HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx 4 BPC 1 10 19 BPC Resolution 2019 01 Amend BylawsPage 1 of 1IBOZEMAN PARKI NG COM M ISSIONRESOTUTTON 2019-01A RESOLUTION OF THE BOZEMAN PARKING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, MAK¡NGAMENDMENTS TO THE BOZEMAN PARKING COMMISSION BY.LAWS FOR CREATION OF AN ADMINISTRATIVEREVIEW BOARD; AS REQUIRED BY ORDINANCE NO.2013 (ADOPTED BYTHE BOZEMAN Clw COMMISSION ONt2lt7ltgl.WHEREAS, the Bozeman City Commission created and empowered the Bozeman Parking Commissionpursuantto Resolution NumbersL676,1839, and 3803; and,NOW THEREFORE, BE lT RESOTVED that the Bozeman Parking Commission hereby amends their Bylaws,as amended and approved on O2/08/2018, for the purpose of creating an Administrative Review Board, asshown in Exhibit 4, attached, and required in Ordinance No. 2013 (L2/L7lt9l.PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Parking Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a session heldon the 10th day of January 2OL9. This resolution shall become effective immediately.Chris Naumann, ChairBozeman Parking CommissionATTEST:Ed Meece, Parking Program ManagerCity of Bozeman Revisions to BPC By-Laws for new Administrative Review Boardt2n4n8 DRAFTSection 4Commission Composition, Power and DutieuA. BPC Commissioners. The business and assets of the BPC shall be managed andcontrolled by the BPC Commissioners ("Commissioners" or "members").B. Number and Terms. The seven members are appointed by the Mayor, with the approvalof the City Commission to staggered four-year terms.C. Authority and Power. The BPC shall have such powers and duties as are provided in Title7-14-46,Montana Code Annotated. The Commissioners shall have the authority andpo\¡/er for carrying out any and all purposes of the BPC. To carry out its duties theCommission may delegate certain authority and duties.D. . During the firstmeeting of the BPC each year, the board shall appoint by majority vote, a Chairpersonand a Vice Chairperson, ryl!3!@bers of the Administrative Review Board.Terms are for one year and begin on January I and end on December 31. Officers canserve multiple, successive terms. If appropriate, they shall also appoint a board secretary.The recording secretary may be the Parking Program Manager. The Chairperson shall bethe presiding officer of the board. During the absence of the Chairperson, the ViceChairperson shall discharge the duties and exercise the powers and authority of theChairperson. The presiding officer shall preserve strict order and decorum at all meetingsand confine members in debates to the question under consideration. The presidingofficer shall state, or cause to be stated, every motion coming before the board, announcethe decision on all subjects, and decide all questions oforder, subject, however to anappeal to the board, in which event a majority vote of the board members present shallgovern and conclusively determine such question of order. The presiding ofhcer shallvote on all questions.E. Committees. The Chair shall appoint the chairperson and members of such committees asare authorizedby the Commission. Standing committees shall be appointed by the Chairwith the approval of the Board. The members and terms shall be as necessary to carry outthe business of the Commission. No committee shall consist of more than threeCommissioners to avoid an unpublicized quorum.l) Executive Committee. An Executive Committee shall offer direct supervision of theCity's Parking Manager. The Executive Committee will serve as the BPC's publicliaison. The Committee will include the BPC's Chair and Vice-Chair and the mostrecent past Chair. 2)AdminisReviewofonvote ofappeal decision made bynf qll nrnneerlinocandMunicipaladvertisedand awhen athe Parkine Prosram Manager. Theaccordinc fn nrnncrlrrrcc ecfqhliwill establish a calendar forint a Chairto lead meetinss.shed in theof a citationminutesElnzpmqnpublicly3) Adhoc Comniittee(s). rWith approval from the BPC, the chair shall call for additionalcommittees to serve the interest of the BPC, such as:a.Marketino Committee. A Markefino Cnnrmittee u¡ill nromofethe actions ofheBPC and its assets. (Note: Moved from freestanding in this list to inside ofAdhoc Committees)nncrb.nnlicies of theBPC. AIIlclesrnrrst he nnnrnved hv thecommtsslon_(Note:fullMoved from freestanding in this list to inside of Adhoc Committees)F. Compensation. Commissioners, including officers, shall not receive compensation fortheir services, but bona fide expenses, as approved by a majority of the Commissionersmay be paid from the Parking Enterprise assets. However, no Commissioner or officerwill have any right or entitlement to any asset of the BPC. Revisions to BPC By-Laws for new Administrative Review Boardt2n4^8 DRAFTSection 4Commission Composition. Power and