HomeMy WebLinkAbout00- MSE-HKM Professional Services Agreement - .. t :,} .. -- I, .. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS IS AN AGREEMENT made as of June 5 , 2000, between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation, Bozeman, Montana, 59771-0640 (OWNER) and MSE- HKM, Ine, Bozeman, Montana, 59715, (ENGINEER). Whereas the accomplishment of the work and services described in this Agreement is essential to the OWNER'S public works improvement program. Whereas the OWNER intends to and has selected the ENGINEER to provide necessary and professional engineering services for the project. Whereas the ENGINEER represents that it is willing and qualified to perform the professional engineering services for this project described in this Agreement. Therefore, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, the parties agree as follows: The conditions and provisions set forth in the attached EXHIBIT is hereby incorporated in and made part of this Agreement. ARTICLE 1 - ENGINEERING SERVICES 1.1. A detailed description of the scope of services is attached as Exhibit A. In general the project components are described as follows: The CONSULTANT will complete the outlined scope of work required for the preparation of technical memorandums, engineering studies, and estimates of probable construction costs for the CITY OF BOZEMAN LYMAN CREEK RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. The project in which the aforementioned services are to be provided include seven (7) basic tasks. Task I. Review and Compile Background Data This task is to obtain background information about the project for use in development and evaluation of rehabilitation alternatives. This task will include field review of the reservoir and booster station. Task 2. Lyman Creek Reservoir Rehabilitation Alternatives This task will develop feasibility level designs and details of selected alternatives for: 1 ... ~ ...... \'.,. , , . , , . Rehabilitation of the concrete slabs · New cover . New baffle . Chlorinationlfl uoridation . Automation/controls The design of the alternatives will not be developed to final construction documents but rather will be at a feasibility level sufficient to establish costs and viability. Task 3. Geotechnical Investigation The purpose of this task is to prepare a Geotechnieal Report presenting findings and recommendations for the remediation of the slope stability problems on the west side of the reservoir and assessment of groundwater conditions adjacent to the existing reservOir. Task 4. Booster Station Rehabilitation This task is to evaluate the condition of the mechanical, electrical, and control systems of the existing booster station and to provide findings and recommendations for the rehabilitation of the facility. Task 5. Additional Spring Development The purpose of this task is a summary discussion of improvements required (location and type of measuring devices) to evaluate and quantify the efficiency of the collection gallery. Task 6. Planning Study The Planning Study will evaluate the short and long-term viability of the Lyman facility to serve the City water system. Such variables as projected population growth, source production, hydraulic modeling, life cycle costs and pumping costs will be evaluated in determining the best short and long-term use for the resource. Task 7. Final Report The Final Report will be the culmination of all the above tasks summarized into a single final document. This final report will be authored to work in concert with the Water Facility Plan to act as a planning document for the short and long-term development of the Lyman Creek Facility. 2 .~ .':.... .~. ,r .1,. .. .. I, 1.2. The scope of services under this contract are set forth III this agreement and the attached EXHIBITS. ARTICLE 2 - ENGINEER'S RESPONSmILITIES 2.1. ENGINEER shall perform for OWNER professional engineering services in all phases of the Project to which this Agreement applies as hereinafter provided. These services will include, but not be limited to, serving as OWNER's professional engineering representative for the Project, providing professional engineering consultation and advice and furnishing customary civil and structural engineering services incidental thereto. 2.2. The ENGINEER shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, supplies, and incidentals necessary to conduct and complete the ENGINEER'S portions of the Project, unless noted otherwise in the detailed Scope of Services, and to prepare and deliver to the OWNER all data, reports, plans, specifications, and recommendations as designated herein. 2.3. The ENGINEER shall ascertain such information as may have a bearing on the work from local units of government, public, and private organizations and shall be authorized to procure information from other authorities as to the extent of these contacts and the results thereof. 2.4. The ENGINEER'S work shall be in accordance with the Standard of Care as defined in Article 9.6 contained in this Agreement. 2.5. The ENGINEER shall name a Principal-In-Charge for the duration of the project. The Principal-In-Charge shall be Karen B. Fagg, President. 2.6. The ENGINEER shall name a Project Manager who shall be the liaison between the ENGINEER and the OWNER. The Project Manager shall be Clint O. Litle, P.E.. The OWNER may name a Task Director who would be the liaison between the ENGINEER and the OWNER during the design segment of the Project. 2.7. The ENGINEER shall submit an estimated progress schedule at the beginning of the work, and monthly progress reports thereafter until the project is completed. ARTICLE 3 - OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The OWNER shall name a Task Director who shall be the liaison between the ENGINEER and the OWNER during DESIGN segment of the Project. The Task Director designated shall be Robert Murray, P.E.. 3.2 The OWNER shall have the right of review and examination of the ENGINEER'S work at all times. 3 , r .... IL ' . '. 3.3 The OWNER shall make available all records (as-built drawings, construction records, etc.) indicating the existing configuration of the city utilities. ARTICLE 4 - BASIC ENGINEERING SERVICES The ENGINEER shall render Professional Engineering Services as follows: 4.1 ENGINEERING EVALUATION / STUDY PHASE After written authorization to proceed, ENGINEER shall: 4.1.1 Proceed with Scope of Services provided in Exhibit" A" . 4.1.2. Furnish copies of the Study and Report documents and review them in person with OWNER. 4.2 FINAL DESIGN Final design services are not part of the scope of services. An amendment to this agreement will be negotiated to include these services at the option of the City. 4.3 CONSTRUCTION PHASE Construction phase services are not part of the scope of services. An amendment to this agreement will be negotiated to include these services, at the option of the City. ARTICLE 5 - ADDITIONAL SERVICES 5.1. If OWNER wishes ENGINEER to perform any of the following Additional Services, OWNER shall so instruct ENGINEER in writing, and ENGINEER shall perform or obtain from others such services and will be paid therefor as provided in the Agreement: 5.1.1. Legal land surveys performed to obtain data for preparing easements and rights- of-way descriptions. 5.1.2. Preparation of applications and supporting documents for governmental agencies in addition to those required under Basic Services; preparation or review of environmental studies and related services; and assistance in obtaining environmental approvals. 5.1.3. Services resulting from significant changes in the general scope, extent or character of the Project or major changes in documentation previously accepted by OWNER where changes are due to causes beyond ENGINEER's control. 4 '. ;.i " + '. j '0,. 5.1.4. Providing renderings or models. 5.1.5. Preparing documents for alternate bids requested by OWNER for work not executed or for out-of-sequence work. 5.1.6. Providing other services not otherwise provided for in the Agreement, including services normally furnished by the OWNER as elsewhere herein described. 5.1.7. Furnishing the services of independent professional associates or consultants for other than Basic Services. 5.2. When required by the Contract Documents in circumstances beyond ENGINEER's control, ENGINEER shall perform or obtain from others any of the following Additional Services as circumstances require during construction and without waiting for specific instructions from OWNER, and ENGINEER will be paid therefor as provided in this Agreement: 5.2.1. Services in connection with work directive changes and change orders to reflect the changes requested by OWNER if the resulting change in compensation for Basic Services is not commensurate with the additional services rendered. 5.2.2. Services in making revisions to Drawings and Specifications occasioned by the OWNER'S acceptance of substitutions proposed by Contractor(s); services after the award of each contract in evaluating and determining the acceptability of an unreasonable or excessive number of substitutions proposed by Contractor; and evaluating an unreasonable or extensive number of claims submitted by Contractor(s) or others in connection with the work. 5.2.3. Services resulting from significant delays, changes or price increases occurring as a direct result of materials, equipment or energy shortages. 5.2.4. Additional or extended services during construction made necessary by (1) work damage by fire or other causes during construction, (2) a significant amount of defective or neglected work of any Contractor, (3) acceleration of the progress schedule involving services beyond normal working hours, (4) default by any Contractor. ARTICLE 6 - COMPENSATION FOR ENGINEERING SERVICE 6.1 COST PAYMENT FOR BASIC SERVICES OF, EXPENSES OF, AND FIXED FEE FOR ENGINEER Professional engineering services performed as Basic Engineering Services under Sections 4.1 through 4.3 shall be compensated in accordance with the following: 6.1.1 Payroll Costs~ The ENGINEER will be reimbursed for the actual payroll costs as 5 I "' yJ I. . , , ',i ,( . . ..... set forth in Section 7.3, at a 2.63 multiplier for the time such employees are directly utilized on work necessary to fulfill the terms of this Agreement. 6.1.2 Reimbursable Expenses, The ENGINEER will be reimbursed for actual out-of- pocket expenses as specified in Section 7.4. 6.1.3 LUMP SUM FEE" The ENGINEER will be paid a lump sum fixed fee of Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Three Dollars ($9,973.00), not to exceed that amount to cover profit. 6.1.4 Total Payment, The total payment to the ENGINEER for the work contemplated under Sections 4.1 through 4.3 of this Agreement will not exceed Ninety Nine Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Nine Dollars ($99,729.00) without prior approval by the OWNER. 6.1.5 Partial and Final Payments, Partial payments of the foregoing will be made at monthly intervals as the work progresses, based upon certified invoices received, compatible with current practices and acceptable to the OWNER. Invoices will be submitted in triplicate. Payments on the lump sum fixed fee for profit will be based upon the estimated percentage of work completed. The OWNER reserves the right to withhold payment of the ENGINEER's final payment until any and all just claims filed with the OWNER against the Contract have been settled. Accomplishment of an affidavit on the final claim by the ENGINEER will constitute full acceptance by the ENGINEER of the total amount shown as the entire amount due under the Agreement. 6.1.6 Notification. At any time during the project development that it becomes apparent that the Services rendered under this Agreement will exceed the negotiated compensation for these services, and prior to performing services in excess of the contract ceiling, the ENGINEER shall give OWNER written notice thereof. Promptly thereafter, OWNER and ENGINEER shall review the scope and progress of the project work. ENGINEER shall obtain written authorization from OWNER, prior to any additional costs being incurred. If it is determined that due to a change in project scope under Paragraph 5.1.3, the ENGINEER is entitled to additional compensation, OWNER and ENGI NEER may negotiate terms as provided under 6.1. The amount and terms of any additional compensation shall be negotiated and agreed in writing pursuant to 9.16. 6.1.7 Engineering Cost Estimate, The attached Engineering Cost Estimate, Exhibit "C", by this reference is hereby made a part of this Agreement. 6.1.8 Inspection and Audit, All books, papers, records, payrolls, vouchers, and invoices relating to costs and expenditures incurred as to the performance of the services specified in Sections 4.1 through 4.5 by the ENGINEER or any of its subcontractors will be made available to the OWNER or the OWNER'S 6 .. ":;1 1 I. I ,. ~. I. , , authorized representatives, for audit and review, at the ENGINEER'S respective offices, at all reasonable times during the contract period and for three years from the date of final payment. 6.1.9 Type of Contract. The ENGINEER agrees that this is a professional services contract and that the ENGINEER is an independent contractor and not an employee of the OWNER. It is further understood by the ENGINEER that no deductions from the payments under this Agreement for federal or state income tax, FICA (social security), retirement, or other reasons will be withheld by the OWNER. ARTICLE 7 - MEANING OF TERMS 7.1 AGREEMENT As used herein the term "this Agreement" refers to the contents of this document and its Exhibits attached hereto and referred to as if they were part of one and the same document. 7.2 CONSTRUCTION COSTS The construction cost of the entire Project (herein referred to as "Construction Cost") means the total cost to OWNER of those portions of the entire Project designed and specified by ENGINEER, but it will not include ENGINEER I S compensation and expenses, the cost of land, rights-of-way, or compensation for or damages to, properties unless this Agreement so specifies, nor will it include OWNER I S legal, accounting, insurance counseling or auditing services, or interest and financing charges incurred in connection with the Project or the cost of other services to be provided by others to OWNER. 7.3 DIRECT LABOR COSTS Direct Labor Costs used as a basis for payment mean the actual salaries and wages paid to all ENGINEER's personnel engaged directly on the Project, including, but not limited to, engineers, architects, surveyors, designers, drafters, specification writers, estimators, other technical and business personnel; but does not include indirect payroll related costs or fringe benefits. For the purposes of this Agreement the principals and employees of the ENGINEER maximum billable Direct Labor Costs are: 7 ~ I- .. -';1 , . , , Principals Project Manager Senior Engineer Staff Engineer Senior Technicians CADD Drafter Technicians Construction Inspector Two Person Survey Crew Clerical $40.00/hour $30.00 /hour $30.00/hour $20.00 /hour $20.00 /hour $20.00 /hour $15.00 /hour $20.00 /hour $35.00 /hour $12.00 /hour 7.4 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Reimbursable Expenses mean the actual expenses incurred by ENGINEER or ENGINEER's independent professional associates or consultants directly in connection with the Project, such as expenses for: transportation and subsistence incidental thereto; obtaining bids or proposals from Contractor(s); subsistence and transportation of Resident Project Representatives and their assistants; toll telephone calls and telegrams; reproduction of reports, Drawings, Specifications, Bidding Documents and similar Project-related items; and if authorized in advance by OWNER, overtime work requiring higher than regular rates. In addition, when compensation for Basic Services is on the basis of Direct Labor Costs method of payment, Reimbursable Expenses will also include the amount billed to ENGINEER by special consultants employed by ENGINEER and authorized by OWNER (other than as an authorized Additional Services) and will also include expenses incurred for computer time and other specialized equipment, including an appropriate charge for previously established programs and expenses of photographic production techniques. ARTICLE 8 - PAYMENT PROVISIONS 8.1 TIMES OF PAYMENTS. ENGINEER may submit monthly statements for Basic Services and approved Additional Services rendered and for Reimbursable Expenses incurred; however, payments shall not exceed ceilings provided in 6.1. Final payment shall be made only after acceptance of the project by the OWNER. If OWNER disputes the amount of the billing, OWNER will notify the ENGINEER in writing within ten (10) calendar days of the receipt of bill of the dispute. 8.2 REQUESTS FOR PAYMENT. Each request for payment shall include a documentation summary of the period incremental man hours incurred, direct labor rates and billed rates, detail of reimbursable costs, total period billing, and total cumulative billing. When requested by OWNER services for distinct project segments shall be accounted and billed separately. 8 .. , , 8.3 PA YMENT UNDER TERMINATION. In the event of termination by the OWNER upon the completion of any phase of the Basic Services, progress payments due ENGINEER for services rendered through such phase shall constitute total payment for such services. In the event of such termination by OWNER during any phase of the Basic Services, ENGINEER else will be reimbursed for the charges of pre-approved independent professional associates and consultants employed by ENGINEER to render Basic Services, and paid for services rendered during that phase on the basis of the payment provisions of the Agreement. In the event of any such termination, ENGINEER will be paid for unpaid pre-approved Additional Services and unpaid Reimbursable Expenses which are authorized under this agreement. ARTICLE 9 - GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 9.1 TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT 9.1.1 The obligation to provide further services under this agreement may be terminated for cause by either party upon 30 days written notice in the event of substantial failure of the other party to perform in accordance with the terms hereof through no fault of the terminating party. The sole right is hereby reserved to the OWNER to terminate the Agreement for its convenience at any time upon fifteen (15) days written notice to the Engineer. 9.1.2 If termination for default is effected by the OWNER, an equitable adjustment in the price provided for in this Agreement shall be made, but (1) no amount shall be allowed for anticipated profit on unperformed services or other work, and (2) any payment due to the ENGINEER at the time of termination may be adjusted to cover any additional costs to the OWNER because of the ENGINEER IS default. If termination for convenience is effected by the OWNER, or termination for fault is effected by the Engineer, the equitable adjustment shall include a reasonable profit, as determined by OWNER, for services or other work performed. The equitable adjustment for any termination shall provide for payment to the ENGINEER for services rendered and expenses incurred prior to the termination, in addition to termination settlement costs reasonably incurred by the ENGINEER relating to commitments which had become firm prior to the termination. 9.1.3 Upon receipt of a termination action by the OWNER under Paragraph 9.1.2, the ENGINEER shall (1) promptly discontinue all affected work (unless the notice directs otherwise), and (2) deliver or otherwise make available to the OWNER within ten (10) days copies of all data, design drawings, specifications, reports, estimates, summaries and such other information and materials as may have been accumulated by the ENGINEER in performing this Agreement, whether completed or in process. 9 , , 9.1.4 In the event this Contract is terminated prior to completion, the original copies of the ENGINEER'S data, recommendations, plans, specifications, analysis and other related documents prepared by the ENGINEER prior to said termination shall be delivered to and become the property of the OWNER. 9.1.5 Upon termination, the OWNER may take over the work and may award another party an Agreement to complete the work under this Agreement. 9.1.6 OWNER'S right to terminate is in addition to any other remedies OWNER may have under the law. 9.1.7 Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Agreement will not terminate as a result of such substantial failure if the party receiving such notice begins, within seven (7) days of receipt of such notice, to correct its failure to perform and proceeds diligently to cure such failure within no more the thirty (30) days of receipt thereof. 9.2 INSPECTION AND AUDIT. All books, papers, records, payrolls, vouchers and invoices relating to costs and expenditures incurred as to the performance of the services by the ENGINEER hereunder shall be made available to the OWNER, or their authorized representatives for audit and review, at the ENGINEER'S respective offices at all reasonable times during the contract period and for three years from the date of final payment. 9.3 EMPLOYMENT. The ENGINEER warrants that he has not employed or retained any company or persons, other than a bona fide employee, working solely for the ENGINEER, to solicit to secure this contract, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than bona fide employees working solely for the ENGINEER, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts or any other considerations contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Contract. For breach or violation of this warranty, the OWNER shall have the right to annul the Contract without liability or in its discretion to deduct from the price or consideration or otherwise recover the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or contingent fee. All employees of the ENGINEER or other persons while engaged in the performance of work or services required by the ENGINEER shall be considered employees of the ENGINEER only and not of the OWNER. 9.4 NONDISCRIMINATION. The ENGINEER will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, political ideas, sex, age, marital status, national origin or disability in employment or provision of services. The ENGINEER shall be subject to and comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Section 140, Title 2, United States Code, and all regulations promulgated thereunder. 9.5 SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNING OF WORK. The ENGINEER shall not sublet or assign any of the work covered herein without prior written approval of the OWNER. 10 , , , , . , 9.6 STANDARD OF CARE, The standard of care for all professional engineering and related services performed or furnished by ENGINEER under this agreement will be the care and skill ordinarily used by members of ENGINEER's profession practicing under similar circumstances at the same time and in the same locality. If any such service should be discovered to be not in conformance with this standard, the ENGINEER shall, at the OWNER'S request, re-perform the service at its own expense. Engineer shall also, at its own expense, make such changes, modifications or additions to the project which are made necessary as a result of the initial nonperformance or the re-performance of services. 