HomeMy WebLinkAbout51- Western Star Lodge No. 4 Independent Order of Oddfellows . c.- .. . . -. . ~ . " ~\. r: ",~-l ~ j~ I~ i; :'; lj'; ---------.........-- I '-; ':-'I d.. ;.:~'~_,,~..;':'~;',~... ~.; 'I', ., .-~,,:-;, ''\ Lllj,j U Ii t C .r',-; ::1 i (It c this illh_.day of June, ~, I (., '"..(.0 , T' l' ., b}' ~~,_ rlcl "be t ',10 011 The C i t:I r> ._020'.111.8.1'1. , Ct 1::"1. ,..~.~.'l,j, C.:. :..> ~.\, 1 :; e'er' ur- ~.1. .. ~)... , . .L, C.:. ';.. t ::"'.,1.'. " ' .-, _~ 11 '- ,- ~ ~: :~ 0:"1:1 ty, "ontan3, t~'lO ~).:l rty of' t~.'-:e i'I:<~t pDrt, , >.:; J';;: L)I ft or c:,-llcd tl,i.e CltJ, QYld .Jc3tcrn Star Lodge hOe I; ~- '..1,., '.'n 1 '-1- .l...J....L .,1 U :..' t... (\o- J ~ "(,.., +- 8rJ ~~ 1') I..) (' \': <:, j :';:~ c.~ 11 0\';/ S c~ 1"' ~:,~ (_0 =. \..,;~'Vl :''."l.,~,'...: J .. - ~." t< ;.,t .' .:.,1,: , .!.':~ :.n .),~1 t't :..r n P ':.-.1-"') r~ :.:; <.Ocr_A ."', ! .,:';''<Ll:,'t'' "C' c:~11ed ti18 LuciLe. .. ~ .." ,.v 1- 1 I" :l" Q 3 ~ ~' :-'r"I E: -.. ,'.j l.,.J ,-) ." .L ..-r!~ . ~~"j {,.~:\ S , t110 Lu '0 noVl o (~V 118 ;,locks A to N, Inc TUB i ve, and :~',loc]~ P, .;.~ , m1d H of Sun30t J:Tills 8 0rne ta IlI;T in the City of ,_, G::~ cm~ nrl , : \~J Ii t CL~la , c (."11".':.'; r :,j, s1.[}r.',: \'ll--~n. t iJ knmv:l il S the IoU.C.P. section o f 2 ni d CeriG tary; and :''''1),1:; ~ Li; i:~ ~~i~ S , the s [11 (; of 10t:3 . ., section enJ the l:e er>ini~ of n:'.i..I. S~J.Q tl. e lleco.eds -J.' :J u c11 ;) ~:.:',.l e s Lave ~l er.,~,o f'ore been handled 0y tL_o Lodc_:e, f'<.' ~'\ C i tJ 1-;"1 V ill,; ~='.n of fi ci 8.1 r e cord of only ~:;UC}l 10ts iYl said sec- ,-,_I......." t.i CJ-~ .1 ':]. v.r "; '~ .i.. ;':~ '!,'l l; ;, ,~.. 1" J. .r1 J ~ 1'Lr.1 V C~ be ~~;': 1 >~'~H de,; ond -.'"J_. . ,~:{ ~<~/~S , b ~r v..; 1"' b 'j l ~-:I-_l"18C.: ~C~"lt il~ld tacJ. t urd e 1'3 brld inc , ti.l0 Lodgo 11rl G been ;Y\Y in:..:: t1.1e C1 ty S.::ven ty Fi ve C,j;7 5.00 ) .J01 h~r s ~l (~ l~ year in return for general care of its see ti on; and '. - ~-, . . . - ~ ~ - :j',: ,~ ....., tic I.,l..", ,1.,""(;; ,~~:; u.;~,~ ::_1, ~ 11::1... ~ L ::: In 2: U .: d scctlot.;. r.". .., L I.,.'.) , ..:.,.., , :",) .L .J ....: .,L ~~ 1:.:' . () 0 ~~~ ". c ;.'.:'~ , u11 O!:l ~;.T.~ '., ..:" C 11 ..L~ ,..1 r) iJ. s [;:L: Lodt-;e rc t eJ_J.rc s , t:"l e (~.~ .!- ',7 , r, C r.ll~r ,.) _1. '.!.) kJ incc }:: C I'rc)'": t:l.L:: 3 C c t:t 0 n , in cJdl Li cn to tIle ;i 7':; . 