HomeMy WebLinkAbout84- Wallin, Public Street Easement . i IL'4 88 PAGE 927 PUBLIC S '1' H 1'; 1':'1' L/\~;E:-iEl\T ,_~____. ..M......______..._...._ Norman F WalLLn, D;lvid i\ . .~\lC4 11. 1 I1 ,-j1:ll :", t c P h ,I n i e VoL: of ' . BO%f!man, MOtl ta na , CI<l\NTO/!:; , In c () n :', i ek. r ,It l,)l1 () t rf 'C(; 1 V 1. "(3 dcrH'xation to the City t.' I i', ~.' '.' !ll,) r; l; I, ;Lq will) ,_1 (' ('()!llp..'l II Y 1, I I '.J riqhts and p r i v i 1 t' (J" ~; ,) tiC I '1 ,) t II' 'I :I:cl Vdlll<ihl(' , cunsideration, r<?ct:ipt (' (- \\'J Ii,' h 1 ~ ,\('); )1' )\-.1, 'dq,'(!, (J r :1 n t tn .' , the Ci ty of flozeman, ,1 il.Ul,ic' i.flol 1 ( , I , r I )(' c- d t i. () 11 ul t h,_ S t,) t Ie' f) f ,\':ontana, GP1~NTEE , for th' r) u i ) lie u ~ ~ I. 11 , ,.1 PC) rpc t u"ll I. t: rt.(, t e<1 ~,~-,mcn t for the us (Co (1 : t : ~ \ ~ : \ I ~ ).1 1 (... , "';;1, I' h j'(, >\1<1 :.\ , ,.r c: (I (:- r () (-: ';_ r lp of land ~.:;itll\tl ~ , , , , ". j III 'j t '.' , ,I.. I r I r i;- I j , t \Ji"'l r' t- '.." (::;U) feet wiele on C' ,} C' i I : I,;' ~ i1, ' I,,', ' ~ I I , 'I' ! i 1" ' t I , " 1 ~ ;:. ,- f t", j \ f 'i )1' the following d t.' ~; C r i U I' '.1 [ , l' '-.' I..:' \ ' :.' t"., ~ ...\ parcel oj 1 .-. 1'1: l ' : I, I I ~ L : 1 . ~')l'U t hea c; t OU;]rL,',- \) : ' . t I " , ' , 'I','v.-n:', II j ,) ) , 1 ; South, [-<'I nfl"~ "J 1::,1. ! , j', : iJ '! ill, j ",' 1 i d i,ll! ') t JVlon tana , dnd mo r l' t' ,.1 1 l ~ C II i " C l d','L,C r .lb,_)ei " ,. l.,~ . folluws: Beginning 3t the Ld~; t QUdrtl,_'r corner of said Section 11 al ;", :)~" I-i ~j ~~ C,:lP['\,'(j lrun monUnlt'nt. set in the asphalt r;::l(jwi 1- (~'l. ( l c~ u:; i nq Cc'rtificatf' of Survey No. 503, ,l ~'~ r i 1,-, (i \-.- i !:: !l t ht' Gallatin County Cl,-~rk i"1nd ,i'l ,". . . , , '- ! "] r (f r,l hi, ! ,(."{' I i: I'; 1 , , ,) -'i (: 11C; cc-:' ,'. (' , . \ ' S03) * s 89v17'U7" \,,' j T'I..l ,: 1.- 1:\; l ill' Iva t Ii 11. j,.l the Southeast 'Ju (i ~ t-~' ~ \ r d ".'l ",.': : ! 1 I , i ,t .; j ,.j f ; ("." " u! :~ , :2:': 9 , 6 :.: fect; Thence S OO[)1~-J'5f::" I,; ,'1 (jic;t,lncc uf }47.7~l [ et~t to t hI" sou t hwc' '::~ t. P r <J lo.' r L~.. ('()rn.'r () T C05; :\i C) . 63* to the point of hi>c;_:nnlllq; Thence N 8 9 () L 7 I () / " !. ,I d 1 . - ( " ~,l'\ ' oj H r) . H <-1 t'u'l to the southeClst [Jl'():)I't't j' l' \,' I' I " . r ( l f co:; Nt). (,1 3 ; Thence on .J nel alnliq L h,' h"~;t."l Ly pr(lpc'1ty bcundary of tlld t P r Cn)i' I," '_ 'c' i:\'~',('rlIH'd :n Uo('k ') t , , Deeds No, 144--p;lg\' ::':09*, ~) OO"())'SO" W -, d i s l d Ii C:>' (. of 37,10 feet tel trh' ~;()ll ~ 1:\\1".0: t !lr')E)I:':' ty ('~)r~ll'r n! suid Book 144--P<Ir:J(' :~ U 9 ; Thence all und ,-I ] 0 r I <J till :-;,)l! t_Ill. 