HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-03-18 City Commission Packet Materials - SP1. Data Visualization for the Downtown Dashboard and Urban 3 Storyboard - SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS 12/3/2018 Bozeman, Montana 12A��k� Bozeman, Montana This story was made with Esri's Story Map Journal. Read the interactive version on the web athttps✓/arcg.is/TPOm9. a Bozeman, Montana has long been a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts and other adventurous types. Recently ranked as one of the 100 best places to live, Bozeman is now a rapidly growing city with a high quality of life in part due to the easy access to the outdoors, burgeoning tech industry, and cultural experiences it offers. Bozeman intends to maintain this high quality of life as it grows in part by using its land efficiently. Land is a finite resource and its use can either produce high enough property tax revenues and fees to support residents' needs, or drain city funds for infrastructure upkeep. In this story map we look at how Bozeman's wealth and development patterns are connected,from Downtown to Valley West,the Bridger Mountains and beyond. How to use this webpage: Scroll through the narrative on this side of the screen, and the"main stage"to the right b will change, providing complementary visual analysis about Bozemans'land use patterns and their impact on revenues and expenses. a Use the Table of Content buttons on the far left to navigate between chapters quickly or return to the beginning. Each dot is a chapter. https://urban3.maps.aregis.com/apps/MapJournal/resources/tpl/viewer/print/print.html?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cQ9472df7l afcf75aO 1/26 12/3/2018 Bozeman,Montana This project, analysis, and tool were completed by Urban3 as part of ongoing efforts by the City of Bozeman and the Gallatin County Association of Realtors, Downtown Bozeman Partnership, the Bozeman Chanmber of Commerce , and Future West. M ,` MT Ik 4� w, GAR----.. s �. � ,i.� t �� ;r� Te OF REAL�TORS{' i _� t�; ;+�411i B 0 7 F M. A N hairber pzem;�- , FUTURE c of Commerce WIF: T� Presenter:Joe Minicozzi Analysts: Will Creasy,Josh McCarty, Kate Raybon Data Sources: (Unless otherwise specified) • City of Bozeman • Gallatin County Assessor Usage & Attribution: City budget images from page 2 are provided courtesy of The City of Bozeman. All other images, maps, graphics, and materials included here are jointly copyrighted with Urban3 and the City of Bozeman. These materials and the presentation itself are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 https:Hurban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/resources/tpl/viewer/print/print.html?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7l afcf75aO 2/26 12/3/2018 Bozeman,Montana International License. For information about permissions beyond the scope of this license please contact the author. https://urban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/resources/tpl/viewer/printtprint.html?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7l afcf75aO 3/26 12/3/2018 Bozeman,Montana Revenue Sources Local Revenue Graph 100 50 Local Revenue Sources by State Source:Tax Policy Center 2017 The chart to the right depicts total local government revenue by source. Local governments in Montana rely heavily upon property taxes for funding, though a specific locality's share of revenues from that source may vary compared to the average share for municipalities within the state. Analyzing the source of government revenues is critical to planning a strong financial future. Like a business, local governments have revenues as well as expenses. Collecting sales tax from consumer expenditures and property tax from "real property", which includes real estate and automobiles, enables municipalities to provide basic public services like police,fire protection, and education,to name a few. Property tax and fees collected are the key resources municipalities rely upon to function. The pie charts below illustrate the significant role of property tax revenue in Bozeman's budget.Though property taxes are only part of the city's revenue,they are the part over which the city has the greatest control. https:Hurban3.maps.arcgis.com/appsiMapJournal/resources/tpl/viewer/print/print.html?