HomeMy WebLinkAbout90- Library Services Contract "- ',\,!, ': ,. ! . I ( . . . ~ -. . .- ..' LIBRARY SE;RVICES CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into on the 29th doy of October , 1990, by ond between the Boord of - County Commissioners of' Gollotin County, hereinofter referred to ~s "the County", ~nd the 8o~rd of Libr~ry Trustees of the City or Town of, Bozeman , Bozeman , Montano, herein~fter referred to 05 "the Librory". W I T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, the County desires to provide librory services for rur~l residents of Goll~tin County, ond the Library he s e><isting librory f'acilities; ond, WHEREAS, Section 22-1-315, MeA, provides that the County ond the Library may enter into 0 controct by which the free public library of the city named above shell 1 assume the functions of 0 county-free librory within Go!lllotin County; NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed os follows: 1 . In return for payments to be mode by the County, the Librory sholl mak.e available to all rural county residents the services provided by their libr~ry; 2, The County wi 11 levy, pursuont to their sto!ltutory authority, 0 mill levy of their determino!ltion, not to e><ceed .!..2. mills, to be used specifically for public libraries; 3. The Libro!lry sh~ll receive -from the revenues of the County mill levy all revenues o!lvoiloble ond remainine o!lfter c~unty mill levy funds hove been distributed to libraries located , "' . . . . . ~ in Belgrode, Monhotton, Three Forks ond West Yellowstone per their individuo!ll contro!lcts, and 115 of any non-to!lx revenues exhib,l ~~ t'- estimoted to be received by the county; nr 1i11t. d1. "d If f3 II rd (, ~JS 4. By enterini into this oireement, the Librory)I!r:1 provides throuih E><hibit "A" o!lttoched hereto. notificotion to the County by the iovernina body of the city in which the Librery is locoted. of 0 request to e><clude the property of the incorporoted city or town of BozeQ:l~n , Montono, from liebility for to><es under the County library mill levy; 5. The Library hereby o!lcknowledges I!lnd holds hormless the County -for the fo!lilure of the County to collect all possible tox revenue po!lyoble to the Librory pursuont to this controct. The Librory acknowledges the possibility of delinquent C!lnd IC!lte ta><es which I!lre beyond the control of the County. Any such delinquent and ll!lte texas which are payeble to the Library shtJll be credited to the account of the Library. ~nd any such tl!lxes recovered o!lfter the term of this agreement sho!lll be p.:!lid to the Library; 6. The Library shell edminister the Library in such " manner os to B><tend the 50mB libr.:!lry privileges to the ruro!ll residents of G~llo!ltin County outside the incorporoted limits of the city or town mo!lintoinin2 the Libro!lry subject to this contract o!lS ore enjoyed by city or town residents; 7. The duro!ltion of this contrect sholl be for 0 period oT one (1) from dote of its , year the 8><ecution; - . .-- ..~.. __ ..... n7~'",_._' _ - - - - _. u.. ~.' ... ."_'~,J " ...~._--,',..''''- . . . . . ... 8. The terms of' this controct moy be elltered only upon written consent of' both po!lrties heretoj 9. This controct mo!lY be termin~ted by either porty hereto, upon si>< (6) months written notice of' intention to do 50. DATED this 29th doy of October , 1990. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF GALLATIN COUNTY OF Bozeman PUBLIC LIBRARY Bozeman MONTANA , by: &rI~-f'./JB- by: ~M d (i:~ RAMON S. WHITE, Chairmon ~~. ~~ "~f "NE JEL [J' 4 C! /~ -1~~ A. D. PRUItT, Member ATTEST: )j, t'lltr !!t.. SHELLEY M. 6H NEY Clerk ond Recorder . , , ,. Exhlbit "BlI . GALLA TIN COUNT y j~O~JTAU^ \.-..:::" i , Il~!.JU6~_ Pf3_~f.:!' ~A T) q~. i.JOnt~_S_HEE T __ _ ___ _ h___ __ ___ _ ___ _ _ . _ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _. _. _ n _ __ _' -( -- . -- .- 10':::''-:::1-00 1':::":::'9-'-':)- l ... '-'.. .. .. '-,., ./ - " -- TOI_~L_~:D.? "L_~:2~~.~''\lP__(I~ D_EPT_B~!)UEST_'pF:E~ _!..~ I NAR'y __F.:.! !.j~L E:L~GET - (THRU VIE> I I ( - --~--~-- ----------- --------- 44,941 44,941 4:::,:::4:;: t ~_______~?,3:31_ _____ Z!~:=:l __ 4,552 8,507 :3,5...)7 ------11-;266------- _. 51=:0 .-, ",,~,) 4 --7-' ~ L ,. _~ .:.:... , _f._I'\:, ,.:::. ~ ~ 4,465 4,465 4,655 ,; ----62-;84-4- h____ tS2, 844---- --- 73, 5.:J~- - - --- ._______ 62,844 62,844. 73,594 '._ C - -. ---.-- ~~_. -- - ----- ; I _( I . I ,-- --( :.C r- --- I . · -------- - ----" "------- . --~ ----~---. :~e ----.- ~._- - .; Q ~~----_. -- <- ... . -~~ "'- o P 4 I II- .. I I,. EXHIBIT "A" NOTICE OF EXEMPTION FROM COUNTY LIBRARY TAX TO: The Board of County Commissioners of Gallatin County FROM: The Governing Body of the City or Town of Bozeman , Gallatin County, Montana. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the City or Town of Bozeman , Gallatin County, Montana, has entered into a Library Services Contract with Gallatin County by which the free public library of the City or Town shall assume the functions of a coun- ty free library within Gallatin County. Pursuant to paragraph 4 of that contract, the City. or Town of Bozeman , Montana, hereby requests that the property of the incorporated City or Town be excluded from liability for taxes under the Gall- atin County library mill levy. DATED this .Jll.h.. day of November , 19jJL. B .~ ;D (,). Qo' y., _ ""'-\r--\~' " '---./' \.AJ :yo ~. J.-:..~ c- - CITY MANAGER Title