HomeMy WebLinkAbout199502 . . ...'.-- _.. n ,'.' ....._ __'.00- ___ Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 27-Feb-95 - _.."..n__ .,...- .....-.- -----.--.. Alarm Number: 950150 Date: 27-Feb.95 Time Out: 14:41 Location of Run: 506 W. Babcock On Scene: 14:45 Type of Run: Noncmergcncy In Service: 14:50 Kind of Run: Other Fire Response District: 11 Respondin~ From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Grahm Mcllwanc Occupant Phone: 585-0405 Occupant Address: 506 W. Babcock Owner Name: Samc Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: Small rubbish firc controlled by home-owner did not spread. Caused by: Home owncr wishing to clean up his yard. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 I e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report p~. 2 Alarm Number 950150 ....____n Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes En~ine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1 : No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumpin~ Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: L. Hancock, 1. Polus Call Back Personnel Pa~ed: No Spedal Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Fire fighters advised a local home-owner who was burning some trash in his back yard that the burning season does not begin until march first. The home~ owner extinguished his fire and agreed to purchase a permit to burn properly. Officer in Charge: L. Hancock Person Makin~ Report: J. Polus 2 e e n___...._. Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 27-Feb-95 ...-----. __.".__.__m._. Alarm Number: 950149 Date: 27-Fcb-95 Time Out: 7:53 Location of Run: 8th and Story On Scene: 7:58 Type of Run: Noncmcrgency In Service: 8:17 Kind of Run: Service Call Response District: 11 RespondinJ,t From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Stcphanie Nelson Occupant Phone: 587M3052 Occupant Address: 503 S. 8th Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNebicle: tree License: Fire OriJ,tinated In Spread to: On the day previous to this call we respondcd to investigate and determined that the cat would perform a self rescue. (Report # 950147) However, after rccieving numerous phone calls from concerned citizens and nieghbors; and considering that the cat had been in the tree for at least two days, it was determined that a ladder rescue was necessary. Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 e e Bozeman Fire Department. Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 950149 .. .-..,,--.--- __..u._.....__._...._.......". .__.".. Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No En~ine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumpin~ Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fi~hters at Scene: L. Hancock, 1. Polus Call Back Personnel Pa~ed: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: F. Devine Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Fire fighters rescued a cat from a tree after recieving reports that the cat had spent numerous days stranded and afraid to come down. Officer in Charge: L. Hancock Person Making Report: J. Polus 2 e e _....__..._._.._.. - __.._... .,__.m ..._..._...._"'."'...,,_. Bozeman Fire Department -Fire Report 04-Mar-95 .. ..--...- " ...u_...__......_._ Alarm Number: 950148 Date: 26-Feb.95 Time Out: 18:47 Location of Run: 1015 B W. Mendenhall On Scene: 18:49 Type of' Run: Emergency In Service: 19:13 Kind of Run: False Call - Good Intent Response District: 21 Respondin~ }'rom: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant N awe: Buddy Ray Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: 1015 B W. MendcnhaU Owner Name: Lawrence Pendleton Owner Phone: 587-5949 Owner Address: 108 N. 11 tho Type of Occupany/Vehicle: Dental Officc/ Residcnce License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: no fire Caused by: burnt dinner Started by a Jnvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: Yes Did it Activate: Yes If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property dama~e: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 _____.__...._..._......u._ ..__ e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg.2 Alarm Number 950148 -----..-.-.--.--. Fire Department Operations JJnits Responding: En~ine 1: No En~ine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No U nit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extin2uished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons "'ire Fighters at Scene: G.CIutter T. Greene F. Devine Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman firefighters responded to report of an activated fire alarm. Upon arrival firefightcrs found that the rcporting party had burnt his dinncr, sctting off the buildings fire alarm. The owncr was called in to silence and resct the system. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Report: G. Cluttcr 2 e e _.__.__ _. ._."...uo.. --. - -.. --...... Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 04-Mar~95 ou_._ . Alarm Number: 950147 Date: 26-Feb~95 Time Out: 7:40 Location of Run: 8 tho & Story On Scene: 7:43 Type of Run: Noncmcrgel1cy In Service: 7:47 Kind of Run: Service Call Response District: 21 Responding From: Statio.n 2 Mutual Aid Given: No. Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Stcphanie Nelson Occupant Phone: 587~3052 Occupant Address: 503 S. 8 th Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: License: Fire Ori~inated In Spread to: no. fire Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0,00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 e e Bozeman Fire Department ~ Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 950147 _.."..__.._---_.., ,..-.-------.-- Fire Department Operations UIli1!LR~sponding: EnJ(ine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extin~ished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons ~'irc ~'iJ(hters at Scene: G. Clutter T. Greene F. Devine Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman fircfighters rcpondcd to a report of a cat in a tree. Upon arrivial firefighters advised thc rcporting party that thc cat would effect a self rcscuc when it becamc hungry cnough. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Report: G. Clutter 2 e e .-.......-.."....,- ..... ..-.. ....~.- . --.. .--..,. Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 02-Mar-95 .,-....--.-.....-----.-.--- ....,,~,-,--,..~,.,...._-,,_. ,.,~-". .'" .... .._...____._ .n ......_____._ - ~.."-'"'~., ,. ^"",',,,._..._,.~. ,"'.. Alarm Number: 950146 Date: 25-Feb-95 Time Call Received: 18:38 Location of Run: 220 I Maplewood Time Out: 18:39 Type of Run: Nonemergency On Scene: 18:42 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 19:02 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Trans Med of Montana Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Shyne M. Criner Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Claudine Eckes Sex: Female Patient's Address: 220 I Maplewood Zip Code: 59715 Age: 61 Patient's Phone: 587-8750 PositionlLocation of Patient: Patient was sitting on chair in diningroom ComplaintIProblem: Patient had a hip replaccment in September. This dislocation is a common problcm. Fircfightcrs took vitals and helped packagc and load patient for transport to the hospital. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): 11 Pupils: EAR Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Fircfighters rcsponded to a report of a lady with a possible hip dislocation. Thc paticnt said she had a hip rcplaced in September. She then said she was not careful enough and hurt it. Officer in Charge: D. Shync Person Making Report: D. Shyne FEB-25-95 SUN 4: 1 0 PM Bn?~y"~ "~4~ION #n F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 3 ""~l,:d ;:'1. I L e e --~_.,. . ------ Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 2J-Ft!b-95 ,-~'. - "'"~~.,"~,_._~..- -- . '"W - - - Ala.... Number: 950145 Date: 25-Feb-95 Time Call Rtteived: 14:02 LocatiOa ff Rua: 1417 Fox Sueet Time Out: 14:05 Type of RWJ: Emergency 0.. Seeae; 14:08 KJnd of RaD: Medical Assist Id Senitt: 1417 Fire Denartment Onerations .Jam of Ute Ute4: No Engl. 1: No EDame Z: Yes ReICut 1: No Llddet 1: No Teackr I: No Other. No RetpoQllt Dittrid: 23 Rapoadiq FfOIIl: Station 2 Did we arriw bef\)l1C AmSndlUlte: Yes Otber Aaelleia llt Stare: Trans Med of Montana Fir" Fipten at Saae: D. Shy:ne M. Criner Uaprottded E:q)O$Ure: No Customer Information Patiua Na.aw: Chase Cams Se:s: Male Paticat's Addtm: 1417 Fox Street Zip Code: 5971$ Age: 6 Patient'. PbOJK: 585-8095 PolitiOD!Loc:ation of Patieat: Patient was found staIlding in the living room. ComplabatIProblem: OUr 6 year old patictu had been curviDg on a small block of WOOd when iii. ~ knife slipped ~ him .iust inside the left nostril. CPR Performed: No PuItc (It Taked): Not taken by FD Blood Preuu.re (Jf Takm): Not taken by PO RHpJratimu (If TakeD): Not taken by FD Pupils: EAR Level of CODeiousoaa: AIm T~.tlDftlt by Bor.emull'lre; Fire8ghters responded to a report of a cbiJd being stabbe4 in the nose with. kDife. Upon arrival fiteftghters fCl\Wd a 6 year old boy that bad. been carving on a small block of wood when his knife sUpped and cut him Just In$1dc the; len nostril. The child was checked and told to be more careful. OftIcer In Chuae: D. Shyne Penoa MaIda, Repon: D. ShyDc e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 25-Feb-95 .-..- .--."".- --.'".-.--.""--. _.'U_".'n__..."..__._.,. ---. ,.....-- --... ---...'" -.--.... ..-., ...---.-. ..-..-- ...-....--.....-- --- Alarm Number: 950144 Date: 25-Feb-95 Time Call Received: 13:57 Location of Run: 417 West Koch Time Out: 13:57 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 13:59 Kind of Run: Mcdical Assist In Service: 14:05 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 Responding From: Station J Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: BPD, Med-Trans Fire Fighters at Scene: T. Shearman, C. VanderMolen Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Sex: Patient's Address: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Patient's Phone: Position/Location of Patient: cancelled Complaint/Problem: CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Cancelled upon arrival. Officer in Charge: C. Vander Molen Person Making Report: K. Johnson e e .... -- _ _n -."'... Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 25-F'eb-95 __._u_. , . --.- --..". .- .. ."., --- --... ."...---.--.. Alarm Number: 950143 Date: 25-Pelr95 Time Call Received: 8:45 Location of Run: 1200 East Main Time Out: 8:46 Type of Run: Emergcncy On Scene: 8:47 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 9:06 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No En~ine t: No En~ine 2: No Rescue 1: Ycs Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station I Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other A~encies at Scene: Med Trans Fire Fi2hters at Scene: T. Shearman & K. Johnson Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Fred Mitchell Sex: Male Patient's Address: 724 West Montana Zip Code: 59047 Age: 65 Patient's Phone: 222-0625 Position/Location of Patient: Lying on his left side. ComplaintlProblem: CPR Performed: No Pulse (H Taken): 60 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 11 0\60 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: equcl Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: A sixty-five ycar old male was hit by a vehicle. Patient rcceived multiplc lacerations on his head. Firc department personnel maintained C-spine and did primary survay and assit Med Trans in packaging patient for transportation to the hospital. Officer in Charge: T. Shearman Person Making Report: C. Vander Molen n________ -.----.-. --- e e: Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 25-Feb-95 -.---------.. . --...-."'......--.-.....-- Alarm Number: 950142 Date: 2S.Feb.95 Time Call Received: 6:40 Location of Run: 1803 Storymill Road Time Out: 6:40 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 6:51 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 7:01 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue I: Ycs Ladder I: No Tender I: No Other: No Response District: 0 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrivc beforc Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: M. Hoey, C. Vander Molcn. Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Paticnt Name: Adclcnc Pipal Sex: Female Patient's Addrcss: 1803 Storymill Road Zip Code: 59715 Age: 80 Patient's Phone: 586-3322 Position/Location of Patient: In bed ComplainUProblem: Hip pain from fall thc day beforc CPR Performed: No Pulse (UTaken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Rcspirations (TfTaken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters were dispatched to a report of a woman that had fallen the day before and could not get out of bed. Firefighters assisted in loading and packaging thc 80 year old woman for transport to the hospital. Officer in Charge: M. Hoey Person Making Report: M. Hoey e e -- Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 25-Fcb-95 ._n. n_ Alarm Number: 950141 Date: 25-Feb-95 Time Call Received: 2:50 Location of Run: 80 I W. Main Time Out: 2:53 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 2:57 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Servicc: 3:08 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Lifc Uscd: No Engine I: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue I: No Ladder I: No Tendcr 1: No Other: No Responsc District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agcncies at Sccne: Med Trans of Montana, Gallatin County Sheriff's Dept. Fire Fighters at Scenc: M. Thompson, R. Cima , 1. Shrauger Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Matt Baker Scx: Male Patient's Address: 509 S. 3rd, Zip Code: 59715 Age: 22 Paticnt's Phone: 587-6197 Position/Location of Patient: Laying on his stomach in the parking lot. ComplaintlProblcm: The patient had been in a fight and had facial injuries. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a reported man down in Hardee's parking lot, upon amvmg on scene firefightcrs found a 22 year old male lying face down with no abrasions to his face. patient was loadcd on ambulance and trasported to hospital. Officer in Charge: M. Thompson Person Making Rcport: R. Cima e e _'..'n_.'....... ..__.__....". Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 25-Feb-95 ----.-....--.-.-.. -- --. ,.-...-.. --...--.. -.------.. ----.".- -..--... --.,.----...----.- ____"'.______..__._....._...._ _......___n.. Alarm Number: 950140 Date: 25-Feb-95 Time Out: 23:15 Location of Run: 43 W. Main, The Cannery On Scene: 23:18 Type of Run: Emergency Tn Scrvice: 23:59 Kind of Run: Suspicious Odor Response District: 11 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Reccivcd: No Customer Information Occupant Name: The Cannery Occupant Phone: 586-0270 Occupant Address: 43 W. Main Owner Name: Bob Fletcher Owner Phone: 587-3685 Owner Address: 3315 Stucky Rd. Type of Occupany/VehicIe: License: Fire Originated In Spread to: No firc. Suspicious odor. Caused by: Natural gas smell from cooking appliances in the kitchen area of the restaurant. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Takcn: No Smoke Dcctector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prcvent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 e e Bozeman hre Department - Fire Report pg.2 Alarm Number 950140 ._........"n.__. .........- Fire Department Operations Un.its Responding: Engine I: Yes Engine 2: No Rescuc 1: No Ladder 1; No Tender 1: No Squad I: No Other; No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: Sutherland, Hancock, Hoey, and Polus. Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefightcrs wcre dispatched to the Cannery Bar for a report of a natural gas odor coming from the oecupancy next door. Fircfightcrs shut gas valves off. Montana Power took a combustion reading with negativc results and shut the gas off at the meter for the occupancy. Officer in Charge: T. Suthcrland Person Making Report: T. Suthcrland 2 e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 24-Feb-95 --..-..-------..---.-- . _....__. n_ ._...._.._...._._..". Alarm Number: 950139 Date: 24-Feb-95 Time Out: 19:52 Location of Run: 5 Baxter Lanc, On Scene: 19:54 Type of Run: Emergency Tn Service: 20:21 Kind of Run: Suspicious Odor Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: 5 Baxtcr lanc Owner Name: Holiday Inn Owncr Phone: 587-4561 Owner Address: Type of Occupany/Vehicle: Motel Licensc: Fire Originated In Spread to: No fire Caused by: Alarm problems. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Decteetor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it save a lifc: No How many Lives Saved: 0 Tf it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg.2 Alarm Number 950139 -.--------... ....--...----....--- Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine I: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Ycs Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad I: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not uscd Extinguishcd with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fightcrs at Scenc: G. Clutter Belgrade 107 (crew off our) Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Pcrsonncl: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Brokcn: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firc with thc assistance of a Bclgrade fire crew responded to a fire alarm at thc Holiday Inn. After searching the building it was determincd that the problcm was in thc alarm systcm. Fircfighters advised thc management to contact the system maintenance personnel and have thcm respond to check the system out. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Report: G. Clutter 2 e e - ----., Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 24-Fcb-95 ... ..--- .. -". ._-------,... Alarm Number: 950138 Date: 24-Feb-95 Time Out: 19:01 Location of Run: 1033 Story Mill Rd. On Sccnc: 19:04 Type of Run: Emergency In Scrvicc: 21:20 Kind of Run: Structure Fire Response District: 11 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Don Redmond Occupant Phonc: 587-8466 Occupant Addrcss: 1033 Story Mill Rd. Owner Name: Don Redmond Owner Phone: 587-8466 Owner Address: 1033 Story Mill Rd. Type of Occupany/Vehic1e: Railroad Car License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: Thc fire originated in the railroad car and spread to a shed to the east of the car and anothcr car to the west. Caused by: The cause is undetermined. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activatc: No If it Activated, did it save a Iifc: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $5,000.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $5,000.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 e e Bozeman Fire Department ~ Fire Report pg_ 2 Alarm Number 950138 ..-.-,.. . ...... -'_..,._-_._--_.__._-'~_., ,. Fire Department Operations Units Re~p.9nding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder I: No Tender 1: Yes Squad 1: Yes Othcr: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: 2 hours Extinguishcd with: Water Source of Water: Hydrant Amount of Water Used: 1500 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: Suthcrland, Hancock, Hoey, Polus, Thompson, Cima, Shrauger Call Back Personnel Paged: Yes Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Holst, Scholes, Backman, Miller, Johnson, Grccne, Criner, and Archer. Equipment Used: Axcs, Pike pole, roof ladder Equipment Lost or Broken: Tncidcnt Narrative: Firefighters were dispatched to 1033 Story Mill Road for a report of a railroad car burning, flames showing. Dispatch paged for mutual aid and all call for Bozeman Firefighters. Firefighters extinguishcd the firc and cleared the scene at 21:20 hrs. A causc has not been determined. Officer in Charge: T. Sutherland Person Making Report: T. Sutherland 2 e e .....-. Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 25-Feb-95 ...-.------....- -----..- ---."". ...--- ...----....... -,,-_.. ----- Alarm Number: 950137 Date: 24-Feb-95 Time Call Received: 14:38 Location of Run: 8th and Collcge Time Out: 14:39 Type of Run: Emcrgency On Scene: 14:31 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Scrvice: 14:54 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder I: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 Responding From: Not in Station at time of call Did we arrive before Ambulance: Ycs Other Agencies at Scene: Mcd Trans of Montana, Bozeman Police Department Firc Fighters at Sccne: M. Thompson, R. Cima, 1. Shrauger Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Debbie Johnston Sex: female Patient's Address: 227 S. 18th #1 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 22 Patient's Phone: 587-2066 Posi lionILocation of Patient: Sitting in the front seat of a car. ComplaintlProblem: She had wrecked her bike and had a deep cut to her forehead. The patient had hit her head on a large rock when shc wrecked her bikc. CPR Pcrformed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Prcssure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not takcn by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a rcport of a person who had been involvcd in a bicycle accidcnt. Upon arrival firefighters found a woman sitting in the front seat of a bystanders car. Thc patient had a deep cut to her hcad. Fircfighters assisted Med Trans personncl with the packaging of thc patient for transport to Bozcman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: M. Thompson Person Making Rcport: Thompson . e .'._,n'"'._~'~""~,.'.W,'""'~W___,Y""",,,,,"'''.'_.,M ".."."_,., '.'.'~.'__~~"~~_~__ .. .-- Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 25-Feb-95 Alarm Number: 950136 Date: 23-Feb-95 Time Out: 18:09 Location of Run: 801 W. Main On Sccne: 18: 13 Type of Run: Emcrgency In Service: 18: 15 Kind of Run: V chicle Fire Response District: 21 Rcsponding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Givcn: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owncr Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanylVehicIe: License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No Tf it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0,00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 e e llozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg.2 Alarm Number 950136 _.____...______.....n_.. ____ Fire Department Ooerations Units Responding: Enginc 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue I: No Ladder I: No Tender I: No Squad I: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Watcr Used: 0000 Gallons Firc Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter D. Archer M. Criner Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipmcnt Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman firefighters responded to a reported vehicle fire at Hardees resturant. Upon arrivial , firefightcrs Iearncd that the driver of the vehicIe had extinguished thc fire and departed the scene. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Rcport: G. Clutter 2 e e -- ~ -- Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 25-Feb-95 ------..--...-....--.''''. .__"._..___...______ .." . . _____.___ __. - _.n.'. -........-..---..".......-.....--.-.-.. Alarm Number: 950135 Date: 23-Feb-95 Time CaU Rcceived: 15:41 Location of Run: 15 tho & Durston Time Out: 15:41 Type of Run: Emergency On Scenc: 15:45 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 15 :46 Fire Department Operations laws of Life Used: No Enginc I: No Engine 2: Yes Rcscuc I: No Ladder I: No Tender I: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station I in and Station 2 out at time of ca Did we arrivc before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scenc: B.P.D. Med trans Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter D. Archer M. Crincr Unprotccted Exposurc: No Customer Information Paticnt Namc: Sex: Patient's Address: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Patient's Phone: PositionlLocation of Patient: Gone on arrival. ComplaintlProblcm: CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not takcn by FD Blood Prcssurc (If Takcn): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Trcatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a reported vehicle - bicycle accident. Upon arrival firefighters were informed by dispatch thatthcrc was no accident, just a bicyclist who had fallen . Person was gone on our arrival. Officcr in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Report: G. Clutter . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 25~Fcb-95 -.-- - ._---".... --. --..---- -.."'....