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7l afcf75aO 4126 12/3/2018 Bozeman,Montana I Revenues by Source - All Funds - FY18 011oh r Revenues (Other FiraticiDQ sour'cas 10% Interest Inccrne T__ Property Taxes 0°0 �_- 24% Special Assessments Fines and Forteitur. 4% Licf,nses& Permits 3% Charges for So (I 47% �Inter-eaoverrrntee�fvl 9d«� Revenues by Source - General Fund - FY18 Tther Rew,,nvps tither rirancing It�t(?tt35t Ir1GOcr�e',.s.. ,��Qllr"ar$s .�_ 4�v . �.. 10% 1 i Fin ' P •'Taxes es and F�or'fertures��'` .� 4% !F 52% r Charges for SorvicoS tnta r-�nye m r»e nfal _.� Licenses&Potnn& spacial 1% Assessments ION Source:Bozemar 201E City Budget,page 49 https://urban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/resources/tpl/viewer/print/print.html?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7l afcf75aO 5/26 12/3/2018 Bozeman,Montana Bozeman tax structure ' S Property Tax ^_f Rate(%) n a 0A1%•1% - 1.1%-1.4996 URBAN: Property taxes in Bozeman are determined using two factors: taxable percentage and local mill rate. Both are applied to property value to determine the tax bill amount. Here's how it works: Taxable Market Value x Taxable Percentage = Taxable Value (as per the DOR MKT/Market method) Taxable Value x Local Mill Rate = Tax Bill Let's look at the first factor. Taxable Percentage in Bozeman ranges from 0% to more than 3% (a few isolated examples go above 3%). There are hundreds of classes, but most are based on use. Residential parcels are primarily taxed at 1.35% while commercial properties are taxed at a rate of 1.89%. Agricultural land can be subject to up to 3%. Interestingly, golf courses are taxed at the same rate as hospitals, 0.89% (see graphic below). https:Hurban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/resources/tpl/viewer/print/print,html?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7l afcf75a0 6126 12/3/2018 Bozeman, Montana 4 Wild Wild Golf Gallatin County,MT Riverside Country Club Bridger Creek _ Black Bull ,— 1 Cottonwood �q •'�'°' Hills r ,� Bozeman Health 1 eacone.ss Hospital Li �o Property Tax _ Rate (%) Valley View - - - 0 0.01%-1% 1.1%•1.49% 2.1%-3% But tax rates are only part of the equation. The tax rate is used to determine the taxable value, which then has the local mill rate applied to it to determine the final tax bill. The local mill rate for a property is a sum of all the different mill levies (of which there are more than 150—some with subcategories). Understanding how the tax system works is essential because knowing where revenues originate is critical to planning a strong financial future. Nearly half of Gallatin County is nontaxable property. This limit on possible tax revenue generation makes efficient land use even more important to Montanans. Please Allow time for next slide to load. https://urban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/resources/tpl/viewer/print/print.htm I?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7l afcf75aO 7/26 12/3/2018 Bozeman,Montana Why Value per Acre? -iot—I iRrnperty Vawe Property ValE i:'er Acre fir ft Ip ;W.. r�� - ■, 4itSti��= 1 III!, 20�L_ l�S�IJ 1 i T �e — Ililll1111 {II. l; r.- •.... rr ■11 �I`I IIII1J•4�1i II ° J , ,,aiu:a"v��: If� Total Tax Value($) I� Tax Value Per Acre(S) Cao,aof-va°,a°o .°oo.00t.vao,°ao 600,00,.z>so.oao >r vrooa,-t.so,000 1,>60.0°,-,Js0.000 �E ,R60.am•,ds°,°°° f.)60,00,-;]60,000 ,,>6o,00f-;)60,000 zssaao,-z>sa000 Hill IH(�� 11� 0 f•: °sw.w,-:,>so,000 z>6o,00,.asao,000 1 a>so,00,.a,soao°o �3.soo,00,-s,aoo 000 1 U3 �6.oaaoo,.,aoaaa°a a.a0000, >,a.66a.aa, JuxtaposeJs The slider map to the right allows you to easily compare the total value and per acre value of Bozeman's parcels by moving the divider left and right. Urban3s analytic method focuses on the"Per Acre" metric as a unit of productivity.After all, cities and counties are finite areas of land, and how that land is consumed has a direct effect on municipal coffers.This metric normalizes overall tax values into a direct comparison, using land consumed as a unit of productivity. Put another way, different cars have differently-sized gas tanks, so the gallon is used as a measurement of efficiency, not the tank.Therefore, "miles per gallon", not"miles per tank" is common practice to gauge efficiency. We apply the same principle to measure the financial productivity of various development types across a community. Property taxes are the backbone of municipal revenue. Efficient property tax production has a direct impact on the availability of funds to repair roads, provide quality education, and maintain adequate public services. Identifying development that packs a financial punch is critical to cultivating community wealth. Expansive developments with large footprints typically carry a higher cost to serve with public utilities (such as, https://urban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournaI/resources/tpI/viewer/print/print.htm I?