HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-19-14 Parking Commission Minutes Bozeman Parking Commission Meeting
-Eebruary.19, 2014 7:30 a.m.
City Hall Commission Room
Parking Commissioners in Attendance:
Ben Lloyd
Chris Naumann
Kelly Wiseman
Ben Bennett
Ryan Olson
Pam Bryan
Cyndy Andrus
Dennis Bechtold
City Staff in Attendance:
Scott Lee, Parking Manager
Laurae Clark, Treasurer
Ashlie Portnell, Parking Clerk
Guests in Attendance:
Action Items:
I. Call to order, 7:30 a.m.
Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.
II. Disclosures of Ex Parte Communication
III. Changes to the Agenda
IV. Approval of February 2014 minutes
Ryan asked for a motion to approve the February 2014 minutes. Chris motioned to
approve the February 2014 minutes. Ben L seconded the motion. The motion was carried
V. Public Comment on non-agenda items — State name and address. PIease
limit comments to 3 minutes
VI. Manager's Report (info)
Scott presented the finance report to the BPC. The report shows we are favorable to budget in
revenue but not in expenses, but overall we are showing a positive bottom line.
Scott explained that due to the increase in fine amounts that the officers have been granting more
appeals and he is working with first time offenders on other options.
Permits for the parking garage are up from last February. There are more non-contracted
customers in the garage as well. The Imperial Inn, Block G and Etha folks have all signed their
leases for permits at the parking garage, yet none have been utilizing spaces at this time.
Expenses for the department are reasonable, and near budget. Due to the amount of snow this
winter, snow plowing has cost more than usual. Scott stated that the garage was not properly
plowed after the most recent storm. Scott is working to rectify this situation before the next one.
Last Saturday the garage set a new record for daily revenue. It was approximately $918.00, and
was possibly due to Run to the Pub. The average daily revenue is up 33% from last February.
Daily entries are up by 24% from last February.
Scott is working with the Parking Clerk to attach offenders to older tickets, dated back as far as
2002. The self imposed deadline to get offenders attached to these tickets is June 30th. If we do
not get an offender by then, the tickets will most likely be written off.
VII. Amended BPC Bylaws — (ACTION)
The Bylaws were reviewed at last month's meeting. Only a few things changed to the original
Bylaws, the terms for the President and Vice President were changed to what was actually
approved in the last election(calendar year). The language was revised in other parts as well. At
this time Scott stated that he would like the BPC to adopt the amended Bylaws.
Ryan asked for a motion to approve the amended Bylaws. Dennis motioned to approve the
Amendments. Pam seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously.
VIII. FY2015 Budget— (ACTION)
Scott presented the BPC the final draft for FY2015 operating budget. This needs to be approved
by the BPC before the overall city budget can be presented to the City Commission. Scott made
some changes to a few of the line items, but it is very similar to previous versions presented.
Chris asked if the projections, that show a$39,000 net profit at year end, should not move the
funds to long term maintenance and capital projects. Scott stated that there are a lot of large
expensive projects that the BPC wants to consider in the future, and we need to start saving as
much money now to be able to pay for those things in the future. Dennis asked what is
included in the Transfers to General fund line item. Scott stated that it is the payments to the
City to pay for the parking department's portion of administration, accounting, human resource,
legal and other city departments utilized by the department. The City determines the allocation
Ryan asked for a motion to approve the FY2015 Budget plan. Chris motioned to approve
FY2015 Budget plan. Dennis seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously.
IX. Bridger Park Lease Limit— (ACTION)
Chris stated that both the Executive Committee and BPC have talked about this previously. The
Executive Committee and Scott worked together and did some calculations to look at various
occupancy levels, and non-reserved spaces to come up with this recommendation.
The garage has 435 spaces overall, with 102 out of the total in the garage which are restricted
access (Basement only—special permit required).
Currently there are requests for or signed leases for about 200 lease spaces from different hotels,
with some requesting spaces in the basement level
The Executive Committee looked at how many spaces were available in public lots at the site,
before the parking garage was built (70 spaces in the public lot) and recommended, for the non-
basement spaces (333),to have 150% of the original public parking spaces (105 total) remain as
un-reserved and available for hourly parking. Then factoring in the industry standard for
contract parkers (70% of leaseholder in garage at any given time)the recommendation is for up
to 326 total leased spaces (non-basement).
Given the number of leases currently in place or pending, that leaves approximately 60 spaces
available for lease at this time.
Kelly asked if the 70% industry standard includes weekends. Scott stated it does. Kelly asked
what the busiest days during the week are. Scott replied it varies a lot from day to day, but the
highest usage usually occurs around the lunch hour, but that includes all parkers (contract and
non contract).
Pam asked if we lease out all spaces in non basement what is available to the public. The model
developed generally assumes that there will be about 105 spaces available for general parking.
Chris stated that due to a multitude of factors,this will need to be reviewed annually and
adjustments can be made whenever the BPC feels necessary.
Kelly suggested this be put on the calendar for annual review. Ryan said it will be reviewed
when we discuss the next fiscal year budget and then annually thereafter. Ben L said that the
leases agreements allow some flexibility in quantity and location and the businesses who want
these lease agreements need to be made aware of this.
Ryan asked for a motion. Dennis motioned to approve the lease limit with the stipulation
that this will be reviewed every year. Ben L seconded the motion. The motion was carried
X. Request for Valet Loading Zone for Fin on Main — (ACTION)
Ryan Feddema, the General Manager of Fin on Main provided a letter of interest in establishing
a valet parking program in front of this restaurant. This would not be an official loading zone or
signed location. He is requesting to set up the program from 5pm to 2am on Fridays and
Saturday nights. Scott asked the BPC if this is enough details to make a decision. Ryan O.
stated that the letter did not answer all his questions, and therefore felt there can be no action on
this at this time.
Scott suggested he talk with Ryan Feddema again and then set up a meeting with Ryan Feddema
and several members of the Executive Committee to discuss his plan in better detail. The matter
was tabled until a future meeting once more information was available.
XI. New business
Kelly suggested that any action items on the agenda be moved to the beginning of the meeting
and the manager's report be moved to near the end of the agenda.
Officer Daniel Tolar presented to the BPC a map of the downtown district, indicating all ADA
spaces, loading zones and 15 minutes spaces. Ben L suggested color coding the different
sections for easier identification.
XII. Adjournment
Ryan adjourned the meeting at 9:OOa.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Ashlie Portnell, Parking Clerk