~ 1~, _ o:r.~. . F I I. ~ <' 1 ~ ~. AChL'''t,.n~.t 1':S~n"') .!~j,lc"I~'lI' I' -.J J, I""" .41 I.~ I ~ " \ , ~~~ ' I , ~, IF J-J- . - ._. __-,1 i' ~ ~ ~'~ I \, I ~ I 1 i:l '\"' " ., " ffi i I t--TI- --- .- \ j \ '\ ~ ("\lh",F_ I _ __" . ~\,' I~ C. I.;i~,;~r'le'.l ~'c; s.:,~,:P"'.I.' t I I - . ,,,,, fA."""'!".::-' "'.,, ,...... 1" I L--+.----L- - - i ~ N Hr. .~~~..~:;~. Charles P'O', F l' ! I . r 1981 Returning ~~ ~ ~ ~i '\~, Williams H I +' I I Army Intell ~ \~ ~~.) '.' l-+- -.t~- .-.. -- igence Corp ~ ~ ~\ ~'\:.:...S OIl'll!' I F I, I. Veterans '1:t.. ~." !l STAFF 1;~STfWC'IO"JS: F JH ""':'I..:'i"":'; ir.lr"t":'.); ~II ptrsc..nt. ~"'i,':,,'c:::l t'''1 :hf' ,,,I"So. ,.tn~.11 ~f tf;t31 :,rr,ON\y h4fvt:' 1n hc .",!ruC....d pe"nndictlUy 10 .n\\.U''!' Ih.lllhr-y .at. .\'\tllfe Ind kru,\iIl .tC:;lt':OI~ n! F ~ , t .....~I\ln:; ,co\JlttCr"...~~, A. ;.,.e 'e."I~' U'" "'. "U' ...11 ",Ul,,,g~ c_,.,,,...C\.o' )\~ "'l'~. ,.,,,...,..l1c:ro.tbly Ci No. H )'C". n fo".:,t ,.~,:)..';'Ini ~'~Inl!ic;, :JI~U\"iC':C: 10 'he Sdt....l('C.1t:.' \\.\H <It \h~~ m~\.'l."g' K.; V'l.",;, 0 No. -' u. If )'OU 1:~S.\..t:'I~r'j "no" r~.H e.I"'t" u! th.... ~:.."':~\I:Jr-' t~' 1tf.:"":'1 9~. \',1'1(" 1\ ...." Huu:'I~~ ,...,,'Un:; I.IfIJ"'ld~(1 ~o ItH.' ~oilh:t'\ltc:nt,;lt 'lIJ'P C. h.. C':-I>, oJI :"~ ''''''U''''~II' u.<".., l""'''''\(:: \l' DC u~t:l '" :...,n,"~ .J'''''."I..1 ~!;,,: "" .11' HouSln., ~ltJ~""<'I to "lit rl"'" U VC~. fu NO: Int' '.M ",..,,,,' " .,"':"'.n ",II"'~ .:JD,....';,d _.JaI1~.rY-.lQJ-1_<t~_L-',2!:LDays.beior.e-Px.oj-ec...t Opp.ning.) l 0 C. \"" ,0':'_." ,'''' 1"._luC:~ a<'" ,..1_':< Ie. loC~I. ,'1\'" 'I'd f <~~'J' F'~.. ....0"'i"9 1..""". ","I"",n~ ("etul,y" (ltel". 1101.3. tn. Ciyil Rights All 01 H'~" \ rid P'" ~,"."".~'" '.~~I~':\ln~: I,.t.' ~ ....'1. C ~;:>. "l"~--=----=-=-~'~*'~=_---"- - -- i -------.----. ,-' -+-,...---._- --_.---_...+---- -.-- -~, -- ----------.-....----...------- -. - - --- I ! ~--_._._---_._- ------.------- -...-..-....-.---. --- : --.......... -----------.....--..-..----.. -~............._-_.- ! . ----------_....+---- ----- ..-- - ~- .- ~_. ~- . ..._~- - ~_...._----- - , , ._-~ .....--.- .. . ...._--~-_._.~. -............---- - Ie. ,lID:llTIO:-;:'L CO.'~SIDcP.ATIO\:S; I 1 0:"'\(" C. I';'" I'., ..'.' d':'~' ,:;. u!~" ,." "t, ,").I "'~". " ~.,.; ,.1 ",,~. """r,"," 1''''....1'''. 1<' ,'I'.C I p~..on, '" \""'\l' ?"OUP~ \h~\ y"" h'~. dt"'Q"'~ICd .. I It..),!!: 1':'\'1..,. :(. ~:-:,":I" 't" .. ::U':SII'. I~ :"',( ~".Jlll..~ ... n.;' (:;''l\'.:1{..~,!'J'., :I'i;)~ ,"Ire II~~ lVVI"(,,'O \.'"IJ.~NII\.-r~ ,n \tH\ pl,a'f'" Effrlr~;, 'fj a~".,Cl It:'TU~It'.tH..J~cd I tlt"'lJ \f 1"\ " .... I..... ... ~,. ..,;)1_.\.(.., ; 5 in~E:-.ih.ius- p'r -:j~'ct-' is bel!lg_9.on..Eg_~~~~.ct, onJ,ancLseleG..ted J2Lthe GUy ~ a great deaJ,,~_._ : inte,re~t. in the projecte~~ th~~!.i~~. ~o!!lffil.mlt.y ..h.as. ,be~e~. g.~~~!.a.t~~_~_._ - I ) tI J.v-<.cL- ,,~-&,<...J -15 ~...K-'? l- ~ T,e , l 11. 1n~ .::;::",~,...:.._. .l;':',it.: ," ~.J.... ~-\'I ,:r-.~fJ":~" III '.,' ~"'l''':'~, Whlt."j ,n",v IC,J~I.Jn.::.t:)')' t.t' r~.."lrt.", .a'U:' '''I''il fl,.'r":-\l;i to lit"...,. :. 1,...'- ! :;J;~~~.~.Ji.,~.~;;b'F~d~MZ;~ " I.H.Nr\ I tJhl 'H Pi rfl.f~)t.., ....,uH..'lt r _ .tJ(~ "../4.N . ';',:.. ~rll:O'50 '-'~i O-"LV ----=-=---T!: .,r;;;:~.=:~~.~z-:.'.-..--.~~=-=, ,~" 47 ~,~'~~ !::"''''~ filii _ 1') I I - ' . ~ ..~ -_! --- ~. ""1\\":1 rl,"/I. "r/,j."IIJ --- --_....-~--- IT)',""'.." ~fi1~t ""A~.1E .',",1 '~I ,It :'",':/, I' GENE D. 'fODD r ~Yllis S. ~msch_ i ,ili.i./~';;;::- ;':-;;;;I~f\NV '-, ' i Psro~lur, Program Co ". T I' t. [ " dO' mp lance ! an peratlons Divis;on " ' ______ 0\.JN~~.-_~~EEN1~100D PLAZA ASSOCIATES I .' 1;1\lt '--", - -'----~, ------.---- \- i "_,:L {, ~~f1' ..! enH " r"'. t Nav 15. 1980 ........ - ---_.__._-~-------_.._----:--- ----~~-~ -.-: 'I.. :" '-, . ., ..~. .-. --- !' . ~~ - -. . . (' -. ( I (-') (') . , , HOUSING MANAGEMENT PLAN As outlined in Item 5 of Housing Management Agreement, following is an outline of the Management Plan provided by Todd & Associates Management Organization. 1. A. Pre-rent-up program to be put in effect. The Sponsor and the Agent will rent the units with application and one-half of the first months rent deposited in an interest bearing account. B. Operating budgets viII be drawn up on the rent and food program for Elderly Housing. C. These budgets will be based upon six years experience in this field, y and carefully checked to assure the feasibility of the project. } 11. Enclosed is a brochure of Todd & Associates which lists Managing Agents qualifications, plan for training of Manager of Project. Complete pro- ~, gram for operation, including supervision of Project, budget controlled operation, and a computor controlled monthly financial report. III. A local qualified person will be selected by the Owner, and if approved by the Agent and H.U.D., will be trained in an eight week school program. When local individual is hired then the Owner and person selected will pay for the cost of training. If Agent hires outside individual, then the Agent and person training will assume cost of the school. IV. As requested by H.U.D. transmittal Notice HM 4381.2 the Managing Agent must be involved in project from the beginning application. Therefore, i in all projects which Todd & Associates will be the Management Agents, i they will assume all duties ordinarily handled by a Consultant, and they i ! will be paid those fees to compensate for duties performed during entire I period from feasibility application to construction completion. The Section 8 rent-up program will meet the minimum standard of 30% very low income occupancy. These duties will include rent-up of project, purChasing of all equipment for Retirement Unit from AMPO Funds, hiring of all personnel to be employ- ed in operation of Project. The on-job Project Manager will assume duties 90 days before opening of Project. Also, Engineer will be hired four weeks before opening of project, Head Olef will be hired two weeks before project opens, and all other personnel three days before opening. V. Relationship of Owner to Managing Agent and On-Site Project Manager. A. The Project Manager will report to the Owner all items spelled out in Management contract. Once a month the financial operating state- ment for the project will be reviewed with the Board of Directors. If any difficulty arises between Project Manager and Board of Directors, the Managing Agent will immediately solve these problems with the Owners. All personnel employed in the project will be hired or fired by Project Manager with the supervision of Management Agent. All personnel will be paid by Managing Agent as outl ined in Management Contract. ,,' , VI. The Managing Agent will have on its Itaff, lupervilory personnel available to lend assistance to the project in the following areas: 1. Administration 2. Engineering and Maintenance 3. Bookkeeping and Accounting 4. Special Services 5. Food Service . ~-_...,.,- ~':<''';;',~:~~:. ...~,. ,'- ,.. 1\ ""'::'''' ,'i.:."'~~' .1.:>,',:" ,. ~""..\."L. . :,...'-t..,,'. - . ( . .. - (\ . . I , , . VII. The Resident Manager, although he is held responsible by the Managing Agent and Owner, has the advantage of being able to secure from the Managing Agent qualified, trained help in any area that he needs assistance. The monthly computor financial reports, further make all parties aware of the operation, to further quarantee solving of any'problems immediately. VIII.Once a year, at the Managing Agents expense, the Resident Manager will be brought into the Home Office to receive three days of training to keep him abreast of any new ideas, and to review his entire operation for the year. He in turn, will pass on this information to his key personnel. IX. The Todd & Associates orgnization have operated and maintained one of the most successful food operations in any Retirement Residence for many years. The qual i ty, and variety of the well planned and carefully prepared meals, have been one of the best sources of advertising for the Retirement Residence. , ;~The excellent buying programs set up will be a distinct advantage to any new food program handled by our firm. The quantity purchases will be helped by each new addition. and a distinct saving in the food and maintenance 6U- , pply area will benefit the small as well as the large operation. -:" X. The key to a successfully managed operation is qualified personnel with proper training and experience. Todd & Associates can supply your opera- tion with these trained personnel in every department of your operation. Our brochure which is attached to this management plan verifies this ex- perience. A non-profit sponsored Project cannot afford an operation that is not filled, and that loses money, neither can a successful Management Firm. Our experience can assist you in making you proud of your operation. r . .~- .":-' .. .. , , \ . ~ . - EXHIBIT 4 Owner's Final Proposal. submitted to the Government on July 29. 1980. as amended through November 1980. and as approved by letter dated October 1980. is incorporated herein in full by reference and becomes a part of this Contract. Said Final Proposal is on file in the offices of the Government in Denver. Colorado. , ~ ;. ) , 1 , .--.-.... .. .-. -- - \ - ....... + ~-- ---.. . - ~----- .--. -.. ..-- , . > l - ---... -.-.....-- - ---~_._._.._-_.. -..-\ . V. S. DEPARTME~,l OF H()tjS It;G Al\"D URBAK DE\'ELOPME:,l StC!lO~ 6 HOl.!SII\G ASSISIA.'\C[ PAYME!\TS PROGRK~ . PART 11 OF mE HOrSI~G ASSISTANCE PA\~hlS CONTRACT By and beNeen City of Bozema n (CA' and Greenwood Plaza Associates (Owner" . Check Type of Project: Private-Owner/HL~ or PHA-Ovner!HL~ (HLlD 15 the ContractAlbinistrator or "CA. ") - or Private-Owner/PHA ~ (The PHA h the CA) NE\.;' . " St'BSTAl\TlAL PREVIOUSLY , CONSTRtlCTIO!\ or REHABILITAT10~ or HUD-()\..'1\ED Part 880';X Part 881 - Fart 886. Subpart C . Part 885 . Part 885 SECTION 8 PROJECT NUMBER: MT99-0054-014 FHA PROJECT ~B[R (if applicable): 093-35089 2.1 ~'},"ER' S WARRA..!