HomeMy WebLinkAbout04- Morrison-Maierle Wastewater Facility Plan Professional Services Agreement .. t. \ 1 ,~ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WASTEWATER FACILITY PLAN THIS IS AN AGREEMENT made as of June 7 .2004, between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation, P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, Montana, 59715 (OWNER) and Morrison- Maierle, Inc., P.O. Box 1113, Bozeman, Montana, 59718 (ENGINEER). Whereas the accomplishment of the work and services described in this Agreement is essential to the OWNER'S public works improvement program. Whereas the OWNER intends to and has selected the ENGINEER to provide necessary and professional engineering services for the project. Whereas the ENGINEER represents that it is willing and qualified to perform the professional engineering services for this project described in this Agreement. Therefore, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, the parties ab'Tee as follows: The conditions and provisions set forth in the attached EXHIBIT A - ENGINEER'S ST.\TUS DURING CONSTRUCTIO}l, EXHIBIT B ,\. LISTING OF THE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES f.ND LIMITATIONS OF ;\UTHORlTY OF THE RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENT,\. TIVE, SCOPE OF SERVICES, and EXHIBIT B - ENGINEERING FEE ESTIMATE are hereby incorporated in and made part of this Agreement. ARTICLE 1 - ENGINEERING SERVICES 1.1. The detailcd description of the specific project components is described as follows: 1.1.1. Prepare a Wastewater Facility Plan as described in EXHIBIT A, Scopc of Services. 1.2. Thc scope of scrvices under this contract are set forth in this agreement and the attached EXHIBITS. ARTICLE 2 - ENGINEER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1. ENGINEER shall perform for OWNER professional en gin cering services in all phascs of the Project to which this Agreemcnt applies as hereinafter provided. These services will include, but not be limited to, serving as OWNER's professional engineering representative for the Project, providing professional engineering consultation and advice and furnishing customary civil and structural enginccring services incidcntal thereto. 2.2. Thc ENGINEER shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, supplies, and incidentals necessary to conduct and completc the ENGINEER'S portions of the Project and to prepare and dcliver to the OWNER all data, reports, plans, specifications, and recommcndations as designated hercin. 2.3. Thc ENGINEER shall ascertain such information as may have a bcaring on the work from local units of government, public, and private organizations and shall bc authorized to procure information from other authorities as to the cxtent ofthese contacts and the results thereof. 2.4. The ENGINEER'S work shall be in accordance with thc standards of sound engineering practices. 2.5. Thc ENGINEER shall name a Principal-In-Charge for the duration of thc project. The Principal-In-Charge shall be .Tack Schunke, P.E., Vice Prcsident 2.6. The ENCINEER shall name a Project Manager who shall bc the liaison bctween the ENCINEER and the OWNER. The Projcct Manager shall be .Tames R. Nickelson, P.E. The OWNER may name a Task Director who would be the liaison bctwecn thc ENGINEER and the OWNER during the design scgment of the Projcct. I of 11 t \ 2.7. The ENGINEER shall submit an estimated progress schedule at the beginning of the work, and monthly progress reports thereafter until the project is completed. ARTICLE 3 - OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The OWNER shall name a Task Director who shall bc the liaison between the ENGINEER and the OWNER during DESIGN segment ofthe Projcct. The Task Director designated shall be Bob Murray, P.E. 3.2 The OWNER shall have the right ofreview and examination of the ENGINEER'S work at all times. 3.3 The OWNER shall make available all records (as-built drawings, construction records, GIS data, etc.) indicating the existing configuration of the city utilities, city limits, and property records. 3.4 The OWI'IER ",iliac reGponsible for .^I.l.hertising Bid Openings. 3.5 The O\VNER shall at1cfld the pre bid conferences, bid openings, pre construction eOflferenecs, eORstrll.etiofl progress and other job related meetings, substantial completion inspections and final payment inspections. ARTICLE 4 - BASIC ENGINEERING SERVICES The ENGINEER shall render professional Engineering Services as follows: 4.1 PRE-DESIGN INVESTIGATION PHASE Aftcr written authorization to proceed, ENGINEER shall: 4.1.1 Consult with OWNER to clarify and define OWNER's requirements for the Project and review available data. 4.1.2 Advise OWNER as to the necessity of OWNER's providing or obtaining from others, data or services and assist OWNER in obtaining such data or services. 4.1.3 Identify and analyze requirements of governmental authorities having jurisdiction to approve the design of the Project and participate in consultations with such authorities. 4.1.4. Provide analyses of OWNER's needs, planning surveys, site evaluations and comparative studies of prospective sites and solutions. 4.1.5. Provide a gcncral economic analysis of OWNER's requirements applicable to various altcrnatives. 1.1.6 f.ssist in fonmtion of Special Improvement Districts (SID) by preparing district boundary descriptiens and maps, preparing a property owner's and assessments role lis1:s-ffie.luding project assessment costs based on the preliminary project cost estimates, and providing technical information at SID public hearings, if applicable. 4.1. 7. Prepare a Report containing schematic layouts, sketches and conceptual design criteria with appropriate exhibits to indicate clearly the considerations involved (including applicable requirements of governmental authorities having jurisdiction as aforesaid) and the alternative solutions available to OWNER and setting forth ENGINEER's findings and recommendations. This Report will be accompanied by ENGINEER's opinion of probable costs for the Project, including the following which will be separately itemized: Construction Cost, allowance for engineering eosts and contingencies, and (on the basis of information furnished by OWNER) allowances for such other items as charges of all other professionals and consultants, for the cost of land and rights-of-way, for compensation for or damages to properties, for interest and financing charges and for other services to be provided by others for Owner. The total of all such costs, allowance, etc. are hereinafter called "Total Project Costs". 2 of 11 1 ~ " 4.1.8. Furnish -----1.L copies of the Study and Rcport documents and revicw them in person with OWNER. The Pre-design Investigation Phase will be completed and submitted within ~ calendar days following written authorization from OWNER to ENGIN EER to proceed with that phase of services. 4.2 PRELIMINARY DESIGN PHASE DELETED 4.3 FINAL DESIGN PHASE DELETED 4.4 BIDDING OR NEGOTIATING PHASE DELETED 4.5 CONSTRUCTION PHASE DELETED 4.6. PROJECT DOCUMENTATION DELETED 4.7. CONSTRUCTION TESTING DELETED ARTICLE 5 - ADDITIONAL SERVICES 5.1. If OWNER wishes ENCINEER to perform any of the following Additional Services, OWNER shall so instruct ENGINEER in writing, and ENGINEER shall pcrform or obtain from others such services and will be paid therefore as provided in the Agreement: 5.1.1. Legal land surveys performed to obtain data for preparing easements and rights-of-way descriptions. 5.1.2. Preparation of applications and supporting documents for governmental agencies in addition to those required under Basic Services; preparation or review of cnvironmental studies and related serviccs; and assistance in obtaining environmental approvals. 5.1.3. Services resulting from significant changes in the gencral scope, extent or character of the Project or major changes in documentation previously accepted by OWNER where changes are due to causes beyond ENGINEER's control. 5.1.4. Providing renderings or physical models. 5.1.5. Prcparing documents for alternate bids requested by OWNER for work not executed or for out-of.. scquence work. 5.1.6. ProYiding other serviccs not otherwise provided for in the Agreement, including services normally furnished by the OWNER as elsewhcre herein described. 5.1.7. Furnishing the services of independent profcssional associates or consultants for other than Basic Services. 5.1.8. Detailed property records rcscarch and verification ofthe most current parcel ownership, precise parcel size and District Boundary dcscription, and the SID financial evaluations required for the statutory district creation. 5.2. When requires by the CORt:ract Documents in circumstances beyond H!GINEER's control, ENCINEER shall perform or obtaifl from otherE; any ef the followillg ;\dditional Services as eirClll11stancl':s require during construction and without waiting fer specific instruetions from OWNER, and ENGINEER v,ill DC paid therefore as provided in this ,\greement: 5.2.1. Sl:lryices in connection with work dirl':cti Yl': changes and change orders to reflect the changes requested by O\VNER if the resl:llting change in compensation for Basic Ser...icos is not commensurate with the additional seryiees rendered. 3 of II ~ ( 5.2.2. Services in making revisions tEl Drawings and Specifica-tiElll.s Eleeasioned by the OWNER'S acceptance of substitutioHs proposed by CeRwactor(s); services after the award of each contract in evaluating and determiniRg thc acceptability Elf an unreasonable or eKeessi'le number of substitutions proposed by Contractor; and evaluating an unreasonal31e or extensive number of claims submitted by Contractor(s) or ethers ill. eOllfleetiEln with tfle werle. 5.2.3. Services resulting from signifioant delays, changes or priee increases occurring as It direct result of materials, equipment or energy shortages. 5.2.1. ,^.aElitional or extensea services during constructiElfl made necessary by (1) \Vorl; Slffill:lge by fire or other causes E1uring constructiEln, (2) a significant amount ef defective or neglected work of tllI)' CeRtraeter, (3) acceleration of the pregress schedule involving services beyond normal werlciRg ll.el:lfs, (1) default by any CORwactor. ARTICLE 6 - COMPENSATION FOR ENGINEERING SERVICE 6.1 LUMP SUM AGREEMENT FOR BASIC SERVICES AND EXPENSES OF ENGINEER 6.1.1 Payment. The OWNER shall for the services performed under Section 1.1 and 4.1 of this Agreement pay a total sum in the amount of $187.996.00 for such services. 6.1.2 Payment Schedule. Total cumulative payments for the engineering services (Section 1.1) shall not exceed the following ceilings: $ (10 % Elf design fee) until the Pre design Itwestigation and Preliminary Design Report ha'le been sal3mitted to the OW~rBR. $ (50%, of desigH fee) until the Preliminary Plans tffiel8pecifications have been submitted to the OWNER ans review authorities. $ 178,600.00 (~95% of the fee) until the draft facility plan report has been submitted to the OWNER. 6.1.3 Ceneral. Engineer shall submit monthly statements for services rendered. The statements shall be based upon Engineer's estimate of the proportion of the total services actually completed at the time of billing, subject to any limitations on Payments based on completion of tasks or specific retainage requirements pursuant to the paymcnt provisions ofthe Agreement. 6.1.4 Reimbursable Expenses. Only those expenses specifically idcntified for payment under section 6.2 of this Agreement are reimbursable. All other expenses related to services performed under Section 1.1 and 4.1 are included in the Lump Sum Payment (Section 6.1.1) and arc not separately reimbursable. Additional Scrvices specifically identified under the scope of services for payment under 6.1 are not separately reimbursable. 