HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-04-19 City Commission Packet Materials - A2. Res. 4983, Create SID 750 for N. Tracy from Villard to PeachCommission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Kellen Gamradt, Engineer II Shawn Kohtz, City Engineer Kristin Donald, Finance Director Greg Sullivan, City Attorney SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution 4983 - a Resolution of Intent of the Bozeman City Commission to create Special Improvement District (SID) 750 for the purpose of undertaking certain local improvements to North Tracy Avenue from Villard Street to Peach Street and financing the costs thereof. AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action MEETING DATE: February 4, 2019 RECOMMENDED MOTION: Incorporating the information and findings in the staff memorandum, oral findings made by the Commission during the public hearing, information an findings contained in the proposed resolution, and after considering public comment, I hereby move to adopt Resolution 4983 declaring it to be the City's intention to create Special Improvement District (SID) No. 750. BACKGROUND: In FY 2012, the City Commission authorized that additional street maintenance funds be set aside for street reconstruction projects. This street reconstruction money is in addition to the annual street maintenance projects the City funds with its gas tax allocation. It is used to finance a portion of the complete reconstruction of streets which have deteriorated beyond the point where they can be maintained. Current practice per Commission direction is to supplement these street reconstruction funds with a contribution from the residents adjacent to the street who are its primary users and therefore specially benefitted by the street improvements through the creation of an SID. The street proposed for reconstruction this year is North Tracy Avenue between Villard Street and Peach Street. In February 2014 the Commission adopted Resolution 4507 which establishes policies regarding the local share for street reconstruction. The resolution contains a table which establishes the funding splits to be used based on traffic counts: 102 Funding Classification Average Daily Traffic (vehicles per day) Funding Split (SID/Reconstruction fund) Local Less than 800 75% / 25% Minor Collector 800 - 1500 50% / 50% Major Collector 1501 - 4500 15% / 85% Arterial More than 4500 100% Traffic counts on the segment of North Tracy Avenue to be reconstructed are up to 840 vehicles per day. Applying the policies established by Resolution 4507 the funding split to be used is 50% street reconstruction money and 50% local share. Resolution 4507 also establishes that the local share should be financed by creation of an SID. Proposed Resolution 4983, a Resolution of Intent to Create SID 750, is the first step in the process of creating an SID. The process of creating an SID is regulated by the Montana Code Annotated (MCA), Chapter 7-12, Part 41. The purpose of the Resolution of Intent to Create the SID is to inform the public of the City's intention to raise funds from adjacent property owners to pay for a portion of the authorized improvements. This resolution does not create the SID, it simply begins the process. The Resolution must do the following: 1) designate the number of the district; 2) describe the boundaries thereof; 3) state the general character of the improvements and the approximate estimated cost; and 4) state the method of assessment to be used. The number of this SID will be 750. The boundaries of the district include all of the parcels of property directly fronting on North Tracy Avenue between Villard Street and Peach Street. The general character of the improvements consist of roadway improvements including repaving of the road, replacement of curbing, installation of storm drainage improvements, and pedestrian ramps. There are four methods of assessment which are allowed by the MCA - the area method which is based on the area of the lot, the frontage method which is based on the lots width fronting the street, the assessed valuation method which uses the assessed valuation of the parcel and the equal shares method. As on the previous five Street Reconstruction projects, South 8th , East Story Street, North Wallace Avenue, East Olive Street, and South Tracy Avenue, staff recommends using the lot frontage method of assessment for this SID. Engineering Division staff have hosted two neighborhood meetings to present information about the proposed project to the local residents. At the meetings staff discussed the project design elements, proposed schedule, estimated costs and proposed method of assessment. The proposed schedule for this project is as follows: Resolution of Intent to Create February 4, 2019 Mail Notice of