HomeMy WebLinkAbout88- Wastewater Treatment Plant Infiltration/Percolation Pond Engineering Study The study is subdivided into three phases. 'l'he results of ... .. .. .. AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES for BOZEMAN WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT INFILTRATION/PERCOLATION POND ENGINEERING STUDY THIS AGREEMENT made as of the 8+1.. day of ~ b-vr- , 191~, by and between the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, hereinafter called the "Owner", and Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc., hereinafter called the "Engineer", WIT N E SSE T H: That whereas the Owner intends to complete an engineering study to recommend the most cost effective long term solution for the I/P pond mOdification/replacement, and that said study is to be in accordance with EPA criteria for 100% funding. NOW, THEREFORE, the Owner and Engineer, for the consideration hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: I. The Engineer agrees as follows: A. The Engineer shall conform to the requirements of Sections 18-2-121 and -122, M.C.A., and all other applicable laws, ordinances, statues, rules and regulations. B. The Engineer agrees to perform professional services in connection with the project and will serve as the Owner's representative in those phases of the project to which this agreement applies. SCOPE OF WORK GENERAL the work in each phase will be summarized and reviewed prior to beginning the next phase. The scope of work in subsequent phases may be altered if data from the previous phase indicates an adjustment is necessary. The recommended work for each phase shall be approved by the City of Bozeman and the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences prior to proceeding with the work. PHASE I - SCREENING PROCESS J~ Review Existing Data. a. Research original design data on existing soils and the site grading plan. -1- -2- ~ b. ~eview Bozeman plant records on ammonia concen- trations in lIP bed effluent and apparent soil hydraulic conductivity. o. Test wastewater secondary effluent for SAR and electrical conductivity. ~ Soil Testinq. a. Test soil samples from six beds for sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) , electrical conductivity and pH. b. Describe soil types and horizons at sampling locations. ~ Review Flow Splittinq Capabilities and Problems. a. The existing flow control system shall be revised to its original configuration by treatment plant staff. b. The cOntrol system performance will be observed to determine the scope of the problems the existing system is encountering. c. The capability of the existing system will be briefly analyzed to determine whether Or not the existing system limitations can be tolerated or whether modification of existing equipment is necessary. d. If modification of the existing control system is deemed necessary, the design of the modifications shall be done as part of a separate contract and shall not be a part of this study. ~ Testing Proqram. Develop a sampling and testing program for Phases II and III. ~ Summarize Results of Phase I. a. Prepare a brief written report summarizing the results of Phase I work. b. Recommend three lIP beds on which further testing should be conducted. c. Discuss the report with City of Bozeman and Water Quality Bureau officials via telephone prior to proceeding with Phase II. A meeting shall not be required. PHASE II - TESTING PROGRAM FOR THREE SELECTED liP BEDS ~ Coliform Testing. a. Install a water level monitoring gauge in each of the three selected beds. b. The three beds shall be tested for a maximum of three flooding cycles. Each cycle shall be 7 days in length. During the first two days of each flooding cycle, City personnel shall sample the influent and effluent, twice daily, of each of the three beds and test the samples for coliform. -3- During the remainder of these flooding cycles, city personnel shall sample and test the influent and effluent from each of the beds at least once a day. Water levels in each cell shall be recorded by city personnel each time samples are taken. ~ Soils Testinq. a. Two neutron access tubes shall be installed in each of the three selected test cells. Tests will be conducted to measure changes in soils water content with depth to determine the rate of moisture move- ment through the soils system and aeration during the rest cycle. b. Two suction lysimeters shall be installed at two different locations in each cell. Lysimeters will be utilized to draw a set of samples for fecal cOliform testing. Testing shall be done by City personnel. A maximum of two samples per lysimeter shall be drawn and tested during each flood cycle. c. A bromide tracer test will be conducted on each of the three cells to determine if there is hydraulic short circuiting within the soil system. ~ Summarize Results of Phase II. a. A brief written report shall be prepared summarizing the results of Phase II and making recommendations for further study or test programs to be conducted under Phase III. Ten copies of the report shall be made for distribution to the City and the Water Quality Bureau. b. The Engineer shall discuss the report with representa- tives of the Water Quality Bureau and the City of BOzeman via telephone. A meeting will not be required. c. A written summary of mutually agreeable actions to be conducted in Phase III shall be provided following telephone discussions. PHASE III - TRIAL SOLUTIONS AND ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION EVALUATION h General. The type of work to be accomplished in Phase III depends on the results and reCommendations of the work in the first two phases. As such, the scope of work cannot be definitely defined. Two types of trial solutions are considered probable and are used as a basis for estimating the potential cost for Phase III. 2-A. Soil Amendments. The hydraulic conductivity and coliform removal capability of the existing soils may be improved with the addition of chemicals. If the tests in Phases I and II indicate chemical soil amendments may be beneficial, two beds will be treated with chemicals and then coliform removal and hydraulic conductivity. The two beds shall the beds shall all be tested with non-disinfected secondary affluent to c1etermine the affect of the chemical addition on ba seaded to select vegetation after soil amendments have been added. The following tests shall be run: a. The treated beds shall be subjected to two flooding test cycles each 7 days in length. The city of Bozeman personnel shall sample influent and effluent from the beds and test the samples for fecal coliform. Two samples shall be drawn and tested each day for the first two days of each test cycle and one sample a day thereafter for the remainder of each test flood cycle. b. Two samples shall be drawn from each lysimeter by the two beds during each test flood cycle. A maximum total of 12 samples shall be drawn. Testing for coliform and ammonia shall be by the city of Bozeman. c. Neutron tube tests shall be in the two soil amended beds to provide comparative data on the rate of water movement through the soil system before and after soil amendments. A maximum of 8 sets of readings per test flood shall be taken. 