HomeMy WebLinkAbout01- Transfer Station Exhibit D, 2003 , 'J' , II, . , . , , , , r EXHIBIT "D" MODIFIED SCOPE OF SERVICES PHASE 0 - Project Management Methodology: ALLIED prepares a Project Plan for every project it undertakes. The Plan identifies the goals of our clients and budget, schedule and resource requirements. The Plan is a working tool, which is referred to often throughout the project Progress is monitored on a regular basis and reported to the client The Plan is updated as required to provide new information to the projcct team. Tasks: tasks will include the following: Task 0.1 Project Administration Provide general administration of Consultant Agreemcnt for engineering services, including I Allied I coordination with City staff, ALLIED/SCS staff and sub consultants. Provide overall management of project activities, project team members, and sub consultants throughout the duration of the project Prepare a Project Plan for use by the project team. This document will include the contractual scope of services; estimated resource requirements; an itemized budget by task; a project schedule; and other project requirements necessary to fully identify project objectivcs. The Project Plan will also outline communications procedures between the City and ALLIED/SCS, including monthly technical and budget status reporting requirements. Prepare and submit to the City a monthly status report of technical and budgetary progress on the project to accompany invoices for services. The progress report will include a statcment of thc perccnt of projcct work completed to date; the minutes of any project team and regulatory meetings held during the month; a review of complctcd work; a statement of work planned during the coming month, with explanations for dcviations from the scope of services or schedule; and identification of problem areas, with descriptions of suggested remedial action. Organize and conduct progress meetings as necessary for maintaining full and clear communication and for providing effective management of the project. Preparc written minutes of the meetings and distribute to all attendees. A total of three meetings at the City's offices have been included in the Budget. Task 0,2 Quality Assurance and Control Conduct review of work products by senior membcrs of ALLIED/SCS staff to ensure Allied conformance with the scope of services, standards of professional practice, and applicable and SCS regulations. Such review by senior personnel shall be performed prior to or in conjunction with review by the City. PHASE 1 - Sitc Selcction and Environmcntal Rcvicw (MEPA Compliance) 1 P:\200 I \0 1-117 COB Transfer Station\Propositls\Revised Seope f()r Mandeville TS site 10-13-03,doc , ,I ~ ' ,''''' . , . . , .. Methodology: For a facility siting proccss to be successful, it must contain a public involvemcnt component as well as an objective sitc identification process within a defined search area and a multi- step site evaluation and selection process. We will employ a two task siting process. In Task 1 - Preliminary Site Selection, AUJED/SCS will: . Establish site selection framework; . Establish a public involvement plan; . Establish siting criteria; . Assist the City in identifying potential sites; . Conduct initial screening of candidate sites; and . Conduct reconnaissance level site evaluation. In Task 2 - Final Site Selection, we will: . Develop a "shortlist" of potential sites; . Conduct a comparative site evaluation; and . Prepare a site evaluation report. Following development and selection of a preferred site, additional field investigations will be conducted as necessary to prepare a Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) Checklist. When the MEP A process is initiated, necessary site development permit applications will be prepared and submitted to the City and/or County Planning Departments. A Transfer Station License application and applications for other necessary permits will be prepared during the later design stages. Tasks: tasks include the following: Task 1.1 Preliminary Site Selection Subtask 1.1.1 Site Selection Framewurk: To establish an appropriate framework for the site ~ selection process, ALLIED/SCS will meet with the City and the City and County Planning Dcpartment to assimilate information. We will also review pertinent elements of solid waste planning documents. We will also review regulatory requirements related to siting. Subtask 1.1.2 Puhlic Involvement Plan: Public involvement throughout the siting of a ~ transfer station project is critical to its success. The ALLIED/SCS Team will mcet with City staff to develop a gcneral approach to public involvement. It is our belief that public involvement in a siting project can be enhanced with the formation of a Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SW AC) comprised of interested citizens, thus achieving effective two-way communication and decision-making between the ALLIED/SCS Team, City staff~ elected officials and citizens. A SW AC should be formed, for the purpose of this contract agrcement, with the single charge to assist in the development and review of proposed siting criteria and their application. Members, appointed by the City Commission, could inelude local residents, elected city officials, public interest groups, and businesses. The SW AC would serve as an advisory committee only, and would make recommendations to the City Commissioners. The Commissioners would make final decisions after considering SW AC recommendations and other available information. Subtask 1.1.3 Site Selection Criteria: A siting proccss must be thoroughly formulated and ~ then implemented without hias toward any particular site. The purpose of this task is to 2 1':\200 I 10 1-117 COB Transfer Station\Proposals\Revised Scope for Mandeville TS site 10-13-03.Joe . I '. ' , '. . , . . , develop categories of siting criteria, which will be applied during candidate site screening and comparative site evaluation, and to prepare evaluation methodologies for their application. The criteria developed will reflect both the unacceptable and acceptable site features consistent with regulatory and operational requirements. The ALLIED/SCS team will develop the methodologies for the application of the criteria dcvclopcd for the different tasks and phases of the facility-siting project. Site evaluation mcthodologies will be identified for both the initial site screening and comparative site evaluation. The AUJED/SCS Team will generate a memorandum containing clearly defined criteria for the facility, and detailed methodologies for their application during both the initial site screening and comparative site evaluation. Subtask 1.1.4 Site Identification: We have found that site identification using local chamber of commerce, local commercial real estate brokers, City and County Real Property SCS with Departments, public notices and "drive by" searches works effectively. We have also found that it is important to close the identification process once the initial site screening begins. Allied assist. One extremcly important point we have learned is that oncc the identification process is closed, it should remain closed. To do otherwise can cause the siting process schedule to extend and costs to escalate. An effort should be made to infOI1l1 City citizens of the siting process, and that candidate sites