6.2 DIRECT LABOR COST PAYMENT FOR BASIC SERVICES AND EXPENSES OF ENGINEER. Construction and project documentation services performed as Basic EHgineoring Ser.'ices under sections 1.5 through 1.7 including General :\dministration of CElflstruction Contract, Resid6flt Project Representation, Pwject Documentation, and Construetion Testing, shall 130 compensated in acc8raaflce with the following: 6.2.1 exceed The OWNER shall J3ay for Construction Phase tffid Project Documentation Services an amount !lQ1JQ except as provides liflder and 6.2.1. Costs COHffl eflfla-ti on. Compensation for those ser.-ices shall be based on the ENGINEER's Direct Laber C0St times a factor of for services renderee \'. flicR shall covcr Direct Labor, Direct Lal30r Overhead, General & :\dministrative Overhead ana Prof+{., 4 of II Notifioation. f.t I:tfly time during the cOflstnletiofl that it becomes apparent that the Construction Phase and Project Docl:lmentation Services refleered under this :\greement \",ill exceed the negotiated compensation for these serviees, and prior tEl ]3crfeming servioes in excess of the contract ceiling, the ENGINEER shall give OWNER written notice thereef. Promptly thereafter OWNER and ENGINEER shall review the scope llfld progress of the projeet work. ENGINEER shall obtain written authorizatien from OWNER, prior tEl any additional eests being inourred under parab'Taph If it is determined that due tEl a ohange in project sco]3e under paragraph 5.2.1, the ENGl}JEER is entitled to additional compensatien, OWNER and ENGINEER may negotiate terms as provided under The amount llfla terms of any additioHal eompensation under or shall be negotiated and agreed in w'Jiting pursuant to 9.16. Costs Exceeding Estimated Compensation. Elwept as allowed under 5.2.1, ?:fief! t-ll:e total oost of thc original scope CElflstruction Phase amI Prejeot Documentation Services elw0eds the negotiated compensation for t'hese services, the OWNER shall pay only fer fue direot oosts incurred in excess of the estimated compensation. These costs consist of an amount equal to the ENCli'IEBR'S Direet Laeer Cost times a factor of for services reneered which shall include Direet Looer, the federally audited payroll Direet Labor Overhead, llfla General & AdmiflisH-ative Overhead oosts, but shall not include llflY allowance for profit. 6.2.2. Reimbumasle Elll:Jenses, as defiflea ifl section 7.1 of this l.greement, for Basic Services and Approved ;\dditional Serviees shall be paid to the E~JGrNEER by the O\VNER in the actual amount of the eoats iFlel:lffed up to afl ameunt not to exeeea $: which if!ell:ldes $: fer eef!5l:1Itants employed by the Eflgifleer and $: for all other reiFl'll3l:1rsoole expenses. The estimated reimbursable expenses are iaeRtified ill Exhibit" " 6.2.3. Failed Test El(oCflses. The E~IGINEER shall maintaifl af!e provide to the OWNER, a record of the costs associates wifu failing quality eElRH-el tests performee for the OWNER duriflg the course of the construction efthe project ana reeeWlmond an amount the OWNER deduct from the contraetor(s) paytRents. 6.2.4 The OWNER shall pay an amount for Additional Services rendered by the ENGINEER and approved in writing by the OWNER on the basis of the ENGINEER'S Direct Labor Costs times a factor of 3.00 , or an amount otherwise negotiated at the time such serviccs are requested and approved by the OWNER. ARTICLE 7 - MEANING OF TERMS 7.1 AGREEMENT As used herein the term "this Agreement" refers to the contents of this document and its Exhibits attached hereto and referred to as if they wcre part of one and the same document. 7.2 CONSTRUCTION COSTS The construction cost of the entire Project (herein referred to as "Construction Cost") means the total cost to OWNER of those portions of the entire Project designed and specified by ENGINEER, but it will not includc ENClNEER's compensation and expenses, the cost of land, rights-of-way, or compensation for or damages to, properties unless this Agrecmcnt so specifies, nor will it include OWNER's legal, accounting, insurance counseling or auditing services, or intercst and financing chargcs incurred in connection with the Project or thc cost of other services to be provided by others to OWNER. 7.3 DIRECT LABOR COSTS Dircct Labor Costs uscd as a basis for paymcnt mean the actual salarics and wages paid to all ENGINEER's personnel engaged directly on the Project, including, but not limited to, engineers, architects, surveyors, dcsigncrs, drafters, specification writers, estimators, othcr technical and business pcrsonnel; but does not include indircct payroll rclatcd costs or fringe benefits. For the purposes of this Agreement the principals and employees ofthc ENCINEER maximum billable Dircct Labor Costs are: 5 of 11 Principals $ 46.20 /hour Supervising Engineer II $ 39.33 /hour Supervising Engineer I $ 34.33 /hour Senior Engincer II $ 31.15 /hour Senior Engineer I $ 27.65 /hour Design Engineer II $ 25.90 /hour Design Engineer I $ 23.80 /hour Staff Engineer $ 22.00 /hour Senior Environmental Professional $ 30.00 /hour Environmental Professional $ 22.75 /hour Senior Technicians $ 21.70 /hour CADD Drafter $ 18.55 /hour Technicians $ 12.25 /hour Two Person Survey Crew $ 35.00 /hour Clerical $ 14.00 /hour 7.4 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Reimbursable Expenses mcan the actual expenses incurred by ENGINEER or ENGINEER's independcnt professional associates or consultants directly in connection with the Project, such as cxpenses for: transportation and subsistence incidental thereto; obtaining bids or proposals from Contractor(s); subsistence and transportation of Resident Project Representatives and their assistants; toll telephone calls and telegrams; reproduction of reports, Drawings, Spccifications, Bidding Documents and similar Project-related items; and if authorized in advance by OWNER, overtime work requiring higher than regular rates. In addition, when compensation for Basic Services is on the basis of Direct Labor Costs method of payment, Reimbursable Expenses will also include the amount billed to ENGINEER by special consultants employcd by ENGINEER and authorized by OWNER (other than as an authorized Additional Services) and will also ineludc expenses incurred for computer time and other specialized equipmcnt, including an appropriate charge for previously established programs and expenses of photographic production techniques. ARTICLE 8 - PAYMENT PROVISIONS 8.1 TIMES OF PAYMENTS. ENGINEER may submit monthly statements for Basic Services and approved Additional Services rendered and for Reimbursable Expenses incurred; however, payments shall not exceed the ceilings provided in 6.1 and 6.2. Final payment shall be made only after acceptance of the projcct by the OWNER. If OWNER disputes the amount of the billing, OWNER will notify the ENCINEER in writing within ten (l0) calendar days of the reccipt of bill of the dispute. 8.2 REQUESTS FOR PAYMENT. Each request for paymcnt shall inelude a documentation summary of the period incremental man hours incurred, direct labor rates and billcd rates, detail of rcimbursable costs, total period billing, and total cumulative billing. When requested by OWNER services for distinct project segmcnts shall be accounted and billed separately. 8.3 PAYMENT UNDER TERMINATION. In the event of termination by the OWNER upon the completion of any phase ofthe Basic Services, progress payments due ENGINEER for services rendered through such phase shall constitute total payment for such services. In the event of such tcrmination by OWNER during any phase of the Basic Services, ENGINEER also will be reimbursed for the charges of pre-approved independcnt professional associatcs and consultants employed by ENGINEER to render Basic Services, and paid for services rendered during that phase on the basis of thc payment provisions of the Agreement. In the cvent of any such termination, ENGINEER will be paid for unpaid pre- approved Additional Services and unpaid Reimbursable Expenses which are authorized under this agreement. 6 of 11 , ARTICLE 9 - GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 9.1 TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT 9.1.1 The sole right is hereby reserved to the OWNER to terminate this Engineering Agreement for any and all causes or for its convenience at any time upon fiftccn (15) days written notice to the ENGINEER. 9.1.2 If tcrmination for default is effectcd by the OWNER, an equitable adjustment in the price provided for in this Agreement shall be made, but (I) no amount shall bc allowed for anticipated profit on unperformed scrvices or other work, and (2) any payment due to the ENGINEER at the time of termination may bc adjusted to covcr any additional costs to the OWNER because of the ENGINEER's default. If termination for convenience is effected by thc OWNER, the cquitable adjustmcnt shall include a reasonable profit, as determined by owner, for services or other work performed. The equitable adjustment for any termination shall provide for payment to the ENGINEER for scrvices rendered and expenses incurred prior to the termination, in addition to termination scttlement costs reasonably incurred by the ENGINEER rclating to commitments which had become firm prior to the termination. 9.1.3 Upon receipt of a termination action under paragraph 9.1.2, the ENGINEER shall (I) promptly discontinue all affected work (unless the notice directs otherwise), and (2) deliver or otherwise make available to the OWNER within ten (10) days copies of all data, design drawings, specifications, reports, estimates, summaries and such other information and materials as may have been accumulated by the ENGINEER in performing this Agreement, whether completed or in process. 9.1.4 In the event this Contract is terminated prior to completion, the original copies of thc ENGINEER'S data, recommendations, plans, specifications, analysis and othcr related documents preparcd by thc ENGINEER prior to said termination shall be delivered to and becomc the property of the OWNER. 9.1.5 Upon termination, the OWNER may take over the work and may award another party an Agreement to complete the work under this Agreement. 9.1.6 OWNER'S right to terminate is in addition to any other remedies OWNER may have under the law. 9.2 INSPECTION AND AUDIT All books, papers, records, payrolls, vouchers and invoiccs relating to costs and expcnditures incurred as to the performance of the services by the ENGINEER hercunder shall be made available to the OWNER, or their authorized representatives for audit and review, at the ENGINEER'S respectivc offices at all reasonable timcs during the contract period and for threc years from the date of final payment. 9.3 EMPLOYMENT The ENGINEER warrants that he has not employed or retaincd any company or persons, othcr than a bona fide employee, working solely for thc ENGINEER, to solicit to secure this contract, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than bona fide employees working solely for the ENGINEER, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fcc, gifts or any other considerations contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Contract. For breach or violation of this warranty, the OWNER shall have the right to annul the Contract without liability or in its discretion to deduct [Tom the price or consideration or otherwise recover the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or contingent fee. All employees of the ENCINEER or other persons while engaged in thc performance of work or scrvices rcquired by thc ENGINEER shall be considered employces of the ENGINEER only and not of the OWNER. 