----- Alarm Numhcr: 950134 Dale: 23-Feh-95 Time Call Received: 9:55 Location of Run: 1615 S. Black # 104 Time Out: 9:57 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 10:00 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 10:02 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine I: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue I: No Ladder I: No Tendcr I: No Other: No Response District: 22 Rcsponding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Medtrans Fire Fighters at Seene: G. Cluttcr D. Archer M. Criner Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Scx: Patient's Address: 1615 S. Black Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Patient's Phone: PositionlLocation of Patient: Standing in driveway CompJaint/Problem: fccling ill CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Notlaken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not takcn by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Trcatment by Bozeman Fire: BOl.cman firefighters responded to a report of a man requesting transport to the hospital. Firefighters were cancel cd on arrival. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Report: G. Clutter . . -- ...~~.~- "" Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 22-Fcb-.95 Alarm Number: 950133 Date: 22-Feb~95 Time Call Received: 14:14 Location of Run: Intersection of 9th and Mendenhall Time Out: 14:16 Type of Run: Emergency On Sccne: 14:17 Kind of Run: Vehicle Accident In Service: 14:26 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine I: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder I: No Tender I: No Othcr: Yes Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 1 Did wc arrive beforc Ambulancc: No Other Agencies at Scene: Medtrans of Montana Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Shyne, F. Devine, C. Winn Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Namc: Lin Elgin, Victor T. Yarbrogh Sex: Male Paticnt's Address: 403-A E. Jcffcrson Belgrade, p,O, Box 160069 Big Sky Zip Code: 59714, 59716 Age: 34 Patient's Phone: 388-7398, 995-4 PositionlLocation of Paticnt: Standing by their car's, ComplaintlProblem: Traffic accident, no injurics. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not takcn by FD Respirations (If Takcn): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozcman Firefighters were dispatched to a motor vehicle accident at the intersection of 9th and Mendenhall. Upon arrival, Firefighters found a two ear accident, neither partics sustained injuries from the accident. Firefighters checked the scene for hazards, and then released from thc accident Officer in Charge: D, Shyne Person Making Report: F. Devine e . ..-.... .-- ..'. - --....., Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 22-F,>b-95 --- ...- .-----. ...---.....-.... ._.__n... .--.- -.-- --- ___.___.n ..-------.. -----.. ....-...--.-.---- ---- ..--.,......--.---.-. ....- Alarm Number: 950132 Date: 22-Feb-95 Time Out: 11:08 Location of Run: 223 East Main On Scene: 11:13 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 11:49 Kind of Run: Suspicious Odor Response District: 11 Rcsponding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Ann Bates Occupant Phone: 587-7192 Occupant Address: P. O. Box 6021 Owner Name: Ann Batcs & Terry Sullivan Owner Phonc: 587~7192 Owner Address: Co. Owner- Terry Sullivan 302 No. 3rd. .586-5033 Type of Occupany/Vehic1e: Two story brick and wood fram with m License: Fire Originated In Spread to: n/a Caused by: Main floor business persons finishing furniture. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 I e . Bozeman Fire Department - liire Report pg.2 Alarm Number 950132 .-..--.-.......-.. - .._...__ "...'_....._..._n___ Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine I: Ycs Engine 2: No Rescue I: No Ladder I: No Tender 1: No Squad I: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Miller & T. Green Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Gas snifTer. Equipment Lost or Broken: Tncidcnt Narrative: The Bozeman Firc Department was dispatched to 221 East Main to investigate a strong smell. On arrival the smell had dissipated in the up stairs occupancy, but further investigation revealed tlu\t the smell was still on the main floor where it originated. The occupants on the first floor had finished some furniture and the smell had spread to thc entire building. After talking to both occupants it was found that the situation was an ongoing problem and further invcstigation by the Fire Marshal was warranted. Officer in Charge: D. Miller Person Making Report: D. Miller 2 e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 03-Mar-95 .__."...mu......."..__... -..... ...... .-.------- Alarm Number: 950131 Date: 22-Feb-95 Time Out: 8:32 Location of Run: 3002 Colter On Scene: 9:00 Type of Run: Noncmcrgency In Service: 9:16 Kind of Run: Other Fire Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: David Venema Occupant Phone: 282.7538 Occupant Address: 5801 Highline Rd. Amstdm - Mt 59741 Owner Namc: David V cnema Owner Phone: 282~7538 Owncr Addrcss: 58;01 HighIine Rd. Amstdm Type of OccupanyNehicle: New construction two story residents License: Fire Originated In Spread to: Controlled fire outsidc of structure. No spread factor. Caused by: Controlled fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Picturcs Taken: No Smoke Deetector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activatcd, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 950131 -----...,.-.." ........ _.__._.,-,~,._,-,..,_.,..,- ....-.---. Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Enginc I: Ycs Enginc 2: No Rescue I: No Laddcr 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Othcr: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Water Source of Water: On Site Supply Amount of Water Used: 0020 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Miller & T. Green Call Back Personnel Paged: No Speeial Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: nonc Equipmcnt Lost or Brokcn: none Incident Narrativc: Thc Bozeman Fire Departmcnt was dispatched to 3002 Colter on a complaint of a controlled firc. Thc Bozeman Fire Department requested that a Police Officer meet them there. Thefirc that was out on arrival was an illegal controlled firc since permits for controlled fires are not available until March 1 st.. The contractor was issued a citation. Officer in ~harge: D. Miller Person Making Report: D. Miller 2 ----."---.---- . e ._-". -".,_. Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 22-Feb~9.' ---,-------,- ._'n_ . -.-..- --"-,_._---_.,_.,-,._.,,.. _____m'..'. Alarm Number: 950130 Date: 22-Fcb-95 Time Out: 8:38 Location of Run: 32 East Babcock On Scene: 8:40 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 8:52 Kind of Run: Vehicle Firc Response District: 12 Responding From: Station lout & Station 2 in at timc of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Rcceived: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Jamie MiWaIma Occupant Phone: 763-4388 Occupant Address: P.O. Box 460 Gallatin Gateway, Mt 59730 Owner Name: Jamie MiWalma Owner Phone: 763-4388 Owner Address: P.o. Box 460 Gallatin Gatcway, Mt 59730 Type of OccupanylVehicle: License: BH04 Fire Originatcd In _Spread to: Engine compartmcnt and was confined. Caused by: An electrical short near the starter. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $10.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 I - .- -..--..- . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg.2 Alarm Number 950130 .n n. __.__.___._.___.__._.."'.._.....__. ._ -..- ..---"...---..--. Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue I: No Ladder I: No Tcndcr 1: No Squad I: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Portable Extinguisher Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fightcrs at Scene: D. Miller & T. Grccn Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Tool box to disconnect the battrey. Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: The Bozeman Fire Department was dispatched to 32 East Babcock to a reportcd vehicle fire. On arrival a small flame was found near the starter. After extinguishing the fire and disconnecting the battery cable an investigation showed that an electrical short was the cause. Very little damage was sustained. Officer in Charge: D. Miller Person Making Report: D. Miller 2 '"" e . .-.... .-.. ..--.--...... Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 21-Feb-95 --- ...----.- -- .-... . -..-.-------."'.. Alarm Number: 950129 Date: 21-Fcb-95 Time Call Rcecived: 17:07 Location of Run: Church & Main Time Out: 17:08 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 17:09 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 17:25 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue I: Yes Ladder I: No Tendcr 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: BPD, and Ambulance Fire Fighters at Sccne: Hancock, and Hoey Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Mat BertagnoIli, and Kris Hatlee Sex: Male Paticnt's Addrcss: 2629 W. Babcock Zip Code: 59715 Age: 15 Patient's Phone: 585~8513 PositioniLocation of Patient: Both patients were standing outsidc of the vehiclc. ComplaintIProblem: The patients were involved in an MV A Mat was complaining of head and neck pain and Kris was feeling dizzy . CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not ta~cn by fD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters were dispatched to a report of an MV A with injuries. Firefighters performed primary and secondary surveys and assisted the ambulance with packaging for transport. Officer in Charge: L. Hancock Person Making Report: T. Sutherland e e ................"'..--- ..-. .---- Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report OI-Mar-95 ----.-.--.- -......--....-- -- .... ---------....-..."'. .- Alarm Number: 950128 Date: 20~Feb-95 Time Call Received: 7:32 Location of Run: 410 N. 18 tho Time Out: 7:33 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 7:35 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 8:23 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No En2ine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Respondin2 From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: B.P.D. Med Trans Fire Fighters at Scene: G.CluUer M.Criner Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Ray Smith Sex: Male Patient's Address: 410 N. 18 tho Zip Code: 59715 Age: 69 Patient's Phone: 587-7966 Position/Location of Patient: Sitting in front scat of vehicle which was parked insidc garage. ComplaintlProblem: Carbon Monoxide poisoning. CPR Perfonned: No Pulse (H Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not takcn by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: fixed/pinpoint Level of Conciousness: Unresponsive Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a reported unconscious male sitting in a vehicle. Upon arrival firefighters performed a primary exam, administered high flow 02 and assisted Medtrans with patient stabilization and transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: G. Cluttcr Person Making Report: G. Clutter . e . ....---..........-.-...,... Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 20-Feb-95 Alarm Number: 950127 Date: 20.Feb.95 Time Call Received: 1:29 Location of Run: 421 West Main Time Out: 1:30 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 1:32 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 1:47 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue I: Yes Ladder I: No Tender I: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Othcr Agcncies at Sccne: Med- Trans Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: T. Green & K. Johnson Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Davc Shmierer Sex: Male Paticnt's Address: 213 So. 3 rd. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 31 Patient's Phone: 585.9123 PositionILocation of Patient: Lying in a oooth. ComplaintlProblem: Seizure. Somewhat combative. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not takcn by FD Level of Conciousness: Responsive to Verbal Stimulus Treatment by Bozeman Fire: The Bozeman Fire Department was dispatched to 421 W. Main to assist an individual who was having a seizure. On arrival they found the individual recovering from a seizurc. Fire personnel helped Med~ Trans load only. Officer in Charge: T. Greene Person Making Report: D. Miller --- ----.-.- ...-- . . --- -"'. Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 19-Feb-95 ........ --...---- _.__ n_n. .....-.--. ---. ..--... Alarm Number: 950126 Date: 19~Feb-95 Time Call Received: 15:25 Location of Run: 824 West Main Time Out: 15:26 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 15:29 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Servicc: 16:47 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Lifc Used: No Engine I: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue I: No Ladder I: No Tender 1: No Other: No Responsc District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Sccnc: Med Trans Fire Fighters at Scene: Vander Molen & F. Devine Unprotected Exposurc: No Customer Information Patient Name: Regina Adams Sex: Female Patient's Address: 3 North Railroad Dillon Mt. Zip Code: 59725 Agc: 22 Patient's Phone: 683~5627 PositionILocation of Patient: Lying on her back next to the swimming pool. ComplaintlProblcm: Patient had a seizure. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Takcn): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Responsive to Verbal Stimulus Treatment by Bozeman Firc: A twenty~two ycar old female had suffered from a seizure while swimming in a pool. Patient had received small cuts on her tonguc from the seizure. Fire department personnel assisted thc ambulance crew in packaging patient for transportation to the hospital. Officer in Charge: C. Vandcr Molen Person Making Report: C. Vander Molen e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report J 9-Feb-95 .-----..-.. -----"-,..,,. ......--. --..-... Alarm Number: 950125 Date: l8-Fcb-95 Time Call Receivcd: 22:18 Location of Run: 19 Tai Lanc Time Out: 22:20 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 22:22 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 22:35 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine I: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue I: No Ladder I: No Tender I: No Other: No Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulancc: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Med Trans of Montana, Bozeman Police, Gallatin County Sheriff Fire Fighters at Scene: M. Thompson, V. Backman, R. Cima Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Jarred Sherwood Sex: Male Patient's Address: 205 North Hedges Zip Code: 59715 Age: 19 Patient's Phone: 994-4074 Position/Location of Patient: Laying on his right side, ComplaintIProblem: The paticnt had a large cut on his upper lip on the Icft side from allegedly being kicked in the mouth, CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 75 Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a report of a man who was down in the parking lot of Spectators Sports Bar, Upon arrival firefighters found a man laying on his side in the parking lot. The patient had a large cut to his upper lip. Firefighters took a patient history and performed a primary and secondary survey of thc patient. Firefighters also assisted Med Trans personnel with the loading and packaging of the patient for transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officcr in Charge: M. Thompson Person Making Report: M. Thompson e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 02-Mar-95 ._n__..__..__..__".__ n_ _.__. Alarm Number: 950124 Date: I8-Feb-95 Time Call Received: 8:53 Location of Run: 321 North 5th. Time Out: 8:54 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 8:56 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Sen>ice: 9:10 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Ycs Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Ambulancc Fire Fighters at Scene: M. Hoey. 1. Shrauger. Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Bob Dietz Sex: Male Patient's Address: 321 North 5th. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 38 Patient's Phone: 587-4404 Posiiion/l,ocation of Patient: Patient was in bed. ComplaintlProblem: Patient hit his head whilc having a seizurc. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): 11 0/85 Respirations (If Taken): 12 Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Unresponsive Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefightcrs wcrc dispatched to thc Bozeman Care Center, 321 North 5th. to a report of a man that had fallen and hit his hcad. Fircfightcrs found a male patient that had hit his head whilc having a seizure. Firefightcrs assited in loading the patient for transport to thc hospital. Officer in Charge: M.Hoey Person Making Report: M. Hoey . e ..~_..~_r Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 17-Feb-95 -.-.-- -...---".... ,.-.---..--....- __._____._n_..._...___..._ _... _ __.,.___....__._.....___._.___..._.... Alarm Number: 950123 Date: I7-Feb~95 Timc Out: 15:24 Location of Run: Intersection of Main & 9th On Sccne: 15:28 Type of Run: Emcrgency In Service: 15:31 Kind of Run: Vehicle Firc Response District: 21 Responding From: Station I Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Unknown - the vehicle was gone on arrival. Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of Occupany/Vehic1e: License: Fire Originated In _Sprcad to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Deetector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Livcs Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 I . _______ _..__n.____.". .- - e e --,.-.... Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 17-Feb-95 . _ m..___._ __._______ ..--..... -."'......-.......-...."..."'.--.....-......--..- ..,..- .. ----- Alarm Number: 950122 Date: 17-Feb.95 Time Call Received: 7:46 Location of Run: 616 North Willson Time Out: 7:47 Type of Run: Emergency On Sccnc: 7:50 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 8:07 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine I: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder I: No Tender I: No Othcr: No Response District: II Responding From: Station I Did wc arrive before Ambulance: Yes Othcr Agencies at Scene: Med Trans Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Duntsch, K. Bushnell Unprotectcd Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Mary Lathrop Scx: Fcmalc Patient's Addrcss: 616 North Willson Zip Code: 59715 Age: 53 Patient's Phone: 587-2765 PositionlLocation of Patient: Sitting in a chair in the living room. ComplainVProblcm: The patient had recently had part of her upper left lung removcd and was experiencing the feeling of lung colapse. CPR Pcrformcd: No Pulse (If Taken): 80 Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): 18 Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousncss: Alcrt Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefightcrs were summoncd to assist a woman that was experiencing lung problems. Firefightcrs took pulsc, bilatcral brcath sounds and administered 4 liters of oxygen. Firefighters assisted ambulance personnel with packaging and loading the patient for transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: G. Duntsch Person Making Report: G. Duntsch . e ----.. .-- _. --... Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 17-Feh-95 ...-----.-- --- ----..... ..-.--. ..-... ..-.. ..--- ---- ..----.... .--... ---- ..- Alarm Number: 950121 Date: 17.Feb-95 Time Call Received: 6:11 Location of Run: 1017 So. Grand Time Out: 6:12 Type of Run: Emergcncy On Scene: 6:17 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 6:28 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Ycs Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Med-trans Ambulancc Fire Fighters at Scene: C. VanderMolen & K. Johnson Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Rose Joost Sex: Female Patient's Address: 10 17 So. Grand Zip Code: 59715 Age: 22 Patient's Phone: 582.1633 Position/Location of Patient: Sitting on thc floor ncxt to her bed. Complaint/Problem: She had a seizure and bit her tongue. CPR Perl'ormed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (It'Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Responsive to Verbal Stimulus Treatment by Bozeman Fire: The Bozcman Firc Department was dispatched to 1017 So. Grand to assist a person having a seizure. No trcatment was given and she was not transported. Officer in Charge: C. Vandcr Molen Person Making Report: D. Millcr e e . ....-..-.-..."....-.- -... -..-.....-..- .- ... ....___ .. n. ....__.~.,.,_ Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 03-Mar-95 ......--.... Alarm Number: 950120 Date: 17-Feb-95 Time Out: 3:57 Location of Run: Johnstone Center MSU On Scene: 4:03 Type of Rnn: Emcrgency In Service: 4:36 Kind of Rnn: Other Fire Response District: 23 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Montana State University Occupant Phone: 994-2121 Occupant Address: 800 West Harrison Owner Name: Montana State Owner Phone: 994~2121 Owner Address: MSU Campus Type of OccupanyNehicle: Dormitory License: Fire Originated In Spread to: The fire originated in a void next to the front door where leaves and small bits of paper had been collecting. Next to this void a coffee can was placcd to to receive cigarette butts. It appears a carelcssly thrown cigarette got into this spacc igniting the leaves and paper setting off thc fire alarms, Caused by: Most likely cause is that an errant cigarette butt ignited. a collection of leaves and small bits of paper. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: Yes Did it Activate: Yes If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0,00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 ~ --\ Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 950120 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: En~ine 1: Yes En~ine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Water Source of Water: Tank Amount of Water Used: 0008 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Shyne, F. Devine D. Miller, C, Vandermolen, K. Johnson Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Scrcwdriver, Hammer, Pump Cans Equipment Lost or Broken: none Incident Narrative: Bozeman firefighters were dispatched to Mullen Hall ( Johnstone Center) MSU campus with a report ofthe fire alarm system having been activated. Next to the front door there is a small void that had been filling up with leaves and small bits of paper. Over this void a coffee can was placed to colIect unwanted cigarette butts. It appears that an errant cigarette butt got into this viod igniting the leaves and paper. The smoke then set off the fire alarm system. The smoldering leaves were put out and the residents were allowed back into their rooms. Officer in Charge: D. Shyne .Person Making Report: D. Shyne 2 . , Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 16-Feb-95 Alarm Number: 950119 Date: 16~Feb~95 Time Call Received: 14:59 Location of Run: E. Main & Church Time Out: 14:59 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 15:02 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 15:03 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Lifc Used: No Engine 1: No Enginc 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Responsc District: 12 Rcsponding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Af,J,encies at Scene: Ambulance & Bozeman Police Fire Fi".,hters at Scene: Vander Molen & K. Johson Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Canceled in route Sex: Patient's Address: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Patient's Phone: Position/Location of Patient: ComplaintlProblem: CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Canceled in route. Officer in Charge: C. Vander Molen Person Making Report: C. Vander Molen e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 16-Feh-95 .--..,,'---- Alarm Number: 950118 Date: 16~Feb-95 Time Call Received: Location of Run: 417 So. lith. Time Out: 10:14 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 10:18 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 10:36 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Ycs Other Agencies at Scene: Trans Mcd of America Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Shync F. DeVinc Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Louis Schrauer Sex: Female Patient's Address: 417 So. lith Zip Code: 59715 Age: 86 Patient's Phone: 587~73572 Position/Location of Patient: Patirnt was found kneeling on the floor next to her bed with her elbows on the bed. this bed was in a rear bedroom. Complaint/Problem: Patient said she had jumped out of bed to get the phone and got very dizzy. She said she then got down on the floor so shc would not fall. A neighbor lady had stopped by to sce hcr and thought that shc ncedcd mcdical help. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 86 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 165/75 Respirations (It' Taken): 16 Pupils: EAR Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Fire fighters responded to a south II th address to a report of a woman down. The patient had gotten out ofbcd to fast and felt very dizzy. Shc then knelt down on the floor so she would not fall. A neighbor lady thought she was in distress and called for help. e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 16-Feb-95 -.-...-.-....-..-..----...... .- ... -......---..--.... .. ....-.......--.-..--.........-..---..-- ..._--...,,-_...,._.._--~,.,. , ,.... -..'