\TIES; ~rr!,\l)~KTS. (~) Legal Capacity. The Owner warrants that it has the legal right to execute this Contract and to lease dwelling units covered by this Contract. (b) Completion of Work. The Owner warrant a that the project aa deacribed in aection 1.1 i5 in sood and tenantable condition and that the project has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement to Enter into Houaing Aasiltance paymenta Contract (Agreement) or will be completed in accordance with the Special Conditions for Acceptance (.ee attached exhibit, where applicable). The Owner further warrant' that it will remedy any defect. or ami..ions covered by this warranty if called to it. attention within 12 months of the effective date of this Contract. The Owner and the CA agree that the continuation of thia Contract Ihall be lubject to the Owner .eeting any Special Con- ditionl for Acceptance. 2.2 FA.l1ILIES TO BE HOUSED; CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR (CA) ASSISTANCE. (a) Families To Be Houaed. The Contract Unita are to be lea.ed by the Owner to eligible Lover-Income Familie. (Familie.) for occupancy by .uch Familie. lolely aa private dwellings and as their principal place of re.idence. (See alao aection 2.10.) (b) CA A.aiatance. (1) The CA hereby alreea to ..ke houalnl aaai.tance payments on behalf of Familiea for the Contract Vnit., to enable the Familiea to leaae Decent, Safe, and Sanitary houaing pur.uant to .actlon 8 of the Act. (2) If there t. a Utllity Allowance and if the Allowance axcaada the total Family contribution, the Owner .ball pay the Fudly the amount of the axe.. a . 1heCA will pay fund. to the Owner 10 txu.t .oldy for the purpo.e of ..kiDS thll ,.yment. by ,1edse by the Owner of paymeou properly ,ayable UDder thil Contract Ihall DOt be c~trued to include ,armenta covered by thil parasrapb (b) (2) · (See 24 crll .ecU.OIl 180.501(.). 181.501(.). or 186.309(a).) 2.3 MAXIMUM DOUSING ASSISTANCE CtMfinmn'; PJDJECT ACCOUNT. . . - . . _. _ (a) J!fIX1.mum .AnnUal CoT'ltt'act eo..i taent. .otwithJt.aDdln& any other ,rQV1a~ of th18 Contract (other than ,araITaph (b) (2) of th1a .ection) or ADY prwu10u of .., other cootract "tween the C.l aDd the Ovoer, the C.l __11 DOt .. _llpted to .ake ad &hall DOt ..k. any boualD& Ieplacu BtJD-525821 (11-75). auo..5258SB (11-75). 1Il1D-51522D (8-80) * _....r...... ..... ..R"\. .. .."~"~,., '.41 ....,. ~..",.,., ....... ,I:'. . .J~~'__~'~';;""_' i."':':':'......__,.,_.,_ . _~,._ ,.. _....... .~ . ......:". .;;"L ",~{ :,;,:;~~'~~.i,;';l'.~':.i~J.t./,".<"',,~:", - - . ..'-' - ... ~~... . -~......- -" - ......__..------+~--'-'~- .,. - . --..-----. ._-~-~*'. , , . - ( . - - . -- --- ) t d , auist.anet. p.aymct$ (or Pol)' an~' feu ",+.eu a PHA is a party to 'tHs Cont:-.acl for the purpose of authorizini; ten:linaUor.s 1n the case of previo~ly BUD.owned projects) under this Contract in exce., of the amount identified in .eetion l.l(c). However, this amount may be reduced commensurately with any reduction 1n the number of Contract Units or in the Contract Rents or pursuant to any other provisions of this Contract. (b) Project Account. (1) A project account vH 1 be e'tabHs~,ed anc! maintdne~ bv H~1;, cO:Jaiateot witr. HI rupondbll1tiu uDder .eetior. 8(c) "6) of tt~ Ac:, as a .pecifically identified and .egregated account for the project. The account will be eltablished and maintaine~, in an amount determined by BUD, out of the amounts by whi.ch the Maximu=. Annual Contract Commitment under .ection l.l(c) (for Private-Owner/ Hl~ or PHA-~'ner/HUD Projects) or Maximum ACC Commitment (for Private-Owner/FHA Projects) exceeds the amount actually paid out under the Contract or ACe .ach fi5cal year. Payment. vill be aade . from the account for bou.ing a..i.tance paymenta (and fee. for PHA , ,- - admini.tration) when needed to cover increa.es in Contract Rent' or \ decreases in tenant rents and for other COlt. .pecifically approved ,;. by the Secretary. ) (2) If fundi are available in the project account, the maxim~=. .' annual contribution payable for any fi.cal year will be increased ? by the amount, if any, al may be required for hou.ing alslstance payment. (and fees where the CA 1. a FHA) to cover ., l[lcreases 1n Contract Rents or decrea~!s in rents payable by F~.1l1es and otne~ ~O~ts approved by HL~. --- - (3) lolhenever a HUD-approved eit!.mate of the required a Mual con. tribution for a fiecel ye&r axceed, the maximum annual commitmen~ ~ and would caulethe amount in the project account to be less than 40 percent of the ~1mum annual cOImIlitment, BUD will, ~ within a raa.onable period of time, take 8uch -additional .teps authorized by.ection 8(c)(6) of the U.S. Houling Act of 1937 al may be nece..ary to a..ure that payment. under the Contract and ACC (if applicable) viII be adequate to cover increa.es 1n Contract Rent. and decreuea in rent. payable by Families, including (u provided in that aection of the Act) "the re.erva- tiOD of annual CODtribuUona author!t)!' for the pu.xp.oa-e--o~.ID1ing... Dou.ing a"Utance e~~ the allocation of..-a pttrtfttn-Rf Dew. .~ariolJM foJ. th pu~po.~ ofamendlni hauling a"iltance con- tract.. Tt---- . _ - :> (4) Any amount rlaaining in the account after payment of the lut annuel contribution with roepect to the project ehan be appHed ~ by HUD in accordance with law. 2.4 HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS TO arnEM. L..-G~~ (a) ~ou.lnR A..iltance Payment. on lebalf of Families. ~UD (1) Bou.ing a..i.tance payment. ahall b. paid to the Owner for unit. under l...e for occupancy by Families in accordance vith the Cootract. 'lbe flou.1ng a"lItance paym~nt vBI cover the difference between the Contract Rent and that portion of the rent payable by the Family a. dete~1ned in accordance with the BUD- utablt.hed ac.hadulu aDd crihria. (2) 'Dle _ouot of boud.nl a..utanee payment payable on bahalf of . ,..Uy and the -.owt of rent payable by the Fcdly .hall be aubjact to challle by r...on of chanau ill Family IDCOIDe, I 'amily cClllpo.itiOD, utent of ucepUonal -.4 ice 1 or other a.nuaual Up.lUIU or proaulIl rula. 10 accordance witb the RUD-e.tablllbed achedul.. and criteria; or by rea.on of a cbanae 10 &Dy applicable Utility Allowance approved . or required by the CA. Any auch chan&e ahall ~ eff.ctive .. of the date .tated in . DOtlfication of the ehanae to the ,..l1y t which hea DOt k at the and of the Lea.e teDl. (b) Vacanc1e. Durinl Rentagp. If . CoDtract Volt ia DOt leued .. of the .ffective elate of the Contract,(or with1n 15 day. of the affective Mte of thu Coatract iD the cue of prev1oua17 lWDaowo.t proJecu) t the Owuer .. _titl.t to bo....1n& ...utuca ,.,...nta lD the -.aunt el 10 pereu~ .f..the CoDtract bet for the 11111t for ~ .-&cucy period _2a IDD-S2S2ZD ('-10) . ~ - . -.- -~. _.. -- -- .._--~'_.. .. ~- ...~ . ... -.......... ... . - -- .~._- 4 ( ( not exeeedinr 60 day. from the effective ~ate of the Contract, pro- videe th~: the Owner (1) commenced marketing and otherwi.e complied vith .ection 2.2(d) of the Agreement, (2) bas taken and continues to take all feasible actioni to fill th~ vacancy, including, but not limited to, contacting applicants on its vaiting list, if any, reQ~~sti~g tht PHJ. and other appropriatE lources to refer eligiblE applic~nt., ane ~dvertlsing the availability of the unit in a ma~nE~ .peciflcally deslgned to reach eligible families, and (3) has not rejected an: eligible applicant, except for lood eause acceptable tQ the U.. (c) Vacancies after Rent-t'p. If an eligible family vacates a unit, the. owner is entitled to housing assi.tance payments in the amount (except as provided in paragraph (d) of this .ection) of 80 percent , of the Contract Rent for the first 60 days of vacancy if the Owner: .. :tl) Certifies that it did not cau.e the vacancy by violating the lease, the Contract or any applicable law or by moving a , Family to another unit; ~,' (2) Notified the CA of the vaelncy or pro.pective vaeancy and the reasons for it immediltely upon learning of the vaclncy or prospective vacancy; (3) Has fulfilled an~ continues to fulfill the requirements .pecified in paragraphs (b)(l), (2). and (3) of this section; and (4) Certifies that any eviction r.lulting in a vacancy vas carried out In eompliance vith lection a~9. (d) Payments for Vacancie. after Initial OccuDancy 1n Previou.ly HUD- Owned Project.. 10 the ca.e of prevloully BUD-owned projectl, the Owner may receive bou.iog a..i.tance paymentl tor '0 much of the month in which the Family vacate. the uoit al the unit remains i Vacant. Should tbe unit remain vacant, the Owner may receive frOOl ! BUD a hou.ing als1atance payment 1n the amount of 80 percent of the Contract Rent for a vacancy period not exceeding an additional month. However, if the Owner eollectl any of the Family'. .hare of the rent for thi. period, the payment for the vaclocy period mUit be reduced to an lmClunt which, when added to the Family'. payment;, ~ou Dot exceed 80 percent of the Contraet lent. Any .uch be... .hall be reimbursed by the Owner to BUD or as HUD IlI.llY direct. Paragraphs (c) (I) through (4) apply. (e) Vacaneie. for LonRer than 60 Days. Iscept for previoully BUD-owned project. Dot requiring .ub.tential rehabilitation, if an a..i.ted unit continu.. to be vacant after the period .pecified in paragraph (b), (c) or (d) of thil aection, the Owner ..y apply to receive additional paymentl for the vacancy period .In an _ount equal to the principal and inter'lt paymentl required to amortize thlt portion of the debt ..rvice atrributable to the vacaot unit. (..e Exhibit 2) for up to 12 additional ~Othl for the unit if: (1) the unit ft. lD "cent, .afe aDd .aoitary conditi.oo during the vaeancy period for Which paymentl are clatmed; (2) The o.n.r ba. fulfilled an4 continua. to fulfill the raquire- ~ntl .pacifiad in paralrapb (b), (e) or (d) of thl. .ectiOD, .. appropr1ate; aDd (c) !he owner tau .s-outrated to the .atbfact1on of JftJD that: (1) ror th. ,.rl04 of .acaDcy, the proj.ct 11 DOt pravidul the CND.r with lWVeJWU at l...t eAfual to proj.ct --.- . UpltUl.. (aelullv. of depreciation), and the ~t of payaentl requ..te4 18 DOt ..r. thao the portl0D of the "'fleleDCy attl'ilMatable to the ...caDt IIIl1t. and (11) !be ,roject MIl achl... f1AaD.clal ...od"-, with1D a ......ou.bl. ~. ..-.., - . . -,- 1roD-52522D (1-10) . .., .. -. - ~ .__._......--....~- .............__.........~._. . - ~- .-" - . .~. .. ~., . ( - ._-- .. . - .. ""{ \ : . . - . . (f) Prohibition of Double Compensation for Vacancies. ~e owner 11 not entitled to pa)~ents for vacant units to tt.