9.7 LEGAL RELATIONS. The ENGINEER shall comply with all Federal, State and Local laws and ordinances applicable to the work to be done. a. The ENGINEER agrees to release, indemnify and hold harmless OWNER, its officers, directors, agents and employees from and against any suit, cause of action, claim, cost, expenses, obligation, and liability of any character, including attorney's fees, which are brought or asserted for any injury, death, or physical damage to property received or sustained by any person, persons, property, business or any other entity, arising out of or resulting from, or in connection with the negligent performance of the work specified in this agreement. b. ENGINEER agrees to defend the OWNER, its officers, directors, agents and employees, should OWNER, its officers, directors, agents or employees be named as a defendant in any actions concerning the negligent performance of the work herein described. The obligations of the ENGINEER to release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless CITY will apply to any suit, cause of action, claim, cost or obligation including, without limitation, those alleged under the common law or pursuant to a federal or state statute or regulation such as those arising in tort, trespass, nuisance, and strict liability. c. In the event the OWNER is found proportionately responsible, the ENGINEER will be held responsible for only those damages, costs or liabilities as are attributable to the ENGINEER'S percent of fault as compared with 100% of the fault giving rise to the damages. The indemnity required herein shall not be limited by reason of the specification of any particular insurance coverage in this Agreement. d,. Should either OWNER or ENGINEER be held responsible for any damages, costs or liabilities resulting from an intentional act by an officer, director, agent or employee in connection with the work specified in this agreement, then in that event, that party shall release, indemnify and hold harmless the other as to any damages, costs or liabilities that result from or arise out of that intentional act including reasonable attorney's fees and costs which shall include costs and salary of the city attorney or other in-house counsel. Further, notwithstanding the obligations set forth in paragraphs a and b above, the ENGINEER agrees to defend OWNER against all allegations of intentional acts. 11 . ' However, should the OWNER be found responsible due to an intentional act by its officer, director, agent or employee, then in that event OWNER agrees to reimburse ENGINEER for reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred in that defense. e. The ENGINEER shall perform this agreement as an independent contractor, and as such, is responsible to the OWNER only as to the results to be obtained in the work herein specified, and to the extent that the work shall be done in accordance with the terms, plans and specifications. The ENGINEER shall have and maintain complete control over all of its employees, subcontractors, agents and operations, being responsible for any required payroll deductions and providing required benefits, such as, but not limited to, worker's compensation with statutory limits, and unemployment insurance. 9.8 INSURANCE. The ENGINEER shall secure and furnish to the OWNER certificate of insurance, therein, naming the OWNER as an additional insured, to include thirty (30) days notice of cancellation or non-renewal. Without limiting any of ENGINEER's obligations hereunder, ENGINEER shall secure and maintain insurance coverage naming the OWNER as additional insured. The insurance shall be maintained for a minimum of three years after the work described herein is completed and accepted by the city and with minimum coverage as follows... Type of Coverage Limits Employers' Liability: $ 100.000 per accident General Liability: Bodily Injury & Property Damage Single and combined $ 1.000.000 per accident Automobile: Bodily Iniury covering all $ 500.000 each person automobiles, trucks, tractors, trailers, or $1.000.000 each occurrence other automotive equipment whether owned or rented by Engineer or owned by employees of Engineer. Property Damage covering all automobiles, trucks, $ 500.000 each occurrence 12 , . tractors, trailers or other automotive equipment whether owned or rented by Engineer or owned by employees of Engineer OR Bodily Injury & Property Damage Single and combined $ 500.000 each occurrence Professional Errors & Omission: $ 1.000.000 per claim and aggregate each occurrence 9.9 ENDORSEMENT. The ENGINEER shall place his endorsement on all drawings and other data furnished by him. 9.10 OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. All schedules, data, exhibits, recommendations, design reports, plans, specifications, and other related documents prepared or obtained under the terms of the Contract are deemed to be the property of the OWNER and shall be delivered to the OWNER. Such Documents are intended for use by Owner as appropriate for the specific purpose intended on this project or extensions of this project. Such Documents are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse or modification by the OWNER or others on any other project. Any such reuse or modification by OWNER or others on projects outside this project will be at the OWNER's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to ENGINEER or to ENGINEER's Consultants. OWNER shall indemnify and hold harmless ENGINEER and ENGINEER's Consultants from all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorney's fees arising out of or resulting therefrom. 9.11 PUBLIC INFORMATION. The ENGINEER shall not issue any statements, releases or information for public dissemination without prior approval of the OWNER. 9.12 PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. If patentable discoveries or inventions should result from work required herein, all rights accruing from such discoveries or inventions shall be joint property of the ENGINEER and the OWNER. Provided that the OWNER, state agencies or political subdivisions and the United States Government shall have the irrevocable, nonexclusive, nontransferable and royalty-free license to use each invention in the manufacture, use and disposition, according to law, of any article or material, and in the use of any method that may be developed as part of the work described and contemplated herein. 9.13 INTENTIONAL LEFT BLANK 13 . , 9.14 SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST. The covenants, agreements and all statements in this Contract apply to and shall be binding on the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of the respective parties. 9.15 ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COSTS. That in the event it becomes necessary for either Party of this Contract to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Contract or to give any notice required herein, then the prevailing Party or the Party giving notice shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs, including fees, salary, and costs of in-house counsel to include City Attorney. 9.16 MODIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENTS. That any amendment or modification of this Contract or any provisions herein shall be made in writing or executed in the same manner as this original document and shall after execution become a part of this Contract. 14 , , , , , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE PARTIES HERETO DO MAKE AND EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT. CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA BY~- ~-_. ~- . .--~ ., . '~..~~..--> ~... -------"..,- ...n "~"""'-------- - BY: (City Manager) DATE: Co \ l(.))\ZC::Cc.-~) DATE: :~~~~ (Clerk of Commission) BY: APPROVED A / 15 s If! 60 , I . , , . . EXHffiIT A TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES A DETAILED SCOPE OF SERVICES This Exhibit is attached to, made a part of and incorporated by reference with the Agreement made on , 2000, between CITY OF BOZEMAN (OWNER) and MSE-HKM (ENGINEER) providing for professional engineering services. 1.1 Lyman Creek Reservoir Improvements Project The CONSULTANT will complete the outlined scope of work required for the preparation of technical memorandums, engineering studies, estimates of probable construction cost for the CITY OF BOZEMAN LYMAN CREEK RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. The Lyman Creek Reservoir project shall include eight (8) basic tasks: Task 1. Review and Comoile Backeround Data Purpose: The purpose of this task is to obtain background information about the project for use in development and evaluation ofrehabilitation alternatives. This task will include review of City records and field review of the reservoir, booster station and spring site. Procedure: A. Review City Records City Staffwill complete record search and review. The City will provide copies of all plans specification to the Engineer at no cost. Selected relevant information will be copied and tabulated for use throughout the project and for future studies. E:\Div. 04\4M229.135\Lyman Scope 1-28-oo.doc 04/27/00 @ 2:37 PM E:\Div. O4\4M229.135\Lyman Scope 1-28-00.doc 2 . , , B. Reservoir Condition Assessment To facilitate a visual examination of the concrete reservoir bottom and sides, the existing floating cover is to be removed and disposed off site. Engineer will be responsible to hire contractors to remove the existing fence along the south side of the reservoir to allow access for removal of the cover. The fence will be replaced in kind at the completion of the site investigation. Engineer will contract for removal of the existing cover. This will require hiring Liquid Engineers of Billings for diving services to cut the cover around the perimeter and at the interior baffle. Once the cover is cut free, it will be pulled off the reservoir and cut into pieces. The cover will be hauled to the City landfill. Removal and disposal of the cover will be by a local contractor hired by the Engineer. Because of weather concerns and the amount of time necessary to complete this work, the Engineer agrees to expedite the on-site portion of the work and complete it by early November, 1999. The City agrees to wave all landfill costs for the disposal of the cover materials and associated appurtenances. City forces will drain the reservoir allowing a visual examination of the concrete surfaces. Engineer will document the condition of the basin by measuring and documenting cracks, leaks and other problems. Documentation will consist of video taping, still photographs, and surveys. The basin will be sounded using hammers and weights attempting to determine ifvoids are present under the concrete slabs. A map will be prepared identifying the location of cracks, leaks, voids and other problems. C. Booster Station Condition Assessment Engineers will conduct an inspection of the existing booster station facility to determine the hydraulic capacity of the pumps, the suitability and condition of the pump control system, and the physical condition of the booster station building. The hydraulic condition of the pumps will be evaluated by relying on existing pump curves a pump test will not be performed. A mechanical inspection of the pump interior, impeller condition, and shaft and casing condition is not included in the scope. As the pump station has been out of service for a number of years, it will be necessary to activate the system to determine which system components are not functioning properly. It is assumed that the City personnel will assist in activating the system. Based on the results of operational tests, recommendations will be made for system repair. Subsequently, documents will be produced describing the hardware and wiring necessary to repair system. These will be in the form of 04/2 7/00 Cll 2 :25 PM , , . , detailed schematics and specification of materials necessary to implement repairs and upgrades. Products: Technical memorandums will be provided to the City identifying the results of the condition assessment of each of the elements identified above. Each memorandum will describe the investigation performed and the findings. Maps of the reservoir basin will be developed to show the cracks and other problems found. These memorandums and maps will be used as the basis of the following evaluation and formulation of repair alternatives. Task 2 Reservoir Rehabilitation Alternatives Purpose: The purpose of this task is to develop feasibility level designs and details of selected alternatives for: . Rehabilitation of the concrete slabs . New cover . New baffle . Chlorination/fluoridation . Automation/controls The design of the alternatives will not be developed to final construction documents but rather will be at a feasibility level sufficient to establish costs and viability. Procedure: Repairs to the concrete, the new cover and the new baffle will be developed concurrently because they are inter-related. Each alternative will effect the viability and expense of the other components. Types of repairs that will be considered for the concrete will include: surface applied caulking, cementious patching compounds, crack injection sealant, and lining of the reservoir with a membrane. Cover alternative to be considered will consist of hard roofs (clear span or multiple span), and soft membrane covers (floating or suspended). Hard roofs that will be considered will consist of steel supported structures with various roofing materials (i.e. standing seam metal roofs, shingles, etc.). Concrete supported roofs precast and cast-in-place will also be considered. Wood supported roofs will not be considered due to the humid environment and short life expectancy. Baffles will either be flexible membranes supported on the roof structure or floating cover, or rigid concrete walls. E:\Div. 04\4M229.135\Lyman Scope 1~28--00.doc 3 04127/00@2:25PM E:\Div. 04\4M229.135\Lyman Scope 1.2s.-00.doc 4 . I 1\ . I Relocation of the existing reservoir will not be investigated. The chlorination and fluoridation feed and control system will be evaluated. Optimal feed points for chemical addition and for measuring chemical residual will be evaluated. Quantity and cost estimates will be prepared for selected alternatives. The cost analysis developed will include both short-term repair estimates and life cycle cost estimates for a 50-year design life. Product: A technical memorandum with conceptual descriptions, details and drawing for each alternative will be prepared. Included will be finding, recommendations and opinion of cost for each alternative. The technical memorandum will be provided to the City for review and comment. Task 3 Geotechnical Tnvestieation Purpose: A geotechnical investigation will be performed to address the following concerns: 1. Stability of existing embankment fills; 2. Assessment of groundwater conditions adjacent to the existing reservoir. Procedure: 1. Stability of Existing Embankment The stability of the existing embankment will be assessed by excavation ofa minimum of three backhoe test pits within the existing embankment. Soil and groundwater conditions will be assessed and logs of the backhoe test pits will be recorded during the excavation. Soil samples will be taken as necessary for engineering testing. An analysis will be conducted to determine the stability of the embankment and remedial alternatives, if deemed necessary, will be presented with associated cost estimates. 04127/00@2:25 PM E:\Div. 04\4M229.135\Lyman Scope 1-28-00.doc 5 I ' . , , 2. Assessment of groundwater conditions adiacent to the existing reservoir. During draining and inspection of the reservoir this fall, it was noted that groundwater was entering through cracks in the concrete liner of the reservoir basin. It is not certain if this water is associated with a groundwater mound, formed by leakage water, or if this is natural groundwater. It would be beneficial to define which mechanism governs in order to determine ifhydrostatic pressure will be present on the exterior of the concrete lining during times the reservoir is drained. This would also be beneficial to determine if dewatering will be required during construction. A record review will be conducted to see if groundwater conditions were documented in the past. If groundwater information is not available, MSE-HKM proposes installing three monitor wells located outside the influence zone of a groundwater mound. The wells would be located up-gradient of the reservoir. The groundwater elevations in these wells would be compared to groundwater elevations ofwells installed in the exploration borings directly adjacent to the structure (Item 2 above). Products: Technical memorandums will be provided to the City identifying the results of the geotechnical investigation with applicable recommendations for the various repair alternatives. Task 4 Booster Station Rehabilitation Purpose: The purpose of this task is to: A. Estimate improvements and costs associated with upgrading the booster station to meet the pumping requirements identified in the water system model developed in Task 6. B. Present options and estimated costs for three levels of control system improvements. Procedure: The water system model will be updated to include system changes made since the Water Facility Plan was completed. The future water system demands for the North side pressure zone will be evaluated based on the land use zoning, population density per zoning area, and water use as identified in the Water Facility Plan. Based on the results of the water system model, recommendations will be made on the operational strategy for the booster station. Changes in pump sizes and/or piping configurations, if required, will be identified. Three options will be evaluated for the pump station controls. A cost estimate for each option will 04/27/00 @ 2:25 PM E:lOiv. 04\4M229.135\Lyman Scope 1-28-oo.doc 6 . . . be developed. The options include: Option A: Repair and Minor Upgrade to Existing System The work description discussed in this option will entail the upgrade of the existing booster station electrical system and restoration of the control system to a functioning state as currently designed. The work would proceed as follows: . Recommendations will be made for upgrading existing electrical service and motor starters to current UL and other safety standards. System will be designed to accommodate any present or anticipated future changes to pumping capacity. . Ifrecord drawings are not available describing the current electrical and control systems, a recommendation will be made as to the utility of documenting the existing system and creating such drawings. If only minor changes to the system are recommended, it may be more appropriate to create partial documentation of the system in so far as required to clearly describe the necessary changes. . Changes required to accommodate concurrent system upgrades identified in the system modeling will be incorporated. These will be in the form of detailed schematics and specification of materials necessary to implement repairs and upgrades. Option B: Modernize Existing Automation and Control System In addition to addressing the items listed in Option A, the existing pump control system would be replaced with a modern PLC (programmable Logic Controller) based control system. The work would proceed as follows: . A detailed written description of the automation and control sequence will be developed. The required existing automation, manual control, and alarm capabilities will be maintained. Existing meehanical pressure monitoring will be replaced with electronic pressure sensors and meters. Additional instrumentation, equipment or control requirements resulting from concurrent mechanical upgrades will be incorporated into the written description. . With the hardware and control requirements defined and agreed upon, cost estimates will be developed to construct and/or install the required control components. Option C: Incorporate Automation and Control System into SCADA system Under this option, the modernization of the control system discussed in Option B will be implemented with the addition of SCADA capabilities. Capability for remote system monitoring, control, and data logging will be provided. The work would proceed as follows: 04/27/00 @ 2:25 PM E:\Div. O4\4M229.135\Lyman Scope 1-28-oo.doc 7 , , . A recommendation for data communication from the booster station to one or more remote locations will be recommended. This will likely be the same communications scheme as recommended for the reservoir. . A written description will be developed defining a computer based graphical interface for remote monitoring and control of the booster station. This would include graphical user screens for viewing real time and trended system data such as suction and discharge pressures, remote control of pump operation, and monitoring and reporting of alarm conditions. . Adjustments to the system design outlined under Option B would be made to accommodate the remote monitoring capability. Product: A technical memorandum will be written that addresses a control strategy for optimizing the water from the Lyman Creek Reservoir. Modifications to the booster station and/or distribution system will be identified. Cost estimates will be developed for the required improvements. Cost estimates will also be developed for three different levels of control capabilities. Task 5 Additional Sprine: Development Purpose: The purpose of this task is a summary discussion of improvements required (location and type of measuring devices) to evaluate and quantify the efficiency of the collection gallery. Product: A technical memorandum will be provided to the City identifying the proposed loeation and type of measuring device to evaluate the efficiency of the collection gallery. Task 6 Plannine: Study Purpose: The Planning Study will evaluate the short and long-term viability of the Lyman facility to serve the City water system. Such variables as projected population growth, source production, hydraulic modeling, life cycle costs and pumping costs will be evaluated in determining the best short and long-term use for the resource. 04/27/00 @ 2:25 PM E:\Div. 04\4M229.135\Lyman Scope 1-28-oo.doc 8 . , , Procedure: A Review City Master Planning Documents and Actual Land Use City master planning and zoning documents will be reviewed to refresh / enhance our understanding of the existing zoning and planned growth within the service zone of the Lyman Creek facility. In addition to the planned uses, the actual and proposed (current applications) land uses will also be inventoried. B. Review Water Facility Plan The Water Facility Plan prepared by MSE-HKM in 1997 will be reviewed to verify / check assumptions made at that time for growth and land use in the north service zone. Modifications to the City water system since the completion of the Water Facility Plan will also be inventoried. C. Review and Analvze Up-Dated Water Modeling Based Items "A & B" above the computer water modeling completed in conjunction with Water Facility Plan will be reviewed and updated. Hydraulic analyses will be run to determine: . Current Use . Continual Pumping to South Zone . Back-up Flow to South Zone . Fire Flow to South Zone . Future Use; 20 and 50 Year Planning Windows D. Formulate Short and Long-Term Planning Strategies Based on Items A, B, and C above, short and long-term planning strategies will be developed to maximize the use of the Lyman Creek water source. The strategies will supply findings, recommendations and engineers' opinion of costs for the implementation of the improvements. Products: A technical memorandum will be provided to the City presenting the findings, recommendations and strategies for the short and long-term utilization of the Lyman Creek Facility. The memorandum will include engineer's opinion of cost for proposed improvements, hydraulic modeling results, updated computer of City water system and mapping presenting findings and 04/27/00 @ 2:25 PM E:\Div. 04\4M229.135\Lyman Scope 1-28-00.doc 9 improvement locations. Task 7 Final Report Purpose: The Final Report will be the culmination of all the above tasks summarized into a single final document. This final report will be authored to work in concert with the Water Facility Plan to act as a planning document for the short and long-term development ofthe Lyman Creek Facility. Procedure: A. Review Technical Memorandums for Tasks 1 - 5 The technical memorandums from Tasks 1 - 5 will be reviewed for incorporation into the final report. B. Review City Comments on Technical Memorandums The City comments from the technical memorandums will be reviewed for inclusion in the final report. C. Prepare and Submit Final Report A draft final report will then be compiled and formatted containing the findings, recommendations, planning strategies, and engineer's estimates. The draft final report will be submitted to the City for their review and comment. Based on these comments, the report will be finalized and submitted to the City. 04/27/00 @ 2:25 PM E:\Div. 04\4M229.135\Lyman Scope 1-28-00.doc 10 Products: A final report will be provided to the City presenting the combined findings, recommendations, strategies, modeling and engineer's estimates for the utilization of the Lyman Creek Facility. The document will be formatted to be a companion document to Water Facility Plan for the long-term development of the Bozeman water system. 04/27/00 @2:25 PM EXHIBIT B TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES A SUMMARY OF ANTICIPATED EXPENSE This Exhibit is attached to, made a part of and incorporated by reference with the Agreement made on ,2000, between CITY OF BOZEMAN (OWNER) and MSE~ HKM (ENGINEER) providing for professional engineering services. 