may be nominated by landholders. This step can be critical in the citizen's perception of the "fairness" of the siting process. A press release can be an effective means to accomplish this step. Subtask 1.1.5 Initial Site Screening: Using the site screening criteria, the candidate sites will be evaluated to identify those sites, which are unacccptable for development. First, the sites SCS with will be evaluated using only criteria that could potentially result in a site being considered Allied assist. "fatally flawed". From this evaluation, a list of preliminary sitcs will emerge for comparative evaluation using available reports and data. Initial site screening criteria will at a minimum consider the following: . General site requirements . Hydrogeology . Slope stability . Prescnce of wetlands . Presence of threatened or . Adjacent land use endangered species . Potential impacts on fisheries . Potential traffic impacts . Proximity to floodplains . Aesthetics issues . Noise and air quality issues . Presence of known cultural resources The result of the initial site screening will be to exclude all sites, which are unsuitable. A tabulation of identified sites will be developed which identifies up to 10 suitable sites for further comparative evaluation. ALLIED/SCS will assist the City in preparing a press release to present the results of thc initial site screening. Task 1.2 Final Site Selection Subtask 1.2.1 Develop Shortlist o./,Potential Sites: Following the press release regarding the I SCS I initial site screening, the ALLIED/SCS Team will review the analysis conducted under 3 1':\2001\01-117 COB 'l'ransfer Station\Proposals\Revised Seope for Mandeville 'f'S site 10-1 :1-03.doe , . ' .! II . , , . , , , , , ,. previous subtasks and develop a shortlist of sites for further evaluation. This will be performed using data collected from previous subtasks to rank the remaining sites. The top three to five sites will be selected for further comparative evaluation. As part of this subtask, siting criteria developed under Task 1.1 would be revised as necessary to suit site-specific conditions and to more clearly distinguish permitting feasibility and environmental risk. Subtask 1.2.2 Comparative Site Evaluation: The top three to five sites will be evaluated for their rclative merits in meeting the full rangc of environmental and operational critcria. ALLIED/SCS will compare and numerically rank sites according to their ability to satisfy SCS with operational requirements, their potential impacts to the surrounding area from operation of the Allied facility, and their overall feasibility. Optimization of eollcction routcs will also bc a factor assist. used to compare and numerically rank the sites. An optimization study will be completed under the additional services section of the Professional Services Agreement or by thc City of Bozeman, therefore has not been included in this scope of services nor within the budget. Comparative costs of the sites will also be developed. The ALLIED/SCS Team will conduct reconnaissance level, on-site visual surveys and investigations necessary to evaluate the physical characteristics of candidate sites. The comparative site evaluation will provide a numerical ranking of the three to five sites according to each factor. Working with the SSAC, criterion will be ranked or weighted in terms of their relative importance in numerical terms. The extent to which each alternative site meets each criterion will be estimated and ranked in numerical terms as well. The resulting values will be summed for each alternative site to obtain an overall goals- achievement score. The numerical ranking will be accompanied by comments on the pros and cons of the respective sites. A consensus building proccss will then be initiated to consider benefits, tradeoffs, and mitigations such that the most feasible site or sites can be recommended for further consideration and environmental review. Subtask 1.2.3 Site Selection/Evaluation Report: The ALLIED/SCS Team will prepare a draft ~ site selection/evaluation report, documenting the findings of the evaluation. The draft report will compare and contrast the sites and will present information so that it highlights the major differences between the sites. The draft report will be presented at a public workshop where the site rankings will be identified and public, agency and City comments solicited. ALLIED/SCS will then prepare a final site selection/evaluation report incorporating comments received. The final report will identify the selected site that will be considered for dctailed environmental review in subsequent tasks. Task 1.3 Environmental Review Process (MEPA Compliance) Development of a solid waste handling facility is an action that must undergo public review SCS with under the Montana Environmental Policy Act. For facilities such as a transfer station it is Allied possible to mitigate significant adverse environmental impacts. Therefore, an expanded assist. checklist is expected to be sufficient to complete MEP A review and receive a declaration of non-significance (DNS). Subtask 1.3,1 MEPA Process: While limited environmental evaluation was conducted as part of the comparative evaluation in Task 1.2, a more detailed evaluation will build on that SCS with data. The ALLTED/SCS Team will conduct detailed environmental investigations to Allied 4 assist. 00] \0]-117 COB 'T'ransfcr Station\Proposals\Revised Seope for Mandeville TS site 10-13-03.doe -- , I '> ' ,I, I , , I , , , . , determine potential impacts and technical feasibility of the preferrcd site. Thc invcstigations will be responsive to cnvironmental aspects of a MEP A Checklist, and othcr qucstions deemed necessary by the SSAC and/or the City. An expanded checkl ist will be prepared incorporating the findings of the environmental field investigations. We anticipate performing expanded analyses for traffic, odor and fire to support the MEP A checklist. Other areas that will be addressed as part of the MEP A checklist include subsurface conditions of in-situ soils, ground and surface water, air quality, odor plants and animals, wetlands, health risk, land use, aesthetics, public scrvicc and utilities, historical/cultural preservation, and other issues. A draft checklist will be submitted to the City for review and comment prior to submission to the lead agency. We will attend a public hearing to address public comment on the proposal. PHASE 2 - Permitting Permitting will occur in conjunction with project siting and environmental review and design. The specific permits required will depend on a number of site-specific issues. Permitting requirements cannot be completely determined until a specific site has been selected, the MEP A process has been completed, and the facility has been designed at least to a conceptual level, if not a preliminary one. Table 3-1 identifies those permits assumed to be required and those potentially required. During the siting and design phases, the ALLIED/SCS Team will identify possible permitting issues that could delay, or potcntially preclude, development of the facility. We will develop a permitting strategy and conduct pre-application meetings with jurisdictional agencies as required to adequately coordinate permitting requirements. Task 2.1 Site Development and/or Conditional Use Permits: ~ A solid waste transfer station