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7 i afef75aO 8/26 12/3/2018 Bozeman,Montana streets, water and sewer).Thus, only examining a development's total tax production overlooks the amount of land and public resources consumed in order to produce that revenue. Lookingjust at total value, it appears that Bozeman's most valuable parcels are distributed across the city and especially concentrated in the big box shopping area near the interstate.The Value per Acre map identifies the lower-efficiency areas (dark green) near the periphery and the concentrations of higher-efficiency land (dark red and purple), in and around downtown Bozeman.This metric more accurately measures how well a city or county uses its chief finite resource; land. https://urban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/resources/tpl/viewer/print/print.html?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7l afcf75aO 9/26 12/3/2018 Bozeman,Montana Value per Acre: Results Urban3 visualizes property value in 3D to quickly communicate information. Our work makes relative comparisons of property values in downtown with values on the periphery of a community. 3D visualization of development and property values also illustrates how public policy impacts the community spatially. The added vertical dimension, in contrast with the two-dimensional images in the previous section, clearly shows the concentrations of very highest value (purple spires) in and around downtown Bozeman. Smaller spikes dot Gallatin County. these spikes represent the towns of Belgrade, Manhattan, and Three Forks. That's itfl! Value Productivity Q Gallatin County,MT 2 00 ■ z., Tax Value https:Hurban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/resources/tpl/viewer/print/print.html?appid=86adf32e302a45c09472df7l afcf75a0 10/26 1202018 Bozeman,Montana c—i.wry G Downtown ?p ® County .. .. .,•,,,.<a, qX I/ ' 8 6• County Area County Value Excluding nontaxable acres Relative to its size, the City of Bozeman's incorporated area yields 36 times the tax revenue per acre compared to the rest of Gallatin County. The Downtown Bozeman area yields 6 times the tax revenue per acre compared to rest of the City relative to their sizes. These ratios of productivity comparing the City to the County and the Downtown to the City show that denser urban areas are essential revenue producers. What's exceptional about Bozeman is that relative to its size, the Downtown tax revenue per acre is 200 times that of surrounding County land. That means Downtown is 200 times more productive in land use and revenue generation than the County. Part of our analysis also included examining a suite of properties across Gallatin County to understand the varying revenue potencies of downtown properties, small-scale multifamily developments, and big-box retailers, among many others. The chart below shows the wide range of productivity (click in the upper right corner to see chart full-size). As the chart shows, Downtown Bozeman storefronts and the city's hotels dramatically outperform the city's big box retailers and suburban-style residences in value per acre. rs� Gallatin County Value Profile: 2018 County Property Assessed Value per Acre CO 00 L o � h O � m o � fe r� m 00 _w 10 00 0 c2 49 00 �1 egU� CZID I- to 00 (WrJ 00 Ob t� tN� N fA� � to GM9 69 ui a :H L Ljmm� _ g cJc �ia ca of cc, 00 �� o m s$ E:. E� =m i?g mO wo 09 8U s �¢ ¢ F ID ¢ R�.rd�tiE3f ��',GOmmz,cia! )ditr�d-tlsa URBANS https://urban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/resources/tpl/viewer/print/print.htm I?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7l afef75aO 11/26 12/3/2018 Bozeman,Montana 'Averagee�glaoMmWokmilyvaA» aomoMgU(lnM+unCau�yAie:aatFas As the chart shows, downtown Bozeman storefronts and the city's hotels dramatically outperform the city's big box retailers and suburban style residences in value per acre, https:Hurban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/resources/tpl/viewer/print/print.html?