9.4 NONDISCRIMINATION The ENCINEER will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, political ideas, scx, agc, marital status, national origin or disability in employment or provision of services. The ENGINEER shall bc subject to and comply with 7 o[ 11 Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Section 140, Title 2, United States Code, and all regulations promulgated there under. 9.5 SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNING OF WORK The ENGINEER shall not sublet or assign any of the work covercd herein without prior written approval of the OWNER. 9.6 STANDARD 01,' CARE In providing scrvices under this agreement, thc ENGINEER will perform in a manner consistent with the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the same profession currently practicing under similar circumstances. If any service should be found to be not in conformance with this standard, the ENGINEER shall, at thc OWNER's request, re- perform the servicc at its own expense. Engineer shall also, at its own expense, make such changes, modifications or additions to the project which are made necessary as a result of the initial non-performance or the re-performance of services. The OWNER's rights hcrein are in addition to any other remedies the OWNER may have under thc law. 9.7 LEGAL RELATIONS 9.7.1 The ENGINEER shall comply with all Federal, State, and Local laws and ordinances applicable to the work to be done. 9.7.2 The ENGINEER agrees to indenmify, hold harmless, and defend the OWNER, its officers, directors, agents, and employees from and against any suits, causes of action, claims, dcmands, damages, costs, expenses, obligations, and liability of any character, including attorney's fees, arising out of or resulting from or in connection with the ENCINEER's ncgligent performance of the services specified in this agreement. In the event the OWNER is found proportionately responsible, the ENGINEER will be held responsible only for those damages, costs, attorney's fees, and liabilities as arc attributable to the ENCINEER's percent offault as comparcd with 100% ofthc fault giving rise to the damages. 9.7.3. The ENGINEER agrees to indenmify, hold harmless and defend the OWNER, its officers, directors, agents, and employees from and against any suits, causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, obligations, and liability of any character, including attorney's fees, arising out of or resulting from or in connection with the ENGINEER's non-negligent performance of the services specified in this agreement. In the cvcnt the OWNER is found proportionately responsible, the ENGINEER will be held responsible only for those damages, costs, attorney's fees, and liabilities as are attributable to the ENCINEER's percent of fault as compared with 100%, ofthc fault giving rise to the damagcs. 9.7.4 In an appropriatc case in which attorney's fees are awarded to thc OWNER following a wrongful refusal of a tender of defense, said fees may include fccs and salary paid by the OWNER to thc City Attorney or other in-housc counscl. 9.7.5 The indemnity requircd herein shall not be limited by reason of the specification of any particular insurance coveragc in this agreement. 9.7.6 The ENClNEER shall perform this agreement as an independent contractor, and as such, is responsible to the OWNER only as to the results to be obtained in the work herein specified, and to the extent that thc work shall be done in accordancc with thc terms, plans and specifications. 'n1e ENGINEER shall have and maintain complete control over all of its employees, subcontractors, agents and operations, being responsible for any required payroll deductions and providing required benefits, such as, but not limitcd to, worker's compensation with statutory limits, and unemploymcnt insurance. 9.8 INSURANCE Thc ENGINEER shall secure and furnish to the OWNER certificate of insurance, therein, naming the OWNER as an additional insured, to includc thirty (30) days notice of cancellation or non~renewa1. 8 of 11 Without limiting any of ENGINEER's obligations hereunder, ENGINEER shall secure and maintain, until the work is completed and accepted by the OWNER, insurance coverage naming thc OWNER as additional insured with minimum insurance coverage as follows: Type of Coveragc Limits Employers' Liability: $ 100,000 per accident General Liability: Bodily iniury & PropertyDamage Single and combined: $i ,000,000 per accident General Aggregate: $2,000,000 Excess Liability covcragc (umbrella) $1,000,000 each occurrence Automobile: Bodily iniury covering all automobilcs, trucks,_ tractors, trailers, or other automotive equip- ment whcthcr owned or rentcd by Engineer or owned by employees of Engineer. $1,000,000 each person $1,000,000 cach occurrence Propcrty Damage covering all automobiles, trucks, tractors, trailers or othcr automotiye equipment whether owned or rented by Engineer or owned by employees of Engineer $100,000 each occurrencc OR Bodily iniury & Property Damage Singlc and combined $1,000,000 each occurrence In addition to the above insurance coverage, the ENGINEER shall secure and maintain, until the work is completed and accepted by the OWNER, and without naming OWNER as an additional insured, professional errors and omjs~ions coverage as follows: Professional Errors & Omissions: $ 1,000,000 per claim and aggregate each occurrence 9.9 ENDORSEMENT The ENGINEER shall place his endorsement on all drawings and other data furnished by him. 9.10 OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS 111e parties admit and agrcc the documents produced under this agreement are not intended or represcnted to be suitable forreuse by OWNER or any other individual on any other project. Any reuse without writtcn verification or adaptation by ENGINEER will be at OWNER's sole risk and without liability or legal cxposure to ENGINEER, or to ENGINEER's indcpcndent professional associates or consultants. Files in elcctronic media format of text, data, graphics, or of other types that are furnished by ENGINEER to OWNER arc only for convenience of owner. Any conclusion or information obtained or derived from such electronic files will bc at the user's sole risk. 9 of 11 9.11 PUBLIC INft'ORMATION The ENClNEER shall not issue any statements, releascs or information for public dissemination without prior approval of the OWNER. 9.12 PROPRIETARY RIGHTS If patentable discovcrics or inventions should result from work rcquircd hcrcin, all rights accruing from such discoveries or inventions shall be joint property of thc ENClNEER and the OWNER. Proyided that the OWNER, statc agencies or political subdivisions and the Unitcd States Government shall have the irrevocable, noncxclusive, nontransfcrable and royalty-free liccnse to use each inyention in thc manufacturc, usc and disposition, according to law, of any article or matcrial, and in thc use of any method that may bc developed as part of the work described and contemplated herein. 9.13 RECORDS The ENGINEER shall maintain accounting records and othcr cvidcncc pertaining to the cost incurred and to make the records available at all reasonable times during the Contract tcrm and for one (1) year from the date of final payment. Such accounting records and other evidence pertaining to the cost incurred will be made available for inspections by OWNER. 9.14 SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST 10 of 11 The covenants, agreernents and all statements in this Contract apply to and shall be binding on the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of the respective partics. 9.15 ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COSTS That in the event it becomes necessary for either Party of this Contract to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Contract or to givc any notice required herein, then the prevailing Party or thc Party giving notice shall be entitled to reasonable attorncy's fees and costs, including fees, salary, and costs of in-housc counsel to include City Attorney. 9.16 MODIF1CATIONS AND AMENDMENTS That any amendment or modification of this Contract or any provisions hcrcin shall be made in writing or executed in thc same manncr as this original document and shall after execution becomc a part of this Contract. In witness Whereof, the Parties hereto do make and execute this Agreement. CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA BY /?~ ENGINEER l.<-.-o- ITS: Acti ng Ci ty Manager DATE: June 7. 2004 DATE: 18 (Ylat;J. () Ai ~ f ATTEST: BY~'/~ (Cler ofCommisslOn) H:\0417\048\DOCS\CONTRACTS\Wastewater Facility Plan Services Agreement F1NAL.doc II of II Exhibit A Scope of Services Project Management Basis of Planning Memorandum Existing System Inventory Existing Collection System Evaluation Existing WWTP Evaluation Future Collection System Recommendations WWTP Upgrade Evaluation Regional Plant Evaluation System Recommendations and Capital Improvement Plan Reports and Training Public Presentations TASK 100. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Objectives: Plan and execute the facility plan development in accordance with an established schedule and budget while exceeding quality expectations. MMIIHDR Subtasks: 101 Project Updates. James Nickelson of MMI will serve as Project Manager for MMI/HDR. Bob Murray will serve as City Project Manager. Task specific meetings will be held with WWTP Manager Tom Adams and Water and Sewer Superintendent John Alston, as needed. Overall project related meetings will be held with Bob Murray as needed. All meetings will be limited to key personnel. Arrangements will be made to conduct the meetings at the MMI Bozeman office or City office, at the discretion of the City. To the extent possible, these will be coordinated with other meetings and workshops to minimize impact on City staff 102 Project Management Plan. The Plan will set forth project procedures and will clearly define individual responsibilities, task schedules, milestones, deliverables and task budgets. The Project Management Plan will contain project objectives; organization and roles of the project team, contract work plan, management tools and techniques; subconsultant management; coordination with the City, the public and other participating agencies; Quality Assurance and Quality Control Plan; monitoring; reporting and administrative procedures. At the onset of the project, a project team meeting will be conducted to develop communication channels and fonn the basis for a comprehensive Project Management Plan. 1 103 Monitoring. Monitor project progress including work completed, work remaining, budget expended, schedule and estimated cost of work remaining and estimated cost at completion. Manage activities within task budgets. 104 Quality Control. Review all work activities and project deliverables for conformance with quality control requirements and project standards. Monitor project activities for potential changes, anticipate changes whenever possible, and with the City's approval, modify project tasks and approach to keep the overall project within budget and on schedule. Deliverables: . Memoranda and meeting notes as required City Involvement: . Participate in telephone conference calls and meetings. . Review and approve modifications to approach, schedule and deliverables as appropriate. . Report to City Manager and Commission as appropriate. TASK 200. BASIS OF PLANNING MEMORANDUM Objectives: The Basis of Planning Memorandum will provide population and flow projections for a 20 year planning period. It will assess the study area in the 1997 Wastewater Facility Plan and revise, as necessary, based on identified development patterns that have occurred since completion of the plan. The Memorandum will establish the planning constraints and clarifY the issues that will impact planning decisions and provide a clear foundation for the development of alternatives for the waste water facilities plan. The Basis of Planning Memorandum will be developed through the following subtasks and activities: MMI/HDR Subtasks: 201 Population and Land Use Baseline (Existing Conditions). In conjunction with City staff determine the project study area and develop a strong understanding of existing conditions. Land use data will be gathered for the Bozeman area and developed into current population characteristics. 