~ extent it ~an collect for the vacancy from other .ourcea (.uch al .ecurity depolita, other amounts collected from the Family, payments from the CA under .eetlon 2.8(h), and sovernmental payments under other pro\rams). If the Owner collecta any of the Family'. ahare of the rent or a vacancy period in an amount which, when added to the vacancy pay- ment, results ir. morE than the Contract Ren~, the excess must be reimbursed as Hl~ directs. (g) .CA Not Obli~ated for Family Rent. The CA bas not auumed any obligation for the amount of rent payable by any Flmily or , the .atisfaction of any claim by the Owner against any Family I other than in accordance with .cetion 2.8(b) of this Contract. .The financial obligation of the CA is limited to making housing .asistance payments on behalf of Families in accordance with - .thh Contract. -" (h) OWner's Monthly ReQuests for Payments. I (1) The Owner .hall .ubmit monthly requests to the CA or as I , I ~;, directed by the CA for bouling a.,istance payments. Each ! request .hall let forth: (1.) the n.me.~f each Family and i ~he addren and/or number of tb~~!l1UU_Ie.d-..b~e.....J:a.m.Uy; (11) th~ addreu and/or the number of e!fh..Jmit, ..!-f any, not I lealed to Families for which the OWner i. claiming payments; (11i) the Contract Rent all .et.forth in Exhibit 1 for each I I unit for which the Owner is chiming payments; (iv) the I amount of rent payable by the Family leasing the unit (or, I I t where applicable, the amount to be paid the Family in I accordance with .ectlon 2.2(b)(2))iand (v) the total amount of bou.ing a.siltance payment I requeated by the Owner. (2) Each of the Owner'. monthly request. .hall contain a certification by lt that to the beat of ltl knowledge and ! belief (i) the dwelling unit. are 1n Decent, Safe, and Sanitary condition, (ii) all the other fact. and data on which the requelt for funds 1. ba.ed are true and correct, (1i1) the &mOunt reque.ted ha. been calculated io accordance with the provi.iont of chi. Contract and i. payable under the Contract, (iv) none of the amount ~ll1med has been ~re- viau.ly claimed or paid under thil Contract, and (v the OWner ha' not received aud w1ll not receive any payment. or other ~ona1deration frOOl the Family, the PHA, BUD, or any other public or private .ource for the unit beyond that author1zed in thi. Contract and the lel.e. (3) If the Owner ba. received an ucellive payment, the CA (or BUD where the CA i. a fHA), in addition to any other rights to recovery, ..y deduct the amount from any .ubuquent payment or paymenta. (4) 'l'be OWner'. aonthly reque.tI for houdlll lI.iltance paymeotl are .ubject to penalty under 18 V.S.C. 1001, Which pravidel, IUIlDn& other thinS', .tha t whoever knovinaly and willfully aakea or u.e. a document or WTit1n& containing \ any fal.e, fictitiou" or fraudulent Itatement or entry. 10 i any aatter withtn the jurbcU~tion of any clepartaent or a.eney of the United State., .han be fioed DOt ~re than I '10,000 or iJIlpr1aooec! for DOt ..re than five ,.ur., or I>>oth. I , (1) 'aymenU to Tru.t.. by I'BA Vbere It t. the Lender. (S.e ..ction 1.4 . for applicability of thil parllraph.) the .-aunt of the houa1n& ...btance payment '.tera1n.d 10 ec~ordance with the prav1aiona of Chb CoDtract, up to the ~t of the .,rtple repayraeou due the rBA frpm the o.nar PUt'l\&Ult to the 80rtple loan _4e by the PHA for u.e project, .ball M credit" to the Owner aDd tranaferred -.Gnthly by the PBA frOlll the account ..tntaiDed uDder the General Depo.iury Alr..-ent purauant to the ACC to the tr\dtee UDder the -- --- DOte or 1>>ood raaolutloc of the !IlA. UDder which the DOte. or 1Hmd. to ,rovide the _relale loan were f.a.ued. Arrt ~t of the boua1nl .11.ItuCe ,.,-ant 1A -.cu. of euc:h cn4it ...11 .. ,.14 by the IBA .irectly &0 the o.u:r. -4- IDD-S1522D (I-aD) . .' .' '~,",.":":,;: .);"' ,~c: .i_.";;' ',.:..:.':.<~' ...: :J,;;, _,"" ~~/,;..""::,:~~;,,.;:'~ '..:.;.~, .,:, --..------. -.-.. . - ----- .. . . -- .......~. +- --~ , . r" , 2.5 HAINTIKAScr. OPERATIO~ ~ INSPECTI0~. (a) Maintenance and Operation. The Owner agrees to maintain and operate the Contr.ct Unitl, unassisted unit., if any, and related facilities to pro- vide Decent, Safe, and ~~nita!)' bou!ing including the provision of all the .ervices, maintenance and utilities Jet forth in .ection I.l(e). The Owner .lso .grees to CCT.':lpl)' with the lead-bued paint regulations at 24 CfR Part 35. If th~ CA determines thet the Owner 1s not meeting one or more of these obligations. th~ CA shall have the right to t.k~ actio~ und~r lectioL 2.21(b). (b) Inspection. (1) Prior to occupancy of .ny Contract Unit by a Family, the Owner and the Family ah~ll inspect the unit and both .hall certify, on fo~s pre.cribed or approved by the CA, that the)' have in.pected the unit and have dete~ined it to be Decent, Safe, and Sanitaty . in accordance with the criteria provided in the forms. The Owner .hall keep copies of these reports on file for at least , !' ;l. three years. (2) The CA .hall inspect or cause to be inspected the Contract Units ) and related facilities at least annually and at .uch other times , (including prior to initial occupancy and rerenting of any unit) as may be necessary to assure that the Owner is meeting its obligation to maintain the unit. in Decent, Safe, and SanitaD' condition including the provision of the agreed-upon utilities and other .ervices. The CA Ihall take into account complaints by occupants and ~ny other information coming to its attention in Icheduling inspections and .hall Dotify the Owner and the Family of its determination. (c) ~nits Not Decent, Safe. and S.nitary. If the CA notifies the Owner that it bas failed to maintain a dwelling unit in Decent, Safe. and Sanitary condition and the OWner fail. to take corrective action within the time prucribed 10 the notice, the CA may uerche any of it. right. or remedie. under the Contract, including reduction or lu.pen.ion of hou.ing ...i.tance payment5, even if the Family con- tinues to occupy the unit. If, however, the Family wi.hel to be rehouaed in another dwelling unit with lection 8 a..i.tance and the CA 40u not have other lection 8 funds for .uch purpo.e., the CA may u.e the abated housing a..i.tance paymentl f~r the purpose of rehoua ing the Family in another dwelling unit. If the Family continue. to occupy the unit, it vill do 10 in accordance with the , terms of it. 1ea.e, including the termination date and amount of rent payable by the Family. (d) Notification of Abatement. Any reduction or au.penaion of hou.ing a'li.tance .payment. Ihall be effective as prOVided io written notification to the Owner. '1be Owner Ihall promptly notify the Family of any .uch abatement. (e) Overcrowded and Underoccupled Unit.. Where the CA determines a unit 1. larger or lmaller than appropriate for an .liltble family, the Owner agree. to correct the litoattOD 1n accordance with BUD regula- t10Dl and requirementl in effect at the time of the determination. 2.6 fINANCIAL REOUlREMEh"1'S. (a) ~ubm1..ton of Finaocial and OperatinR Statement.. 'lbe Ovne't' ~t .ubmit to the tA: (1) Within 60 day. after the end of each fucal 7aar of the project, financial Itat~ent. for the project audited by an Independent . Public .ccountlnt :I.D !:he fom required by BUD. aDd r- ~ (2) Other ltat~enta .. to project operation, financial conditloDl and occ~p.ncy .. BUD ..y require pertinent to adminiltration of the Contract and ~nltor1n& of project operationa. (1)>) yn of 'ro1ect FUDc!a. (IIot applicable to 'artially ...:tate4 or 'revioualy BUD-OW.d 'l'Ojacta.) (1). Project fVDdI ...t; be u.ed for the benefit o( the 'p~j~c~, ~ uke ._ _~rt&a&. payment., to pay _;&eratina expeD..', to _lte nquJ.* "polIitl to . nplac-.ot l'Uuve f.D accordaoce with ,araaraph (c) .f thi. ..ct1on Ir~ .. ,,, if. ~f-l". t~ .. - -- ...~.,..... ,... .", , , "..:', ~ ~r. ", ;;- '.j.'. ,::; ;.~,. . ;,_..j~._,.,--,. - ..- ."',^' ..,.",".,Y.'_'" ",~,.' _, ...,.. I \." ~. "., . - ,-_._-' ,-, -' ... ~ ~--~~~ -~ _...............-._-~.._.......~ ~- ,..- . ...... ____----:--..J.....--.....~-""""'--- . . .. ( -_.- ( I . ~ tv dl. VJI{IiII _I: ,av'''ldtrd I.~ 'Iraa_a,... (a,. 10 ~be extent BUD determinu that project funds are aaore than needed for t.beH purposes, the surplus project funds must be deposited ~Ith the mort,a~t( OT other HUD-approved deposItary in an interest-bearin~ residuGl Tectirts account. Withdra~als froQ this account will be made onlv with thE approval of RUD and for project purposes, 1ncludinS the' reduction of housing assistance payments. Upon termination of the Contract, any excess funds mutt be remitted ~o Ht~. (2) In the case of BUD-insured projects, the provisions of this paragraph (b) will apply 1nsteed of the otherwise applicable mortgage insurance requirer:,ents, except in thE caH of partia:ly assisted or previously H~~-owned, insured projects which are .ubject to the applicable mortgage in,urance requiTe~Ents. (c) Replacement Reserve. (Not applicable to Partially A.sisted o~ . frevioully HUD-Owned Project5.) , "(1) The Owner Ihall establish and maintain a replacment reserve in ;~ an interest-bearing account to aid in funding extraordinary maintenance and repair and replacement of capital it~s in accordance with applicable regulation6. , -.' (1) ThE obligation of the ~~eT to deposit into the replace~ent reserve shall commence upon the effective date of thE Contract. FOT staged projects, the obligation .hall co~enCE on . pro rata basis for units in each .tage on the effective date of the / Contract for that stage. The amount of thE deposit to the replacement reserve will be adjusted each year by the amo~~t of th~ I automatic annual adjustment factoLa See'4 CFR Part 855. . I (11) The re.erve muat be built up to and maintained at a level determined by BUD to be lufficient to meet projected requiremenu. Should the re.erve achieve that level, the rate of depo.it to the relerve may be reduced with the approval of HUD. (iii) All earningl iDcludin& intereat on the releTVe mu.t be added to the reaeTVe. (iv) Funds viII be held by the mortgagee or tru.tee for the bondholder., and may be drawn from the ra.erve and oaed only in accordance with BUD luidelin~ and with the approval of. or al directed by, BUD. (2) In the ca.e of BUD-to.ured project., the provilion. of this paragraph (c) will apply instead of the otherwi.e applicable mortgage insurance requirements, except in the case of partially- a..i.ted or previo~ly BUD-owned, 1n1ured project. which are .ubject to the applicable aortgage iDaurance requirements. (d) itation on Di.tributionl. (Parasraph. (d)(2)-(4) are not applicabl 11. fartially AuiltelS or Prevloualy BUD-Owned Projectl.) (1) owner. are Dot entitl.d to diatrlbutiona of proj (2) For the 1 e of the Contract. project fund. ..y ooly buted to pro t-aaodvated OWDer& at the end of .. of project ope ion follov1na the effective 4&t of the Contract after all ptoject penae. !lne been paid. 0 unda have been eet ..1de for p.,men and all re.erv~ re rlmenU have baen aet. The firlt ,ear'. diatr tion ..y DOt ..de until eolt certifi- cation, where applicable, complet D1Itributiona ..y Dot eac.ed the follovina auimum etu (1) For projec~. for eld.rly. 