2-B. Disinfection with De-Chlorination After the liP Beds. If disinfection is necessary to meet coliform limits, pre- chlorination of the effluent prior to application to the liP beds followed by de-chlorinatiofi of recovered percolate prior to discharge to the river is an economically practical alternative. The impact of chlorination on the nitrifying bacteria, however, is unknown. A two month study will be conducted on two selected liP beds to determine whether or not chlorination of the water prior to application to the liP bed will adversely affect the nitrifying capability of the system. The following work will be done as part of the study. a. A temporary chlorine solution feed to the Lift station No. 2 wet well will be surface run from the contact basin to Lift station No.2. b. A temporary sulfur dioxide feed facility will be constructed next to the Parshall Flume effluent meter from the liP beds. A manually controlled bottle mounted vacuum feed system shall be installed in a small metal building. c. A temporary water line shall be run from the building water system in the sludge building to provide water for the operation of the injector. The City shall provide the water to the nearest outside hose bib. -4- -5- d. city of Bozeman personnel shall take daily samples of the combined effluent from all the liP beds and take test samples for ammonia, fecal coliform and chlorine residual during the two month study period. city personnel shall monitor and adjust the sulfur dioxide feed rate as necessary to meet discharge permit conditions. e. A maximum of 8 samples shall be drawn from the suction lysimeters during the test period by the engineer. The City shall test the samples for ammonia and coliform. f. The City of Bozeman shall provide all sulphur dioxide necessary for de-chlorination and change the cylinders as necessary. g. All temporary piping and structures would be removed upon completion of the testing program. .1..... Cost Evaluation of Alternative Methods of Disinfection. a. Chlorination before liP Beds - De-chlorination after liP Beds. b. Chlorination and De-chlorination after liP Beds. c. Chlorination and De-chlorination before liP Beds. d. Ultra-Violet Disinfection after liP Beds. e. Ultra-violet Disinfection before liP Beds. f. OZone Disinfection after liP Beds. (Alternative types to be reviewed may be evaluated by mutual consent but shall not exceed six in number.) ~ Prepare Written Report on Results of Phase III. a. Summarize test data. b. Make recommendations on solution to coliform problem. ~ Meet with city and Water Quality Bureau Representatives to Review Report and Recommendations. The Owner and the Engineer hereby mutually agree to the Rules and Regulations of Federal Register, Volume 48, No. 60, March 28, 1983, as contained in 40 CFR, Part 33, Subpart F, Section 33.1030, which lists the Model Subagreement Clauses. 1. Supersession 2. Privity of Subagreement 3. Changes 4. Differing Site Conditions 5. Suspension of Work 6. Termination 7. Remedies 8. Price Reduction for Defective Cost or Pricing Data (when applicable) 9. Audit; Access to Records 10. Covenant Against contingent Fees 11. Gratuities 12. Buy American 13. Responsibility of the Contractor 14. Final Payment -6- II. The Owner agrees to provide the Engineer with all available information described in the preceeding Scope of Work at no expense to the Engineer. III. The Owner's payments to the Engineer. The basis of payment for services described above and for any additional services requested by the Owner shall be as outlined below: & Basis for Pavment of Services. Payment will be made on the basis of and in accordance with the following schedules, with the exception that final payment may be adjusted upon determination of necessity and prior authorization by the OWner. I f such adjustment is within ten percent (10%) either above or below the negotiated maximum, no adjustment will be made in the Engineer's lump sum payment for profit. 1. The Engineer will be reimbursed for the actual salaries paid employees for the time such employees are directly utilized on work necessary to fulfill the terms of this Agreement. To this amount will be added the actual cost attributed to such items as specified in Paragraphs Band c. 2. The Engineer will be reimbursed for actual out-of- pocket expense. Such expense shall include all travel and subsistence and those other items set forth in Paragraph D. In extreme cases, where cost is involved for right-of-entry or damage to private property results from survey crews or drilling teams, the Engineer shall obtain Owner approval and necessary expense shall be considered as direct cost and shall be paid by the Owner and shall be excluded from any fees provided for in this contract; negligertt operations excepted. 3. The Engineer will be paid a lump sum fee of Eight Thousand Two Hundred Seventy Dollars ($8,270), and not to exceed these amounts to cover profits. 4. The total payment to the Engineer for the work shall not exceed Seventy-Sevel1 Thousand Four Hundred Twenty-Sevel1 Dollars ($77,427) with the exception that final payment may be adjusted, with Owner approval, to reflect the actual work accomplished. The estimated fee is prepared in accordance with EPA Form 5700-41 (attached) . ~ Pavroll Costs. 1. Payroll costs shall be defined as the actual salaries plus the following payroll additives of all personnel working on the project. The Owner agrees to pay such actual payroll items as Social Security, unemployment compensation, excise and payroll taxes, Employees' Compensation Insurance, sick leave, vacation, holiday pay and employees' retirement, employee medical and disability insurance, in addition to actual salaries. 2. The hourly rate for salaried employees shall be determined from their annual salary divided by two thousand eighty (2,080) hours. ~ General Administrative Overhead. General administrative overhead of the Engineer is applicable to the direct labor described in Paragraph B, Payroll Costs. Such overhead shall include, but not be limited to, administrative, clerical and unallocated labor; employee bonuses and incentive awards; general travel expenses; depreciation; dues and sUbscriptions; equipment rental; freight; general business insurance; employee travel, accident and life insurance; legal and accounting; office, drafting room and laboratory supplies; professional fees and contract labor; -7- reoruiting, rent, building and equipment repairs and maintenance; taxe. and licenses, telephone and telegraph 1 gen?ral travel ~nd employee relocation: utilities and janitorial serVlces; and offlce miscellaneous expense. JJ.L. "ijt"'of-Po~kQt :Expenses. Out-of-pocket expenses, directly related to this project, shall be reimbursed at cost. They shall include all travel and subsistence, special reproduction costs, special equipment rental, fees paid to any specialists not on the Engineer's payroll, computer facil i ties, and all unusual costs associated with the project. It shall not include regular office expenses such as rent, lights, normal equipment, and similar expenses. It shall include the cost, at standard rates, of printing needed of plans, drawings, etc. h Partial and Final Pavments. Partial payments of the foregoing will be made at monthly intervals, as the work progresses, based on approved percentage of completion. Payments will be made pursuant to certified invoices