HomeMy WebLinkAbout01- Solid Waste Transfer Station, Amend. No. 2 to Prof. Services Agreement " ' , , I.. I;' ,I. , , , ( . , representative samples for laboratory analysis. A minimum (~f" two groundwater- monitoring wells will be installed in selected test pits for observation o.f" seasonal high groundwater elevations during the spring. . Selected samples will be tested in the laboratOlY to verify soil classification and engineering index properties. Our testing schedule will depend on the subsurf(]ce conditions encountered; however at a minimum, all samples will be tested f(Jr natural moisture content. Other analyses that will be conducted include California hearing ratio (for asphalt pavement design); standard proctor (fbr cut and fill compaction parameters); and gradation/atterburg limit determinations. If site conditions warrant, a consolidation test will also be completed to identify embankment fill or building settlement potential. . Field and laboratory results will be thorough(y analyzed and a report will he prepared that provides geotechnical recommendations for the site improvements. Items addressed in the report will include design and construction criteria pertaining to foundation and slah support; allowable bearing and lateral earth pressures; estimated foundation settlements; footing subgrade improvement (if' necessary); wall backfill materials and compaction; foundation-related fill materials; surface and subsurface drainage; and asphalt pavement section materials and design thickness. Drafted copies of the exploration logs. laboratory results, and several exhibits will be attached, including a figure that shows a cross-sectional view of our foundation, hackfill, and drainage recommendations. Task 3.5 Off-site Improvements Analysis I Allied I Identify off-site facility needs, including transportation improvements, signage, sanitary sewer, water supply, electric and telephone service, and develop design criteria for each. Task 3.6 Operations Plan To support applications for the Transfer Station License, prepare an operations plan I SCs I identifying the basic operating requirements for the facility. The plan will include general operating procedures, description of how solid wastes are to be handled onsite, user traffic patterns, estimated staffing requirements, hours of operation, load monitoring requirements, and other pertinent information. Task 3.7 Conceptual Design Report EJ Prepare a Technical Memorandum, which summarizes the results of the activities of Phase 3. The Memorandum will serve as a basis for detailed design. Prcpare a conceptual level construction cost estimate based on the conceptual plans, design criteria, and preliminary design drawings. PHASE 4 - Detailed Design and Drawings Methodology: Detailed design will be based on the recommcndations presented in the Conceptual Design Report prepared under Phase 3. Tasks: tasks will include the following: 8 1':\200 I \01-117 COB Transfer Station\l'roposals\Rcviscd Scope for Mandeville TS sitc 10-13-03.doc , , , I . I >' /. j . ( ~ , '. , , . Task 4.1 Grading and Paving Design scs- Establish site grades based on topographic mapping to accommodate facility layout, building concept elevations, and to promote adequate drainage. Prepare design of street improvements Allied - necessary to provide paved ingress and egress to the site. Prepare pavement designs to detailed accommodate anticipated vehicle loadings. Design plan and profile oj'local city two-lane street with curh and gutter. Street design will include adequate signage to meet MUTCD requirements. No sidewalks, intersections (other than tie-in to existing city street), underground storm water system or signals will he included in the design. The intersection at the tie-in of existing city street will be designed to accommodate expected traffic flow patterns to the transfer station site. Design will include up to 3000 LF of street length and a width of 35 feet from top back of curb to top hack oj' curb. Task 4.2 Stormwater Control System Design I Allied I Analyze impact of proposed development on natural surface watercourses. Analysis shall detcrmine amount and frequency of runoff; detrimental effects of subsurface water; natural points of concentration; discharge and other hydraulic controls; and the most cfficient disposal facilities consistent with site, budget, and environmental constraints. Design stormwater control system in accordance with City of Bozeman or applicable drainage ordinances or guidelines. Design shall include collection system, detention system (if required), sedimentation