'i.trlbution will be BUD ..y pravide for 'i.tribution. in ccordaoce with hJUlatlona rtuluir-.nt.. (11) For proj . for DOuld.r1y f.11i... the f1 t yur'. .t.atr t1on. will be Ua1.tIMS to 10 p.rcent OQ . lty. WUD y prcwide for iAenu.. tA .ubeequ.nt ,..r. tr1butt.nl ill acco~e With appl1c.ab1e IIllD nJU &10D1 aDd ~u1r---nt.. # .......... "-.r.,,,,,,, ,.. ..... . ........... . '. '::f:..::~'<\ ,\:,:~.' ',~' ~.,'_",i:',-:~ :\ ..;:: '~, ;,<; ,:_.',:;'.:',~,',.':~,. ~:: ; \~:.:._. ,.: \ - .< ^ ."_....__..~'...- ......~-~~,,~'~~~-_._'-_.._~,.~' ~ .. -. .-.- ._,~---- ------..... ...,. _...~-_.... -- ... ~- .,~. .~. _r" . .. - ..... .. . --- ----.---p-.- -- -. --( -.- . (, ( purpose of determining the allowable distribution . equity investment .hall be computed 10 accorda with tioes and requir~ent'. (4) projl:c:, (5) In the case of H1~.ln5 d projects. the hions of this lect10n will appl stead of the otherwise ap . cable aortgage 1.naur e program regulations. except in t cas~ of IJmB 11. ~a ly a.silted or ~reviou.ly HUD-owned. intu ,roje which are .ubject to the applicable mortgage insura r lations. . , 2.7 ~TADJUSTH!~:S. ,. ,. . (a) Funding of Ad;ustments. Housing a.si.tance payments will be made in amounts commensurate with Contract Rent adjustments under ) this- .ection up to the maximum amount authorhed under ItcHon 2.3(a) .' of this Contract. (b) Annual Ad1ustments. (1) Upon request from the Owner to the CA. Contract Rents will be adjusted on the anniver.ary date of the Contract 1n accordance with 24 CFR 888 and thi. Contract. See. however, paragraph (d). (2) In the ca.e of previou.ly HUD-owned projectl. the Contract I Rent. .hall be adju.ted in accordance with 24 eFR 886. Subpart C and thil Contract. (3) Contract Rent. may be adjulted upward or downward. al may be appropriate; however. 10 no ca.e ahall the annual adjustment re.ult in Contract Rent. le.s than the Contract Rent. on the effective date of the Contract. (c) Special Additional Ad1u.tment.. Special additional adju.tment. .hall be granted, when approved by HUD. to reflect increases in the actual and necc..ary expenael of owning and maintaining the Contract Units which bave re.ulted from lub.tantiat leneral increa.e. in real property taxel.utility rate., a.sessments. and utilitie. Dot covered by regulated rates. Tbe O",ner IDU.t de:mon.trate that luch Rn.u:Jll incre.ses hav uaed Tncru.es in the e r '. 0 D e ra t i.ng..-.c.O+-t1-. ~h are not adequately compen.~d for b~ua-1--adjuJt- ~~ Tbe Owner ahall .ubm~o HUD lupporting data. financial Itatement. and certificationl which clearly .upport the increase. See. however. paragraph (d). (d) Overall Limitation. Hotvith.tanding any other provhion of thh Contract, adjustment. after Contract esecution or COlt certification. where applicable. ahall not re.ult in ..terial difference. betveenthe rentl charged for a..btad and comparable unauhted unita. a. determined by HUD;ezcept to the extent that the 'ifferenea. axi.te4 with ra.pact to the Contract Rent. .et at Con- tract eseeution or co.t certification, where applicable. (e) Incorporation of a.nt Ad1u.tmel!. Auv adju'baent In Contract lent. ahall be incorporated toto Ixhibit 1 by a dated addendum to the exhibit utabl1ab1ng the effective date of the adju.aMtnt. ( of Contract lent. ba.ed on Co.t Certificatio D 1.4 for applicability of thi. paraara (1) ,ubmil.lon by Uhin 60 project (g'f' accaptl the aKtenaloaa approve4 ., the ~_..._- actual coetl ut t.D the l'iDal '1'0 'Ian of the ae..-Dt coat, operatlDa ~eDle.. aDd debt ..rvie autait a co.t cartUicatloD inc1u41D& the cer e IDCl.peD4ent Public Auo\mtant to BUD 10 the unner and form ,rucrlMd ., BUD, ....4 OIl tile follCNira.& plde11Du: . -7- . DD-52522D (....0) :':;'i.,.tL~r ~":: :,(~;~(~~',~ :. .,L.,. _.."~~ ,'.~ :" ,'... ,'lL:.";.',;'":. :'~'..;~.~~:':.,:.,,,~,..:,\ ~. ,; . ,,: . .ii";:.' , ---~.~_..". ... .- . ... ~~ . . - .. ----------.. .-~.. -~_-:..,'_________--~ -..'---~., I. , ; (-) -.- . . ( -- -- -- Project. Which tnvolve HUD mortgage insurance wlll : .ubject to ~he cOlt certification requirementl of he applicable in.urance program; (ii) For roject. Dot inlured by Ht~, a .tmplifle fon:. of co certification a, prescribed by Hl~ ill be complet and .uhmitted. ( 2 j }l":) Re';':' t:'\o' . Cost ce .ubject to revie~ by HL..,. As part of thb r and/or contractor 1Ilay be required to .ubm documentation. (3) eduction of Contract Rent~. 1 e Owner's certified coau provided in accordance paragr h (f) (1) of this .section, as approved by HUD, are 1 s than the c t e.ttmates provided in " the final Proposal 0 urchase and Ule lan, the Contract Rents 1., ,. will be reduced ace rdingly. ) (4) .Reduction of .' an reduced ur.uant to paragraph (f)(3) max1mwc a ual Contract commitment (and the max um ACC commitment, in the case of Private- r /PHA proje s) viII be reduced. If Contract Rents are reduc on rtification after Contract execution, any overpaymen t effective date of the Contract will be recovered fro~ er by the CA. - (g) Ad1u!tment of Contract Rentl to Reflect Actual COlt of Tax Exempt Obli- .ations Is.ued by a Participating State AgenfY Not Subject to Part 811. (See .action 1.4 for applicability of~~~.~ara&raph.)__~fter the project is pel"l'lf'\n~tly finl!~eec!, t~e f!n8"l"lcing a~e" ,hall r'~;.t a.certification to HUD .pecifying the actual fia.ancina Urru. If the actual .ebt ..nice , to the OWner under the permanent financing 1a lower than the anticipated debt .ervice on which the Contract aent. vere ba.ed, the initial Contract Rents or the Contract aent. then 1n effect ,hall be reduced commenaurately Ind the amount of .avings credited to the project account. The uximum .nnusl Contract commitment (and the maximum annual ACC commitment, in the case of Private-Owner/PHA projects) viII not be reduced. . ~ fI Ale t for Projects I (h) ~'tment of Contract Rent. to Re .!,ct ctua OJ u ject to Part 8. (See .ection 1.4 for applicability of this I paragraph. ) I (1) Submislion by Owner and Flnanc1D2 A2eOcy. The Owne! and the financing agency .hall .ubmit certified .tatements as to the financing and other co.t. al required by Part 811 prior to final andon_ent. ".ed on the .cartified ltatement.., BUD vill deter- aine.whether any reduction 10 initial Contr.c~ &ents 1. required under Part 811. Promptly after BUD notification, the Owner and the financing aleney acr.. to ..end the Contract to reduce the inltial Ccmttet bun to 1:be attm't n:qt!f.red .". 1lt'D. See ..ctlonl 2.3(b)(5) an4 (6) .f the Aare.-ent, al appropr1ate. f M 1JauIn Annual eo..f.t:Iat..~. If the Contract lentl (2) leduction 0 u: . 1. th . , . are reduced pur.uant to paralraph (b)(l) of th1a ..ct 00, ~_ .....f..nfll amw.al CoD-tract c.c.dtMAt(and the uxfmum A.ce CCIIIIll1t . t in the cue of 'r1vate-Owuer/.t'tiA proJecu) W'1U Ite ::u~ed. If Contract I.aota are reducll4 baaec! on c.er~1flcation after Contract aecut1on, UJ ov.rpayaen~ .1rac. ::. .f:;c~'n CA date of the Contract will ... nc.c:wered ftcD the r e . · Du h tt'f Tax Exemption or SimU.ar (1) fod 1ultment ~f ~:~~:~~ :::~: ..; : r'::ad to r.flect real property Saving.. e 1a11a PiAp where the Wt1a1 Contract "'n.t. .ere to uempt1011th or a t~O: tbat the project would DOt ne.t"e the .pproved OD a ...ump Oime .... ~ I>>enefit of t.a Pat..-t or .ia11ar aaviDp..a r aar eotify ta.e CA ill the ..allt RC-h a 'l'Oject MllDa CO neai.ft auch aD 1 r aWlar ...1D&1 ~ tha~ the Wt1al CoIl~ract IaDta :-:: :O:n.ct IaDtI Cbn iA effact _y .. nduc:ad. ~ W~~~~ ,._~nl , .' -\,..;:,;.~~,~..-""..:,.:. .. -,_.:........,----_.........---.:~~~.........;.:.. :J. .'}!A~.:,i:,;'~~'~iJi;;';~);:i1:;~,:~,",',L:".>.:..~,j: ",' ;,:,1,~.,.. .- ------~_-.....'.... ...._~-~.. ---. --~_......-----....---------- - . - - . -.......---- , --, - --- ..--- -' .-...---;--. . ( -' . C.' " 2.B K.",'P.:'.!7"I!\G ANO LEASING or lrnITS. (a) Compliance with Equal Opportunity Requirements. Karketing of uniu and eelection of Famili~, by the Owner ahall be in accordance with the Owner', BUD-approved Affirm.tive Fair Houling Marketing Plan (if required), abowD as an exhibit. and with all regulations relating to felr bouling adverti.ing. Projecte ahall be ..naged and operat~d witho~t regard to race, color, religion, creed, aex, bandicap, or national origin and in the cale of previouely BUD-owned projects 1n accordance with the tenant aelection factor. ah~n al Exhibit 6. (b) Security Deposits. The Owner agrees to COMply with applicable Jectio~ 8 regulations and other requirements, as r~'ised from time to time, regard- ing .ecurit) deposits and to comply with all State and local l.~. (c) Elhibilitv. Selection and Admission of Families. (1) Except for thOle families in previouily RUD-ovned projects. determined by BUD at the time of the .ale of the project to . be eligible for .ection 8, the Owner ahall be relponsible for ,. determination of eligibility of applicants, .election of \ families from among those determined to be eligible, computa- ;,... tion of the amount of housing a.sistance payments on behalf of each .elected Family and of total Family contributions and 1 recordkeeping in accordance with applicable BUD regulations and '," requiretnents. (2) The Owner .hall Dot charge any applicant or a..ilted Family any amount 1n exce" of the total Family contribution except as authorized by BUD. (3) In the initial renting of the Contract Unit., the Owner must lease at least 30 percent to Very Low-Income Familie. (determined in I accordance with HUD-eltablilhed achedules and criteria). However, if th1& requirement cannot be met for aub.tanthl rehabilitation or previou.ly BUD-owned project. becau.e of f~ilie' alraady I ruiding in the project, BUD _y permit the lea.1ng of Ie.. than 30 percent of the unit. to Vary Low-Income Familie.. Thereafter the Owner .hall exerei.. beat affort. to ..1ntain (or achieve I and maintain) at lea.t )0 percent occupancy of the Cootract Unit, I tJ.x. Very t,O'I.I-Tncome FamiH&L.. In addition, at all ttme., the Owner . I : ~!