is generally considered a conditional use, requiring a Conditional Use Permit. The City and/or County Commission may grant a Conditional Use Pcrmit if it is determined that the facility is not detrimental to the community as a whole, and that mitigation efforts can overcome any incompatibilities with surrounding land uses. ALLlED/SCS will assist the City in securing required City and/or County permits through preparation of descriptions and drawings to support the permit applications. Task 2.2 Transfer Station License: ~ In accordance with 75-10-221 Montana Codes Annotated (MCA), a transfer station license must be obtained for a transfer/recycling facility. Generally the transfer station license must be obtained prior to initiating construction. Approximately six months should be allowed for DEQ and County Health Department review of thc pcnnit application, facility design and operating plan. ALLlED/SCS will prepare the Transfer Station License application for City submission to DEQ. Task 2.3 Other Permits: ALLIED/SCS will preparc applications for other permits as listed in Table 3-1 for City submission to the appropriate agency. 5 P:1200 1 10 1-117 COil Transfer StationlProposalslRevised Scope for Mandeville TS site IO-13-03_doc __n_ .. ' , , . , . , ,. , . PERMIT AUTIIORITY REGULATORY AGENCY scs Transfcr Station License Chapter 75-1-0221 MCA DEQ and County Health Department Allied Site Developmcnt City Zoning Ordinance City and/or County Planning Department scs Conditional Use City Zoning Ordinance City and/or County Planning Department MPDES for Construction Montana Codes Annotated Department of Environmental scs Activity Quality Allied Building Uniform Building Code City Planning/Building Department SCS MPDES General Permit Montana Codes Annotated Department of Environmental Quality PHASE 3 - Conceptual Facility Design Metlwdolob'Y: Up to two conceptual designs will be developed to define the requirements of the project, develop conceptual site layouts and cost estimate, and establish size and arrangement of site elemcnts for review and approval by the City. If appropriate, alternative transfer and site concepts will be identified. A non-site-specific conceptual layout will be prepared during the siting process to assist public involvement programs. Tasks: tasks will include the following: Task 3.1 Conceptual Facility Layout ~ Identify and evaluate alternative facility layouts and site access routes. Identify the facilities necded onsite and develop design criteria to meet them. The transfer station faciliZy is envisioned to include a tran.~fer building (with expansion potential), a scale facility (with two scales and a scale house), an office building, a no-fee recycling area, a fee recycling area, a household hazardous waste collection facility, and a reusahle items distribution area. l1wre will he no recyclables processing on the site (baling, grinding. crushing, composting, etc). Options for waste compaction in the tramIer trailers will also be presented in the conceptual planning. The City's Architect and Landscape Architect will he expected to provide comment on the conceptual design report as it relates to key features for their respective areas of responsibility. The CiZy intends to utilize the west end of the site f()r a ji/ture public works complex. As a 6 1':\200 I 10 1-117 COI3 'f"ransfer StationlProposalslRevised Seope for Mandeville TS site I ()-13~03_doc !,.J ' .11' , ' . , result, the conceptual facility layouts will concentrate the transfer station development on the east end of the site and place features such as entrance roads, office building and utilities as close as practical to the west edge of the tran.\fer station development for possible use by the public works complex. Task 3.2 Transfer Station Concept Workshop EJ Conduct a transfer station concept workshop at the City office to discuss alternate site layouts and concepts with City staff. Rcview proposed facility layouts with the City to identify preferrcd layout and its further development. Task 3.3 Surveying and Mapping I Allied I Prepare digital terrain model from topographic points supplied by the City of Bozeman. Topographic points will be supplied in digitalformat. Research existing easements in the vicinity of the transfer station site. Research boundary information and make tie-in. Prepare site map to include existing topographic features, boundaries and easements. Task 3.4 Geotechnical Investigations I Allied I Evaluate the subsurface conditions within the depth of influence of the proposed facility and provide a detailed geotechnical reportfbr use hy the City of Bozeman, the Project Architect, Civil Engineer, Structural Engineer. and Contractor during the planning, design, and construction of the site improvements. The report will primarily address our soil and groundwater ohservations and analysis; identify any geotechnical-related issues; and present recommendations fbr consideration. We realize that some geotechnical exploration and laboratory analysis has previously been conducted in the vicini(y of the site by another engineering firm during an earlier project. Based on our review of this infbrmation, we feel it will be a quality supplement to our work and will be included as part of the report. However, in our professional opinion, it does not provide enough site-specific information upon which to base the design of the proposed improvements. For this reason, we propose a full geotechnical investigation in the immediate area of the new buildings and access roadways. While geotechnical conditions similar to those ident~fied during the above- referenced explorations may exist, there is some inherent risk in simply assuming this. Any inconsistent conditions that may be encountered during construction could lead to large change orders far in excess 0/ the cost of the geotechnical investigation. Therefore, we believe a complete investigation is prudent and in the best interest of the City. Provided below is a description (~rour proposed scope of work: . Subsurface explorations will consist of a minimum of five test pit excavations within the general area of the site improvements; and up to an additional five pits along the planned access roadway. The pits will be dug with a tracked excavator that is under sub-contract to Allied Engineering. Each of the pits located near the transfer building will extend to a depth of at least .fifteen feet below the ground surface, while those within and along the paved improvements will be less than ten feet deep. Pit locations will be sited based on the proposed site layout. During the fieldwork. a geotechnical engineer from our firm will be on-site to direct the subcontractor; characterize the soil and groundwater conditions; log the explorations; and collect 7 1':\200 I \0 1-117 COB Transfer Station\Proposnls\Rcviscd Scope j~)r Mandeville 'TS site 10-13-03 ,doc " ' .' jl 0 .. 0 , I , , representative samples for laboratOl}' anaZysis. A minimum of two groundwater- monitoring wells will be installed in selected test pits for observation ofseasonal high groundwater elevations during the spring. . Selected samples will be tested in the laboratory to verifY soil classification and engineering index properties. Our testing schedule will depend on the subsurface conditions encountered; however at a minimum. all samples will be tested for natural moisture content. Other analyses that will be conducted include California bearing ratio (for a!o,phalt pavement design); standard proctor (for cut and fill compaction parameter.