HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 1663 Amending Official Zone Map S18 T2S R6E , City of Bozeman/City Clerk PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 ORDINANCE NO. 1663 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONT ANA, AMENDING THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ZONE MAP BY ESTABLISHING AN INITIAL MUNICIPAL ZONING DESIGNATION OF "R-3" (RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM DENSITY DISTRICT) ON 13.096;1;: ACRES SITUATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN MONT ANA, LYING ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF HIGHLAND BOULEVARD. WHEREAS, the proposed zone map amendment to establish an initial municipal zoning designation of"R~3", (Residential Medium Density Distriet) on 13.096::1: aeres has been properly submitted, reviewed and advertised; and WHEREAS, the proposed zone map amendment to estahlish an initial zoning designation of"R- 3", (Residential Medium Density District) on 13.096::1: aeres is part of a larger tract ofland to amend the Bozeman Zone Map from "RS" (Residential-Suhurban Country Estates), "R-I" (Residential-Single Family, Low Density District), and "BP" (Business Park District), to R-3" (Residential-Single Family, Medium Density) on 38.72 acres; and WHEREAS, said deseribed tract ofland, exclusive of the13.096::1: acres to establish an initial municipal zoning designation of"R-3" (Residential Medium Density District), is currently in the corporate limits of the City of Bozeman; and WHEREAS, while under the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the City of Bozeman said 38.72 acres, exclusive of the 13.096::1: not part of the eorporate limits of the City of Bozeman, was rezoned from "RS" (Residential-Suburban Country Estates), "R-l" (Residential-Single Family, Low Density District), and "BP" (Business Park District), to R-3" (Residential Medium Density Distriet); and WHEREAS, the City-County Planning Board held a publie hearing on June 2, 1998, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment to amend the Bozeman . Zone Map from "RS" (Rcsidential-Suburban Country Estates), "R-I" (Residcntial-Single Family, Low Density Distriet), and "BP" (Business Park Distriet), to R-3" (Residential-Single Family, Medium Density) on 38.72 aeres; and WHEREAS, three members of the general public spoke, expressing concern rcgarding potential development that might oeeur under "R-3" zoning and voieing a prefcrenee that the property be zoncd "R- 2". , WHEREAS, three letters were reeeived from members ofthe public and read into the record, one expressing a preference for single f[unily zoning, and two expressing coneern regarding development on the property; and WHEREAS, the City-County Planning Board found that thc rcqucst for a zone map amendmcnt to establish a "R-3" (Residential Medium Density District) zoning designation would not be compatible with thc character ofthc cxisting neighborhood; and WHEREAS, the City-County Planning Board found that a zone map amcndment from "RS" (Residentia1-Suhurhan Country Estatcs), "R-1" (Residential-Single Family, Low Dcnsity Distriet), ancl "BP" (Busincss Park District) on 38.72 acres ofland, to "R-2" (Residential-Single Family, Medium Density Distriet) would not be eompatible with the charaeter of the existing neighborhood and would comply with the twelve (12) criteria established in Title 76-2-304, MCA; and WHEREAS, thc City-County Planning Board motion recommending to thc Bozcman City Commission that the zone map amendment be approved as "R-2" (Residential, Single Family Medium Density) on said 13.096 acres, passed on a vote of 5-0; and WHEREAS, after proper notice, a public hearing was set before the City Commission on June 15, 1998, to receive and review all writtcn and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission opened and held its