202 Population and Land Use Baseline (Future Conditions). The goal of this subtask is to project population data characteristics out to the 20 year planning period. MMIIHDR will rely primarily on the population projections utilized for the Bozeman 2020 Plan and the Bozeman Area Transportation Plan. 203 Establish Service Area Boundary. In conjunction with City staff, MMIIHDR will develop a preliminary 20 year planning area and resulting service area boundary. Using current land use planning, the Gallatin County Growth Policy (2003), the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan (2001), geophysical boundaries, the City's extension of service plans and established service areas, the boundaries will be presented to the City Planning and Engineering Departments for final confirmation. One meeting is scheduled with City staff for final establishment of the boundaries. 2 .. . 204 Population Distribution. The baseline data will be integrated into a summary Bozeman area GIS database. In conjunction with the corresponding GIS maps, the Montana Department of Revenue's GEOCODE database will be used to identify lot locations, housing, lot size, assessed value and other characteristics relevant to modeling service demand. A review of the impact that Montana State University has on population will be analyzed as it impacts demands on the wastewater system. The location and seasonality of the student population will be reviewed. This task will include identification of future areas of expansion based upon past and projected patterns of community growth and development. The City will provide input and approve these projections. MMIIHDR has budgeted one meeting with City staff to discuss and resolve any issues regarding population projections. Population distribution for future projections will only be completed on anticipated full build out scenario. Thus the distribution of population through time will not be evaluated. 205 Hydraulic Model. The City will procure a 5,000 pipe version of SewerCAD and make the software available for the MMIIHDR project team to use in the Facility Plan analysis. 206 Treatment Plant Effluent Limitations. MMIIHDR will review the City's current Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (MPDES) discharge permit and assess the WWTP's ability to meet current permit effluent limitations. MMIIHDR will also discuss MDEQ's current analysis and possible future discharge requirements for the City. A projection of anticipated effluent limitations will be made for wastewater treatment planning purposes, incoIlJorating anticipated limits from future permit requirements, non- degradation requirements, and potential Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) limits. 207 Basis of Planning Meeting. A single meeting will be organized and facilitated to review the conclusions and information presented in the draft Basis of Planning Memorandum. The meeting will review land use information, ongoing trends and other relevant information used to develop the baseline and future population projections and wastewater effluent limitations. Particular focus will be placed on how the information in the text of the planning report will impact the development and evaluation of facility improvement alternatives. Final decisions on the use of this information will he made at this meeting. 208 Finalize Basis of Planning Memorandum. The Draft Basis of Planning Memorandum developed as part of Subtasks 201 through 206 will be finalized after review and comment by the City. The report will include separate Basis of Planning subtask memorandums consolidated into a report, along with an executive summary. Deliverablcs: . Population summary database and mapping of entire study area using Bozeman-Gallatin County GIS database and mapping. . Service area boundary map. . Population projections database. 3 , ' , . , ' . Basis of Planning meeting agenda and meeting notes. . Draft and final Basis of Planning Memoranda. City Involvement: . Participate in meetings. . Review and approve Draft and Final Basis of Planning Memoranda. . Purchase computer model software. TASK 300. EXISTING SYSTEM INVENTORY 4 Objectives: Gather accurate existing system information. The information gathered in this task will be the foundation for recommendations in the facility plan. MMI/HDR Subtasks: 301 Collect and Inventory Existing System Information. MMI/HDR will review existing reports, records, logs, system maps, digital ortho maps and as-built drawings relating to the sewer collection and treatment facilities gathered by the City. The focus of this task is to compile available physical system information, incorporate system information into the existing City mapping system (i.e. sewer inverts and pipe sizing and material) and evaluate existing system conditions to determine deficiencies. 302 Staff Questionaire. MMI/HDR will develop a questionnaire for key City staff members to complete. This information will be utilized in the planning effort and summarized in the final document. 303 Field Observation and Examination. Where inconsistencies exist in the sources of information, MMI/HDR will request the City provide additional information to verify system conditions. 304 Flow Measurement. Develop program for measuring flows in the collection system for the purpose of calibrating the model developed in task 400. City staff will measure flow at up to 10 key locations in the collection system for a period of one week at each location and provide this data to MMI/HDR. 305 System Database. A database of sewer collection system attributes will be developed. The collection system database will include information such as pipe diameters, materials, elevations, depths and other additional physical information describing the system components. This database will be based on existing GIS information from thc City, record drawings from the City and if needed field collected GPS data by the City. 306 Treatment Plant Data Compilation. All appropriate design criteria, rated capacity, age, and other pertinent data collected with regards to the treatment plant will be compiled into an organized format for use in evaluation of the plant. MMI will rely primarily on information collected on past projects. 307 Asset Management/GASB 34 Compliance. MMIIHDR will assist the City in developing planning level estimates of value of existing infrastructure (based on cstimated year of construction and construction cost provided by the City), remaining life , . of infrastructure (based on year of construction and condition information provided by the City), and estimated replacement costs (based on unit costs) to assist the City Finance Department in achieving GASB 34 compliance to the extend allowed by the budget for this Subtask. This information will be stored the wastewater system database. 308 Existing System Inventory Summary Memorandum. A summary memorandum will be prepared presenting a summary of the existing systems. Deliverablcs: . Collection System database. . Treatment plant inventory. . Cost Estimate/GASB 34. . Summary memorandum of system inventory. City Involvement: . Collect existing reports, records, logs, systems maps, digital ortho maps and record drawings relating to the sewer collection system and treatment facilities. . Supply existing system records inclusive of existing database. . Finance Department records of wastewater treatment plant and collection system assets including original costs, construction dates, and depreciation schedules. . Provide existing SewerCad Model files and supporting documentation. . Participate in brief and organized staff interviews. . Review system database. . Conduct flow measurement study and provide digital flow data to MMVHDR.. . Collect GPS data for missing information from the City existing database. TASK 400. EXISTING COLLECTION SYSTEM EVALUATION Objective: MMVHDR will evaluate the existing sewer collection facilities. Capacity limited sections will be identified and recommendations will be made for necessary improvements and equipment replacement. MMVHDR will provide a computer model for the entire existing collection system in a format compatible with the City's GIS system. The model will be constructed using software purchased by the City. MMI/HDR Subtasks: 401 Hydraulic Model Construction. The system inventory developed in Subtask 305 will be used as a basis for constructing a hydraulic model of the sewer collection system. The database will be used to directly import collection system attributes into the model. 402 Model Development and Calibration. The selected computer model will be prepared for analysis of the existing collection system facilities. Model calibration will be completed using wastewater treatment plant flow data and other flow monitoring data from the collection system. A preliminary model setup will help identify capacity restrictions for further enhancement of the system inventory. 5 403 Deficiencies Identification: Existing System. Results from the existing condition model run along with information gathered from staff questionnaires will be used to identify existing system problem areas. Potential deficiency areas that may be identified in the modeling process include surcharged pipe locations, storm water cross~connections and low and high pipeline velocities. Cost estimates associated with remedying deficiency areas in the existing system will be prepared. 404 Lift Station Information. MMIIHDR will input pumping rates of the lift stations into the hydraulic model. 405 Inflow and Infiltration (III) Reduction. Past and current efforts to reduce 1/1 and will be evaluated with recommended additional actions. Utilize the hydraulic model to analyze sewers with regard to the impact of infiltration and inflow. Transfer data from previous flow monitoring studies into the model calibration. This scope item is not intended to be a full-scale III study but only a review of existing data and limited recommendations in regards to the apparent magnitude of the problem. 406 Wastewater Collection System Summary Memorandum. A summary memorandum will be prepared presenting the existing problems identified. Included in the summary memorandum will be conceptual level estimates of capital costs for the alternatives developed. The goal of this memorandum is to provide City staff with a draft of the system alternatives and proposed improvements for their review prior to the development of future system recommendations. Deliverables: . Existing collection system, lift station and force main evaluation. . Existing sewer collection system summary memorandum. Client Involvement: . Assist MMIIHDR in field verification of model by providing existing system flow monitoring operation and maintenance data. . Provide data from previous flow monitoring studies and any additional field studies, i.e. smoke testing, III analysis, etc. TASK 500. EXISTING WWTP EVALUATION Objective: Confirm existing flow and loading conditions at the wastewater treatment facility, including volumetric flow, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended solids (TSS), phosphorous and nitrogen. Confirm existing design capacity of the treatment facilities and solids handling systems to determine the level of the existing infrastructure utilization. Evaluate specific components for remaining service life. MMIIHDR Subtasks: 501 Confirm Existing Sewage Flows and Loadings. Monthly treatment plant reports for the last three years will be compiled and reviewed. Data analyzed will include flow, and pertinent influent and effluent constituents, including BOD, TSS, phosphorous and nitrogen (total kjeldahl nitrogen, ammonia, and nitrites/nitrates). Influent data will be 6 . ' compiled for average annual, maximum monthly, and peak daily conditions. In addition, a peak hourly estimate will be made for influent flow. Reported recent influent BOD and TSS overloading will be evaluated. Disinfection performance will also be analyzed where data is available. In addition, solids quality/quantity/characteristics data will be gathered. Recommendations for additional sampling (if any) will be identified. 