\) ; and gradation/atterburg limit determinations. I{ site conditions warrant, a consolidation test will also be completed to ident(fy embankment fill or building settlement potential. . Field and laboratory results will be thoroughly anaZyzed and a report will be prepared that provides geotechnical recommendations for the site improvements. items addressed in the report will include design and construction criteria pertaining to foundation and slab support; allowable bearing and lateral earth pressures; estimated foundation settlements; footing subgrade improvement a{ necessary); wall backfill materials and compaction; foundation-related fill materials; sur{ace and subsurface drainage; and asphalt pavement section materials and design thickness. Drafted copies of the exploration logs, laboratory results, and several exhibits will be attached, including a figure that shows a cross-sectional view of our foundation. backfill, and drainage recommendations. Task 3,5 Off-site Improvements Analysis I Allied I Identify off-site facility needs, including transportation improvements, signage, sanitary sewer, water supply, electric and tclephone service, and develop design criteria for each. Task 3.6 Operations Plan To support applications for the Transfer Station License, prepare an operations plan ~ identifying the basic operating requirements for the facility. The plan will include general operating procedures, description of how solid wastes arc to be handled onsite, user traffic patterns, estimated staffing requirements, hours of operation, load monitoring requirements, and other pertinent information. Task 3.7 Conceptual Design Report ~ Prepare a Technical Memorandum, which summarizes the results of the activities of Phase 3. The Memorandum will serve as a basis for detailed design. Prepare a conceptual level construction cost estimate based on the conceptual plans, design criteria, and preliminary design drawings. PHASE 4 - Detailed Design and Drawings Methodology: Detailed design will be based on the recommendations presented in the Conceptual Design Report prepared under Phase 3. Tasks: tasks will include the following: 8 P:\200 I \0 1-117 COB Transfer Station\Proposals\Revised Scope t()r Mandeville TS Sltc 10-13-03.doc IJ" , " , . , . , . . Task 4.1 Grading and Paving Design scs- Establish site grades based on topographic mapping to accommodate facility layout, building concept elevations, and to promote adequate drainage. Prepare design of street improvements Allied - necessary to provide paved ingress and egress to the site. Prepare pavement designs to detailed accommodate anticipated vchicle loadings. Design plan and profile of local city two-lane street with curb and gUller. Street design will include adequate signage to meet MUTCD requirements. No sidewalks. intersections (other than tie-in to existing city street), underground storm water system or signals will he included in the design. The intersection at the tie-in of existing city street will he designed to accommodate expected traffic flow pal/ems to the transfer station site. Design will include up to ]000 LF of street length and a width of 35 feet from top back of curh to top hack of curb. Task 4.2 Stormwater Control System Design I Analyze impact of proposed development on natural surface watercourses. Analysis shall I Allied determine amount and frequency of runoff; detrimental effects of subsurface water; natural points of concentration; discharge and other hydraulic controls; and the most efficient disposal facilities consistent with site, budget, and environmental constraints. Dcsign stormwater control system in accordance with City of Bozeman or applicable drainage ordinances or guidelines. Design shall include collection system, detention system (if required), sedimentation control system (if required) and discharge system. Off-site receptors for storm water flow have been assumed to be adequate, and no design of improvements to ofT-site receptors has been included in the Budget. Task 4.3 Utility System Design Prepare design of site utilities, including water, electrical power, and sanitary sewer service. I Allied I Design includes water and sewer services to tramier station huilding and administration building with wastewater holding tanks in-line as required by regulations. Services shall tie- in to existing City water and sewer mains. Design for new 1nains are not incorporated into this scope or budget. Coordinate water, sewer and power requirements with the City and Northwcstern Energy. Water and sewer system design shall be in accordance with City and, as appropriate, municipal standards. The Budget presented herein assumes that required utility service is available within 200 feet of the site. The design of off-site utilities beyond 200 feet from the site has not been included in this Scope of Services or within the Budget. Task 4.4 Foundation Design [3 Prepare structural design as required for pre-engineered metal transfer station huilding, consisting of concrete foundations hased on manufacturer supplied huilding reactions. spec!/ications for metal building structure. concrete foundations for equipment. push walls. pit walls and other miscellaneous structural components. Prepare structural design as required .lor scale house. recycling center walls and cover structure. 9 P:\200 I \01-117 COB 'rransfcr Station\Proposals\Revised Scope f()r Mandeville TS site 10-13-03.doe " ' .' , , ' , I , , . All buildings are assumed to be concrete slab-on-grade with spread footings wulfbundation walls or concrete grade beams. Task 4,5 Architectural Design ~ Provide to the City's architect the functional requirements the architectural design must provide. The functional requirements will he provided in the form of preliminary floor plans and rough building envelope drawings/descriptions. Coordinate with the City's architect to review and comment on the architectural design for the transfer Imilding, scale house and of/ice huilding. Prepare transfer station. scale house, (~Uice building, and household hazardous waste collection facility floor plans and interior details. The City's architect will provide building exterior elevation and detail drawings, and specifications matching the fommt and size of the drawings/specifications prepared by Allied/SCS. The architect will work on the design following the same deliverable schedule Allied/SCS follow. The architect must identify the key architectural features of the facility at the preliminary design stage so the design can proceed without major changes in later design stages. Task 4.6 Mechanical Design ~ Prepare service water distribution system design for transfer station, scale house, office huilding, and household hazardous waste collection facilifcy. Prepare heating, ventilation and air conditioning design for scale house and office building. Also included in the mechanical design are fixtures and fittings unique to transfer facilities. The transfer building and household hazardous waste collection facility are assumed to be open structures and to not require a ducted exhaust air .