public hearing on June 15, 1998, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zonc map amendment; and WHEREAS, two members of the general public expressed eoneern with the potential for development on said lands other than what is proposed by the developer under the "R-3" zoning designation; and - 2 - WHEREAS, after hearing the pubic testimony on said matter, the City Commission elected to waive its Rules of Procedure to postpone its decision one week and make a decision on said matter; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed and considered the twelve zone change criteria estahlished in Section 76-2-304, M.C.A., and found the proposed zone map amendment to cstablish an initial municipal zoning designation of "R-3", to be in compliance with the twelve criteria; and WHEREAS, the City Commission found that a "R-3", (Residential Medium Density District) zoning designation for the proposed zone map amendment on 13.096:t acres would he in compliance with the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan and would he in the puhlic interest upon anncxation of the subject propcrty; and WHEREAS, the subject property was annexed through adoption of Commission Resolution No. 3910, adopted on the 24th day of April, 2006. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: Section 1 That the zoning district designation of the following-deseribed property is hereby initially established as "R-3" (Residential Medium Density District). That tract of land located in the Southeast One-Quarter of the NOltheast One-Quarter and the Northeast One-Quarter of the Southeast One Quarter of Section 18, Townshi p 2 South, Range 6 East, Principal Meridian Montana, Gallatin County Montana, and heing more particularly described as follows: Considering the line from the Center-East One-Sixteenth Corner of Said Section 18 to the Northeast One-Sixteenth Corner of Said Section 18 to bear North 00"38'47" West, with all bearings contained herein relative thereto: Commencing at the Center-East One-Sixteenth Corner of Said Section 18; Thence along the south line of the West One-Half of the Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter of said Section, South 89026'5] " East, 42.26 feet to the Point Of Beginning: Thence continuing along said line, South 89026'51 " East, 288.84 feet to the Southwest Corner of the East One-Half of the Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One- Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter of said Section 18; - 3 - . Thence along the west line of said East One-Half of the Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter of said Section 18, North OCf26'48" West, 668.47 feet to the Northwest Corner of said East One~Half of the Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter of - - said Section 18; Thence along the nOlth line of said East One- Half of the Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter of said Section 18, South 89012'48" East, 333.47 feet to the Northeast Corner of said East One-Half of the Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter of said Section 18; Thence along the east line of said East One-Half of the Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter of said Section 18, South 00" 14'42" East, 667.07 feet to the Southeast Corner of said East One-Half of the Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter of said Section 18; Thence along the south line of said East One-Half of the Southeast One-Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter of said Section 18, South 89026'51" East, 594.27 feet to a point on the west line of the Highland Boulevard Right Of Way; Thence along the west line of said Highland Boulevard Right Of Way, South 00"07'28" West, 289.80' to the point of intersection of said Highland Boulevard Right Of Way with the north line of Block 3A as shown on the Plat of