'r J '/ !J r- () IX' r t y boundaries of those pr(lp\'rt:i.,~o dl'l;cribccJ lri Buok of Deeds 144 --P,lClC' .! 0 l) , I : 'ti 1'.1 l!l " ' 't ~ ~ 1) ,"j q (' 42')* N 89012'12" E a di[;t,lne.. ") t 10').0] t \' (-, l ; Thence N 8 q" 1 .' , ..' h" i '~ ., dl :,,! ,'Ii C'" ,-) f 1 hI. () 1 feet to a point ICC',ltvd (.in t: h, 1" ' t ~ ~ ,; t, I," . 1 1. ~l" pr"'~p('rty boundary of that pr('fJI'1 t.t' i...ll " ~ ~ \.. ".~ 1 hI.' t i 111 13 ,) () K (Jt Deeds No, 139 - - pa Cj c' ~) (, 1 * ; Thence on and d .l \,): ~ r 1 ~_ " .1 (1 I', I." t:,. r L y P r C) p (_, r r. y boundary S Ooc04'SH" I. /,l (,; .:_ ,'< L i 1 t i ~," I. . l) f ')3C,6B f (.'\:'l to the northwesterly 1- 1 q i: t: - '_J ( - 'cd, , .) (\ f U.S. HilJhwdY 191 (a 1 so known (:1 S ~"l':':; t ;J; ~".j it': ~; t, 11'" t ) t r Cll'i vi h i C' h a brass capped i.ron \..1 i t r~ l \ ~ '; ~ ..~ ~: () r r;' , t- [,"'-1 1 ~3 ~ O(J"()4' '_li';" W a di5tancf~ of 11.:~] ~.. l" \ '\ t' ; Thence on and () J or,q :3 cl i d , iuht-of-w;IY S 42017'16" W i1 d:i.. ~3 t ,-1 n c (' uf l(IC;.t,() t(.(, t ; Thence on and .llull(j ~'d id ri(Jht.~ot-WdY S 42010'19" W a distdl1cT () .t ."~ t, . CjJ j I ' I ' t t-(I ~ hi' southwest property ('nlr:,'( () r CCJ~-: i\in, ~) () 3 ; EXHILJl'l' I', __,____" .._....h . FIlM 88 PAGE 928 Thence on and Cl]cnq t hc' Wt,'o;L,,'r Ly boundary of cas No. 503 N OOoOS'40" F.J,~ ,1 d i ~.: t."" net' of 1020,63 feet to the nor thw('o:; tl.' r 1 y prl'[.)I'lty bound,l ry of eos No. 503; Thence N 89017'07" r< " d i ~; t d 11 I,,' (.' (' f 78.98 f('cL to the southeash~r 1'1 pnlpt'rty c (1 r tlt.! r ; Thence N OOolH'r:,H" F ('J (! i ~; t ,"J nce uf ~4.S~) I l' e t: to the true point oj Lw'J 1, n Tl i n q ; Selid parcel CUI j t ,'I i n ~; 7 . 7 r).: de re ~') , mol'(' or less, *As filed and of r,'cord In the () f f i c l' 01 tlH' Gallatin County Clerk & f~ C' C ( ) r d ( , r- . The above-c1csc r il~h'd i'1opert.y ll('.; net dt!pict"ci as Tract Vv.'- 2 dnd Trcl c f_ \'W- 3 un C c r t_i f i C ,I t ( , oj Survey No. ] 227 , 011 f i 1,' lit thc' office of t hc' GalL1tin Cou l~ t 'I C 1,' rk and K,_'cC>rcJl'r. The ccntf~rlinc 1 ,- 11I0rl-' f:-' art .i c u 1 ,-l r 1 y d,_'~;c r iOL'd d ~'; .,' follows: Beginning at a point iJe1n(1 t i1 I ~)o u t h,',-l S l [)\:(lpcrty corner of Tract vw-2 of ( '( )~; NI) . 1 ',' -,-, It ~,~ f i 1 I'd wi th .. I the Gallatin County C 1,' r k ,II,ll '" . l.- U t d \ 'r , whic.t1 falls on the Nurtl1wt'st,'['] Y H i q III - () j - VJ ,1 'I ul U ..