1.1 Personnel and Equipment Charges 1.1.1 - Mileage: $0.450 / Mile 1.1.2 -- Per diem: $30.00 / Day (Non-Bozeman Office Employees Only) 1.1.3 -- Lodging: $50.00 / Day (Non-Bozeman Office Employees Only) 1.2 Material Testing Unit Pricing 1.2.1 - Material testing shall be per attached Exhibit E. .'" MSE-HKM, INC. ENGINEERING _l YMAN CREEK RESERVOIR REHABllIT AION LABOR HOURS AND COSTS - 4M229 135 Principal Project Senior Staff Senior Two Man Support! TOTAL Lodging SuppHes, Outside TOTAL Manaaer P rotessional Professional Technician SeNey Crew Clerical LABOR and Copies, ConsunJ TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs @ Total Hrs @ Tolal Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs @ Total Total Travel Per Postage. Lab Equip EXPENSES AND $100 Cost $75 Cost $75 Cost $55 Cost $55 Cost $85 Cost $35 Cost Hours Cost Diem Etc. Rental EXPENSES Task 1 Review and Compile Background Data 22 2200 24 1800 37 2775 8 440 8 440 14 1190 11 385 122 9230 140 15 170 25213.83- 25538.83- 34768.83- Task 2 Reservoir Rel1abilitation Altematives 14 1400 2 150 85 6375 114 6270 49 2695 9 315 273 17205 2500 2500 19705 Task 3 Geotechnical Investigation See sepale worllsheet 15200 Task 4 Booster Station Rehabilitation 5 500 117 8775 6 330 6 210 134 9815 2500 2500 12315 Task 5 Additional spring deveiopment 8 600 600 600 Task 6 Planning Study 92 6900 24 840 116 7740 80 80 7820 Task 7 Final Report 8 800 46 3450 26 1950 8 440 48 1680 136 8320 1000 1000 9320 Task 8 Sourdough Reservoir (Deleted) . TOTAL 49 $4,900 164 $12,300 273 S20,475 122 $6.710 71 $3,905 14 $1,190 98 $3,430 781 $52,910 $140 $15 $1.250 $30,214 $31,619 $99,729 felDA T A\OO\Ml491 OOlyman Budget 1/28100 I" Task 1 Review and Compile Background Data 4M229.135 Principal Project Senior Staff Senior Two Man Support! TOTAL lodging Supplies, OutsOde TOTAL Manooer Professional ProfessOonal Technician SUlVev Crew Clerical LABOR and Copies, Coo suit.! TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total H,s @ Total Hrs@ Total H,s @ Total Total Travel Per Postage, Lab Equip EXPENSES AND $100 Cost $75 Cost $75 Cost $55 Cost $55 Cost SS5 Cost $35 Cost Hours Cost Diem Etc. Rental EXPENSES Review City Records ReseNO<' Condition Fence removal $2.736 $2,736 $2,736 Uquid Engir>eers $10.841 $10,841 $10,841 CK May $9,137 S9,137 $9,137 Construction Coordination 12 S900 $900 $900 CorxJition Assessmen 12 $1.200 7 $525 8 $440 8 $440 14 $1,190 49 $3,795 $140 $120 $260 $4,055 Geotechnical 4 $300 4 $300 $300 CoIltrols $1,500 $1.500 $1,500 Booster Station pum P test & set-up control review wrth COil'ee 9 $675 10 $675 $1.000 S1,000 $1,675 bu,ding assessment 5 $375 14 $375 $15 $15 $390 Spring Assessment Draft Memorandum 10 $1,000 12 $900 12 $900 11 $385 45 $3,185 $50 $50 $3,235 TOTAL 22 $2,200 24 $1,800 37 $2,775 8 $440 8 $440 14 $1,190 11 $385 122 $9,230 $140 $15 $170 $25,214 $25,539 S34,769 "- F:\DA T AIC8\M087 t 5 M-drT'ln\L ~man Bu O;e t ','2-8..-00 Task 2 Reserve Ir RehabilitaUen A1lernaUves 1 4M229.13-5 Principal Project Senior Staff Senior Suppor'J TOTAL Lodging Supplies, Outside TOTAL Man_r Professional Professional Technician Technic Ian Oerical LABOR and Copies, Consult! TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs @ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs @ Total Total Travel Per Postage , Lab Equip EXPENSES AND $100 Cost $75 Cost $75 Cost $55 Cost $55 Cost $85 Cost $35 Cost Hours Cost Diem Etc. Renlal EXPENSES Concrete 4 $400 16 $1,200 36 $1,980 12 $680 2 $70 70 S4,31l $4,310 Cover 4 $400 12 $900 60 $3,300 16 $880 2 $70 94 $5,550 $5,550 Bailie 2 $200 8 S600 16 $880 4 $220 1 $3-5 31 $1,93-5 $1,935 Ch lorinatioollluoride~on (Ray) general arrangment options 14 $1,050 9 $495 23 $1,545 $1,545 meteringioonnol system ooordlM~on 18 $1,350 18 $\,350 $1,:J.5.0 cost estitmale 01 imprO\/ement' 9 $675 9 $675 $675 Automation/controls (Coneer) $2,500 $2,500 52,500 Relocation Prepare T echnicaJ Memorandun 4 $400 2 $150 8 $600 2 $110 8 $440 4 $140 28 $1,840 $1,840 - TOTAL 14 $1,400 2 $150 85 $6,375 114 $6.270 49 $2, w.; 9 $315 273 $17,205 $2,500 $2,500 $19,705 . F~\DATA\OS\M 14g.10&Lyrr.an Budget 1,2a-OO Task 3 Geotech n icalln\li!stigation 4M229,135 Pri nc ipal P roj ect Senior Staff Senior Support/ TOTAL Lodging S upp Ii es, Outside TOTAL Manager Professional P rolessional TecmiciM T echniciM Cle rica! LABOR and Copies, Con sui tJ TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total TotaJ Travel Per Postag e, Lab Equip EXPENSES AND $100 Cost $75 Cost $75 Cost $55 Cost $55 Cost $85 Cost $35 Cost Hours Cost Diem Etc, Rental EXPENSES Geotechnical $15,200 TOTAL $15,200 .' F:\OATA\09'J>1149100\Lyman B"dget 1/28100 Task 4 Booster S laUon Rehabililation I 4M229.135 Principal Project Senior StaN Senior Support' TOTAL Lodging Suppll<!s, Outside TOTAL Manager ProfessionaJ Prolessiooal Technician Technician Clerical LABOR and CopfeS, Consult! TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs@ Tolal Hrs@ Tolal Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total Total Travel Per Postage. lab Equip EXPENSES AND $100 Cost $75 Cost $75 Cost $55 Cost $SS Cost $85 Cost $35 Cost Hours Cost Diem Etc. Rental EXPENSES Update model add system modifications 6 $450 6 $330 12 $780 $780 update lIows lor North Zone 12 $WO 12 $000 $000 run model scenarios 36 $2,700 36 $2.700 $2,700 Develop GA drawings lor pum P sta500 Controls I Electrical $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 Develop control options 2 $200 12 $900 14 $1,100 51,100 Cost estimates capilal costs 2 $200 9 $675 11 $875 5875 Lile cycle costs 1 $100 18 $1,350 19 $1 ,450 $1,450 Prepare Tech. Me me 24 $1,800 6 $210 30 $2,010 $2,010 TOTAL 5 $500 117 $8,n5 6 $330 6 $210 134 $9,815 52.500 $2,500 S 12,315 F:\DA T A't09\M 1 4g.~ 06\Lyma~ Budget 11'2&DJ . .. Task 5 Addillonalsprlng development I 41.1229.135 Principal PrQject Senior Staff Senior Supportl TOTAL Lodging Supplies, Outs ide TOTAL Manaoer Professional Professional Technician T echn;cian Ciarical LABOR and Copies, Consultl TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION H,. @ Total H,. @ Total H..@ Total H,. @ Tolai H,. @ Total lirs@ Total Hrs@ Total Tolai Travel Per Postage, Lai> Equip EXPE NS ES AND $100 Cost $75 Cost $75 Cost $55 Cost $55 Cost $85 Cost $35 Cost Hours Cost Diem Etc. Renlai EXPENSES Review and Compile Data Evaluate testing methods &. associal&d costs Analize results of testing program Feasibli tv Level designs/cost asomates 10< additional collec1ion systems R&pOrt 8 $600 S600 $000 TOTAL 8 $600 $600 S600 .' F ;\OA T A',OQIJ.( 1 4901 06',Lyman Budg~ 1,1s.-'OC, . . . Tosll; 6 Planning Study I 4M229.135 Principal Pro jecl SenIOr Staff Senior Su pporV TOTAL Lodging SUppliā‚¬s. Oulsicls TOTAL Manaaer Professional Professional Technician T echn;aan ClericaJ LABOR and Copies. ConstJll TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION HrsO Total HrsO Total HrsO TalaI Hrs 0 Total Hrs@ TOlal Hrs C Total HrsO Tota Total Travel Par Poslage, Lab EqUip EXPENSES AND 5100 Cost 575 Cost 575 Cost 555 Cost S55 Cost S85 Cost S35 Cost Hours Cost Diem Etc. RanIa EXP ENS E5 Review C~ Master Planning OocIJmenls and AcIuaI Land Use 10 $750 10 57St S75( Raviaw Waler Faciily Plan 10 S750 10 $7St S751 Review and AMIyze Up-Dated Waler MocIsling 12 $900 12 $9OC $9Q( Forroo late Short and long-Term P!anrling SCralegjes 24 $1.800 24 51,800 51,80( Draft Aepen 24 51.800 12 5420 3S 52,220 $40 540 $2,250 Final Report 12 S900 12 5420 24 51,320 $40 540 51,360 TOTAL 92 $6,900 24 $840 116 $7,740 S80 SilO $7,820 F:'tOA T A\()g.M 14.9to6\Lyman audg.et 1.'2"&00 ~lSE-HI:\.M Ine.' , . Bozeman, Montana ~ Geotechnical Budl!et Worksheet and Cost Anahsis CIient:City of Bozeman 28-Ian-00 Project Name:Lyman Creek Reservoir Task l-Geotechnical InvestgationIMonitor Well Installation Project No: BD-4 Total Depth(ave) Total Boring (Feet) Footage Boring Program: Geotechnical Borings 3 35.0 105 Monitor wells 3 30.0 90 Backhoe Test Pits 3 15.0 45 Totals 9 240 Proposed Hours/Units Field Lab Engr & Unit Total Work Work Reports Total Rate Cost Proposed Proiect Labor Principal Engineer 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.00 $0.00 Project Manager Engineer 0.0 4.0 4.0 80.00 $320.00 Senior Professional 30.0 35.0 65.0 68.00 $4,420.00 Staff Professional 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.00 $0.00 Senior Technician 8.0 0.0 8.0 55.00 $440.00 Technician 0.0 20.0 20.0 38.00 $760.00 Support & Clerical 0.0 25.0 25.0 28.00 $700.00 Survey Crew 0.0 0.0 0.0 85.00 $0.00 Other 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.00 $0.00 Subtotal Labor: 122.0 $6,640.00 Direct Expense Costs Travel 0.00 0.00 0.50 $0.00 Per Diem 0.00 0.00 75.00 $0.00 PhonelFax 0.00 0.00 $0.00 Materials, Supplies, Postage & Frt 0.00 0.00 $0.00 Computer Costs PCIWP 0.00 0.00 10.00 $0.00 CAD 0.00 0.00 12.00 $0.00 Subtotal Direct Expenses $CJ.OO Laboratorv Costs Liquid-Plastic Limit 0.0 0.00 50.00 $0.00 Sieve Analysis-3" Through No.200 0.0 0.00 55.00 $0.00 Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve only 0.0 0.00 36.00 $0.00 Moisture-Density Test 0.0 ASTM 1)-698 0.0 0.00 100.00 $0.00 ASTM D-1557 0.0 0.00 105.00 $0.00 Moisture Content 0.0 0.00 10.00 $0.00 Density and Moisture Content 0.0 0.00 25.00 $0.00 Swell-Consolidation 0.0 0.00 125.00 $0.00 Unconfined Compression 0.0 0.00 80.00 $0.00 Direct Shear 0.0 0.00 150.00 $0.00 Permeability 0.0 0.00 145.00 $0.00 R-Value 0.0 0.00 275.00 $0.00 CDR 0.0 0.00 275.00 $0.00 Water Soluble Sulfate Content 0.0 0.00 30.00 $0.00 pH 0.0 0.00 20.00 $0.00 Resisti vity 0.0 0.00 30.00 $0.00 Other: 0.0 0.00 35.00 $0.00 Subtotal Lab Costs: $0.00 F:lDATA\OO\FORMS\Lyman Creek Geotechnical Cost(Revised) 1/28/00 J. , T olal {nteI"nal, C()sts , ' Field Work Lab Work External Reimbursable Expense Backhoe GT DrillinglHour MW Installation DrillinglHour Drilling MobilizationfMile Per Diem Hole Patch Materials Monitor well Materialslft Dozer cost (drill pad construction )/hour Total External Costs: Proiect Total Budl!etJCost Analvses: Per Boring Cost: Per Foot Cost: A verage Labor CostIHour: 1691.444444 63.42916667 54.42622951 $ 11.063.00 0.727 $0.00 0.000 $ 4,160.00 0.273 12.0 0.45 Field Costs: Laboratory Costs: Engineering & Report Costs: Drilling FootagelHour: BoringlHour: Equivalent Labor Hours: F:IDATAlOOIFORMS\Lyman Creek Geotechnical Cos~R""ised) Proposed HourslUnits Engr & Reports Total 8.0 20.0 14.0 454.0 3.0 185.0 n.o Unit Rate 80.00 160.nO 160.00 2.00 100.00 7.00 IOn.no , I Total Cost $640.00 $3,200.00 $2,240.00 $908.00 $300.00 $1,295.00 $0.00 $8,583.00 $15,223.00 1/2e100 . ' , I Hoiness LaBar Insurance, Inc. 2323 Second Avenue North, P.O. Box 30638, Billings, MT 406-238-1900 * FAX 406~245-9887 59107-0638 f f I) . . SagiFAX Cover Sheet FAX TO: Clint Litle City of Bozeman 17005861730,65 FAX FROM: Amy Faucher Hoiness LaBar Insurance, Inc. 406-238-1900 I FAX 406-245-9887 FAX DATE: April 28( 2000 FAX TIME: 10 : 39 am NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER): 3 COMMENTS: Please see attached Certificate of Insurance. PRODUCER Hoiness LaBar Insurance, 2323 Second Avenue North P.O. Box 30638 Billings, NT 59107-0638 Inc. , C'A TE 1M M/D D/YY] 04/28/00 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND. EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. AQQBDr 'CERTIFiCATE OF LfASIlJTY 'INSURANCE 'NSURED NSE - HKM, Inc. POBox 31318 Billings, NT 59107 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE '\Sv=,,"'A United States Fidelity & Guaranty \S~~,,~=: \sv~,,~~, \s..,;::::= ::): \S~~=~=: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HI'-'vE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NI'-"""ED !-SO'/E FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICI'-.TED NOWJITHST!-NDING ;'-NY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAJN, THE INSURANCE I'-fFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO i-lL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MI'-Y HI'-,VE BEEN REDUCED BYPI'-JD CLJ.JMS '~{:T TYPEOF NSURANCE POLICYNUMBER A iGENERALL,AHTY IBFS00000313582 [KJ~~::Jlili"=G'A'_":::\=~A'- cA,,_'f I ;-- ro, AI',iS "'AJo'-Xi ::JC'~= ~ u_ . , _'- uuv n I ~ =\" Ar.::......::;: :;::;::: ~ -= I I' '.I~ ~ ~;:., ';:;;_ O~, =_~ ,._"'j,- ,_ ,::I,~, _....:ll"\'_~ ,v" I ""', L ""' n ~=-::::J- i ~8~18Y I ! ... =8- A I AUTOMOBILE L'AB,LTY !Xl A"YA~10 n A!_;_ ~\V\;~J A~ ~~s ~ I SCC"ECJ~c=DA~~OS !X'1 ,,,~,,DA:JTOS iXl ~J'. -O'd" "J A:JTOS n n L'M TS '06/01/99 06/01/00 ; EA8,., 08~:~~".:::\8" ; sl, 000 , 000 , "" I , ""::: 'JA 'V :_,,::: :Any ,,,. I '.; , ,50 f 000 Ii EJ EX;> :A,:.:,. ""',0'; ';; 10 f 000 , """SO~.A_~. A )V\"~~~ : sl f 000 f 000 ;3"\,,~AcAG3;:::::Gr::: :5~J 000,000 . 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G LES/EXC LUS IONS ADDED SY EN OORS EM ENTIS P~G A L PROV SONS Re: Operations of the above insured certificate holder is an additional insured CERTIFICATE HOLDER , ADDTONAL INSURED: ,NSUREA LETTER: CANCELLATlml City of Bozeman P.O. Box 640 Bozeman, MT 59771 SHOU LD ANYOF TH EA80VS DESCA 8 ED PO L'CI ES 8 EGANC~L LEO 8 EFORE TH S EXPRA lON DATETH~REOF, THE SOU NG INSURER Vi LL ENDEAVOR TO MA L3..0...- DAYSWR,TTEN NOT CETOTHE CERT F GATE ~IOLDERNAMEDTOTH~ L~FT, BUTFA,LURE TO DOSOSHALL MPOS E NO '-'8 L GAT ON OR LASI UTY OF ANYK'ND UPON TH E :NSU RER,'TS AG EN TS OR REPRESENTATVES, A~THOR lED REPRESENTATVE ACORD25-S(7j97)l of 2 #S10390/a1775 AF1 8 ACORD CORPORATION 1988 .j 1 , . . IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policylies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holcler In lieu of SUdl endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this ceniflcate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsemen1l.s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form cloes not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD 25-S(7;'97l 2 of 2 #Sl0390/N1775 tJ4/Ld~L9l1l1 lL;4:J . , 4tJd4':14/tJ41 r;1-1\;lt. 1I1 . . , / I'll 11,~IL 11~~ Montana International Insurance P.O. Box 3089 Butte, MT 59702 Fax Cover Sheet --- Date: '1-:;'P-u" To: (} /:..-- /' .l ,- ,-'j. <: Phone: Fax: /-70<' - 5j'~ -/730 /175 E~ N;< m 1~:,v< / From: SA.41t. ,,__ Phone: 406-494.8000 Fax: 406.494.7641 "RE: C~,t.;-'-~"C:1'l 7C- Number of pages including cover sheet: ~ Message: (!1 f/ _ ~v',,~,~,~ ~ ~-,tJv-.G ~)- (.1 It ;;:" r.C"'...... S m --< ;- /' '7 <I' 7X.~/(; ~ "'''--y /),i ,..v ~ ~ .0 U""1/i...OfLUUU J.i....'..;__1 ,I I I "-tUI...,.I"1...J'"'t r O......L , . 1.1/ ":"1 i I ~ ":"I'.....J I I-I\....lu. U"" . v A'~ttIU..:~~" ~.~:~,y..>>!.~lJ.H~>>~.~ .~~~ ~ I)IJ(:!II I INTERNATIONAL BUTTE O. BOX 3089 i'I'TE MT 59702-3089 CCMFWf A CIGN-A INSURANCE l.Ef1"!I'! COUPW'f 8 ENVIRom1ENTAL SERVICES IUI\ttl lErl'm 1SE-HKN, INC. CO/oIP~ C '.0. BOX 31318 lnTt1\ HLLINGS, HT. 59107 COMPI-NY 0 I.ElWl. 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VI'S 10 <;ON1"lVCiO~'9 PFaT. u~rr WOIL T INJUF'rl' I~" ;'."l<ln) i>aOIL r INJURY ~~'{ Il<::c;iden~ ~f't;;PEF\TT OJl.I>'AOe WOIlK~M'3 C:OIolJ'lN'U110N All 0 UolP\.OY<RS' lJ.l.1lIUTY C4Z891666 10-1-99 lO-I-00 E,.I.CH OCO;Me"CE GGf\EO^n;: $ . .:~;t;,~.~;:t~~L:~l.~,. ~%\1t~~':frS.e t4~ >'-CCIOENT 5 00 , 0 Q 0 OOU-S E -1>O'.lC'I' UMfT . , 0 0 0 OOUSE-EACl"I e:M~E 0 000 EXC[!! UADIUl"Y v~BA.tU.A~OAAl EI'\ T'kAM UMB/\EiJ...II FORM PROFESSIONAL L IAJ3lL ITY NTF250957806 12-31-99 12-31-00 $3,000.000 IUGAlPTlOH OF OpeAATlONM,oe.l.TlOHViniICIZMPEC\AJ. treW, CITY OF BOZEMAJl ADDED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED -<'" . ~";",:.::,;;:,~)",,,.. & 'l'll'lU'mM'",V:',r.H""'~ ,.t-:.;r>;;;-';~"",",ii4~;;T.;<~'"';;;;:"1.\a:~:<Ul-PI,>'~~;: ~ _ ,;{.~;.j~v.~~:;t~~, ~...:.,.... .&J"'!::!Lt~~,-,l1;~:t~Mr..~~-r..;t~;:lWi.4cr;';ir5~~~:tr,_~}~J"" M SHOULD AJ('( OF THE AOOVE DE$.CRJBEO POUCIES BE CANceLLEO B~OFle THE rs: >J EXPlRATlOtl OArE Tl-4ERfO':, THE lSSU\NO CQMI"ANYWILl. ENDEAVOR TQ ~ MAlI. 30 CAYS WPJTiEN NOT'.cE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOWER N..l,J,4l;:D TO THE ~ LEFT.M ;AiLURE TO MAlL SUCH NOTlCE SHALL IMPOSe NO OBUQATlOH OR i UABIUTY OF AN'( IONO UP-ON ruE CO"'PANY. Ii! AOENTS OR R!PR~e~NTATNEs.. ~ ,.~~ATM !cJ. A'};h"'tl'D2!4 no'iMt. ;"7M1i'ftV~~~~&J"Ai'2liiS~i~.A~'2rj':lA'V--}';"'~:i'"':- ':.. ,<:"I..e/ C<::.~~:''::':.._.''aiI'JiiiiIiW'j_ ~~I \"..../~~~_'~~...:.,(~~~::;.~ir':(.........~>'I:~'Y~/...~?'H.., ,~.oo."'.:.;-..JW'iCQi1iJ~ ~ Ct!QTI~ATE:HOlnER.~~p '>Zff~' .,.,~~...4.".......~~,.....,.,..............I.. ~............)~~~~j CITY OF BOZEMAN P.O. BOX 640' BOZEMAN, MT. 59771 . 1\ -i \ , Amendment No.1 For Lyman Creek Reservoir Improvements Prepared For: City of Bozeman P.O. Box 1230 20 East Olive Bozeman, MT 59771 Prepared By: 601 Nildes Drive, Suite 2 Bozeman, MT 59715 May 14,2001 J. Ii, , ' Lyman Creek Reservoir Improvements Amendment No.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ Amendment No.1 to Professional Services Agreement Exhibits ~ Exhibit A - Engineer's Status During Construction );> Exhibit B - Listing of Duties, Responsibilities, and Limitations of of Authority of the Resident Project Representative );> Exhibit C - Summary of Anticipated Expense ~ Exhibit D - Materials Testing Fee Schedule ~ Exhibit E - Labor Hours and Cost ~ Exhibit F - Detailed Scope of Services ~ Project Schedule . ~ , . j I , .iI AMENDMENT No.1 to PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT CTIY OF BOZEMAN LYMAN CREEK RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this 11th day of June . 2001 between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation, Bozeman, Montana, herein referred to as OWNER and HKM Engineering, Inc., formerly MSE.HKM Inc., an Engineering Consulting Finn of Bozeman, Montana, herein referred to as ENGINEER. WHEREAS the parties have entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated June 5, 2000, herein referred to as Original Agreement for professional engineering services for the Lyman Creek Reservoir Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the provisions of the Original Agreement by adding to the original scope of services for the ENGINEER to provide design services, assist with bidding, provide construction management, and other miscellaneous tasks associated with the project. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, the parties agree to amend the original contract as follows: ARTICLE 1 - ENGINEERING SERVICES 1.1. The following additional tasks shall be added to the original contract scope of services. A detailed description of the scope of services is attached as Exhibit F to this contract amendment. In general the project components are described as follows: The CONSULTANT will complete the outlined scope of work required for the preparation of construction plans, specifications, estimates of probable construction costs, project bidding, and construction administration for the CTIY OF BOZEMAN LYMAN CREEK RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. The project in which the aforementioned services are to be provided include twenty-one (21) basic tasks. Tasks 1 -7 - Original Contract Scope of Services Task 8 - Additional Study / Alternate / Estimate Phase Services Purpose: The following additional services were provided during the Study Phase of the project (Tasks 1 - 7). . I , , ; J I ... Geotechnical Investigation - Additional drilling and testing beyond the original scope of services was completed in anticipation of the required foundation design that will be needed for the design of the rigid cover. Spring Development - Additional study, preliminary design, and estimates for a Spring Gauging Station were completed beyond the original scope of service. Radon Abatement - Radon abatement within the spring water was not anticipated within the original scope of services. Additional study, preliminary design, and estimates were completed to address and mitigate radon gas abatement. Control Building Replacement - Replacement of the eXlstlllg Control Building at the Reservoir site was not anticipated within the original scope of services. Additional study, preliminary design and estimates were completed to address the replacement of the Control Building and Outlet Building. Task 9 - Budget Management I Work Plan The task is for budget management, preparation, and up dating of the project work plan and scheduling throughout the duration of the project. Task 10 - Concrete Panel Repair This task is for the preparation of a plan for the repair of the existing concrete panels within the reservoir basin. The majority of the existing concrete panels are approximately 90 years old and have developed panel and joint cracks that require repair prior to the installation of a liner to seal the reservoir. The primary purpose of the repair is to provide a consistent, smooth surface that will provide adequate backing to the liner and not puncture or over stress the liner. Task 11 - Poly-liner and Drain System This task is for the preparation of a plan for the installation of an under-drain and basin liner system for the sealing of the existing concrete reservoir basin. The existing basin leaks at an estimated rate of 250 - 300 GPM. The liner system will seal the reservoir eliminating the leakage. The under-drain is intended to provide groundwater drainage between the liner and the existing concrete panel so that when the reservoir is drained the liner will not float potentially damaging the liner. , \ . , . ~ I , l Task 12 ~ Baffle System This task is for the preparation of a plan for the installation of a passive baffling system installed within the reservoir. The purpose of the baffling system is to minimize short circuit flow between the inlet to the outlet of the reservoir which will enhance chorine contact time and reduce stagnate areas with the reservoir. Task 13 ~ Precast Roof System This task is for the preparation of a plan for the installation of a pre-cast concrete roof system over the existing reservoir. The pre-cast cover will provide a long term, low maintenance means of covering the reservoir. The cover will isolate the reservoir from environmental factors, ducks, geese, and small rodents that could potentially degrade the water quality of the reservoir. The cover will also provide a controlled climate that will enhance the life expectancy of the proposed liner and baffle, treat for radon gas, and minimize algae growth within the reservoir. Task 14 - Geotechnical Evaluation This task is for the completion of additional geotechnical evaluation for the foundation design associated with a pre-cast concrete cover. The combined effects of the concrete cover loading and zone 3 seismic requirements will generate substantial foundation loads. The majority of the field work (drilling, test pits) and soil samples for the geotechnical evaluation were completed under Technical Memorandum No. 3 with the exception of the soil testing directly beneath the reservoir. It was not practical to test the soil conditions directly beneath the reservoir during the initial testing, because it would have required coring of the floor slabs of the reservoir that could have further compromised the seal of the reservoir. The soil conditions beneath the reservoir are of considerable importance with the support column system proposed with a pre-cast roof system. Task 15 - Control Building This task is for the preparation of a plan for the demolition and reconstruction of a control building at the Lyman Creek Reservoir site. The existing control building is in poor condition and is undersized for the proposed electrical control, chlorination, fluoride, and telemetry equipment proposed for the facility. Task 16 - Outlet Vault / Building This task is for the preparation of a plan for the installation of a vault or building at the outlet from the reservoir. The vault / building will monitor chorine residual at the outlet from the reservoir and inject additional liquid chlorine into the line if residual levels fall below standard. . \ , . . . I ~ Step 17 - Control/Electrical/Telemetry Systems This task is for the preparation of plans for the installation of control, electrical, and telemetry systems within the proposed control building and outlet vault. The existing control systems at the reservoir are in poor condition and out of date, with replacement parts difficult to find and expensive to purchase. In addition, the reservoir currently does not have telemetry systems that would allow the operation of the facility remotely from the Water Treatment Plant or City Shops. Task 18 - Pipe Works This task is for the preparation of a plan for the demolition and reconstruction of the pipe works connecting the proposed control building with the transmission main from the collection gallery and the reservoir inlet. Task 19 ~ Chlorine / Fluoride This task is for the preparation of a plan for the installation