HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-18450 Application NarrativeOctober 2018
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Growth Policy Map Amendment
(GPMA) Application
NW CORNER OF COTTONWOOD & OAK: Growth Policy Amendment
Table of Contents
I. Growth Policy Amendment Applica�on Forms & Checklists
A1, GPA, N1
II. Project Team
III. Narra�ve
A. Project Overview
B. Response to Growth Policy Amendment Criteria
IV. Exhibits
Exhibit A: Project Vicinity Map
Exhibit B: Project Site & Exis�ng Future Land Use Designa�on
Exhibit C: Project Site & Proposed Future Land Use Designa�on
Exhibit D: Site Summary
NW CORNER OF COTTONWOOD & OAK: Growth Policy Amendment
II. Project Team
PO Box 11890
Bozeman, MT 59719
p: 406.581.3812
Representa�ve Greg Stra�on, Kilday & Stra�on
2880 Technology Blvd W
Bozeman, MT 59718
Planning Intrinsik Architecture, inc.
111 N. Tracy Avenue,
Bozeman, MT 59715
p: 406.582.8988
Engineering Morrison Maierle
2880 Technology Blvd W,
Bozeman, MT 59718
p: 406.587.0721
NW CORNER OF COTTONWOOD & OAK: Growth Policy Amendment
III. Narra�ve
A. Project Overview
This applica�on is a request to amend the Future Land Use Map of the City of Bozeman
Community Plan through a Growth Policy Map Amendment (GPMA). The subject property
encompasses 160.507 acres of land, generally located at the northwest corner of West Oak
Street and Co�onwood Road. The subject property is currently zoned AS (Agriculture-
Suburban), it lies within the Galla�n County “donut” area surrounding Bozeman and has
yet to be annexed by the City. The current Bozeman Community Plan was approved in
2009. The Land Use Designa�on for this property, approximately 22.94 acres, is
Residen�al and the remainder of the property, approximately 137.567 acres, is designated
as Present Rural. This applica�on proposes to change the exis�ng land uses to 130.994
acres to Residen�al Emphasis Mixed Use (REMU) and 29.513 acres to Community
Commercial Mixed Use (CCMU), please see a�ached Exhibits. The applicant will also
propose annexa�on and a zone map amendment in conjunc�on with this GPMA.
The intent of REMU is to ‘promote neighborhoods with suppor�ng services that are
substan�ally dominated by housing’. Addi�onally, the CCMU designa�on should include
the ‘basic employment and services necessary for a vibrant community’. Both REMU and
CCMU focus on mul�-modal transporta�on opportuni�es and strong connec�ons both
within the site and to adjacent sites. The area’s proximity to major transporta�on
corridors, adjacent neighborhoods, the new High School make it a viable candidate for the
proposed GPMA.
Amending the land use designa�on for this property is a logical extension of the current
growth and development pa�ern occurring in the vicinity of the site. The site is adjacent to
the new Bozeman Sports Park, the new High School and exis�ng and recently constructed
NW CORNER OF COTTONWOOD & OAK: Growth Policy Amendment
or planned residen�al neighborhoods. The site is also located on a major transporta�on
corridor at the intersec�on of two principal arterials (West Oak Street and Co�onwood
Road). This GPMA will establish a versa�le commercial node to replace a smaller
commercial node displaced by the new high school and provide flexibility in the future
development of the property. Serving the neighborhoods within approximately a one-mile
radius, this area is well suited to provide a des�na�on center and a visible iden�ty to this
newly developing neighborhood.
While the Community Plan is in place to be a proac�ve tool to address development, it is
also meant to adapt by looking forward to shape development based on the priori�es of
the community and promo�ng economic development. The Land Use Designa�on for this
property provides a small por�on along Co�onwood Road with a residen�al designa�on
and the remainder of the property designated at Present Rural. The 2009 Plan calls for the
development of land “in the Present Rural land use designa�on to follow one of three
paths which are listed in order of the City’s preference:
1. Remain as currently u�lized, un�l annexed and municipal services are available to
support a Residen�al or other urban land use category development as described in
this plan. The change in designa�on will require an amendment to the growth policy;
2. Develop at a density of single dwelling per exis�ng parcel, with consolida�on of
smaller parcels into single ownership prior to development; or
3. If further subdivision is proposed, to develop at urban densi�es and standards with
provisions for connec�on to City services when they become available.”