Duties.A. BPC Commissioners. The business and assets of the BPC shall be managed andcontrolled by the BPC CommissionerB. Number and Terms. The seven members are appointed by the Mayor, with the approvalof the City Commission to staggered four-year terms.C. Authoritv and Power. The BPC shall have such powers a¡rd duties as are provided inJitle7-14-46i Montana Code Annotated. The Commissioners shall have the authority andpower for carrying out any and all purposes of the BPC. To carry out its duties theCommission may delegate certain authority and duties.D. . During the hrstmeeting ofthe boaÌdBPC each year, the boa¡d shall appoint by majority vote, aChaþerson and a Vice Chairperson,Review Board. Terms are for one year and begin on January I and end on December 3 l.OfÏicers can serve multiple, successive terms. Ifappropriate, they shall also appoint aboard secretary. The recording secretary may be thga Parking Program Manager, TheChairperson shall be the presiding oflicer ofthe board. During the absence oftheChairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall discharge the duties a¡rd exercise the powers andauthority ofthe Chairperson. The presiding officer shall preserve shict order anddecorum at all meetings and confine members in debates to the question underconsideration. The presiding offrcer shall state, or cause to be stated, every motioncoming before the board, announce the decision on all subjects, and decide all questionsoforder, subjec! however to an appeal to the board, in which event a majority vote oftheboard members present shall govem and conclusively determine such question oforder.The presiding officer shall vote on all questions.E. Committees. The Chair shall appoint the chai¡person and members of sucì committees asare authorized by the Commission. Standing committees shall be appointed by the Chairwith the approval of the Boa¡d. The members and terms shall be as necessary to carry outthe business of the Commission. No committee shall consist of more than threeCommissioners to avoid an unpublicized quorum.l) Executive Committee. An Executive Committee shall offer direct supervision of theCity's Parking Manager. The Executive Committee will serve as the BPC's publicliaison. The Committee will include the BPC's Chair and Vice-Chair and the mostrecent past Chair.Commented lEM2]: Fo¡ Juuary BPC mæting provide aæpy of Ordinmæ 2013 (final red line væim) to the BPC.Coñimented fEMll: l2l13/18. Comissionq Andrus:Puhaps the PPM should rcview the rules of opmtion for thetrow defiüct, büt otrcc existe4 'Bwd of Appeals' ?Formatted: Font 12 ptField Code ChangedFormatted: Font 12 ptCommented fEM3l: l2l13/18. cmisionq wimm:Ca puking citatiom be changed to muicipal 'violarions'without the addition of m A&ninistrative Rwiew Boa¡d?Formatted: Font colon Autocommented [EM4l: l2l13/18. comisions Nmm:Does Sætion E ¡eed to ackrowledg€ ùal smndary groupsm be æmittæs or bo¿¡ds ? 2)3) Adhoc Committee(s). rüith approval from the BPC, the chair shall call for additionalcommittees to serve the interest of the BPC, such as:a.Adhoc Committees)b.(Note:Moved from freestanding in this list to inside of Adhoc Committees)F. Compensation. Commissioners, including ofÏicers, shall not receive compensation fortheir services, but bona fide expenses, as approved by a majority ofthe Commissionersmay be paid from the Parking Enterprise assets. However, no Commissioner or ofücerwill have any right or entitlement to any asset of the BPC.commented fEMSl: Træ oonmitt€€s bave be@ ùsedthc past. ORDINANCE NO.2013AN ORDTNANCE OF THE CrrY COMMTSSTON OF THE CrTY OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA AMENDING CHAPTER 36 ARTICLE 4 OF THF', BOZEM,ÀN MTINICIPALCODE TO CLARIF"T LAI\GUAGE AND MODTFY ENI'ORCEMENT PROCEDURES.WHEREAS, Section 6l-12-101(1), MCA, authorizes the Cþ of Bozeman to regulate thestanding and parking of vehicles; andWHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman finds that concerns regardingthe public health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens and residents of Bozeman requires theestablishment of ordinances for the orderly parking of motor vehicles upon the public ways of theCity of Bozeman; andWHEREAS, the City of Bozeman has adopted numerous provisions included in Chapter36 of the Bozeman Municipal Code to regulate parking; andWIIEREAS, the provisions of Chapter 36, Article 4 are enacted pursuant to the power ofthe City of Bozeman to establish and enforce safety and traffrc regulations necessary for theprotection of the public under State law.NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TIIE CITY COMMISSION OF TIIECITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA:Section 1That Section 36.04.080 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended to read as follows:Page 