of liquid chorine and fluoride injection system within the proposed control building. The existing chorine system is a gas system, which presents health risks to the operators and should be replaced with a significantly safer liquid chorine injection system. Task 20 - City / State Review This task is for the effort for the coordination, meetings, e-mails, and telephone calls associated with the submittal and jurisdictional review of the project. Task 21 ~ Finalize Plans This task is for the preparation of final plans, specifications, and bid documents based on Owner and MDEQ review. Task 22 - Project Bidding This task is for the effort to assist the Owner in the bidding of the project. It is assumed that all work will be bid on a one-time basis and as a single project. Task 23 - Construction Administration / Material Testing This task provides contract administration of the construction contract, inspection during construction activities, and material testing services during construction , , , ! . , for Lyman Creek Reservoir. It is assumed that all work will be bid on a one~time basis and as a single project. Task 24 - Embankment Repair This task is for the preparation of a plan for stabilizing the earthen embankment at the southwest end of the reservoir. The embankment has experience surface sloughing over recent years due to inadequate storm water drainage and is in need of stabilization and repair. Task 25 - PRY Calibration This task is for the calibration of the pressure reducing valves (PRY) interconnecting the north, south and northwest pressure zones within the Bozeman Water System. Based on the research and computer modeling completed for the preparation of Technical Memorandum No. 6 the pressure settings of the PRY's are out of calibration causing unbalanced flow between the pressure zones. To maximize the utilization of the Lyman Creek Reservoir it is critical that the PRY's be properly calibrated to maximize flow from the reservoir. Task 26 - Pump Replacement This task is for the preparation of a plan for the replacement of the damaged pump at the Booster Station. The damaged pump has a broken pump casing and is inoperable. For the utilization of the Booster Station to pump water from the North Pressure Zone to the South Zone the pump will need to be replaced. Task 27 - Control! Electrical! Telemetry Systems This task is for the preparation of plans for the removal and re-installation of control, electrical, and telemetry systems within the existing Booster Station. The existing control systems at the Booster Station are in poor condition, out of date, with replacement parts difficult to find and expensive to purchase. In addition, the Booster Station currently does not have telemetry systems that would allow the operation of the facility remotely from the Water Treatment Plant or City Shops. Step 28 -Automated Gauging Station This task is for the preparation of a plan for the installation of automated all- weather stream gauging station just downstream of the collection gallery manhole. The purpose of the gauging station is to determine the efficiency of the existing collection gallery and the availability of additional stream flow that could . . I , be potentially collected and routed to Lyman Creek Reservoir. This task also includes the design of precast concrete lids on the PR V stations along the transmission main between the collection gallery and reservoir. ARTICLE 2 - ENGINEER'S RESPONSffiILITIES This Article unchanged. ARTICLE 3 - OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES This Article unchanged. ARTICLE 4 - BASIC ENGINEERING SERVICES The ENGINEER shall render professional Engineering Services as follows: 4.1 ENGINEERING EV ALUA TION / STUDY PHASE This Section unchanged. 4.2 ADD; PRELIMINARY DESIGN PHASE After completion and acceptance of Evaluation and Study Phase and receipt of written authorization to proceed with the Preliminary Design Phase, ENGINEER shall: 4.2.1. In consultation with OWNER determine general scope, extent and character of the Project. 4.2.2. ENGINEER shall then prepare a Preliminary Design Report, preliminary plans and specifications and a written description for the Project. 4.2.3. Preliminary Design Report: Specific items to be addressed in the design report will include, but not be limited to: Summary of construction requirements with appropriate drawings for each task induded in the project. Summary geotechnical report for specific tasks, if needed. Special design considerations for Project tasks with conditions not covered in standard construction methods or specifications. 4.2.4. Design and Construction Survey: The ENGINEER shall conduct a design field survey of the project areas, as necessary, for locating existing utilities (such as gas, power, telephone, TV cables, water and sewer lines, irrigation facilities, fences, and , \ , , , , . approach driveways), existing right-of-way and easements, and making measured drawings of or investigating conditions of existing facilities. The ENGINEER shall provide suitable horizontal and vertical reference control points for the construction phase. 4.2.5. Permits and Rights-of-Way: The ENGINEER shall obtain approved permits, licenses, and/or easement agreements from private landowners and any other agencies or entities requiring similar approvals prior to bidding. These approvals will be coordinated with the OWNER and will be made on easement and permit documents approved by the OWNER. Information and easement descriptions provided in the Basic Engineering Services will be based on data available from design surveys and courthouse records. 4.2.6. Geotechnical Explorations and Analysis: The ENGINEER shall conduct such geotechnical explorations and analysis as necessary for project design and bidding. A geotechnical report will be prepared with recommendations relating to conditions pertinent to the design and construction of the Project. Subsurface information will be obtained by reviewing any existing geotechnical data available and using additional backhoe test pits and soil borings as necessary. The ENGINEER shall furnish copies of a geotechnical report as requested to OWNER for use by OWNER and Contractors, and review the results of the report with Contractors in a pre-bid meeting. The report is to be prepared for design purposes; ENGINEER will not be responsible if others use it for other purposes. 4.2.7. Preliminary Plans and Specifications. Prepare preliminary construction plans and specifications with information, which addresses the special features of each project task. 4.2.8. Based on the information contained in the preliminary design documents, ENGINEER will submit a revised opinion of probable Total Project Costs to the OWNER. 4.2.9. ENGINEER shall prepare and furnish complete copies of preliminary bidding documents and design report as requested to OWNER and at the same time furnish copies as directed by OWNER to agencies and/or parties having regulatory responsibilities or direct financial participation in any part of the Project; provide any technical criteria, written descriptions and design data necessary for securing permits or approval from authorities having jurisdiction to review and approve the design, and assist OWNER in securing such approvals; and review documents in person with OWNER and review authorities, and, if necessary, conduct a plan-in- hand site review. All changes agreed to between ENGINEER and OWNER will be noted in a memorandum from the ENGINEER to the OWNER and incorporated into the final plans and specifications. , \ . , . . . \ The Preliminary Design Phase will be completed and submitted within 90 calendar days following written authorization from OWNER to ENGINEER to proceed with that phase of services. 4.3 ADD; FINAL DESIGN PHASE After written authorization to proceed with the Final Design Phase, ENGINEER shall: 4.3.1. On the basis of the accepted Preliminary Design documents and the revised opinion of probable Total Project Costs, prepare for incorporation in the Contract Documents final drawings and Technical Specifications of sufficient detail to show the general scope, extent and detailed character of the work to be furnished and performed by the Contractor(s) suitable for use in the project bidding and construction. 4.3.2. Advise OWNER of any adjustments to the latest opinion of probable Total Project Costs caused by changes in the general scope, extent or character or design requirements of the Project or Construction Costs. Furnish to OWNER a revised opinion of probable Total Project Costs based on the Drawings and Specifications. 4.3.3. Prepare for review and approval by OWNER, its legal counsel and other advisors, contract agreement forms, general conditions and supplementary conditions, and (where appropriate) bid forms, invitations to bid and instructions to bidders, special provisions, technical specifications, and standard drawings, and other related contract documents in conformance with the latest edition of the Montana Public Works Standard Specifications (MPWSS) and City of Bozeman Modifications to MPWSS adopted by the City of Bozeman. 4.3.4. Furnish OWNER six copies of the Contract Documents (including design drawings, specifications and contracts). The Final Phase will be complete and submitted within 60 calendar days following written authorization from OWNER to ENGINEER to proceed with that phase of servIces. 4.4 ADD; BIDDING OR NEGOTIATING PHASE After written authorization to proceed with the Bidding or Negotiating Phase, ENGINEER shall: 4.4.1. Assist OWNER in advertising for and obtaining bids or negotiating proposals for construction contract(s) and record prospective bidders to whom Bidding Documents have been issued, received and process deposits for Bidding Documents and conduct pre-bid conferences. All advertising costs said will be paid directly by the OWNER. .. . , 4.4.2. Provide interpretation or clarification to prospective bidders regarding the Bidding Documents, and issue addenda as appropriate. 4.4.3. Consult with and advise OWNER as to the acceptability of the prime contractor, subcontractors, suppliers and other persons and organizations proposed by the prime contractor(s) (herein call "Contractor(s)") for those portions of the work as to which such acceptability is required by the Bidding Documents. 4.4.4. Consult with OWNER concerning and determine the acceptability of substitute materials and equipment proposed by Contractor(s) when substitution prior to the award of contracts is allowed by the Bidding Documents. 4.4.5. Attend the Bid opening, prepare bid tabulation, evaluate bids, assess bidders' responsiveness and responsibility and make award recommendation to OWNER. 4.4.6 Facilitate contract award, and the execution and distribution of the contract documents for construction, materials, equipment, and services. Furnish OWNER two original signature sets of executed contract documents (including design drawings, specifications and contracts). Furnish contractor with one set of original signature executed contract documents and up to three sets of construction documents. 4.5 ADD; CONSTRUCTION PHASE The responsibilities of the ENGINEER during the Construction Phase are summarized as follows: 4.5.1. General Administration of Construction Contract. ENGINEER shall consult with and advise OWNER and act as OWNER'S representative as provided in EXIllBIT A - ENGINEER'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION, attached to and made part of this Agreement and may be further provided under the General Conditions of the contract documents. The extent and limitations of the authority, duties, and responsibilities of the ENGINEER on the construction job site as assigned here in shall not be modified except as the ENGINEER may otherwise agree in writing. All of OWNER's instruction to Contractor(s) will be issued through ENGINEER who will have authority to act on behalf of OWNER to the extent provided in the General Conditions except as otherwise provided in writing. In addition to the services provided under Article 10 (Exhibit A) the ENGINEER shall provide the following services during construction: Schedule and conduct a pre-construction conference. Provide personnel, equipment and supplies for construction layout and . 1 , . " , , control. This shall be limited to providing two (2) intervisible hubs at the project site with horizontal and vertical control. 4.5 .1.3 Review Contractors' construction schedules and operations and the Contractors' traffic control plans and its implementation prior to the start of construction. Ascertain that the Contractor has secured required permits needed to accomplish his work. Prepare and provide weekly activity and progress reports to the City's Task Director. ENGINEER shall provide OWNER copies of all correspondence between the ENGINEER and Contractor. Issue stop and resume work orders, in whole orin part, when work is not or cannot be performed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Review and approve for conformance with the project technical specifications all shop drawings, and other Contractor submittals required by the Contract Documents. During construction review Contractors' construction schedules and evaluate conformance and progress under the Contract time provisions. Prepare for OWNER'S approval any plan and specification changes which due to any initial design or engineering deficiencies are required to complete the project original design concept. Inspect the project and when appropriate, and after conferring with OWNER, issue a Certificate of Substantial Completion to the Contractor. Prior to recommending final payment, schedule and conduct with the OWNER a final project inspection and a report will be submitted to the OWNER documenting any outstanding items or deficiencies requiring correction prior to final payment. Upon satisfactory, project completion ENGINEER shall certify in writing to the OWNER, and any required regulatory agencies, that the construction was completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and is performing in accordance with the design concept. . \ , , , , Eleven months after project's substantial completion schedule and conduct with the OWNER a One Year Warranty Inspection of the project and advise the OWNER in writing whether project deficiencies exist and if the project is performing in accordance with the design concept. 4.5.2. Resident Proiect Representative. ENGINEER shall provide a qualified Resident Project Representative at the job site to provide observation of the work as provided in EXlDBIT B ~ A LISTING OF THE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY OF THE RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE, attached to and made part of this Agreement. The ENGINEER shall submit to the OWNER, for review and acceptance, the resume of each Resident Project Representative who may be assigned to the job site during the course of the Project not less than 10 calendar days prior to the pre~ construction meeting. Any subsequent change in the resident representative shall also be subject to the OWNER'S approval. 4.5.3 Limitations of Responsibilities. ENGINEER will not be responsible for CONTRACTOR's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, and ENGINEER will not be responsible for CONTRACTOR's failure to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents; however, nothing contained in this agreement shall be construed to release ENGINEER from liability for failure to properly perform duties and responsibilities assumed by ENGINEER in the Contract Documents. 4.6. PROJECT DOCUMENTATION ENGINEER shall furnish OWNER with (a) one mylar copy and two paper copies of the Project Record Drawings ("As~Builts"), (b) written monthly progress reports, and (c) a project notebook containing such correspondence and documentation as requested by OWNER. 4.7. CONSTRUCTION TESTING The inspection services shall include material testing and verification of contract compliance with job site requirements, plans and specifications. The ENGINEER shall provide and maintain detailed documentation of the following material testing: 1) Concrete strength, air content and slump 2) Embankment, trench backfill, and gravel and pavement densities 3) Aggregate gradations 4) Plant mix strength, flow and asphalt content , , j . ' " , , ARTICLE 5 - ADDITIONAL SERVICES This Article unchanged. ARTICLE 6 - COMPENSATION FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES 6.1 COST PAYMENT FOR BASIC SERVICES OF, EXPENSES OF, AND FIXED FEE FOR ENGINEER. The following cost plus fixed fee is for additional services provided under Tasks 8 through 28 and is in addition to the original contract compensation. The following cost plus fixed fec excludes project bidding (Task 22) and construction administration (Task 23) tasks. Professional engineering services performed as Basic Engineering Services under Sections 4.1 through 4.3 shall be compensated in accordance with the following 6.1.1 Payroll Costs~ The ENGINEER will be reimbursed for the actual payroll costs as set forth in Section 7.3, at a 2.63 multiplier for the time such employees are directly utilized on work necessary to fulfill the terms of this Agreement. 6.1.2 Reimbursable Expenses, The ENGINEER will be reimbursed for actual out-of- pocket expenses as specified in Section 7.4. 6.1.3 LUMP SUM FEE~ The ENGINEER will be paid a lump sum fixed fee of Sixteen Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Seven Dollars ($16,667), not to exceed that amount to cover profit. 6.1.4 Total Payment, The total payment to the ENGINEER for the work contemplated under Sections 4.1 through 4.3 of this Agreement will not exceed One Hundred Sixty Eight Thousand Thirty Nine Dollars ($168,039) inclusive of the fixed fee without prior approval by the OWNER. 6.1.5 This Section unchanged. 6.1.6 This Section unchanged. 6.1.7 Engineering Cost Estimate, The attached Engincering Cost Estimate, Exhibit "E", by this reference is hereby made a part of this Agreement. 6.1.8 This Section unchanged. 6.1.9 This Section unchanged. 6.2 DIRECT LABOR COST PAYMENT FOR BASIC SERVICES AND EXPENSES OF ENGINEER. . ; " t \ I, Bidding, Construction and project documentation services performed as Basic Engineering Services (Tasks 22 and 23) under sections 4.4 through 4.7 including General Administration of Construction Contract, Resident Project Representation, Project Documentation, and Construction Testing, shall be compensated in accordance with the following: 6.2.1 The OWNER shall pay for Construction Phase and Project Documentation Services an amount not to exceed $96,036.00 except as provided under and 6.2.4. Costs Compensation. Compensation for these services shall be based on the ENGINEER's Direct Labor Cost times a factor of 2.95 for services rendered which shall cover Direct Labor, Direct Labor Overhead, General & Administrative Overhead and Profit. Notification. At any time during the construction it becomes apparent that the Construction Phase and Project Documentation Services rendered under this Agreement will exceed the negotiated compensation for these services, and prior to performing services in excess of the contract ceiling, the ENGINEER shall give OWNER written notice thereof. Promptly thereafter OWNER and ENGINEER shall review the scope and progress of the project work. ENGINEER shall obtain written authorization from OWNER, prior to any additional costs being incurred under paragraph If it is determined that due to a change in project scope under paragraph 5.2.1, the ENGINEER is entitled to additional compensation in accordance with Section, OWNER and ENGINEER may negotiate tenns as provided under The amount and terms of any additional compensation under or shall be negotiated and agreed in writing pursuant to 9.16 of original agreement. Costs Exceeding Estimated Compensation. Except as allowed under 5.2.1, when the total cost of the original scope Construction Phase and Project Documentation Services exceeds the negotiated compensation for these services, the OWNER shall pay only for the actual costs incurred in excess of the estimated compensation. These costs consist of an amount equal to the ENGINEER'S actual Labor Cost times a factor of 2.63 for services rendered which shall include Direct Labor, ENGINEERS most recently audited payroll Direct Labor Overhead, and General & Administrative Overhead costs, but shall not include any allowance for profit. 6.2.2. Reimbursable Expenses as defined in section 7.4 of this Agreement for Basic Services and Approved Additional Services shall be paid to the ENGINEER by the OWNER in the actual amount of the costs incurred up to an amount not to exceed $1,500.00 which includes $500.00 for consultants employed by the Engineer and $ 1,000 for all other reimbursable expenses. The estimated reimbursable expenses are identified in Exhibits "D" and "e". , \ . , I . 6.2.3. Failed Test Expenses. The ENGINEER shall maintain and provide to the OWNER, a record of the costs associated with failing quality control tests performed for the OWNER during the course of the construction of the project and recommend an amount the OWNER deduct from the contractor(s) payments. 6.2.4. The OWNER shall pay an amount for Additional Services rendered by the ENGINEER being such services added as a result of increased scope and approved in writing by the OWNER on the basis of the ENGINEER'S actual Labor Costs times a factor of 2.95, or an amount otherwise negotiated at the time such services are requested and approved by the OWNER. Except as specifically amended herein, the Original Agreement of June 5, 2000 shall remain in full force and effect, and the parties shall be bound by all terms and conditions therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do make and execute this Agreement on the day and year ftrst above written. CITY OF BOZEMAN B"'t. +-\'---- City Manager ATTEST: By~J~ Robin L. Sullivan (Clerk of Commission) APPROVED AS TO FORM BY; a: ~ (City A)Jrney) ENG~ER ~_ BY: ~ \3 -too ITS Pr<.-e-s ;d~ N f , . .. -j ATTEST, ....~- ./ BY: /L1~ C-~~ . . , , EXHffiIT A TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENGINEER'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION This Exhibit is attached to, made a part of and incorporated by reference with the Agreement made on June 5,2000, between CITY OF BOZEMAN (OWNER) and HKM Engineering (ENGINEER) providing for professional engineering services. ARTICLE 10 . ENGINEER'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION 10.1. OWNERS'S REPRESENTATIVE ENGINEER will be OWNER's representative during the construction period. The duties and responsibilities and the limitations of authority of ENGINEER as OWNER's representative during construction are set forth in the Contract Documents and shall not be extended without written consent of OWNER and ENGINEER. 10.2. VISITS TO THE SITE ENGINEER will make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction to observe the progress and quality of the executed Work and to determine, in general, if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. ENGINEER will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. ENGINEER's efforts will be directed toward providing for OWNER's greater degree of confidence that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents. On the basis of such visits and on-site observations as an experienced and qualified design professional, ENGINEER will keep OWNER informed of the progress of the Work and will endeavor to guard OWNER against defects and deficiencies in the Work. 10.3. PROJECT REPRESENTATION If OWNER and ENGINEER agree, ENGINEER will fumish a Resident Project Representative to assist ENGINEER in observing the performance of the Work. The duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of any such Resident Project Representative and assistants will be as provided in EXIllBIT B. A LISTING OF THE DUTIES. RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY OF THE RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE. 1 0.4. CLARIFICATIONS AND INTERPRET A nONS . . , ' ENGINEER will issue with reasonable promptness such written clarifications or interpretations of the requirements of the Contract Documents (in the form of Drawings or otherwise) as ENGINEER may determine necessary, which shall be consistent with or reasonably inferable from the overall intent of the Contract Documents. If CONTRACTOR believes that a written clarification or interpretation justifies an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time and the parties are unable to agree to the amount or extent thereof, CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefore as provided in the General Provisions of the construction Contract Document. 