Public Hearing February 8, 2019 Publish Notice of Public Hearing February 10 and 17, 2019 (protest period begins upon first publication of the notice of passage of the resolution of intent) End of Protest Period February 27, 2019 103 Public Hearing on Resolution of Creation March 4, 2019 Advertise for Construction Bids February 10 – February 24, 2019 Open Bids March 5, 2019 Award Contract March 25, 2019 The protest period begins upon first publication of the notice of the public hearing, in this case February 10, 2019. The 15 day protest period begins on February 10, 2019 and ends on February 27, 2019 (two additional days are added to the protest period for the intervening holiday). PROPOSED FINDINGS: Should the Commission move to adopt Resolution 4983, we suggest incorporating the following findings in addition to any oral findings entered into the record by the Commission at the public hearing: 1. North Tracy Avenue, originally named “Temple Avenue” was constructed in 1908 as part of Beall’s 2nd addition to the City of Bozeman. Water and sewer utilities were also installed in concurrence with the street construction. 2. Over the following decades, the city continued to develop and expand and in 1967, storm drainage infrastructure was installed in North Tracy Avenue. 3. By the early 2000’s North Tracy Avenue had fallen into a failed condition as a result of age and an increase in heavy vehicular traffic. The original street section was not designed for modern vehicle loading and the curb and gutter did not meet current city standards. In addition, the water and sewer lines were past their useful lives. 4. In 2013, the City hired a consultant to perform a citywide inventory of our street pavement conditions. The results of the survey indicated that North Tracy Avenue was among the worst streets for pavement condition in the City and was placed on a list for a local street reconstruction. 5. An engineering design was completed earlier this year to reconstruct North Tracy Avenue to a City Standard Local Street and install new water, sewer and storm drainage utilities. FISCAL EFFECTS: Current Budget: The FY19 Approved Budget anticipated the reconstruction of W. Lincoln Avenue (between Grand and Willson) with a total project cost of $224,011; 25% from the Street Reconstruction Funds ($56,003) and 75% SID financed through the SID ($168,008). Homeowners did not accept this project and the project has been moved to the bottom of the list of local street improvement projects. The North Tracy project was moved forward. If SID 750 is created a budget amendment will be needed to increase the total appropriation by $222,989 to $447,000. Project Costs: The total estimated cost of the street and storm drain improvements are $447,000. Because the actual traffic counts on North Tracy Avenue were higher than anticipated, the funding split per Resolution 4507 is 50% from the Street Reconstruction Funds and 50% through the SID. The City can commit, per its policy, $223,500 from the Street Reconstruction fund to reduce the costs to the SID, leaving $223,500 to be funded by the SID. In addition, the SID will be responsible for an estimated $1,000 in incidental costs related to the creation of the SID for a total of $224,500. 104 If the Commission adopts Resolution 4983 based on the recommended method of assessment, that is, linear feet lot frontage, then for an average residential lot with 58 ft. of frontage, the total estimated assessment would be $8,019.44. At the current estimated interest rate of 2.5% (2.0% estimated interest on the interfund loan discussed below, plus 0.5% simple interest on assessments in accordance with 7-12-4189, MCA), a typical property would be assessed including interest approximately $511.96 annually over a period of twenty years. Financing. Costs and expenses of construction of the Improvements will be paid for by assessments levied against benefitted properties; we propose to finance the initial construction costs by transferring excess money in the City’s SID Revolving Fund to the General Fund and then loaning these monies to the North Tracy SID. Years ago, the City created an SID Revolving Fund, the purpose of which is to “secure prompt payment of any special improvement district bonds or warrants issued in payment of improvements made.” See 7-12-4221, MCA. State law does not authorize the City to loan money directly from the SID Revolving Fund to a SID construction fund to finance improvements to be paid for by assessments on properties. State law does authorize transferring excess funds of the SID Revolving Fund to the General Fund. See 7-12-4227, MCA. The City’s SID Revolving Fund has cash in excess of the statutorily required amount (10% of outstanding SID debt). Currently, the Revolving Fund has a balance of