1 of12 Ordinance 2013, Parking ltíanageuenl and Enforceuen! AclíttiliesSec.36.04.080. - Additional or temporary parking regulations.A. The director of public \r/orks is authorized to make and enforce such regulations, relative toparking:1. In front of buildings in which any considerable number of persons have assembled ol areexpected to assemble, as may seem necessary to ensure rapid and safe exit of theassemblage from such building;2. On any street, highway or city-operated parking lot for the purpose of permittingconstruction, maintenance or any other work on or use of the street, highway or city-operated parking lot.the parkine commission. and reviewed bv the Citv Commission.Section 2That Section36.04.l60 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be arnended to read as follows:Sec. 36.04.160. - .A,ltey restrictions.A. No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle at any time, whether occupied or not, withinany alley in the district which includes and is bounded on the north by Lamme Street, on theeast by Wallace Avenue, on the south by Olive Street and on the west by Seventh Avenue,except temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading,and then only for a period not to exceed thirty (30) minutes.B. No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle, whether occupied or not, within any alley inthe city other than in the district described in subsection A of this section, in such a manner asto prevent the free movement of vehicular traffic, or in such a position as to block the drivingentrance to any abutting property except than temporarily for the purpose of and while actuallyengaged in loading or unloading, and then only for a period not to exceed thi4v (30) minutes.Section 3That Section36.04.260 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended to read as follows:toSec.36.04.260. - Maximum parking duration designated.Page? ofl2 Ordinance 2013, Parking Managemen! and Ettforcemenl AcliviliesA. When signs are erected on any stueet, alley, highway, or city parking facility, vvithin the citydesignating a maximum duration for parking, no person shall park any vehicle for longer than themaximum duration posted.B. A vehicle may not return to a parking space in the same block face or within 500 feet ofwhere previously parked on the same block face or to the same city parking facility for a tbree-hour period.C. Upon expiration of the maximum parking duration as posted, a citation may be issued, inaccordance with section 36.04.380, to any vehicle which remains patked or stopped on the sameblock face unless for vehicles parked on streets, alleys, and highways:1. The vehicle has moved more than 500lineal feet, measured along the curb or edge line;2.Thevehicle has moved to an unregulated area in the same block face; or3. The vehicle has vacated the block face for a minimum of three hours.D. Upon expiration of the maximum parking duration as posted for a cþ parking facilþ, acitation may be issued, in accordance with 36.04.380, to any vehicle which remains parked orstopped in the same city parking facitity.E. Notw'ithstanding the foregoing, no person shall park a vehicle for longer tharl^ 4& 72consecutive hours at any time upon a steet, alley or highway vrithin the city or within a cityparking facility, , without a validsurface lot or facilitypermit for such surface lot or facilitv. Signs may be erected by the directorof public services grving notice thereof. Holvever, the signs are not required.F.36.02.020.Section 4That Section36.04.280 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended to read as follows:Sec. 36.04.280. - Loading zones.A. Designation authority. The director of public works shall have authority to determine thelocation of loading zones, and shall erect and maintain, or cause to be maintained, appropriatesigns indicating the same.B. Public use. Any loading zone established by the director of public works as authorized in thisarticle shall be for the use of the general public, and shall not be restricted to the exclusive use ofthe occupants of property adjacent to any such loadingzorLe.Page 3 of12 Ordinance 2013, Parking Managenenl and Enforcenenl AcliriliesC. (Jse restrictlors. No pelson shall stop, stand or park a vehicle for any putpose or period oftime other than for the expeditious loading or unloading of passengers or unloading and deliveryor pickup and loading of materials in any place marked as a loading zone and then onlv for a periodworks.Section 5That Section 36.04.350 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended to read as follows with allother provisions remaining unchanged :Sec. 36.04.350. - Residential parking permits.A. Application procedure. Applications for residential parking pemits shall be submitted to thecity on a prescribed