control system (if required) and discharge system. Off-site receptors for storm water flow have been assumed to be adequate, and no design of improvements to off-site receptors has been included in the Budget. Task 4.3 Utility System Design Prepare design of site utilities, including water, electrical power, and sanitary sewer service. I Allied I Design includes water and sewer sef>lices to transfer station building and administration building with wastewater holding tanks in-line as required by regulations. Sef>lices shall tie- in to existing City water and sewer mains. Design for new mains are not incorporated into this scope or hudget. Coordinate water, sewer and power requirements with the City and Northwestern Energy. Water and sewer system design shall be in accordance with City and, as appropriate, municipal standards. The Budget presentcd herein assumes that required utility service is available within 200 feet of the site. The design of otT-site utilities beyond 200 feet from the site has not been included in this Scope of Services or within the Budget. Task 4.4 Foundation Design I Allied I Prepare structural design as required for pre-engineered metal transfer station huilding, consisting of concrete foundations hased on manuj'acturer supplied huilding reactions, spec([icationsfor metal building structure, concretefhundationsfor equipment, push walls, pit walls and other miscellaneous structural components. Prepare structural design as required for scale house, recycling center walls and cover structure. 9 P:\200 j \OJ-117 COB Transfer Stntion\Proposals\Revised Scope lar Mnndcville TS site IO-13-03.doc I , , ~ I I l\ ' ' J . . ~ . , , .. All buildings are assumed to be concrete slab-on-grade with spread jbotings and/aundation walls or concrete grade beams. Task 4.5 Architectural Design ~ Provide to the City's architect the functional requirements the architectural design must provide. The functional requirements will be provided in the fbrm ofpreliminwy floor plans and rough building envelope drawings/descriptions. Coordinate with the City's architect to review and comment on the architectural design for the transfer building, scale house and (~fJice building. Prepare transfer station. scale house, office building, and household hazardous waste collectionfacilityfloor plans and interior details. The City's architect will provide building exterior elevation and detail drawings, and specifications matching the format and size of the drawings/specifications prepared by Allied/SCS. The architect will work on the design following the same deliverable schedule AlIied/SCS follow. The architect must identify the key architectural features of the facility at the preliminary design stage so the design can proceed without major changes in later design stages. Task 4,6 Mechanical Design ~ Prepare service water distribution system design for transfer station, scale house, office building, and household hazardous waste collection f(lcility. Prepare heating, ventilation and air conditioning design for scale house and office building. Also included in the mechanical design are fixtures andfiltings unique to tramfer facilities. The transfer building and household hazardous waste collection facilizy are assumed to be open structures and to not require a ducted exhaust air system. Also, the design of a sprinkler system within the transfer station building or household hazardous waste collection facility has not been included within this Scope of Services nor in the Budget. Task 4.7 Electrical Design ~ Prepare electrical design to provide power service to transfer station building, scale house. office building , and yard lighting. Prepare the tramfer building, scale house, office building. household hazardous waste collection facility, and yard lighting electrical system design. Task 4.8 Design Drawings Allied Prepare detailed contract drawings necessary to clearly depict the construction requirements of the project. A preliminary list of Contract Drawings for the transfcrlrecycling facility is and scs included as Table 3-2. The list includes those drawings cstimated to he required to adequately describe the character and extent of the improvements, and forms the basis of the Budget. 