approximately $3.4M. The minimum amount the City must maintain in the Revolving Fund to comply with statutory requirements is $51,050. This minimum amount will increase if the Manley Road SID is created. For this SID, we recommend transferring a portion of this excess in an amount equal to the portion of the improvements to be assessed against benefitted property in the District to the General Fund to be deposited into a new SID fund within the General Fund. The purpose of the transfer is to have the General Fund underwrite the SID’s share of the costs of the Improvements through an “interfund loan” to the SID 750 construction fund with a 20-year repayment term at 2.0% interest. An interfund loan has a number of benefits, including a lower interest rate for the District property owners, and avoidance of the costs and time-consuming work of underwriting a bond sale. The SID Fund within the General Fund will be paid back as property owners make their payments over time, with interest. Should SID 750 be created, we will present the Commission a proposed resolution approving the transfer of the excess SID Revolving Fund to the General Fund, a resolution approving the interfund loan documents, and a proposed budget amendment resolution for the Street Reconstruction Fund. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: As discussed above, SID creation is subject to protest by the property owners to be assessed. The sufficiency of protest is outlined in 7-12-4113, MCA. Simply stated, if protest is made by property owners to be assessed for more than 50% of the costs of the proposed work, further proceedings are barred for six months. Should this occur, our plan is to move on to the next street which needs reconstruction. There are more than enough streets requiring reconstruction to keep us busy for a number of years to come. However, at some point in the future, the community at large will not be able to absorb the displaced traffic that will result from the failure to reconstruct local streets that are a critical component of the City’s 105 street network. . At that time, the Commission will be asked to provide direction on how to finance local street improvements in the face of local opposition to SIDs. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. Attachments: Resolution 4983, Exhibits A – C 106 Page 1 of 9 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4983 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, RELATING TO SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 750 FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS TO NORTH TRACY AVENUE; DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO CREATE THE DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF UNDERTAKING CERTAIN LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AND FINANCING THE COSTS THEREOF AND INCIDENTAL THERETO THROUGH THE ISSUANCE OF MUNICIPAL WARRANTS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission (the “Commission”) of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the “City”), as follows: Section 1 Proposed Improvements; Intention To Create District. The City proposes to undertake certain local improvements (the “Improvements”) to benefit certain property located in the City limits. The improvements consist of roadway improvements to North Tracy Avenue between Villard Street and Peach Street, including: repaving of the road, replacement of curbing, installation of storm drainage improvements, and pedestrian ramps, as more particularly described in Section 5. The total estimated costs of the Improvements are $447,000. Pursuant to Resolution 4507, $223,500 will be paid from the City’s Street Maintenance District fund, leaving $223,500 of the costs of the Improvements to be funded through the District (hereinafter referred to as the “District's Share of the Improvements”). It is the intention of this Commission to create and establish in the City under Montana Code Annotated, Title 7, Chapter 12, Parts 41 and 42, as amended, a special improvement district (the “District”) for the purpose of financing the District's Share of the Improvements and paying costs incidental thereto, including any costs associated with issuance of warrants drawn 107 Resolution 4983, Resolution of Intent to Create SID 750 Page 2 of 9 against special assessments to be paid by benefitted properties in the District (the “Warrants”), the creation and administration of the District, and the funding of an administrative charge to the General Fund for costs associated with financing of the Improvements (collectively the "Incidental Costs"). The total estimated cost of the District's Share of the Improvements, including such Incidental Costs, to be financed is $224,500. The City Commission intends to provide the funds to pay the District’s