10.5. AUTHORIZED VARIATIONS IN WORK ENGINEER may authorize minor variations in the Work from the requirements of the Contract Documents that do not involve an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time and are consistent with the overall intent of the Contract Documents. These may be accomplished by a Field Order and will be binding on OWNER, and also on CONTRACTOR who shall perform the Work involved promptly. If CONTRACTOR believes that a Field Order justifies an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time and the parties are unable to agree as to the amount or extent thereof, CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefore as provided in the General Conditions of the Construction Contract. 10.6. REJECTING DEFECTIVE WORK ENGINEER will have authority to disapprove or reject Work which ENGINEER believes to be defective, and will also have authority to require special inspection or testing of the Work as provided in the General Provisions of the construction Contract Document whether or not the work is fabricated, installed, or completed. 10.7. SHOP DRAWINGS, CHANGE ORDERS AND P A Yl\1ENT 10.7.1. The ENGINEER's responsibility for Shop Drawings and samples shall comply with the shop drawing provisions of the General Provisions of the construction Contract Document 10.7.2. The ENGINEER's responsibilities for Change Orders shall comply with the change order provisions of the General Provisions of the construction Contract Document. 10.7.3. The ENGINEER's responsibilities for contractor's Application for Payment shall comply with the payment provisions of the General Provisions of the construction Contract Document. 10.8. DETERMINATIONS FOR UNIT PRICES I . ~ ~l . . ENGINEER will determine the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR. ENGINEER will review with CONTRACTOR the ENGINEER's preliminary determinations on such matters before rendering a written recommendation thereon (by recommendation of an Application for Payment or otherwise) to OWNER. 10.9. DECISION ON DISPUTES 10.9.1. ENGINEER will be the initial interpreter of the requirements of the Contract Documents and judge of the acceptability of the Work thereunder. Claims, disputes and other matters relating to the acceptability of the Work or the interpretation of the requirements of the Contract Documents pertaining to the performance and furnishing of the Work and claims under The General Conditions of the Construction Contract in respect of changes in the Contract Price or Contract Time will be referred initially to ENGINEER in writing with a request for a formal decision in accordance with this paragraph, which ENGINEER will render in writing within a reasonable time. Written notice of each such claim, dispute and other matter shall be promptly reported and copied to the OWNER. 10.9.2. When functioning as interpreter under paragraphs 10.8 and 10.9.1, ENGINEER will not show partiality to OWNER or CONTRACTOR and will not be liable in connection with any interpretation or decision rendered in good faith in such capacity. The rendering of a decision by ENGINEER pursuant to paragraphs 10.8 and 10.9.1 with respect to any such claim, dispute or other matter will be a condition precedent to any exercise by OWNER or CONTRACTOR of such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the Contract Documents or by Laws or Regulations in respect of any such claim, dispute or other matter. 10.10. LIl\1ITATIONS ON ENGINEER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 10.10.1. Neither ENGINEER's authority to act under this Article or elsewhere in the Contract Documents nor any decision made by ENGINEER in good faith either to exercise or not exercise such authority shall give rise to any duty or responsibility of ENGINEER to CONTRACTOR, any Sub~contractor, any Supplier, or any other person or organization performing any of the Work, or to any surety for any of them. 10.10.2. Whenever in the Contract Documents the terms "as ordered", "as directed", "as required", "as allowed", "as approved" or terms of like effect or import are used, or the adjectives "reasonable", "suitable", "acceptable", "Proper" or "satisfactory" , , _. I . or adjectives of like effect or import are used to describe a requirement, direction, review or judgment of ENGINEER as to the Work, it is intended that such requirement, direction, review or judgment will be solely to evaluate the Work for compliance with the Contract Documents (unless there is a specific statement indicating otherwise). The use of any such term or adjective shall not be effective to assign to ENGINEER any duty or authority to supervise or direct the furnishing or performance of the Work or any duty or authority to undertake responsibility contrary to the provisions of paragraph 4.5.3. . . ..I . , EXHIDrr B TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES A LISTING OF THE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY OF THE RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENT A TIVE. This Exhibit is attached to, made a part of and incorporated by reference with the Agreement made on June 5, 2000, between CITY OF BOZEMAN (OWNER) and (ENGINEER) providing for professional engineering services. ARTICLE 11- DUTIES. RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY OF THE RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENT A TIVE ENGINEER shall furnish a Resident Project Representative (RPR), assistants and other field staff to assist ENGINEER in observing performance of the work of Contractor. 1brough more extensive on-site observations of the work in progress and field checks of materials and equipment by the RPR and assistants, ENGINEER shall endeavor to provide further protection for OWNER against defects and deficiencies in the work of CONTRACTOR; but, the furnishing of such services will not make ENGINEER responsible for or give ENGINEER control over construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures or for safety precautions or programs, or responsibility for CONTRACTOR's failure to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents and in particular the specific limitations set forth in section 8.5 of the Agreement are applicable. The duties and responsibilities of the RPR are limited to those of the ENGINEER in this agreement and in the construction Contract Documents, and are further limited and described as follows: 11.1. GENERAL RPR is ENGINEER's agent at the site, will act as directed by and under the supervision of ENGINEER, and will confer with ENGINEER regarding RPR's actions. RPR's dealings in matters pertaining to the on-site work shall in general be with ENGINEER and CONTRACTOR keeping OWNER advised as necessary. RPR's dealings with subcontractors shall only be through or with the full knowledge and approval of CONTRACTOR. RPR shall generally communicate with OWNER with the knowledge of and under the direction of ENGINEER. 11.2. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF RPR , , . . " 11.2.1. Schedules: Review the progress schedule, schedule of Shop Drawing submittals and schedule of values prepared by CONTRACTOR and consult with ENGINEER concerning acceptability. 11.2.2. Conferences and Meetings: Attend meetings with CONTRACTOR, such as pre-construction conferences, progress meetings, job conferences and the project-related meetings, and prepare and circulate copies of minutes thereof. 11.2.3. Liaison: Serve as ENGINEER's liaison with CONTRACTOR, working principally through CONTRACTOR's superintendent and assist in understanding the intent of the Contract Documents; and assist ENGINEER in serving as OWNER's liaison with CONTRACTOR. Assist in obtaining from OWNER additional details or information, when required for proper execution of the Work. 11.2.4. Shop Drawings and Samples: Record date of receipt of Shop Drawings and samples. Receive samples which are furnished at the site by CONTRACTOR, and notify ENGINEER of availability of samples for examination. Advise ENGINEER and CONTRACTOR of the commencement of any Work requiring Shop Drawing or sample if the submittal has not been approved by ENGINEER. 11.2.5. Review of Work. Reiection of Defective Work. Inspections and Tests: Conduct on~site observations of the Work in progress to assist ENGINEER in determining if the Work is in general proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents, Report to ENGINEER whenever RPR believes that any Work is unsatisfactory, faulty or defective or does not conform to the Contract Documents, or has been damaged, or does not meet the requirements of any inspection, test or approval required to be made; and advise I' I ~ " ENGINEER of Work that RPR believes should be corrected or rejected or should be uncovered for observation, or requires special testing, inspection or approval. Verify that tests, equipment and systems startup and operating and maintenance training are conducted in the presence of appropriate personnel, and the CONTRACTOR maintains adequate records thereof; and observe, record and report to ENGINEER appropriate details relative to the test procedures and startup. Accompany visiting inspectors representing public or other agencies having jurisdiction over the Project, record the results of these inspections and report to ENGINEER. 11.2.6. Interpretation of Contract Documents: Report to ENGINEER when clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents are needed and transmit to CONTRACTOR clarifications and interpretations as issued by ENGINEER. 11.2.7. Modifications: Consider and evaluate CONTRACTOR's suggestions for modifications in Drawings or Specifications and report with RPR's recommendations to ENGINEER. Transmit to CONTRACTOR decisions as issued by ENGINEER. 11.2.8. Records: Maintain at the job site orderly files for correspondence, reports of job conferences, Shop Drawings and samples, reproductions of original Contract Documents including all Work Directive Changes, Addenda, Change Orders, Field Orders, additional Drawings issued subsequent to the execution of the Contract, ENGINEER's clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents, progress reports, and other Project related documents. Keep a detailed and accurate diary or log book, recording CONTRACTOR hours on the job site, weather conditions, prime and subcontractor daily work force, daily log of equipment onsite or on standby, data relative to questions of Work Directive Changes, Change Orders or changed conditions, list of job site visitors, daily activities, decisions, observations in general, and specific observations in more detail as in the case of observing test procedures; and send copies to ENGINEER. Record names, addresses and telephone numbers of all , , . . CONTRACTORS, subcontractors and major suppliers of materials and equipment. 11.2.9. Reports: Furnish ENGINEER periodic reports as required of progress of the Work and of ONTRACTOR's compliance with the progress schedule and schedule of Shop Drawing and sample submittals. Consult with ENGINEER in advance of scheduled major tests, inspections or start of important phases of the Work. Draft proposed Change Orders and Work Directive Changes, obtaining backup material from CONTRACTOR and recommend to ENGINEER Change Orders, Work Directive Changes, and Field Orders. Report immediately to ENGINEER and OWNER upon the occurrence of any accident. 11.2.10. Payment Requests: Review applications for payment with CONTRACTOR for compliance with the established procedure for their submission and forward with recommendations to ENGINEER, noting particularly the relationship of the payment requested to the schedule of values, Work completed and materials and equipment delivered at the site but not incorporated in the Work. 11.2.11. Certificates, Maintenance and Operation Manuals: During the course of the Work, verify that certificates, maintenance and operation manuals and other data required to be assembled and furnished by CONTRACTOR are applicable to the items actually installed and in accordance with the Contract Documents, and have this material delivered to ENGINEER for review and forwarding to OWNER prior to final payment for the Work. 11.2.12. Completion: Submit to CONTRACTOR, and ENGINEER a list of observed items requiring completion or correction before ENGINEER may issue a Certificate of Substantial Completion. Assess completion or correction of items noted under, advise ENGINEER on their status, and make recommendation to Engineer regarding issuance of a Certificate of Substantial completion. Conduct final inspection in the company ofENGlNEER, OWNER, and , . . . . , CONTRACTOR and prepare a final list of items to be completed or corrected. Observe that all items on final list have been completed or corrected and make recommendations to ENGINEER concerning final acceptance. 11.3. LIl\fiTATIONS OF AUTHORITY Resident Project Representative: I 1.3.1. Shall not authorize any deviation from the Contract Documents or substitution of materials or equipments, unless authorized by ENGINEER. 11.3.2. Shall not exceed limitations of ENGINEER's authority as set forth in the Agreement or the Contract Documents. 11.3.3. Shall not undertake any of the responsibilities of CONTRACTOR, subcontractors or CONTRACTOR's superintendent. 11.3.4. Shall not advise on, issue directions relative to or assume control over any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction unless such advice or directions are specifically required by the Contract Documents. 11.3.5.Shall not advise on, issue directions regarding or assume control over safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. 11.3.5. Shall not accept Shop Drawing or sample submittals from anyone other than CONTRACTOR. 11.3.7. Shall not authorize OWNER to occupy the Project in whole or in part. 11.3.8. Shall not participate in specialized field or laboratory tests or inspections conducted by others except as specifically authorized by ENGINEER. . J. I ~ , ~ , . " EXHIDIT C TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES A SUl\1MARY OF ANTICIPATED EXPENSE This Exhibit is attached to, made a part of and incorporated by reference with the Agreement made on June 5, 2000, between CITY OF BOZEMAN (OWNER) and (ENGINEER) providing for professional engineering services. 1.1 Personnel and Equipment Charges 1.1.1 - Mileage: $0.500 / Mile 1.1.2 -- Per Diem: $30.00/ Day (Non-Bozeman Office Employees Only) 1.1.3 ~- Lodgin~: $40.00/ Day (Non-Bozeman Office Employees Only) 1.2 Material Testing Unit Pricing 1.2.1 - Material testing shall be per attached Exhibit D. EXHIBIT D , . HKM Engineering, INC. MATERIAL TESTING FEE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1, 2000 LABORATORY TESTING OF SOIL AND ROCK TEST UNIT TEST PROCEDURE DESIGNATION PRICE NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT ASTM D 2216 $10.00 UNIT WEIGHT AND MOISTURE CONTENT OF UNDISTURBED $40.00 SHELBY TUBE SAMPLES ATTERBERG LIMITS ASTM D 4318 $50-00 SPECIFIC GRAVITY ASTM 0 854 $40.00 SIEVE ANALYSIS THROUGH THE 0.075 mm SIZE: _ ALL STANDARD SIEVES THROUGH #200 ( STANDARD SPLIT SPOON) ASTM D 422, D 1140 $50.00 - ALL STANDARD SIEVES ( 1-1/2" THROUGH #200 ) (33 LB..) MODIFIED $60.00 - ALL STANDARD SIEVES ( 2" THROUGH #200) (44 LB..) ASTM C 117, C 136 $65.00 - ALL STANDARD SIEVES (3"THROUGH #200) ( 130 LB.. ) ( +#4 DRY AND $100.00 - ALL STANDARD SIEVES ( 4" THROUGH #200 ) (330 LB.. ) --#4 WASHED) $120.00 - ALL STANDARD SIEVES ( 5" THROUGH #200 ) ( 660 LB.. ) $170.00 - ALL STANDARD SIEVES (6" THROUGH #200 ) (1100 LB..) $275.00 - HYDROMETER ANALYSIS THROUGH THE 0.005 mm SIZE - ADD ASTM D 422 $40.00 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTIVITY ASTM G 57 $60.00 CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO OF COMPACTED SOILS ( INCLUDES MOISTURE - DENSITY CURVE) : - 3 POINTS ASTM D 1883 $440.00 - 1 POINT ASTM D 1883 $220.00 UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: - COHESIVE SOIL ASTM 02166 $80.00 - INTACT ROCK CORE ASTM D 2938 $100.00 PERMEABILlll' : - GRANULAR SOILS (CONSTANT HEAD) ASTM D 2434 BY QUOTE - COHESIVE SOILS ( FALLING HEAD) BOWLES, 1970 BY QUOTE ONE - DIMENSIONAL CONSOLIDATION PROPERTIES: - UP TO 4 KSF ASTM 0 2435 $140.00 - UP TO 8 KSF ASTM 0 2435 $160.00 - UP TO 16 KSF ASTM D 2435 $200.00 - UP TO 32 KSF ASTM 0 2435 $240.00 ONE - DIMENSIONAL SWELL / SETTLEMENT POTENTIAL - METHOD B ASTM D 4546 $120.00 PINHOLE DISPERSION ASTM 04647 BY QUOTE pH MEASUREMENT ASTM G 51 $25.00 SULFATE CONTENT (WATER SOLUBLE) $35.00 Page 1 of 3 . . ,. ' LABORATORY TESTING OF SOIL AND ROCK - CONTINUED TEST UNIT TEST PROCEDURE DESIGNATION PRICE FIELD IN-PLACE DRY DENSITY AND MOISTURE CONTENT: - SAND CONE METHOD ASTM 0 1556 PER HOUR - NUCLEAR DENSOMETER METHOD ASTM D 2922 PER HOUR - NUCLEAR DENSOMETER RENTAL ASTM D 2922 $ 25.00/DAY MOISTURE - DENSITY RELATIONSHIPS: - STANDARD PROCTOR (METHOD "A or B") ASTM 0 698 $100.00 . MODIFIED PROCTOR ( METHOD "A or B" ) ASTM 0 1557 $115.00 - STANDARD PROCTOR ( METHOD "C") ASTM D 698 $120.00 - MODIFIED PROCTOR ( METHOD "C") ASTM D 1557 $140.00 - OVERSIZE CORRECTION ( IF REQUIRED) ASTM D 4718 $45.00 FIELD PERCOLATION TEST PER HOUR POINT LOAD (PER POINT) ASTM D 5731 $12.00 SLAKE DURABILITY ASTM 0 4644 $125.00 DIRECT SHEAR TEST (Per Point) ASTM D 3080 $100.00 LABORATORY TESTING OF AGGREGATES TEST UNIT TEST PROCEDURE DESIGNATION PRICE SIEVE ANALYSIS THROUGH THE 4.75 mm SIZE ( 1-1/2" THROUGH #4) ASTM C 136 $5000 SIEVE ANALYSIS THROUGH THE 0.075 mm SIZE: - ALL STANDARD SIEVES (3/8" THROUGH #200) ( 300 GRAM) ASTM C 117. C 136 $50.00 - ALL STANDARD SIEVES ( 1-1/2" THROUGH #200 ) ( 33 LB.. ) ASTM C 117, C 136 60.00 - ALL STANDARD SIEVES (2" THROUGH #200) (44 LB..) ASTM C 117, C 136 $65.00 - ALL STANDARD SIEVES ( 3" THROUGH #200 ) ( 130 LB.. ) (+#4 DRY AND $100.00 - ALL STANDARD SIEVES ( 4" THROUGH #200) ( 330 LB.. ) -#4 WASHED) $120.00 - ALL STANDARD SIEVES ( 5" THROUGH #200 ) ( 660 LB.. ) $170.00 - ALL STANDARD SIEVES ( 6" THROUGH #200 ) (1100 LB. ) $275.00 _ HYDROMETER ANALYSIS THROUGH THE 0.005 mm SIZE - ADD ASTM 0 422 $40.00 UNIT WEIGHT ( COARSE OR FINE AGGREGATE) ASTM C 29 1 C 29M $45.00 SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND ABSORPTION: - COARSE AGGREGATE ASTM C 127 $45.00 - FINE AGGREGATE ASTM C 128 $60.00 SODIUM SULFATE SOUNDNESS ( COARSE OR FINE AGGREGATE) ASTM C 88 $175.00 LOS ANGELES ABRASION ( DOES NOT INCLUDE CRUSHING) ASTM C 1311 C 535 $140.00 SAND EQUIVALENT VALUE ASTM 02419 $6000 PERCENT OF MECHANICALLY FRACTURED PARTICLES MT - 217 $5000 PERCENT FLAT AND ELONGATED PARTICLES $5000 PERCENT OF L1GH1WEIGHT PIECES ( SPECIFIC GRAVITY < 2.0) : - COARSE OR FINE AGGREGATE ASTM C 123 $60.00 PERCENT OF CLAY LUMPS AND FRIABLE PARTICLES: - COARSE OR FINE AGGREGATE ASTM C 142 $5000 ORGANIC IMPURITIES ASTM C 40 $50.00 DEGRADATION VALUE MT - 227 BY QUOTE DURABILITY INDEX (COARSE OR FINE AGGREGATE) ASTM 03744 BY QUOTE VOLUME SWELL MT - 305 $120.00 Page 2 of 3 LABORATORY TESTING OF CONCRETE, GROUT AND MORTAR TEST DESIGNATION TEST PROCEDURE CONCRETE FIELD QUALITY CONTROL TEST - COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH ( INCLUDES SAMPLING, SLUMP, AIR CONTENT. TEMPERATURE, CASTING OF FOUR 6" X 12" CYLINDERS AND CYLINDER PICKUP) : - LOCAL CURING AND COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CYLINDERS OBTAINING CONCRETE CORES ( INCLUDES OPERATOR AND CORE RIG) ~ ADDITIONAL CHARGE PER INCH CORED CURING AND COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CORES - SAWING OF ENDS ( SET OF 3 CORES) MORTAR FIELD QUALITY CONTROL TEST - COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH ( INCLUDES SAMPLING, CASTING OF 2" X 4" CYliNDERS OR 2" X 2" X 2" CUBES AND SPECIMEN PICKUP) : - LOCAL CURING AND COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF MORTAR SPECIMENS CURING AND COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF MASONRY PRISMS GROUT FIELD QUALITY CONTROL TEST - COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH ( INCLUDES SAMPliNG. SLUMP, CASTING OF 2" X 4" CYliNDERS AND CYliNDER PICKUP) : -LOCAL CURING AND COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF GROUT SPECIMENS GROUT FIELD QUAliTY CONTROL TEST - COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH ( INCLUDES SAMPLING, SLUMP, FABRICATING PRISMS AND SPECIMEN PICKUP) CONCRETE MIX DESIGN ASTM C 172, C 143 C231,C1064, ASTM C 31, C 39 ASTM C 42 ASTM C 42, C 39 ASTM C 780 ASTM C 780 ASTM E 447 ASTM C 143, ASTM C 31 ASTM C 31, C 39 ASTM C 143, ASTM C 1019 , ' UNIT PRICE $100.00 $15.00 $ 45.00 I HR. $4.00 $30.00 $40.00 $100.00 $15.00 PER HOUR $100.00 $15.00 PER HOUR BY QUOTE ALL TESTS ARE PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST STANDARDS OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM), THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS ( AASHTO ), THE MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ( MDT) OR OTHER APPLICABLE TESTING STANDARDS, THE UNIT PRICES ESTABLISHED FOR LABORATORY TESTING DO INCLUDE STANDARD SAMPLE PREPARATION. TESTING,RECORDING OF TEST VALUES AND REPORTING OF TEST RESULTS TO THE CLIENT. NO EXTRA CHARGES INILL BE ASSESSED FOR THESE EFFORTS. ALL UNIT PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO TRAVEL TIME, STANDBY TIME, AND OTHER COSTS IF APPROPRIATE. THESE COSTS WILL BE INVOICED AT THE PRE-ESTABLISHED RATES FOR DIRECT LABOR, MILEAGE, AND PER DIEM. ALL FIELD TESTING AND REPORTING OF FIELD TEST RESULTS WILL BE INVOICED AT THE PRE.ESTA8LISHED RATES FOR DIRECT LABOR. MILEAGE AND PER DIEM UNLESS UNIT PRICES HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED, Page 3 of 3 HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11,2001 Prepared By; a int UtIe L ym"" Creek Reservo i r Phase II EXH18fT E LABOR HOURS AND COST! T as k 8 - Additi 01'1 aJ SlLIdy I AJ tamate I Esti male Phase Services Task 9 - 8 ud gel Managemenll Work Plan Task 10 - Concrete Psnel Repai r T as k 11 - Polyl iner an d Orai n Systam Task 12 - 8am a System Task 13 - Praeas t Roof System Task 14 - Geotechn i cal E valualion Task lS - Control 8uilding Task 15 - Outiet Vault I Building Task 17 - Control I Elec IT icall T elemelry System s Task 18 - Pipe Works Task 19 - Chlorine I Aouride Task 20 - City I 5 tate Review Task 21 - Fi noJ ize Plans Su btolal Task 22 - Project 8 iddin 9 T a:5 k .23 - Con s truction Adml n.istra Do n. J Mater ial T esti ng Subtotal "~~"~-", Task 24 - Em ban kmen t Repair Task 25 - PRV Calabration Task 25 - Pump Replacemen t Task 27 - Control I Electrical I Telemetry Sy stems Subtotal Task :28 -Automated Guag ing Sla tio n TOTAL 6 $432 $4,608 $286 $135 $216 $61 74 $5,328 $1,598 31.5 $1.544 34 $27 $!l64 64 32 4 $!l64 $2.303 $4,606 $1,880 $3,572 $1.= $3,572 12 $Il82 49 18 5 3 $216 8 $3,888 $2,016 $3,168 $2,952 $2,736 $2,232 $1,512 $1,008 54 98 40 20 90 $1,960 3 $216 3 28 $960 40 12 $864 $144 $576 $576 $576 4 44 76 $4,410 16 $432 $81 $324 $32 4 $108 2, 41 26 3 8 38 76 $3,920 !lO 12 8 31 1 08 $5,076 120 $5,880 12 8 21 $1,927 41 6 $432 14 61 $2,867 130 $6.110 $423 $2.058 $2,744 $441 42 2 8 $576 $268 $286 12 $588 $504 7 56 7 $189 $180 4 2.5 9 $27 $27 $1,296 4 18 $940 20 140 $10,080 384.5 $27,68-4 768 $36,096 518.5 $25,407 107 $2,889 $270 4 $324 9 $1,620 20 $1.590 30 $440 8 80 $6,480 220 $6,600 $6,480 80 $5,512 1040 $57,200 104 6 $432 10 $270 $135 $108 $664 12 $2,068 $752 44 $1.480 20 2 20 28 $144 $576 8 $392 16 8 5 $1,440 $2,016 4 $1,440 20 $2,820 60 $392 $1,480 20 19 $513 =~ 6 $432 8 $216 $4,176 58 $!l4O 20 36 $1,764 260 $1 0.542 3832 Note No. 1 -. Task 8 was com plated as addi tional services under the requirements of the original con!ract and was completed at a cost multiplier of 2.63 with no fixed fee lor profiL Note No.2 - Task 22 &. 