received, compatible with Current practices and acceptable to the Owner. ~ Inspection and Audit. All books, papers, records, payrolls, vouchers and invoices relating to costs and expenditures incurred as to the performance of the services by the Engineer hereunder shall be made available to the Owner, the Environmental Protection Agency or their authorized representatives, for audit and review, at the Engineer's respective offices at all reasonable times during the contract period and for three (3) years from the date of final payment. IV. The Owner and Engineer further agree to the following conditions: A. Termination: (1) The Owner shall have the right to terminate this agreement for default should the Owner determine that the Engineer is failing to prosecute the work in a manner which assures timely completion or that the Engineer is not performing any of the provisions of this agreement. If the Owner terminates for default, then the Owner shall not be liable for any further payment to the Engineer whatsoever and the Engineer shall be liable for any costs to the Owner resulting from the termination. The Owner's rights herein are in addi tion to any other remedies it tnay have under the law. (2) The Owner shall also have the right to terminate this agreement for its convenience upon seven (7) days written notice. If the Owner terminates for its convenience, the Engineer shall waive any claims for damages including loss of anticipated profits, and as the sole right and remedy of Engineer, Owner shall pay the Engineer for the work performed plus any reasonable costs incidental to the termination of the work. B. Liabilitv: ~!~.!.!~ The Engineer agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Owner, its officers, agents and employees against and from any and all actions, suits, claims, demands, expenses (including a reasonable attorney's fee) or liability of any character whatsoever brought or asserted for injuries to the death of any person or persons, or damages to property arising out of, resulting from or in connection with the performance of the work herein specified. The Owner agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Engineer for any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from any negligent act, action, neglect, omission or default by the Owner, its contractor, and their agents or employees. c. Insurance: Without limiting any of Engineer's obligations hereunder, Engineer shall secure and maintain, unti I the work is completed and accepted by the Owner, insurance coverage naming the Owner as additional insured (with the exception of Workers' Compensation) with minimum insurance coverage as follows: !IE!_~!_~~Y!E~l~ ~~E~~E~~_~~~E~~~~!'!'~Q: In accor~ance with the laws of the State of Montana ~~El~I!E~~_~!~~!l!!I: 2!~!E~1_~.!.~~.!.l.!.!I: ~~~.!.lL.!.~l~EI ~E~E!E!I_Q~~~i! including coverage {or damage caused by blasting, collapse or structural injury and/or damage to under- ground facilities ~~~.!.lI_!~l~EI_~_~E~E!E!I_Q~~~l! Single and combined Automobile: ---------- !~!!!I_.!.~l~EI covering all automobiles, trucks, tractors, trailers or other automotive equipment whether owned or rented by Engineer or owned by employees of Engineer ~E~E!E!I_Q~~~i! covering all automobiles, trucks, tractors, trailers or other automotive equipment whether owned or rented by Engineer or owned by employees of Engin~er Statutory ~__!QQLQQQ per accident ~!LQQQLQQQ each occurrence __~__!QQLQQQ___ Each occurrence ~__lQQLQQQ Aggregate -or- ~!LQQQLQQQ ~__~QQLQQQ_ Each person --~!.LQQQ.LQQQ__ Each Occurrence ~__~QQLQQQ each occurrence __._........---".~...............,._.w -8- -or- ~2~!lI_ln1~!I_!_E!22!!1I_Q!~!i! Single and combined !l.LQQQ.LQQQ Professional Errors & Omissions: ------------------------------- $_~~~~_~~~ per claim Engineer will, before commencing work on this agreement, deliver certification of such insurance to the Owner. D. Ownership of Drawings: All drawings and other work products of the Engineer for this project shall become the property of the Owner and will, at its request, be delivered to the Owner, but Engineer may retain and use copies thereof irt furtherance of its know-how. The Engineer's study and findings are not intended for use on other projects nOr does Engineer represent that they are suitable for use by the Owner on any proj ect other than the one for which they were prepared. Any reuse by the Owner without the written consent of the Engineer will be at the Owner's sole risk. E. Time: The Engineer agrees to begin work on the project within five (5) days of authorization to proceed. The Engineer will complete the study within one year after authorization to proceed. Provided, however, that if the completion of this agreement is delayed as a result of causes not reasonably foreseeable which are beyond Engineer's reasonable control and without its fault or negligence such as acts of the Owner, strikes or acts of God, then and in such event the time of completion of this agreement shall be extended for such additional time within which to complete the performance of the contract as is required by such delay, and the Engineer shall give the Owner written notice setting forth the reasons and justification for such additional time claimed under this paragraph. Failure on the part of the Engineer to give the Owner such notice shall constitute a waiver of this paragraph by the Engineer. I". Warranty: Engineer warrants that it will provide its services in accordance with the standards of care, skill and diligence normally exercised by a professional engineer in the performance of such engineering services. If any such service should be discovered to be not in conformance with this standard, the Engineer shall, at the Owner's request, re-perform the service at its own cost. Engineer shall also at its own expense make such changes, modifications or additions to the project which are made necessary by such re-performance of services. -9- T(fE'""~ITY OF BOfE~li r ~~ I . /\/I',J G i)J. '\./r J;-,. ( b I ~,,~G,- THOMAS, DEAN ------- G. Independent Contractor: It is agreed that the relation established by this agreement between the Engineer and the Owner is not that of agent and principal, nor servant and master, nor employee and employer, but that, on the contrary, the relation between the Engineer/Owner is purely contractual in the performance of the work herein specified, the Engineer being an independent contractor, responsible to the Owner only as to the results to be obtained in the work herein specified and to the extent that the work shall be done in accordance with the terms furnished by the Owner. H. Examination of Records: (as per Section III-F.) I. QQmplete Aqreement: This document, together with all attachments referenced herein, constitutes the complete agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, written or oral. The agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by Owner and Engineer. J. ~o Assignm~: It is expressly agreed that this agreement shall not be assigned in whole or in part by either party hereto without the previous consent of the other party in writing. K. Governinq Law: This agreement shall be governed in all respects by the law of the State of Montana. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. OWNER: ENGINEER: ames A. Cum ings, Secretary-Treasurer INC. ATTEST: ~ /) /Jt. --/_iJ '/ (/1 / (/(-t--___^ cP-t'~::a/-) clerk! f the ComMssi n ATTEST: k~ ,y.I,/) ) / ~< , _/;:L~ t..---I,' /iYe -tA-y, Gary A.- endrlx, P.E. -10- Notice to Proceed: Begin Field Tests: Complete Phase II Field Work: Submit Preliminary Report: Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. 19, 1988 26, 1988 17, 1988 31, 1988 . . .' PROPOSED WORK SCHEDULE PHASE I: Notice to Proceed: Complete Phase I: Aug. 22, 1988 Sept. 14, 1988 PHASE II: PHASE III: Notice to Proceed: Begin Application Soil Chemical Amendments: (weather permitting) Finish Chemical Application and Planting: Begin Field Tests: Complete Field Tests: Submit Report: Nov. 9, 1988 Nov. 16, 1988 Nov. 30, 1988 May 1 , 1989 July 1 , 1989 Aug. 15, 1989 .. . . .' . , .. , . .. oEPA Form APfK~ OMB No. 2030-00 II Approvt11 eKpires 10-31-86 instructions before com let;n PART I - GENERAL ,. RECIPIENT Z. ASSISTANCE IDENTIFICATION NO. C-300208 City of Bozeman 3. NAME OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc. 5. ADDRESS Of CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR (Include ZIP Code) 1200 25th Street South Great Falls, MT 59405 4. DATE OF PROPOSAL August 12, 1988 6. TYPE OF SERVICE TO BE FURNISHED Wastewater Treatment System IP Pond Study TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include Aret1 Code) 406-761-3010 7. DIRECT LABOR rSpecif'( IlIbor CII(~90,i"sl PART" - COST SUMMARY ESTlMAfEO HOURLY ESTIMATED HOURS RATE COST 442 $ 20.50 $ 9 061 224 15.00 3 360 60 13.00 780 76 7.00 532 90 7.50 675 OIRECT LABOR TOTAL: ";1>. ";":-i,. ,.~~~ .~..:.t. ~~I. . r,;.t"", ESTIMATED RATE K BASE " COST $ 14,408 $ 6,887 14,408 17,462 8. INDIRECT COSTS (Spl'1cif'( indir"cr cost pools} Direct Labor G eral & Adminstration INDIRECT COSTS TOTAl: 9. OTHER DIRECT COSTS .. TRAVEL . (11 TRANSPORTATION (2) PER DIEM 2300 7 da TRAVEL SUBTOTAl: b. EOUIPMENT. MA TERlALS. SUf'f>lIES (Specify c.t~;.S/ Chlorinator Eoui ment & Material OTY COST $ $ EOUIPMENT SUBTOTAl: c. SUBCONTRACTS Schafer $ SUBCONTRACTS SUBTOTAL: $ 25 200 d. OTHER (S.,.cify c.tl'1go"-l'1sJ ESTIMATED COST $ ... $ 10. TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 1 1 PROFIT . TOTAL PRICE €PA Form 5700-41 (Aev. 4-B41 Previous editions may be used unlil supplIes are eKhausted. .. . , . PART III - PRICE SUMMARY . COMPETITOR'S CATALOG LISTINGS, IN,HOUSE ESTIMATlS. PHlOR OUOTES -- 13. MARKET PROPOSED flndica(e basis for p,ice comparison) PRlCE(S) PRICE ,. " ..' '," ...~ .,.:.~~- .:".: :'" . .. '~. . ., i .. " '.'</......'.-. , --, >Y;;X.'":~'1'~".:,. .,' ;'," ,. . -...,...... - , -.r'. .. ,-. :<f,.'.:";,:'7/.i ,,~ '~-.~~ 1.<; "."','''''"l , .. ":,.,', .. ::~< ' .. . ,~:' . ..<".j",' -- ... .. ~ ". .. ~; :i~_ .>-': ~ .';":?~.~/-r:.' .:h_'~?~~~:"'.~ $ PART IV ~ CERTIFICATIONS 14, CONTRACTOR 14a. HAS AFEDl;RALAGENCYORA FEDERAllYCERTlFIED STATE OR LOCAL AGENCY PERFORMED ANY REVIEW OF YOUR ACCOUNTS OR RECORDS IN CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER FEDERAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT WITHIN THE PAST 12 MONTHS? o y€s' IRJ NO (If "Yes" give n;~me. address. and telephone number of review,~g office 14b. THIS SUMMARY CONFORMS WITH THE FOLLOWING COST PRINCIPLES 48 CPR 31.105 144:. This proposal is submitted for use in connection with and in response to; (1) .,~ . City of Bozeman, Montana C300208 :0' l:l "i Thi~ is to certify to the beSt of my knowledge and belief that the cost and !,ricing data summarized herein are a, (2) DATE .j' complete, current. and accurate as of: Auqust;~ 1988 I further certify that a financial management capability ellists to fully and accurately account for the financial transactio"lis under this project. I further certify that I understand that the subagreement price may be subject to downward renegotiation andlM recoupment whare tha above cost and pricing data have been determined. as a result of audit. not to have been complete. current. and aCC1!rate as of the date above. (3) TITLE OF PROPOSER SIGNATURE OF REVJEWER DATE OF E~ECUTION Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc. X_ L.:/ .f\', Gary A. Hendrix iLA Q Aug. 1.J2 , 1988 .1. /V ~"1.1 /V' -..;. " 15. RECIPIENT REVIEWER ./ 1\: I certify that I have reviewed the cost/price summary set forth herein and the p,oposed costs/price appear acceptable for subagreement award. TITL€ OF PROPOSER SIGi1~) 7ntA- DATE OF EX€(:UTlON /)h'"ec~Iw.. ol (:; !o lie- 5e-w / ceo 9/8/90 16. EPA REVIEWER TITLE OF PROPOSER SIGNATURE OF REVIEWER OA TE OF EXECUTION EPA form 6700-41 (Rov. 4+841 Page 2 of 5 . " ., .' . . ) AMENDMENT NO. 1 FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR BOZEMAN WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT INFILTRATION/PERCOLATION POND RENOVATION DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES This Amendment No. 1 is made this 26th day of March 1990, and is an amendment to the I/P Pond Engineering Study Contract dated September 8, 1988, between the CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Montana (OWNER), and THOMAS, DEAN & HOSKINS, INC. (ENGINEER). The following shall be added to the section entitled "Scope of Work": GENERAL This Engineering Design/Construction Services Amendment is to cover wastewater treatlnent plant modification, including: 1. Chlorination/dechlorination disinfection of plant secondary effluent prior to discharge to the infiltration/percolation beds or the Gallatin River. 2. Evaluation and renovation to efficiently split plant disinfected effluent flows between the infiltration/percolation beds and the Gallatin River. These work items are further described in the January 1990 "Rapid Infiltration System Pathogen Removal and Disinfection Evaluation for the Bozeman, Montana, Wastewater Treatment Plant". PHASE 1 - DATA COLLECTION The Engineer shall collect field topography for disinfection modifications, including excavation to verify underground piping location. Existing flow splitting equipment shall be operated (with assistance of plant staff) and the existing control systems shall be field confirmed by the Engineer and his control consultant. -1- r " PHASE 2 - DESIGN The Engineer shall develop a design report for city and regulatory agency review and approval. Subsequent design plans and specifications shall be developed in accord with the design report and funding agency concurrence. Services shall include subsurface soil investigation to assist in plan preparation. The Engineer will provide five (5) copies of bidding documents, including Contractor bond and insurance requirements to the Owner with information to allow for the call for bids. PHASE 3 - BIDDING PHASE The Engineer shall provide bid documents to interested parties upon receipt of a document fee. The Engineer shall coordinate and conduct a Contractor's Pre-Bid Conference and answer contractor/supplier inquiries prior to the contract bid opening. The Engineer shall provide the Owner with construction cost estimate, assist with the bid opening, evaluat.e the bids recommendation to the Owner. recei ved, and make an award Bid tabulations shall be completed by the Engineer for the Owner. PHASE 4 - CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION The Engineer shall schedule and conduct a pre-construction meeting. The Engineer shall provide a base line and benchmark to assist in construction of principal