_L!U b~~!g.r.ta.:iO-ach1.v.-lu..1Il1 to Famil1u with i a range of income. .0 that th~x.ge of income. of all r-m111es fn--occupancy ~b at or above 4{) percent of the aedian income in t.he area. - - (4) The Lean entered into between the Owner and each .elected Family .hall be on the form of Lea.e approved by HUD. (S) (i) The Owner ,hall ...ke a reexamination of Family income, compo.itioD, and the astent of aedicat or other UDusual expenses incurred by the Family at lea.t al often as required by BUD relulationl or other requirements, and appropriate redeteImi,natioD.l Ihall be ..de, by the Owner of the llIDOunt of Faml1y contribution and the DOunt of housing a..i.tance payment, all in accordance with applicable BUD resulat1on. and requirement.. (11) If a family report. a cbanae 10 income or other clrcum- Itence. that would re.ult 10 a dee-rea.e of total family contribution betvean recularly Icheduled reexamlnat1on., the Owner, upOD receipt of .erif1cat1on of the C-banae, au.t promptly aab appropriate adjuatDeDta 1D the total famlly coDtribution. Ibe OvDer aay require tn itl l..ae th.t flllllill.. report tAcr..... in tDcc.e or other c.hanaea betveen adleduled nu.amwtlOD1. (tl1) In COIlDectlon with the nauminaU.OD, the Owner .hall dater- aiDe what percenta,e of 1'-.111.. 1D oc-cupucy are Very Lov-IDCOIM '&adl1e. ao4 what the averaa. '&adly 1occ:ae 11. , , If there are laver tbaD 30 percent Vary tov-IocQlDe ludli.. ---- 1D _occupancy, or the ..erase tncCllllle la "low 40 percent - of the .ecUm, the OWner ahall report the fact to BUD and .ball adopt appropriate ~."... 1D 1tl adai.alon poU.eLu. (tv) . '.-11,'. allalbiU.ty for Uui1D& a..l.ItaDCe ,..,..ntlt coat1Duea _t11 ita coul 1'aa1I, 'aatribut1oD equala dae total u..w1lla apeMe for Oa -.1t it occups.... ae tamwttoo of ..,- am-S2S22D ('-10) ;/ ~.'::~,k~<::,'i'~AS;~:.;:, ; ,:.~F/~~:':;.;.:,~,~~:-~;;':';,: ,:. _~"""'"n.'.. ----.+.._- ,-. '___. . --- - -~- . n._" .... ....-..- . , -. , . (~~ . '''-l eligibility at thi. point will not affect the Family'. other riEhts under the lease DOr preclude re.umption of payments as a re.ult of later changes in income or other circum$tances . during the term of this Contract. (6) ~~ere fewer than 100 percent of the units in the project axe covered by thh Contract, .&sis~ed :ra::;l~u. Iha11 ~~_.~isper~cd . tr.rougilout. At Initial rent-up, the Owner .hail lease the units identified io [~.ltit 1 to eligible Families. Thereafter, the Owner ..y lea.e other units of appropri.te .ize and type to eligible F4milies in accord.nce with Exhibit 1. For projects with units for both elderly and non-elderly Families, the respective family types ..y be srouped together. (7) The Owner ,hall maintain as confidential .11 information relatiu& to .ection 8 applicants and assisted F.milies, the disclosure of I . which would constitute an unwarranted inv.sion of personal privacy. , . I " I \ (d) Rent Redetermination .fter Adiustment in Utility Allowance. I In the event tnat the Owner is notified of a CA determination approving 1 1 or requiring an .djustment in the Utility Allowance appiicable to ",' an~ of the Contract Units, the Owner .hall promptly make a corresponding l adjustment in the amount of rent to be paid'by the affected Families I and the amount of hOU6ing a.s1stance p.yments. I I (e) Processin~ of Applications and Complaints. Tbe Owner .hal1 process applications for admilsion. notific.tions to applicant', and complaints by applicants in accord.oce with applicable HUD and PHA regulations and requirementl and .hall ..intain record, and furni.h .uch copies or other information a. ..y be required by BUD or the FHA. I (f) Review: Incorrect Payment.. In ..king houling ...htance p.yments to Ownen, the PHA or BUD will review the Owner'. determinations ! under tbi. .ection. If a. a re.ult of thi, review, or other t reviews. audit. or information r.ceived by the FHA or BUD at any I time, it 1. determined th.t the Owner has received improper or I ezce.sive hau.ing al.i.tance payment., the FHA or BUD .h.ll have , i the right to deduct the amount of .uch overp.yment. from any ~ amount. otherwise due the Owner, or otherwi.e .ffect r.covery. I 2.9 TER.11INATION OF TENANCY OR SECTION 8 ASSISTANCE !Y '!HE CMNER. Tbe Owner agree. CDt to terminate any teaancy of or a..i.tance on behalf of an a..i.ted Family except in accord.nce with a~l BUD_re~ul.tioos and other requirement'.in effect at the tLmeof the termination. and any State and local la..... 2.10 REDUCTION OF NUMBER OF UNITS FOR FAILURE TO LEASE TO ELIGIBLE F~~ILIES. (a) Limitation on Le..ing to Ineligible Families. Except in the ca.e of previoully BUD-owned projectI, the Owner ..y not at any time during the term of thi. CoDtract I.... ~re than 10 percent of the a..i.ted unit. In the project to familie. Which are ineligible under .ection 8 r.quirementl .t 1Dit1a1 occupancy without the prior approval of BUD. Failure on the part of the Ovuer to comply with thi. prohibition i. l a violation of the Contract and Iround. for all available legal remediel, lncludlnl .p.clflc performance of the CODtrect, au.peDJlion or d.bar- Mot frea BUD ,roar.. aDd n4uct1on of the Il&aber of unitl UDder the Collcract, .. a.t forth tD ,.rqrapb (b) of thu .ution. (I.. .t~ ~.. t.tl.~ - ~_. ... '_M_ .._----+ ~. .-- - ..,-- . --..- ~ ~ . u (It) bduet10n for ranun to LMa. to 11 ible raa111.. - -- aad aehab . ,roi.et.. 1. at .., tt.e M.1n.D1Q& lia eonthl after the eff.ctive ute of the Contract, the Owoer faib for a CODt1Duoua ,.r1od of .1x 8Onth. to hav. at l...t to ,.rUDt of the ...uted unita I....d or ~.11ahl. for 1...1D& by faaili.. .lilthle UDd.r ..ction 8 r.quir~ot., at initial occupancy, BUD (or the fIlA at the dir.ctioD of BUD, a. appropriate) ..y, on at laut 30 da,.' DOtlee, reduce the, number of . unitl covered by the Contract. IIUD or the JIHA ..y E'~uce the number of --- .- anita to Chi'maber of 1IIlita actully leued or ,avail.ble for 1...111& . ,lua 10 percent (EOuad-.s up) ~ 11I18 nduct:l.on, hgvwer. Will DOt be -.ele lf the failure to 1.... -.ita to .11Ilbl. t.D.1ll.. ... paDlitted in writ1D& by JIt1D aDd.r parqraph (a) of thll .actS.one _ - -- -.... ' .----- - -. -10- IUD-S1522D (1-10) .".'..l' .. . ,':' ',":'::~;':':':"i::(,::':,<::. }j::>;,i/&"~;,,~>:t~:;:.',::~';},a.~>: ;'::'.,:\-: \:..':! ~ . ',,". ,:"'"," .' . _.. ',;. ',,_ , .~ '<i I~. - , 'W _.'--- .. - -" .--.-....---- - ...---" --..... - .. .. . . , . C _.-- . ' --_...{..... l) . (e) eduction ~.'reviouIIY BL~-owned ro ectl. If, at any time beginning lix monuls after the effective date of the contract! the Owner fai11 fori a eo~tinuous period of .ix ~nth& to have all 0 the assisted units eale or available for leasing by faml11es eligible under lection 8 requirements at in1tll1 occupa~cy, Ht~ may, on 30 calendar days' Dotict, reouce the r Dumber of Contract units to not Ie. I than the numJer of Contract units (,' '\ f: under leaSE, plus 10 percent of luch number if the nur.~er i6 10 or more, rounded up. rai1urt by the Owner to make a reasonable effort to leue the units to eligible fll.Itilies ihall be a violation of tht Contract and grounds for all legal remedies includint those Ipecified in paragraph (a) and .ectton 2.21. (d) Ilutoration. HUD viII agree to an amendment of the ACC or the Contract, .1 appropriate, to provide for .ubiequent reltoration of any reduction I . , ..de pur.ulnt to paragraph (b) or (c) of thil lection if: I ,ill HUn determines that the restoration il jUltified by demand, l I t I ;I (2) The Owner otherwise has a record of eompliance vith itsobliga- .' tions under the Contract, and (3) Contract authority is available. (BUD viII take .uch Iteps authoriced by ..ction Sfc)(6) of the Act.. SAy be Dece'~~~' to carry out itl agreement. 2.11 NONDISCRIMINATION. (a) general. The Owner .hall not in the .election of Families, 1n the provision of .ervices, or in any other manner, di.crtminate agaiost any per.on on the arounds of race, color, creed, religion, .ex, national origin, or handicap. (b) ~~ber& of Certain Clal,el. The Owner .han DOt automatically exclude anyone from participation tn, or deny anyone the benefitl of, the Houling A.liltance Paymentl Program becaule of memberlhip in a clal', .uch as unmarried mother., recipient. of public a..i.tance, handi- capped perao0.8. (c) Title VIII of the Civil It.h;hu Act of 1968. The Owner .hall comply vith all requir~entl imposed by Title VIII of the Civil Rishts Act of 1968, which prohibitl dilcr1mination 10 the .ale, rental, financing and advertuing of bOlaing on the Nlh of race, color, religion, lex, or Dltional origin, and any related rulel and regulations. (d) litle VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Executive Order 11063. The Owner .hall comply with all requirement I imposed by Title VI of the Civil Right. Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d. et '~.i the HUD Regula- tions u.ued thereunder, 14 CFR, Subtitle A, Part 1; the HUD ; requirement I purluant to the.e regulationsi and Executive Order 11063 and any regulati~ aDd requirement. illued th.reunder, to the end I that, in accordance with that Act, Ixecutive Order 11063, and the , regulationl and requirement. of BUD, DO peraon io the United States i ahan, 00 the arounda of race, color, creed, or Dltional orilin, be , ascluded from participation in, or be 4eniad the benefitl of, the BOUl1og A..i.tance Paymeotl Program, or be otherwi.e lubjected to 4i.- crimination. '1'h1.a prov1ai011 U included punuant to the reculation.a of BUD~ 24 CFR, Subtitle A, rart 1 laluad under Title VI of the Civil I.ishU Act of 1964, BUD reaulatiou u.ued purauant to Executive Order 11063 aDd the BUD requir~nt. purluant to the regu1ationl. 