form and shall be accompanied by proof in a forrr satisfactory to the city ofthe applicant's place of residence within the residential parking permit only area, as well as proofof registration of use and control of each vehicle for wbich a residential parking permit is sought.Each application shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee for each vehicle for which a parkingpennit is sought. No part of the parking permit fees shall be reñrndable. The aÍiount of the feesshall be established by resolution at the level that covers the cost of administration and enforcementof the residential parking pemrit regulations in the residential area. Residential parking permitsSection 6That Section36.04.360.C. of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended to read as follows:Sec. 36.04.360. - Montana State University Residential On-Street Parking Permit RegulationProgram.C. These regulations will be enforced by the city police department and parking servicesdivision.Section 7That Section36.04.360.G. of the Bozeman Municipal Code be a:nended to read as follows:Sec. 36.04.360. - Montana State University Residential On-Street Parking Permit RegulationProgram.Page 4 ofl? Ordinance 2013, Parking ltúanagemenl and Enforcement ActivitiesG. Permits shall be issued by the city poli€€ finance department. Permits may be issued formotor vehicles only upon application by a legal resident within the MSU residential district whohas a motor vehicle registered in the applicant's narne, or who has a motor vehicle for theapplicant's exclusive use and under the applicant's control; and satisffing the requirements ofsection 36.04.350.4 and B.Section IThat Section36.04.365.C. of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended to read as follows:Sec. 36.04.365. - Bozeman Senior High School Residential On-Street Parking PermitRegulation Program.C. These regulations will be enforced by the city police department and parking servicesdivision.Section 9That Section36.04.365.G. of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended to read as follows:Sec. 36.04.365. - Bozenan Senior High School Residential On-Street Parking PermitRegulation Program.G. Permits shall be issued by the city petiee finance departrnent. Permits may be issued formotor vehicles only upon application by a legal resident within the BSHS Residential District whohas a motor vehicle registered in the applicant's name, or who has a motor vehicle for theapplicant's exclusive use and under the applicant's control; and satisting the requirements ofsection 36.04.350.4 and B.Section 10That Section36.04.370 ofthe Bozeman Municipal Code be amended to read as follows:Sec. 36.04.370. - Legislative intent.It is the intent of the city commission that the violations listed in this article, except for aviolation of section 36.04.390, are offenses involving ei+il absolute liability and-are-eensidered. It is also the intent of the city commission that aviolation of section 36.04.390 is a misdemeanor criminal offense of absolute liability and shall notrequire proof of any of the mental states described in MCA 45-2-10l(33), (37) and (58).Page 5 of 12 Ordinance 201 j, Parking lrlanagenenl and Enforcenrent ActiviliesSection 11That Section 36.04.380 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended to read as followsSec. 36.04.380. - Enforcement; penalty for violations;A. ElneË. A violation of this article shallbe punishable by a eivil penalty and the eivil penalties shall beimposed as follows:1. The rninimum eirril penaþ for parking in violation of section 36.04.180 shall be afine of not less than $50.00 or more than $300.00.2. The minimum eivil penaþ for parking in violation of section 36.04.260@) shall be afine of not less than $30.00 or more than $300.00.3. The minimum eivil penalty for parking in violation of section 36.04.030(Ðl-15shall be a fine of not less than $50.00 or more than $300.00.4. The minimum eivil penaþ for parking in violation of section 36.04.050 shall be afine of not less than $50.00 or more than $300.00.5. The minimum eivil penaþ for parking in violation of section 36.04.250 shall be afine of not less than $50.00 or more than $300.00.6. The minimum ei+il penaþ for parking in violation of section 36.04.360 shall be afine of not less than $60.00 or more than $300.00.7. The minimum ei+il penaþ for parking in violation of other sections of this articleshall be a fine of not less than $20.00 or more than $300.00.B. Failure to pøy.The determining factor with respect to the eivil penaþ is the issuance of thecitation and not the judgment. Failure to pay a citation for violation of this article within sevendays of issuance of the citation results in an additional administrative charge, in addition to thepenaþ, of $20.00.C. Itiolationþr improperly parked