00 8.nnun "11:I ;' f 01";)- ,',j , , t:1. 0 n cd, , . f'r orn individual annual care )syment s [:.(1 ,:1 froJn i:::1- o c ~~. 1"1 :__~: toro:" t Ul':i. .~~ c: r~1artCll t c r,_ 2'3 funds C,; t:"1O s e lots on ,,,,hi cL annual OP 'Jor- :::JE.nc n t (;C\Y'u has bec:l -paid; and ~cr:.,~, .;~c ~L1.c:Ji\. S , it i3 tLe mutua 1 d 83 ::.1'e of -che ;)srties hCI'dto to a~n - '.) 1 i fy 8.:,jd f1, :!:lO :" 1 ~l t~1i s a;:reenlGnt anl to reduce tb_e s D.l::1C te, N r i tin:: . T': ,I."<,'f T~'T~,"~;~~~':~:~'FOT:{.~ , i:::1 cons i dera ti O~l of the p_ce:::nis es , It is !;]U tu [lIly ,., \hV a I~C e G. botween t ~'l (~ )u1'ties heroto as fo llows, to '/Vi t: 1- 'T~.lc Lo :12;e wilJ pref)ore r\jd dol ivaI"' to tLe City wi thia G re~);:: u,',:..1 \.::: til-"J.8 f. r~ 0 :~:' 'L tbe Jate b_ e roof , a co~p1ete record of all 10 Ls i II 8 d_ d ,~.:; C G t ~::_ C,.. L~ ,'i-, , 5. C ~l ,~~ V C 1- ., ,~:r. ..., y., ;:~~ l) 1 cl L~JY .~ 4- 'b tL I}l ~:~ 1. f3 ~:"~"1,G ,J e J i.j ~;\).cl1 .......v'...-i--i- -'.. 'J , 11._ .C,3, l. .. , -L';..l -L~~ U ~'L j_ , ::.: '~"1 ':~ :. I'... I. c '~3. ~':~~ c ~..~,-I j ts t' .,. 'd j 11 u.. ('}:".; , . j '.' - .-, .C \~~ ;/ , ,\~, ~~,.', J J. C C l~ S (':"~'\."l.1,"...l';_.l cc ~/J .:. t~J. -I- ..,~ ~ltJ- ...,L.._1.l :, ",; cry I':.) S P 0 c t +-- the .;;nJ. i.;l1at a eUlllple tL: , v.. <,.v uU accurate, and up- to -date record of the lots in sa1 d section may be com~ 11"d. r) ~,i'r)Orl [.:1",1<3. u.CtCl' -1.. .\ ~ 1'.'\ 8xecution c.r th~s Ii.ere ()m8 nt, all ~) 81 e :: L_ ,... IJ.1. J,....... of IJo'l:s ]_n said t. 'JIb 1 by the City i'lnd no lot the re i~'1. see '.,-cn 'ill _ .' 0 lr:oc e w:~_11 Lie ;:Jold .;5. tl:out ~) C 1 "lil,rll1 on t e D.Y'O; P;{C VI.:);m, :T:" ':::-:- "',"1"1" T ,':.. that the ., i.v.1t ':',~J V ",~J !.l.., 3f.:".l.lc of lot::.: i r1 ~~ ,i::1 ,:., d see tion vvill be 1 i1;i teri to those persons ap',Jroved Ll 8_dvtl-(cCC by the Lodt.~:e , a:nd tho Lcylge [J~,'~'ro C G to d8si;:;nrJ to .J '".'; \ t(.~. ,,\,)' lucr o I"} c. ',C ,r.' .:t c .;j I~ ell ib~ ~) (; .. to a~)'..\I'O ve s uc Ii f'; c.l 0 S In i.';,cl van cu. 3. Lot;:; in (... 11 -i -1 section shall be 301(1 Dt t 1, ., ;;~,les pI' Ie e ~~ (..~ _~ l_.... l..lt.::: C ',,1'1.'. r~erl t 1.-:/ in effoct ,'01 t the t 12: e 0 f , sale, whi ell shall be the Sllcn ~': c' 1. r1g -~,rj co of luts ~_n tY'.e 1::1) in -pol'ti on of tr~o ccmetary, and wLich ') ~.