\ystem. Also, the design of a sprinkler system within the transfer station building or household hazardous waste collection f(lCility has not been included within this Scope of Services nor in the Budget. Task 4.7 Electrical Design ~ Prcpare electrical design to provide power service to transfer station building, scale house, office building , and yard lighting. Prepare the transfer huilding, scale house, office huilding, household hazardous waste collection .f(lcility. and yard lighting electrical system design. Task 4.8 Design Drawings Allied Prepare detailed contract drawings necessary to clearly depict the construction requirements of the project. A preliminary list of Contract Drawings for the transfer/recycling facility is and SCS included as Table 3-2. The list includes those drawings estimated to be required to adequately describe the character and extent of the improvements, and forms the basis of the Budget. 10 1':\200 I \01-117 COB Transfer Station\Proposals\ReviseJ Scope 1'01' Mandeville TS site IO-13-03.doc ..' I, , .. , I , . Drawing No. Title C-l Vicinity and Location Maps, Legend, and Index to Drawings C-2 Topographic Site Plan with Boundaries and Easements C-3 Utility Site Plan C-4 Grading and Paving Plan C-5 Water and Sewer Plan and Profile C-6 Access Road Plan and Profile C-7 Access Road Plan and Profile C-8 Access Road Drainage, Stripping and Sign age C-9 Civil Details C-10 Civil Details A-I Transfer Building Floor Plan & Details A-2 Office Building Floor Plan & Details A-3 Scale House Floor Plan & Details A-4 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility Floor Plan & Details S-l Structural Notes & Standard Details S-2 Transfer Building Foundation Plan S-3 Foundation Sections & Details S-4 Foundation Details S-5 Foundation Details S-6 Scale House Foundation, Roof Plan S-7 Administrative Building Foundation S-8 Recycling Center Retaining Wall Plan and Sections S-9 Raycling Center Cover Plan and Details S-10 Foundation Details 5-11 Cover Plan Details 11 1':\200 I \0 1-117 COB Transfer Station\Propos,t1s\Revised Scope for Mandevi lie TS site 10-1 3-03.doc , " ' ' , , , , I , , \ , , , . M-l Standard Mcchanical Details M-2 Transfer Building Piping & Plumbing Plan M-3 Administration Area Plumbing Plans M-4 Transfcr Building Fire Protection Plan M-5 Transfcr Building Heating & Ventilation Plan E-I Standard Electrical Details E-2 Electrical Site Plan E-3 Symbols & One Linc Diagram E-4 Transfer Station Building Lighting & Power Plan E-5 Scale Building & Rccycling Center Lighting & Power Plan Task 4.9 Landscape Architecture Allied The site plan will include areas for landscaping in accordance with the Design Objectives Plan for Entryway Corridors. Landscape architecture/design will be the re~ponsibility of the and SCS City's Land\'cape Architect. The LA will be responsible for providing comments on the site drawings prepared by Allied/SCS following the deliverahle schedule Allied/SCS will follow. The LA must identify the necessary space for landscaping on the preliminary level site drawings so the site design can proceed without major changes in later design stages. PHASE 5 - Specifications Methodology: Prepare contract specifications consisting of the following: SCS . Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders following thc City's standard procedures with . Bid Form (in Lump Sum Bid Format) Allied . Standard City Legal and Insurance Forms assis t. . Standard City Gencral Conditions . Special Provisions, as required . Technical Specifications following the CSI specification format. PHASE 6 - Construction Cost Estimate SCS with Methodology: Prepare a preliminary estimatc of construction cost based on thc preliminary drawings Allied and specifications. The construction cost estimatc will be prepared in a lump sum bid price proposal assist. format. 12 P:\2001\Ol-117 COB Transfer Station\Proposals\Revised Scopc for Mandeville TS site IO-13-03.doc --- . ," ' , , , , I . , , I , , . ~ PHASE 7 - Bid Documents Allied Methodology: Prepare an interim submittal of the Contract Documents when completion is detennined to be approximately 60 percent complete, as determined by the ALLIED/SCS. Convene a with review meeting not less than two weeks following submittal of the draft documents at the City's SCS assist. office. Prepare final contract documents for bidding. Incorporate or resolve all changcs requcstcd by the City into the final bidding documents. Revise the preliminary estimate of construction cost. Provide reproducible final bidding documents and deliver to the City for reproduction and distribution to prospective bidders. Task 7.1 Assistance During Bidding Allied Field and respond to inquiries from prospective bidders regarding the requirements of the with Contract Documents. All inquiries will be documented and transmitted to the City on a periodic scs basis during the bidding phase. assist. Issue addenda required to clarify or modify the requirements of the Contract Documents. Copies ofthe addenda will be issued to all plan holders and plan centers. Conduct a pre-bid conference to provide bidding infonnation to prospective bidders. Pre-bid conference will include conducting a site visit for prospective bidders. Prepare minutcs of prc- bid conference and distribute to attendees and plan holders. Evaluate bids and make reconunendations to the City regarding award of contract. Task 7.2 Award of Contract Allied Allied/SCS will prepare documents and execute award of construction contract. with SCS assist. 13 1':\200 \ \0 1-117 COI3l"ransfer Stution\Proposais\Revised Scope fill" Mandeville TS sile 10- \ 3-03.doe " ' ' , , I \ I" '. , , . , .- .. . Amendment No.1 to Professional Services Agreement For City of Bozeman Solid Waste Transfer Station THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this lOth......__ day of _MaL~. __n , 2004, between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation, Bozeman, Montana, herein referred to as OWNER and ALLIED ENGINEERING SERVICES INC., an Engineering Consulting Finn of Bozeman, Montana, hercin referred to as ENGINEER. WHEREAS, the parties have entcrcd into a Profcssional Services Agrcement dated NlJVt4fI hey 13 z,.e>t>" herein refcrred to as Original Agreement for profcssional engineering services; and I WHEREAS, the parties dcsire to further amend the provisions of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, the parties agree as follows: 1. EXHIBIT D Modified Scopc of Services will replace EXHIBIT C Scope of Services for the remainder of the project as of February 15, 2004 2. ARTICLE 6.1.1 ofthe original agreement relating to compensation for Engineering Service is amended to read: "The OWNER shall pay for design phase services performed as Basic Engineering Services under sections 4.1 through 4.4 of this agreement pay a total sum in the amount of $384,986.32 for such services." 3. ARTICLE 6.1.2 paragraphs two, three, and four ofthe original agreement relating to Payment Schedule is amended to read: "$76,997.26 (approximately 20% of design fee) until Tasks 1.1 through 1.3 of Exhibit D- Modified Scope of Services have been completed and submitted to the OWNER. $288,739.74 (approximately 75% of design fee) until Tasks 2.1 through 4.7 of Exhibit D- Modified Scope of Services have been completed and submitted to the OWNER. $346,487.69 (approximately 90% of design fee) until Tasks 4.8 through Phase 7 of Exhibit D - Modified Scope of Services have been completed and submitted to the OWNER." Exccpt as specifically amendcd herein, the original agreement shall remain in full forcc and effect and the Parties shall be bound by all terms and conditions therein. -1- " ' ' , I I \ I " . , . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do makc and execute this Agreement on the day and year first above written. c~;o:~~ _J,'_ A~ ~~ -~ Robin 1. Sullivan Clerk of Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM By: ~-<Z~~~ City Attorney ENGINEER~ U ~;~ ,!{:!5& ATTEST: By: ~f~ -2- " ' ' , j' \ . " . , , , . EXHIBIT "D" MODIFIED SCOPE OF SERVICES PHASE 0 - Pro.iect Management Methodology: ALLIED prepares a Project Plan for every project it undertakes. The Plan identifies the goals of our clients and budget, schedule and resource requirements. The Plan is a working tool, which is referred to often throughout the project. Progress is monitored on a regular basis and rcported to the client. The Plan is updated as required to provide new infonnation to the project team. Tusks: tasks will include the following: Task 0.1 Pro.iect Administration Provide general administration of Consultant Agrccment for engineering scrvices, including I Allied I coordination with City staff, ALLIED/SCS staff and sub consultants. Provide overall management of project activities, project team members, and sub consultants throughout the duration of the project. Prepare a Project Plan for use by thc project team. This document will include thc contractual scope of services; estimated resource requirements; an itemized budget by task; a project schedule; and other project requirements necessary to fully identify project objectivcs. The Project Plan will also outline communications procedures between the City and ALLIED/SCS, including monthly technical and budget status reporting requirements. Prepare and submit to the City a monthly status report of teclmical and budgetary progress on the project to accompany invoices for services. The progress report will includc a statement of the percent of project work completed to datc; the minutes of any project team and regulatory meetings held during the month; a review of completed work; a statement of work planned during the coming month, with explanations for deviations from the scope of services or schedule; and identification of problem areas, with descriptions of suggested remedial action. Organize and conduct progress mcctings as necessary for maintaining full and clear communication and for providing effcctive management of the project. Prepare written minutcs of the meetings and distribute to all attendees. A total of three meetings at the City's offices have been included in the Budget. Task 0.2 Qnality Assnrance and Control Conduct review of work products by senior members of ALLIED/SCS staff to cnsurc Allied conformance with the scope of serviecs, standards of professional practice, and applicable and SCS regulations. Such review by senior personnel shall be performed prior to or in conjunction with review by the City. PHASE 1 - Site Selection and Environmental Review (MEPA Compliance) 1 1':\2001 \01-117 COB 'l'ransfer Station\Proposals\Revised Scope fill' Mandeville TS site 10-13-03.Joe " , ' , I. \ I ., , , , . , , Methodology: For a facility siting process to be successful, it must contain a public involvement component as well as an objective site identification process within a defined search area and a multi- step site evaluation and selection process. Wc will employ a two task siting process. In Task I - Preliminary Site Selection, ALLIED/SCS will: . Establish site selection framework; . Establish a public involvement plan; . Establish siting criteria; . Assist the City in identifying potential sites; . Conduct initial screening of candidatc sites; and . Conduct reconnaissance level site evaluation. In Task 2 - Final Site Selection, we will: . Develop a "shortlist" of potential sites; . Conduct a comparative site evaluation; and . Prepare a site evaluation report. Following development and selection of a preferred site, additional field investigations will be conducted as necessary to prepare a Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEP A) Checklist. Whcn the MEP A process is initiated, necessary site development permit applications will be prepared and submitted to the City and/or County Planning Departments. A Transfer Station License application and applications for other necessary permits will be prepared during the later design stages. Tasks: tasks include the following: Task 1.1 Preliminary Site Selection Suhtask 1.1.1 Site Selection Framework: To establish an appropriate framework for the site I scs I selection process, ALLIED/SCS will meet with the City and the City and County Planning Department to assimilate information. We will also review pertinent elements of solid waste planning documents. We will also review regulatory requirements related to siting. Suhtask 1.1.2 Public Involvement Plan: Public involvement throughout the siting of a I scs I transfer station project is critical to its success. The ALLIED/SCS Team will meet with City staff to develop a general approach to public involvement. It is our belief that public involvement in a siting project can be enhanced with thc formation of a Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SW AC) comprised of intercstcd citizens, thus achieving effective two-way communication and decision-making bctwccn the ALLIED/SCS Team, City staff, elected officials and citizens. A SW AC should be formed, for the purpose of this contract agreement, with the single charge to assist in the development and review of proposed siting criteria and their application. Members, appointed by the City Commission, could in elude local residents, elected city officials, public interest groups, and businesses. Thc SW AC would servc as an advisory committee only, and would make recommendations to the City Commissioners. The Commissioners would make final decisions after considering SW AC recommendations and other available information. Suhtask 1.1.3 Site Selection Criteria: A siting process must be thoroughly formulated and I scs I then implemented without bias toward any particular site. The purpose of this task is to 2 P:\200] \OJ-II? COB Transfer Station\Proposals\Revised Scope for Mandeville TS site lO-13-03.doc , , , I. ' 1,1 , " , C' i . , , , , , , , , develop categories of siting criteria, which will be applied during candidate site screening and comparative site evaluation, and to prepare evaluation methodologies for their application. The criteria developed will reflcct both the unacceptable and acceptable site features consistent with regulatory and operational requirements. The ALLIED/SCS team will develop the methodologics for the application of the criteria developed for the different tasks and phases of thc facility-siting project. Site evaluation methodologies will be identified for both the initial site scrcening and comparative site evaluation. The ALLIED/SCS Team will generate a memorandum containing clearly defined criteria for the facility, and detailed methodologies for their application during both the initial site screening and comparative site evaluation. Subtask 1.1.4 Site Idenf(fication: We have found that site identification using local chamber of conunerce, local commercial real estate brokers, City and County Real Property SCS with Departments, public