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7l afcf75aO 12/26 12/3/2018 Bozeman,Montana Urban Renewal Districts in Bozeman 3e e',•S� hq y' Northeast 32 taxable acres i Downtown 59 taxable acres Total Taxable Value $35,868,175 ?Total Taxable Value $224,814,812 Peak Value Per Acre $5,468,837 ;Peak Value Per Acre $21,217,280 AverageValue Per Acre $1,120,880 Average Value Per Acre $3,811,048 1 J Midtown 341 taxable acres Total Taxable Value $680,550,696 �97 Peak Value Per Acre $4,485,440 Average Value Per Acre $611,326 .. Montana has been a leader in creating tax urban renewal districts (URDs)to fund public infrastructure improvements or other amenities in specific neighborhoods. Bozeman has three main URDs within its municipal boundaries including one downtown. The value per acre of all three Bozeman URDs is visible in the map to the right. https://urban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJoumal/resources/tpl/viewer/print/print.html?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df71 afcf75a0 13/26 12/3/2018 Bozeman,Montana - - - - I - r- I 3s' i t .. The downtown TIF as it compares to the rest of the city, Bozeman's Downtown URD significantly outperforms both the Northeast and Midtown URDs in terms of value per acre and total taxable value. The Northeast district, however, has a higher average value per acre than the city at large, suggesting that land is used more efficiently there than it is elsewhere in Bozeman. While a URD distinction does not directly affect the valuation of properties within it, it typically means that that area's property tax revenue, or at least a portion of it, is committed to a specific, predetermined purpose.This purpose is often hyper-locally tied to public infrastructure or debt repayment related to the URD district itself. Because URD funds are on the hook for a specific bill or project cost, a city has even more reason to make fiscally sound land use decisions within the URD district. If a URD district's land is not well-utilized, it may not generate adequate property tax revenue to pay its specified debts or expenditures. In that case,the bill may have to be paid by the city at-large instead. https:Hurban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJourna]/resources/tpI/viewer/print/print.htmI?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7l afcf75a0 14/26 12/3/2018 Bozeman, Montana Downtown versus the Big Boxes �f Ajk �7.5M �20.9N1 - 11 Block of per The 100 block of E Main Street in downtown Bozeman (pictured right) has an average taxable value per acre of $14,578,516.The individual buildings'values per acre are listed in the image to the right and show significant variation within the block. https:gurban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/resou rces/tpl/viewer/print/print.html?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7l afcf75aO 15/26 12/3/2018 Bozeman,Montana C: 0 0 U 17 ® � IN 00 0 I U WU D Main Street To better show the potency of this block we've set its 1 acre footprint next to Bozeman's Costco, Gallatin Mall, and the Oak Street corridor at scale below, 0.81 acres of the 100 block of Main Street would equal the 14 acre Costco. https:Hurban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/resources/tpl/viewer/print/print.htm I?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7l afef75aO 16126 12/3/2018 Bozeman, Montana NU 0.37 acres of the 100 block of Main Street would equal the 37 acre Gallatin Mall. https://urban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/resources/tpl/viewer/print/print.html?