23 are lor Bidding Conslrucbon Adminislra tion which are to be invoice at a 2.95 mulbplier IIOithOLrt filled 100. F:\DATA'09\M I 4:;1 1 O&.l)'man De-ek ?h.as.e Ii Budg-et $54 146.5 $8,929 $5,472 $4,472 $10,8B6 $5.173 $12,446 $4,399 $11,128 $14.088 $4,\23 96 88 203 94 236 n 214 279 74 125 $6,419 206 $10,123 $1,359 $3,139 25.5 55 1918 $102,156 71 $4.244 1524 $82,272 1595 $86,516 36 $1.905 92 $5,114 $1,999 $1,548 39 24 156 sa,661 128 $7.528 $206,766 $760 $15 $100 $115 $20 $20 $10 $130 $10 $110 $:lO $100 $20 $50 $10 $510 $110 $650 $20 $10 $2,357 $110 $80 $70 $120 $60 $10 $100 $50 $40 $20 $30 $20 $20 $100 $250. $560 $3,207 $16,800 $21 ,347 $3,350 $30 $2.010 $120 $\00 $2, 500 $150 $2.110 $2,500 $20 $:J() $30 $20 $3::1 $50 $30 $1.415 $650 $1,200 $3.557 $1 ,BOO $2,110 $2,870 $5 ,260 $70 $6,600 $120 $40 $130 $100 $80 $12.486 $5,472 $4,602 See Note 1 . $13,323 See Nola 2. $96.036 saa ,442 See Nota 2. $657 $552 $12,486 $6,129 $5,154 $12.304 $5.88.3 $2,000 $5 ,000 sa,800 $100 $110 $1,200 $2,800 $6,170 $4,000 $9.520 $10,986 $5,253 $14,566 $7,269 $16,388 $14.158 $10.923 $6,539 $10,163 $1,459 $3,249 $123,503 $7,594 $5.159 $2,149 $11.048 $18,356 $7.568 $247,4re $258 $1,326 $2,203 $16,667 $1,318 $630 $1,747 $672 $16,303 $6,\41 $18,355 $15,857 $12.234 $7,324 $\1,363 $\,634 $3,639 $1,967 $1,699 $1,311 $765 $1.22 $175 $390 $136.826 $7,594 $88,442 $96,036 $45 $150 $9,500 $9,500 $9,500 $9,695 $30.300 $40.642 $40 $619 $5.778 $2,407 $12,374 $20,559 $908 $8.476 $264.075 .sJlltol EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11.2001 Pre pared By: aint Lille Lyman Creek Reservoir Phase II Task 8 - Addi ti onal S ludy I Alternate I Estimate Phase Serv ices LABOR HOURS AND COSTS -- Proje<:t Senicr StaN Senior Two Man Support' TOTAL Lodging Supplies, Outside TOTAL Manaqer Professional Prolessional Technician Servev Crew Clericaf LABOR and Copies, ConsulU TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTlON Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total HIS @ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total I Total Travel Per Postage, Lab Equip EXPENSES AND $72 Cost $72 Cost $47 Cost $49 Cost $74 Cost $:27 Cost Hours Cost [)jem Etc. Rental EXPENSES Geotechnical I nyestigation 10 $720 1 $:27 11 $747 $2,357 $:2,357 $3,10<1 Spring Developm ent 2 $144 40 $2,880 16 $784 58 $3,806 $3,806 Radon Abatement 2 $144 14 $1.008 20 $940 8 $392 44 $:2,484 1200 $1.200 $3,684 Control Building Re placement 2 $144 10 $720 14 $658 7.5 $36S 33.5 $1,89C $1,890 TOTAL 6 $432 74 $5.328 34 $1,598 31.5 $1.544 1 $27 146.5 $8,929 $2,357 $1,200 $3,557 $12,486 EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11.2001 Prepared By: Clint Utie LABOR HOURS AND COSTS Lyman Creek Reservoir Phase Il Task 9 - Budget Management f Work Plan -- P roiecl Senior Stall Senior Two Man Support! TOTAl Lodging Supplies, Outside TOTAL Manaoer P rote ssional P rot essional T ochnician S erv ey Crew Clerical LABOR and Copies. Consult.! TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Total I Total Travel Per Postage, Lab Equip EXPENSES AND $72 Cost $72 Cost $47 Cost $4g Cost $74 Cost $27 Cost Hou rs Cost Diem Etc. Re ntal EXPENSES Budget Management 24 $1,728 24 $648 48 $2.376 $2,376 Worn Plan 24 $1,728 4 $106 28 $1.836 $1,836 Schedule Tracking 16 $1.152 4 $106 20 $1 ,260 $1,260 TOTAL 64 $4,608 32 $864 96 $5,472 $5,472 F:\D~T~\OO\MOa7lS7'Adrril1llyrran Cleek Phase II BWgel !.I11fOl EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11, 2001 P rapared By: CI i nt Li~ e LABOR HOURS AND COSTS Lyman Creek ReseNOir Phase II Task 10 - Concrete Panel Repair -" Project Senior Staff Senior T we Man Support/ TOTAL Lodging Supplies, Outside TOTAL Manaaer Professional Professional T echni cian Se rvey Crew Clerical LABOR and Copi es, CoosultJ TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs @ Total I Total Travel Per Postage, Lab Equip EXPENSES AND $72 C<lst $72 Olst $47 Cost $4g Olst $74 Cost $27 C<lst Hours Cost Diem Etc. Rental EXPENSES Materi al s rese arch 2 $144 16 $752 18 $896 $896 Concrete Repair Plan 2 $144 16 $752 16 $784 34 $1,680 $10 $50 $60 $1,740 Specifications 1 $72 8 $376 2 $54 11 $502 $20 $20 $522 Engineers Estimate 1 $72 8 $376 2 $98 11 $546 $546 OAIOC 6 $432 1 $27 7 $45g $20 $20 $479 Coorispondance 1 $72 1 $47 2 $54 4 $17 $10 $10 $183 P rei ect Manage me nt 3 $216 :3 $216 $10 $10 $20 $236 TOTAL 4 $288 12 $864 49 $2,303 18 $882 5 $135 88 $4,472 $20 $110 $130 $4,602 5Ilt!oj F,IQATAlO9IMt49t06'1-jman Creek Phase 118udget EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11.2001 Prepared By: Clint U~ e LABOR HOURS AND COSTS Lyman Creek Reservoir Pnase II Task 11 - Polyliner and Drain System .' Project Se nior Staff Senior TW<l Man Sup port! TOTAL Lodging Suppli es, Outside TOTAL Manaoer Professional Professional Technician Se rvey Crew Clerical LABOR and Capies. ConsulU TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs @ Total Hrs@ T atal Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Total I Total Travei Per Postage. Lab Equip EXPENSES AND 572 Cost $72 Cost $47 Cas! $49 Cost $74 Cast $27 Cost Hours Cost Diem Etc. Re ntal EXPENSES Materials re search 6 $432 24 $1.126 30 $1,560 51 ,560 Uner ! 0 raI n System Plan 12 $864 30 $1,410 40 $1,960 112 $4,234 $20 520 $4,254 Specifi cations 12 $664 18 $646 4 $106 34 $1,618 $20 $20 $1,838 Engineers Estimate 8 $576 18 $646 26 $1 ,422 $1,422 QAIQC 6 $576 1 527 9 5603 $20 $20 $623 Project M anagem ent 3 $216 1 $27 4 $243 $10 $10 $2C $263 QUAM for Cons!. 6 $576 8 $376 2 $54 16 $1.006 510 $10 $20 $1,026 TOTAL 3 $216 54 $3,686 98 $4,606 40 51,960 II $216 203 $10,886 $20 $60 $100 $10,986 F:\DATAI09\M149106\lyman Creek Phase II Budge' 5/11/01 EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11, 20.01 Prepared By: Clint Li ~ e LABOR HOURS AND COSTS Lyman Creek. Reservoir Phase II T as k.12 - Baffle System -" Project Senior Staff Senior Two Man S LJpportl TOTAL Lodg ing Supplies, Outside TOTAL Manaoer Professional Professional T edmician Servev Crew Cle rical LABOR and Cnpies, ConsultJ TOTAL LA80R DESCRIPTION Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Total I Total Travel Per Postage. lab Equip EXPENSES AND $72 Cost $72 Cnst $47 Cost $49 Cost $74 Cost $27 Cost Hou rs Cost Diem Etc. Re ntal EXPENSES Mate rial s research 2 $144 8 $376 10 $520 $10 $10 $530 Baffle System Plan 12 $864 16 $752 20 $980 48 $2,596 $10 $20 $30 $2,626 Specifications 8 $576 8 $376 2 $54 18 $1,006 $20 $20 $1,026 Engine e rs Estimate 2 $144 8 $376 10 $520 $520 QAIQC 4 $288 4 $288 $20 $20 $308 Project Management 3 $216 1 $27 4 $243 $243 TOTAL 3 $216 28 $2.016 40 $1,880 20 $980 3 $81 94 $5,173 $10 $70 $80 $5,253 F:\DA TA\09\M14B 10000yman Creek Pha..11 Budgel 5111101 EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11.2001 Prepared By: Clint UtJ e LABOR HOURS AND COSTS Lyman Creek Reservoir Phase II Task 13 - Precast Roof System Proj eet Senior Staff Senior Two Man S upportl TOTAL Lodging Supplies, Outside TOTAL Menaoer Prof ess;onal Pro!essioroal Technician Servev Crew Clerical LABOR and Copies. ConsultJ TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Tolal Hrs@ Total I Total Travel Per Postage, lab Equip EXPENSES AND $72 Cost $72 Cost $47 Cost $49 Cost $74 Cost $27 Cost Hou rs Cost Diem Etc. Rental EXPENSES Project Management 8 $576 4 $108 12 $684 $10 $10 $20 $704 Structural 0 esign $120 $120 $40 $280 $280 Roof Tea's 2.0 $144 6.0 $282 30.0 $1,470 38 $1,896 $1,896 Roof Sup port Beam s 2.0 $144 10.0 $470 10.0 $490 22 $1,104 $1,104 Co! umns 4.0 $288 12.0 $564 10.0 $490 26 $1,342 $1,342 Footings 4.0 $288 12.0 $564 24.0 $1,176 40 $2,028 $2,028 ~de Walls 12.0 $564 16.0 $784 28 $1,348 $1,348 Seismic 8.0 $576 24.0 $1,128 32 $1,704 $1 ,704 SI ructural Sp ecifrcations Concrete 8.0 $576 4.0 $108 12 $68~ $684 Steel 8.0 $576 4.0 $108 12 $664 $684 Coorispondance 4 $288 4 $108 8 $396 $10 $10 $406 Ventilation $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 ONOC 8 $576 8 $576 $576 TOTAL 12 $864 44 $3,168 76 $3,572 90 $4,410 16 $432 238 $12,446 $130 $120 $60 $1.800 $2,110 $14,556 F:\DATA\09\M1~9106\LYmal1 Creek Phase If Budget 5(1111)1 EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11, 2001 P repara<J By: Clint Litle LABOR HOURS AND COSTS Lyman Creek Reservoir Phase II Task 14 - Geotechnical Evaluation Project Senior Staff Senior Two Man Support' TOTAL Lodging Supplies, o utsiOe TOTAL Mananer Prole ssional Professional T echnici an S e rvev Crew Clencel LABOR and Copies. Consult! TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs @ Tolal Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total I Total Travel Per Postage. Lab Equip EXPENSES AND $72 Cost $72 Cost $47 Cost $49 Cost $74 Cost $27 Cost Ho urs Cost Diem Etc. Rental EXPENSES Reid WorK 16 $1.152 16 $752 32 $1,904 $10 $10 $2,000 $2,020 $3,92.4 Anaylsis 25 $1,800 10 $470 2 $54 37 $2,324 $850 $850 $3,174 P roj ect Managem ant 2 $144 1 $27 3 $171 $171 TOTAL 2 $144 41 $2,952 26 $1,222 3 $81 72 $4,399 $10 $10 $850 $2,000 $2,870 $7,269 F;\OATA\09\M!4S1OS\Lyman Cree. Phase II Budget 5111101 EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11,2001 Prepared By: Clint Utle LABOR HOURS AND COSTS Lyman Creek Reservoir Phase II Task 15 - Contro I Bu ild ing Proj ect Senior Staff Senior Two Man Sup portJ TOTAL Ladg ing S up plies. Outsid e TOTAL ManaQer Professional Professional T echnieian S ervev Crew Clencal LABOR and Copi e s, Consult.! TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ T ota! Hrs @ Total I Total Travel Per Postage, Lab Equip EXPENSES AND $72 Cost $72 Cost $47 Cost $4g Cost $74 Cost $27 Cost Hours Cost Diem Etc. Rental EXPENSES P,oj e<:t Management 8 $576 4 $108 12 $684 $10 $10 $20 $704 Structural De sign $100 $100 $20 $220 $220 Roof Framing 2.0 $144 4.0 $188 12.0 $588 18 $920 $920 Walls 2.0 $144 8.0 $376 12.0 $588 22 $1,108 $1,108 Structural Floor 2.0 $144 8.0 $376 12.0 $588 22 $1,108 $1,108 Footing I Foundation 4.0 $288 8.0 $376 16.0 $784 28 $1,448 $1,448 Details 4.0 $288 8.0 $376 16.0 $784 28 $1,448 $1,448 Seismic 4.0 $288 12.0 $564 16 $852 $652 Structural Sp e<:ifications $20 $20 $20 Mason ry 8.0 $576 4.0 $108 12 $684 $684 Wood 8.0 $576 4.0 $108 12 $684 $684 Building Layout 16 $752 12 $588 28 $1.340 $5 ,000 $5,000 $6,340 Architect Coordination 12 $564 12 $564 $564 QAlQC 4 $288 4 $288 $288 TOTAL 8 $576 38 $2.736 76 $3.572 80 $3,920 12 $324 214 $11,128 $110 $100 $50 $5.000 $5,260 $16,388 ElBA TA\OOIM1~106'l.yman Creek Phase II Budget 5'11101 EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11,2001 Prepared By: Clint Utle LABOR HOURS AND COSTS Lyman Creek Reservoir Phase II Task 16 - Outlet Vault I Building -' Project Senior Staff Senior Two Man SupportJ TOTAL Lodging Supplies, o ulside TOTAL Mana~er Prole ssional Professional Technician Servev Crew Clerical LABOR and Copies, Consult.! TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTiON Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs @ T olaJ Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total I Total Travel Per Postage. Lab Equip EXPENSES AND $72 Cost $72 Cost $47 Cost $4g Cost $74 Cost $27 Cost Hours Cost Diem Etc. Rental EXPENSES Project Management 8 $576 4 $108 12 $684 $10 $10 $20 $70<1 Structural Desi gn $20 $20 $40 $40 RooI Framing 1.0 $72 4.0 $188 12.0 $5Ba 17 $848 $848 Walls 1.0 $72 8.0 $376 12.0 $5Ba 21 $1,036 $1 ,036 Structu rei Floor 1.0 $72 8.0 $376 12.0 $5Ba 21 $1,036 $1 ,036 Footing I Foundatioo 2.0 $144 8.0 $376 16.0 $784 26 $1,304 $1 ,304 Details 4.0 $288 8.0 $376 16.0 $784 28 $1,448 $1 ,448 Seismic 4.0 $288 12.0 $564 16 $852 $8S2 Structu ral 5 p ecifications $10 $10 $10 Masonry 4.0 $288 4.0 $108 8 $396 $396 Wood 4.0 $288 4.0 $108 8 $396 $391 Sitework. G-Sheet 4 $188 4 $188 $18f Mechanical- Plan - M-Sheet 1 $72 10 $470 18 $882 29 $1,424 $1,42. Sections & Details - M-Sheel 1 $72 18 $846 18 $882 37 $1,800 $1 ,8()( Valve, Equi p. Spec 2 $144 16 $752 18 $896 $89E QAfOC 4 $288 4 $288 $28lJ BuildingNault Layout 2 $144 g $423 16 $784 27 $1,351 $1,351 Archil. Corrd. 3 $141 3 $141 $141 TOTAL 8 $576 31 $2.232 108 $5.076 120 $5, BBO 12 $324 279 $14,088 $30 $40 $70 $14,158 F,'.oATA\09IM'49'06IJ..yman Cleek Phase 118udgel 5111101 EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11,2001 Pre pared By: Clint UUe LABOR HOURS AND COSTS Lyman Creek Reservoir Phase II Task 17 - Cantrall Electrical! T elem elry System s P roj ecl Senior Staff Senior Two Man S upportl TOTAL lodging Supplies, Outside TOTAL Manaae r P rafessional Prolessional Technician SeNey Crew Clerical LABOR and Copies, ConsulU TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total I Total Travel Per Postage, Lab Equip EXPENSES AND $72 Cost $72 Cost $47 Cost $4g Cost $74 Cost $27 Cost Hours Cost Diem Etc. Rental EXPENSES P rajeet Manage ment 8 $576 4 $108 12 $664 $684 Conlrol Building $5,000 $5.000 $5,000 Oull e t Building $1,600 $1,800 $1,800 Pump Controls 9 $646 16 $752 25 $1 ,400 $1,400 Moniloring Equipment 9 $646 16 $752 25 $1 ,400 $1,400 Telemetry 2 $144 3 $141 5 $285 $285 Oull et Building Coord, 1 $72 6 $282 7 $354 $354 TOTAL 8 $576 21 $1,512 41 $1,927 4 $106 74 $4,123 $6,800 $6,800 $10,923 F:\DATA\09Wl491(}6'tyman Creek Phase II Budget Sit tllJ1 EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11.2001 Prepared By: Clint U ~ e LABOR HOURS AND COSTS Lyman Creek Reservoir Phase II Task 18 - Pipe Works Project Senior Staff Senior Two Man SUjlport/ TOTAL lodging 5 uppli es, Outside TOTAL ManaQer Professional Prof essionai Technician Se rvev Crew Cle tical LABOR and Copies, Cons ultJ TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs@ Tolal Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Tolal Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs @ Total I Total Travel Per Postage, lab Equip EXPENSES AND $72 Cost $72 Cost $47 Cost $49 Cost $74 Cost $27 Cost Hours Cost Diem Elc. Rental EXPENSES Proj eet M anagem ent 6 $432 2 $54 8 $486 S486 Sile Plan - G-Sheel 1 $72 8 $376 10 $490 19 $938 $100 $20 $120 $1 ,058 Gen Detall s - Gen-Sheet 1 $72 10 $470 16 $784 27 $1.326 $1 ,326 Mechanical - M-Sheal 10 $720 16 $752 16 $784 42 $2.256 $2 ,256 Pi pingNalves/Fittings - Specs 27 $1,269 27 $1.269 $1 ,269 QAtQC 2 $144 2 $144 $144 TOTAL 6 $432 14 $1,008 61 $2,867 42 $2,058 2 $54 125 $6,419 $100 $20 $120 $6,539 F~\OA TAI09IM14S106'~yman Cree. Phase 11 Budge' 5/11/{)' EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11. 2001 Prepare<:! By: Clint Utle LABOR HOURS AND COSTS Lyman Creek Reservoir Phase 11 Task 19 - Chlorine I Flooride Project Senior Staff Seni or Two Man Support! TOTAL Lodging Supplies. Outside TOTAL Manage r Professional Professional Technician Se rvev Crew CJerical LABOR and Copie s, Consu III TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs @ TolaJ Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ TolaJ Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total I Total Travel Per Postage , Lab Equip EXPENSES AND $72 Cost $72 Cos! $47 Cost $49 Cost $74 Cost $27 Cost Hou rs Cost Diem Etc. Re ntal EXPENSES Project Management 8 $576 2 $54 10 $630 $10 $10 $20 $650 S;_orklPi ping G-Shee! 1 $72 10 $470 18 $882 29 $1,424 $10 $10 $20 $1,444 Interior Chlorine Schematic M-Sheet 1 $72 18 $846 5 $245 24 $1,16: $1,163 Interior Fluoride Schematic. M-Sheet 1 $72 18 $846 5 $245 24 $1.163 $1,163 Interior Piping Plan M.Sheet 1 $72 18 $846 18 $882 37 $1.800 $1,80< Sections/Delalls G ENlM sheet 1 $72 18 $848 10 $490 29 $1.408 Sl.408 Chlorine System ReserclVSpec 24 $1,128 5 $135 29 $1,263 $1,263 Fluoride System ResearclVSpec 24 $1.128 24 $1,128 $1,128 QAfQC 2 $144 2 $144 S144 TOTAL 8 $576 7 $504 130 $8,110 5B $2,744 7 Sl89 208 $10,123 $20 $20 $40 $10,163 EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11.2001 Prepared By: aint U!Ie LABOR HOURS AND COSTS ,. Lyman Creek Reservoir Phau II Task 20 - City I Stale Review Proie<:t Sen", r Staff Senior Two Man Support! TOTAL Lodgirlg Supplies. Outside TOTAL Man.aQer Professional Prote ss; anal T echnrcian Se rvev Crew Clerical LABOR and Cop; es, ConsulU TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total I Total Travel Per Postage, Lab Equip EXPENSES AND $72 Cost $72 Cost $47 Cost $49 Cost 574 Cost 527 Cost Hours Cost Diem Etc. Rental EXPENSES Project Management 4 $288 1 527 5 $315 550 $30 520 $100 $415 Response 10 City & Slate Review Commen~ 2.5 $180 9 $423 9 $441 20.5 $1.044 $1,044 TOTAL 4 5288 2.5 5180 9 $423 9 $441 1 $27 25.5 $1,359 $50 $30 $20 $100 $1,459 EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11.2001 Prepared By, Clinl U~e LABOR HOURS AND COSTS Lyman Creek Reservoir Phase II Task 21 - Fina lize Pia ns -- P rojecl Senior Staff Senior Two Man Supportl TOTAL Lodgi ng Supplies. Outside TOTAL Manager Professional Professional Technician Se rvey Crew ae rica! LABOR and Copies, ConsulU TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs @ ToIal Hrs @ TolaJ Hrs@ TolaI Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs (I Total I TotaJ T rav~ Per Postage, lab Equip EXPENSES AND $72 Cosl $72 Cost $47 Cost $49 Cost $74 Cost $27 Cost Hou rs Cost D;em Etc. RentaJ EXPENSES Project Management 4 $2BB 1 $27 5 $315 $10 $10 $20 $335 Concrete Panel Repair 1 $72 2 $94 3 $166 $10 $10 $176 Polyliner and Drain Sysle m 1 $72 2 $94 3 $166 $10 $10 $176 Baffle System 1 $72 2 $94 3 $166 $10 $10 $176 Precast Rool System 1 $72 4 $lBB S $200 $10 $10 $270 Cont... Building 1 $72 2 $94 3 $147 6 $313 $10 $IC $323 Outlet Vault I Building 1 $72 2 $94 3 $147 6 $313 $10 $10 $323 Control I Electrical I Telemetry Syste m 2 $144 2 $94 4 $238 $10 $10 $248 Pipe Wor1<s 1 $72 2 $94 3 $147 6 $313 $10 $10 $323 Chlorine I Rou ride 1 $72 2 $94 3 $147 6 $313 $10 $10 $323 QA/OC 8 $576 8 $576 $576 TOTAL 4 $288 18 $1,296 20 $940 12 $588 1 $27 55 $3,139 $10 $100 $110 $3,249 EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11. 2001 Prepared By: Clint LftIe LABOR HOURS AND COSTS l yman Creek Reservoir Pha$<! 11 Task 22 - Proie<:1 Bid din9 P reject Senior Staff Senior Two Man Sup!>Ort/ TOTAL Lodging Supplies, Outside TOTAL Manager P roless;onal ProFe ssi onaI T echni cian Se rvey Crew C1eli caI LABOR and Copies, ConsulU TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs@ ToIal Hrs @ Total Hrs@ ToIal Hrs @ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Totel I Total Trayel Per Postage, Lab Equip EXPENSES AND $81 Cost $81 Cost $53 Cost $55 Cost $83 Cost $30 Cost fiou rs Cost Diem Etc. Rental EXPENSES Bid Questions 5 $405 4 $212 1 $30 10 $647 $647 Addendums 2 $162 10 $530 8 $440 4 $120 24 $1,252 $1,252 Pre-Bid Conle rence 2 5162 5 $405 5 $265 12 $832 $100 $30 $500 $630 $1,462 Bid Tabs 1 $81 2 $106 3 $187 $187 Prin~ng 2 $106 2 $60 4 $166 $2,000 $2.000 $2,166 Structural Questions 5 $405 3 $159 a $564 $564 Review Contractor Qual ilicati ons 2 $162 4 $212 1 $30 7 $404 $404 Projecl Management 2 $162 1 $30 3 $192 $10 $10 $20 $212 HVAC $700 $700 $700 TOTAL 4 $324 20 $1,620 30 $1,590 a $440 9 $270 71 $4,244 $110 $30 $2,010 $1,200 $3,350 $7,594 EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC, May 11, 2001 Prepared By: Oint Litle LABOR HOURS AND COSTS Lyman Creek Reservoir Phase II Task 23 - ConstnJction Ad ministration I Ma ten al Testing Project Senior Staff Senior Two Man SupporV TOTAL Lodging Suppl ies, Outsjde TOTAL Manaoer Pro!essional Professional T ecI1nicean SelVev Crew Cle rical LABOR and Copies, ConsultJ TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs@ TOlal Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total I Total Travel Per Postage , Lab Equip EXPENSES AND $81 Cost $81 Cost $53 Cost $55 Cost $83 Cost $30 Cost Hours Cost Diem Etc. Rental EXPENSES Project Managem ent 80 $6.480 100 $3,000 180 $9,480 $9.480 Submittals Pro;ect Rap resena~ve 80 $6 ,480 104 $5,512 1040 $57,200 100 $3,000 1324 $72,192 $6SO $120 $100 $500 $1,370 $73,562 Oerical Mate rial T. sti ng 20 $600 20 $600 $2.500 $2.500 $3,100 HVAC Submittal $800 $800 $800 HV AC Const Review $1 ,so:: $1,500 $1.500 TOTAL 80 $6,480 80 $6,480 104 $5,512 1040 $57,200 220 $6,600 1524 $82,272 $650 $120 $100 $2,500 $2,800 $6,170 $88,442 EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11, 2001 Prepared By: Clint li~e Lyman Creek Reservoir Pha... II Task 24 - Embankment Repair LABOR HOURS AND COSTS Project Senior Staff Senior Two Man Support! TOTAL Lodging Suppl ie s. Outside TOTAL Manaae r Professional Professi anal Technician Servev Crew Clerical LABOR and Copies, ConsulU TOTAL LABOR D ESCR I PTla N Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total I Total Travel Pilr Postage, Lab Equip EXPENSES AND $72 Cost $72 Cost $47 Cosl $49 Cost $74 Cost $'27 Cost Hours Cost Diem Etc. Rental EXPENSES Project Manage m ent 2 $144 2 $54 4 $198 $10 $10 $20 $218 Preliminary Plan 4 $28S 8 $376 12 SS8S 24 $1,252 $10 $10 $20 $1,272 Owne r Review 1 $72 1 $47 2 $119 $119 Final Desi gn 1 $72 2 $94 2 $98 5 $264 $264 Assllme s construction du ring cover project QA/OC 1 $72 1 $72 $72 TOTAL 2 $144 7 $504 11 $517 14 $686 2 $54 36 $1 ,905 $20 $20 $40 $1 ,945 EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11 , 2001 Prepared By: a inl Li~e Lyman Creek Reservoir Pha sa II Task 25 - PRV Calabration LABOR HOURS AND COSTS Project Senior Slaff Senior Two Man Support! TOTAL Lodgi ng Supplies, Oulside TOTAL Manaoer ProFessional P rote ssional Technician Se rvev Crew Clerical LABOR and Copies. CoosulU TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total I Total Travel Per Postage. Lab Equip EXPENSES AND $72 Cost $72 CosI $47 CosI $49 Cost $74 CosI $27 CosI Hours CosI Diem Elc. Rental EXPENSES Ve rticaJ Su rvey 1 $72 4 $188 20 $1,480 25 $1.74C $15 $10 $25 $1,765 Wale r Modeli ng 1 $72 8 $576 24 $1.128 33 $1,776 $1,776 Tech. Memo. 2 $144 2 $144 16 $752 8 $216 28 $1.256 $10 $10 $1,266 P raje cl Manageme n l 2 $144 2 $54 4 $HlS $196 OAIQC 2 $144 2 $144 $10 $10 $154 TOTAL 6 $432- 12 $864 44 $2,068 20 $1,4llO 10 $270 92 $5,114 $15 $30 $4S $S,159 EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11,2001 Prepared By: Clint Litle Lyman Creel< Reservoir Phase II Task 26 - Pump Replacement LABOR HOURS AND COSTS Project Senior Statt Senior Two Man Support! TOTAL Lodging Supplies, Outside TOTAL Manaoer Professional Professional T <>ehnician Se rvev Crew aencal LABOR end Copies, ConsulU TOTAl LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total Hour.; I Tolal Travel Per Postage. Lab Equip EXPENSES AND $72 Cost $72 Cost $47 Cost $49 Cost $74 Cost $27 Cost Cost Diem Etc. Rental EXPENSES Pum P Replacement 4 $2BS 8 $.376 8 $392 2 $54 22 $1.11C $100 $30 $10 $140 $1 ,250 SpecJ fications 2 $144 8 $376 2 $54 12 $574 $574 Project Managemenl 2 $144 1 $27 3 $171 $171 QAlQC 2 $144 2 $144 $10 $10 $154 TOTAL 2 $144 8 $576 16 $752 8 $392 5 $135 39 $1,999 $100 $30 $20 $150 $2,149 EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11.2001 Prepared By: Oint Utle Lyman Creek Reservoir Phas.o II Task 27 - Control I Electrical I Telemetry S yslems LABOR HOURS AND COSTS .. ProjEl<:t Senior Staff Senior TWD Man Support! TOTAl Lodging Supplies, Outside TOTAL Manao. r Professional Profe ..ional Technician Sa lVev Crew Clerical LABOR and Copies, ConsuiU TOTAL LABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs @ Total Hrs@ Totai Hrs@ TotaJ Hrs@ Total Hrs @ Total Hrs @ Total I Total Travel Per Postage, lab Equip EXPENSES AND $72 Cost $72 Cost $47 Cost $49 Cost $74 Cost $27 Cost Hours Cost Diem Etc. Rental EXPENSES Project Managem ent 20 $1,440 4 SlOB 24 Sl,548 $1,548 Control I EI ectricaJ I Telemetry $9,500 $9 ,500 $9,SOC TOTAL 20 $1,440 4 $1OB 24 $1,548 $9,500 $9,500 $11,048 EXHIBIT E HKM ENGINEERING, INC. May 11. 2001 Prepared By: Oint LJUe Lyman C<eek Reservoir Phase II Task 28 -Automated Guagi r>g SIa ti on LABOR HOURS AND COSTS .. Proiaet Senior Staff Senior Two Man Support! TOTAL Lodging Supplies, Outside TOTAL Manager P rofessiooaJ Professional Technician Se Nev Crew Oencal LABOR and C<lpie s. ConsultJ TOTAL lABOR DESCRIPTION Hrs@ Tolal H",@ Total H",@ Total Hrs@ Total H",@ Total H",@ Total I TotaJ Travel Per Poslage, Lab Equip EXPENSES AND $72 C<lst $72 C<lst $47 Cost $49 C<lst $74 Cost $27 Cost Hours C<lst [)jem Ere. Rental EXPENSES Mele rials research 8 $576 8 $576 $10 $10 $2C $596 Slonn Wale r Modeling a $376 a $376 $376 Auto. Guage Plan 12 $864 20 $980 32 $1,844 $1,844 Specifications 8 $576 8 $392 4 $108 20 $1.076 $1,076 EngIl\&&rs Estimale 4 $288 a $376 12 $664 $664 Coorispondance 2 $54 2 $54 $54 Pe nnitting 20 $1 ,440 20 $1 ,440 $1,440 Project Management 4 $288 2 $54 6 $.'342 $10 $10 $352 QAfOC 2 $144 2 $144 $10 $10 $154 PRY Vault COIIers 2 $144 4 $288 4 $188 8 $392 18 $1,012 $1,aU TOTAL 6 $432 58 $4,176 20 $940 36 $1,764 8 $216 128 $7,528 $10 $30 $40 $7,568 .... . ' , . " EXlllBIT F TO ADDENDUM NO.1 TO AGREElVIENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES A DETAILED SCOPE OF SERVICES This Exhibit is attached to, made a part of and incorporated by reference with the Agreement made on June 5, 2000, between CITY OF BOZEMAN (OWNER) and HKM Engineering (ENGINEER) (formerly MSE-HKM Engineering) providing for professional engineering services. 