HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx 5 BPC 1 10 19 PPD FrameworkCreation/Operation of Parking Permit Districts in the Citv of BozemanlNOTE: An outline of potentialtimeframes for public engagement opportunities will be delivered tothe Bozeman Parking Commission for consideration following framework review by the internal'parking strategy team'.Parking Permit District - What is it?o A geographically defined area, by ordinance, that actively manages public on-street parkingthrough the use of parking permits for residences, businesses, and transient parkers; as well asshort term timed parking (meters, etc.).o On-street occupancy is managed to the 85% standard (adopted by the BPC).o Resident parking permits are made available for purchase.o Employee, and Transient parking permits may be available for purchase, depending on level ofpa rking occupa ncy/i nventory.o Short-term 'timed'on-street parking may be available in the district.Parking Permit District - Why have it?The 2016 Downtown Strategic Parking Management Plan, Strategy # 19, identifies "explorechanges to existing residentiol on-street permit programs ønd evaluate ond potentiallyimplement new residentiol porking permit districts in the neighborhood north ond south of thed ow ntow n com m e rci o I d i stri ct.'Manage on-street parking in a predominantly residential area impacted by a large, nearby,attraction such as downtown commercial, university, school, hospital, etc. This is done not toguarantee a specific space, but so that residents have a reasonable expectation of on-streetparking near their residence.Manage on-street parking in a commercial district to facilitate visitor parking turnover andencourage private shared off-street parking arrangements; reducing the need for multiple off-street parking lots and utilizing available land other developments.Manage on-street parking in a neighborhood with a significantly mixed use of residential andcommercial developments, so as to provide maximum on-street parking opportunity for bothusage types.Parking Permit District - How is it created, expanded, dissolved?o Petition from 60% of dwellings or owners.. C¡ty Commission or Parking Commission can initiate creation, expansion, or dissolution withoutpetition.¡ Managing on-street occupancy to the 85% standard will be a consideration in the decision-making process for district creation, expansion, or dissolution. Likewise, the principle that25%of vehicles parked in the (proposed) district, during peak hour, are registered outside the(proposed) district will also be a considerat¡on.o Minimum district size of ten (10) blocks, or 2500 linear curb feet.1 Proposed framework for considerat¡on in creat¡on of new parking perm¡t d¡str¡cts; not proposed for existing 'residential' distr¡cts, at this t¡me.L2/L4/18aaaa Parking Permit District - How does it work?An on-street parking permit allows the vehicle to park exempt from timed parking regulationsduring enforcement periods.A licensed driver residing in the district can purchase up to two (2) on-street parking permits forvehicles only. Trailers, RVk, campers, and other items are not eligible for parking permits in thedistrict.Each residence in the district may purchase up to two (2) visitor's permits for use in the parkingpermit district.A limited supply of Employee and Transient parking permits are available for purchase,depending on level of parking occupancy/inventory.The number of Employee and Transient permits available expands/contracts to manage on-street occupancy to the 85% standard.The district is enforced (permit and timed) utilizing license plate recognition technology, whichsimultaneously gathers parking occupancy data within the district; for further evaluation,modification, and management of the district.Funding Considerations - How is it paid for?o Revenues derived from permit sales within the district must cover the administrative andenforcement costs of the individual district.o Business and Transient permits are sold at a market driven rate.o Short term 'timed' parking is priced at a market driven rate, including event-based or other'demand' pricing opportunities.o Short term 'timed' parking is accomplished through the use of a Mobile Parking App, such asPassport, which requires only signage; drastically lowering capital costs for implementation andoperation.NEXT Steps (?) -o Finalize the conceptual framework, including review by the internal 'parking strategy team'.¡ Prepare a presentation to engage additional external stakeholders, neighborhood associations,etc.o lnitiate a public outreach effort, collect input,-re-visit the framework for modification.o Establish final recommendations for consideration by the City Commission.aaaaaaL2/L4/L8 Creation/operationofParkingPermitDistricts¡@NOTE: An outline of potential timeframes for public engagement opportunities will be delivered tothe Bozeman Parking Commission for consideration following framework review by the internal'parking strategy team'.Parking Permit District - What is it?o A geographically defined area, by ordinance, that actively manages public on-street parkingthrough the use of parking permits for residences, businesses, and transient parkers; as well asshort term timed parking (meters, etc.).o On-street occupancy is managed to the 85% standard (adopted by the BPC).o Resident parking permits are made available for purchase.o Employee, and Transient parking permits may be available for purchase, depending on level ofpa rki ng occupa ncy/inventory.o Short-term 'timed'on-street parking may be available in the district.l¡e¡ehberå€ed Parking Permit District - Why have it?#19identifieso The 201-6 Downtown Stto existinresidentiolnew residentiolsouththedowntown commerciol district."aManage on-street parking in a predominantly residential area impacted by a large, nearby,attraction such as downtown commercial, university, school, hospital, etc. This is done not toguarantee a specific space, but so that residents have a reasonable expectation of on-streetparking near their residence.Manage on-street parking in a commercial district to facilitate visitor parking turnover andencourage private shared off-street parking arrangements; reducing the need for multiple off-street parking lots and utilizing available land other developments.Manage on-street parking in a neighborhood with a significantly mixed use of residential andcommercial developments, so as to provide maximum on-street parking opportunity for bothusage types.Parking Permit District - How is it created, expanded, dissolved?o Petition from 60% of dwellings or owners.. City Commission or Parking Commission can initiate withoutpetition.o Managing on-street occupancy to the 85% standard will be a consideration in the decision-making process for district creatíon, expansion, or dissolution. Likewise, the principle ihat25%of vehicles parked in the (proposed) district, during peak hour, are registered outside the(proposed) district will also be a consideration.¡ Minimum district size of ten (10) blocks, or 2500 linear curb feet.1 Proposed framework for considerat¡on ¡n creat¡on of new parking perm¡t d¡stricts; not proposed for ex¡st¡ng 'residential' d¡strlcts, at this time.t2/t4/L8aa Parking Permit District - How does it work?An on-street parking permit allows the vehicle to park exempt from timed parking regulationsduring enforcement periods.A licensed driver residing in the district can purchase up to two (2) on-street parking permits forvehicles only. Trailers, RVl€, campers, and other items are not el¡g¡ble for parking permits in thedistrict.Each residence in the district may purchase up to two (2)visitor's permits for use in the parkingpermit district.A limited supply of Employee and Transient parking permits are available for purchase,depending on level of parking occupancy/inventory.The number of Employee and Transient permits available expands/contracts to manage on-street occupancy to the 85% standard.The district is enforced (permit and timed) utilizing license plate recognition technology, whichsimultaneously gathers parking occupancy data within the district; for further evaluation,modification, and management of the district.Funding Considerations - How is it paid for?o Revenues derived from permit sales within the district must cover the administrative andenforcement costs of the individual district.o Business and Transient permits are sold at a market driven rate.o Short term 'timed' parking is priced at a market driven rate, including event-based or other'demand' pricing opportunities.o Short term 'timed' parking is accomplished through the use of a Mobile Parking App, such asPassport, which requires only signage; drastically lowering capital costs for implementation andoperation.NEXT Steps (?) -Finalize the conceptualframework and prepare a presentation to engage additionalinternal/external stakeholders, neighborhood associations, etc.lnitiate a public outreach effort, collect input,-re-visit the framework for modification¡ Establish final recommendations for consideration by the City Commission.o Develop preliminary boundaries for a district that encompasses area to the immediate Northand South of the B-3. (Moved)aaaaaaaat2/L4/78