-.."'......"...-...,---- ..- Officer in Charge: D, Shyne Person Makin2 Report: D, Shyne ______.__._u_..._ e - .... no . .___.".....u... -- Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report ONvfar-95 . u"___,, _._...._.._.___. ________. ._. ..---.-.. .-........-.-..-".--..-.-- ..--- Alarm Number: 950117 Date: 15~Feb~95 Time Out: 18:21 Location of Run: 1616 South 3rd. On Scene: 18:21 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 18:21 Kind of Run: Structure Fire Response District: 12 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of eall Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: 1616 South 3 rd. Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: 1616 South 3rd. Type of OccupanylVehicJe: Homc License: Fire Ori~inated In_Spread to: No Firc Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property dama~e: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0,00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 I e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 950117 __.___."._.__n Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: M. Hoey, T. Sutherland, L. Hancock, M. Thompson, 1. Polus, V. Backman. Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fircfightcrs wcre dispatched to a reported fire at 1616 South 3rd. Dispatch canceled the Fire Department before they could arrive on scene. It was reported that the fire was from a Bar-B-Q. Officer in Charge: T. Sutherland Person Making Report: M. Hoey 2 e e ... --............- Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 02-A1ar-95 .-.....--..-.----".-......"..- ---. --......--....-.--.--...-. Alarm Number: 950116 Date: 15-Feb-95 Time Call Received: 8:07 Location of Run: 1010 East Olive Time Out: 8:08 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 8:11 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 8:47 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station I Did we arrive before Ambulance: Ycs Other Agencies at Scene: Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: M. Hoey, L. Hancock. Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Janet Taylor Sex: Female Patient's Address: 1010 East Olive Zip Code: 59715 Age: 44 Patient's Phone: 587-824 Position/Location of Patient: Patient was in bed. ComplaintlProblem: Patient was not breathing and had no hcart beal. CPR Performed: Yes Pulse (If Taken): None Blood Pressure (If Taken): Nonc Respirations (If Taken): None Pupils: Fixed Level of Conciousness: Unresponsivc Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters were dispatched to a report of a woman not brcathing. Upon arrival fircfighters found a 44 year old woman that was not breathing and had no heart beat. Firefighters began CPR. The firefighters assisted in loading the patient for transport to the hospital. One firefighter traveled to the hospital in the ambulance to assist in CPR. Officer in Charge: M. Hocy Person Making Report: M. Hoey e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report J 5-Feb-95 . .... .....n..m..__... ._...._.___.__________._____________ n_n_.._._..__..._..._.u_ . " .... - "" ___.___..._...___n___.._..._.._.__._._..___....... Alarm Number: 950115 Date: 14.Feb-95 Time Call Received: 20:15 Location of Run: 5 Bax1er Lane (Holiday Inn) Time Out: 20:17 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 20:20 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 20:29 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Responsc District: 11 Responding From: Station I Did we arrivc before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Med Trans Fire Fighters at Scenc: G. Duntsch, K. Bushnell Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Chris Pickle Sex: Female Patient's Address: 305 Gertrude, Belgrade, MT Zip Code: 59714 Age: 16 Patient's Phone: 388-0126 Position/Location of Patient: Sitting on thc floor in the kitchcn officc. ComplaintlProblem: Hyperventilating - asthma condition. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FO Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Resl)irations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FO Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters were summoned to assist a 16 year old girl that was hyperventilating. Ambulance personnel had thc situation under control and Firefighters were released. The paticnt's mothcr was callcd to transport her home. Officer in Charge: G. Duntsch Person Making Report: G. Duntsch ---- ---"-_._- e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 15-F'eb-95 ._""_.___"_."_........__n_""." ". mn_______....__."." _" ..,,"___..."_ . "n________""...._n.__..__"_"__._. " "_ . "...-- "" ._..._".__._".""."..""_______ ... ""_______..______________."_.________._..__m Alarm Number: 950114 Date: 14-Feb-95 Time Call Received: 14:11 Location of Run: 717 North Church Time Out: 14: 12 Type of Run: Emcrgency On Scene: 14: 14 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 14:56 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No En2ine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station I Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Bozeman Police, Med Trans Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Duntsch, K. Bushnell Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Steve Kurk Sex: Male Patient's Address: 6108 Shadow Drive, Bozeman, MT Zip Code: 59715 Age: 41 Patient's Phone: 586-1462 Position/Location of Patient: Lying supinc on thc bank ncxt to Bozeman Creek. ComplaintlProblem: Severe lower back pain, lumbar area, CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not takcn by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not takcn by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozcman Firefighters wcrc summoncd to assist a man who fell into Bozeman Creek and was struck in the back by a chunk of ice, Firefightcrs assistcd City Water, Street and Sanitation Department embloyces with care, backboarding and removing the patient from the creek area. The patient was loaded for transport to Bozcman Deaconcss Hospital. Officer in Charge: G. Duntsch Person Making Report: G, Duntsch e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 15-Feb-95 n... . ...n__.__ __..__ --.-.. n__ __ Alarm Number: 950113 Date: 14~Feb-95 Time Call Received: 13:24 Location of Run: 516 Dell Placc Time Out: 13:26 Type of Run: Emcrgcncy On Scene: 13:28 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 13:53 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Ycs Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station I Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Othcr Agcncies at Scene: Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Duntsch, K. Bushnell Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Roy Pcdcn Sex: Male Patient's Address: 516 Dell Place Zip Code: 59715 Age: 82 Patient's Phone: 587-4105 Position/Location of Patient: Sitting on his bcd. Complaint/Problem: Shortncss of brcath, wcak, tingling and pain in both arms. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 107 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 166/98 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to assist an eldcrly man that was cxpericncing a possible heart attack. Fircfightcrs took pulsc and blood prcssurc and assisted ambulance personnel with treatment, packaging and loading for transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: G. Duntsch Person Making Report: G. Duntsch e -- --. ...--. .".. Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 16-Fcb-.95 -.....-.... -..- -."... ..---...-.,. Alarm Number: 950112 Date: 13-Feb-95 Time Out: 18:52 Location of Run: East Griffin Dr. On Sccne: 18:58 Type of Run: Nonemergency Tn Scrvice: 19:00 Kind of Run: False Call ~ Good Intent Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of Occupany/VehicIe: License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: nla Caused by: Unknown report of smoke. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dcctector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Flre Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurancc on Contents: $0.00 1 e e Bozeman !lire Department - Fire Report pg.2 Alann Number 950112 .... ._-_.~,_.,'-""---,-,-"'---,_.._-,--_.. Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Enginc t: Yes Engine 2: No Rcscuc 1: No Laddcr I: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Watcr: Amount of Water Uscd: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Miller, C. VanderMolen, & K. Johnson Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Pcrsonnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incidcnt Narrative: An unknown person called and reported seeing large amounts of black smoke coming from a trailer park just off of Griffin. The individual did not use the 911 system. Instead he called the Fire Department on the business line and failed to give them enough information. Fire Personnel knew they had to check it out. Nothing was found. Officer in Chargc: D. Miller Pcrson Making Rcport: D. Miller 2 . e ~-,. Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 13-Feb-95 -- .---....- -----."... ---... Alarm Number: 950111 Date: 13-Feb-95 Time Call Received: 17:25 Location of Run: North 7th & Juniper Time Out: 17:25 Type of Run: Emcrgency On Scene: 17:30 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 17:51 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Bozeman Policc & Moo Trans of Mt. Fire Fighters at Scene: C. Vander Molen & K Johnson Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Taigk Hoeger Sex: Male Patient's Address: 911 A Colorado Belgrade Mt. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 21 Patient's Phone: 587~8893 Position/Location of Patient: Sitting in vehiele. ComplaintlProblem: CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: A twentyMone year old male involved in a vchicle accident, received a cut on the top of his head when his head hit the windshield. Fire department personnel assisted Med Trans in packaging thc patient for transportation to the hospital. Officer in Chaf2e: C. Vander Molen Person Making Report: C. Vander Molen e . -.--.... .. ,..u__ _..._.. Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 13-Feh-95 Alarm Number: 950110 Date: 13-Feb-95 Time Out: 15:36 Location of Run: 233 East Main On Scene: 15:45 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: ]6:10 Kind of Run: Suspicious Odor Response District: 11 Responding From: Station lout & Station 2 in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: The Great Rocky Mountain Toy Company Occupant Phone: 585~3322 Occupant Address: 233 East Main Owner Name: Christopher Pope Owner Phone: 587-8454 Owner Address: 825 So. Tracy Ave. Type of OccupanyNehicIe: Two story masonry wood frame Busine License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: No fire. Caused by: Unknown odor. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No H it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contcnts: $0,00 1 H- e e Bozeman Fire Department. Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 950110 -".'--'.._- -- ..-- ,.-.... ---. ...-- n_.".__ .--.. .._.. n____ __ ..____ "'___ .___ .._ Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Ycs Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Miller. K. Johnson, & D. Shyne, T. Shcarman, F. Devine Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: S-l's gas Sniffer Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: The Bozeman Firc Department was asked to respond code 1 to 233 E. Main to investigate a smell, The on scenc personnel found no causc for thc smell which dissipated. The occupants werc advised to have their smokc stack checkcd. The other possibility discusscd was that of a vehicle parked outside running. Olticer in Charge: D. Miller Person Making Report: D. Miller 2 . . ..._ .n_.._ n_ ..,--- - Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report J 3-Feb-95 _n.__.. ..-."'.....---.. - .