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7l afcf75a0 17/26 12/3/2018 Bozeman, Montana Parking per Acre in Downtown Bozeman E PEACH 57 TR l� W SHORT ST k 'a z � z a e W VILLARD ST ZO a Q Q F Z a z w w �w W Z V 3 gZ Z m O DAVIS ST g y W BEALL ST Z z Z Z rc = a v E BEALL Sr Z Z Z u w 3 w Z Z 125 W Mendenhall St 326 E Mendenhall St z° m VJ LAMME Sr E LAAIME Sr tj40� W MENDENHALL ST 01610OHO" ¢ -EMENDENHALL Z Ila _W MAIN ST E MAIN Sr W BABCOCK Sr a i E BABCOCK ST w W OLIVE ST 222 E Babcock St 53 5 Church Ave E OLIVE sr a a a N € c G r s z x Z < V ¢ w W CUMMS ST H ECURnsss-rH „ N N m W KOCH sr a Downtown Parcels Z .Surface Parking Parcels y W STORY ST •U3 ESTORVST _: N _. W DICKERSON ST Parking is an important piece of the downtown puzzle. Unfortunately, surface parking lots generate very little property tax value. Considering the low productivity of parking lots is a step towards making fiscally responsible decisions as to where and when parking lots should be constructed, preserved, or removed. Because improvements to land are included in a parcel's building value, it is difficult to determine the actual value of surface parking in Bozeman. We started by looking at the downtown parcels that consisted entirely of surface parking (125 W Mendenhall St, 326 E Mendenhall St, 222 E. Babcock St, and 53 S Church St). Using the parking parcels without improvements allowed us to use the building . value as a base. We then removed all parking that is attached to non-taxable uses (government owned, Salvation Army, etc.). This left us with five parcels that are both taxable and entirely surface parking. They are blue in the graphic on the right. https:Hurban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/resources/tpl/viewer/print/print.html?appid=86adf32e302a45c09472df7l afcf75a0 18/26 12/:/2018 Bozeman, Montana m�� Ckf Ill.,, uringIpace Estimated Value Avg. of Downtown Sample: • • • - r sqft or Average Downtown Value per Acre is $3,811 ,048 Using this method we are able to calculate a rough value for surface parking lots within the downtown area. The estimated average improvement value of parking is $1 .96 per square foot or $85,378 per Acre, well below the downtown average of$3,811,048. https:/Iurban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/resources/tpl/viewer/print/print.html?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df71 afcf75a0 19/26 12/3/2018 Bozeman,Montana Parking Land Use -i~ (LO � a - � � 3 a, -a us uo . O Open Space 1 Off Street Parking Green Space N We've seen how the monetary value of parking downtown is far below the average property tax value of downtown as a whole. This comparison is useful to know, but what does this really mean for downtown Bozeman?To understand that we need to look at the land uses present in Bozeman's downtown and how they affect property taxes (note - this analysis was performed in 2017 (credit to Chris Shaida and Nathan Justice for original land use map). The boundaries are slightly smaller than those used in the value per acre analysis on the previous pages and therefore the total value and average value per acre are slightly higher than those mentioned on previous pages). To the right and in the charts below we see that almost as much of downtown Bozeman's land is dedicated to off street parking (13.8 acres) as is dedicated to roads (15.5 acres). https:Hurban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/resources/tpl/viewer/print/print.html?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7l afcf75aO 20/26 12/3/2018 Bozeman,Montana Bt dings • IlParking 13 . 8 Acres ,� 21 .6 Acres Green Open Space Space Roads _ _ 6.2 Acres 4.3 Acres 15 . 5 Acre Parking 2.2 Acres 2.1 Acres Three land use classes dominate downtown Bozeman: Buildings, Roads, and Off-street Parking. Buildings represent the largest area as well as the lions share of property tax income. Roads are the second largest morphology with Off street parking following closely behind. Roads of course are an expense but are required. Off street parking on the other hand is a land use that only returns a fraction of the property tax value that the building portion of parcels return. If 25% of the existing surface parking were converted to 3 to 4 story infil buildings it would add $18 million to the downtown's total value and increase the average taxable value per acre from $4,879,151 to $5,367,235. Replacing half of the existing surface parking were converted to 3 to 4 story infil buildings it would add $35 million to the downtown's total value and increase the average taxable value per acre from $4,879,151 to $5,853,963. https://urban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournalfresources/tpl/viewer/print/print.html?