notices and "drive by" searches works effectively. We have also found that it is important to close the identification process once the initial site screening begins. Allied assist. One extremely important point we have learned is that once thc idcntification process is closed, it should remain closed. To do otherwise can cause the siting process schedule to extend and costs to escalate. An effort should be made to inform City citizens of the siting process, and that candidate sites may be nominated by landholdcrs. This step can be critical in the citizen's perception of the "fairness" of the siting process. A press release can be an effective means to accomplish this step. Subtask 1.1.5 Initial Site Screening: Using the site screening criteria, the candidate sites will be evaluated to identify those sites, which are unacceptable for development. First, the sites SCS with will be evaluated using only criteria that could potentially result in a site being considered Allied assist. "fatally flawed". From this evaluation, a list of preliminary sites will emerge for comparative evaluation using available reports and data. Initial site screening criteria will at a minimum consider the following: . General site requirements . Hydrogeology . Slope stability . Presence of wetlands . Presence of threatened or . Adjacent land use endangered species . Potential impacts on fisheries . Potential traffic impacts . Proximity to floodplains . Aesthetics issues . Noise and air quality issues . Presence of known cultural resources The result of the initial site screening will be to exclude all sites, which are unsuitable. A tabulation of identified sites will be developed which identifies up to 10 suitable sites for further comparative evaluation. ALLIED/SCS will assist the City in preparing a press release to present the results of the initial site scrcening. Task 1.2 Final Site Selection Subtask 1.2.1 Develop Shortlist (~f Potential Sites: Following the press release regarding the ~ initial site screening, the ALLIED/SCS Team will review the analysis conducted under 3 P:\200] \OJ-II? COB 'T"ransfer StationlProposalslRevised Scope for Mandeville TS site IO-13-03,doc " ' , , , J t \ 1\ , -, i , , I . " '. . , , previous subtasks and develop a shortlist of sites for further evaluation. This will be performed using data collected from previous subtasks to rank the remaining sites. The top three to five sites will be selected for further comparative evaluation. As part of this subtask, siting criteria developed under Task 1.1 would be revised as necessary to suit site-specific conditions and to more clearly distinguish permitting feasibility and environmental risk. Subtask 1.2.2 Comparative Site Evaluation: The top three to five sites will be evaluated for thcir rclative merits in mecting the full range of environmental and operational criteria. ALLlED/SCS will compare and numcrically rank sitcs according to thcir ability to satisfy SCS with operational requirements, their potential impacts to thc surrounding arca from opcration of the Allied facility, and their overall feasibility. Optimization of collection routes will also be a factor assist. uscd to compare and numerically rank the sites. An optimization study will be completed under the additional services section of the Professional Services Agreement or by the City of Bozeman, therefore has not been included in this scope of services nor within the budget. Comparative costs of the sites will also be developed. The ALLlED/SCS Team will conduct reconnaissance level, on-site visual surveys and investigations necessary to evaluate the physical characteristics of candidate sites. The comparative site evaluation will provide a numerical ranking of the three to five sites according to each factor. Working with the SSAC, criterion will be ranked or weighted in terms of their relativc importance in numerical terms. The extent to which each alternative site meets each criterion will be estimated and ranked in numerical terms as well. The resulting values will be summed for each alternative sitc to obtain an ovcrall goals- achievement score. The numerical ranking will be accompanied by comments on the pros and cons of the respective sites. A consensus building process will then be initiated to consider benefits, tradcoffs, and mitigations such that the most feasible site or sites can be recommendcd for further consideration and environmental review. Subtask 1.2.3 Site Selection/Evaluation Report: The ALLTED/SCS Team will prepare a draft I scs I site selection/cvaluation report, documenting the findings of the evaluation. The draft report will compare and contrast the sites and will present information so that it highlights the major differenccs between the sites. The draft rcport will be presentcd at a public workshop where the site rankings will be identified and public, agency and City comments solicited. ALLIED/SCS will thcn prepare a final site selection/evaluation report incorporating conunents received. The final report will identify the selected site that will be considered for detailed environmental review in subsequent tasks. Task 1.3 Environmental Review Process (MEPA Compliance) Dcvclopment of a solid wastc handling facility is an action that must undergo public rcvicw scs with undcr thc Montana Environmental Policy Act. For facilitics such as a transfcr station it is Allied possible to mitigate significant adverse environmental impacts. Therefore, an expanded assist. chccklist is expected to be sufficient to complete MEP A review and reccive a declaration of non-significance (DNS). Subtask 1.3.1 MEPA Process: Whilc limitcd cnvironmcntal cvaluation was conducted as part of the comparative evaluation in Task 1.2, a morc dctailcd cvaluation will build on that SCS with data. The ALLIED/SCS Team will conduct detailed environmental investigations to Allied 4 assist. 001 \01-117 COB 'T"ransfer Station\Proposals\Revised Seope for Mandeville 1'S site 10-13-03.doe " ' ' , , , " , " I . , . .. determine potential impacts and technical feasibility of the preferred site. The investigations will be responsive to environmental aspects of a MEP A Checklist, and other questions deemed necessary by the SSAC and/or the City. An expanded checklist will be prepared incorporating the findings of the environmental field investigations. We anticipate performing expanded analyses for traffic, odor and fire to support the MEP A checklist. Other areas that will be addrcsscd as part of the MEr A checklist include subsurface conditions of in-situ soils, ground and surface water, air quality, odor plants and animals, wetlands, health risk, land use, aesthetics, public service and utilities, historical/cultural preservation, and other issues. A draft checklist will be submitted to the City for review and comment prior to submission to the lead agency. We will attend a public hearing to address public conunent on the proposal. PHASE 2 - Permitting Permitting will occur in conjunction with project siting and environmental review and design. The specific permits required will depend on a number of site-specific issues. Permitting requirements cannot be completely determined until a specific site has been selected, the MEP A process has been completed, and the facility has been designed at least to a conceptual level, if not a preliminary one. Table 3-1 identifies