Share of the Improvements and the Incidental Costs through a transfer of excess funds in the City’s Special Improvement District Revolving Fund (the “Revolving Fund”) to the City’s General Fund with such funds to be applied by the General Fund to finance the District’s Share of the Improvements and Incidental Costs. The City Commission intends to direct that the funds so applied will be evidenced by and will purchase the Warrants issued against the SID 750 North Tracy Avenue Fund into which special assessments paid by owners of benefitted properties in the District will be deposited. The properties in the District subject to assessment will be specially benefited by the Improvements in an amount not less than $224,500. Section 2 Number of District. The District, if the same shall be created and established, shall be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 750 of the City of Bozeman, Montana. Section 3 Boundaries of District. The limits and boundaries of the District are depicted by the continuous line circumscribing the exterior boundaries of the properties shown on the map attached as Exhibit A hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof) and includes all those lots and parcels on North Tracy Avenue between Villard Street and Peach Street which front directly on North Tracy Avenue, legal descriptions of which are contained in Exhibit B hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof), which boundaries are designated and confirmed as the boundaries of the District. 108 Resolution 4983, Resolution of Intent to Create SID 750 Page 3 of 9 Section 4 Benefitted Property. The District and territory included within the limits and boundaries described in Section 3 and as shown on Exhibit A and Exhibit B are hereby declared to be the special improvement district and the territory that will benefit from and be benefitted by the Improvements and will be assessed for a portion of the costs of the Improvements as described herein. The property included within said limits and boundaries is hereby declared to be the property benefitted by the Improvements. Section 5 General Character of the Improvements. The Improvements to be constructed generally consist of removing the existing street pavement and curbing, installing a 28-foot-wide street section on North Tracy Avenue with gravel base course material, asphaltic cement surfacing, City standard curbs and gutters, pedestrian ramps, traffic control signage and pavement striping, storm drains, and all related improvements on these streets. The Improvements shall include the engineering design, construction, inspection and engineering certification of asphalt cement paving, gravel base courses and subgrade preparation, storm drainage, and all necessary permits and appurtenances to complete the road installation. Each lot, parcel, or tract abutting such portion of North Tracy Avenue, as set forth on the attached Exhibit B, will be improved with or benefitted by such Improvements. Section 6 Engineer and Estimated Cost. The City, acting through its City Engineer, shall be the engineer for the District. The Engineer has estimated the costs of the Improvements to be $447,000, as shown on Exhibit C, attached hereto (and hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof). The City has committed $223,500 in Street Maintenance District funds, in accordance with Commission Resolution No. 4507, to the costs of the Improvements. The District's Share of the Improvements, plus the Incidental Costs, are $224,500. The District’s Share of the costs of the Improvements to 109 Resolution 4983, Resolution of Intent to Create SID 750 Page 4 of 9 be financed by the proceeds of the Warrants are shown on Exhibit B (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof). Section 7 Assessment Methods. 7.1. Property To Be Assessed. All properties in the District will be assessed for their proportionate share of the costs of the District's Share of the Improvements plus the Incidental Costs from which they derive a benefit as determined and set forth herein. The District's Share of the Improvements plus the Incidental Costs shall be assessed against the property in the District benefitting from these Improvements, based on the method as authorized by Section 7-12-4163, M.C.A., as particularly applied and set forth in Section 7.2 hereof. 