~5 8 C '~ ~'~,~ , '-., r:" .t". tho !late '~,f tl'li s A;:-roomen t, th e s urn of ';25.00 ]1 (j I' 10 t, () .1 . -.-.---."'. II . "", ~ ., ~ . " . - 2- It is unjer'stood [:hat this sales price may be ,:HIJ~l81~e'} if' aid '."I11e.::1 t;~e snlcs yricc of 0.11 other lots in the main part of the cc":wtto,ry 1 [J en ,'lnC cd. ! ".;'.... .., n't,,- ,,'.-. <:) II '". . .-,..., ~ ,. \, '. " ". ,... t ,1 .(.-'.-.. , tJ. ," t . ~. L,J;...,I,/ ",,1<_.__ Ldve, 3. ".~ ...'" .~erel).i:_,rdrl 0\, ,Lie au .lorl y e(i is:',ue n CiCmet,'Jr-\1 j,eell rccei-,-\t to each lot it sells in the said ~ - . ~)(jGtjon. 1-: i't i-'...." ".,1..1' -~,..C' f.~'" 'oJ ",. t', C't" ,... 0>"... t ---,y >" ...-'0.1. ..,..1<'::; I____~U ~lhO ~,.,c,'~. ,.....:11', ne 1,.: ,:J.,-,rt;;:c", ,0Vicparr:. ,., 'I r1 .1 ,.., ' 1" V c'r '. ... ,- 'j i ,-,., ., n t t t" I.' "., ,1' ,- 1. "'1 C' ' ,- t' "'1" , . 1 t- ,.. -, ",..J ..<_._L l, ,1 '_''''_''J..vd 0 ._I.e ,(J(""..c 0 1.>l,L .e",cr.L,J 10.,,,, rl.,,_. ,..u nal10 of' t~lf; -;':Lu'ch8.ser of e.?,cl, lot 2cld in t:le said :::;ect:Lcm, Dnd 8h(;]]' ..,,,n-, t. .. ~-', . L d'r ,,-i t'h" h t t ." t th f "ll- 00 ", .., ". .'., 1:e,._, J. l.....0 0 ()e d~ "'uc sa emen .e sum 0 ',p~' ..l(.Jl L~tCL such 10 ~ sold and paid for. The City shall be authorized to place [1,.11. ~~r'oc.~~(~(J.s j~r~()rr' -t-:~"~,~; ::~rlle of ~~l,.l~,~L;" ~.ot-..<~ over' 1'-~n,1 (11JOV'Q t~,""~~~ '~l,S~..O;.) :::1 r. 1" ]:\ it;: ce:-let:_:,l'._;l,,:!. ;)':1 lD l1:::;,,; suell i'Jlld in".,; c".,)Ft;.:;:;:1 ':"'l::JiJlj~!cl"ln~-LCO u.i" t~__e cO:".'l(jL:.n,r~~r. 'J. r';"}te r.oJ~':o ai';rl~Gs to continue to p::>.y the S~::. of:;75.UO per year to the Ci ty for Ll;_o general care and maintena:lce of said section in 1'8 turn for wr-dch ::)1)7/1:1011 t the City here by covenants and aGrees to 9r,,:,vLlo the samo proper C:lr0 and :naintenance for the entire soction as is :,:;iven to tho remainder of the main portion of said cometary. IV NIT;r:~ss WH:e;Bi~OF, the Ci ty has caused this Contract to be executed by its Layar and ClerK of -lil.e City Cormtlission, thet'eunto duly autilOrized, and its corpora te soal to be hereunto affixed, and t;:Le Lod,;e has causGd tLls Contract to be exoGuted 1.:y its proper 01'['1 ee 1':), th:.n'oun to un ly au tl10r iz ed. C or:wi 8 S Ion jl~PSND,,;;H'r c~ rCl~ '.T'-' ,,., T"CH'nAv' ) ,~) L.J.l..L.I~!,~ Ui.l ',~ !.l.