those permits assumed to be required and those potentially required. During the siting and design phases, the ALLIED/SCS Tcam will identify possible permitting issues that could delay, or potentially preclude, development of the facility. We will develop a permitting strategy and conduct pre-application meetings with jurisdictional agencies as required to adequately coordinate permitting requirements. Task 2.1 Site Development and/or Conditional Use Permits: ~ A solid waste transfer station is generally considered a conditional use, requmng a Conditional Use Permit. The City and/or County Commission may grant a Conditional Use Permit if it is determined that the facility is not detrimental to thc community as a whole, and that mitigation efforts can overcome any incompatibilities with surrounding land uses. ALLIED/SCS will assist the City in securing required City and/or County permits through preparation of descriptions and drawings to support the permit applications. Task 2.2 Transfer Station License: ~ In accordance with 75-10-221 Montana Codes Annotated (MCA), a transfer station license must be obtained for a transfer/recycling facility. Generally the transfer station liccnse must bc obtained prior to initiating construction. Approximately six months should be allowed for DEQ and County Health Department review of the permit application, facility design and operating plan. ALLlED/SCS will prepare the Transfer Station License application for City submission to DEQ. Task 2,3 Other Permits: ALUED/SCS will prepare applications for other permits as listed in Table 3-1 for City submission to the appropriate agency. 5 P:'200 I \01-117 COB 'J'ransfcr Station\Proposab\Rcviscd Scope lar Mandeville TS site 10-13-03.doc , . J. \ ,I I .-' I . I . " , , PERMIT AUTHORITY REGULATORY AGENCY scs Transfer Station License Chapter 75-1-0221 MCA DEQ and County Health Department Allied Site Development City Zoning Ordinance City and/or County Planning Department scs Conditional Use City Zoning Ordinance City and/or County Planning Department MPDES for Construction Montana Codes Annotated Department of Environmental scs Activity Quality Allied Building Uniform Building Code City Planning/Building Department SCS MPDES General Permit Montana Codes Annotated Dcpartment of Environmental Quality PHASE 3 - Conceptual Facility Design Methodology: Up to two conceptual designs will be developed to define the requirements of the project, develop conceptual site layouts and cost estimate, and establish sizc and arrangement of site elements for review and approval by the City. If appropriate, alternative transfer and site concepts will be identified. A non-site-specific conceptual layout will be prepared during the siting process to assist public involvement programs. Tasks: tasks will include the following: Task 3.1 Conceptual Facility Layout I scs I Identify and evaluate alternative facility layouts and site access routes. Identify the facilities needed onsite and develop design criteria to meet them. The tramIer station fClCility is envisioned to include a tramIer building (with expansion potential), a scalefclcility (with two scales and a scale house), an office building. a no-fee recycling area, a fee recycling area, a household hazardous waste collection facility, and a reusable items distribution area. There will he no recyclables processing on the site (baling, grinding, crushing, composting, etc). Options for waste compaction in the transfer trailers will also he presented in the conceptual planning. The City's Architect and Land~cape Architect will be expected to provide comment on the conceptual design report as it relates to key features for their respective areas of responsibiliZy. The City intends to utilize the west end of the site for a future puhlic works complex. As a 6 1':\200 I \0 1-117 COB Transfer Station\Proposals\Revised Scope for Mandeville 'TS site 10-1 3-03_doc , , I, \ J\ I c' i . , . ~ , result, the conceptual facility layouts will concentrate the transfer station development on the east end of the site and place features such as entrance roads. office building and utilities as close as practical to the west edge of the tran.\fer station developmentforpossible use by the public works complex. Task 3.2 Transfer Station Concept Workshop ~ Conduct a transfer station concept workshop at the City office to discuss altcmate site layouts and concepts with City staff. Revicw proposed facility layouts with the City to identify preferred layout and its further development. Task 3.3 Surveying and Mapping I Allied I Prepare digital terrain model from topographic points supplied by the City of Bozeman. Topographic points will be supplied in digital format. Research existing easements in the vicinity of the transfer station site. Research houndary information and make tie-in. Prepare site map to include existing topographic features. boundaries and easements. Task 3.4 Geotechnical Investigations ~ Evaluate the subsurface conditions within the depth of influence of the proposed facility and provide a detailed geotechnical report for use by the City of Bozeman, the Project Architect, Civil Engineer, Structural Engineer. and Contractor during the planning. design. and construction of the site improvements. The report will primarily address our soil and groundwater ohservations and ana~ysis; identify any geotechnical-related issues; and present recommendations for consideration. We realize that some geotechnical exploration and laboratory analysis has previously been conducted in the vicinity of the site by another engineering firm during an earlier project. Based on our review (~f this information. we feel it will be a quality supplement to our work and will he included as part of the report. However. in our prr~fessional opinion, it does not provide enough site-specific information upon which to hase the design of the proposed improvements. For this reason. we propose a full geotechnical investigation in the immediate area of the new buildings and access roadways. While geotechnical conditions similar to those identified during the above- referenced explorations may exist. there is some inherent risk in simply assuming this. Any inconsistent conditions that may be encountered during construction could lead to large change orders far in excess of the cost of' the geotechnical investigation. 111erefore, we helieve a complete investigation is prudent and in the best interest of the Ci~y. Provided helow is a description of our proposed scope o.fwork: . Subsurface explorations will consist of a minimum of five test pit excavations within the general area of the site improvements; and up to an additional five pits along the planned access roadway. The pits will be dug with a tracked excavator that is under sub-contract to Allied Engineering. Each of the pits located near the transfer building will extend to a depth o.fat leasttlfteenfeet below the ground surface, while those within and along the paved improvements will be less than ten feet deep. Pit locations will be sited hased on the proposed site layout. During the fieldwork. a geotechnical engineer from our firm will be on-site to direct the suhcontractor; characterize the soil and groundwater conditions; log the explorations; and collect 7 1':\2001 \0 1-117 COB Transfer Station\Proposals\H.evised Seope for Mandeville TS site 10-1 J-OJ_doc