-- '.00_'. Alarm Number: 950109 Date: 13-Feb-95 Time Call Rcceived: 13:26 Location of Run: Darlington Manor-606 N 5th Ave. Time Out: 13:27 Type of Run: Emergency On Scenc: 13:29 Kind of Run: Medical Assist Tn Service: 13:53 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Lifc Used: No Engine I: No Engine 2: No Rcscue I: Yes Laddcr I: No Tender I: No Other: No Response District: 11 Rcsponding From: Station I Did wc arrive before Ambulance: Yes Othcr Agencies at Scene: Mcdtrans of Montana Fire Fighters at Sccne: D. Shyne, F. Devine Unprotccted Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Ruth Holtzman Sex: Fcmale Patient's Address: Darlington Manor-606 N 5th Ave. #411 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 84 Patient's Phonc: 587-2280 PositionILocation of Patient: Sitting in a chair. ComplaintlProblem: Patient complaincd of pain in her right hip aftcr falling on the floor. CPR Pcrformed: No Pulse (If Taken): 90 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 165/80 Respirations (If Taken): 14 Pupils: EAR Level of Conciousncss: Alert Treatmcnt by Bozeman Fire: Bozcman Firefighters wcre dispatched to a report of a woman with a possible broken hip at Darlington Manor. Upon arrival, Firefighters found a woman who said she had fallen after trying to get up from the couch. Firefighters took vitals and helped the ambulance crew with packaging of the patient. Officer in Charge: D. Shyne Person Making Report: F. Devinc e e ...---...-- - Bozeman Fire Department ~ Fire Report 13-Feb-95 ..- - .....-.-. -. --.... Alarm Number: 950108 Date: 12-Feb-95 Timc Out: 21:40 Location of Run: 702 Bridger Drive On Sccne: 21:40 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 21 :40 Kind of Run: Vehicle Fire Response District: 11 Responding From: Station I Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Not Taken Occupant Phone: Occupant Addrcss: 702 Bridger Drive Owncr Name: Owner Phone: Owner Addrcss: Type of OceupanyNehic1e: License: Fire Originated Tn _Spread to: Caused by: Started by a Juvcnile: No Picturcs Taken: No Smoke Decteetor Prcsent: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it savc a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activate~, did it prevent major property damage: No FiJ~ J.-oss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contcnts: $0.00 Insurance Company: Tnsurance on Property: $0,00 Tnsurance on Contents: $0.00 I e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg_ 2 Alarm Number 950108 -.----..... --..,....".-....--------- Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Enginc ]: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue ]: No. Ladder I: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not uscd Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: M. Hoey, 1. Polus, K. Johnson. Call Back Pcrsonnel Pagcd: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipmcnt Lost o.r Broken: Incidcnt Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters were dispatched to a report o.f a car firc at 702 Bridger Drive, Dispatch cancelled Fire Department before firefighters arrived on scene. Officcr in Charge: M. Hocy Pcrso.n Making Rcport: M. Hoey 2 e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 12-Feb-95 Alarm Number: 950107 Date: 12-Feb-95 Time Call Rcceived: 17:45 Location of Run: Main and Bozeman Time Out: 17:47 Type of Run: Emergency On Sccne: 17:48 Kind of Run: Vehiclc Accident In Service: 17:49 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine I: No Engine 2: No Rcscue 1: Ycs Ladder 1: No Tcnder 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station I Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Bozeman Police Dept. Fire Fighters at Scene: 1. Polus, K. Johnson Unprotcctcd Exposurc: No Customer Information Patient Name: Sex: Patient's Address: Zip Codc: 59715 Age: 0 Patient's Phone: PositionlLocation of Patient: Non~existant ComplaintlProblem: CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Takcn): Not taken by FD Blood Prcssurc (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire responded to a report of an injury accident at Main and Bozeman. Upon arrival no accident was found, fire fighters returned to station. Officer in Charge: 1. Polus Person Making Report: 1. Polus e e ..-.-. -.---.. ...--- Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 16..Feb-95 --., .. -- .--.. ......---.- ....-...-..---- .......,.....--.- Alarm Number: 950106 Date: 12-Feb-95 Timc Out: 16:48 Location of Run: Legion VilIa-12 1 5 Durston On Scene: 16:50 Type of Run: Emcrgency In Service: 17:03 Kind of Run: Structure Fire Rcsponse District: 21 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: McGee, Elmor Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: 1215 Durston- Room 317 Owner Name: Owner Phone: 587-7612 Owner Address: Type of OccupanylVchicle: License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: Fire originated in the kitchcn and remained eonfined to a pan. Caused by: Ovcr-cooked food. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Deetector Present: Yes Did it Activate: Ycs If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contcnts: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 e e Bozeman Fire Department ~ Fire Report pg.2 Alarm Number 950106 -...- Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine I: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue I: No Ladder I: No Tendcr I: Yes Squad I: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Sourcc of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Firc Fighters at Sccnc: K. Johnson, M. Roey, R. Cima, V. Backman, M. Criner Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personncl: Equipmcnt Uscd: Equipment Lost or Broken: Tncident Narrative: Responded to a reported structure fire at thc Legion Villa. A tenant's supper had burned rcsulting in a smoke fillcd room. Fire personnel dispersed the smoke utilizing a fan. Officer in Charge: V. Backman Person Making Report: K. Johnson 2 e e .~.,,- Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report I1-Feb-95 Alarm Number: 950105 Datc: 11-Feb-95 Timc Call Reecived: 12:20 Location of Run: 802 North Grand, Apt. 2A6 Timc Out: 12:21 Type of Run: Emergcncy On Sccnc: 12:24 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Scrvicc: 12:33 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine I: No Engine 2: No Rcscuc 1: Ycs Ladder I: No Tender I: No Othcr: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Ycs Other Agencies at Scene: Ambulancc Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Duntsch. T. Greene Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Namc: Kathleen Madden Sex: Female Patient's Address: 802 North Grand, Apt. 2A6 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 9 Patient's Phone: 586-9555 PosilionlLocation of Patient: Sitting on living room floor with her left foot resting on the couch. ComplaintlProblcm: One inch laceration on the top of her left foot. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not takcn by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozcman Fire: Bozcman FireFightcrs were summoned to assist a young girl that had received a cut on the top of her foot. FircFighters assisted ambulance personnel with treatmcnt. The patient was transported to the hospital by hcr father. Officer in Charge: G. Duntsch Person Making Report: G. Duntsch . e ..'__u__.n_ Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 10-Feb-95 - ---- - _._..___.._"'..._..u_._...._. ..-----------..- ...-- -....--.--.-..-.-., "".- .. ____....._.u_______..u....._.._om Alarm Number: 950104 Date: IO.Feb.95 Time Call Received: 14:32 Location of Run: 211 West Main Time Out: 14:33 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 14:34 Kind of Run: Mcdical Assist In Service: 14:47 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine I: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender I: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulancc: Yes Other Agencics at Scene: Med- Trans of Montana Fire Fighters at Scene: Dan Shyne and Keith Johnson Unprotccted Exposure: No Customer Information Paticnt Name: Joc Ellcnburg Scx: Male Patient's Address: 3471 Windmill Circlc Zip Code: 59105 Age: 35 Patient's Phone: 652-4125 Position/Location of Patient: Lying on side on thc sidewalk. ComplaintlProblcm: Patient was suffering tib, fib pain in the left leg. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 100 Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not takcn by FD Respirations (Tf Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Equal and reacti Level of Conciousness: Alert Treat~ent by Bozeman Fire: BO:l.ell}l}U Fire personncl responded to assist a 35 year old male who had fallen from a ladder, injuring his lower left leg. He was transported to the hospital via Med.trans of Montana ambulance. ~~rjfl Charge: D. Shyne Person Making Report: K. Johnson e . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report I O~Fcb-95 . ....-.... u_ _....__...._". ____..._.___.u.... ..._"......._,... ...._________._.__ ..---..----- . -..-----...-.-.--..----.... Alarm Number: 950103 Date: IO-Feb-95 Time Call Received: 10:32 Location of Run: 202 No Church Timc Out: 10:34 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 10:35 Kind of Run: Mcdical Assist Tn Scrvice: 11:15 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine I: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender I: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station I Did we arrivc beforc Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Med- Trans of Montana Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Miller D. Shyne Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Marie BellZenger Sex: Female Patient's Address: 202 No Church Zip Code: 59715 Age: 38 Patient's Phone: 586~8798 PositionILocation of Patient: Paticnt was found on thc floor next to her bed, lying on her back. Complaint/Problem: Patient has had a diabetic condition since age 13. She has been ehanging the amount of insulin she takes at her doctors direction. We were unable to determinc what caused hcr reaction. To much insulin, not enough or improper diet. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 100 Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): 12 Pupils: fixed Level of Conciousness: Responsive to Pain Stimulus Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters responded to a report of a lady that was having an insulin reaction. She was adminstercd glucose and an I. V. was started. Shc was packaged and Med- Trans of Montana transported her to the hospital. Officer in Chargc: D. Miller Person Making Report: D. Shyne . ... Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report lO-Feb-95 -..------.--......-...".--.--.. . ---..--..----......--- AlannNumber: 950102 Date: 1O-Feb--95 Time Call Received: 7:56 Location of Run: AJM Johnson Hall, MSU Campus Time Out: 7:58 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 8:04 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 8:20 Fire Department Operations Jaws of'Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 23 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MSU Police, Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: K.Rowe, J.Shauger Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Tammy Cortin Sex: Female Patient's Address: 28494 Norris Rd. Belgrade, MT. Zip Code: 59714 Age: 27 Patient's Phone: 586-6645 Position/Location of' Patient: Sitting in chair with right leg elevatcd on stool. ComplaintlProblem: Patient had slipped on snow cover sidewalk and injured her right knee. Patient stated she had lower back problems in past but the pain from thc knee was hcr concern. Patient stated she was alergic to penicillin and aspirin. CPR Perfonned: No Pulse (If Taken): 90 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 13 5/85 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Fire fighters responded to MSU campus to the report of a woman down. Upon arrival fire fighters found a 27 year old female that had fallen and injured hcr knee. Fire fighters took vitals and packaged her for transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: K. Rowe Person Making Report: K. Rowe .-- FEB-) 0-95 SAT 7:09 PM BOZ~MAN STAT10N #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 1 . . - _..~. Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report lo-Feb-95 .. - . '" - , .~.'-. AlanD Numkr: 950100 D.t~: 07~Pe\).95 Time Call Recttvfll: 9:'9 l<<ation of Ran: Walmart Department Stot~, North 7th Ave, Time Oat: 10:02 Type or Run: Emergency OD Setde: 10:08 Kind of Run: Medical AmI! In Service: 10:26 Fire D~partment Ooerations JllWt of IJfe Vied: No kllgble 1: No EO&idez: Yes ReIiCUf! 1: No Ladder I: No Teader 1: No Otbea': No RapoDse DUtritt: 11 Rnpondtng From: Neither Station in at the time of call Did we arrive bd'ore AmbWaDa:: NQ Otber Aaeocia at Scc.oe: AmbWance FIre FiglJten at SCCft: K. Rowe, D. Shyne, l' Shearman Uaproteeted ESpoRln: No Customer Information Paumt Name: Katherine Karr West Ser. Female Patient', Addren: RlE 38 Box 2206, LMng8t011, MT. Zip Code: 59047 Ale: S4 Patknt', Pbone: 222-8114 PoIitioall.GcadOa of ParMar: Lying on right side on floor in Walmart cleparment store. ComplalntIProblem: Platicnt had a cut on the back of bet head from. the fan. She apparently had . seizure and lost conciousness for a few miDUtes, Patient bacl problems answering qucm<m5 but did improve as time progressed. CPR Performed: No Pul.t (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pre$$bre (H TPeu): Not taken by FO IUtplratioJu (If Takea): Not taken by FD Papu,: Nor: takeD by.I'D Level of CO..