project components. The Engineer shall provide a full time inspector during underground improvement installation and part-time inspection during other improvement construction. These services shall include a daily inspection diary with weekly progress reports to the Owner (project director), and the processing of contractor shop drawing submittals, claims, payment requests and operations/maintenance manual material. The Engineer would prepare any routine change orders. -2- -3- The inspection services shall include material testing and verification of contractor compliance with job site requirements, plans and specifications. The Owner shall receive copies of all correspondence from the Engineer to the Contractor. PHASE 5 - CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION AND OPERATIONS STARTUP The Engineer shall make a final inspection with the Owner and regulatory officials. This inspection shall include a certification that all punch list items have been completed and the improvements are constructed according to plans and specifications. When the construction contract requirements have been achieved, the Engineer shall issue a "Notice of Substantial Completion" to the Owner. The Engineer shall develop an Operations and Maintenance Manual from specific contract material information and provide two days equipment startup assistance while working with and training the Owner's operational staff. The Engineer shall complete record drawings and furnish the Owner one set of reproducible mylars. PHASE 6 - PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND WARRANTY PERIOD After the renovated infiltration/percolation system has been operational six months or one I/P season, the Engineer, using Owner-supplied operational test results, shall develop an operations performance evaluation. This evaluation shall relate I/P bed operations to the Owner's Discharge Permit and identify successful operation parameters. The evaluation shall advise the Owner if operations can meet project performance standards. If the performance evaluation identifies Operation and Maintenance Manual revisions, the manual shall be modified by the Engineer. The Engineer shall schedule and make an inspection with the Owner's Representative and plant operational staff prior to expiration of the construction warranty. Any deficiencies found Five Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($5,350), which shall be presented to the Contractor and corrections monitored until acceptable. The following information shall be added to Section II of the original September 8, 1988, Agreement. The Owner agrees to provide, at no expense to the Engineer, all available information pertinent to the project and perform the following services: 1. Provide thorough consideration and a decision within ten (10) working days of all reports, drawings, specifications, proposals, change orders, payment claims, and other documents presented by the Engineer. 2. Name a project director who shall act as liaison between the Owner and Engineer. The following information shall be added to Section III regarding Owner's payment to Engineer. DATA COLLECTION AND DESIGN SERVICES shall be a lump sum, including profit of Sixteen Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($16,350) . The portions relating to flow splitting control, includes a profit of $562.00, and plant discharge disinfection, Eleven Thousand Dollars ($11,000), which includes a profit of $1,158.00, are shown on the enclosed EPA Form 5700-41. The payment requests shall be made in proportion to manhours assessed to the project. The data collect/design phase shall be complete within 60 days of a Notice to Proceed. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES shall be paid for based on actual salaries, payroll costs and administrative overhead. This work shall include reimbursement for actual out-of-pocket expense (original contract, Part III, Paragraph D). Partial and final payment shall occur as noted in original Contract Part III, Paragraph E. -4- The Engineering payment shall include a lump sum fee of One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty-Three Dollars ($1,753.00), and not to exceed this amount to cover profit. The total payment to the Engineer for the construction services shall not exceed Sixteen Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Dollars ($16,870), without prior written approval of the Owner. The estimated fee is shown on the enclosed EPA Form 5700-41. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Amendment the day and year first above written. This contract amendment shall be subject to the Water Quality Bureau (Montana Dept. of Health & Environmental Sciences) authorization approving EPA Grant participation. OWNER: ENGINEER: THE CITY OF BOZEMAN BY~ Z (L~' Ci Manager THOMAS, DEAN & HOSKINS, INC. ames A. Cummi gs Secretary-Treasurer ATTEST: ~/ ,lL C erk of the Commission ATTEST: ')/ )/ ,1 ,-.-""/ '7' I, ,. - / I I. A----4/~ C- / " /-~4wyC Gary A. H ndrix, P.E. / W~'iU~','~-? #?f ~5J5~ City h'; i ., -5- SEPA COST OR PRICE SUMMARY Form Approved OMB No. 2030.()()" Approvifl expires '0-3' .86 1. RECIPIENT (it of Bozeman Montana 3. NAME OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc. 5. ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR ,'nc'ude lIP Code) 1200 - 25th Street South Great Falls, MT 59405 TELEPHONE NUMBER "nc'ude Area Code) 406 761-3010 2. ASSISTANCE IDENTIFICATION NO. (-300208 4. DATE OF PROPOSAL Feb. 15, 1990 6. TYPE OF SERVICE TO BE FURNISHED Data collection/design services(lump sum) to verify and develop plans/ specifications for flow splitting equipment renovation to control wastewater treatment plant effluent. OTHER SU8TOTAl: .. OTHER OIRECT COSTS TOTAL: PART" COST SUMMARY 7. OIRECT LABOR (Spf/cify '.bor c.tego,ies) DIRECT LABOR TOTAL: 8. INDIRECT COSTS (SjHJCily indirect cost P<H1fs) RATE t I bo r ral & Administrative .478 $ .212 INDIRECT COSTS TOTAL: 9. OTHER DIRECT COSTS II. TRAVEl . (1) TRANSPORTATION (2) PER DIEM TRAVEL SU8TOT AL: 'n~-'''''~~~-:."-~''",'''''~ ~7:1 Li~~ u.o:;-:~'IL-:.:~:.~~.::'::..-iJ $ $ $ b. EOUIPMENT. MATERIAlS. SUPPUES(SfHfCi/y(:.t~sI aTY COST 'J - $ $ '- EaU'PMENT SU8TOTAL: i'~~:\--~:al~~..:"T'~\.'."'...", ~. ,,,,..,,. '::"'1 Jl~~~~ r~XL.......~..,..r..:........~~ c. SUBCONTRACTS ultant $ SU8CONTRACTS SUBTOTAL: d. OTHER (SfHfCi1y c.t.gori.s) FAX 10. TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 11 PROFIT T TAL PRice ~PA Form 5700-41 (Rev. 4-84, Previous editions may be used until supplies 8/e e.hausted. . .. - _''''"'"-------w-"_ PART III - PRICE SUMMARY 13, COMPETlTOR"S CATALOG LISTINGS. IN,HOUSE ESTIMATES, PIlIOR QUOTES MARKET PROPOSED (Indicate ha5i5 fOI price compa,ison) PRICE(SI PRICE , . '. ,. f,~.'..~ ".:;..~. _ '.:;;: . ., , , , , .,.... .". '"J ';i::j~ ,." '0. ,. ". " . .'_. . ~. : . 0' '. ;.. .. . . ..',..;....'._J.... ,_ .".".u $ " , .'.',;,' PART IV - CERTIFICATIONS 14, CONTRACTOR 14a, HAS A FEDE;RAlAGENCYOR A FEDERAllY CERTIFIED STATE OR lOCAL AGENCY PERFORMED ANY REVIEW OF YOUR ACCOUNTS OR RECORDS IN CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER FEDERAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT WITHIN THE PAST 12 MONTHS? DYES' ~ NO (If "Yes" give name. address. and telephone number of review;ng office . 