7.2. Lot Frontage. The District's Share of the Improvements plus the Incidental Costs will be assessed using the lot frontage method of assessment. The Engineer has determined the lineal feet of the frontage on North Tracy Avenue of each lot, tract or parcel, based on current recorded plats and certificates of survey for each lot, tract or parcel of land, on file at the Clerk and Recorder’s office. The total lineal feet frontage of the District to be assessed, exclusive of streets, roads, and rights-of-way, is 1,623.74 feet. The total estimated cost of the District's Share of the Improvements, including Incidental Costs, to be funded through the District is $224,500 and shall be assessed against each lot, tract or parcel of land in the District for that part of the costs of the District's Share of the Improvements that the frontage of such lot, tract or parcel bears to the total frontage of all lots, tracts or parcels of land in the District, exclusive of streets, roads, and rights- of-way. The District's Share of the Improvements plus the Incidental Costs per lineal foot of frontage, exclusive of interest, shall not exceed $138.26. The estimated principal assessment for each lot, tract or parcel of land for the District's Share of the Improvements is shown on Exhibit C hereto. 7.4. Principal Amount Only; Interest Rate. The estimated dollar amount of each special assessment against each lot, tract, or parcel in the District is only the principal amount of such 110 Resolution 4983, Resolution of Intent to Create SID 750 Page 5 of 9 special assessment. Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, pursuant to 7-12- 4189(1), MCA, all unpaid special assessments will bear interest at a rate equal to the sum of the average interest rate payable on the outstanding Warrants at the time the assessment is levied plus not less than ½ of 1% per year. 7.4. Assessment Methodology Equitable and Consistent with Benefit. This Commission hereby determines that the method of assessment described above and the assessment of costs of the District's Share of the Improvements against the properties benefitted thereby as prescribed in this Section 7 are equitable and in proportion to and not exceeding the special benefits derived from the Improvements by the lots, tracts and parcels to be assessed therefore within the District. Section 8 Payment of Assessments. The special assessments for the costs of the District's Share of the Improvements plus the Incidental Costs shall be payable over a term not exceeding (20) twenty years, each in equal semi-annual installments of principal, plus interest, or equal semi-annual payments of principal and interest, as this Commission shall prescribe in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the Warrants. Property owners have the right to prepay assessments as provided by law. The estimated total principal amounts of special assessments against properties in the District are shown on the attached Exhibit B. Such amounts are estimates only and are exclusive of interest. In the event the District is created and the Warrants are issued, and excess Revolving Fund monies transferred to the City’s General Fund to purchase the Warrants thereby making available funds to finance the District’s Share of the Improvements including the Incidental Costs, the special assessments levied against properties in the District will be stated as semiannual installments of principal and interest over a term of up to twenty (20) years. Section 9 Method of Financing. The City on behalf of the District will issue the Warrants payable to the General Fund in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $224,500 in order to finance a portion of the costs of the Improvements and all Incidental Costs. The City Commission intends to use 111 Resolution 4983, Resolution of Intent to Create SID 750 Page 6 of 9 excess monies of the Revolving Fund transferred to the General Fund to purchase the Warrants to make funds available to finance the District’s Share of the Improvements including the Incidental Cost, such Warrants to be held by the General Fund and drawn against the SID 750 North Tracy Avenue Fund. Principal of and interest on the Warrants will be paid from special assessments levied against the benefitted properties in the District. In determining it intends to authorize a loan from the General Fund to the SID 750 North Tracy Avenue Fund, this Commission has taken into consideration the following factors: (a) Diversity of Property Ownership. There are 28 (twenty eight) separate parcels of land in the District, with 40 separate owners. (b) Comparison of Special Assessments and Property Taxes and Market Value. The City has compared the estimated market value of each lot, tract, and parcel in the District after the Improvements are made to the amount of the proposed special assessments against each lot, tract, and parcel in the District. The estimated market value of each lot, tract, and parcel in the District after the Improvements are made is expected to be in excess of the proposed special assessments against each lot, tract, and parcel in the District. (c) Outstanding Special Assessments. As of the date of this resolution, the amount of special assessments against