~; . Highway No, 191, also kllllh'l: 1.1 ~ ,.; It, I ' ~; L ;vJd ill ~-; t r('(' t; Thence on and alony sClid Ld~';t.'rly prof:-lL'!ty line of Tract vw-2 of cas No. 1 :.U7 , Nurth 00"08'44" East, a distance of 828.61 let'\.; t hc' ne",' said (.asement continuing only on the wc'stcr 1 y side of said centerline for a width or t WL' n \. '/ UO) feet, North 00007'50" east, a d i s t ,1 n c c' ut 37,10 feet to the end of said private ~) t L .' ._' t- l'd St'mt,' n t as depicted 1n Exhibit A, attached h,)r,'lll ,lnd made a part hereof. (ReferencE' to: ^ Stdtc' C) f i'l () 11 t.-, n <'l DI'pdJ-tmc'nt 01 Highways Ri gh t -0 f -\tolay ^pprO,1l,'ll Pt, rmi t, Parcel Number 86 and 89--\/01z ~O and <)(), I--Kal 1 ill Project NumD(~ r F - 'i () - :1 ( I I) f-' ., p u ;~ (' m d n W.'!,:i L) , .' The GH.AN'J'ORS Wi:! r r ,-1 II t t h,\ t till' \ , : J' r.: 1,1wfuJ1y ~""j z (~ cl t"ln(.! possessed of the real prl.ip,'rty d '. ' ~; l' : i :\' '1.1 .-1110\'" , llldt thcy have a lawful right tu COJ)VI'Y I'll!' P ~ r: p,I r t Y , or any part oj i.t, and that they will f O!','V(' 1 d"["r!(! t. h(' Litle to this property against the c'ldims ul I ' pt' r ~;ons. d...J. 'fhe GRANTORS further Lt q 1" ~ \ f.... t. ~.1 ;""1 ~ t h, (; kANTLE Ilia y peaceably hold and enJo'/ till: r iqh L:; ,If'd ~)rivil('<Jl'S !J c r (~ i fI granted without any i n t f' r r U I 1 t 1 () n llJ t~ I' r' (;Hl\r-.;rl'OI'~S . The terms, covendnt!3 <l r,d f-'n:-uv l~; U.ll\co of Lhi~3 PClSl'm('nt shall extend to and be binull:q \II; ( , 11 t hc' h ('l. r~, , ('XC'I,'\.! t. () r!; , administrators, person,l I r- I ' I' r, ' ," ' tit -l I i \I I, '~', , Stll"("()~.-;~;(' l'-~~, -lnd ass~gns of th,' P"l r t 1.l,' ,:; il,_.' I . , . -)- . ,. ..... fll~ 88PAGE 929 DATED this 13th da!, 01 _~_____~_ovcm~)_,?!___ _ , 1984, C; F/\N'fl) I<S ~- ;?:!.. "," t. ~~<;-,p No r ;ll~-Il;- r:-:-vl ,1 TTll-l"-~-~----~~~ _j/~/~~_ /1 (hi, s tc~ p ,:1 n if> Vol z j ~)TATF: OF MON'I'ANA) : s s . County of Gallatin) On this 9th dav oj November 1984 " --" , , ,', be fore me, a Notary Publ ic for the>' ~;Llte- of Mon tana, personally appeared David A, Wallin and Norman E, Wallin , known to me to be the pcrson(sr~lhu~;~lm('(s)" 'is/are subscribed to the within in::~trUlTI,!Clt ,ll\d ,lCknowlc'c1gpc] to me that (t)he(y) executed the same, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, T th!V" h"r-,'untu set my hand and affixed my official seal the d:1Y and ,/('<lr first ilbove written. ~ "," "/11 \ , \:>. ~, 1(:.::,"." 1'" ..-' ...'~\;; , ' " '" \ ", ----,-----, - ....-,~-'c ---- '.'..'i~.'...'>..\ Notary PUbl::'C for StatE:' of Montana 'i.Ndtaria~ '$-@~l) H.._'sidinq (ll lh)z(>man, Montana : : (:~., :: .,' ~ ~ r'ly l:Ol[\nll~;~;i(ln f'xplre~;: April 30, 1985 . ~ .,...., ~ t" . .: . . J_ ;_~), "')-A: = <" .... .." i , " ~.- .... ~ .....:. .