\I.i. . :,'.i~ : ss County of Gallatin) U;-i ~~._:3 /:'.~~_.>" c_~ J,1;10, I\..~' 1:._1, ,-,of ore j, .,;, l::LC L1.:1,lcr;~iL;~lel,. i,~)l.:jl"S0~1&1.l-J' z...lJ.:.~}c2"rcd '"Ii. ~;. l..JC.."l3 [l~;:l L. \.}. ~~::.::ic.:;.:rJ., lmown to lflO tc oe t':-lC h1ayor and Clerk of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, and o.e;: no;'.' lodced to me that they cxecu tod the SDme for find on u cllali' of ~,~ f:..1. IJ -: J. t 'S" . ISJ.HTN:i;SS WH.:iJUOF, I lwve heroLi.n to ;'; e t ny hanJ c;Jid af'fixeJ. l. 'Y Notarial 3eal on the day ~nd year in this Certificate first above 1,rL'i t ten. ~~ ---:-'--' .. I\vt':iI'~T t'ublJ.e for of r,c,;- . . -- ....., t. t '~ ,~i.. ~\.; ~.: ~~, ,~j ',~ ;'~ ":' , ,':- t ..::>:.') <:~ ' .. My O,omm1 s s ion Axpi re s 7...e...J.. ..,..-g- / <76 ;.-. } ~ " ) ."'1,', '. " ' . "'AI . . . .,...; .'I,'W", lit "! .. "" I; '!... " - .)- --:: ~rll\ I)"t ";'1 ": T~ J. (\.....rm t) ",i /I ) ~ : ,L ~.1., ,",""I \: ,l. , ,.' ~,J _L 1:"1.~, .L-l . (""f (""'\ . ~ "-' .._, (' lll.-' ,. .,.,. .... ; '-, -11 '... t J.' tl ) ,.1 ~ 10 ..'.( (; '. ........_,~ _ r., .., , On V"18 19- uay uf June, A.D. 1951, beforo l~':.e, tL8 undersigned, a ];ot,'u',' Put-Ii,,; :::"Jr t:le St'-,~c of :/onta:nf),)Cr'~:011811y a-)iJODI'Gd ~. _).l '- .) If) If/4...,.. '" --r-.! l.::nuvm tu Y'.~~ ./.;o ~) e t:l~ C(7t?/Vn7d>?.a"".. -f,,:'1 $0.,....; ') ".."...tnrwl ,).1-'-'1.' L,...''''.' ., '-l..'i"r"""'.ll~'l;lt l'r"jer" of Uar1fc'11o"'I'" ,.,.", "'('Jr,u-",'''- '- .. ......._ ........ J. "VI..-' ..........-..0\...0 ..l.l"v'" '_I-' ......~ ......,........t.. v~ '....... ,I I \ ~......., U, 1_^,..I.j.,-~ 1..,.. J.Li..._.... 'tJ lcd;_:ej tu '--,,~ t~>.t, lie Cxccctted the S8.r.10 for and on be::laLC 01 8ub 'iVestcrn St:;l' Lodf-.;e No.4 Independent Order of Oddfellows. .. "-~1':'1.. I ~ J'~..~.-:-\' ::" ..L.'. .I,..'..'!.......-\....: t:...\ :"I ~:t_C'_C~">~(:~(.., :<(jt";'" 1'") ,-'1: "'~i.:j,'l ~. l~':. i~"." .l.,C-.... "i8r~,'.1.'. "' " i-!1.;"..l"~:~ '~~!jl.tj"f:lcr..,,'to f~~,,~,'~!t ~,.:;:_,:,Vt) '.,\'1') '; j~ '~., U 1~.. _.~~~ _ ",Ot8!'J Puollc ior the St:1tO of L' / I,:ontHna,.' Hesj dj~l('. ::t ;":ozom, a"n, 1,:on- '""' , I / I..) ""T.,. r;" i C, ""I.i ,.. j" ~'"I -,'..... . '. "":II"; [,8.18. j"y vorrnn.~'-';J.,_\__._.lL',x:~J.rc'"' ?-9-1F) _'