1.1 Lyman Creek Reservoir Improvements Project The CONSULTANT will complete the outlined scope of work required for the preparation of plans, specifications, project manual, engineering studies, estimates of probable construction cost for the CITY OF BOZEMAN LYMAN CREEK RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. The Lyman Creek Reservoir project shall include twenty (21) basic tasks for improvement of the reservoir, booster station, and spring collection gallery: Task 8 - Additional Study / Alternate / Estimate Phase Services Purpose: The following additional services were provided during the Study Phase of the project (Tasks 1 - 7). Geotechnical Investigation To save mobilization costs of the drilling equipment, drilling and testing beyond the original scope of services was completed in anticipation of the required foundation design that will be needed for the design of the rigid cover. No additional geotechnical fieldwork with the exception of coring the reservoir floor slab will be needed for the foundation design. Spring Development Additional study, preliminary design, and estimates for a Spring Guageing Station was completed beyond the original scope of service. " ~, . ' 05/11/01 Radon Abatement Radon abatement within the Spring water was not anticipated within the original scope of services. Additional study, preliminary design and estimates were completed to address and mitigate radon gas abatement. Control Building Replacement Replacement of the existing Control Building at the Reservoir site was not anticipated within the original scope of services. Additional study, preliminary design and estimates were completed to address the replacement of the Control Building and Outlet Building. Task 9 ~~ Budget Management / Work Plan Purpose: The task is for budget management, preparation, and up dating of the project work plan and scheduling throughout the duration of the project. Procedure: Utilizing Microsoft Project and BFD accounting software, a project budget, work plan and schedule will be developed for the management of the project. These three items will be up dated on a monthly basis to track the status of the project. Products: In conjunction with the monthly invoice to the City, HKM will submit an up dated project budget, work plan, and project schedule. Task 10 -- Concrete Panel Repair Purpose: This task is for the preparation of a plan for the repair of the existing concrete panels within the reservoir basin. The majority of the existing concrete panels are approximately 90 years old and have developed panel and joint cracks that require repair prior to the installation of a liner to seal the reservoir. The primary purpose of the repair is to provide a consistent, smooth surface that will provide adequate backing to the liner and not puncture or over stress the liner. Procedure: Based on the preliminary research completed under Technical Memorandum No.2 for the repair of the concrete panels, and a design development meeting with the Owner, additional product and repair methodology research will be conducted for the selection of the final repair approach. A preliminary plan, specifications, and engineers estimate will then be prepared for \\Sorver\ProjectslDlv, Q4\4M229, 135\Lyman Mast... Oe.lgn Scope 4-17'()1,doc 2 05111101 @ 11:52AM 05/11/01 submittal to the Owner and review jurisdictions. Based on the Owner and the review jurisdiction comments a final plan, specifications, and engineers estimate will be prepared. Products: preliminary and final plans, specifications, and engineers estimates will be prepared for Owner review and subsequent inclusion in the bid documents. Task 11- Poly~Iiner and Drain System Purpose: This task is for the preparation of a plan for the installation of an under-drain and basin liner system for the sealing of the existing concrete reservoir basin. The existing basin leaks at an estimated rate of 250 - 300 GPM. The liner system will seal the reservoir eliminating the leakage. The under-drain is intended to provide groundwater drainage between the liner and the existing concrete panel so that when the reservoir is drained the liner will not float potentially damaging the liner. Procedure: Based on the preliminary research completed under Technical Memorandum No.2 for the sealing of the concrete panels, and a design development meeting with the Owner, additional drainage and liner product research will be conducted for the selection of the final under-drain and liner system. A preliminary plan, specifications, and engineers estimate will then be prepared for submittal to the Owner and review jurisdictions. Based on the Owner and the review jurisdiction comments a final plan, specifications, and engineers estimate will be prepared. Products: preliminary and final plans, specifications, and engineers estimates will be prepared for Owner review and subsequent inclusion in the bid documents. Task 12 -- Baffle System Purpose: This task is for the preparation of a plan for the installation of a passive baffling system installed within the reservoir. The purpose of the baffling system is to minimize short circuit flow between the inlet to the outlet of the reservoir which will enhance chorine contact time and reduce stagnate areas with the reservoir. Procedure: Based on the preliminary research completed under Technical Memorandum No.2 for a baffling system, and a design development meeting with the Owner, additional product and flow analysis will be conducted for the selection of the final baffle system materials and configuration. A preliminary plan, specifications, and engineers estimate will then be prepared for submittal to the l\ServerlProjectslDlv. 04\4M229.135\Lymen Master Design Scope 4-17.Ql.doc 3 05111,\)1 @ 11:52AM I ~ 05/11/01 Owner and review jurisdictions. Based on the Owner and the review jurisdiction comments a final plan, specifications, and engineers estimate will be prepared. Products: preliminary and final plans, specifications, and engineers estimates will be prepared for Owner review and subsequent inclusion in the bid documents. Task 13 -- Precast Roof System Purpose: This task is for the preparation of a plan for the installation of a pre-cast concrete roof system over the existing reservoir. The pre-cast cover will provide a long term, low maintenance means of covering the reservoir. The cover will isolate the reservoir from environmental factors, ducks, geese, and small rodents that could potentially degrade the water quality of the reservoir. The cover will also provide a controlled climate that will enhance the life expectancy of the proposed liner and baffle, treat for radon gas, and minimize algae growth within the reservoir. Procedure: Based on the preliminary research completed under Technical Memorandum No.2 for a pre-cast roofing system, and a design development meeting with the Owner, additional material and product research will be conducted for the selection of the tinal cover configuration. HKM will then proceed with the structural and HV AC (Con'eer Engineering) design of the cover preparing preliminary plans, specifications, and engineers estimates for submittal to the Owner and review jurisdictions. Specific tasks include the following items: Structural: Design a cast-in-place concrete wall and footing system around the perimeter of the reservoir and design a coluIIUl and beam system for the interior of the reservoir to support a new precast double tee roof system. The precast tees will be fastened together to provide a horizontal diaphragm to resist seismic and wind loads. HV AC: This task is for the preparation of plans for the installation of a space ventilation system to control the space humidity and remove radon from the water. The humidity level will be controlled below 80%. The space will be ventilated with drier outside air thereby reducing the humidity within the building. During the ventilation process the space will be maintained at a negative pressure versus the atmospheric pressure to draw outside air into the building. This lower pressure will cause any radon contained with in the water to escape into the air within the building, which will then be vented to atmosphere as part of the humidity control system. l\SelVellProjaclslOlv. 04\4M229.135\Lyman Mastar Design Scope 4-17-01 .doc 4 05/11,Ql @ 11 ;52 AM 05/11101 Based on the Owner and the review jurisdiction comments a final plan, specitIcations, and engineers estimate will be prepared. Products: preliminary and final plans, specifications and engineers estimates will be prepared for Owner review and subsequent inclusion in the bid documents. Task 14 ~~ Geotechnical Evaluation Purpose: This task is for the completion of additional geotechnical evaluation for the foundation design associated with a pre-cast concrete cover. The combined effects of the concrete cover loading and zone 3 seismic requirements will generate substantial foundation loads. The majority of the field work (drilling, test pits) and soil samples for the geotechnical evaluation were completed under Technical Memorandum No.3 with the exception of the soil testing directly beneath the reservoir. It was not- practical to test the soil conditions directly beneath the reservoir during the initial testing, because it would have required coring of the floor stabs of the reservoir that could have further compromised the seal of the reservoir. The soil conditions beneath the reservoir are of considerable importance with the support column system proposed with a pre-cast roof system. Procedure: This shall be a two step task. Prior to starting the structural design of the cover a geotechnical report will be prepared based on the drilling and soil samples taken during the completion of Technical Memorandum No.3. The report will focus on column and perimeter footing loading and soil compression requirements. Step2 will be completed when the reservoir is drained in anticipation of the bidding and construction of the reservoir improvements and to facilitate the de-watering of the surrounding soils. With the reservoir drained the floor slabs should be cored at future column locations and soil samples be taken for strength and compression property testing. Based on these soil tests the foundation assumptions will be verified and the column footing designs modified if needed. Products: A Geotechnical Report will be prepared documenting soil conditions and recommended soil loading. The report will be utilized for design and bidding purposes. Task 15 -~ Control Building \\Serv<lllProjaclslOiv. 04\4M22!J.135\Lyman Mast", Design Scope 4-17..Q1.doc 5 05/1111)1 @ 11:52AM 05/11/01 , , Purpose: This task is for the preparation of a plan for the demolition and reconstruction of a control building at the Lyman Creek Reservoir site. The existing control building is in poor condition and is undersized for the proposed electrical control, chlorination, fluoride, and telemetry equipment proposed for the facility. Procedure: Based on the preliminary research completed under Technical Memorandum No.2 for a replacement control building, and a design development meeting with the Owner, a preliminary architectural plan (Place Architecture), specifications, and engineers estimate will then be prepared for submittal to the Owner and review jurisdictions. Based on the Owners and the review jurisdiction comments a final plan, specification and engineers estimate will be prepared. This task is for the design of a building only. Subsequent tasks address the electrical and mechanical equipment and systems contained within the building. HKM will submit plans and specifications to the City Building Department to obtain building permit. Owner will pay for the cost of this permit. Products: preliminary and final plans, specifications, and engineers estimates will be prepared for Owner review and subsequent inclusion in the bid documents. Task 16 -- Outlet Vault / Building Purpose: This task is for the preparation of a plan for the installation of a vault or building at the outlet from the reservoir. The vault / building will monitor chorine residual at the outlet from the reservoir and inject additional liquid chlorine into the line if residual levels fall below standard. Procedure: Based on the preliminary research completed under Technical Memorandum No.2 for an outlet vault or building, and a design development meeting with the Owner, a preliminary plan, specifications, and engineers estimate will then be prepared for submittal to the Owner and review jurisdictions. Based on the Owners and the review jurisdiction comments a final plan, specifications, and engineers estimate will be prepared. This task is for the design of a building or vault only. Subsequent tasks address the electrical and mechanical equipment and systems contained within the building. If necessary for the structure selected, HKM will submit plans and specifications to the City Building Department to obtain the building permit. Owner will pay for the cost of this permit. \\ServorlProjects\Dlv. 04\4M229. , 35llymen Master Design Scope 4-' HI' .doc 6 05/"101 @ 11;52AM , , 05/11/01 Products: preliminary and final plans, specifications and engineers estimates will be prepared for Owner review and subsequent inclusion in the bid documents. Step 17 -- Control/Electrical/Telemetry Systems Purpose: This task is for the preparation of plans for the installation of control, electrical, and telemetry systems within the proposed control building and outlet vault. The existing control systems at the reservoir are in poor condition and out of date, with replacement parts difficult to find and expensive to purchase. In addition, the reservoir currently does not have telemetry systems that would allow the operation of the facility remotely from the Water Treatment Plant or City Shops. Procedure: Based upon the preliminary plan developed under Technical Memorandum NO.2 for the instrumentation and control system, preliminary plans, specifications, and engineers estimate will be prepared for submittal to the Owner and review jurisdictions. At least one design development meeting with the Owner will be required to refine the control and interface parameters of the system. Based upon Owner and review jurisdiction comments, final plans, specifications and engineer's estimate will be prepared. Specific tasks include the following items: Electrical: Create wiring and equipment plans for new control building electrical service and control system wiring. Design emergency backup power system and lightning protection system. PLC Control/SCADA: Create detailed specifications defining the control sequences and control parameters to be implemented by the PLC controller. Create specification for PLC equipment and required auxiliary control devices. Define and specify the HMI interfaces required for operator control and to implement the SCADA features outlined in Technical Memorandum No. 2. Telemetry: Detailed specification for radio telemetry system as required to implement the desired SCADA features. Products: preliminary and final plans, specifications and engineers estimates will be prepared for Owner review and subsequent inclusion in the bid documents. l\ServerlProjeclSlOiv. 04\4M229.135\LymOll MlISter Design Scope <1-17-1l1.doo 7 06/11101 @ 11:52AM " 05/11/01 Task 18 .. Pipe Works Purpose: This task is for the preparation of a plan for the demolition and reconstruction of the pipe works connecting the proposed control building with the transmission main from the collection gallery and the reservoir inlet. Procedure: Based upon design development meetings with the Owner and the preliminary plan developed under Technical Memorandum No.2 for modifications to the reservoir inlet piping, preliminary plans, specifications and engineers estimate will be prepared for submittal to the Owner and review jurisdictions. Based upon Owner and review jurisdiction comments, final plans, specifications and engineer's estimate will be prepared. Depending on the expected accuracy of the as-built drawings, it may be cost effective for the Owner to field locate the relevant pipelines prior to finalizing the plans and specifications. Products: preliminary and final plans, specifications, and engineers estimates will be prepared for Owner review and subsequent inclusion in the bid documents. Task 19 -- Chlorine / Fluoride Purpose: This task is for the preparation of a plan for the installation of liquid chorine and fluoride injection system within the proposed control building. The existing chorine system is a gas system, which presents health risks to the operators and should be replaced with a significantly safer liquid chorine injection system. Procedure: Based upon design development meetings with the Owner and the preliminary plan developed under Technical Memorandum NO.2 for modifications to the chemical feed systems, preliminary plans, specifications, and an engineers estimate will be prepared and submitted to the Owner and review jurisdictions. Based upon Owner and review jurisdiction comments, final plans, specifications and engineer's estimate will be prepared. Products: preliminary and final plans, specifications and engineers estimates will be prepared for Owner review and subsequent inclusion in the bid documents. Task 20 ~~ City / State Review \\ServerlProjactslDlv. 04\4M229.135\Lyman Master Design Scope 4-17.01.doc 8 05/'1101 @ '1:52AM .' 05111/01 Purpose: This task is for the effort for the coordination, meetings, e-mails, and telephone calls associated with the submittal and jurisdictional review of the project. Procedure: The preliminary plan set and specifications for the project will be initially submitted to the Owner for review. Upon Owner direction the plans and specifications will be submitted to MDEQ for review. Products: NA Task 21 -~ Finalize Plans Purpose: This task is for the preparation of final plans, specifications, and bid documents based on Owner and MDEQ review. Procedure: Upon receipt of review comments from the Owner and MDEQ the preliminary plans and specifications will be revised based on said comments and resubmitted for final approval. Products: Contractor ready final plans, specifications and bid documents. Task 22 - Project Bidding Purpose: This task is for the effort to assist the Owner in the bidding of the project. Procedure: HKM Engineering will provide (print) final plans, specifications and bid documents to regional plan rooms (4 maximum) and contractors upon request and receipt of a non-refundable plan deposit. HKM will maintain a plan holders list, address contractor questions, conduct a pre~bid meeting, and prepare plan addendum as required. Upon the bidding the project HKM will review the bids for completeness and accuracy, prepare bid tabulation and report to the Owner on which contract is the apparent lowest responsive bidder. Verification of contractor qualifications and bid advertising costs are not covered by the task. Products: Printing of final plans, specifications and bid documents. Preparation of addendum(s), bid tabulation and report to Owner on apparent lowest responsible bidder. \\Server\ProjectslOiv. 04\4M229.135\Lymen Mester Design Scope 4-17.0' .doc 9 05/11101 @ 11:52AM 05/11/01 Task 23 - Construction Administration / Material Testing Purpose: This task provides contract administration of the construction contract, inspection during construction activities, and material testing services during constluction for Lyman Creek Reservoir (excludes Booster Station and Collection gallery). Procedure: HKM will provide a full time Resident Project Representative (RPR) for the duration of the construction contract for Lyman Creek Reservoir (excluding Booster Station and Collection Gallery). The RPR is responsible for contract administration, observing the progress of construction, documenting construction activities, and observing the work to determine to the greatest extent possible that the work conforms with the Contract Documents. HKM will also conduct a substantial completion inspection and final inspection to determine if the Contractor has met the requirements of the Contract Documents. Products: HKM will conduct field reviews and approvals, conduct tests, monitor the construction progress and quality of the work, provide written documentation of activities and observations, anticipate and resolve problems that may threaten the success of the project, and reject substandard work, materials or equipment. Copies of daily and weekly reports will be provided to the Owner. HKM will review schedules, shop drawings and samples, progress payment requests, certificates, and maintenance and operations manuals. HKM will serve as the liaison between Contractor and Owner. HKM will maintain at the job site orderly files for correspondence, reports of job conferences, shop drawings and samples, reproduction of original Contract Documents including all work directive changes, addenda, change orders, field orders, additional drawings issued subsequent to the execution of the Contract, Engineer's clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents, progress reports, photos, and other project related documents. Lvman Creek Reservoir Embankment Stabilitv Task 24 -- Embankment Repair Purpose: This task is for the preparation of a plan for stabilizing the earthen embankment at the southwest end of the reservoir. The embankment has experience surface sloughing over recent years due to inadequate storm water drainage and is in need of stabilization and repair. Procedure: Based upon design development meetings with the Owner and the preliminary plan developed under Technical Memorandum No.3 for the repair of the embankment, preliminary \'ServerIProjectslDlv, 04\4M229_135\Lyman MlL'lter Design Scope 4-17-01_doo 10 05111,Ql @ 11:52 AM 05/11/01 plans, specifications and an engineers estimate will be prepared and submitted to the Owner and review jurisdictions. Based upon Owner and review jurisdiction comments, final plans, specifications, and engineer's estimate will be prepared. Products: preliminary and final plans, specifications and engineers estimates will be prepared for Owner review and subsequent inclusion in the bid documents. Booster Station Task 25 .~ PRY Calibration Purpose: This task is for the calibration of the pressure reducing valves (PRV) interconnecting the north, south and northwest pressure zones within the Bozeman Water System. Based on the research and computer modeling completed for the preparation of Technical Memorandum NO.6 the pressure settings of the PR V's are out of calibration causing unbalanced flow between the pressure zones. To maximize the utilization of the Lyman Creek Reservoir it is critical that the PRY's be properly calibrated to maximize flow from the reservoir. Procedure: A comprehensive vertical (elevation) survey will be conducted to determine the elevation of all PRY's connecting the north, south, and northwest pressure zones. Concurrent with elevation survey PRY vaults will be as~built recording pipe and valve configuration, PRY model and current pressure settings. Based on this survey the computer model of Bozeman Water system will be up~dated and computer scenarios ran to determine the most efficient PRY setting to maximize utilization of Lyman Creek Reservoir. Products: A Technical Memorandum will be prepared reporting survey and computer modeling results. The memo will also provide recommended PRY settings. Task 26 -~ Pump Replacement Purpose: This task is for the preparation of a plan for the replacement of the damaged pump at the Booster Station. The damaged pump has a broken pump casing and is inoperable. For the utilization of the Booster Station to pump water from the North Pressure Zone to the South Zone the \\ServerlProjectslDiv. 04\4M229. 1 35\Lyman Mast... Design Scope 4-17.01.doc 11 05/11101 @ 11:52 AM 05/11/01 pump will need to be replaced. Procedure: The Booster Station pipe works and pumps will be as built and a preliminary plan, specifications, and engineers estimate will then be prepared for submittal to the Owner and review jurisdictions. Based on the Owners and the review jurisdiction comments a final plan, specification and engineers estimate will be prepared. Products: preliminary and final plans, specifications and engineers estimates will be prepared for Owner review and subsequent inclusion in the bid documents. Task 27 -- Control/Electrical/Telemetry Systems Purpose: This task is for the preparation of plans for the removal and re~installation of control, electrical, and telemetry systems within the existing Booster Station. The existing control systems at the Booster Station are in poor condition, out of date, with replacement parts difficult to find and expensive to purchase. In addition, the Booster Station currently does not have telemetry systems that would allow the operation of the facility remotely from the Water Treatment Plant or City Shops. Procedure: Based upon design development meetings with the Owner and the preliminary plan developed under Technical Memorandum No.4 for the instrumentation and control system, preliminary plans, specifications and engineers estimate will be prepared for submittal to the Owner and review jurisdictions. Based upon Owner and review jurisdiction comments, final plans, specifications and engineer's estimate will be prepared. Electrical: Create wiring and equipment plan for upgraded booster station electrical service and control system wiring. Design emergency backup power system and surge protection system. PLC Control/SCADA: Create detailed specifications defining the control sequences and control parameters to be implemented by the PLC controller. Create specification for PLC equipment and required auxiliary control devices. Define and specify the HNII interfaces required for operator control and to implement the SCADA features outlined in Technical Memorandum No. 4. Telemetry: Detailed specification for radio telemetry system as required to implement the desired SCADA features. \\Serv",IProjaclslOiv. 