10 P:\200j \OJ ~ j 17 COB Transfer Station\Proposals\Rcviscd Scope for Mandeville 'TS site 10-13-03.doe , ' ' , ., . '. . J . . >. L. I Drawing No. Title C-I Vicinity and Location Maps, Legend, and Index to Drawings C-2 Topographic Site Plan with Boundaries and Easements C-3 Utility Site Plan C-4 Grading and Paving Plan C-5 Water and Sewer Plan and Profile C-6 Access Road Plan and Profile C-7 Access Road Plan and Profile C-8 Access Road Drainage, Stripping and Sign age C-9 Civil Details C-IO Civil Details A-I Transfer Building Floor Plan & Details A-2 Office Building Floor Plan & Details A-3 Scale House Floor Plan & Details A-4 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility Floor Plan & Details S-l Structural Notes & Standard Details S-2 Transfer Building Foundation Plan S-3 Foundation Sections & Details S-4 Foundation Details S-5 Foundation Details S-6 Scale House Foundation. Roof Plan S-7 Administrative Building Foundation S-8 Recycling Center Retaining Wall Plan and Sections S-9 Recycling Center Cover Plan and Details S-IO Foundation Details S-11 Cover Plan Details 11 P:\2001\OI-117 COB Transfer Station\Proposals\ReviseJ Scope for Mandeville 1'5 site] O-13-03.Joc , ' ' , ( . ' j' .... . 1 , . . 1 , .. , I M-I Standard Mechanical Details M-2 Transfer Building Piping & Plumbing Plan M-3 Administration Area Plumbing Plans M-4 Transfer Building Fire Protection Plan M-5 Transfer Building Heating & Ventilation Plan E-l Standard Electrical Details E-2 Electrical Site Plan E-3 Symbols & One Line Diagram E-4 Transfer Station Building Lighting & Power Plan E-5 Scale Building & Recycling Center Lighting & Power Plan Task 4.9 Landscape Architecture Allied The site plan will include areas for landscaping in accordance with the Design Ohjectives and SCS Plan for Entryway Corridors. Landscape architecture/design will be the responsibility (~f the City's Land~cape Architect. The LA will he responsihle jar providing comments un the site drawings prepared hy Allied/SCS following the deliverable schedule Allied/SCS will follow. The LA must identify the necessary space for landscaping on the preliminary level site drawings so the site design can proceed without major changes in later design stages. PHASE 5 - Specifications Methodology: Prepare contract specifications consisting of the following: SCS . Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders following the City's standard procedures with . Bid Form (in Lump Sum Bid Format) Allied . Standard City Legal and Insurance Forms assist. . Standard City General Conditions . Special Provisions, as required . Tcchnical Specifications following the CSI spccification format. PHASE 6 - Constrnction Cost Estimate SCS with Methodology: Prepare a preliminary estimate of construction cost bascd on the preliminary drawings Allied and specifications. The construction cost estimate will be prepared in a lump sum bid price proposal assist. format. 12 1':\2001 \01-117 COB Transfer Station\Proposals\Revised Scope for Mandeville TS site 10-13-03.doc , ' , , II ',' .., . I " . , , ~ III , , PHASE 7 - Bid Documents Allied Methodology: Prepare an interim submittal of the Contract Documents when completion is determined to be approximately 60 percent complete, as detennined by the ALLIED/SCS. Convene a with review meeting not less than two weeks following submittal of the draft documcnts at the City's SCS assist. office. Prcparc final contract documents for bidding. Incorporate or resolve all changes rcquested by the City into the final bidding documents. Revisc the preliminary estimate of construction cost. Provide reproducible final bidding documents and deliver to the City for reproduction and distribution to prospective bidders. Task 7.1 Assistance During Bidding Allied Field and respond to inquiries from prospective biddcrs regarding the requirements of the with Contract Documents. All inquiries will be documented and transmitted to the City on a periodic scs basis during the bidding phase. ass i st. Issue addenda required to clarify or modify the requirements of the Contract Documents. Copies of the addenda will be issued to all plan holders and plan centers. Conduct a pre-bid conference to provide bidding information to prospective bidders. Pre-bid conference will include conducting a site visit for prospective bidders. Prepare minutes of pre- bid conference and distribute to attendees and plan holders. Evaluate bids and make reconunendations to the City regarding award of contract. Task 7.2 Award of Contract Allied Allicd/SCS will prcpare documents and execute award of construction contract. with SCS assist. 13 1':\2001 \0 1-117 COB Transfer Station\Proposals\Revised Scopt' fin Mandeville TS site IO-13-03.doc . I , , ,..,.. . I . , '" :6 . , .. , Amendment No.2 to Professional Services Agreement For City of Bozeman Solid Waste Transfer Station THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this 7th day of ."