502 Liquid and Solids Balance Analysis. MMI will summarize the liquid and solids balance analysis that was completed by MMI in 2001 for use in the planning process. This analysis will be used to estimate current flow, BOD, and TSS loadings to each WWTP unit process. This analysis will estimate current conditions under the average annual, maximum monthly, and peak daily influent conditions estimated in Subtask 501. 503 Existing Plant Utilization. The existing influent wastewater, solids processing, and unit process balance of Subtasks 501 and 502 will be compared with design "nameplate" capacity of each unit process within the wastewater treatment plant (including liquid treatment and solid process units). New clarifiers will be included. The analysis will identify capacity restrictions in each unit process and will estimate when they will occur. A treatment plant utilization schedule will be developed that will be used for projection of remaining capacity and the determination of future solids handling, flow and loading needs. The City will perform additional sampling and testing as mutually agreed. 504 Peak Flow Hydraulic Analysis. A hydraulic analysis will be performed to determine the peak hourly flow capacity of the WWTP unit processes, pipelines, pumps, weirs, and other "backbone" hydraulic components. This analysis will be used to establish the peak hourly flow capacity of the plant before submergence of weirs, overflowing walls, or other similar results occur. Hydraulic bottlenecks in the WWTP's current backbone system will be identified and potential solutions will be recommended. 505 Solids HandlingJDisposal Analysis. Review the existing biosolids land application program including biosolids application history, nitrogen loadings, phosphorus loadings, and 503 General Permit annual reports. Review solids quality data to identify potential reuse limitations. 506 Standby Power Opinion of Cost. An opinion of the cost of providing full standby power capabilities to the existing plant will be provided with the capital improvements recommendations. 508 Wastewater Treatment Plant Summary Memorandum. A summary memorandum will be prepared presenting the existing problems identified. Included in the summary memorandum will be conceptual level estimates of capital costs for the alternatives developed. The goal of this memorandum is to provide City staff with a draft of the system alternatives and proposed improvements for their review prior to the development of future system recommendations. Deliverables: . Flow and loading statement. . Capacity/utilization schedule. . Cost Estimate/GASB 34 based on City provided data. . Wastewater treatment plant summary memorandum. 7 . ' City Involvement: . Provide treatment plant flow and loading records for the past 3 years. . Provide information on existing City liquid and solids handling and treatment activities including quantitative data on loadings and performance, and economic information. . Participate in staff interviews as needed. TASK 600. FUTURE RECOMMENDATIONS COLLECTION SYSTEM Objective: The population data assembled will develop the future sewage flow projections. This information in conjunction with the study area boundary will be utilized to delineate new drainage areas for the 20 year planning period. MMI/HDR will develop and evaluate alternatives to expand sewer collection facilities to meet the needs of the expanded service area and additional capacity requirements in the existing service area. MMI/HDR Subtasks: 601 Fnture System Analysis and Deficiency Identification. Using the population and employment projections developed, a future condition hydraulic model will be developed that will project future sewer flows. This model will aid in the determination of collection system requirements to serve future development and alleviate existing system deficiencies. Future system requirements will be developed for the 20-year and saturation growth (ultimate buildout) conditions. 602 Alternative Analysis. The alternative analysis task will investigate traditional collection solutions to serving the expanded service area. The alternatives will be developed in sketch format with a maximum of two alternatives being further refined into a conceptual format. Alternatives will include a review of how they tie into the regional plant concept explored in Task 800. The alternatives will be modeled utilizing the model developed in Task 400 with the addition of the 20-year loading projections. 603 Lift Station Analysis. As part of the alternative analysis, a review of lift station configurations will be explored. The task will focus on the potential of regional vs local service area stations. 604 Future Wastewater Collection System Summary Memorandum. A summary memorandum will be prepared presenting the future problems identified and a summary of solutions. Included in the summary memorandum will be conceptual level estimates of capital costs for the alternatives developed and exhibits to aid City staff in review. The goal of this memorandum is to provide City staff with a draft of the system alternatives and proposed improvements for their review prior to the development of system recommendations. A map showing sewer service areas and interceptor improvements will be prepared. Deliverables: . Future collection system, lift station and force main evaluation. . Future system alternative evaluations. 8 . ' Client Involvement: . Assist MMIIHDR in exploring alternatives for the future collection system locations based on information regarding potential future development projects. . Review alternatives and summary memorandum. TASK 700. WWTP UPGRADE EVALUATION Objective: The population and economic projection data assembled will develop the future wastewater flow projections. This information will be used to determine future treatment plant capacity needs. Treatment plant process unit design capacities will be compared with future projections and presented in a schedule for treatment plant upgrades by individual unit process. Facility capacity needs will be evaluated for both liquid and solid treatment processes. An action plan will be developed that projects required treatment plant upgrades, tied to service growth. MMI/HDR Subtasks: 701 Regulatory Analysis. The system will be evaluated while cognizant of the impact of existing and future regulatory requirements. If deficiencies or inadequacies are identified, corrective actions will be assessed, and recommendations made for bringing the system into regulatory compliance. Alternative uses of treated wastewater will be explored with respect to the upcoming TMDL study and the defined assimilative capacity of the East Gallatin River and the implicit permit limitations. Regulatory impacts to the biosolids land application program will be described. 702 Future Plant Expansion Requirements. Treatment plant unit design capacities will be compared with future projections for both liquid and solid treatment unit processes. The information will be presented in a schedule for treatment plant upgrades by individual unit process. The point at which the facilities become constrained due to discharge permit or non-degradation limits will be estimated. Improvements and the associated costs needed to mitigate the issue will be recommended. A brief analysis of the future plant site layout, perimeter buffer, surrounding development, odor control and visual and aesthetic criteria will be conducted. 703 Biosolids Treatment and Utilization Alternative Analysis. The solids processing and biosolids management analysis will focus on sustaining a reliable, flexible, and cost effective long-term biosolids processing and utilization program by focusing on the solids processing necessary to meet the needs of the final destination of the biosolids product. Project future biosolids quantities for the planning horizon and project potential land application site needs based upon current biosolids loading rates and management practices. A solids processing and biosolids management meeting will be held with MMIIHDR and City staff at the outset of the solids analysis task to direct the analysis of biosolids products and associated solids processing steps. For initial consideration in scoping prior to the solids processing and biosolids management meeting with City staff, a maximum of three solids processing system alternative are envisioned for analysis, as follows: 9 · Alternative 1: Baseline Class B Alternative: Continuation of the Class B biosolids land application program. Optimized treatment plant solids processing (add thickening and dewatering). · Alternative 2: Class A Advanced Digestion: Continuation of the land application program with Class A biosolids produced in an advanced digestion process on the existing treatment plant site. · Alternative 3: Off-site Class A Production: Production of Class B dewatered cake at the treatment plant site with off-site processing for a Class A final product (compost, driedJpalletized) via private contract operation. · Biosolids management alternatives will be evaluated in a structured process with the MMIIHDR team and City staff reliability/redundancy, etc. Planning level capital and operation and maintenance cost estimates will be developed and present worth calculations will be used to compare alternatives. 704 Alternative Effluent Uses. Alternative uses of treated wastewater will be explored with respect to the upcoming TMDL study and the defined assimilative capacity of the East Gallatin River and the implicit permit limitations. In addition the impacts that a potential regional plant concept would have on alternative uses will be explored. 705 Future Wastewater Treatment Plant Summary Memorandum. A summary memorandum will be prepared presenting the future problems identified and a summary of solutions. Included in the summary memorandum will be conceptual level estimates of capital costs for the alternatives developed and exhibits to aid City staff in review. The goal of this memorandum is to provide City staff with a summary of recommendations for their review prior to finalizing recommendations in Task 900. Deliverables: . Sewage treatment plant utilization schedule and action plan . Summary memorandum. City Involvement: . Participate in evaluation and review of memorandums. TASK 800. REGIONAL PLANT EVALUATION Objective: Investigate the possibility of locating a new wastewater treatment plant west of the City to serve a portion of the community and/or other nearby communities or major subdivisions. The potential advantages and disadvantages of the concept will be evaluated as they relate to the collection system, effluent disposal and related permitting issues. The purpose of this task is to provide a starting point for evaluation of the regional plant concept. MMI/HDR Subtasks: 801 Develop Alternatives. Various conceptual plant locations will be investigated. The resulting information will be assembled into a memorandum that explores the pros and cons associated with the conceptual alternatives. 