04I4M229.135\Lymen Master Design Scope 4-17.01.doc 12 05/11101 @ 11:52AM ~ 05/11/01 Products: preliminary and final plans, specifications and engineers estimates will be prepared for Owner review and subsequent inclusion in the bid documents. Sprim! Collection Gallery Recommendations Step 28 nAutomated Gauging Station Purpose: This task is for the preparation of a plan for the installation of automated all-weather stream gauging station just downstream of the collection gallery manhole. The purpose of the gauging station is to determine the efficiency of the existing collection gallery and the available of additional stream tlow that could be potentially collected and routed to Lyman Creek Reservoir. Procedure: Based on the preliminary research completed under Technical Memorandum No.5 for the collection gallery, and a design development meeting with the Owner, a preliminary plan, specifications, and engineers estimate will then be prepared for submittal to the Owner and review jurisdictions. Based on the Owners and the review jurisdiction comments a final plan, specification and engineers estimate will be prepared. This task also includes the design of precast concrete lids on the PR V stations along the transmission main between the collection gallery and reservoir. Products: preliminary and final plans, specification6 and engineers estimates will be prepared for Owner review and subsequent inclusion in the bid documents. \\SeNerIProjectslOiv. 04\4M229.1351lyman M"'ltar Oe.ign Scope 4-17..Q1.doc 13 05/11101 @ 11:52AM ~ Project Schedule L)'man Creek Resen'oir Design I Construction Schedule Ma)" 11, 2001 Task DESIGN PHASE Contract Negotiation Preliminary Design Owner Review MDEQ Review Final Design O'\ner Review ./ Approval MDEQ Review / Apprm'a1 BID PHASE Ad,'ertising Bid Opening Bid Review A ward Notice to Proceed COXSTRL:CTIOX PHASE S ubmi tta1 s Mobilization Drain and Clean Basin Demolition Footings Columns Beams Grouting Liner Baflles Pre-Cast Roof Roof Membrane Proj ect Start -up,' Training Contol Building Collection Gallery Meter PROJECT CLOSE-OUT Contract Document Close-out O&M Manual As-8uilts Warranty Review April JW1e 2001 Aug 2002 May JW1e Od Feb Sept Dei: Mar April July Aug July Sept Oct Nov Jan May .. Project Schedule , I Amendment No.2 For Lyman Creek Reservoir Improvements Prepared For: City of Bozeman P.O. Box 1230 20 East Olive Bozeman, MT 59771 Prepared By: 601 Nikles Drive, Suite 2 Bozeman, MT 59715 May 15,2002 AMENDMENT NO.2 to PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT CITY OF BOZEMAN LYMAN CREEK RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this 24th day of June, 2002 between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation, Bozeman, Montana, herein referred to as OWNER and HKM Engineering, Inc., formerly MSE-HKM Inc., an Engineering Consulting Firm of Bozeman, Montana, herein referred to as ENGINEER. WHEREAS the parties have entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated June 5, 2000, herein referred to as Original Agreement and Amendment No. 1 dated June 11, 2001 for professional engineering services for the Lyman Creek Reservoir Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the provisions of the Original Agreement by adding to the original scope of services for the ENGINEER to provide design services for the Radon Stripping Tower, Septic System and Security System, and other miscellaneous tasks associated with the project. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, the parties agree to amend the original contract as follows: ARTICLE 1 - ENGINEERING SERVICES 1.1. The following additional tasks shall be added to the original contract scope of services. A detailed description of the scope of services is described as follows: The CONSULT ANT will complete the outlined scope of work requircd for the preparation of construction plans, specifications, estimates of probable construction costs, project bidding, and construction administration for the CITY OF BOZEMAN LYMAN CREEK RESER VOIR IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT. The project in which the aforementioned services are to be provided include thirty-one (31) basic tasks. Tasks I - 7 - Original Contract Scope of Services Tasks 8 - 28 Amendment No. 1 Task 29 - Radon Stripping Tower This task is for the design and permitting of a Radon Stripping Tower for the removal of radon gas from the raw water source into the reservoir. The task includes all architectural, mechanical, structural and electrical design for the preparation of contractor ready plans and specifications. , ' Task 30 ~ Septic Design This task is for the design of an on~site septic design including a septic tank, dose tank and pressure dose drainfield. Also included is the preparation of a non~ degradation analysis and joint application to the Gallatin County Health Department and MDEQ. Task 31 ~ Security System This task is for the design of a security system for the proposed control building at the reservoir. ARTICLE 2 - ENGINEER'S RESPONSIBILITIES This Article unchanged. ARTICLE 3 - OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES This Article unchanged. ARTICLE 4 - BASIC ENGINEERING SERVICES This Article unchanged from Amendment No.1, ARTICLE 5 - ADDITIONAL SERVICES This Article unchanged. ARTICLE 6 - COMPENSATION FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES 6.1 COST PAYMENT FOR BASIC SERVICES OF, EXPENSES OF, AND FIXED FEE FOR ENGINEER. The following cost plus fixed fee is for additional services provided under Tasks 29 through 31 and is in addition to the original contract and Amendment No. 1 compensation. Professional engineering services performed as Basic Engineering Services under Sections 4.1 through 4.3 shall be compensated in accordance with the following 6.1.1 Payroll Costs, The ENGINEER will be reimbursed for the actual payroll costs as set f011b in Section 7.3, at a 2.63 multiplier for the time such employees are directly utilized on work necessary to fulfill the tenns of this Agreement. 6.1.2 Reimbursable Expenses, The ENGINEER will be reimbursed for actual out~of~ pocket expenses as specified in Section 7.4. Except as specifically amended herein, the Original Agreement of June 5, 2000 shall remain in full force and effect, and the parties shall be bound by all terms and conditions therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do make and execute this Agreement on the day and year first above written. BY: ATTEST: By:()~J h~ Robin L. Sullivan (Clerk of Commission) APPROVED AS TO FORM B~C~- ENGINEER BY: '" 03_". Prs ~ ~ l ~0J."t= ITS: ATTEST; ~ ~U0 I) u;JJc BY: ).' .. EXHIBIT "E" Lyman Creek Improvement Prllject Enjtineering Service Al!;recmcnt Addendum Nil. 2 May IS, 2002 ~~i~~t~~~~!I!iQ~Ul$U1i~I~~iliWpW:efjill!jjiillj:';1 Clint Litle, P.E. (Project Manager) Jess Fortune (Staff Stmctural Engineer) Rocky Holt (AutoCAD Techniciun) Kevin Jolmson, P.E. (Stull'Engineer) Curt Krenik (AutoCAD Technicain) Janice Lennick (Clerical) Robin Parks (Clcrcal) Dax Simek (Stall" Engineer) Con'eer Engineering (Electrical & Mechanical) Place Architecture Labor Subtotal 'j"iHQmi:i::[Ii8!~~y:~f~:I!i:14'iilnpHer;%;;Ui@j~t~tf!'illj;E~il J650 $2X,IO 2.63 $1,219.40 2400 $IX,OO 2.63 $1,136.16 19.00 $19.35 2.63 $966.92 5X.50 $23.00 2.63 $3,538.67 2700 $15.75 2.63 $I,IIXAI l.OO $12.75 2.63 $33,53 4.00 $1l.OO 2.63 $115,72 500 $17()() 2.63 $223.55 $1,444.00 $X,(,09.47 $IX,405.X2 Subtotal $18,405, X2 Lump Sum Vec Per Section 6, I ,3 $2,209.00 Total $20,614.82 l'l1.;!UB;f$~~n~~l~iH,"::::::::::::::!:l0jj:ill;;iHQilii~'0:'r0tz;G1?ayt{li1iili.M\implt~~illI Jim Potts (1Iydrogeoligisl) 37.50 $22. 10 2.63 CK May Construction (Soil Logs) MDEQ (Submittal Fee) MontanaMicrobiology (Lab Test) Labor Subtotal i;i;J1$ta(!\:l!i"1 $2,179.61 $30 1,00 $.U5.00 $27.00 $2.832.(, I Subtotal $2,832.61 Lump Sum Fec Per Section (i. 1.3 $340.00 Total $3,172.61 111@~;~t"M~~ciinty;SY(Q~~10;"':' :':i'j";:'i;0'N~;:i:iHQiIf$II;I:::! :\iljay)~htii;.:]:JjNttil!jpll~jiffl;.i'.i'iji.fio~aF:'l Con'eer Engineering $475.00 Labor Subtotal $475.00 Subtotal $475,00 Lump Sum Fee Per Section 6, I..' $5700 'rotal $532.00 Total Lump Sum fee Per Section (, 1.3 $2,60600 Tohll Cost Plus Lump Sum Fee $24,3 I 9A3 , , 10 AMENDMENT No. 3 to PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT CITY OF BOZEMAN LYMAN CREEK RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this 27th day of January. 2003 between TIlE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation, Bozeman, Montana, herein referred to as OWNER and HKM Engineering, Inc., formerly MSE-HKM Inc., an Engineering Consulting Fiml of Bozeman, Montana, herein referred to as ENGINEER. WHEREAS the parties have entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated June 5, 2000, herein referred to as Original Agreement and Amendment(s) No. I and 2 for professional engineering services for the Lyman Creek Reservoir Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the provisions of Amendment NO.1 to provide additional compensation to the ENGINEER due to additional services and duration during the Construction Phase of the project. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, the parties agree to amend the original contract as follows: 6.2 DIRECT LABOR COST PAYMENT FOR BASIC SERVICES AND EXPENSES OF ENGINEER. Bidding, Construction and project documentation services performed as Basic Engineering Services (Tasks 22 and 23) under sections 4.5 through 4.7 including General Administration of Construction Contract, Resident Project Representation, Project Documentation, and Construction Testing, shall be compensated in accordance with the following: 6.2.1 The OWNER shall pay for Construction Phase and Project Documentation Services an amount not to exceed $156,919.00 except as provided under and 6.2.4. Except as specifically amended herein, the Original Agreement of June 5, 2000 and Amendments No. 1 and 2 shall remain in full force and effect, and the parties shall be bound by all terms and conditions therein. . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do make and execute this Agreement on the day and year first above written. A~ BY. ~J ~~ Robin L. Sullivan (Clerk of Commission) ENG~ ~ BY ~ Q) . ro ITS: P t2 ~.s ide I'\J t ATTEST; BY: ~(f)(1) rJmm CITY OF BOZEMAN \ . 'By-"A ,~..~l City Manager , Lyman Cr~ek Huur I'rojediull 1<:XHIHIT A l.lllWll lludgd f :-~ ....--.. :--'.-~"":".'-'.'-"-"" _...n._____......___.._______. N",'emher --~--------~---"r- M'~li-Tlillillg RaifWl/ml II/K/021 LI!IPI"YlY R~lle_ _ Parks $1'.00 2-')'i $.1',.'10 'i I Nid.crs'.1I1 $lO.OO 295 $29.50 3 2,5 IlnII $20.fO 2<;5 $S'J.30 3 Jnllll""1 $?'U5 2<)'i $7'i.96 7j IO.'i I.itle $.\IlOO 2'J5 $K8.'iO 2.5 2 JlLvicl'vic, $1135 2')'i $33.4X 2 4.'i .",,,illi $;0 00 2.9'i $OO.'iO 2 2 Il'-lrlJcf $17.'iO 2.95 $'i1.63 4 SIJ<lkr j,14_~0 29'i Hno 5 9 t-,lilbufll $.WOO 2.9'i j,5900 44 52 SJIIlek $1'.>2'i 2.9'i $56.79 2.5 IJlldulli1l :&30.00 2.'J5 $8K.50 0 0 Ikn:lIlher 11.:.J!.'l'!~'l",,:r l\uks 11,)11 .I III 1I IStlll Litle' JILI/.k-eviel Smull Shalel MillllJlIl lJIHkdlll1 II I 15/0j.l.1 liiif) ~[_Xi ii,y/oiT 3 I.'i 2 6.5 12 3.'i OJ 2 5.5 3 4.1 4') 2 0 0 .~I~,!~,:T:~i;'l'i; '13ilii;;);"jZt;r-w61021 12/131ml 12/20/021 $1200 2(J5 $35.40 5 'i ~WIO 2.9.~ $:)9.30 $2S75 2.95 $7.\96 12 12 12 $3000 29'i $l)K.50 2 2 2 $1135 2.95 $:U40 I I I $31}OO X(J5 $00.'i0 I I 1 $1450 295 $42.n 4 4 4 $20.00 2.'J5 $5'J.OO 41\ 4X 4l) $30.00 2.'J5 $oX.50 () TnlallTnursl 10.5 7.5 3 4'i.5 X l) 6 ,I 26 220 4_~ o 12/2/02 Tnlal~ FIl.70 $.12 125 $177.')0 $,,456.1 X $70S.00 $267WI $53100 $20652 $/,112.20 $12,'JXO.00 $25.\56 ~_:~Q,(~(l_ $20,288.23 111~?!()jC'" --"'r--;r;;t;;i'i'i~;-;;~T 5 ~) o 12 4X 2 .,0 35 31 o S .l '!'nlal1] $708.00 $0.00 $1,61608 $70l)(J(J $I()O.'-l4 $()()O $513.36 $1O,2(,('()O . .'_'~_mJ_tU~. $15,'J41.8X 12 174 (J ~hLlldown ~---~--~-~._-- . 1!:21'l'!~.!l:'-"~lg~II',, .... t I'~.ks $12,00 lJ"lt $20.10 J"ilIlSIIIl $25.'15 lilk $30.00 IlbZlCl',ic: $1/..15 SIlli111 $iO,OO .')Iialcr $1450 ~Jilhllnl $.?O.O(J I JIlde-liIlII $3000 .1t.IIC rl-'-;l;i;'I"~ Pa.,,-, /11111 J"ltlls"n 1 ill" IlliIIll't:vld Snlllll Sh"kr MilllllrIl UIHkrhil1 'ill 6/0,1 5 5123/0JLJQQL(ll[=~--- '....1.. 5 5 ... ~11;11- -lliii;;I);-iG;l----.v0"!ml 2.'J5 $35.'10 5 2.'J5 $5(UO 2,'J5 $75.% 10 :~.95 $SXj(J 2 2,95 $l3AIi 2'15 $SS.50 2(J'i $42.7X 2.')S ),wOO 4K 2,'J5 $88.50 4X 10 2 10 10 2 2 4S 40 . 'li:;I~--[- M,;II_~~llO.li!!!.L_ 0/6/0]~.}LQ}l~ $12.00 2.95 $l'i.'1O 5 5 $20.10 2-'J5 $5'UO $2~ 7') 2.'J5 $75.')6 I () 10 :dO.OO 2.'J5 $S8.'i0 2 2 ::; 11.3'i 2.95 $.B4X $.JO.OO 2.95 $8X.50 $14'iO 2,9.) $.nn $20()O 2.95 $W()() 40 40 $3000 2.(J5 $oS.SO ('urn:lll t:^ Remainder 'I\llall'rnjt'ckd TilrIl Snhslalllial completion Pn ljccted SlIheollsullalll Fees I{ClllailllJcr fnr Clnse Out I . .(_'.>.._I.'.:..i./"iiif'" 1?(),!1!(1l . . _ _ 5 S 10 10 2 2 40 20 ;j'~)t~l'i'I;;;I;r 20 o 40 I-: o ,.~. .--T-----~ Tnl'll Hmlrs 20 o 40 t' .J o o I().? o . .----'j:;;l:;]$j $700.00 $0.00 $3.03S.40 $701-:.00 $000 $0,00 $0.00 $1 U2XOO $000 $15,7S2.40 o 140 o '!'''Iul $1 $70l)00 sOOO :n,03X..11) SI08.00 $tl.OO $000 $000 $X,260.00 ____.". ,..._J!LIJ.V $12,714.'10 $12,766.20 $64,726. (J I $6,000.00 -$S7,')(i070 t1 .. I ", . . Amendment No.4 For Lyman Creek Reservoir Improvements Prepared For: City of Bozeman P.O. Box 1230 20 East Olive Bozeman, MT 59771 Prepared By: 601 Nildes Drive, Suite 2 Bozeman, MT 59715 July 9, 2003 , , ;' ~ ; ,.... AMENDMENT No.4 to PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT CITY OF BOZEMAN LYMAN CREEK RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this 21 s t day of ,llJ 1 Y . 2003 between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation, Bozeman, Montana, herein referred to as OWNER and HKM Engineering, Inc., formerly MSE-HKM Inc., an Engineering Consulting Firm of Bozeman, Montana, herein referrcd to as ENGINEER. WIIEREAS the parties have entcred into a Profcssional Services Agrccment dated June 5, 2000, herein rcfcrred to as Original Agreemcnt and Amendmcnt(s) No. I, 2 and 3 for professional engineering services for the Lyman Creek Resenroirlmprovement Project; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the provisions of Amendment No. 1,2 and 3 to provide additional compensation to the ENGINEER due to additional scrviees and duration during the Construction Phase of the project. NOW, TIIEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAl, COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, the parties agree to amend the original contract as follows: 6.2 DIRECT LABOR COST PAYMENT FOR BASIC SERVICES AND EXPENSES OF ENGINEER. Bidding, Construction and project documentation services performed as Basic Engineering Services (Tasks 22 and 23) under sections 4.5 through 4.7 including Gencral Administration of Construction Contract, Rcsident Project Rcpresentation, Project Documentation, and Construction Tcsting, shall be compensated in accordance with the following: 6.2.1 The OWNER shall pay for Construction Phase and Project Documentation Services an amount not to exceed $186,414.40 except a<; provided under and 6.2.4. Except as specifically amendcd herein, the Original Agreement of June 5, 2000 and Amendmcnts No.1, 2, and 3 shall remain in full force and effect, and the parties shall be bound by all terms and conditions therein. . ' , ..... L IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do make and execute this Agreement on the day and year first above written. CITY OF BOZEMAN \ -.l. 4- BY: City Manager ATTEST: By:rJloI H~ Ro III L. SullIvan (Clerk of Commission) ENGINEER BY: ~. V). -==f 0f ITS PI? ~ s /(1 ('Iv 1; ATTES~' /"""" /) /,' ,,' //// ,/ , ,,/1 ... /~,.:.:::.>"'\ " BY: /;:1 ,.-4~ C----~-~.l1J-, / f ' f ~, .~ ;;, AMENDMENT No.5 to CITY OF BOZEMAN LYMAN CREEK RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT This Amendment is made as of the ~ day of December ,2004 between The City of Bozeman, a Municipal Corporation, Bozeman, Montana, hereafter referred to as OWNER and HKM Engineering Inc. (fonnerly MSE-HKM, Inc.) of Bozeman, Montana, hereafter referred to as ENGINEER. WHEREAS, the above parties have entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated June 5, 2000, herein referred to as Original Agreement and Amendments 1 through 4 for professional engineering services for the Lyman Creek Reservoir Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this Amendment No.5 to provide compensation to the ENGINEER for additional services required due to the extended duration of the Construction Phase of the project. IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN and in accordance with ARTICLE 5 - ADDITIONAL SERVICES of the original Agreement, the parties agree to amend the original Agreement as follows: ENGINEER has contracted with Florida consultant, I-CORP Intemotional Im:., to identify the location(s) ofleaknge in the Lyman Creek Reservoir liner by use of special testing equipmentlprocedures. Due to the nature of the services provided by I-CORP, their work is perfonned on a Time & Materials basis only which precludes ENGINEER from establishing a finn cost for the conm/Jant's services. I-CORP is estimating that the work can be accomplished in 2 working days but suggests allowing 3 days to provide time for changing the resel1'oir water levels, if necessary. 1- CORP's estimated budget for 2 and 3 days on site is $13,()()() and $16,500, respectively. The final invoiced cost will be based on actual, documented time and expenses im:utTed during the project and will be in accordance with I-CORP's established unit rates (Attaclunent A to this Amendment). ENGINEER will provide the labor necessary for project administration, work coordination, and direct hands-on assistatu:e as requested by I-CORP. ENGINEER's estimated cost to support I-CORP's 3 days on site and provide inspection services during cotTective work by others is $13,670 (see Attaclunent B to this Amendment) but final costs shall be based on actual, documented time and materials incutTed at the unit rates established in the Original Agreement. CutTent Contrru:t value through Amendment tW. 4 $478,501.83 Amendment no. 5 estimate - $30,170: . I-Corp Intemotional 1m:. (estimate for 3 days on site) . HKM Engineering Additional Support (estimate) $16,500.00 $13,670.00 $508,671.83 REVISED ESTIMATED CONTRACT VALUE THROUGH AMENDMENT #5 'es hereto make and execute this Agreement on the day and year first above written. CITYOFBOZE~ BY:~4. ITS: City Mana~er ~~;/~ Robin L. Sullivan, Clerk of Commission . . 7' . I.CORP INTERNATIONAL Inc. L ATIACIIl\{ENT A A .. 1 ~. GEOMEMBRANE LINER INTEGRITY LEAK SURVEY SERVICES Effective 1 January 2004 Labor end Equipment: Two man team One man team Stand-by: Travel: Report: In excess of 8 hrs one man team one man team two copies: Technical Word Processing CAD/Graphics ,--. Weekends/Holidays Expenses: Airfares Airfares Hotel Hotel Meals Auto/van rental/gas Shipping/mail/freight / couriers Mileage Communications Delta SkyTeam where possible Paid by I-CORP To account of Client where practical Paid by I-CORP 6072 North Ocean Boulevard Ocean Ridge, FL 3J4J5 USA -1-]-561-369-0795 (vox) + 1-561-369-0895 [fax) icorp@geosynthetic.com www.geosynthetic.com $3,350/8hr day $2,950/8hr day $250/hr $70G/half day $ 750/hr $ 150/hr $ 45/hr $ 50/hr 1 .5 above rates Prepaid Cost + 10% Cost + 10% Cost + 10% Cost + 10% Cost + 10% $O.SO/mi/e 0.5% of fees · In most cases, I-CORP can mobilize within 48 hr. · All leaks will be flagged, marked on the liner, identified by floats, or defined by coordinates. · Two copies of reports will be provided. · Water lance surveys require provision of electrically isolated water supply, submersible pump, and garden hose. Terms & CondItIons: A retainer to cover airfares and 25% of esHmated project fees Is required. Final Invoiced amounts will be based on the actual time and expenses (cost + 10%) incurred during the project. Interest of 1.5% per month (compounded) will be automatically added to all amounts outstandIng after 30 days from the dot. of invoicing. Payment of invoices is due by client invoiced regardless of the involvement of third parlies. I accept the Terms & Conditions above. SIgnature: PrInt Name: Project: Oate: Company: D:\Ddcuments and Settlngs\kjohnson\Local Settfngs\Temporary Inteme! Files\OlK56\Leak Rate 2004.doc HKM Engineering Inc. Attachment B Project Name: Lyman Creek Reservoir - Leak Detection Services Project No. 4M229141x15000 Senior Senior TOTAL MA TERIALSI OUTSIDE TOTAL OF Task Enaineer Technician II LABOR SUPPLlESI CONSUL- TOTAL LABOR Hrs@ Total Hrs@ Total RENTAL TANTS EXPENSES AND $ 80 Cost $ 60 Cost Hours Cost EQUIP. EXPENSES I. Leak Detection & Reoair A. $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - B. $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - C. leak Testina Reservoir 10.0 $ 800 $ - $ 800 $ - $ 800 D. Procure Leak Detection Services 30.0 $ 2,400 $ - $ 2,400 $ - $ 2,400 E. $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - F. Assist Leak Detection Survey 20.0 $ 1,600 60.0 $ 3,800 $ 5,200 350 $ 350 $ 5,550 G. Corrective Work 16.0 $ 1,280 50.0 $ 3,000 $ 4,280 $ - $ 4,280 H. $ - $ - - $ - $ - $ - I. Leak Test Reservoir 8.0 $ 640 $ - 8.0 $ 640 $ - $ 640 J. $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - K $ - $ - $ - $ - L $ - $ - $ - $ - Subtotal 84.0 6,720.0 110.0 6,800.0 8.0 13,320.0 350.0 0 350.0 13,670.0 IGRANDTOTAL 1 841 6,7201 1101 6,600 1 81 13,320 I 350 I - I 350 1 13,670 H:\15\X533110\ Lyman Exh B HKM Cost Budget .. ~ ,~ ;># 10122!2tlD4 . fI" .... ... AMENDMENT No.6 to CITY OF BOZEMAN LYMAN CREEK RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT This Amendment is made as of the 22nd day of February ,2005 between The City of Bozeman, a Mnnicipal Corporation, Bozeman, Montana, hereafter referred to as OWNER and HKM Engineerina: Inc. (formerly MSE-HKM, Inc.) of Bozeman, Montana, hereafter referred to as ENGINEER. WHEREAS, the above parties have entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated June 5, 2000, herein referred to as Original Agreement and Amendments 1 through 5 for professional engineering services associated with the Lyman Creek Reservoir Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this Amendment No.6 to provide compensation to the ENGINEER for additional services required during the Corrective Work Activities perfonned on the Lyman Creek Reservoir liner. IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN and in accordance with ARTICLE 5 - ADDITIONAL SERVICES of dIe original Agreement, the parties agree to amend the original Agreement as follows: As authorized by Amendment No. 5 to the original Agreement, a Leak Detection Survey was perfonned on tIre Lyman Creek Reservoir liner by I-CORP International (Subcontractor) with assistance and construction inspection services provided by the ENGINEER. ENGINEER was also required to provide additional constTUCtion inspection serviees during the corrective action work that had to be perfonned by MPC Containment (subcontracted liner installer) after the Survey was perfonned. Construction inspection services required of ENGINEER during tire corrective action work activitks exceeded the ENGINEER's estimate approved in Amendment No.5. This Amendment No.6 autlwrizes additional funding necessary to reimburse the ENGINEER for the cost of actual, additional inspection serviees during the extended corrective work activitks as follows: Current Contract value through Amendment TW. 5 $508,671.83 Actual Cost to Complete Leak Survey and ConstTUCtion Inspection........$35,861.49 Estimated Cost to Complete Autlwrized by Amendment no. 5................$30,170.00 Additional Funding Authorized by this Amendment No. 6 $5,691.49 REVISED CONTRACT VALUE THROUGH AMENDMENT #6.......................................... $514,363.32 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto make and execute dils Agreement on dIe day and year first above written. C~ZE~, BY A- ~ ITS: City Manager BY: " ITS: Weste Mana er ATIF$~ ~ BYir~ Mgr. of Administration ATTo/) 10 c./ I /7/7 . BY:~~ ~~ Robin L. Sullivan, Clerk of Commission ..