__._J:~9ru9 ry _._' 2005, betwccn THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation, Bozeman, Montana, herein referred to as OWNER and ALLlEDENGTNEERTNG SERVICES TNe., an Engineering Consulting Firm ofBozcman, Montana, hcrcin rcferred to as ENGTNEER. WIIEREAS, the parties have entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated November 13. ~OOl herein referred to as Original Agrcemcnt for profcssional cnginccring services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further mnend the provisions of this Agrccment. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, the parties agree as follows: 1. EXHIBIT E Modified Seope of Serviees II will replaee EXHIBIT D Modified Seope of Serviccs for the remainder of the project as of January 5, 2005 2. ARTICLE 6.1.1 ofthe original agreement relating to eompensation for Engineering Service is amended to read: "The OWNER shall pay for design phase services performed as Basic Engineering Serviccs under sections 4.1 through 4.4 of this agreement pay a total sum in thc amount of $493,971.32 for such services." 3. ARTICLE 6.1.2 paragraphs two, three, and four of the original agreemcnt relating to Payment Schedule is amended to read: "$98.794.25 (approximately 20% of design fee) until Tasks 1.1 through 1.3 of Exhibit E -'". Modified Scope of Serviees II have been completed and submitted to the OWNER. $370,4 78.49 (approximately 75% of design fee) until Tasks 2.1 through 4.7 of Exhibit E- Modified Scope of Scrviccs 11 havc bccn completcd and submittcd to the OWNER. $444.574.19 (approximatcly 90% of design fee) until Tasks 4.8 through Phasc 7 of Exhibit E - Modified Scope of Serviees II have been eompleted and submitted to the OWNER." Exeept as specifically amcndcd hcrcin, the original agreemcnt shall remain in full forcc and effect and the Parties shall bc bound by all terms and conditions therein. -1- . . , .':l''' .. l .. .. " .. .. < . .. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do make and execute this Agreement on the day and year first above written. CIT~O~MtN~ By. . ATTEST: R~sL~ Clerk of Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM B; I~rney --- ENGINEER By / r~R ~--A Its: ---- VI' e-e....... 7.....e..-.:S11~vt ATTEST: By: "._.~'-~ -2- .. i h , 1-;1.. .. <I .. , .. ... Amendment No.3 to Professional Services Agrecment For City of Bozeman Solid Waste Transfer Station THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this 6th day of June , 2005, between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation, Bozeman, Montana, hcrcin referred to as OWNER and ALLIED ENGINEERING SERVICES INC., an Enginccring Consulting Firm of Bozeman, Montana, herein referred to as ENGINEER. WHEREAS, the partics have entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated Novcmbcr 13, 200 I, herein referred to as Original Agreement for profcssional cngineering services; and WHEREAS, the partics desire to further amend the provisions of this Agreement. NOW, TIIEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, the parties agree as follows: 1. EXHIBIT r Modified Scope of Services III will replaee EXHIBIT E Modified Scope of Services II for the remainder of the projcct as of May 1,2005 2. ARTICLE 6.1.1 of the original agreement relating to compensation for Engineering Serviee is amcndcd to read: "The OWNER shall pay for design phase services performed as Basic Engineering Services undcr sections 4.1 through 4.4 of this agrccmcnt pay a total sum in the amount of $504,066.32 for such serviees." 3. AR'fICLE 6.1.2 paragraphs two, three, and four ofthc original agrccment relating to Paymcnt Schedule is amended to read: "$100.813.26 (approximately 20% of design fee) until Tasks 1.1 through 1.3 of Exhibit E- Modified Scope of Scrvices II have been completed and submitted to the OWNER. $378,049.74 (approximately 75% of design fee) until Tasks 2.1 through 4.7 of Exhibit E- Modified Scope of Services II havc bccn completcd and submittcd to the OWNER. $453,659.69 (approximately 90% of design fee) until Tasks 4.8 through Phasc 7 of Exhibit E - Modified Scopc of Services II have been completed and submitted to the OWNER." Exeept as specifically amcnded herein, the original agreement shall remain in full force and effect and the Partics shall be bound by all terms and conditions therci n. -1- .. ~ .. - - ~ .( .. .. II-- 10 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do make and exeeute this Agreement on the day and year first above written. C~~~O~~~ ~~'-~~~ ATTEST: ~~ -,- Ro in L. Sullivan Clerk of Commission By:_._ ~-~- ENG::~R~~J. ATTEST: Its: By: -2-