10 . I , ' 802 Evaluation of Regional Plant. Forecast flow and load estimates for flow split to existing and new plant based on practical levels of expansion for the existing plant. Review the impact that a regional plant has on the collection system configuration. 803 Summary Memorandum. Using information gained in Subtasks 801 and 802, provide a summary memorandum of the alternatives and potential flow split and collection system scenarios associated with a regional plant. DeJiverables: . Conceptual alternative memorandum. TASK 900. SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Objective: The objective of this task is to select a recommended plan for the wastewater collection and treatment systems and develop and prioritize a list of recommended system improvements. The recommended alternatives will be evaluated in a workshop format and a priority ranking system will be developed. A summary memorandum will be prepared noting the recommended system improvements, a capital improvement schedule and a plan for implementation of recommended improvements. MMI/HDR Subtasks: 901 Alternative Evaluation Workshop. The focus of this workshop will be to jointly evaluate, rank and select the recommended alternatives for the collection and treatment systems. 902 Recommended Alternative Documentation. A technical memorandum will be developed that documents the recommended alternatives for each system. 903 Capital Improvement and Implementation Plan Development. A plan for implementation of the recommended alternatives will be prepared. This plan will include a description of the recommended projects and their priorities. A capital improvements schedule spreadsheet will be developed that includes prioritization and capital costs. DeJiverables: . Recommend alternative memorandum . Capital improvement and implementation plan and capital improvements schedule City Involvement: . Participate in alternative evaluation workshop . Review rating criteria 11 . ' TASK 1000. REPORTS AND TRAINING Objective: The final technical memorandums will be assembled into one document that will form the Facilities Plan. This document will be structured similar to the outline of tasks in this scope document. MMI/HDR Subtasks: 1001 Draft Report Development. Provide a draft of the facility plan document for City staff and DEQ review. 1002 Model Delivery and Training. Provide two hours of technical training to City staff on the utilization and updating of models and transfer the models to City staff. An additional eight hours are budgeted for staff questions. 1003 Prepare and Deliver Final Facility Plan to City of Bozeman. Based on review comments received, revisions to the draft report will be made and the final report will be assembled and 10 copies delivered to the City. Deliverables: . Draft reports. . Computer hydraulic model including alternatives. . Pinal reports. City Involvement: . Review of draft report. . Participate in model training session. TASK 1100. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS The estimated level of effort includes two public presentations of the findings and reconmlendations of the wastewater facility plans. These presentations are planned for the City Commission work sessions or meetings. Prior to the presentations a preparation conference call will be held with the consultant team and City staff to discuss the format and information to be provided to the Commission. I I: \041 7\048\DOCS\CONTRACTS\REYBozWWScopeofW ork5-6-04 .doc 12 < EXH IBIT 6 MORRISQN-M:O.:ERLE PIWJ ~CT E STIMA liNG SH=E T le.:::k~oiogJ.' CnOi"gll usa :HR 'IE i-:ICLE RATE 50.1!i7 ..-MI PROJ NUMBER: 04 1704.9 OAT'::: p.,bv19,:2004 LABOR cas rs 1 E(PEN$ES i PrincipaJlI Pmcipall S,-,pfngl S~p'Engl SLpEngl Serl En{;ll Desi-;;t1E~il 51atr-!:ng E"'glnllem Graphi~ C""rical R;:r.-!I R~. Rale R-!lle Rale R~le ""~ R... R... R.~ R... TOTAL , TOTJoL LABOR I EX F1:NSE TOTAL Hourly Rat>!! 132.00 118.00 9ILX- 9e..OO 9BJ)J 79.00 74.00 sg.OO .55.00 55.00 40.00 COST C~an'f Ted1n~l:IiI'l Equip M;:s>:ellar,eoas e.,.", HD~ HKM ITEMS FE!': T;'SK HOURS ,,"OURS HOIJRS HOURS HOURS HD'J~S HO'JRS HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS VtlnQ C"'9' Ch.-go &p.n,~ Prcdue-'.:on E~9'~...e>:inlJ 'En~neoer11g TASK 1 DO- . PROJECT MANAGEMENT , Subla.sk \01 " . " J2 P:rq&::LV!Ilda195 5:2.352 .$3:20 $2.,-672 :$'12 ,or $3,020 $:3,19:9- $os.a71 Subl!Jl::kl02 , , " " ~IMEII1~~Pian $7e.4 .$160 ,- .., 124 .$196 $~.;:;2 $~206 Sublask103 " ,. 16 MO"lilori~ $.t,S68 $1,56!I '56 '39 $1,2705 :$1,:371 $2$39 S~bla9t. 1C4 " " .. .. Q'JaliI'fCon'TOl $3.1&9 1-.2.832: $6,000- "68 "SO $318 $-S,J.la T01;111 " " .. 12 'CO 100 I Ta.-.'k11J11Jo $3.16.!1 $2.832 ",,,,", .." $11,184 $JiB. ,,"0 S4,4n .$5.~50 $16,.334 TASK ;zoa . BASIS OF pu,.."'I N ING MEMORANDU M , Sut:-':Bsk201 , " " " P-oPLJationSla1dUsoeBBSelir.e;E:o:istll l "''' "" .$1.,340 '50 ." $600 .." .$2.030 Sub1ask:202 , 12 " 16 P"oou.;aIion&-!.a.<1dUsel3BSa'in!-fFL;lure $3.92 ..., $1,3-40 '56 '" ,0Il $-1.430 Sub1a.sk203 , 12 . 2< " Eslablish Ser.-.:>e Ar-es Bo.mlt...-u S3"Oi.2 ..., $440 $1,780 '" '45 !-~29 .$1.909 Subl305k2C4 , " , " 14 PorolaUtn Dislrbulion S~2 ..., ."" $1,780 ... "5 $129 $-1,909 Sublaosk2C5- H'ao!PJliI: ~J1odt!l Subl~k2C6 , , " 12 "!'"rB~rIPlanLErn......nt-Lomil;!l)Qr,& .". $7e.4 $1,312 ." '" $2,242 12.317 $3,.529 S'JbIMk2C7 , , . I 8 a.:sis 01 P1~~i."51 W ork S~OD "" "'" ." '2D '''' i S9J.2 $1,n6 S'Jbl~20-9 " " , , 52 " Fin &J,m 8 "~'.I rJ Phll'r rlq M'HT1O<M1dum $1,568 $1,B96 $220 U20 $4.004 1-1132: "00 $3,27:1' $600 $.4.154- Se.,158 T01;111 , 4(] , " "" , '" t:52: 1u);200 .". $3-,!nO .", $5.e.98 $1,100 $3"" $12,J.':IO "" '"'' $6.39B $1,200 1:9-.-439 $2.(1,179 TASK JOO ~ E.XISlIN C3 S YSTE..... H......e tnOR V ! Sul:1laso;:'.:)1 , 60 .. .. , Colecla<1dln.o'!!nh:......El<lsllr1(]Sys'lem!"f~_ $392 $3:54D :$3.932 52" .'" $'U84 $4,706 .$8.63e S~ol.as~ 302 I I Sla1TQIl-i!sU::flaires. .$1.604 $1,604 .$1,604 Subl.!ls~3.:n I , , , I FielC:ObsBI,'..a,ljtn and Elo:3/1Tlalion $196 ".. .' " ." $208 SUll':9sk:)04 . " " " ;;:~MeasureI1'O:!I1L $392 $7::<9 .$1.100 t56 "" "" 11.184 SL'btask305 , " ,. '" 60 S'fS')emDalahaSll "''' $2.200 '''0 $J,2J2 :$210 ." $291 $3.523 Sutt.-ask306 " " " Tr-ealTren~ Plarl D31a CCI'TIIlilaUOI1 51,372 $1.372 .., "" '" $1.4:55 Sut~3sk 307 , , " " Assel M 3IH'IQerrel~'GASB 34 C(fT1:llian::!- $392 $6-32 $.1,D24 .., '" P,:H2 S7,d..4'J $8.464 Sut-':ask30El , , . ,. " J6 Ecisij,r1S''SIerr:!n<il!!nInrvSuTTTT':Orl,' "" ."" $440 '''0 $2:,1':;..1 .$126 '" $1,204 $1.363 1-3.487 Totlll " 14 16 " " " '"' '"' TlISkJOa -52.156 .$1.372 .$1264 $4.2-48 .$:2.~O $1,2B-~ -5-12.96D .$714 $324 $~4.S64 $15.&J2 $2:!:,~1)2 '. TASI( ~I)[I -EXISTING COlLEtTlO~ SYSTEM E.VM..t1ATlOhl Suble.:sk-401 4 . , :-.oYCI'aJl>:: Model Coostr-JcOOn .$392 .,,, ." $10 S4,BE8 $4,B92: $.5..284 Sublask4(J2 2 2 2 Medel De-,'~"""me~, end C<llbraUDI1 $..96 $1" " " $4.766 $4,780 S4,!:H6 5'Jbtask4C.J . , , : DeflCier.:::H:!:s-h;!!!MUnC:3UDl1:E):l~n Sys':EIm ,,., .$392 ,,, '10 '" ,<16 SL.:c-.ask ~1)-4 2 , 2 UftS'.3Ij.::>nA[)l!l"-$s $14B $-14B " " '" "59 S-ubl<'l:Sk405 2 , , i F..,'!kmend lr.fiIlra'1PI' LlnRIld~c\iorI .$196 $196 " " $3,2-:::oC- $3.212 $3.406 Sublas\4{)6 , " . . " j 40 ',,,'ash~,...1l':-er CoIlecl;on S s~-em S'Jrrrra-~ MIe<TOHIIlc!-Jm 1392 .$1.:560 "" $320 $2.132 $140 ." $'5,604 $5:912 $6,544 ~TOhl 16 " 2 , . " " T"",k.400 11.566 $.1,580 "'" $440 $3" S4..05El .,.. $1.:l-1 $16,440 $16.730 S:U.l.fJlS TASK 500- . E-X.lSTlNO \'fflTP 'EV AlUA nON Sublm501 , 2 16 22 22 CcrI~rm E:o:i:s-'\i'ln Se'III_ FIC\YII'S ar>tf lca:lbas 1-5-28 $.~96 $1.566 $2292 $17 '" '"'' $l,426 S'J~t9sk 5{:'2 2 12 " 2DO " L;,.,uo::l uu:'501t::ls 831<Wlce Analvsis ,,.. $-1.1j'6 S1,440 "34 '" $3' $219 $1..65'9 SubleskS03 , " " 20 E:.;:isUn PlsntUUEzaOOn $52~ $1.5&!I $2.096- m '52 $.122 $-2.218 Subla9.504 4 " " 200 " ~akFb.\IH~-:lraJlicAr.-sl-s:5. 1~26 $t,176 12~34 .", 19' '" ,= $2,5:3<1; Su'bl:-3sk$:'S Sdids HBl'ldli........'D""'""sal Anal'.'S>S $1,526 $1.5:1:":i .$1.526 Sub1ask SOB , . 4 Standb .PO'oI'Ilrf'\niriOf1.ofCcst .$392 $3" ." '10 ." "" Sublasksa7 . " . . " " Was\!lWaU:lf lreaJ:rre11 P.iII'1l SlI!I'ITL3t\' Mem:>rendum $1,05El $2,352- "" $320 $-ii.16B $168 $134 .$3.212 $3..:1;84 $7..&S2 To'hll 22 2 72 " . , ". '00 ,,, Tnk!MIC $2,904 $.196 $7,056 $.1.176 "" .$32D $12,692 .$26B ,." $317 R738 .$5,799 $1-8..491 TASK 6-00 ~ FIJTURE COLLE C flON SYST EM RECOMMEN1M T101iS I SLbtllsk6Dl 2 , 10 10 ~ ___Fulu'8 ~~l'.tImAplll~~i~ Rn" D~fo:::iffiC\'ldIl'Ip,lific.llUO'1 $1'" $63:;:: ,,,. '" '21 $:1:,152 52:,4Da- $3.,236 SubJ:B~k 602 , 12 14 14 I _II..IIBmBlNe~~alysi~ ".. $946 $1.14-4 '" $29 $2,972 $3,OSO s.4.~94 SublMk603 2 . 10 10 Uf~ S'BtP.TI An;;"'~ls .$196 $-'532 ,.,. ." '21 ... ..... Subla:s\o.ti04 , " " " , -F u'tJrB '.'1<1Sle"....B~ Cdledial S...-s-'\f!m SUrrrtlalV r..l.e1T'Dt2l"1dum $784 $1,264- $2.046 I" '51 s..:.m2 14207 $6.255- TCltIll 14 " so so hd;Ij:DCI [ ;$1.372 .$3 ,-4 j'6 S4,e.48 .$203 $121 $'9.396 1.9,72(1 $14,1506' TASK rDO -....WJP IJPGRAnE EVAUJATlO"l Sub':~k7D1 , , 10 10 Re....,l;Ilcr.'Al1-al~sis $2&4 .$1'84 .$1.048 $3' ". .51.396 $1.ol;57 $2..SIJ5 Sub1ask J02 2 " " " F'Jl)JfePlantE)qJ2I"15iO!lR~l.!re-'TlenLs- "'" $1.56B 1-1.832 ." ." $1200 .$1.309 S~,14f Sublask 70::- 2 , 1 BIDSOklsT."ealn:mI.a'ld'...;lt1za:oonAII,,-n..,;:-..'t!An......sis f~96 $1" " 15 $~220 $-S.232 :55,4:1:-9 S'Jblaslo. IC':' 2 . 1(:' 10 AltemaT,ll 'Effiuent Uses $-264- "... $1.1)-4.3 53-50 126 '51 $1.109 S'Jblasl 7C~ i , , " 22 22 FulureWaste....;:i.>er Treal1T1e-1~ Flanl Si..'1I'TT"aO' MemotenchJm ! "" '''' $.~.568 $2,292 m $S7 $4,571 $4,706 16.996 Totnl 10 , ,. 62 62 Tu"k700 $132::- $392" $4,7~ .$6.416= $217 $16-:) 512,3-98 $12,7E5 $.19,111 t . TASK &<10. RE.GIONAL PLANT S:'VALUATtoN Sub1askEl:1 Oe\'~OII Allemati'.'I!$ .", $~92 S~g.2 Sublask 8~'2 'Evoiu.....,;:.r,riRadll1aiF13'l1 $'538 $I". '''' S'JblaskaD3 i SUl"lTl3"o't.'errDnMum :51.294 $,1294 , $1,2'34 I ~TDll1l I i I TllISkS<lC! .$2.32-4 $2.3:24 $2.324 TASK 91)0 . SYSTEM RECOMME N 0 ATIOt4S AN D -CAPITAL 1 IMPRO.....EMENT PlAN SLJbl.ask9D~ 8 , 12 ! <:0 " AILem;rM =Y.!Iualion WorkshOll $1,0505 "" $l,44-!I Sl~ ." '" .$3,07fi. $3.2:96 $.4,736 Sublask902 , , " " i " I Rt!tai1TT1ef1dled AHemalive Docum~mLaIion 1264 "" .$1,569 $2,224 m '" $:5.220 $5-.353 $7,517 S"Jbtaskg03 , " , " 44 44 :::~iillrron:r.'el'Tlel"1landlll1llll!lT&1~aJjonP!anDeveblxn!lnl $264 $2,3!:-2 $.~96 .$1,56B $4,3W $164 $110 .$3.112 $3,.3.76 $7,756 jTO'hl1 " " '0 " " 2~.:- " Tastt9DO $l,5e-4 $2,3.S2 ""0 .$3.13.5- .$13,052 "'" S27~ .W, 511,4(:8 .$12.01t. $2C1,1'J1S1l- J ASI'C 1000 . REF"ORT S AND TRAINING Sl,JbUlsk 1001 " :=-2- " " " ", 15' Dr.ar. Repcrt D~I~mI!ll'1l :$2,112 S3,lUi .$2.360 12200 $_ $10,768 .$532: $2.59 $.4.0440 $5,2.41 $t6.a09 S'Jbt~5k 10-::-2 , , B Nkdal D..h............,d Tr1!inin $-G"3:2 .." ." $1B $310 $364 .$986 S-:Jbta$k\OD3 , " . " " .. ~ere!!ll'1dDeliYerFn.alFacfi 'F1an lcCit.'ofBOZ'IITTl;!I'1 "" '044 l-<4D ..." .$2,648- $'64 $6, $~:524 S1,e.44 $4,492 Tabl 1B 40 , 56 .. " W' '" hd:100Cl :$2,112- .$3,9:z-:. "" .$3.JiJ4 52,640 $1,440 :$ 14,D4B 5-714 $351 1-5,J-74 $7,4.39- n1.4117 TASK 11[100 .PIJBlfoC PRESENTATIONS S~btask !100 " , 1B " Corrrrisioo Mee~na5"ar:<l,prl!C1eration S1,17€- $,W .$1,396 '56 $" $.1:92B $2,D.9 53,415 fall:ll " , 16 " Tl!IlSk 110D $1,17"5 $,,, 5-1,3W:; '" $" f1.9-2B $2,D19 $J,,41~ PROJECT TOTAL ! )-rours " " " 'DB '" '" " 128 ,,. '04 1072 BOO 1072 -- $U,61S $2,8J1 $2.3052 $1(1,314 S11;1I052 S11..'6.co :$1,92( .$7,.:i:52 $1.-4.80 $4,HiO Sal..!l9:Z $41)2- $3.7.52 .$2,200 1SI2,4!K1 .51,200 $100,(104 S18-l,9-9& '. .-' AMENDMENT NO.1 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR WASTEWATER FACILITY PLAN MML No. 417.050 THIS IS AN AGREEMENT made as of November 15 ,2004, between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation, P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, Montana, 59771-1230 (OWNER) and Morrison-Maierle, Inc., P.O. Box 1113, Bozeman, Montana, 59771- 1113 (ENGINEER). 