~iwsaeM: Responsive to Verbal Stimulus Treatment by Bo:umu Fire: Pitc ftsh=s responded to Walman Department ~rc to tbe aid of a woman who had klst conSCiousness. Fire fighters auiltOd ambulance:: personnel in the packaging and loadin8 of the patient for transpon to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Off'ICU ia Charge: K. Rowe hncm Maldal Report: K. Rowe . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 06-Feb-95 ..------.--..------......... .. ...-...-.-.------- Alarm Number: 950099 Date: 06-Feb-95 Timc Call Reccivcd: 10:40 Location of Run: 208 E. Main, First Security Bank Time Out: 10:41 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 10:42 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 11 :03 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Lifc Used: No Engine I: No Engine 2: No Rcscuc I: Yes Ladder 1: No Tcnder 1: No Other: No Rcsponsc District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulancc: Yes Other Agcncics at Sccnc: Halls Ambulance Fire Fightcrs at Scene: Sutherland, and Bushnell Unprotected Exposurc: No Customer Information Patient Name: Deanna OU Sex: Female Patient's Address: 405 N. Tracy #6 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 23 Paticnt's Phone: 585-1225 PositioniLocation of Patient: Thc paticnt was sitting in an office chair. Complaint/Problem: Thc paticnt is anemic. The patient lost consciousness for a short period of time. CPR Performcd: No Pulsc (If Takcn): 84 Blood Pressurc (If Taken): 124/88 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FO Pupils: Not taken by FO Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters were dispatched to First Sccurity Bank for a report of a female that passed out. Firefighters did prilmary and secondary survcys, administered oxy. at 5L. and assisted the ambulance with packaging for transport. Officer in Chargc: T. Sutherland Person Making Report: T. Sutherland e . .. --... Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 06-Feb-95 -------- ..--.-.... ----- ..-- --.--- ..--.","-- ---- ...-----..-.."..---.... ---- ---.. -----..--....--... Alarm Number: 950098 Date: 06-Feb-95 Time Call Received: 8:07 Location of Run: 31900 E. Frontage Rd. Timc Out: 8:08 Type of Run: Emcrgency On Scene: 8:11 Kind of Run: Mcdical Assist In Service: 8:28 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Enginc I: No Enginc 2: Yes Rescue 1: Yes Ladder I: No Tendcr 1: No Other: No Rcsponsc District: 12 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Sccne: BPD,GCSO Firc Fightcrs at Sccnc: Sutherland, and Bushnell Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Danicl Break Sex: Male Patient's Address: 315 W. Main, Belgrade. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 25 Patient's Phone: 388-1366 Position/Location of Patient: The patient was sitting upright in a chair at Home Oxygen Carc. Complaint/Problcm: The paticnt was involved in a one vehicle MV A and received a cut above his eye and base of his skull.. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 80 Blood Pressure (If Takcn): 135170 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Lcvcl of Conciousness: Alert Treatmcnt by Bozcman Fire: Firefighters wefC dispatchcd to 31900 block of E. Frontage Rd. fOf a report of a one vehicle MY A with injuries. Firefighters did primary and secondary surveys helped c~spine immob. and paekagc for transport. Officer in Charge: T. Sutherland Person Making Report: T. Sutherland e e ~. Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 06-Feb-95 _..n _.. ... ...__ __.__...___.._...... ,....-.... __n .__..__. u_..__...___..__._.___......_."'._...._ Alarm Number: 950097 Date: 05-Feb-95 Time Out: 12:28 Location of Run: 715 S.6th On Scene: 12:36 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 12:51 Kind of Run: Service Call Response District: 12 Responding From: Station I Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Jerry Crabs Occupant Phonc: 587-4335 Occupant Address: 715 S. 6th Owner Name: Jerry Crabs Owner Phone: 587-4335 Owner Address: 715 S. 6th Type of OccupanylVehicle: Single family res. License: Fire Originated In Spread to: no fire, Caused by: C02 detector activated. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: Yes Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 I ____"no e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 950097 ...,- Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue I: No Ladder 1: No Tender I: No Squad 1: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: F-9 no pumping time Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: 1. Polus Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: C02 meter Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Man called and stated his C02 detector had activated. Joe polus took reading in the mechanical room and in the bedroom and found nothing. Officer in Charge: 1. Polus Person Making Report: D. Shyne 2 . e -,..--...-... ...-..-- ---.-- - Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 06~Feb~95 -..,.. ." ..-...... .~..,.,. .. -. ..-.. ,.. .-.. -."...-.,.......-..... m.. ......._._.___ ........__......__ . ......____..._..___. -....-.."... Alarm Number: 950096 Date: 05-Feb~95 Time Out: 8:18 Location of Run: I -90 Milc Marker 293 On Scene: 8:28 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 10:50 Kind of Run: Hazardous Condition Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given; No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Mike & Cassandra Hicks Occupant Phone: 217~879-4674 Occupant Address: 100 Park Ave. Place, Calumet City Ill. , 604 Owncr Name: Mike & Cassandra Hicks Owncr Phonc: 217-879-4674 Owner Addrcss: 100 Park Ave PLace, Calumet City lll. ,60409 Type of OccupanylVchic1c: 1991 Chevy Van License: YPV529 III Fire Originatcd In _Sprcad to: No fire. Haz Mat call. A 1991 Chevy van pulling a trailer lost control on a slippery road surface and went into the ditch coming to rest on its side in an irrigation canal. Caused by: Freezing rain. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a Iifc: No How many Livcs Savcd: 0 IT it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $10,000.00 Estimatcd Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Allstate of111., Agent at 708402-2229 Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0. on 1 e e Bozeman Fire Department ~ Fire Report pg.2 Alarm Number 950096 n.m.____.______ Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Enginc 2: No Rescue I: No Ladder 1: No Tendcr I: No Squad 1: Yes Other: No Unit and Pumping Timc: none Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Firc Fighters at Scene: D. Miller, F. Devine, 1. Shrauger Call Back Personnel Paged: Yes Speeial Teams Paged: No Off Duty Pcrsonncl: D. Millcr, F. Devine, 1. Shrauger, K. Johnson Equipment Used: Sea. hydro carbon absorbing booms from basement Equipment Lost or Broken: none Tncidcnt Narrative: At 8: 13 Rosie from the sheriffs dept called and asked that the haz-mat team be put on stand by. At 8: 14 Rosie called back and dispatched the haz~mat team to a one vehicle accident at mile post 293,1-90. The vehicle had left the roadway and come to rest in a irrigation ditch. Squad Onc with three mcn on board were dispatched. The vehiclc came to rest on its right side with the fuel fill spout on the upper side of the car. After the vehicle was righted the fuel tank was still intact with no signs of leaking. The film of oil on the water was picked up by Haz-Mat team members. This oil film was believe to be coming from the crank case or power stearing pump. Officer in Charge: D. Miller Person Making Report: D. Shyne 2 e . BOZEMAN FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RESPONSE REPORT Bozeman units .~~ / ..-. I Date '. .- .. - /""'~.... '</" '/...:;" , . T6'pe Dr Incident ~. , " ,- Time .~ /..., .:., /' ....r ..<-';; /1./: .~ . " Incident number /' "/ ' . /0 Location ...."""/",'/ - ~~--- ,,~-'../j <,;'" ,--"'. ~(-;.. ..- - .",.... .,. ,,'j ",.:. "~.,,.'~'" ,. ;:.~'-~;.'" MATERIAL USED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY .: . ,.-._- , ',,~>, ,.'iJ' {.. ';"'. ,'/ ,r<:-;,. ~ ,..,',} .ro ~. ---.. \." -- .---- FIRE DEPARTMENT I MATERIALS/SUPPLIES CONTAMINATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ,/,,"' ,,/ 5 ~ .J~- .-' .c' , . hS<.J,.hA I~"""" => ~ ................................................................. INVOLVED PARTIES INCIDENT COMMANDER TO Elbh OUT Name or Carrier " Name of' Supplier . Address Address Contact/Telephone # Contact/Telephone # . j . Vehicle 1.D. / ./("-/ ,. ; I, Vehicle I.D "7 ;" , -.' '.' II ..:.. r,/ Driver/Respons bIe Party Driver/Responsible Party / I, ", fi \.' j,'t, . i.... / I ./' ,., ,'." / ....J: / ,...:" / / , .. i' I . -' . , " , , r' . , . I 'j . ..r. j..,,i. e e ..~~~~ Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 08-Fcb-95 Alarm Number: 950095 Date: 05-Feb-95 Time Out: 7:36 Location of Run: 109 N. Rouse On Scene: 7:36 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 8:14 Kind of Run: Chimney Fire Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Midtown Auto Repair Occupant Phone: 587-7910 Occupant Address: 109 N. Rouse Owner Namc: Chet Fullerton Owner Phone: 685-3404 Owner Address: Harrison Lake Rd. Harrison, MT. Type of Occupany/VchicIc: Automotive Licensc: Fire Originated In _Spread to: Thc firc was contained to the flue. Caused by: Tmpropcr maintenance Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Livcs Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg_ 2 Alarm Number 950095 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Enginc I: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue I: No Ladder I: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Portable Ex1inguishcr Source of Water: Amount of Water Uscd: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D.shync, 1. Polus, F. Dcvinc , 1. Shrauger Call Back Pcrsonnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No OJIDuty Personncl: D. Miller, F. Devine, 1. Shraugcr Equipment Uscd: Laddcr and hand tools Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozcman Firclighters were called across the street Sunday morning to a chimney fire at Midtown Auto. Upon arrival firefighters lacldercd the roof and ex1inguished the flue with a soda bomb. They then forced entry to the front door and investigated the oil burning stovc and found the flue to be full of debris. They then secured the building, contactcd the owner and returned to station. Officer in Charge: D. Shync Person Making Report: G. Hoell 2 e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 13-Fcb-95 _.......____."'._n___._ ....._ Alarm Number: 950094 Datc: 05-Feb--95 Time Call Rcceived: 1:42 Location of Run: 1332 East Main Timc Out 1:44 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 1:45 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 2:06 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Uscd: No Engine I: No Engine 2: No Rcscue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender I: No Other: No Responsc District: 12 Responding From: Station I Did we arrive before Arnbulanee: Yes Other Agcncies at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: F, Devine & 1. Shrauger Unprotected Exposurc: No Customer Information Patient Name: Lisa Levesque Sex: Female Patient's Address: 14 Valley --Johnston, Rhode Island Zip Code: Age: 26 Patient's Phone: 40 1-934~2286 PositionILocation of Paticnt: Sitting on a chair in hallway. ComplaintIProblem: Victim was extremely intoxicated, fell and hit her head. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 120 Blood Prcssurc (Tf Takcn): 150/100 Rcspirations (If Taken): Not takcn by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Responsive to Verbal Stimulus Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters were dispatched to 1332 East Main to a report of a woman who had fallen and hit her head. Upon arrival, Firefighters found a female with a large bump on her head. Firefightcrs took vitals, administered oxygen, and asssisted ambulance crew in packaging of paticnt Officer in Charge: F. Dcvine Person Making Report: F, Devine . e Bozeman Fire Department. Fire Report 06-Feb-.95 Alarm Number: 950093 Date: 04.Feb.95 Time Out: 22;23 Location of Run: Durston and So. 19th Ave. On Scene: 22:25 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 22:43 Kind of Run: Vehicle Fire Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Elisabeth Payson Occupant Phone: 507-3744 Occupant Address: P.D. Box 1831, Bozeman MT. 59715 Owner Name: Elisabeth Payson Owner Phone: 587-3744 Owner Addrcss: P.D. Box 1831, Bozman, MT. 59715 Type of OccupanylVehicle: 1984 Oldsmobile, Omega License: 6P-199E Fire Originated In . Spread to: Fire originated in the engine compartment and was confined to this area. Caused by: Unknown Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activatc: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and lnsurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: State Farm, Agent--Rich Resingcr--586-1365 Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg.2 Alarm Number 950093 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: 5 minutes Extinguished with: Water Source of Water: Tank Amount of Water Used: 0100 Gallons Firc Fightcrs at Scene: K. Rowe, T. Shcarman Call Back Pcrsonnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personncl: Equipment Used: Haligan tool, SCBA, Inch and one half hose, Nozzle fj;jWpmeqt Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Fire fighters were dispatched to a vehicle fire at the corner of Durston and So. 19th Ave. Unpon Arrival Fire fighters'found a 1984 Oldsmobile with fire in the engine compartment. Fire fighters eX1inquished the fire and advised the owner that the vehicle appeared to be a total loss. Officer in Charge: K. Rowe Person Making Rcport: K. Rowe 2 e e ,.__..u.,. Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 04-Feb-.95 --.-........--.-...-......----------.-..------- ....-. .--.-...--.-...." .--.----------.---.--.----.. .-.-.... Alarm Number: 950092 Date: 04-Feb-95 Time Call Received: 16:13 Location of Run: Rouse & Main Time Out: 16:16 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 16;18 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 16:37 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 out and Station 2 in at time of ca Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Miller - F. Devine. J. Shrauger - R. Cima Unprotected Exposure: Yes Customer Information Patient Name: Gary Stalling Sex: Male Patient's Address: 125 E. Center Zip Code: 59701 Age: 43 Patient's Phone: 723-6452 PositionILocation of Patient: Lying in the street being restrained by on scene people. ComplaintlProblem: The victim had a seizure and was bleeding from the back of his head. We were told on arrival that the individual was an aids victim. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: The Bozeman Fire Department was dispatched to Rouse & Main to assist an individual who was having a seizure. On arrival they found the individual was being restrained by people on the scene. Fire pcrsonnel assisted in securing the individual until Halls Ambulance arrived and then assisted in loading. One Fire Fighter assisted Halls Ambulance during transportation also. Officer in Charge: D. Miller Person Making Report: D. Miller e e "" ---...-- Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 04-Feb-95 .--... -.--..---.-----.----."'.-.....---.---.....- Alarm Number: 950091 Date: 04-Feb-95 Time Call Received: 7;59 Location of Run: 9430 Haggerty Lanc Time Out: 7:59 Type of Run: Nonemergency On Scene: 8;07 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 8:23 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine I: No Engine 2: No Rescue I: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station I Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: F. Devine, 1. Shrauger. Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Daniel Moudree Sex: Male Patient's Address: 9430 Haggerty Lane Zip Code: 597]5 Age: 82 Patient's Phone: 586-9459 PositionILocation of Patient: Patient was found on the middle landing of a split lcvel home. He was on the floor when firefighters arrived. Complaint/Problem: The patient had some slight back pain in his lower back. The patient also complained that the back of his head was sore. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not takcn by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters were dispatched to a report of a man that had fallen down a flight of stairs. Dispatch directed the Fire Department to respond with out lights and siren at the patients request. Offieer in Charge: F. Devine Person Making Report: 1. Shrauger e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 06-Feh~95 ...--.-.---------.---- Alarm Number: 950090 Date: 03.Feb-95 Time Call Received: 17:50 Location of Run: 2825 W. Main (Banana Bay Bar & Grill) Time Out: 17:50 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 17:53 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 18:09 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: M. Thompson, K. Johnson Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Wayne ArtlOld Sex: Male Patient's Address: 411 N. 20th Zip Code: 59715 Age: 74 Patient's Phone: 586-9442 Position/Location of Patient: Laying on his back on the floor. ComplaintlProblem: He had pain on the back of his head from a fall. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 72 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 160/92 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: equal & reactive Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bo:r,cman Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a report of a man who had fallen off of a stool at the Banana Bay. Upon arrival firefighters discovered a man laying on his back next to the bar. The man had apparently fallen off of his stool and had hit his head on the floor. Firefighters took the mans vital signs and a patient history and assisted Halls Ambulance personnel with the loading and packaging of the patient for transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: M. Thompson Person Making Report: M. Thompson - e e ..". ....--..-. -.... ... ...-.. ---."'.- Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 09-Feb-95 ----.--- n.... . ___.. ...-"...-- - -- .---.....-...-- Alarm Number: 950089 Date: 03-Feb-95 Time Out: 12:21 Location of Run: Video Lottery Consultants On Scene: 12:21 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 12:21 Kind of Run: False Call - Good Intent Response District: 12 Responding Prom: Station lout & Station 2 in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Video Lottery Consultants Occupant Phone: 585-6600 Occupant Address: 2J 11 South 7th. Owner Name: Video Lottery Consultants Owner Phone: 585--6600 Owner Address: 2311 South 7th. Type of Occupany/Vehicle: Manufacturing License: Fire Originatcd In _Spread to: No Fire Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Decteetor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contcnts: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insuranee on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 J e . ...... Bozcman Firc Dcpartment - Firc Report pg" 2 Alarm Numbcr 950089 - _.- - - -.- -..--..-.-. .-.--.-..-..-.- -.--.-..- --.-..-.-.---.-..-..--.-..-...-.-..-..- Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguishcd with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: T. Sutherland, M. Rocy, J. Polus, M. Thompson, K. Johnson. Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters were dispatched to a report of a fue alarm activated at Video Lottery Consultants Dispatch cancelled the Fire Department response before the Fire Department arrived on scene. Dispatch reported there was an a\arnl malfunction. Officer in Charge: T. Sutherland Person Making Report: M. Hoey 2 e e ----- ..---- ..-. to' Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report O]-Feb-95 .., ...-.-- ....--.........-... .-- .._-,.. --- ".--...-.".-.-..-..-... ...--- Alarm Number: 950088 Date: 01-Fcb-95 Time Call Reccived: 9:59 Location of Run: 607 So. Black Time Out: W:Ol Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 10:05 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 10:32 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine I: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response Distriet: 12 Responding From: Station 1 in and Station 2 out at time of ca Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Miller, D. Shyne Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Alexandra V. Egger Sex: Female Patient's Address: 607 So. Black Zip Code: 59715 Age: 70 Patient's Phone: 586-5016 PositionILoeation of Patient: Sitting on the living room couch. Complaint/Problcm: She had passed out in the shower. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): 112/70 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: The Bozeman Fire Department responded to 607 So. Black to assist a pcrson who had passed out in the shower. They took vitals, administered 02, and assisted Halls Ambulance in loading for transportation to the hospital. Officer in Charge: D. Miller Person Making Report: D. Miller e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 03-Fcb-95 ....--.-.---.--- - Alarm Number: 950087 Date: 01-Feb-95 Time Out: 12:37 Location of Run: Gaines Hall - MSU campus On Scene: 12:40 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 0:15 Kind of Run: Suspicious Odor Response District: 23 Responding From: Neither Station in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Information Occupant Name: Gaines Hall. MSU campus Occupant Phone: 994-0211 Occupant Address: MSU campus Owner Name: State of Montana Owner Phone: 994-0211 Owner Address: Montana State Univcrsity Type of Occupany/Vehicle: Three story Masonary License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: No fire. Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Deetector Present: No Did it Aetivate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 . . Bozeman Fire Department -Fire Report pg.2 Alarm Number 950087 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder I: No Tender l: No Squad I: No Othcr: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter, and Rae Fire Engine # I Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire, along with Rea Fire responded to Gaines Hall on M.S.U. campus to investigate an odor of natural gas. Firefighters from both departments, along with M.S.U. security searched the building. The search detected an intcrmittent faint odor of natural gas coming from room 132. Security was advised to make a report to maintenance in the morning. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Report: G. Clutter 2 e . ....---......--...... Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report o /-Fcb.95 ...--...-..-- .....-...-.-.... .- .---.. - Alarm Number: 950086 Date: 31-Jan-95 Time Out: 22;30 Location of Run: AJM Building - MSU campus On Scene: 22:35 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 23;57 Kind of Run: Hazardous Condition Response District: 23 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of caU Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Infonnatioll Occupant Name: AJM building -Math Physics building ~ MSU Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: State of Montana Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanylVehicle: Two story masonary Lieense: Fire Originated In Spread to: nJa No lire. Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prcvent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 / e e 130zcman Fire Department - Fire Report pg.2 Alarm Number 950086 .......-."...--..-.......-.-..-.. Fire Department Operations J,Jnits Responding: Engine I: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue I: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Squad 1: Yes Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: E-l & L-l Both had no pumping time. Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Seene: T. Sutherland, J. Shrauger, V. Backman, J. Polus, R Cima, S. Hougland, M. Hoey, D. Shyne, K. Bushnell, T. Green, F. Devine, A. Scholes, C. Winn, K. Rowe, G. Clutter, D. Archer Call Back Personnel Paged: Yes Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: A. Scholes, C. Wino, S. Hougland, D. Miller, G. Clutter, K. Rowe, D. Shyne, M. Hoey, D. Archer, T. Green, K. Bushnell, K. Johnson, F. Devine, Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighters were dispatched to AJM Johnson Hall, MSU, with the report of the building charged with smoke. After a thorough search firefighters determined that a motor in the airhandling system seized and overheated. Thc airhandling system spread the smoke throughout the building. Officer in Charge: T. Suthcrland Person Making Report: T. Sutherland 2