14b, THIS SUMMARY CONFORMS WITH THE FOLLOWING COST PRINCIPLES 48 CFR 31.105 1 <k:. This proposal is $ubmitted for use in connection with and in response to; (I) "'1' City of Mon~ana C300257-94 ~o. Bozeman, I::: "i This is to cenify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the cost and "ricing data summarized herein are ' z. (2) DATE oi' complete. current. and accurate as of; F eb. ~t 15 . 1990 I funher certify that a financial management capability exists to fully and accurately account for the financial transactio'lis under this project. I further cenify that I understand that the subagreement price may be subject to downward renegotiation and/M recoupment where the above cost and pricing data ha~en determined. as a ,esult of audit, not to have been complete, current, and aCCf!rate as of the date above. ...---, A (3) TITLE OF PROPOSER( ~ -~4 .1_ 'RIGNATURE OF REVIEWER DATE OF E;j:ECUTION James A. Cu~' '/ m <\~ ' Sec-Tre~s., Thom~s, Dean & Feb..tlS, 1990 .. .. T nc. " 15. RECIPIENT REVIEWER 1\: I certify that I have reviewed the cost/price summary set forth herein and the proposed costs/price appear acceptable for subagreement award. .., TlTlE OF PROPOSER SIG~) DATE OF EXECUTION Dc' ,-ecfrr- 01 Put/Ie S 4?4'11 ;c.e_ M4t-- 1/:S/'lO ,. 16. EPA REVIEWER TITLE OF PROPOSER SIGNATURE OF REVIEWER DATE OF EXECUTION I;PA Fonn 6700.41IRev. 4-84) Page 2 of 5 t' oEPA Form App,oved OMB No. 2030-0011 Approv(ll expires 10-31.86 COST OR PRICE SUMMARY instructions before com letin PART I - GENERAL ,. RECIPIENT it of Bozeman Montana 3. NAME OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR homas Dean & Hoskins, Inc. 5. ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR (Include liP Code) 2. ASSISTANCE IDENTIFICATION NO. C-300208 4. DATE OF PROPOSAL Feb. 15. 1990 6. TYPE OF SERVICE TO BE FURNISHED Data collection/design services (lump sum) to develop plans/ specifications for disinfection system on wastewater treatment effluent to infiltration/percolation beds. 1200 - 25th Street South Great Falls. MT 59405 TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include Area Code) (406) 761-3010 7. DIRECT LABOR (Sptwly I.bor c.t~gori~s) En ineer Draftsman Clerical PART II - COST SUMMARY HOURLY RATE DIRECT LABOR TOTAL: 8. INDIRECT COSTS (Sp<<ify indir~ct cost pools) Direct labor General & Administrative INOIRECT COSTS TOTAL: 9. OTHER DIRECT COSTS .. TRAVEL '. (II TRANSPORTATION (21 PER DIEM ESTIMATED COST $ 250 $ 120 $ 370 ESTIMATED COST $ ~~f2 ~~:i.~-:;~:~::2;) TRAVEL SUBTOTAL: b. EOUIPMENT. MATERIALS. SUPPUeS (Specify c.t~q aTY COST ., $ EaUIPMENT SUBTOTAL: .--. --".,-.;'tr - - .... . - '< " ^'~., I::]~ii~~ t.:::,~'L.:..:~", :~-':~.d c. SUBCONTRACTS $ SUBCONTRACTS SUBTOTAL: Printin Phone ca OTHER SUBTOTAL: ., OTHER DIRECT COSTS TOTAL: 10. TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 11 PROF'T T TAL PRICE 'EPA Fo,m 6700-41 (Rev, 4-841 P'evious editions may be used umil supplies are eKhausted. PART III ..~ PRICE SUMMARY ~---------""~---'-'~~-'.'--- 13. COMPETlTOfl"$ CATALOG LISTINGS. IN-HOUSE LSTIMATLS. PlltOIl QUOTES MARKET PROPOSLO (Indicate basis 101 flnc,! comp,lfison) PIIICE(S) PfllCE .. .. '0' '. .~ . : ' ";:'- ;\ - .. . .- .. ,- .. ,. ".: : ' . :" .L , .....,/ - ,. ... .- . (....:~::-r;.~,; r,. .....>.../- $ PART IV ~ CERTIFICATIONS 14. CONTRACTOR 148. HAS A FED~RALAGENCY OR A FEDERALLY CERTIFIED STATE OR lOCAL AGENCY PERFORMED ANY REVIEW OF YOUR ACCOUNTS OR RECORDS IN CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER FEDERAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT WITHIN THE PAST 12 MONTHS? DYES' . IQg NO (If "Yes" give name. address. and telephone number of re vie w;ng office - 14b. THIS SUMMARY CONFORMS WITH THE FOLLOWING COST PRINCIPLES 48 CFR 31.105 14<:. This proposal is lOubmitted for use in connection with and in response to: (1J .'J~ . :0. City of Bozeman. Montana C-300257-94 I:) l,i Thi~ is to cenify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the cost and "ricing data summarized herein are (2J DA TE ~, :1, 1990 complete. current. and accurate as of; - Feb,;.15. I funher cenify that a financial management capability exists to fully and accurately account for the financial transactions under this project. I funher eenify that I understand that the subagreement price may be subject to downward renegotiation and/or recoupment where the above ~ pricing data '/ren dete'mined, as a result of audit, not to have been complete, current. and aCCJ.!.rate as of the date above. I (3)TITLE OF PROPOSeQ.. / ~ .1/ 0--1, ~ . SIGNATURE OF REVIEWER DATE OF E'~ECUTlON James A. Cu liigs 0' - / m Sec-Treas Thomas. Dean & F eb. "u. 5 . 1990 . . t. Hoskins. Inc. " 15. RECIPIENT REVIEWER n: 'cenify that' have reviewed the cost/price summary lOet fonh herein and the proposed costs/price appear acceptable for subagreement award. nTlE OF PROPOSER SIGNATURE OF REVIEWE~ DATE OF EXECUTION D i v-eci-n- 0+ Pvhl'-c_ JiW\}i L."(". ~j,- 4/3/90 " 16. EPA REVIEWER TITLE OF PROPOSER SIGNATURE OF REVIEWER DATE OF EXECUTION EPA Font'! 6700.41 (Rev. 4.84, Page 2 of 5 '. .) 4. DATE OF PROPOSAL February 15, 1990 6. TYPE OF SERVICE TO BE FURNISHED Construction Engineering and Inspecti n for renovation to the Bozeman Waste- water Treatment Plant for liP Bed Influent Disinfection and Plant Effluent Control. . . .,. . oEPA 1. RECIPIENT COST OR PRICE SUMMARY instructions before com letin PART I - GENERAL Montana 3. NAME OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR Thomas Dean & Hoskins, Inc. 5. ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR IInclude ZIP Code} 1200 - 25th Street South Great Falls, Montana 59405 TELEPHONE NUMBER IInclude Area Code} 06 761-3010 PART" - COST SUMMARY 1. DIRECT LABOR IS/><<;('1I.,b",. cI1rego,ie$J En ineer Ins ector Cl erica 1 ESTlMA.TED 110URS HOURLY RATE DIRECT LABOR TOTAL: 8. INDIRECT COSTS ISl'<<i('1 indirect CO$r pool$J RATE II 8ASE " .478 1. 212 $ 5 300 5,300 INDIRECT COSTS TOTAl: 9. OTHER DIRECT COSTS .. TRAVEL " (11 TRANSPORTATION (21 PER DIEM "'-"""'-"lI;:;-,'-' ...... ~ ":1 ~z~~~::~~.:~.~.~~::~ TRAVEL SUBTOTAl: b. EQUIPMENT. MATERIALS. SUPPUES (S".cify Cf/'egorie$J QTY COST ., $ '- EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAl: \~.N;:;:~; r. .,,:,,,:,. ".' ',:: ...., J ,t.:.....~.:..~~LA..3,..:4 ~~.."lt......:._.... .._.......:!.i: C. SUBCONTRACTS SUBCONTRACTS SUBTOTAL: d. OTHER IS/Htci('1 c.'flgorifl$j OTHER SUBTOTAL: .. OTHER DIRECT COSTS TOTAL: 10. TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 11 PROFIT T TAL PRICE 'EPA Form 5700-41 (Rev. 4,841 Previous editions may be used unlil supplies lire ellhllusted. , , . Form Approved OM8 No. 20JO.(JOI 1 Approl/(ll eltpires 10.31.86 2. ASSISTANCE IDENTIFICATION NO. C-30020B ESTIMATED COST TOTALS $ $ $ $ $ ESTIMATED COST $ . ,.. . , . ~ -~~~~~________~~f~_T"II~-=-=--f'R-'-f~~ILMM~~__ 13. COMPETlTOWS CAT ALOG LISTINGS. IN-HOUSE ES liMA TES. PHIOH QUOTES . fInd/edit? hasl's (or PflCi! COln/Jclrisoll) MAflKlT PRICE(S) PHOPOSEO PRICE -," ,. ....!.'., ~". : ". ..-:c.. ,. .... .-_. S PART IV ~ CERTIFICATIONS 14. CONTRACTOR 14a. HASA FEDl;RALAGENCYORAFEDERALLY CERTIFIED STATE OR LOCAL AGENCY PERFORMED ANY REVIEWOFYOUR ACCOUNTS OR RECORDS IN CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER FEDERAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT WITHIN THE PAST 12 MONTHS? DYES' rn NO (If 'Yes" give name, address, ,nd telephone number 01 re vie w;ng office 14b. THIS SUMMARY CONFORMS WITH THE FOLLOWlNG COST PRINCIPLES 48 CFR 31.105. 