~ -.rJ-'.... '~......... ).,,\ ,....... '...:;: 1;(:' JlO~' .,.,~. ." ,,- ~,.. , , , r .. . I I \ t \ STATE OF MONTANA) - (""'" (: . ~"") .") .. County of Gallatin) On this 9th Cl.IY ut November , 1984, before me, a Notary Public Lor th'_'--;;;:-.l-tc' ()1:-Montana, personally appeared Ste2hu.nie If. Volz " known to me to be the --pc~rsori (s)\;YF;~-;-c~~;-[;;;r:1t~-(s-) i,;Tl rc~--~--~---- subscribed to the within instl'ulTlt-'nt .-,r;r! dcknowledqed to Ille that (t)he(y) executed thl' ~O'-~l::". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I h"vl' IW1"UIltl) sl'L my h'::lnd '-lnd affixed my official seal the' (:ay d[JCl )",ll: Linn_ alJove written, . \' \' i I,. '.t"t'~/' .. .. ' ,I /1,"' , ~}. .~. ~ ..: ;_~,:: "~, Not ,I r y-----pu1)T~-u)-r- "-~;-G-1-G;--(-)-r--~I(-; n tii-r:j-;l .{Nota1;"i~lS,~l) Hesic1in9 at Huzt'n;an, MonLH1(1 '~', \\\)l, "I '..'..;:: My Commi,;slufi ('Xf)_lrC>';; April 3D, 19B5 . ~ ~ ~ . ri to( ,... r : i ........j..:.-' :I " I_)...J ",.lJ.; ! . " -. .. ~ ,..::......... ........,"r ~ , /'.. .. ..... '1-.... ,.I' r: r; ~ ).10\\ "., '. . . ,.".., , .,. .. I I ~ ,. ,,~ -]- L---_ ___.__ . ... I . .. . FILM 88 PAGE 930 INSTRUMENT OF POOR PHOTOGRAPHIC QUALITY H'N tOC., f- \4 / {,,., II, Tt,. r.." L >NetT "....f1 (; tV C' ST'W'.~ _ ~ _ H&'l&:T" , "TlS . , ~~I! !.€~. el NO SCA."e EXJIlRIT 'A' PIUVA11: ROAD r;Ac;UtENf W^J.l1N-VOL~ ANNEXATlOO (XTORER 1984 FOJ{TY roor WIJml-20Fr. I:AOf S IIlE OF CINffiRl.INE A..'i DESCIH 8EIl llI:lU: I N ,". . . ....:'", FILM 88 PAGE 931 WAIVER OF H r G !I '1' '1'0 PF<O'l'ES'1' ~-_. --,-,._--,,~,,-_.._,--_.,-- ------.-.---.. CREATION OF S PEe lAT. IMPJ;(l\/EHENT D lS'l'RICTS ..~&. - .._,.~,,~--,~.__._----~-~,~,~,_.,.- ._._-----~-~-~~- FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO NOR'l'H-SOllTH IN'1'E:RIOR S'I'REE'l' -,--,-~-------~-, ~._----,._"~-'- We, the undersigned, (JWll(~ r s of the redl property situated in the County f.; I C; <l 1 1 ~l tin / Statc. of Montilna, and described as follows: A parcel of lund 1 CJ cat t' d 1n the:' Southeast Quarter of s ,-. c t i (l n 1 1 , Township 2 South, Range 5 East, l.'r-incip('Il Mcridlan of Montana, and more particuldrly d('~;crib('d as follows: Beginning at thc' Ed~; t Ou,lrtt'r corner of said Section ] 1 at a brdSS CC)t'lH'(l lron monument set in the asphalt roadway Cl nd uSlng Certificate of Survey No, 503, a ~,~ f i 1 c'd VJ i L h tl1l' G~1l1at in County Clerk and Recorder, as the bClSis of bearing; Thence (a ~, per F i lIt: 20--p,-l\J(' 1 ;' B 4 and CO~) Nu. 503)* S 89017'07" w on dnd ,'1 1 l) 11 <J the north line of the Southeast Quay-ter 01 S<:ClHHl 11 .:t distance ut 2,229.62 f et~ t to the t r \1\,' point of beginning; 'l'he nce S 00018':)8" i-I,' [I L!i~;tance of :~47.72 feet to the southwest prof--lcr-t',/ Cf.JrnC'r of cas No, 63*; Thence N 89"17'07" E d d i :i L d net ~ of 85,84 feet to the southeast. pn)perty c c. r n \ . r of COS No. 