This applica�on is proposing to move forward with the first path. Since the approval of the
current Bozeman Community Plan the City has adopted facility plans for Water,
Wastewater, and Transporta�on, as well as the Capital Improvements Plan which is
updated annually. All of these plans iden�fy the provision of services to this area, and in
NW CORNER OF COTTONWOOD & OAK: Growth Policy Amendment
the case of the Capital Improvements Plan a schedule and funding source to construct
these facili�es.
For official reference, the subject property is legally described as follows:
Tract 5 of COS 2552, Located in NE1/4 of section 4, T2S, R5E
A descrip�on of land being the NE ¼ of Sec�on 4 also known as Tract 5 of Cer�ficate of
Survey No. 2552; located in the NE ¼ of Sec�on 4, Township 2 South, Range 5 East,
Principal Meridian, Galla�n County, Montana, more par�cularly described as follows:
Beginning at the Northeast Corner of Sec�on 4 as described in Cer�fied Corner Record Book
1, Page 498 doc. # 22437, also being the Southeast Corner of Tract 1 of Cer�ficate of Survey
No. 2553, the Point of Beginning; thence S.2°16’25”W. along the line between Sec�on 4
and Sec�on 3 a distance of 2627.49 feet to the East ¼ Corner of Sec�on 4 as described in
Cer�fied Corner Record Book 2, Page 251 doc. # 153209; thence N.89°13’13”W. along the
mid-sec�on line of Sec�on 4 a distance of 2649.87 feet to the Center ¼ Corner of Sec�on 4
as described in Cer�fied Corner Record Book 2, Page 1427 doc. # 336115, also being the
Southeast Corner of Tract 4 of Cer�ficate of Survey No. 2552; thence N.1°42’36”E. along
said Tract 4 of Cer�ficate of Survey No. 2552 a distance of 2625.17 feet to the North ¼
Corner of Sec�on 4 as described in Cer�fied Corner Record Book 3, Page 922 doc. #
2294184 also being the Southwest Corner of Tract 1 of Cer�ficate of Survey No. 2553;
thence S.89°15’30”E along the line between Sec�on 4 and Sec�on 33 a distance of 2675.75
feet to the Point of Beginning.
The area of the above described parcel of land is 160.507 acres, more or less
NW CORNER OF COTTONWOOD & OAK: Growth Policy Amendment
B. Responses to Growth Policy Amendment Criteria
1. The proposed amendment cures a deficiency in the growth policy or results in an
improved growth policy which be�er responds to the needs of the general community.
This GPMA will improve the growth policy and the overall land use of the subject site by
providing an appropriate and immediate response to the growth being experienced in the
district surrounding the site. Currently the site is designated Present Rural, which is the
predominant designa�on of parcels across the “donut”. Present Rural is comprised of
parcels in a variety of sizes, but typically in larger sizes, like the 160.507 acre subject site.
Present Rural is generally a designa�on assigned to these larger parcels, that are found
beyond the edges of the City limits and ready to be annexed. It is u�lized to prevent areas
of agricultural and rural lands from being developed as isolated or low density pockets of
development without the benefit of the city services.
The subject site is not isolated and would in fact capitalize on direct access to city services
and significant transporta�on grid components, including the intersec�on of two exis�ng
Principal Arterials (Oak Street and Co�onwood Road). It also lies adjacent to a Minor
Arterial (Baxter Lane) and a Collector, Laurel Glen Parkway. The current Capital
Improvements Plan iden�fies the following improvements to be completed and the year in
which they are scheduled:
1. Oak/Co�onwood Intersec�on in fiscal year 2020
2. Co�onwood Road between Oak Street and Baxter Lane in fiscal year 2023
3. Baxter/Co�onwood Intersec�on in fiscal year 2023.
The south half of Oak Street to the west of Co�onwood already exists along the south
boundary of the property and Baxter Lane exists to a county road standard along the north
boundary of the property. The Transporta�on Master Plan iden�fies Oak Street and
Co�onwood Road as Principal Arterials, Baxter Lane as a Minor Arterial, and Laurel
NW CORNER OF COTTONWOOD & OAK: Growth Policy Amendment
Parkway as a collector indica�ng that all of these roadways play a significant role as the
City grows to the west. Co�onwood Road will eventually provide access to the new
Bozeman Sports Park currently being constructed along the east boundary providing a
prime opportunity for growth in this area. The exis�ng road network and provisions to
expand the transporta�on facili�es to serve this project are in place.