1 <k. This proposal is SUbmitted for use in connection with and in response to: (1) . -l~ .. :0 b "i Thi~ is to certify to the best of my knowledge and beliel that the cost and Jlricing data summarized he,ein are (2) DATE -~, complete. current, and accurate as 01: F b :1< 15 1990 . e . ro' , I further certify that a financial management capability exists to lully and accurately account for the financial transactions under this project. I further certify thllt I understand that the subagreement price may be subject to downward renegotiation and/of- recoupment where the above cost and pricing data have been determined, as a result 01 audit. not to have been complete, current. and ac~rate as 01 the date above. ---. ;! /l (3) TITLE OF PROPOSE~~ 1/1 j James A. Cum~~-~~ '/-ft." -/ Sec.-Treas., Thomas, Dean & Hoskins. Inc. 15. RECIPIENT REVIEWER City of Bozeman, Montana C300257-94 SIGNATURE OF REVIEWER DATE OF E~ECUTION I" <\~ - Feb.15,,1990 !\: I certify that I have reviewed the cost/price summary liet lorth herein and the proposed costs/price appear acceptable for $ubagreement award. nTlE OF PROPOSER Dtr-ec.h, Ot:- ?vL/;c ~-uv"ct! SIGNATURE OF REVIEWER fi,~'j, ~ DATE OF EXECUTION 4/3/'lO 16. EPA REVIEWER TITLE OF PROPOSER SIGNATURE OF REVIEWER DATE OF EXECUTION EPA Form 6700-41 (Rev. 4-84) Page 2 of 5 This Amendment No. 2 is made this 6th day of .. <. AMENDMENT NO. 2 FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR BOZEMAN WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT INFILTRATION/PERCOLATION POND RENOVATION DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES August 1990, and is an amendment to the I/P Pond Engineering Study Contract dated September 8, 1988 and Amendment No. 1 dated March 26, 1990, between the CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Montana (OWNER), and THOMAS, DEAN & HOSKINS, INC. (ENGINEER). The following shall be added to the section entitled "Scope of Work": GENERAL This Engineering Design/Construction Services Amendment deletes: 2. Evaluation and renovation to efficiently split plant disinfected effluent flows between the infiltration/percolation beds and the Gallatin River. The following information shall be added to Section III regarding Owner's payment to Engineer. DATA COLLECTION AND DESIGN SERVICES shall be a lump sum, including profit of Eleven Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars ($11,925) as shown on the enclosed EPA Form 5700-41. The payment requests shall be made in proportion to manhours assessed to the project. The data collect/design phase shall be complete within 60 days of a Notice to Proceed. -l- salaries, payroll costs and administrative overhead. This work , . CONSTRUCTION SERVICES shall be paid for based on actual shall include reimbursement for actual out-of-pocket expense (original contract, Part III, Paragraph D). Partial and final payment shall occur as noted in original Contract Part III, Paragraph E. The Engineering payment shall include a lump sum fee of One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty-Three Dollars ($1,753.00), and not to exceed this amount to cover profit. The total payment to the Engineer for the construction services shall not exceed Sixteen Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Dollars ($16,870), without prior written approval of the Owner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Amendment the day and year first above written. This contract amendment shall be subject to the Water Quality Bureau (Montana Dept. of Health & Environmental Sciences) authorization approving EPA Grant participation. OWNER: ENGINEER: THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ~ ')f"\ B ' -"'v. ~~) Z. l)JJA A ~ Q~ .\ __ C ty Manager ~ THOMA?S DEAN &. HO..SKINS' INC. ---- ~ /] BY / ~ '} L~~~4'L ..... ?- ~ A. C mnllngs ~ /1 Secretary-Treasurer / ATTEST: ATTEST: ~oI~~ Clerk of the Commission ka.~ Gary A. Hendrix, P.E. ~ Z~// APPROVED AS TO FORM: " -h -IC i ty Attorney -'-_ -2- . , r:~ , S,EPA form Approved OMS No. 2030-0011 Approval expires 10.31.86 COST OR PRICE SUMMARY instructions before com letin PART' - GENERAL ,. RECIPIENT Cit of Bozeman, Montana 3. NAME OF CONTRACTOR Oil SUBCONTRACTOR Thomas Dean & Hoskins, Inc. 5. ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR (Include lIP Code) 1200 25th Street South Great Falls. MT 59405 2. ASSISTANCE IDENTIFICATION NO. C-300208 4. DATE OF PROPOSAL F eb. 1 5. 1990 6. TYPE OF SERVICE TO BE FURNISHED Data collection/design services (lump sum) to develop p1ans/ specifications for disinfection system on wastewater treatment effluent to infiltration/percolation beds. TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include Area Code) 1-3010 PART II COST SUMMARY 7. DIRECT LABOR (Specdy IlJbor clJtego,ies) OIRECT LABOR TOTAL: . .j:, 8. INDIRECT COSTS (Specify indirect cost pools) Direct Labor General & Administrative INOIRECT COSTS TOTAL: 9_ OTHER DIRECT COSTS e. TRAVEL . (1) TRANSPORTATION (2) PER DIEM e $ $ $ w,,,- T~~f;:'--' "'.~l-~ "'T.:1 Li~~~:r::L{ .~~~~..:.~ TRAVEL SUBTOTAL: b. EOUIPMENT. MATERIAlS. SUPPlIES (Specify c.tegot';.# QTY COST ., $ $ EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAl: "-""'.I"--",!:q.a-r:;.'~~J:""'"...j.;..I" - "--"'~~"'J j~:.Z~~~L..~d...';..:"~~'~ c. SUBCONTRACTS $ SUBCONTRACTS SUBTOTAL: d. OTHER (Sptteify ciJtego,ies) Phone calls, FAX, OTHER SUBTOTAL: .. OTHER OIRECT COSTS TOTAL: 10. TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 11 PROFIT TOTAL PRICE 'FPA fnrm ~7nn..' Ic:lAv d..Rd' P,.n";.......f' .\r4...;............. .....""........ .......rf ,.......t;I...,.~~I:,~... ...r.... ....~.....",........-.,..., -....,-.~~_.,,-~, . .-~. PAIH III -- /'/lICE SUMMARY .... ._,_.'--,_.~.~-~---- -,,, ~"'-----'. '_.~---".." 13. COMf'ETIIOfl'S CATALOG lISW,GS. IN-HOUSE ESTIMATES, PHIOH OUOTES MAHKU f'HOPOSED Ilndicale ha_<l.< I", puce comp.-uison) PHICE(S) PRIC" - ~-,. .~,~,,, - ".' --- _.,~ -- - - -- .-... .- '.'" ""l -, - .... . $ - PART IV - CERTIFICATIONS 14_ CONTRACTOR 148. HAS A FEDE;RALAGENCYOR A FEDERALLY C!:RTlFIED STATE OR LOCAL AGENCY PERFORMED ANY REVIEWOF YOUR ACCOUNTS OR RECORDS IN CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER FEDERAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT WITHIN THE PAST 12 MONTHS? DYES' ~ NO (If "Yes" give name. address. and telephone nvmbe, 01 review;ng ollice - 14b. THIS SUMMARY CONFORMS WITH THE FOLLOWING COST PRINCIPLES 48 CFR 31.105 14c. This proposal is submitted for use in connection with and in response to: (T) CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA C300257-94 Thi~ is to certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the cost and ~ricing data summariled herein are (2) DATE complete. current. and accurate as of: . f further certify that a financia' management capability ellists to fully and accurately account for the financial transactions unde, this project. I further certify that I understand that the subagreement price may be subject to downward renegotiation and/or recoupment where the above cost and pricing data have been determined. as a result of audit. not to have been complete, current, and aCOllate as of the date above. (3) TITlE OF PROPOSER (lEOF "'?" DATE OF EXECUTION James A. Cummings Sec-Treasurer, t::::iA~ .... ./_~ ~.J --' A' ---..; July 24, 1990 Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc. / - ---v - -.7 '5. RECIPIENT REVIEWER / / I certify that I have reviewed the cost/price summa1i set forth herein and the proposed cos~s/price appear acceptable io. subii9'6.,'-ne;,~ award. TITLE OF PROPOSER SIGNATURE OF REVIEWER DATE OF EXECUTION I);, ,( ( ft.) ... ,:/ f? /-/('C 5;-. J 'L ' I' ( (:' fity I 7n4.