LeClairs Rearrangement of Blocks 2,3,4, and 5, Grafs First Subdivision, Second Filing, as recorded at the office of the Gallatin County Clerk and Reeordcr; Thence along said north line of Bloek 3A as shown on said Plat of LeClairs Rearrangement of Blocks 2,3,4, and 5, Grafs First Subdivision, Second Filing, South 89042'28" West, 618.83 feet to the southeast corner of Tract 2 as shown on Minor Subdivision No. 68 as recorded at the office of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder; Thence along said Tract 2 as shown on Minor Subdivision No. 68, the following five (5) courses: North 00'00'28" East, 21.11 feet; South 89"42'28" West, 450.45 feet; North 09057'23" East, 8.95 feet; South 89"42'28" West, 144.50 feet; North 00" 16'18" West, 277.78 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said Tract contains 13.096 acres, more or less, and is subjeet to all easements of fact and record. -4- . . Section 2 The effective date is thirty days after final adoption of this ordinanee on seeond reading. PROVISIONALL Y ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on first reading, at a regular session thereof held on the 24th day of April, 2006. FINALLY PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on second reading at a regular session thereof held on the 15th day of May, 2006. ATTEST: (l ~/lL-- Devin M. Harhour, Acting City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: /",) /'" ,- ,~---- ,ey - 5 - ---------- ORDINANCE NO. 1663 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AMENDING THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ZONE MAP BY EST ABLISHING AN INITIAL MUNIlCIP AL ZONING DESIGNATION OF "R-3" (RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM DENSITY DISTRICT) ON 13.096:f: ACRES SITUATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN MONTANA, LYING ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF HIGHLAND BOULEVARD. WHEREAS, the proposed zone map amendment to establish an initial municipal zomng designation of"R - 3", (Residential Medium Density District) on 13.096::1:: acres has been properly submitted, reviewed and advertised; and WHEREAS, the proposed zone map amendment to establish an initial zoning designation of"R- 3", (Residential Medium Density District) on 13.096:f: acres is part of a larger tract ofland to amend the Bozeman Zone Map from "RS" (Residential-Suburban Country Estates), "R-l" (Residential-Single Family, Low Density District), and "BP" (Business Park District), to R-3" (Residential-Single Family, Medium Density) on 38.72 acres; and WHEREAS, said described tract ofland, exclusive of the13.096::1:: acres to establish an initial municipal zoning designation of"R-3" (Residential Medium Density District), is currently in the corporate limits of the City of Bozeman; and WHEREAS, while under the extra-territorial j urisdiction ofthe City of Bozeman said 38.72 acres, exclusive of the 13.096::1:: not part of the corporate limits of the City of Bozeman, was rezoned from "RS" (Residential-.Suburban COlmtry Estates), "R-l" (Residential-Single Family, Low Density District), and "BP" (Business Park District), to R-3" (Residential Medium Density District); and WHEREAS, the City~County Planning Board held a public hearing on June 2,1998, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment to amend the Bozeman Zone Map from "RS" (Residential-Suburban Country Estates), "R~I" (Residential-Single Family, Low Density District), and "BP" (Business Park District), to R-3" (Residential-Single Family, Medium Density) on 38.72 acres; and WHEREAS, three members ofthe general public spoke, expressing concern regarding potential development that might occur under "R-3" zoning and voicing a preference that the property be zoned "R~ WHEREAS, three letters were received from members ofthe public and read into the record, one expressing a preference