HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-02-09 Parking Commission Minutes
Bozeman Parking Commission Meeting
April 2nd, 2009 at 7:30 a.m.
Upstairs Conference Room of City Hall
Parking Commissioners in Attendance:
Chris Pope
Larry Bowman
Steve Schnee
Tammy Hauer
Pam Bryan
City Staff in Attendance:
Shannon Fish, Parking Clerk
James Goehrung, Superintendent of Facilities
Paul Burns, Parking Manager
Laurae Clark, Treasurer
Rich Mclane, Lieutenant
Jeff Rupp, Commissioner
Chris Kukulski, City Manager
Chuck Winn, Assistant City Manager
Allyson Bristor, Planner
Guests in Attendance:
Brian Caldwell, Thinktank
Lee Hazelbaker, Streamline Bus
Dan Harding, Intrinsik
Susan Kozub, Intrinsik
Todd Thesing
Gary Gulickson
Michael Schreiner
Action Items:
7:30 – Call to Order
Chris Pope called the meeting to order at 7:33 a.m.
0:02:18 7:35:38 7:31 – 7:40 – Approval of the March 11, 2009 minutes
In discussing the March 11, 2009 minutes, Chris Pope asked about who is paying for the trip for
Protection tech that was in the last minutes. He also asked about the trip that Paul will be making to
Denver. Chris just wanted to verify the wording that we gave him permission and our blessing to go.
Pam made a motion to approve the minutes and Larry seconded. The minutes were approved.
0:04:07 7:37:28 7:40 – 7:55 – Street report, Rich
Rich is asking for an additional fulltime officer that would come out of the general fund. Rich's intention
is to pull the 1/4 animal control officer off of the MSU parking position and have that officer just work
on parking full time, so this would add 1/4 FTE to the parking budget.
One of the premises of the increase is the amount of people that have more than 5 citations. There are
257 people that represent the chronic abusers. There is $80,000 that has not been collected, and Rich is
looking at making the boot ordinance a priority.
There is a new city attorney on board with this ordinance. With his help we should be able to take care
of some of the chronic abusers of the system.
There is one person that has received 103 tickets to this date. She is an example of someone whose
behavior needs to change. She is someone who has been given opportunities and just has not
responded to what we have offered.
Chris Pope wanted to mention that the boot is just one tool in the toolbox.
Rich noted that 95% of the ordinance is written at this time. Rich has gotten good support on this area
and he also believes that the public is supporting this as well. Chris Pope states that with or without an
attorney we need to pick a date and time to finish the boot ordinance. Chris would like to have July 1st
as a starting date for the boot.
Personnel wise, Rich is continuing to hire for the downtown position. Rich also mentioned that the word
is out about Connie Lien retiring next month.
Paul and Rich went to the garage and did a walkthrough in the eyes of security. Next week Rich has a
meeting with the police department about the security in the garage. As part of the officer’s route they
will be going into the garage and adding that as part of their nightly route. All of the night shifts will be
going through the facility next week just to check things out.
Rich noted a few things about the security, such as vandalism, assaults, muggings, and 911 hang up
calls. Rich will be making this part of his communication process. Rich has a couple of questions for the
makers of the software. He needs to work out some of the questions when Protection Tech is here in
town. Chris believes that having officers going through the garage as it opens would be ideal in helping
with the security problems.
0:28:28 8:01:48 7:55 – 8:15 – Manager’s report, Paul
Paul met with Jeff Conger, MSU Art Professor. He's got some great ideas. He has worked on garages in
Boise. Based on what he saw it will cost more than $2,000 for the paint and less than $10,000. Paul
believes that we need to make the garage more appealing.
The restroom locks are going to be an Auto lock system to open and close 6 days a week. There will be a
punch pad override for cleaning purposes. It is $2500 from Bozeman Safe and Lock.
Interior signage is in place. Outdoor signs do have some issues. The big blue P has hit a design
manufacturing problem. The signs that have the light glowing out on the sides are hard to make. Paul
will be meeting with Bruce today to see what we can do about this issue.
Another issue is the signs that will be on the streets of downtown. The signs cannot be blue because the
color blue is reserved for hospitals.
Paul talked about getting some banners to show that the garage is open. Paul got a quote for $218 for
these signs. These would also have the blue "P" on it.
The stairwell signs were ordered from personalize it. These are something that is required from the fire
department. Paul ordered 18 signs at $20 each, so it was a total of $360.
The garbage cans are in place in the garage thanks to Sid from James' staff.
Streamline will be paying for a railing on the pedestrian island and the bus waiting area furniture.
Protection Tech arrives on Monday to complete the installation and testing. Training on the hardware
and software is Wednesday and Thursday. James' staff will be trained on the hardware and Lauraes staff
will be trained on software. Paul will be trained on both.
Chris Kukulski has a weekly press conference at 1:30 on Thursdays. Paul expects to be in training that
day with Protection Tech. Paul would like to know if someone else can participate in this for Paul since
he will not be able to attend. Chris Pope did offer to cover if needed.
0:38:39 8:11:59 1. Snow removal contract
Paul decided not to award a snow contract this snow season. Paul will wait until the fall. In the
meantime, we will allow snow to accumulate on the rooftop to save money. Paul would then purchase
barricades to close the roof during periods of snow. Pam asked about the safety of the floor with all of
the snow on it. James and Paul noted that as long as it is not piled up in one location that it should be
0:41:17 8:14:37 4. Nametags, vests
Paul ordered 6 blue smocks with side ties. There will be a silkscreen P on the back and the front. The
smocks were $61.82 and the silkscreen will be $62.00 for a total cost of $123.82.