63; Thence on and ,11ufl(J t hl' wC' s t t,' r 1 y property boundary of that propl'rty dt-,~,cr il)('d if) Book of Deeds No. 144--pagc 209*, c' OO"()7'50" W a distancl:::' , ' of 37,10 feet to the sou t hwC':, \ propprty corner of said Book 144 --Pi1lJl' :.:'09; Thence on and ,'Ilonq thc' :0; (, u t h L' r 1 y property boundaries of those prupl.,rtil::; dC::;Cl'ibec] in Buok of Deeds 144--pi1Yc 20<) <111 c1 Fi 1m 24--pagC' 425* N 89012'12" E (:-1 d :i :3 t ,-I r~ C I ' () I I () " . () I [eet; Thence N 8 C) 0 ] :2 I ,'() " V ,'I d 1 ~; t <l IH~' . () f J (, 1 .01 feet to a point loca Ll'd OCl t III ' ,.,,:,;tt'rly profJcrty boundary of tha t rrupert'/ ell' ~:c r i l)(-'d U1 Book of Deeds No. 139--pagc' :, (, 1 * ; Thence on and dlcl[\C] ~;C1 ill l'd~:;t cr1y prupcrty boundary S 00004'58" F ,j d i ~.,; ~., d llCf..:~ ut ')36,68 feet to the northwestt:~rly r i q h t - 0 f - 1;.' (I Y of U, S, Highway 191 (a 1 so known as v~ L' ~; t ro-1ol i n ~~ t- ['('l' t) from which .-1 brass Cupped iron 1;.' i t n (' ,~ ,; I,~ 0 r n C' r bC~~lrs N 00004'58" W a distance of 11. n t,'et; Thence on " nd along ~;<1ld I i q h t ~ 0 ! -- W,J Y S 42017'16" W a d i s t ,1 ~H' {> of 39<J.LO f(.>ct; Thence on and (llon':l S,-=l id r i(1ht~('f-w,lY c 42010'19" W a d i s t (', n c ,_,' nf ~~ 4 'I . C) J I c(' t to the southwest propfC>rt'y c (' r rl (-' r () :. l'C)~-; No. S03; Thence on clnd alonq Lh" Wl':; LL'r 11;/ h'undd r y uf cas No. 503 N o 0 " 0 ~~ ' 4 0 " E ..J c; ,~: t ,111('(' () f ] () ;> U , (d feet to the northwC'stl'rly' prlll;l' I' ty heHlnda ry cd CUS No, 503; Thence N OO(jOS'.~O" L' , di~;tdllCl' oi l.72.:,r) feet to the north 1 i Pt' () '~ ! 11 l ' : ; l ) U L1l<,', , c; t qU,:l rtL'r uf Section 11 and th\" ,1ppJ O}: i rn,} L.' Cl'net:'r line 01 Wc~:~t Babcock Street; Thence on and i1 III rllJ t h._' S,-Ij d north 1 i 11(' ot the southeast quarll'r c; I : ; c' '-~ t Lon 1 ' 1\ b'::l017'07" 1 E a distance of 80.0J f ('I" t to the true point of beginning; Said parcl'l CIlltt,11 [1~- ;; ,,',I q ( I (" r ( \ ~.~ , rnllrl' or less, t-::; t, T B J '1' C' -" --- - .~_._,' ----- . i1L~ 88 PAGE 932 *As filed C1 nd of record l : 1 tho::' (lfrict, or the Gallatin County C If.'rk ," I" 'c U 1. d I' /- , The above -d I'~; C r i be.cj property' lw i nq depictf.:d as Tract VW-l , Tract V\^"-2 ,J. 11 cl Tract VW-] on Certificate of SurvC'y ~u. 1 ") ") -. (' r, f 1_ Ie> ~t1 the ' -"- / , office of the Ga 11 a t i I: County C l"1.'k dnd Recorder, IN CONSIDERATION of rec\'1.v~ny dtlrteX,ltion to the City of Bozeman along with accnmp<'l ny i ny rit]ht~; il nd priviJt"ge~> and for other und vuluablr' en l\ S 1.lk r iI t i. () l\ ; the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, 1n t'I'coqnLtl<)11 of t1H' through