vehicle.1. If any motor vehicle is found to be in violation of any provision of this article, thevehicle may be cited for the appropriate parking violation. The ei+a+ien notice of violationshall be in the form of a rretiee ef murúeipal iÉcitation authorized bv the city. The city employee issuing the notice ofviolation shall note the vehicle's license plate or vehicle identifrcation number and anyother information concerning the vehicle that will identify it and, ifthe driver is not present,shall serve the citation by placing on the vehicle a notice of theparking violation, or alternatively serve directly on the owner/operator of the vehicle inPage 6 of 12 Ordinance 2013, Parking ltlanagement and Ettforcemenl Aclivítiesperson or fenva+d serve the citation by regular mail lvith delivef,y eor$nmatien requested2. The registe."¿ oo*". of a vehicle at the time the violation occurred shall be liable forallfines,feesandpenaltiesrelatedtothespecificviolation@.3. The registered owner at the time a vehicle is found to be in violation of any provisionsof this article shall remain liable for all violations despite having subsequently sold,¡ansferred, or otherwise conveyed the vehicle.D. Notice of Violation. Employees under the supervision of the parkineaccordance with this section.1. The form of the notice of the munieipd+n*ae+ien violation shall be designated by thecity, but shall contain in substance the following information:a. A statement that the notice of the m¡¡nieip+in*ae+ien violation represents adetermination that a violation of this article or other pmkine prohibition has beencommitted by the owner or user of the vehicle and that the determination shall befinal unless contested as provided by this article;b, A statement that failure to pay a violation may result in immobilization and/orimpoundment of the vehicle for which the owner may be liable for a penalty,administrative fees, including towing, handling and storage costs;c. A statement of the specific provision of this article violated and for which thecitation was issued;d. A statement of the monetary penalty established for the parking violation,including that the violation may subject the owner to additional administrative feesif not paid within ten working days of the date of issuance of the citation; ande, +stateme* ef tle eetthe preeedures neeessary te er<ereisethese eptirens,request an appeal pursuant to 36.04.380.F.80PageT of 12 Ordinance 2013, Parking luIotnge,,rcnt and Edorcetnenr Acfivilies2. The notice of munieipal-irfraetien violation represents a determination that aviolation has been committed, and such determination shall be finalunless contested as provided herein.3. Nothing herein shall be deemed to invalidate any previous notice or citation issued bythe city regarding a violation under this article or other parking prohibition.l- Netiee of a munieipal infi'aetien affrxed to a velriele is net serviee ef the munieipalnet been paid Yvi*ìin t ivetime perieds fer payingthe munieipal in*aetien identified in subseetien F ef this seetienpayment of a fine to the finance department.E. Response to notice of violation required.l.Anypersonwhoreceivesnoticeofa@vio1ationofthisarticleshall respond to such notice as provided herein within ten business days of the date of theissuance of the notice, by either paying the penaþ set forth in the notice or requesting anadministrative appeal pursuant to subsection F of this section. Wifldn ten business drys ilfthe person receiving notice fails to either pay the penalty or request an administrativeappeal within ten business days, said failure shall result in the assessment of a $20.00administrative fee which shall be in addition to the penaþ.2. If the owner of a vehicle cited for a parking violation has not responded to the noticeof violation within ten business days as provided in subsection 8.1 ofthissection,thecþshallsendawrittennoticebyregularmail@ratien+eçested to the last known address ofthe registered owner ofthe vehicle. Such notice shallstate that if the owner of the vehicle does not respond to the notice by either paying thepenaþ and administrative fee orbyrequesting in',miting an administrative appeal pursuantto these procedures within ten business days of the date of the notice, the owner shall bedeemed to have waived the ownerrs right to an administrative appeal and the detenninationthat a violation was committed shall be considered final. Any person who fails to requestan administrative appeal or pay the fine within the ten business days ofthe notice describedin this subsection shall be deemed to have refused to pay the fine levied by the citation andshall authorize the city to proceed to collect the fine and all administrative fees in anymanner available to the city.3. All payments made by a person regarding a notice