HomeMy WebLinkAbout55- City/County Agreement for jail - - . : ... THE CITY OF BOZEMAN MONTANA 8 November 1966 County Commissioners Gs 11s tin County Bozeman" Montana Gentlemens This letter is presented 88 a proposal and, if accepted by you, is to oon- stitute an agreement between the City of Bozeman and Gallatin County rela- tive to keep1nt) .frisoners 01 the City of" Bozeman in the Ga.lhtin County jail. Bozeman's oity jail la inadequate to provide maximum seourity for dangerous prisoners, it does not have matron services to properly care for women prisoners, and it does not have adequate bathing or other facilities to oare for ,frisoners who are sentenced to serve more than a few days. 0009.6 ions when the City ot Bozemer.l hS8 such prisoners Is infrequent but it is hereby requested that authority be granted by you to fleee and keep such prisoners in the G811atin County jail. \Then tutd if frisou..,rs sentencecl in the Polioe Court of the City of Bozeman are fIaoea and kept in the Gell"tin County je.ll, the City of Bozeman will pay to Gflllet~n CQuoty the sum. of One end 7{)/lOO Dolbrs per de,y for bos rd plus such other incidental and actus_l expense as may be required for the keeping of such }.,.risoners. Respectfully yours, :#%~ .. W. G. LOWE, Mayor Bozeman, Montana November 9, 1966 Bacill[. and keeping prisoners in Gallatin County je.il in accordanoe with the terms and conu1tions set fbrth in the foreboing letter is hereby authorized and approved. COUNTY CmMISSION~RS of GALLi',1'I.N COUNTY ~;?~ By '-;n- ( /~ Chairman