~ 1;/4' /9 ( .' 16. EPA REVIEWER TITLE OF PROPOSER SIGNATURE OF REVieWER DATE OF EXECUTION EPA Form 6700-41 (Rev. 4-84) , .. Page 2 of 5 AMENDMENT NO.3 FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR BOZEMAN WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT INFILTRATION/PERCOLATION POND RENOVATION DESIGN AND CONSlRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES This Amendment No.3 is made this 10th day of October, 1991, and is an amendment to the liP Pond Engineering Study Contract dated September 8. 1988. Amendment No.1, dated March 26. 1990 and Amendment No.2 dated August 6. 1990, between the City of Bozeman, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Montana (OWNER) and Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc., (ENGINEER). This amendment modifies the construction services portion of the contract. Construction services are paid for based on actual salaries, payroll costs and administrative overhead. This work includes reimbursement for actual out-of-pocket expenses (original contract, Part III, Para. D). Partial and final payment shall occur as noted in the original Contract, Part III, Para. E. Total payment to the Engineer is increased to Twenty Thousand Two Hundred Fifty-One ($20,251) from Sixteen Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy Dollars ($16,870), without prior written approval of the Owner. Total profit shall remain at One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Three Dollars ($1,753) and shall not change, The estimated fee increase is shown on the enclosed EPA Form 5700-41. REASONS FOR INCREASED EXPENDITURES Increased work efforts beyond the original estimate were encountered in both construction administration and 0 & M Manual preparation. Increased time was required in the following areas: a. Shop Drawing Review. The number of submittals and re- submittals was greater than anticipated. b. Start-Up. Noise in the pump volutes led to additional field tests plus engineering time to evaluate test information. c. As-Built Drawings. As-built electrical control drawings by the Contractor have been submitted and reviewed twice. The drawings are still incomplete and further review time will be required. OWNER: ENGINEER: .. d. Payroll Review. Payroll review by the Engineer was requested by the Owner, but was not identified or estimated in the manhour budget for the original contract. e. 0 & M Manuals. 0 & M Manual revisions plus preparation of the individual equipment manuals in a manner suitable for insertion into the wastewater treatment plants master file system was more time consuming than originally estimated. Most of the equipment 0 & M data was incomplete on the first submittal, which in turn required additional review and coordination by the Engineer. 0 & M information is still incomplete. IN WIlNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Amendment the day and year first above written. This contract amendment shall be subject to the Water Quality Bureau (Montana Department of Health & Environmental Sciences) authorization approving EP A Grant participation. CITY OF BOZEMAN ~ .,. ,j BY:' . i~M"';'~ec! l) "I.' \J~'\___~'- THOMAS, DEAN. & H. o~ r-- ---- BY: ) /t/--~ () - , , c T. H. Thomas President ATTEST: C2~ J JJi~ Clerk of the Commission ATTEST: OJ /) Jk~ -~!~ {I. _- ~ Gary A. H'ndrix, P.E. - -"~ . , " " " aEPA COST OR PRICE SUMMARY instructions before com letin PART I - GENERAL Form Approved OMB No. 2030-0011 Approval expires 10-31-B6 1. RECIPIENT Cit of Bozeman, Montana 3. NAME OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc. 5. ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR (Include ZIP Code) 1200 25th St. South Great Falls, Montana 59405 2. ASSISTANCE IDENTIFICATION NO. C-300208 4. DATE OF PROPOSAL October 10, 1991 6. TYPE OF SERVICE TO BE FURNISHED Contract Inspection, 0 & M Manual preparation, and first year inspection and performance report. TELEPHONE NUMBER {Include Area Code} 406 761-3010 DIRECT LABOR TOTAL: PART II - COST SUMMARY ES11MATEO HOURLY ESTIMATED HOURS RATE COST $ 21.50 $ 967.50 5 13.00 65.00 12 7.50 90.00 5 15.00 75.00 7. DIRECT LABOR (Specily labor cluego,;es) En ineer Draftsman Clerical Ins ector .'~~~~~;;;? 8. INDIRECT COSTS (Specily indirect cost pools) RATE x BASE Direct Labor General & Administrative .478 $ 1. 212 INDIRECT COSTS TOTAL: ~~:: 9. OTHER DIRECT COSTS a. TRAVEL ESTIMATED COST (1) TRANSPORTATION (2) PER DIEM $ $ $ TRAVEL SUBTOTAL: b. EQUIPMENT. MATERIALS. SUPPLIES (Specify categories) ESTIMATED COST DTY COST $ $ EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL: I c. SUBCONTRACTS ESTIMATED COST $ SUBCONTRACTS SUBTOTAL $ d. OTHER (Specify categories) Materials for 0 '.'&'--M-"~Manua~ Phone Callsr FAX, Travel Mileage OTHER SUBTOTAL: e. OTHER DIRFCT COSTS TOlAL "STlMATLO COST $ $ 10. TOTAL FSTIMATFD COST 11 PROFIT 1. T01 td PRice 'f,PA fOrfn 5700-41 (Hev. 4-84) Previous edition.s Inay he u~,,'d uf1tll supplies i.:.Hf~ exh,311su."d. $ $ .$ l .' If , . ^ II .. PART III - PRICE SUMMARY 13. COMPETlTOWS CATALOG LISTINGS, IN-HOUSE ESTIMATES. PRIOR QUOTES (Indicate basis 10' price comparison) MARKET PRICE(S) PROPOSED PRICE PART IV - CERTIFICATIONS 14. CONTRACTOR 14a. HASA FED~RALAGENCY OR A FEDERALLY CERTIFIED STATE OR LOCALAGENCY PERFORMED ANY REVIEW OF YOUR ACCOUNTS OR RECORDS IN CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER FEDERAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT WITHIN THE PAST 12 MONTHS? o YES ~ NO (If "Yes" give name. address. and telephone number of re vie w;ng office 14b. THIS SUMMARY CONFORMS WITH THE FOLLOWING COST PRINCIPLES 48 CFR 31.105 1<11:. This proposal is submitted for use in connection with and in response to: (1 ) City of Bozeman, Montana C300257-94 This is to certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the cost and ~ricing data summarized herein are complete, current, and accurate as of: (2) DATE Oct. 10, 1991 I further certify that a financial management capability exists to fully and accurately account for the financial transactions under this project. I further certify th~t I understand that the subagreement price may be subject to downward renegotiation and/or recoupment where the above cost and pricing data have been determined, as a result of audit, not to have been complete, current, and accurate as of the date above. - . (3) TITLE OF PROPOSER James A. Cummings, Sec.-Treasurer Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc. SJGNAfU,E OF REVIEWER':; ./. i .. / .'/ I ./' I~/::. . ',_,,/~~/ J---:/ (__,~a[-&;7 . / . DATE OF EXECUTION OcL 10, 1991 15. RECIPIENT REVIEWER / // I certify that I have reviewed the cost/price sumniary set forth herein and the proposed costs/price appear acceptable for subagreement award. TITLE OF PROPOSER SIGNATURE OF REVIEWER DATE OF EXECUTION 16. EPA REVIEWER TITLE OF PROPOSER SIGNATURE or REVIEWER DATE OF EXECUTION EPA Form 5700A1 (Rev. 4-84) Page 2 of S