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7l afcf75a0 21/26 12/3/2018 Bozeman, Montana Area Total Value per acre Buildings21.6 Acres $1131771,04 3 $5,264,621 • • • 15.5 Acres - $5,063,850 - $326,101 Off Street Parking 13.8 Acres $18,924,631. $1,371,350 Below is a map breakdown of amount of parking per parcel in downtown Bozeman (note: parking data was collected in 2017). This metric surfaces a spatial trend in parking that is immediately obvious to anyone who has spent time in downtown bozeman: that the commercial heavy corridor facing Main Street has very little surface parking. When this map is compared to the value per acre model it becomes clear that those parcels which have low percentages of parking are among the most potent properties in the county. Percent of Downtown Parcel Dedicated to Surface Parking WINE Percent Parkrng pg.;_„% >11 N 7 ► � 3 m m 1 Main St https://urban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/resources/tpl/viewer/print/print.htmI?appid=86adf32e302a45c09472df71 afef75a0 22/26 12/3/2018 Bozeman,Montana Am 7' _ Downtown Value per Acre Acfe(5) =5 t. 4Ogj9 «.=:.cL:�l.u!v...�.n. .G73A1-Y;�7,U?:! «5:!4!•?,7,]p(:� �'s iV,UI?u, https://urban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/resources/tpl/viewer/print/print.html?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7l afcf75aO 23/26 12/3/2018 Bozeman, Montana Satellite Cities Belgrade 1890 taxable acres' Bozeman 8134 taxable acres Total Taxable Value $680,550,696 Total Taxable Value $5,682,208,677 Peal(ValuePerAcre $8,058,619 Peak Value Per Acre $21,217,280 Average Value Per Acre $360,079 Average Value Per Acre $698,574 Manhattan 939 taxable acres Total Taxable Value $180,736,024 Peak Value Per Acre $5,179,832 Average Value Per Acre $192,477 Three Forks 781 taxable acres Total Taxable Value $140,557,095 Peak Value Per Acre $3,039,377 Average Value Per Acre $179,971 Meagher ` / County Park County Broadwaier f Gallatin County r County li Wr r., ?9 f ties 13 Mile-, I Mif'i�' t \ _ 1 C P https://urban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJoumal/resources/tpI/viewer/print/print.html?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7l afcf75a0 24/26 1 2/3120 1 8 Bozeman,Montana The cities and towns in Gallatin County follow a form of development found throughout the Mountain West. This pattern is exemplified by a strong sense of a 'Main Street' core, usually along a main trade route, surrounded by a ring of close neighborhoods before the style of buildings changes into the low-density suburban format, typical of modern development patterns. The age of the community and time period of the majority of development is usually a key indicator of how the valuation model will look. Urban3 created a radiating map (right) to isolate the cities and towns that demonstrate the potency of Mountain West pattern, as well as to highlight the replicability of this lesson. There is no perfect metric or model, but there are patterns within the numbers and images which are transferable and can be used as an economic indicator. The numbers in our charts could be seen as similar to how we look at nutritional facts on our food to check for sodium or cholesterol. A healthy town should have highly visible potent main street areas, relative to the patterns in the rest of the community. Manhattan Bozeman does not exist in a vacuum, and there are important connections between Bozeman and urban nodes that surround the city. Moving westward, Belgrade, Manhattan, and Three Forks are home to residents that travel to Bozeman for work or leisure. The exchange of people, goods, and services between Bozeman and its satellites represents the significance Bozeman has to the region. https://urban3.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/resources/tpl/viewer/prinVprint.htm I?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7l afcf75aO 25/26 12/3/2018 Bozeman,Montana Sister cities can learn from the potency of a Bozeman's strong downtown core, as well as the walkable neighborhoods which connect to the Main Street area. Essentially 'growing their own' version of downtown Bozeman. The same land use principles apply, and once embraced, the valuation should follow. Bozeman can also learn from Bozeman. The strength of the downtown core can be replicated within the city limits of Bozeman, but such a transformation is dependent upon the strong urban design principles and density found within the core and surrounding neighborhoods. https://urban3.maps.aregis.com/apps/MapJournal/resources/tpI/viewer/print/print.htmI?appid=86adf32e3O2a45cO9472df7l afcf75a0 26/26