111e \ ob1iaation of the Owner to comply therewith inure. to the beDefit of the United State. of America, BUD, aDd the JIIlA (where the CA 1.1 a PHA), any of which .hall be entitled to iDvo1r.e any remedie. avanable , by law to redre.. any "r..eh or to COIIpel COIIlpU.aoce by the OVner. (a) J'etion 504 of the lehablllt,tion Act of 1973. fte Ower .han c.cmply w1th all the requir~nt. impoa.4 by .ection 504 of the lehabilitation Act of 1973, .. _ended, aDd _, nhted rulu and reaulatloDl. aactioo 504 providel that DO cua1ifiad haDdicappad ,.r.oo .hall, on the buia of handicap, M uelu4ad freD pard.clpation la., ... denied t:he koefitl of, or othenr1.. be aubjected to '1acdainatlon UDder any ,roar.. 01' actincy wbich neet... or ......fiU frGlll raderal f1AanC1al ...11 t.aACe. MccmIl.a&ly, ... Gnar (1) ..11 _t tiacr1aiAate apiut ., . . _Y 41ual111l4 1wIJ41Ca1tM per.OD aD t:U MaU of haDdicap aDd (2) lII1a11 ~_.,~,~ (.~.O) ~..... - - ~~. " . . .-...... - -..-.. -- --- -~,.- ----- (:-- () , , " . t . , .' ca~s; to be incorporated into all contracts executed in connection vi~h this project a provision requiring compliance vith rules and regulations i.sued pur.uant to lectlon 50~. (f) Em?lolees of Owner. (1) I carrying out the obligations under this Contract, the Owner V~ll not di'cr~inate against any employee or applicant for emploYM ment because of r6'~. COIOI. cr~ed. religion. .ex. handicap or national origin. thE Owner will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed. and that employee~ are treated d~rinf emplo)~ent, without regard to race. color, cree~, religion, 'E'.~ handicap or national origin. Such action ahall include. bu: no~ b limited to the following: employment, upgrading. demotlon, o~ transfer; ~ecruitment or recruitment advertising; layof~ or termination; rates of payor other forms of compensation; and . .election for tuining. including apprenticeship. " \ :' (2) The Owner agreu to pOIt in conapicuous places. available to ~ployees and applicants for employment. Dotices to be provided , by HUD .etting forth the provi.ions of this nondi.crlmination '," clalae. The Owner viII in all .olicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Owner Itate that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment vithout regard to race. color. creed. religion. lex, handicap or national origin. The Owner viII incorporate the foregOing require.menU of this paragraph in aU of its contracts for pro- ject work. except contracts for Itandard commercial lupplies or raw materials. and will require all of itl contractors for auch work to incorporate aUch requirement. 10 all .ubcontracts for i project work. 1 I (g) Age Discrimination Act of 1975. 'lbe Owner .hall comply with any rules and regulationl i..ued or adopted by BUD UDder the Age Di.crimination Act of 1975. a. amended, 42 V.S.C. 6101 et !!S., which prohibits dilcriminatloa on the ba.i. of ale in prOlr~ and actlvitie. receiving Federal financial a..btance. - . - ~ '- . 2.12 COOPERATIOr\ IN EQUAL OPPORTUNI1Y CCMPLlANCE REVIEWS. The Owner and the PHA (where the CA h . PHA) alree to cooperate with HUD in the conducting of compliance reviews and complaint lave.tigationa pur- .uant to or permitted by all applicable civil riChu Itatutu, Executive Orders. and rules and reBulations. 2.13 TRAINING. EMPLOYMENT AND CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESSES AND L~~R INCOME PERSONS. (See .action 1.4 for applicability of tbb ..ction.) Ca) Tbe project .a.iated UDder thi. Contract 1. .ubject to the requirements of aection 3 of the Houa1D1 and Vrban Development Act of 1968, as amended. 12 V.S.C. 1701u. Section 3 require. that, to the Ireatelt extent f...ible, opportunlt1e1 for tra1.oina and Gployment be liven lower-income relideot. of the project area and contract. for work in CQooection with the project be awarded to bUline.. concern. which are located 10, or ovned 10 aubltanUal part by penona rel1d11:l& 10, the araa of the proJact. Cb) lIotv1thataDd101 any other provbloD of thll Contract, tha Ovoer ahall CArry out the prov18iolU of .ect1on , and the reaulatio~ blued by BUD .. aet forth in 24 CFIt., '.rt 13S, and aU applicable rule. and ordera of BUD 1I1ue4 thereUDder prior to the ezecution of th1. Contract. lbe requlr-.ota of the hCUlatiou lDclude, but are DOt Italted to, I development and t.pl~ntatloD of AD .ffir.ativa action plan for lItlUa:iDl bu.iD.... cODCeru located within, Or CNDed in aub.tanUal part by peraona ~idiDl la, the area of the project; the ..kina of a lood faith effort, .. d.f1Dad by the reaulatlo~, to provide tra1n1oa, cplO)'1MDt, a.a.d bu.1Au. opponUllltie. raquirad by .ectioD 3; and 1.acorporatlon of the ".ect1oD 3 claUle" apacified by .action l3S.20(b) of the raaulatlou aDd ,.rearapb Cd) of thia aection iD .U CODtracta for work in CODMCt1OD with the project. Ibe Owner cert1fiea and .,ra.. that it u UDder DO CODtractual Or other .1IabiUty which would prevent .+'- it fna u.plY1D& with thale hlIutn.eDt.. ..... - ....'.-..-. -. - -12- 1mD-52S22n (8-80) ,.~ ..:.: '.-.: ". .., ... ""._~. . ,.. - . ~.. -.. - .. _.._...~ ._..--_._............_---_._-~ .~. -. -- . r ---.---------,- '~'----"'I- . ----( ~ , l./ - . (c~ Co=rli~~=t ~itt th~ provisio~s ~f secti~~ 3, tht rei~la:ions set fDr:: 1.. Z~ Cfh, Part 135, and .11 applicable rules a~~ oroerE 1ss~~c by t~: thereunder prior to ex~cution of this Cont~t, sh~ll be a conditi~~ ,: the federol financial assistance provide~ to the project, bindinf up~~ the Ow~er, 1ts contractors and subcontractors, its successors and assig:;! . F.il~re to fulfill these re~~ire~ents shell subject the ~,~L~. its contractors and subcontractors, its .uccessors. and assigns to th( .anctions .pecified by this Contract, and to luch a.nctions a5 art specifiec by 24 erR. Section 135.135. (d) The ~'ner shall incorporate or cause to be incorporated into ar.: c~~- tract cr .ubcontract fo:: work pursuant to this Agreet",t:nt in excess of 5- 50 . 0 a . c:" ~ :. t:; to f C' 11 0.: i n g c: h. '''; ~ ,; : .' " E~1?LOY~':::~;7 OF Pl.J.:'ECI ARLA RESIDE~TS A!\"D COKTRACTor.5 ), I .'t'A The work to be performed under this Contmct is on a project assisted under a program providing direct Federal financial \ ).. assistance fro~ Ht~ and is .ubject to the requirements of section 3 of the Housing and Urban DevelopM~nt Act of 1965, as I i a~end~d. 12 r.s.c. 17Qlu. Section 3 requiref the:, to th( greatest extent feasible, opportuni~ies for traininb anc em?lo)~ent b~ giver. lower~incomf residents of the project art:. and contracts for work 1n connection with the project be a~ard~= to business concerns which are located in, or owned in Bub~ i stantial part by persons residing in, the area of the project. I tiE The parties to this Contract will comply with the provi.ions of ; .ection 3 and the regulations i..ued pur.uant thereto by HUD as I aet forth in 24 CFR, Part 135, and all applicable rules and ; orders of HUD i..ued thereunder prior to the execution of this i Contract. The parties to this Contact certify and agree that they are under no contractual or other disability which would prevent them from complying with thele requirements. "C The contractor will .end to each labor organization or repre~ sentative of vorkers with which he bas a collective bargaining agreement or~her contract or under.tanding. if any, a notice advising the labor organization or vorkers' repre.entative of his commitment. under this .ection 3 cIau.e and .ball po.t copies of tbe notice in con.picuous place. available to employees and applicants for employment or t5aining. tlD The contractor viII include this .ection 3 clause in every aub- I contract for work in connection vith the project and will, at I the direction of the applicant for or recipient of Federal financial a..iltance, take appropriate action purluant to the I .ubcontract upon a finding that the .ubcontracto~ i& in I violation of regulation. i..ued by BUD, 24 CFR, Part 135. The contractor will not .ubcontract with any .ubcontractor ! where it has notice or knowledge that the l.tter h., been found in violation of regul.tions under 24 CFR, lart 135, and will not let any .ubcontract unle., the .ubcontractor ha, fir.t provided it vith a preliminary .tatement of ability to comply with the requirements of thue regulation.. "E C~pl1ance with the prov1aiOM of .ectlon 3, the regulatiolll .et forth in 24 CFR, Part 135, and all applicable rules and orders of BUD ia.ued thereunder prior to the execution of the Bou.ing Aa.iltance Paymenta Contract, .hall be . condition of the rederal fin.ncial a.ai.tance provided to the project, binding upon the Owner, it. contractor. and .ubcontractor., it. aucc.,.or., and ...lgOl. railure to fulfill theae requlrement. .hall aubject the Owner, it. contractora .ud aubcontractor., it. aUCC..lor., and ulien' to tho.e .anctloOl ap.cified by the Houaing Allhtance 'a)'menU Contr.ct, and to auch .anctiona ., .re apeclfled by - -. - 24 CFIl, .Sectlon 135.135." (e) 'ftle OVaer aare.. that it .111 be bound by thE above .ection 3 clauae vi~h r.ap.ct to it. own ~ploymant ,ractic.. when it partlcipate. 10 federally ...lated work. -1'. EUD~52S22D (S-~O\ +.- .' 0/-........... ".' ......,. -. . '- ~_.- ~, " ,...', :..,. .. .. .,. .... ~! J,... ..:. .,.._,~..'... , ____O--~_.___._~~_ n_..._ ".__U . '" ~ -... . - --.' ......... +-,--_....--~-.......-_.__.. .-.... - ------ - -- -,-- -.+ .~.. - ... -.. ~ . . ut' (: ,.___-'._.. . , . 2.14 Ti.OO:. r;~:'f;.':'_~;:::. (Se~ lection 1.4 for applicability.) . Th~ ~nfr agree' th&t the project will b~ covered, during its anticipated i econo~ic or U5eful liff, by flood inluranc~ in an amount at least equal to it. jevelop~ent or project cost (less e't~ted land cost) or to the maxi- mum li~it of coverage made available vith relpect to the particular tyPe of property undff the ~ational Flood lnsurancf Act of 1968, vhichever is les~. 2.15 CLEA~';; A!P. ACT A},'":) FrDtR-\L ~ATtR P()l!.t'Tl('1~; CO~~7R':': AC-:. (See .ection 1.4 fOf applici~ility of thi$ .ectioD.) In co~pliancf with regulations issu~d bi ti,t Er.":irCln:;'.i;:-.:al Pr"teetio~ Agtr~:') ("EPA"). 40 eFR. Part 15. pursuant to the Clean Air Act, as amendf~ ("Air Act"). 42 r.S.C. 7401. et Sfc., thE Teder.:.l h'aur Pollution Control Act, a' amended ("\o.'.ter Act"). 33 l'.S.C. 1251, Et Si;:.. an~ Executive Order l173~, the Owner afr~c!; (6! ~ot to utilize an) facility in th~ perforG.:.~c~ ~: ttis Contrac~ or a~. ,non~xe=.