properties in the District is relatively low compared to the market value of the property. (d) Delinquencies. The records of the County Assessor show that of the 28 taxable properties in the District, four (4) properties have delinquent property taxes or annual city assessments. The total value of delinquent property taxes within the district equals $3,386.95 and the total delinquent city assessments equal $1,784.04. (e) The Public Benefit of the Improvements. The planned Improvements will preserve public safety by providing through lanes and drive approaches for 112 Resolution 4983, Resolution of Intent to Create SID 750 Page 7 of 9 those who reside along this street or use the street to access their residences and businesses. Safety will be improved, especially for those properties within the District, by reconstructing roadway that has deteriorated beyond the point where it can be maintained and by installing pedestrian ramps and traffic control signage. Section 10 Public Hearing; Protests. At any time within fifteen (15) days (or such longer period if required by law) from and after the date of the first publication of the notice of the passage and approval of this Resolution, any owner of a lot, tract, or parcel within the District subject to assessment and taxation for the cost and expense of making the Improvements may make and file with the City Clerk until 5:00 p.m., MT, on the expiration date of said 15-day period (or such longer period if required by law) written protest against the proposed Improvements, or against the creation of the District. Such protest must be in writing, identify the property in the District owned by the protestor and be signed by all owners of the property. The written protest must be delivered to the City Clerk, who shall endorse thereon the date and hour of its receipt. For purposes of calculating protests under Section 7-12-4113, M.C.A., the sufficiency or insufficiency of protests, if any, as to the entire proposed District shall be based on the estimated total principal amount of special assessments made by valid protestors in the District as compared to the estimated total principal amount of special assessments to be levied against all properties in the District. The Commission will at its next regular meeting after the expiration of the protest period proceed to hear and pass upon all such protests so made and filed. Section 11 Notice of Passage of Resolution of Intention. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish or cause to be published a copy of a notice of the passage of this resolution in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation in the county in the form and manner prescribed by law, and to mail or cause to be mailed a copy of said notice to every person, firm, corporation, or the agent of such person, firm, or corporation having real property within the District listed in the owner's name upon the last completed assessment roll for state, county, and 113 Resolution 4983, Resolution of Intent to Create SID 750 Page 8 of 9 school district taxes, at the owners last-known address, on or before the same day such notice is first published. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 4th day of February, 2019. ___________________________________ CYNTHIA L. ANDRUS Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ ROBIN CROUGH City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 114 Resolution 4983, Resolution of Intent to Create SID 750 Page 9 of 9 CERTIFICATE AS TO RESOLUTION AND ADOPTING VOTE I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting recording officer of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the “City”) hereby certify that the attached resolution is a true copy of Resolution No. 4983, entitled: “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, RELATING TO SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 750 FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS TO NORTH TRACY AVENUE; DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO CREATE THE DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF UNDERTAKING CERTAIN LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AND FINANCING THE COSTS THEREOF AND INCIDENTAL THERETO THROUGH THE ISSUANCE OF MUNICIPAL WARRANTS” (the “Resolution”), on file in the original records of the City in my legal custody; that the Resolution was duly adopted by the City Commission of the City at a meeting on February 4, 2019, and that the meeting was duly held by the City Commission and was attended throughout by a quorum, pursuant to call and notice of such meeting given as required by law; and that the Resolution has not as of the date hereof been amended or repealed. I further certify that, upon vote being taken on the Resolution at said meeting, the following