for single family zoning, and two expressing concern regarding development on the property; and WHEREAS, the City-County Planning Board found that the request for a zone map amendment to establish a "R-3" (Residential Medium Density District) zoning designation would not be compatible with the character ofthe existing neighborhood; and WHEREAS, the City-County Planning Board found that a zone map amendment from "RS" (Residential-Suburban Country Estates), "R-l" (Residential-Single Family, Low Density District), and "BP" (Business Park District) on 38.72 acres ofland, to "R-2" (Residential-Single Family, Medium Density District) would not be compatible with the character ofthe existing neighborhood and would comply with the twelve (12) criteria established in Title 76-2-304, MCA; and WHEREAS, the City-County Planning Board motion recommending to the Bozeman City Commission that the zone map amendment be approved as "R-2" (Residential, Single Family Medium Density) on said 13.096 acres, passed on a vote of 5-0; and WHEREAS, after proper notice, a public hearing was set before the City Commission on June 15, 1998, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission opened and held its public hearing on June 15, 1998, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, two members of the general public expressed concern with the potential for development on said lands other than what is proposed by the developer under the "R-3" zoning designation; and WHEREAS, after hearing the pubic testimony on said matter, the City Commission elected to waive its Rules of Procedure to postpone its decision one week and make a decision on said matter; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed and considered the twelve zone change criteria established in Section 76-2-304, M.C.A., and found the proposed zone map amendment to establish an initial municipal zoning designation of "R-3", to be in compliance with the twelve criteria; and WHEREAS, the City Commission found that a "R-3", (Residential Medium Density District) zoning designation for the proposed zone map amendment on 13.096:f: acres would be in compliance with the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan and would be in the public interest upon annexation of the subject property; and - 2 - WHEREAS, the subject property was annexed through adoption of Commission Resolution No. 3910, adopted on the 24th day of April, 2006. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: Section 1 That the zoning district designation of the following-described property is hereby initially established as "R-3" (Residential Medium Density District). That tract of land located in the Southeast One-Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter and the Northeast One-Quarter of the Southeast One Quarter of Section 18, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, Principal Meridian Montana, Gallatin County Montana, and being more particularly described as follows: Considering the line from the Center-East One-Sixteenth Corner of Said Section 18 to the Northeast One-Sixteenth Corner of Said Section 18 to bear North 00038'47" West, with all bearings contained herein relative thereto: Commencing at the Center-East One-Sixteenth Corner of Said Section 18; Thence along the south line of the West One-Half of the Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter ofthe Northeast One-Quarter of said Section, South 89.26'51" East, 42.26 feet to the Point Of Beginning: Thence continuing along said line, South 89.26'51" East, 288.84 feet to the Southwest Comer of the East One-Half of the Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One- Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter of said Section 18; Thence along the west line of said East One-Half of the Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter of said Section 