~: subcontractor Which is listed on the rp~ List of Violatir. . , ~!cl1itles pursuant to .ection 15.20 of the regulations; & i . (b) Pr~ptly to notify the CA of the receipt of any c~unication fro~ the . , EP;' incic.itint. that a facility to be utilized for the Contm:t is under ',~ considera ion to b~ lis~~~ on the EFA List of Violating Faci11t1e!; (c) To co::ply with all the requirements of .ection 114 of the Air Act a~d .ection 306 of the Water Act relating t~ inspection. monitorins, entf~. reports, and information, as well as all other requirements specified in lection 114 of the Air Act and .eetion 306 of the Water Act, and all . regulations and guidelines iSlued thereunder; and (d) To include or cause to be included the provisions of this Contract in ! every nonex~pt .ubcontract and take .uch action as RL~ may direct as a means of enforcing .uch provisions. , 2.16 REPORTS A~~ ACCESS TO PRE~lSES AND RECORDS. (a) The Owner .hall furnish any information and reports pertinent to this Contract a' reasonably may be required from time to time by HUD and the FHA (where the CA 15 a FHA). (b) The Owner shall permit HUD and the PHA (where the CA is a FHA) or any of their duly authorized repre.entatives to have access to the premi.es and, for the purpo.e of audit and examination, to have access to any books, documents, paper. and records of the Owner that are pertinent to compliance with this Contract, including the verification of information pertinent to the bousing als1stance payments~ 2.17 DlSPl.'TES. (a) For Pr1vate-Owner/FHA Pr01ectl: (I) Any di.pute concerning a que.tion of fact ari.ing under this Contract which cannot be re.olved by the FHA and the Owner may be .ubmitted by either party to the BUD Field Off1ce which viII promptly make . a decuion and furnuh a written copy to the Owner and the PHA. (2) The deci.ion of the Field Office viII not be reviewable unless, within 30 calendar day. from the date of receipt of the Field Office's determination. either party ..il. or otherwi.e furniahe. to BUD a written appaa1 with written ju.tifieation addre..ed to the Secretary of Boua in, and Urban Development. Both partie. sball proceed diliaent1y witb the performance of the Contract and in accordance vith the deci.toD of the Field Office pending re.olution of the appeal. (b) for Private-OWner!HUD or PHA-OwnlrrRUD Pr01ect.: I i Any di.pute coneerninl a ,ueatlon of fact arilin& under thl. Contract I whicb cannot be ruo1ved by aare..nt bewean the BUD Field OfUee .nd I the Owner ..y be .",bmitted by the Owner to the Secretary of Houling , and Urban Development. loth ,ertte. aball proceed dlUlently with the performance of the Contract aDd ill accordance with the decuion of the Field OfUce. peDd1n& l'Uolutlon of the appeal. . . - - BUD-52S22D (8-80) . -14- ... - .., . . ~ .~_ ...__ _..0 _ u.. ~- .. -' .-----.. -- .. (~ ._-- -i f _(~_ . . I . _u._,;. ~ . . . 2. H 1~:7!:~~-:- 0; ~:t:';B::,=. OFnc::r.:. OR r~~?~0YErS OF P,:....:,. HI~!~::::~.S OF t('c.~,: G(r"::-r."~". Y'J" Or O-i,T"f, p"n'~ OH'ClAlS ._,",'_.'~ ~ ... . J,,_'I. L.... . '" (a) Ko person or entity in the foll~'in& classes .hall have an inter~~:, , direct or indirect, in this Agreement or in any proceeds or ben~:lt~ arising fro~ it, durin& his or her tenure or for one year thereaftEf. (1) any member or officer of the PHA (~erc it is the CA or th~ Owner), except where his or her interest is a, tenant; ( 2) (1) any Ulplo\"ee of the FHA (\o1heJE: it is the CA or the Owner~ \o-!-.CI , formulate~ policy or influences decisions \o1ith respect to the .eetion 8 project; (1i) anv other employee of the PHA (where it is the CA or the , I " Ow~er), except \o1here hi, or her interest if as a tenant; \, . ;. . (3) an..' member of the governing body or the execut iVE: officer of the 10~ality (city or county) in \o1hich the project is 'ituated; ~.. (4) any member of the governinz body or executive officer of the locality (city or county) in which the PHA (\o1here it is the CA or the Owner) \o18S activated; : (5) aDY other State Of local public official (including Stet~ i legislators), who exercises any functions or responsibilities ~itL - respect to the .eetion 8 project; (6) any PHA (which is not the CA), where any of its members, officers, or employees has a personal interest in the project, including an interest by reason of membership on the board of the PHA which is the CA (except an employee ~o does oot formulate policy or influ- ence decisions with respect to the .ection 8 project may have an interest as a tenant). (b) Members of the classe. de,cribed in paragraph (a) who involuntarily acquire an interest in the .eetion 8 program or in a .ection 8 project, or who had acquired prior to the beginning of their tenure any .uch interest, must di.close any interest or pro.pective interest to the FHA (where it is the CA or the Owner) and the HUn Field Office, and may, with appropriate ju.t1fication, if consistent with State la~. ; apply to the HUn Field Office (through the PH.A where it is the CA) for a waiver. Any other reque.t, for waivers of paragraph (a) must be referred to the HOD Headquarters,vith appropriate recommendations I from the Field Office,for a determination of whether a waiver viII I I be sranted. I I (c) No per.on to whom a waiver i. &ranted .hall be permitted Cin his I or her capacity as member of . cIa,s de.cribed in paragraph (a)) : ; to exerci.e re.pon.1bilities or function. with re.pect to an Agree- 8ent or a ContrlCt executed, or to be executed, on hi. or bel' behalf, or with re.pect to an Aareemeot or . Contract to which thta per.on 1s a party. Cd} The Owner .hall in.ert in .11 contract., .ubcootractl, and arranaement. entered into in connection with the project or any property included or planned to be tucluded in the project, and .ball require it. contractors and .ubcontractor. to in.ert La each of the .ubcontract., the pro- .1Iioo. of paraarapb. Ca) throuJh Cd}. ee) 'lbe prOVllioD.l of paraarapb. ea) throuah Cd) of ebb ..ctteD .ball DOt . apply to a utility .ervice if the rate. are ftaed or controlled by a Joveromental aleney or appUcab~e 'to the nepo.iury "-,relment. 2.19 INTEREST OF MEMBER OF OR DELEGATE 10 CX>NCRESS. 10 -.ber of or d.l.,at. to the Coacr... of the Unit.d State. of "'rica or ".1dent coaaJ..a.loner .hall be admitted to ADY .bare or part of thiJI Contract or to My ....fiU lIbich ..y ariae fna it. -IS.. m",.. 'I'Ut 't -. ,.. _ A, ~u.LL:..:~,-"":"::',.~, ,..:.., '; __,'. ,_" .._ . _"':::'~_J__......"::"........~,_~":'.L,:,,;,t:';'~h!j~:.::':';'':'''''''''j,'~S~~.~Lt~/' '.JJ' ,)- ... .. . . -- .. ~.~ - --~-- ... ---- +..... -. . .. -,-- . 1 , .,.i ... - . . . ( , I . l.J - . . . . . . .C-.c:.......,...... C.=.''f" 01\ FOR!C'OS'~<:> .:.. . _ _ {. r ~ _ ~..,....I.r _ '\..:.. ... . . _ .. - 10,. . 'f- 'II t~' !~~ ~.~~= &8r~es thet it has not made and ~ill not make any lale, . .s~iFr~c~:, or conveyance or transfer ir. any faitio~. of this Co~trG'" Le Agnemer:t. the ACe (if applica~le~. or t;-.e project or .r:::. pert c! . t:.e- or a::' of its interest in tbe::.. wit:.out t;.f prior vri Her. tor:se:::' & "':..-" :a::c the PS~ w~ere it ls the C/.). Eo\o'ever, ir. ti.e case of a:: o. ..._ assign~tnt as lecurity for the purpose of obtainin~ financing of the project, Hl~ (and the FHA where it is the CA) Ihall consent in writin~ if h~~ has approved the terms of the financint. (b) The ~'ner agrees to notify H1~ (and the PHA where it 15 the CA) propptly of any proposed action covered by paragraph (a) of this .eetion. The Owner further agrees to request the prior written consent of B~~ (ane the FHA where It is the CA). , (c) (l~ FOl purposes of this .ecHon, a lEile, assignment. conveyance, or transfer includes but is not lir.ited to one or more of th~ follo\:ing: ~, A transfer by the Owner. in whol~ or in pa='. (i) (ii , A transfer by a party having a lubstanthl intere~ t. ir. tll' ~'ner , (iii) Transfers by. more than one party of interests ag~regatin& a substantial interest in.the Owner. .' I (iv) Any other .1milarly .ignificant change in the ownership of interelts in the Owner, or in the relative distri bution of interelt. by any other method or means, and (v) Any refinancing by the Owner of the project. (2) An assignment by the Owner to a limited partnership, in which no limited partner has a 25 percent or more interest and of which the Owner il the .ole ,eneral partner. .hall not be conlidered an assignment, conveyance. or transfer. An a'lignment by one or more general or limited partners of a limited partner.hip interest . to a limited partner, who will have no more than a 25 percent interest, ,hall not be considered an assignment. conveyance, or transfer. (3) The term ".ub.tantial intereat" lleanl the interest of any I general partner, any limited partner having. 25 percent or more interest in the organization, any corporate officer or i director, and any .tockholder h.ving a 10 percent or more , interest in the orla~ization. I (d) The Owner and the party .ian1ng this Contract on behalf of the Owner represent that they h.ve the authority of all of the parties having ownerlhip interelts in the Owner to alree to thi. provision on their behalf and to bind them with re.pect to it. I (e) Escept Where othervi.e approved by BUD, thil Contract. the Acreament. ~nd the ACC (if applicable) .hall continue in effect and houaing I lluhtance paymentl will continue in accordance w:lt h the ter1115 of the Contract io the event: I (1) Of a.silnmant, 'ile, or other 41.po.ition of the project or thil , Contract. the Aare~ent, or the ACC. (2) Of foreclo.ure, includiol for.clo.ure by BUD. . (3) Of .Islgnm.otof the aort,lae or deed in lieu of foreclo.ure. _.- ... .. (4) 'lbe PBA Dr IIUJ) take. OVer po.....iOD. operatlon or ovnenhip, (5) Th. Owner prepay. the IIDnp,.. -16- BUD-52S22D (8-80) ':\ ~<'.. :..:: '..;~\ ',.~,_ ' 'i. ',' .,'.'..; '. '.:...::.....:'.,...._~:,"~~,~.~. _.......,:,.,~_. '.....",..":,.,.'..:: :'.":o.,\i,...::';",,'_ ~~ ..._.','_.....,...~..... ...'. .,........., .".,_'."_~m:.. .. ..:: ' :~,., -".' ,..,..._..~ .,." .',~, ~....I...~..",'~-'".,'....." ." ...~.. J _.. . -.- _.. . .( _-::..-.--- - - . , f . l~.'; . -( '- . . " -. ..---. . , . . 2.21 r::-.:::.: r:~. A~\)' 0:: 0\\':::;.. . . ( E. ' L ~'.'::'c:LtL PH;. DE:f&~lts uncE:r Contract (for Priva~e~cr...:,,:,,~. . - ~ . P~' ;1"~.~t.':'~f . rl' rVE:~t~ of Defa~lt. thE: occurrenCE: of any of the fol~o'.:in~ eVE::::!, if tr.E: O....nH if not in def~;Jlt, 1& defined as a defAwl t undf:r tt.L AC(": \i, Ii the PliA fails to perform or observe any te~ or co~- ditio~ of this Contract; (ii \ If the Contrict 1$ held to be void, voida~le, or ultra v1ru.; Ciii) If the po~er or right of the PHA to enter into thE: Con- tract is dra~~ into question in any legal proceeding; Of , " (iv) If the PHA asserts or claims that the Contract is not .