Commissioners voted in favor thereof: ______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________; voted against the same: __________________________________________________________; abstained from voting thereon: ____________________________________________________; or were absent: ________________________________________________________________. WITNESS my hand officially this 5th day of February, 2019. _______________________________________ ROBIN CROUGH City Clerk 115 N TRACY AVE N BLACK AVE N WILLSON AVE E PEACH ST W PEACH ST W SHORT ST E SHORT ST City of Bozeman N. TRACY EXHIBIT AVE. A - S.I.D. Legend N Tracy Ave - S.I.D. Parcels ¯ 116 EXHIBIT B Property Address Property Owner Property Owner #2 Mailing Address City State Zip Parcel # Legal Description Assessable Lot Total 2018 Frontage Assessment Amount Market Value 519 N Tracy Ave Murphy, William 519 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3530 RGH5871 BEALLS 3RD ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK 1, Lot 1 ‐ 2 46 $ 6,360.01 $ 319,500.00 517 N Tracy Ave Champe, Charles G Haller, Ann H 517 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3530 RGH5870 BEALLS 3RD ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK 1, Lot 3 ‐ 4 50 $ 6,913.05 $ 305,400.00 515 N Tracy Ave Champe, Charles G Haller, Ann H 515 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3530 RGH5872 BEALLS 3RD ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK 1, Lot 5 ‐ 6 50 $ 6,913.05 $ 307,700.00 511 N Tracy Ave Sandiland, Douglas S Trust McConnell, Mike Trustee 511 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3530 RGH5328 BEALLS 3RD ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK 1, Lot 7 ‐ 8 50 $ 6,913.05 $ 315,800.00 505 N Tracy Ave Boik, Robert J & Barbara L 505 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3530 RGH5072 BEALLS 3RD ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK 1, Lot 9 ‐ 10 50 $ 6,913.05 $ 315,500.00 501 N Tracy Ave Robinson, Karen & Chris Grein, Jamie 501 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3530 RGH2327 BEALLS 3RD ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK 1, Lot 11 ‐ 12 50 $ 6,913.05 $ 338,900.00 2 E Peach St Tita, George E & Lisa Ann 1 McClintock Ct Irvine CA 92617‐4046 RGH4549 BEALLS 2ND ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK F, Lot 11A 60.7 $ 8,392.45 $ 306,400.00 518 N Tracy Ave Sickler, Peter 518 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3531 RGH5009 BEALLS 2ND ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK F, Lot 13 45 $ 6,221.75 $ 312,600.00 514 N Tracy Ave Marcinek, Matthew Easton, Lisa 514 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3531 RGH6378 BEALLS 2ND ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK F, Lot 15, S2 lot 14 45 $ 6,221.75 $ 376,800.00 512 N Tracy Ave Todd, Melissa Nixon, Clive 512 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3531 RGH2789 BEALLS 2ND ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK F, Lot 16, N 20' lot 17 50 $ 6,913.05 $ 311,900.00 506 N Tracy Ave Hannon, Sally Anona Trust 506 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3531 RGH1821 BEALLS 2ND ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK F, Lot 18, S 10' Lot 17 50 $ 6,913.05 $ 318,700.00 502 N Tracy Ave Walk, Seth & Heather 502 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3531 RGH6128 BEALLS 2ND ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK F, Lot 20, s 20' Lot 19 50.69 $ 7,008.45 $ 391,500.00 439 N Tracy Ave Minor, Mary Kay 439 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3528 RGH1549 BEALLS 3RD ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK 2, Lot 1 ‐ 2 63 $ 8,710.45 $ 372,400.00 433 N Tracy Ave Jelinski, John B & Jane Mary 433 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3528 RGH3631 BEALLS 3RD ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK 2 74.91 $ 10,357.14 $ 431,000.00 427 N Tracy Ave Dowdin, Lawrence & Bateson, Mary 427 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3528 RGH5087 BEALLS 3RD ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK 2, Lot 6 ‐ 8 75 $ 10,369.58 $ 419,900.00 423 N Tracy Ave Wolfe, Chaundera & Gentner, Jesse 423 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3528 RGH1269 BEALLS 3RD ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK 2, Lot 9 ‐ 10 50 $ 6,913.05 $ 418,300.00 415 N Tracy Ave Raven Assets LLC 11 E Lamme St Bozeman MT 59715‐3614 RGH2870 BEALLS 3RD ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK 2, Lot 11 ‐ 13 75 $ 10,369.58 $ 356,300.00 411 N Tracy Ave Comarratta, Mark & Kathleen 405 S Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐5277 RGH5190 BEALLS 3RD ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK 2, Lot 14 ‐ 15 N 7' lot 16 57 $ 7,880.88 $ 278,300.00 405 N Tracy Ave Lori