HomeMy WebLinkAbout46- Sunset Hills Cemetery Property , ,. w .-1.- , . ,. . AGREEJv<F,}TT AS TO STHTSRT EILLS C~~,:C;:T'''Rv PPOH~RTY, T3Y ri-ALL.t\. 'l'IN LODGR NO. 6, A, F. ?r A. t( . and The City of Boz flrnan , ~,~Ol1t8na _... THIS AGRrmMENT, ~fade and entered into the 16th (Ia y of l\~arcL, 1946, by and be tween Galla tin Lod Q'e Fo. 6, Ancient, FrflA and Accepted Masons, (hereinafter designated 8nd referred to 8S "TFB LODGE"), and THE CITY OF' BOZm:'AN, a munidpsl corporation of Tc"<; ,ST'\'I\;: UP FOi'!'IANA in Gallatin County (hereinafter referred to and desir:na ted9s "The Ci ty") witnesseth: THE CITY, ap:rees to defray all costs of maintenance, consisting of wa terfng, mowing of grass and suchgpneral care as is given other p8rts of th2 ceFl~:;tcr;r on thA followinp: described burial lots in whicti the LodD'e still holds blJrial rights, to-wit: Lot.s in Block A, B, C, D, '" F, and G of the first Masonic " , CarY'e ter,', and lots in Blocks 3, 10, and 15 in tha t part of the Cemetery known as the OLI) MAS0NIC CE~T':~TT'~RY. This 8.9'reernen t to be ,Q'overned by the by-laws of said Ceme tery R09rd actinv for the City ~r any State Law with the followin~ provisions: 1. That all moneys received by the City for the sale of burIal riE"hts in the before mentioned blocks, become the proper t~~i of said City. 2. That no plantin~ of trees or shrubs be allowp.d wi tllOlJ t the sanction or slJperv1sion of said C1 ty, or their authorized arrent. :'i . All moneys received for permanent care and annual care to be retained by sAid City. 4. The City shall h8ve 8yclusive sale of lots provided, however, that no lots shall be s01d to any pprson lJIltil such sale has first been approved by the Lodve Secretary or some other person designated by the Lod iJe . IN 1NITNd:~~"s WV{~FEOF TFE CITY WI,S CAUSED TIUS AGREEML'NT '1'J BE EXECUTED O}! ITS BEHALF BY ITS BAYOR AND CLERK OF THE CITY COMVISSION, the relln to duly authorized and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto; ann The Lodge has caused it to be executed on its behalf by its duly elected, ol1alified and 8.ctinr- trll~.tees t}'8r'~1~~to d'117T'3ut!"orizeo and its Lodge seal to be affixed hereto, all as of tlu s 12th ciay of April, 1946. A t te s t : TEE CITY OF BOZ1~MAN THE C I'I'Y OF BOZ17)1fAN Bv .T. II. Healy)Signed, ~~a yor. SFAT.'OAN (Signed) ,I ~- By L. G. Clerk of the Oi ty Commie:::d on GALLATIN LonGE NO. 6 A.8'.& A.M. GALLATIN LOTJGE NO. 6. A.F. t A. ~r. by Desse Bradley (Signed) . By Howard Shoemaker (Signed Rasmus C. Jensen (Signed) Secre tary Kenne th ]'v'. Jones (Signed) Its Trus tees. 1 ! . - . .. ." . ABREEMENT AS TO SUNSET HILLS CEMETERY PROPERTY. BY. GALLATIN LODGE No.6, A. F. &. A. M. and THE CITY OF BOZEMAN THIS ~GRl:EMENT. M-.do -a.:n-'i- .nttiHd.lnto the 16th d.ay ot MarQb.19~6. bJ and between Gallatta Lodge No.6, Ancient. Free and Aooepted Maeone, (hereinafter designated and referred to ae 'THE LODGEI).and THE CITY OF BQZEMAN,a munioipal oorporation of THE STATE OF MONTANA in Gallatin count~ (hereinafter referred to and de81gnate~ a. 'THE CITY' . witnesseth: THE CITY,agreee to defray all ooate of maintenanoe, oonlisting of watering.mow1ng of ira.',end sueh general care a.s till given eth.1" parte of the oemetery on the follo1J1na d...l'ibed bur1al lote in whioh the Lodge at111 holds burial rights.to Wit: Lota in block A. B. 0, D. E, F, and G of the flr.t Ma80nic Cemetery,and lots ln Blocks ). :LO. and. 15 ln that part of the oemetery known &s the OLD MASONIC CEMETERY. This agreement to be governed by the by-laws of laid Cemetery Board aoting tor the City or aRY State Law with the following prov1sions: 1. That all money. reoeived by the City for the eale of buria.l right. in the before mentioned block., beooli:. the property of Bald City, 2. That no planting of tree. or Bhrub.be allowed. without the aantlon or 8upervi8ion of 8&1<1 City,or their a. uthor ise d agent, ,. All moneya reoelved for permenant care and annual oare to be retained by lald City. ~. The City ahall have exoluelve 8&le of lota provided. however, tha.t no lots shaJ.lbe Bold to any perlon until .uoh sale has f1rst been approved by the LODGE SECRETARY or 80me other per.on delignated by the Lodge. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE CITY HAS CAUSED THIS AGREEMENT TO BE EXECUTED ON ITS BEHALF BY ITS <MAYOH AND CLERK OF THE CITY COMMISSION, thereunto duly authorized anl1 1 tl oG:rpora1:ie leal to. be aft'lx.d.- here..to;-and-The-"-l,odgs b8.lIt-caused 1 t . to b6 tiX8out-ed on its behalf by 1ts d.uly e1ected.Qua.11:fieu and aoting truatees thereunto duly authorize~ and ita Lodge seal to be aff1xed her.to,All a8 of this 12th day of April. 1946. ATTEST: THE CI~ , Mayor ~ By By;. ._ E NO.6,A.F.&.A.M. Clerk of the C1 ty Con,misiJ n. ~MI ~{ ::N::::;~A.M. .J j( x I <L? I!-Lbl.... 4-f ~ Secretll1:'i.