of a violationunder this article shall be paid only to the city ffi finance department.F. Administrative appeal ofparking citation. Any person cited for a violation of this article maycontest the detemination that a violation occun'ed by submitting to the city a notice ofadminishative appeal of parking citation. The notice of appeal must contain a written statementPage I of12 Ordinance 2013, Parkíng ltilanagenent and Enlorcement Ac!iviliesdetailing the appellant's argument that the citation \¡/as issued in enor and may includephotographs, or any other information the appellant wishes to rely upon. The citing employee'ssupervisor'("administrative reviewer") shall review the information submitted and, within 2l daysof submittal of the notice of appeal, the city shall inform the appellant via regular mail withor other communication approved bv the appellant, whether thecitation is affirmed, modified, or dismissed. If the citing offrcet's decision is afñrmed or modified,the petitioner shall have ten business days from the date of mailing or other approvedcommunication of the decision to pay the penalty. Failure to pay within ten business day periodshall result in the assessment of a $20.00 adminishative fee which shall be in addition to thepenalty,manner available to the citv.G. . Rehearing and Judicial Review.f.ienienthe administdiverevier¡rerwhose decision is being reviewed be included inthe panel.2.ne+i€emndifr¡ anv ntioinal decisifnr pnnroffactnrl qrv3.h€sria€.demonstate bythe statements of witnesses and other evidence that the citation was invalid orthe conduct ofsuch hearings.4108.atdetermines that the officer's presence is required. The review board may grant onepostponement if the offrcer is not available at the time of the hearine.Page9 ofl2 Oulinance 2013, Parking lrlanagenent and Etforcement Aclivilies5. Pað.ment by a defendar* ef æy j. Determination. At the conclusionliable and assessins a fine pursuant to Section 36.04.380.4. or declarine the violationunproven.charsed with the violation to the aonrooriate fines and costs assessed bv the citv actinsthroueh the review board and shall authorize the city to proceed to collect the fine and alladministrative fees in any manner available to the citv.7The decision nffhe re¡¡iew hoardshall be thefinaldecision hvfhe citv. Anv nerson assrievedby a decision may file a petition for iudicial review in a court ofcompelent iurisdiction. An appdand confined to review of the record and questions of law.Section 12That Section 36.05.560.D. of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended to read as follows:Sec. 36.04.560. - Definitions; regulations.D. Duties to enforce.It shall be the duty of the police department andÞarkins services division to enforce theprovisions of this division, issue citations for the violationthereof, and assist in the prosecution of those persons violating this division.Section 13Repealer.All provisions of the ordinances of the City of Bozeman in conflict with the provisions ofthis ordinance are, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other provisions of the ordinances ofthe City of Bozeman not in conflict with the provisions of this oldinance shall temain in full forceand effect.6Page 10 of12 Ordinonce 201 3, Parking Àíanagemen! and Enforcemenl Actit itìesSection 14Savings Provision.This ordinance does not aflect the rights and duties that matured, penalties that wereincu:red or proceedings that were begun before the effective date of this ordinance. All otherprovisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code not amended by this Ordinance shall remain in fullforce and effect.Section 15Severability.That should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of thisordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not aflectthe validity of this ordinance as a whole, or any part or provision thereof other than the part sodecided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the BozemanMunicipal Code as a whole.Section 16Codification.This Ordinance shall be codified as indicated in Section 1 - 12Section 17Effective Date.This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after final adoption.Page 11 of12 Orclinance 201j, Parking Managen,enl and Enforcenenl AcliviliesPROVISIONALLY ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman,Montana, on first reading at a regular session held on the 3rdber,20l8.ATTEST:¡1.¡ROBIN CROUGIICity Clerk3.coBita¡oOar*'¡;*aaa'a'å,a¡ ¡lFINALLY PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Commission of theCity of Bozemarl Montana on second reading at a regular session thereof held on the lTth ofDecember, 2018. The effective date of this ordinance is January16,ATTESTBOt t f ¡aaIqT_^+<\t' rROBIN CROUGIICity ClerkAPPROVED AS TO FORM::,,1,::.MayorMayorAttorneyPageL2 of 12