Martindale 200 Lower School Rd Belgrade MT 59714‐8478 RGH5052 BEALLS 3RD ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK 2, Lot 17 ‐ 18 S 18' LOT 16 68 $ 9,401.75 $ 469,900.00 403 N Tracy Ave Jermyn, Casey 403 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3528 RGH4333 BEALLS 3RD ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK 2, Lot 19 ‐ 20 50 $ 6,913.05 $ 421,900.00 440 N Tracy Ave Tuttle, Barbara K & P. Randall 10388 Dustin Rd Remsen NY 13438‐4240 RGH6702 BEALLS 2ND ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK E, LOTS 19 & 20 60.14 $ 8,315.02 $ 374,300.00 434 N Tracy Ave Reach Inc 322 Gallatin Park Dr Bozeman MT 59715‐7909 RGH5054 BEALLS 2ND ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK E, Lot 21 ‐ 22 60 $ 8,295.66 $ 561,201.00 430 N Tracy Ave Wittie, Kasia & Larry 430 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3529 RGH1686 BEALLS 2ND ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK E, Lot 23 ‐ 24 60 $ 8,295.66 $ 525,800.00 426 N Tracy Ave Maxfield Kate Trust 1503 Clifton St Santa Barbara CA 93103‐2878 RGH4201 BEALLS 2ND ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK E, Lot 25 ‐ 26 60 $ 8,295.66 $ 316,500.00 422 N Tracy Ave Messer, Ishmael Cager Barrell, Karla Jean 422 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3529 RGH5302 BEALLS 2ND ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK E, Lot 27, N 20' LOT 28 50 $ 6,913.05 $ 409,700.00 416 N Tracy Ave Visscher, Anna S Davis, Edward Kent Jr 416 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3529 RGH5019 BEALLS 2ND ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK E, Lot 29, S 10' LOT 28 40 $ 5,530.44 $ 313,753.00 414 N Tracy Ave Hainsworth, Pamela Cowan, Jay 414 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3529 RGH5189 BEALLS 2ND ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK E, Lot 30 43.3 $ 5,986.70 $ 329,700.00 402 N Tracy Ave Eckenrod, Brian J 402 N Tracy Ave Bozeman MT 59715‐3529 RGH2396 BEALLS 2ND ADD, S07, T02 S, R06 E, BLOCK E, Lot 32 ‐ 35 140 $ 19,356.55 $ 339,600.00 Totals 1623.74 $ 224,500.00 $ 10,259,254.00 50% share $ 224,500.00 $ / foot $ 138.26 117 EXHIBIT C Item Description Unit Est. Quantity Unit Price Total Price 101 Taxes, Bonds, Insurance L.S. 1 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 102 Mobilization L.S. 1 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 103 Unclassified Excavation Above Subgrade C.Y. 2,100 $ 20.00 $ 42,000.00 104 Remove Existing Concrete Curb L.F. 1,842 $ 5.50 $ 10,131.00 105 Remove Existing Concrete Sidewalk, Ped Ramps, and Drive & Alley Approaches S.F. 2,281 $ 3.00 $ 6,843.00 106 Geotextile Separation Fabric S.Y. 4,320 $ 1.10 $ 4,752.00 107 3" Minus Uncrushed Subbase C.Y. 1,200 $ 30.00 $ 36,000.00 108 1" Minus Crushed Base Course C.Y. 600 $ 38.00 $ 22,800.00 109 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 3" Thickness S.Y. 2,930 $ 15.00 $ 43,950.00 110 Concrete Curb and Gutter L.F. 1,842 $ 16.00 $ 29,472.00 111 Ped Ramps, Drive and Alley Approach, and Sidewalk (6" Depth) S.F. 1,971 $ 10.50 $ 20,695.50 112 Concrete Sidewalk 4" Depth S.F. 500 $ 8.50 $ 4,250.00 113 Concrete Fillets & Double Gutters S.F. 552 $ 13.00 $ 7,176.00 114 ADA Detectable Warning Panel S.F. 144 $ 50.00 $ 7,200.00 115 4" Sch 80 PVC Utility Conduit L.F. 230 $ 15.00 $ 3,450.00 116 Topsoil, Sod & Site Restoration L.S. 1 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 117 Boulevard Topsoil Excavation C.Y. 25 $ 30.00 $ 750.00 118 Traffic Control L.S. 1 $ 14,000.00 $ 14,000.00 119 2" Square Tube Metal Posts L.F. 143 $ 45.00 $ 6,435.00 120 Aluminum Signs S.F. 18 $ 40.00 $ 720.00 121 Epoxy Pavement Marking (Curb, Top & Face) GAL 8 $ 290.00 $ 2,320.00 122 Construction Staking & Quality Assurance L.S. 1 $ 14,000.00 $ 14,000.00 123 Exploratory Excavation HR 5 $ 300.00 $ 1,500.00 124 Miscellaneous Work EA 50,000 $ 1.00 $ 50,000.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE 1 BID $ 362,444.50 Item Description Unit Est. Quantity Unit Price Total Price 401 Remove Existing Storm Drain Inlet EA 2 $ 400.00 $ 800.00 402 12" SDR 35 PVC Storm Sewer Pipe L.F. 56 $ 50.00 $ 2,800.00 403 Reset 12" RCP Storm Sewer Pipe L.F. 56 $ 50.00 $ 2,800.00 404 Standard Storm Drain Inlet EA 1 $ 2,700.00 $ 2,700.00 405 Combo 4' Dia. Storm Inlet/Manhole EA 2 $ 3,500.00 $ 7,000.00 406 Connection to Existing Storm Manhole EA 3 $ 1,800.00 $ 5,400.00 407 Miscellaneous Costs EA 5000 $ 1.00 $ 5,000.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE 4 BID $ 26,500.00 TOTAL COMBINED SCHEDULE 1 AND 2 $ 388,944.50 W/ 15% Contingency $ 447,286.18 Schedule 2: Installation of new storm sewer mains, manholes, laterals, and inlets on East Olive, South Bozeman, South Black, and South Church Engineers Estimate 2019 North Tracy Avenue Street Reconstruction Engineers Estimate 118