\ binding upon the PHA for any such reason. ,. (2) ~'ner Request for HrD Determination of Default. ~. If the Owner believes that an event as .pecified in paragraph (a)(l) has occurred, and the Owner is not in default, thE: Owner may, within 30 days of the init1el OCCurrencE: of the event: ( i) ~otify HrD of the occurrenCE: of the eventi (11) Provide supporting evidence of the default anc 0; th~ fac~ that the Owner is not in default; and (i1i) Request HL~ to determine whether there has been a default. (3) HrD Determination of Default and Curin~ of Default. HL~, after notice to the PHA giving it a reasonable opportunity to take corrective action, or to demonstrate that it is not in default, shall make a determination whether the PHA h in default and whetLer U.e Owner is not in default. If HUD determines tha the FHA is in default and that the Owner is not, Hun ahall take appropriate action to require the FHA to cure the default. If nece,.ary for the prompt continuation of the project, Hun .hall a.sume the PRA', rights and obligations under . the Contract, including any funds. HUD .hall continue to pay annual contributions with respect to the units covered by this Contract 1n accordance with the ACe and this Contract until reassigned to the FHA. All rights and obligations of the PHA a.sumed by Hun will be returned as constituted at the time of the return: I ( i) When Hun 1& aatlsfled that all defaulta have been cured and that the project viII thereafter be administered 10 accordance with all applicable requirement', or (U) When the Contract 1. at an end, whichever occurs aooner. (4) Enforcement by Owner. Tbe pravi.lon. of thil paragraph (a) are ~de for the benefit of the Owner, the lender, the PHA ~ere it 1. the lender aud then only in it. capacity as lender, and the Owner'. other l.a1Ina." If any, who have been .pecifically approved by BUD prior to the a..llument. Thale provi.iona ahall be enforeeable by th.ae partie. alain.t HUD by auit at law or In equity. (b) BfRhts of PH! and BUD if Owner Default. under Contract. . ........ (1) Event. of Default. .. defau! t by tha Owner unclar thie Contract ahall "'l'elul t if: . I (1) !be OvDer hat nolated or faUed to COIIply with any proviaion of, or obliaation UDder, &hi. Contraet or of any Laa.e, lDcludtna failure to cor~ct any 'eficiencies .... -m" ."I""'ttI I..-n' ~ j"",~,~.,,~, . ,w,..,.,.... ....:I.HI, ~'.' .:~ J.,....I, , <: < .",.,. ','.,~'- - - - . ......~ ,.. .-..- , r ( ,;.-..---.-- '. , · -c · . , -~. - . ( , , . - . 1d~ntifi~~ by th~ CA in ConnE:tio~ ~itt anv annuel ~r othEr in5p~ct10n; or . tii ' n.c O\.'n~r has .,serted ot' de.."':lonstratt:d an inter.tio" n;.t to perfo~ 'omf or all of its o~liiatio..s under ttif Contract or under any Leas~; or ~iii' Tor projects ~ith mortgages insurec by Hro or loa~s u.a~~ by HL"D, the Owner has violatec or failed to co~rly ".it!. the ngt.:lations for th~ applicable insuranc~ or loa:-. pro~r=.:.., with the insured mortgage, or with thE regulatory agree.":".(:'",:; or the- O\.mer has filee ar.y false 6tate::"e:-:t or :..isH~'H:h:.:.. tio~ ~ith HCD in connectio.. with the mortgage ins~ranc~ or loa:-.. , :2\ CA Determinatior. of Defau]~. , " Lpon a determination by the CA that a default has occurrt=. th~ \ G. shi: 11 notify the O\:ner and the lender. with 8 COP)' to HL"D I ,- ",'hE; Tf thE; CA' is a PHA I of \ (i) The nature of the default, , .~ ( ii) The actions t'equired to be taken and the remedies to be I applied on account of the default (including actions by I I the Owner andlor the lender to cure the default), and , (iil) The time within which the Owner and/or the lender shall responc with a showing that all the required actions haVe I been taken. If the Owner an~/or lender fail to respond or take action to the satisfaction of the CA (an~ BUD where the CA Is a FHA). the CA Ihall hav~ the right to take corrective action to achieve com. pIiance, in accor~ance with paragraph (b)(3) or to terminate this Contract with Hl~ approval. in whole or In part. or to take other cot'rective action to achieve compliance In it. di.cretion. or as directe~ by HUD (where the CA is a PHA). (3) Corrective Actions. Pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this .ection the CA, In its dis. crE;tion or as directed by HUD (where the CA 15 a PHA). may take the following corrective action, either directly or in con. junction with or acting through a FHA: ( i) Take pOIs.slion of the project, bring any action oecellary to enforce any rights of the Owner crowing out of the project opet'ation. and operate the project in accordance with the terms of this Contract until .uch time al BUD determines that the Owner 11 again in a po.ition to operate the project in accordance with this Contract. If the CA takes pOI.e..ion. housing a.si.tance payments .hall continue in accordance with the Contract. (U) Collect all rent. and chat'ses in connection vith the operation of the project and uae the.. fundi to pay the aece.,ary exp.nae. of pra.e:v1na the property and oper.tins the ~Tojecl and to pay the Ovnet". obliaa- tionl under the DOte and aortaase or other loan documenta . (iii) Apply to any court, State or Federal, for .pacific per. formance of thi. Contract, for an injunction aaainlt any violation of the Contract, for the appointment of a receiver to take ovar and operate the project in accordance with the Contract, or for auc.h other relief a. ..y be approprilte. Tha.e remedi.. are approprilte .inca the injury to the IHA and/or BUD arb1n& frGlll a 'efault un4et' any of the t.~ of thi. Contract could, be irreparable aDd the 8mQunt of ....ae would be difficult to ..certain. . _. , -18- IUD-S2S22D (8-10) ... ~~. ,... . '., r. ...... ,.- . . .~.~.- - --. -. ... .. .. ..- .. ~ -.,.., .... .~... - --- _______ r~ " T -, -,r · , .. Li ( . . ' , . . . -- (h') Reduct or susptnd housing assistance pa)~entl. (v) Recover any ovtrpa)~ent!. (~' lr~.:' Ri t: . :.: ~ , (for PrivHe-w~H 'PL'" pr.:- 5tcU vtlEre tht- Pr_~ is tht 1encit:r. \ (i I ~otwith5tanding any other provisions of this Contract, i~ the event HL"D deter.nines that the (h.:ner is in debul t of its obligations under the Contract, HrD shall bavt the right, .fter notice to the Owner, the trustee, if any, I and the PHA giving thee a reasonable opportunity to taKe corrective action, to proceed in accordance wit~ paragrap.; (bj (3' . . ,. , } (ii) In the ,vent H~D takes any action under this leetiou, t1 i I Owner and the FHA hereby expressly agree to recognize ti..: I rights of HL~ to tbe l&me extent as if the action were taken ; J by the PHA. Ht~ shall not bave the right to terminate the .' Contract except by proceeding in accordance with paragrap~s (b) (1) , (2), and (3) of this .eetion and with the ACC. (c) Re=.edies ~ot Exclusive and Non-~alver of Remedies. The availability of any remedy under this Contract or the ACe, where applicable, sh,ll not preclude the exercise of any other remedy under this Contract or the ACe or under any provisions of l.~, nor .hall any action taken in the exercise of any remedy be considered a waiver of any other rights or remedies. Failure to exercile any right or remedy .ball not con- stitute a waiver of the right to exercise that or any other right or remedy at any time. 2.22 RELA !10~SP.H' OF PARr~n tl\T1TY FHA AS O\-.~"'tR TO AGENCY OR INSTRUMEKTALlTY PHA Uh~ER PART 811. The Parent Entity FHA agrees to perform the functions with regard to the Agency or Instrumentality FHA required by tbe BUD regulations pursuant to which the relationship between the two PHAs va. ..tabliihed and to I which HL~ approved the Agency or Instrumentality FHA. . - - - . . t -19.. . BUD..52S22D (8..80) . , . .. " :N ," 'Wi' ~ Jj I I ~ c' *. (.< 11.\.) /~ r , .. ,\,!I~ r PROJECT NO: MT99-0054-014 AMENDMENT NO: 3 (HAP) u.s. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT SECTION 8 HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS PROGRAM AMENDMENT TO THE HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS CONTRACT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE CITY OF BOZEMAN AND GREENWOOD PLAZA ASSOCIATES This Amendatory Agreement entered into on JUN 21 1994 (the date of execution by the Government), by and between the United States of America acting through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (herein called the "Government"), pursuant to the united States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, ~2 U.S.C. ~ 1437 et seq. (hereLl called the "Act"), and t~e Housin.g and Urban Development Act, 42 D.S.C. S 3531, and the CITY OF BOZEMAN (herein called the "PHA"), which is the "public housing agency" as defined in the Act, and GREENWOOD PLAZA ASSOCIATES (herein called the "Owner") . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Government, the PHA and the Owner executed a contract on March 10, 1982, known as the Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Contract (herein called the "Contract") as amended; and, WHEREAS, the Government, the PHA and the Owner desire to further amend the Contract. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual benefits to the parties hereto, it is hereby agreed that the Contract be and is hereby amended as follows: ACe/HAP CONTRACT LIST NUMBER AND DATE is amended by adding "as amended by D-94-030 dated May 16, 1994." Section 1. 1 (c) , Maximum Annual Contract Commitment, is amended and, effective July 1, 1993, the maximum amount of the housing assistance commitment shall be $453,360. This amendment shall be effective July 1, 1993. EXCEPT AS HEREIN AMENDED, the Contract dated March 10, 1982, between the parties shall remain in full force and effect. - - ... ~ l' ... It . :. I .- t \ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Government, the PHA and the Owner have caused this Amendatory Agreement to be executed as of the date first above written. PHA: CITY OF BOZEMAN 9 ~{~~' BY: ' .\, '}1i~ 2..1. ~~Q~'~ itle tell DATE: r-, ...~ / 0- 7 'f OWNER: GREENWOOD PLAZA ASOCIATES ~ iJ U.y 11/ t-- By: '", 7~1.e' ,-" . ,- ,---~~ ~-1,d ;9 ;L/),fL(-"~"2_, ...........--_,-_.._--,~~~~--~~--- . Title /"} 19'y" f Date: yl~f'L,.( f- , ;/ / APPROVED: By: Director - Office 0 ousing Rocky Mountain (Denver) Date: JUN 21 1994