18, North 00"26'48" West, 668.47 feet to the Northwest Corner of said East One-Half of the Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter of said Section 18; Thence along the north line of said East One-Half ofthe Southwest One-Quarter ofthe Southeast One-Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter of said Section 18, South 89012'48" East, 333.47 feet to the Northeast Corner of said East One-Half of the Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter ofthe Northeast One-Quarter of said Section 18; Thence along the east line of said East One-Half of the Southwest One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter of said Section 18, South 00014'42" East, 667.07 feet to the Southeast Corner of said East One-Half of the Southwest One-Quarter ofthe Southeast One-Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter of said Section 18; - 3 - Thence along the south line of said East One-Half of the Southeast One-Quarter ofthe Northeast One-Quarter of said Section 18, South 89026'51" East, 594.27 feet to a point on the west line of the Highland Boulevard Right Of Way; Thence along the west line of said Highland Boulevard Right Of Way, South 00007'28" West, 289.80' to the point of intersection of said Highland Boulevard Right Of Way with the north line of Block 3A as shown on the Plat of LeClairs Rearrangement of Blocks 2,3,4, and 5, Grafs First Subdivision, Second Filing, as recorded at the office of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder; Thence along said north line of Block 3A as shown on said Plat of LeClairs Rearrangement of Blocks 2,3,4, and 5, Grafs First Subdivision, Second Filing, South 89042'28" West, 618.83 feet to the southeast comer of Tract 2 as shown on Minor Subdivision No. 68 as recorded at the office ofthe Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder; Thence along said Tract 2 as shown on Minor Subdivision No. 68, the following five (5) courses: North 00000'28" East, 21.11 feet; South 89042'28" West, 450.45 feet; North 09057'23" East, 8.95 feet; South 89042'28" West, 144.50 feet; North 00016'18" West, 277.78 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said Tract contains 13.096 acres, more or less, and is subject to all easements of fact and record. Section 2 The effective date is thirty days after final adoption of this ordinance on second reading. PROVISIONALLY ADOPTED by the City Commission ofthe City of Bozeman, Montana, on first reading, at a regular session thereof held on the 24th day of April, 2006. ATTEST: ~(!C~ -~ J . USS, Mayor /J Pi ilL- DEVIN M. HARBOUR Acting City Clerk - 4 - ZONE MAP FOR BOZEMAi'I DEACONESS HOSPITAL A Tract of Land Located in the Southeast One-Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter and the !\ortheast One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter of Section 18, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, Principal Meridian Montana, Gallatin County, State of lIIontana ~l m VIC"initv / ZonlnQ" Map ~~Oi ~:::. Scale POll'll! .;::-r GRAPHIC SCALE ~ ( IN FElT ) l inch. :2OQ 1L BAStS OF BEAR1NGS- P-SSIJ:i',::; ~-~: I......t' rror." '.....~ C~;ll~' _ ~_ . /15~:'l ::-~.r(Je' Si';'"-;:';:::~ ~ ~ ;~::: \~-'~:'"""!~:::::O:. ; :'151;" c::::.ne' ::;: S~-::~-:...:: l4NtlOWNER: BOZEMAN DEACONESS H:::ALIH SERVICES )~n- ':0; F-~~"~;>~_,:)'1 r;""C-,....E-," f,_ l~.;-~ p~..,...,c. .......,?C: 1999 J'-<I ;Sec_1 T ! ~ ~~ i l8 :::: I fiE :::0 os--::::r ~~c-,~ Ci....:..::8.::. 7" '''''e<:;" LEG.u. DESCRIP'TION 18 11'lat UiJct Gf IlJnd locnteo in th I! Sou thecs( o."e- Ou-or(er of 'nile' NOI'tkeost One-Qu.crter -on-d ltle- Norll'1ecsl One-- Oucrler of lhl!: Sou theO'S-t One Quarter -or 5.e-:: t.on 113, T -D'lllnship 2 South, Range 6 E.os1. Pr-inc:ipcl I.k=riOion t.kantCM"lO, Gallol~ COW'It'f !Ir.lontonc. ond beif-.g. more IXIrl iculorl 'i des.c:rlbed Q'S fOl'liO_S: COI'1 S~"'9 the lne (rom It'lo!