tz:affic that will be genf'Llfc'd bv t t1t' dl'v,'lc)pllIC'nl of the' above-described propprty, havl' W,l i ved '-.1 nd du hereby for ourselves, our heirs, ('XCCU to r ~c~ , d d III i I I i ~~ t r d t u 1 ~'; , p('r~;On,l ] representatives, successors dl:d '-.I~;s]yns, v; a i ve tht' riqht to protest the creation ot () nc' or mn r (' ~. ~'(' cia 1 ilI\l,)rovI-'ment districts for improvcmcn t::; to t lli ' I'ul) 1 i c ~; tIe (-. t which 1 <,,' "' partially located ulonq thc' cI'ntt'1" 11.11,' dc' ~:: c r ibcd In the' attached Exhibit A and which Itd 1 I CUI1Lcct West ,lVIa ill and \'1 t' s t Babcock Streets or to tTl c1 k t_' DI; Y w j- _L t. t I' n prc'll,'St: aqain~;t the propused work or aq.::linsl t ih' t.,';': t\' n t c'r crt,' il t ion (' f thl: district to be ass(~ssC'd 111 r ( ;: tH' n~; \ ' l C., \-', duli pa ,,; S \_'d resolution of intention tu (' r. ',,-I t (' 011" or l!lCHl' ~;p\'('ld ) improvement districts which W(~u I d i_ 11(' I udp the abovf>- described property. This waiver does nol includ\' C"l I ~:.;".. L~) of acqui~:>it ion of additional rights of way or c. (:) S C\ n~ ( \ n t. :~ 1j(,,'Cf' ~~ ~;d ry to compIl_' t: (' the connection between \-J C' ~o t ]V!<lln ,ll:d \., \ ',; t Babcock S t rf"e t: s . This waiver shilll lye' (] cC"\Vt-' 1I1.t n t r u 11 III 11 <:J wjth th\.' land a !ld shall not expin" Clt our di '.I tll ,_' . We warrant that we .'lll_ l",IW 1 U II '; ..' I ' 1 :-', I,' lJ dnd LJI)~" ~'I_' S sed oj the real property described <ll)()vc ,'lr-,\.! ~. 11,! t v..' ~? h d '1C' d lawful right to convey the pro~.H"'r-ly or dnv p'l r t c(' ; ..1- , . ..... L . DATED this 13th (~ d'/ (; t -'- , . / ~ /:lriL/LE:~ /; . (t/~(i ~ '. J ~ ~ T----- S ep anle Volz ~? ?11~~~ I , , ,; ,.! ....-1 . <., ~._~---_._...-.-~,----",-~,--- Norman E. Wallin ';-TII;"-~C(' H' )~; - - . . STA'rE OF MONTANA) rll~ SBPADE 933 : ~; ~ ~ . County of Gallatin) On this 9th d,IY Cd ________ N<::>\'~~~ber ______, 1984, b(~fore me, a Notary Pub] 1(' for the :::til(e of r-1ontana, personally appeared _Da_~_~~~n0~. ~"~l~~2:_~nd Norman ~:___~~_~lin_, known to me to b(~ the pf'r~;('tl(s) whos!.' r'anlc(s) is/;n(> subscribed to thl~ witllJ[\ LI'::;tl-ur'l('rd -uid '!cknnwl('eJq('eJ tu me t hat ( t ) he (y) ex e c u led /-_11" ~,; d fll(' . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, T h.-IVC' hel ('IUllo ::;ct my h.-Hid and affixed my official seal the CLI':' ,-lnd year fir~:.;t above written, ,. .....(.;,,;.-~ : . *~; '\ / ,. .', ;"""'11, ~~'_~_.'___.__.'_~'_"_7' \,;. 1"'",,- Not.=ny Public tor State of Montana (~~aria'~11i~lJ R(~sic1inq "t- 13ozt'man, Monti1I;1,J _ ,): ,'\)~.'_ "'fl....~\.' My CCrllr.li~;~;ion l'xpin'~,: ^prll 30, 1985 .\ "'1( ~1J: , ~ t"i'A : ~ ','~ ~ J~ ~,/ ' ~ . . ~ ,..:- II.., .11.