1 WHEREAS the parti es previously entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated June 7, 2004, herein referred to as the Original Agreement, for professional engineering services for the Wastewater Facility Plan; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend provisions of the Original Agreement to include wastewater facility planning services for Montana State University. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, the parties agree as follows: The conditions and provisions set forth in the attached EXHIBIT A-I - SCOPE OF SERVICES- MSU WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM PLANNING AND EXHIBIT B-1 - ENGINEERING FEE ESTIMATE are hereby incorporated in and made part of this Agreement. Article 1 - Eneineerine Services Section 1.1 of the Original Agreement is rcplaced with the following: 1.1. The detailed description of the specific project components is described as follows: 1.1.1. Prepare a Wastewater Facility Plan for the City of Bozeman as described in Exhibit A, Scope of Services and provide wastewater collection system planning services for Montana State University as described in Exhibit A-I. '" Article 6 - Compensation For Eneineerine Service Section 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 of the original agreement is replaced with the following: 6.1 LUMP SUM AGREEMENT FOR BASIC SERVICES AND EXPENSES OF ENGINEER 6.1.1 Paymcnt. The OWNER shall for services performed under Section 1.1 and 4.1 of this Agreement pay a total sum in the amount of$270,512.00 for such services. ENGINEER shall submit separate invoices for services provided rmder the original agreement and this amendment. 6.1.2 Payment Schedule. Total cumulative payments for the engineering services (Section 1.1) shall not exceed the following ceilings: $257,000 (~95% offee) rmtil the draft facility plan and has been submitted to the OWNER. Except as specifically amended herein, the Original Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and the parties shall be bound by all terms and conditions therein. In witness whereof, the Parties hereto do make and execute this Agreement. CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC. BY~A.~ (City Manager) ~<LtL l._,.___ DATE: November 15, 2004 BY: c=::::::,~ (Vice-President) DATE: cJl.~ oc~ 0 t/ ATTEST: ByrfE-J~ (Cler ofCommlsslOn) II:\0417\04R\DOCS\CONTRACTS\PSA Amendment #1 MSU.doc 2 ~. Exhibit A-I Scope of Services MSU Wastewater Collection System Planning Project Management Basis of Planning Memorandum Existing System Inventory Existing Collection System Evaluation Future Collection System Evaluation System Recommendations Reports MSU Staff Presentations TASK 100 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT Objectives: Plan and execute the facility plan development in accordance with an established schedule and budget. MMI/HDR Subtasks: 101 I)roject Coordination. James Nickelson of MMI wil1 serve as Project Manager for MMVHDR. Ed Sondeno will serve as Project Manager for MSU. Arrangements will be made to conduct project coordination meetings at the MMI Bozeman office or at MSU facilities, at the discretion of MSU. To the extent possible, these will be coordinated with other meetings and workshops. 102 Monitoring. Monitor project progress including work completed, work remaining, budget expended, schedule and estimated cost of work remaining and estimated cost at completion. Manage activities within task budgets. 103 Quality Control. Review all work activities and project deliverables for conformance with quality control requirements and project standards. Monitor project activities for potential changes, anticipate changes whenever possible, and with MSU's approval, modify project tasks and approach to keep the overal1 project within budget and on schedule. Deliverab les: . Memoranda and meeting notes as required ~ MSU Involvement: . Participate in telephone conference calls and meetings. . Review and approve modifications to approach, schedule, and deliverables as appropriate. TASK 200 - BASIS OF PLANNING MEMORANDUM Objectives: The Basis of Planning Memorandum will provide population and flow projections for a twenty year planning period. The Memorandum will establish the planning constraints and clarify the issues that will impact planning decisions and provide a clear foundation for the development of alternatives for the wastewater collection system facilities plan. The Basis of Planning Memorandum will be developed through the following subtasks and activities: MMI/HDR Subtasks: 201 Population and Land Use Baseline (Existing Conditions). In conjunction with MSU staff, determine the existing campus uses and estimated sewage flows. The primary data to be utilized in estimating sewage flows will be available water use data. 202 Population and Land Use Baseline (Future Conditions). The goal of this subtask is to project population data characteristics and land uses for the twenty year planning period. MMlfHDR will rely primarily on data from MSU on enrollment projections and information gathered through discussions with MSU Facilities Service staff in regards to projecting future land uses and research growth estimates. 203 Population Distribution. The baseline data will be utilized to distribute sewage flows to specific areas of the campus for the existing and future conditions. Population distribution for future projections will only be completed on anticipated twenty year projections. 204 Basis of Planning Meeting. A single meeting will be organized and facilitated to review the conclusions and information presented in the draft Basis of Planning Memorandum. The meeting will review land use information, ongoing trends, and other relevant information used to develop the baseline and future population projections. Particular focus will be placed on how the information in the text of the planning report will impact the development and evaluation of facility improvement alternatives. Final decisions on the use of this information will be made at this meeting. 2 205 Finalize Basis of Planning Memorandum. The Draft Basis of Planning Memorandum developed as part of Subtasks 201 through 204 will be finalized after review and comment by MSU. Deliverables: . Population and land use summary database and distribution map for existing and future conditions. . Draft and final Basis of Planning Memoranda. MSU Involvement: . Participate in meetings. . Review and approve Draft and Final Basis of Planning Memoranda. TASK 300 - EXISTING SYSTEM INVENTORY Objectives: Gather accurate existing system information. The information gathered in this task will be the foundation for recommendations in the facility plan. MMI/HDR Subtasks: 301 Collect and Inventory Existing System Information. MMIIHDR will review existing reports, records, logs, system maps, and as-built drawings relating to the sewer collection facilities provided by MSU. The focus of this task is to compile available physical system information, incorporate system information into the existing MSU mapping system (i.e. sewer inverts and pipe sizing and material) and evaluate existing system conditions to determine deficiencies. Information regarding on-site wastewater treatment and disposal systems will be gathered in addition to collection facilities that feed into the City of Bozeman system. 302 Staff Interviews. MMVHDR will conduct interviews with MSU maintenance personnel relative to system conditions and deficiencies. This information will be utilized in the planning effort and summarized in the final document. 303 Field Observation and Examination. Where inconsistencies in available data are found or available data is missing, MMIIHDR will evaluate key components in the field. A budget of sixteen hours of a staff engineer's time is allocated for field review and a budget of twenty-four hours of a two-person survey crew is allocated to establish locations and elevations. If additional effort is required for this task, MMIIHDR will work with MSU to increase the task budget or explore other means to collect needed data. 304 Flow Measurement. Develop program for measuring flows in the collection system for the purpose of calibrating the model developed in Task 400. City staff has agreed to measure flows on major cOlmections to the City collection system. MMIIHDR will 3 work in conjunction with MSU staff to measure flows within the campus system at up to four key locations in the collection system for a period of one week at each location. Flow measurements within the campus system will be done by utilizing City equipment, MMI/HDR personnel for software setup and download and MSU personnel for any confined space entry work. Work will be scheduled to work with City and MSU resource availability. '/ 305 System Database. A database of sewer collection system attributes will be developed. The collection system database will include information such as pipe diameters, materials, elevations, depths and other additional physical information describing the system components. This database will be based on existing information from MSU base maps, record drawings from MSU and information collected in Subtask 303. The database will be developed in a spreadsheet format. 306 Existing System Inventory Summary Memorandum. A summary memorandum will be prepared presenting a summary of the existing systems. Deliverables: . Collection system data summary. . Summary memorandum of system inventory. MSU Involvement: . Collect existing reports, records, logs, systems maps and record drawings relating to the sewer collection system. . Supply existing system records inclusive of existing database. . Participate in brief and organized staff interviews. . Review system database. . Provide personnel for assistance in flow measurement study as described in Subtask 304. City Involvement: . Conduct flow monitoring at major connection points to City system and provide data to MMI/HDR. . Supply flow monitoring equipment to MMI/HDR for use in measuring flow in key locations within the campus collection system. Provide minimal training and technical assistance for flow monitoring. TASK 400 - EXISTING COLLECTION SYSTEM EVALUATION Objective: MMI/HDR will evaluate the eXlstmg sewer collection facilities. Capacity limited sections will be identified, and recommendations will be made for necessary improvements. MMI/HDR will provide a computer model for the existing collection system utilizing SewerCad software. 4 ',. MMIIHDR Subtasks: 401 Hydraulic Model Construction. The system inventory developed in Subtask 305 will be used as a basis for constructing a hydraulic model of the sewer collection system. 402 Model Development and Calibration. The computer model will be prepared for analysis of the existing collection system facilities. Model calibration will be completed using wastewater flow monitoring data from the collection system. 403 Capacity Deficiencies Identification: Existing System. Results from the existing condition model run along with information gathered from staff interviews will be used to identify existing system problem areas. Potential deficiency areas that may be identified in the modeling process include surcharged pipe locations, stoml water cross-connections, and low and high pipeline velocities. Cost estimates associated with remedying deficiency areas in the existing system will be prepared. 