0:42:15 8:15:36 2. Ambassador schedule
Paul handed out the ambassador schedule and it is complete as of today. Paul would like to say thanks
to Laurae's staff for offering to fill in some of the time slots.
0:42:57 8:16:18 3. Calendar of events
The fire suppression failed last Monday. They will be re-doing it again next Monday. Next week is also
the elevator tests.
Brian noted that website and PowerPoint for Channel 20 should have a life like picture on it. Brian has a
number of pictures and will send some pictures to Paul.
Paul has spoken with the T.V. stations and has not set an opening date in stone but will be meeting with
them next week to have them do a video of how to use the machines inside the garage. Chris would like
to have a soft opening this month and then in May have a hard opening and make it "The Big Thing."
There should be a ribbon cutting ceremony and the mayor should be there but Chris wants to make sure
that everything opens well for the time being.
0:51:36 8:24:48 8:15 – 8:35 – Garage update, James
James brought a handout that he will be presenting at the commission meeting. James thought that we
were finished with garage spending and then he got handed some material from Martel. There are
additional costs that have come about.
In exhibit A it details the owner process changes in the amount of $141,000.
Martel is pretty much off site as of this Friday. On the 6th they will be turning it over to the City. The
fencing will stay up in the garage until we ask them to have it removed.
Chris K talked with NWE this morning and asked about some of these numbers. Bob Risk will be calling
Chris K back and explaining some of these costs to him. Chris K also asked him about the gas work in the
alley. He would like all of the work to be finished before we repave or open the alley.
James will be talking with them today about what is going on Monday. Chris is not anticipating any talks
for Monday’s meeting but if you look at the fine print there is a lot of money that is still questioned that
we are trying to look through.
Chris Pope asked if Chris Naumann has been informed of any additional funding for the garage. Chris
Pope would like to speak to him about some of these changes.
The office for Paul will not be finished at this point. There is a talk that we could rent that space out in
the future. We will talk about this at a future date.
James met with 2 vendors on-site and showed him the situation with the roofs of the retail spaces. They
have provided a price for the chain link fence that would provide the safety that we are wanting for
these floors. Chris Pope believes that there is an esthetic aspect of this on how to make it look as nice
as possible.
1:05:08 8:24:57 8:35 – 8:40 – Number of permits sold/canceled, Laurae
We currently have 74 permits sold. Laurae still believes that once we get the open signs up that there
will be another rush to get some more permits. Laurae will be getting bills out soon. She questioned on
whether or not to start the billing at mid April. We will be allowing the people who already have permits
to go into the garage and get billed on May 1. Those who do not have a permit in another lot will be
billed as of April 13th.
Chris K talked about allowing people to go into the garage for free to get them used to parking there.
This was a question that was brought up due to the blast that happened downtown.
A discussion ensued regarding this and it was determined that it was better for people to get used to
how the garage works while we had ambassadors available to assist them.
1:11:41 8:38:28 8:40 – 8:55 – South Wallace Lofts proposal, Allyson Bristor
Intrinsik and Allyson Bristor are here with a formal application for the South Wallace Lofts proposal. It is
a mix use structure with retail on the bottom floor and then 30 residential units on the top floors. There
is parking on the main level but there is a shortage of approximately 18 spaces. This will become definite
once the square footage is decided. 18 spaces is less than half of what they require, which is 41. The
applicant would have to come to the commission and the formal review board.
Demolition or movement of the existing houses would also require City Commission approval. The two
houses on the site have been really well kept and the city is hoping that we would be able to move the
homes to another location.
Currently they are in the middle of the informal review process. There are a few more meetings to go.
They are meeting before the Commission later this month. This is a proposal that they are hoping will
improve the density of the downtown area.
Parking is obviously a big component. In terms of their numbers there is a need for 43 spaces. Onsite
there are 25 spaces plus 2 disabled spaces as well. 16-18 is the number that they will be asking for in
Cash-in-Lieu from the Parking Commission.
The intent of this building is to create a series of units and buildings that provides downtown living at
appropriate pricing. There will be parking underneath with the retail spaces on the main level. There
would then be an interior courtyard which will allow light and room for this project to grow.
No one is saying that they won't pay for cash-in-lieu but the developer wants to get these buildings done
and livable. The intent is to provide the community with more options.
Larry noted that he does like the idea and would approve it. It would be to the advantage of downtown
to have a development like this. He wants to know what would happen to the people that do not have
parking spaces. Where would they park? This is something that will be checked out as the project goes
further in time. Tammy asked whether or not the parking spaces will be private/designated or will
some of the owners be sharing these spaces? Chris Pope strongly supports this and hopes that this will
be a model project for the downtown area. He said, "This is a great start."
The owner from Heebs brought forth some questions. The two spaces on Wallace are not currently
there but they would like to know if they ever will be there. He also wanted to know about parking for
his employees and patrons. Heebs does not want to be the parking police and have to be watching who
is parking in his 33 spaces.
Chris Pope asked the Commission to express themselves and let them know how they are feeling. Larry
would like to wait for a motion to be made once the final plan is presented. However, overall the
Commission likes the project and would like to see it go through.
1:43:52 8:45:02 9:00 – Adjournment
Chris Pope adjourned the meeting at 9:17 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted;
Shannon Fish