- ~ \_'" r:_ ,,;-,' STATE OF MONTANA) : Sf', County of Gallatin ) On this 9th CL_1~' nf_Nov~_IT!!2~X______._._._____, 1984, bt'fore me, a Notary PubllC' :(Ir till' :,t,~'" of f'.lclIltan,J, personally appeared ___________~~cphan iOI~ ._~<:...:~~~, _ __~______"_ ... _,." __,.".,. ' known to me to b(' thl' p('r~:('~ (~:,) v.'fh':~\' nd[l~('(~;) i~';/dr'-' sul]scribed to the wi thin ln~;: 1 lln''-'I.t ,I1lll ,wktluwlcd'J,'d '.J) 11'\,,' that' (t)he(y) executed tilt> :;,lIIll'. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I1d\'l' !l\'r"llli'_J' :',('r my har.d dnd affixed my officii'll ~J('al thl' ,tel') < :('/"dr fic~;t ,llmve written. /. ,11""'''''''1 . I . \,; , "" ----..- -------.--.--.- ---_.._-'--,-----:--'---~---'------ ." 'V~.....~..!~_4"',;, Notdry Pl~l}l.iC fc}r Sldb-' of Montnna ~d1~~a'l,~~1) Rcsiclin~J "t BuZCm,~jil, Mont.Jna :;u:J"./4't\~\ " My CClrnmi~,~;ion \'XplIC'~;: ^pril 30, 1985 ; c...f~"i'AI ~ ~ ,,-) )-4 ,:.= , ", -' .,' - ..'.. ".... .,' ..:'- \..111....- ~.'- ,'. ''''p IIC\'\} "", 'll \\' " 'q ~ ",1\- . . '. . STATE OF MONTANA ) F1L~ 88 PAGE 934 : ss. County of Gallatin ) On this 13th dClY () f NOVePlt:er , 1984, .._,~. -- --'_._'_._----,._.,---_._-~._,-,~'.~_.._- before me, a Notary Public for the' ~tilte of Montana, personally appeared Clarence Bos , ..,-~~'~---_._'---_.._..,---,~,- -,--- known to me to be the pf'C;l) 11 (~;) w h () 0' C' name(s) is/arc subscribed to the within ir~::'trument dnd acknowledged to me that (t)he(y) executed the Sdlll(~. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have h(" r eun to ~_;et my hand and affixed my official seal the day <:1 ncl y,='ar first above written, \l,.tlt'''''1 """', "I~' ,,", "C I,,;.,, .... . ';>0 .)14"., " - ~ 1- ' \) ....... .f";,! "I I ~ .. ... -;, J ... \" ._ '. ,..::,...." L~ Nota ry--J)tlr;iTc0jrS-ta te ' '-'.' ') T I " . '. ~ ~ of Montana : '-I.' \' 1,\' " ~~' "(N"oear1a}. a\) Residing at Bozeman, Montana : : S l1' A.... ~ ::; My Commission f>xpires: April 30, 1985 . ~ ... L: : : " J..A ^ : : . . ... .. :,,' Ii_. ,.." 1.7 i '" '.... ..~... ~"t- ,-- . .-f,.,... ...........,.,...' ...... '. c: f'Jr l~C.\\ .....' "', ,I '..... - 4- , ~ - , ' . . , " fiLM 88 PAGE 935 INSTRUMENT OF POOR PHOTOGRAPHIC QUALITY HW tCl:., .. "" t."., II, T I', E" '" Co N It ST'I!'. -- - .. - -... .- PineT n , "US . t:~6 ~c. II .... 0 SCA..IS EXIIIBIT 'A' PRIVATE IlWl F.ASI:J.ENT WALLIN-VOLZ MNEXATI<W <X:TOBF.R 1984 FORTY RXJr WIUIlI- 20fT. EAOI SIDE Of cen1!R1.1NE AS DESCRIBED IB:REIN 141060 State of Mont,. County of GaUatin. !'s Frted for record June 19 ~85 at 8:05 AM.. an<i r((;~)rded in flook 88 _of lnSCELLANEOUS ' 0 ~ ~_W'~~~ ReeDede,. By-,~'5A.dJ/7111 tJwi DeouN Rt: City of Bozeman $41.00