404 Physical Deficiencies Identification: Existing System. The videotapes and logs provided by MSU from efforts in 2000 will be utilized to develop a listing of physical deficiencies in the collection system. A ranking criteria system will be established to evaluate priority areas for rehabilitation. In addition, information gathered from staff interviews in Subtask 302 will be used to identify existing system problem areas. Common rehabilitation options will be evaluated, and information provided on costs and effectiveness in resolving specific types of problems. Cost estimates associated with remedying deficiency areas in the existing system will be prepared. If it is warranted to videotape additional collection system components based on the information gained in this subtask, a separate scope and budget will be prepared. 405 Inflow and Infiltration (1/1) Reduction. The sewer video tapes and flow monitoring data will be utilized to evaluate the magnitude and general location of inflow and infiltration problems. The hydraulic model will be utilized to analyze sewers with regard to the impact of infiltration and inflow. This scope item is not intended to be a full-scale VI study, but only a review of data and limited recommendations in regards to the apparent magnitude of the problem. If the magnitude of the infiltration and inflow problems appear to be substantial enough to justify improvements to the system additional flow monitoring and analysis will be completed. MMVHDR will work with MSU to increase the task budget or explore other means to complete this task if additional effort is required. 406 Wastewater Collection System Summary Memorandum. A summary memorandum will be prepared presenting the existing problems identified. hlcluded in the summary memorandum will be conceptual level estimates of capital costs for the alternatives developed. The goal of this memorandum is to provide MSU staff with a draft of the system alternatives and proposed improvements for their review prior to the development of future system recommendations. 5 .~ ~ Deliverables: . Existing collection system evaluation. . Existing sewer collection system summary memorandum. MSU Involvement: . Provide sewer line videotapes. . Provide data from any previous flow monitoring studies and any additional field studies, i.e. smoke testing, VI analysis, etc. TASK 500 - FUTURE COLLECTION SYSTEM EV ALVA TION Objective: The population and land use data assembled will be used to develop the future sewage flow projections. This information in conjunction with the MSU property limits will be utilized to delineate new drainage areas for the 20 year planning period. MMVHDR will develop and evaluate alternatives to expand sewer collection facilities to meet the needs of the expanded service area and additional capacity requirements in the existing service area. MMI/HDR Subtasks: 501 Future System Analysis and Deficiency Identification. Using the population projections developed, a future condition hydraulic model will be developed that will project future sewer flows. This model will aid in the determination of collection system requirements to serve future development and alleviate existing system deficiencies. Future system requirements will be developed for the twenty year growth conditions. Depending on information developed in Task 200, it may be appropriate to evaluate pipe capacity for ultimate build out for portions of the campus. 502 Alternative Analysis. The alternative analysis task will investigate traditional collection solutions to serving the service area. The alternatives will be developed in sketch fonnat with a maximum of two alternatives being further refined into a conceptual format. Alternatives will include a review of how they tie into the City's collection system. The alternatives will be modeled utilizing the model developed in Task 400 with the addition of the twenty year flow projections. 503 Future Wastewater Collection System Summary Memorandum. A summary memorandum will be prepared presenting the future problems identified and a summary of solutions. Included in the summary memorandum will be conceptual level estimates of capital costs for the alternatives developed and exhibits to aid MSU staff in review. The goal of this memorandum is to provide MSU staff with a draft of the system alternatives and proposed improvements for their review prior to the development of system recommendations. A map showing sewer service areas and interceptor improvements will be prepared. 6 'to .. t Deliverables: . Future collection system alternative evaluations. MSU Involvement: . Assist MMI/HDR in exploring alternatives for the future collection system locations based on information regarding potential future development projects. . Review alternatives and summary memorandum. TASK 600 - SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS Objective: The objective of this task is to select a recommended plan for the wastewater collection and treatment systems and develop and prioritize a list of recommended system improvements. The recommended alternatives will be evaluated in a workshop format, and a priority ranking system will be developed. A summary memorandum will be prepared noting the recommended system improvements including prioritization and estimated costs. MMI/HDR Subtasks: 601 Alternative Evaluation Workshop. The focus of this workshop will be to jointly evaluate, rank, and select the recommended alternatives for the collection system. In addition, alternatives will be reviewed for the on-site treatment systems on the far west side of the campus. 602 Recommended Alternative Documentation. A technical memorandum will be developed that documents the recommended alternatives. This memorandum will include a description of the recommended projects and their priorities. A spreadsheet will be developed that includes prioritization and capital costs. Deliverables: . Recommended alternatives memorandum MSU Involvement: . Participate in alternative evaluation workshop . Review rating criteria TASK 700 - REPORTS Objective: The final technical memorandums will be assembled into one document that will form the Facilities Plan. This document will be structurcd in a way similar to the outline of Tasks in this scope document. 7 -~ . " MMI/HDR Subtasks: 701 Draft Report Development. Provide a draft of the facility plan document for review by MSU staff. 702 Prepare and Deliver Final Facility Plan to MSU. Based on review comments received, revisions to the draft report will be made, the final report will be assembled, with three copies delivered to MSU and one copy delivered to the City of Bozeman. One electronic copy of the final plan will be provided to MSU. Deliverables: . Draft reports and drawings. . Computer hydraulic model including alternatives. . Final reports and drawings. MSU Involvement: . Review of draft report. TASK 800 - PRESENTATION TO MSU STAFF The estimated level of effort includes one presentation of the findings and recommendations of the wastewater facility plan. This presentation is planned to be informal and be made to Facilities Services staff. Prior to the presentation, a preparation conference call will be held with the consultant team and MSU staff to discuss the format and information to be provided. H:\0417\04H\DOCS\CONTRACTS\MSlJ Scope 09-23-04.doc 8 11:' ~ I . .-. -.. . EXHIBIT B-1 MORRISON-MAl ERLE PROJECT ESTIMATING SHEET Technology Charge $3.50 IHR VEHICLE RATE $0.67 IMI PROJ. NUMBER: 0417048 DATE October 22, 2004 I LABOR COSTS EXPENSES I I I I i Principal II Principal I Sup Eng I Sup Eng I Sup Eng I Sen Eng I Design Eng II Staff Eng Survey Crew Graphics Clerical Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate TOTAL TOTAL LABOR EXPENSE TOTAL Hourly Rate 132.00 118.00 98.00 98.00 98.00 7900 74.00 59,00 100.00 55.00 40.00 COST Company Technology Equip M i sce IIa neous Report HDR HKM ITEMS FEE TASK HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS Vehicle Cha rg e Charge Expenses Prod u ction En g inee ri ng Engi nee rI ng 'ITASK 100 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT Subtask 101 24 4 28 28 Project Coord i n ati 0 n $2.352 $160 $2.512 I $98 563 $2,220 I $2,381 $4.893 Sublask 102 8 8 8 Monitoring $784 $784 $28 $20 $884 $932 $1,716 Sublask 103 16 16 16 Qua lily Co nlrol $2.112 $2,112 $56 553 $109 32.221 Total 16 32 4 52 52 Task 100 $2,112 $3,136 $160 $5.408 , 3182 $135 $3,104 $3A21 $8,829 TASK 2011- BASIS OF PLANNING MEMORANDUM Subtask 201 I 2 24 26 26 Population & Land Use Baseline (Existing) $196 $1,896 $2,092 $91 $52 $143 $2,235 ISubtask 202 2 8 10 10 i Population & Land Use Baseline (Future) $196 $632 $828 $35 $21 $56 $884 I Su btask 203 2 12 8 22 22 I Population Distribution $196 $948 $440 $1,584 $77 540 3117 $1,701 ISU otask 204 4 4 4 Basis of Planning Meeting $392 $392 $14 $10 $984 $1,008 $1 AOO ISu bta s k 205 8 12 4 8 32 32 ! Finalize Basis of Planning Memorandum $784 $948 $220 $320 $2.272 $112 $57 $492 $661 $2.933 ITotal 18 56 12 8 94 ! 94 I ; Task 2110 51,764 $4.424 $660 $320 $7.168 I 5329 $179 $1.4 76 51.984 $9.152 j !TASK 31111- EXISTING SYSTEM INVENTORY iSubtask 301 4 60 64 84 , $4,254 I Coil ect an d I nve nto ry Exi siti n g S ys te m I n10 rmati on $392 $3.540 $3 ,932 $224 $98 $322 I iSubiask 302 8 8 8 i Staff Interviews $632 $632 $28 516 $44 S676 ; iSubtask 303 2 16 24 42 I 42 Field Observation and Examination $196 $944 $2.400 $3,540 $147 589 $236 $3,776 Subtask 304 8 60 68 68 I I Flow Measurement $784 $3,540 $4.324 $238 $108 5346 $4,670 Subtask 305 2 16 24 42 42 System Database $196 $1.264 $960 52.420 $147 $61 $208 52.628 Subtask 306 4 8 8 4 24 24 Exis1ing System Inventory Summary $392 $632 $440 $160 $1,624 584 541 $125 $1,749 Total 20 32 136 24 8 28 248 248 Task 300 $1.960 $2.528 $8.024 $2.400 $440 $1,120 $16.472 $868 $412 $1.280 $17 ,752 .. '" ;.. ,~ ~ ,. . '. .. . TASK 400 -EXISTING COLLECTION SYSTEM EVALUATION I I I I Subtasi< 401 2 2 2 Hyd ra u lie Mo del Co nstru etio n I S196 S196 $7 $5 S3.984 $3,996 S4,192 S u bta sk 402 I 2 2 2 I Model Development and Calibration I S196 $196 $7 $5 $1,226 $1.238 $1,434 S u bta sk 403 i Ca pa city Defiei e n cie s Ide ntifi cation, ;;:xisti n g S yste m I $816 S816 $816 S u bta sk 404 I I I Ph ysical Defi c ie neies I d entificati on: Existi ng System I $3,492 $3,492 $3,492 S u bta sk 405 I I ! ~ Infiow and Infiltration (III) Reduction $2.042 $2,042 S2.042 ; S u bta si< 406 4 4 4 I Wastewater Collection System Summary Memorandum $392 $392 S14 S10 $3.454 $3,478 $3,870 Total 8 8 8 Task 400 $784 $784 $28 S~20 $15,014 815.062 S15.846 TASK 500 - FUTURE COLLECTION SYSTEM EVALUATION I I S ubta sk 501 I 2 , 2 2 F utu re System An a Iys is a nd De fic i e ney Ide ntificati on $196 $196 i S7 $5 $1.422 $1 ,434 $1.630 I S u bta si< 502 2 2 2 ! Altemative Analysis $196 $196 $7 S5 $3.592 $3,604 S 3.800 S u bta sk 503 4 4 , I 4 , Future Wastewater Collection System Summa ry Memorandum S392 $392 $14 S10 82.552 $2.576 $2,968 Total 8 8 8 T , Task 500 $784 8784 S28 120 $7,566 $7,614 S8,398 TASK 600. SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS I Subtask 601 8 8 200 8 Altemative Evaiuation Workshoo $784 $784 $134 $28 S20 $1,276 S 1 ,458 $2.242 ! S u bta sk 602 4 4 4 Recommended Alternative Documentation $392 $392 S14 ~10 $2.114 $2.138 $2.530 Total 12 12 , 200 12 , Task 600 Sl,176 $1.176 i $134 $42 $29 S3.390 $3.595 $4,771 I TASK 700 - REPORTS , Subtask 701 8 16 40 64 64 I $5.910 , $10.158 Draft Report Development $784 $1 .264 S2,200 $4,248 $224 0,106 $5.580 Subtask 702 4 8 4 16 16 Prepare and Deliver Final Facility Plan to MSU $392 S632 $220 $1,244 S56 1'31 S2.864 $2.951 $4.195 Total 12 24 44 80 80 i Task 700 S1,176 $1.896 $2,420 $5,492 $280 $137 $8,444 $8,861 $14,353 ITASK 800 - PRESENTATION TO MSU STAFF I i ! i ISubtask 800 I 12 4 16 I 16 ! Meeting and Preparation $1,176 $220 $1,396 $56 535 $1.928 82,019 $3,415 , ITotal 12 4 16 18 I Task 800 i 81,176 $220 Sl.396 S56 $35 $1,928 I S2,019 53.415 I , PROJECT TOTAL I Hours 16 122 112 136 24 68 40 518 200 518 $2,112 $11,956 S8.848 $8,024 S2,400 $3,740 $1.600 $38,680 5134 Sl,813 5967 $40.922 $43.836 $82,516