- Cenl er-(ost One- SilL~ een tll Corner of Soid Sect ion 1 B to thoe Norl'l\eo-s t On-e- Sill:lelltn th Comer 01 Soilj Sec:tiCH'l 1 B to bl!lQr N-orth 00.}8' 4 r West. .ilh ell boeCl'ings contained hoer-ein t-eloliVl:!! lnereto: Cornme~cit\g O-t th.!!: Cenl-e-r-EQsl On.e-Six!eenth Cornet of 50id Sec-tlon 1B; Thence -olon.g l he SOIol U'I I ineo of ~""e Wet! One- Hoil of tne Soo-.J,\h.es~ On-~-DoOl'ter 0' the Sol.ltl'le-osl Onr-Ovorter- oj the- Nor-theost One-Ouarter -of 'SOid s.eelion. South .B9"2'Ei.501R Eott, "'2.1{j leet to lne PeWIt Of 8eginnir'lg: ln~ce .conlirnJVlO:; Qlion.g '5(J"-d Me. 5ouU~ 8976'5t"0- Ecst. 28B.B4 f<<"t (0 the x.....'\.t.Iwes L Cotner of lne E-ost Ono!:- Hell or tt\e Southwes-t One-QuCJl'ter 01 lt1 e So...theO'St C1ne- au orter 0 r the Nort",eo'S-L One-Ouorter- or S'Ciod Sec:tion , 8; Th-ence GIIong. tl-li!' _es:t line of so<<! EQsl Qne- Hon t1f ltIe Sau ltl.esl ~-OuOr-l er IOf the S--outheas t On-e-Ouorter -of lhe N-'CIr\n't>Qst Qn.e- Ouer ter or -soilj Section 16.. NOI'"th 00'26'48. Wesl, 6-68.H feet to th-e North..esl Corner of -sood Ecst at'II!! -Mol f o! the $.ow l....es\ Qn-!'- Ovor tel'" of tM Sou th-eo:st Qr,oe- Oucrteo- 0 f tl'ul N-or th~t CIrrIe- Ouartet o-f wid Section 18: Th-etKf:' olong: th.e l'1oorlh line 01 $(lid Eo!;.t One--Hol f 01 lhe Sou u,..est ~e-o....or !er of the Southeast One-Quade' Qf lhe N orth't>Qst Qn-e-Ou or ler GI 'SGid Section IB, Sou th 8"912.... 8~ E ost, 333.41 fHt to \not' Norlh.easl Corner IOf "SQid Eas\ Qrle- Hal f of th-e So..lth._est On~- Qu.orler of tn'!" Southeast OrToe-Ouarter of th-e Northeost One-Ovofter of said Section 18; Then-c:.e- o.lor'lg tn e eos:t lin.e .of seld -EQsl One-Half -of tho!: Soutn west ~-Duorrer 01 mol! ~tl'l~st On.e-Ouor-t~ .c.J me N-OI"lhMst One-DuMler G' 'SOid Section 18, South 0014'ot;t Eost.. -607.0-1 fe-et to tho!!: SClUth.e.asl c.omet 01 soo E ost Or.e-Hcl f of the 5cM.J t....es\ C\r'L-e- Q..Iorter of tn.e Sauth.ec:s.t OrIe-Ouorteo- of (hoe North-en!!:t Drie-Ouorter of soia Sectfcn 16; ThoenC.e- oliong. the SO'IJ th .in~ 001 soid EQs.t On ~- Hol r iOf tho!!: SClUt~sl One-Dumler of the Nortf'le<:lst One-Ou<wtoer 'CI1 soid Sec:1iQ;n 18. Sevin 89'"26'51. East, 594_27 leet to- 0 p.-olnL on I"'e we-st ]irIe 'tIf tt...-e tLigtUCI<I'1d 8ouleyor d Rioght Of Wa r. Thence alon'il l-ne we-st I....e or SOld Hi9t-.IQ:rId B:oufe'O'Qr-cl Righ t 01 WfJ'j. South. OO"Q7'2E'- We-s1. 289.BO' ta thi!' p.airlt o-f inl~'Se(;tion o-f sClid Hiighlan-cl Boul.e-vorc:l R.gh I or Woy .ith the nClf t... tine -O-:J Black 311. os sh.o'Wn on I he PLo t or LeOai-rs Reouo,..,g.etTlent 0./ BtCltls 2.3,4, and ~. Q-Qfs F!l''S-t Subdivi::;.iun, SecOfId rOling. os rK'Oroeo at tl'le oHi>ce: 0-1 lhe Gal)olin County Oerk ondi Rec:ocde-r~ ihl!nce -oklr1.g said north, line- of Block JA os :shown ~ said Plct 01 LeCI.o;fs R-eorrcngement .ot BIOdcs 2.3.4, and 5-, Grof-s first Sub<livisPon. Sec:ond Filing. Sout-h ;89'42"28. Wes1, 6-18. BJ. lee1 lo- !.tie southeoas\ c-omer of Troe t 2 -os $hO.,." on 'lAlncr Subdivision Nc _ 68 os recotOe:c1 ol th e office c f tn e Galle t in COl.Iflty Clerk -ond R.e-~or-der: Thenci!' -Olonq -s--oid Troct 2 0'5 shOWI"'. on II.lmQt' SutxLi'o'is.ion No. 6.13, th-e foll-o"'lng fi...e (5) I:o-urses. North aO'OO'2.f1~ Eos', 21.11 le-et: South B9'o4;2.2"e.~ West, 4s.o- -45 feet; NorLh iJ9-57'Z3. Eos1. 8.95 leet: South 69'42'28. We--s.L, '''4_-50 fe-et: North 00'1 ofi"lB-. West, 17.., 76 tee l to th e Po1rit of 8eg1:lin inq. 50id T ro.:::t con talns -:: J. 09-6 CCle-S., mote or 1t:'SS. ond is sub- ject I'D 011 eose.onenb 01 1'C1ct ~nd r-ec:CIt'"o "",,,,,,"',,. ALUED BC1.l:"~:-;. lol-:- 5,.,71 S En!;meeruq:; So:: r,.'lC<:S. fnc SHEET 1 of] l'~ONE r,lJoS) ~D2-UUI FJ,:( 14oe~ S82-5~;O'J ""'......- :--.._o--d_. D<~_ &,--....1 - L~'8"'" Civil 'E.r,gLnccrm~ - Ll,r.J. Sur.'~"'I":; - Gcac~L'n:l,~al En~inel;'.,-Ing Str""Jcmrat En~intt'ri<lg