The GPMA proposed will convert the site to a combina�on of REMU (130.994 acres) and
CCMU (29.513 acres). These land use designa�ons will support future zoning designa�ons
that support and improve upon the growth policy by allowing flexibility, and the ability to
respond to site specific condi�ons and opportuni�es as the city grows and develops into
this area. REMU and CCMU will allow for a variety of development types and densi�es
with though�ul delinea�on of connected spaces, that are walkable and bikeable to/from
internal and adjacent neighborhood centers and result in local services for the area
including the High School and Bozeman Sports Park.
The Growth Plan does allow for adapta�on and evolu�on when applying its standards.
While the site is designated Present Rural, the Growth Policy states its annexa�on may be
unlikely, this statement is based on the presump�on that Present Rural parcels may be
disconnected and/or do not have access to significant exis�ng transporta�on corridors and
municipal services. That is not the case with this subject site and this GPMA is consistent
with the current land use pa�erns and growth being experienced in the surrounding area.
This GPMA will establish this area as a des�na�on within the local neighborhood and
improves the growth policy by being able to adapt and address the current, site specific
opportuni�es that may not have been apparent at the �me the Growth Policy was last
updated in 2009.
As men�oned previously, this applica�on proposes to move forward with the first path
described in the Growth Policy for addressing changes to Present Rural. The City has
adopted facility plans for Water, Wastewater, and Transporta�on, as well as the Capital
NW CORNER OF COTTONWOOD & OAK: Growth Policy Amendment
Improvements Plan which is updated annually. All of these plans iden�fy the provision of
services to this area, and in the case of the Capital Improvements Plan a schedule and
funding source to construct these facili�es. The facility planning in place and capital
improvements scheduled for this area detail a planned pathway for growth in this area.
City services are either readily available for extension to the property or planned in the
near future. The Bozeman City Plan is being updated will most definitely iden�fy this area
for urban growth. As recommended in the exis�ng Bozeman City Plan the applicant to
change in designa�on by amendment to the growth policy to allow annexa�on and zoning.
2. The proposed amendment does not create inconsistencies within the growth policy,
either between the goals and the map or between goals; If inconsistencies are iden�fied
then the addi�onal changes must be provided to remove the inconsistencies.
The GPMA proposed will enhance the Growth Policy by extending and applying its goals
and objec�ves to this area, filling in gaps and correc�ng current inconsistencies
experienced on site. This GPMA builds upon the goals of the growth policy and maintains
its values through the establishment of a flexible mixed use development and a
commercial node that will compliment the adjacent uses, capitalize on exis�ng roadways
and corridors, and connect to exis�ng infrastructure. Further, this GPMA allows the growth
policy to look forward and respond to the site specific circumstances now being realized in
this area of the City as the community grows. Outlined below are some of specific goals
and objec�ves from the growth policy that support this GPMA.
Goal LU-2: Designate Centers for commercial development rather than corridors to
encourage cohesive neighborhood development in conjunc�on with non-motorized
transporta�on op�ons.
Objec�ve LU-2.1 : Locate high density community scale service centers on a one mile
radius, and neighborhood service centers on a one-half mile radius, to facilitate the
efficient use of transporta�on and public services in providing employment,
residen�al, and other essen�al uses
Objec�ve LU-2.2: Provide for a limited number of carefully sited regional service
NW CORNER OF COTTONWOOD & OAK: Growth Policy Amendment
centers which are appropriately sized and serviced by adequate infrastructure
The approval of this GPMA will pave the way for the establishment of a neighborhood
scale commercial development and follow a center based development pa�ern. This type
of land use is needed in the area, currently the closest commercial designa�ons are located
in what is now the new High School campus and NW of the intersec�on of Baxter and
Davis. The High School will remove the poten�al for commercial development on that
parcel and the Baxter-Davis loca�on, approximately 0.6 miles east of the site, is being
developed as almost exclusively residen�al. While there are some commercial services
located there, the majority of the +/- 80 acres is not being developed as commercial
extensive enough to be considered a true community commercial node. The next closest
commercial area is approximately one mile south of the site at Co�onwood and Babcock.
This is a smaller node that connects to a corridor of commercial with several car
This property site is also well suited to meet Objec�ve LU-2.2 given its service by two
principal arterials and proximity to adjacent residen�al development. City services are
either readily available for extension to the property or planned in the near future. The
Bozeman Community Plan is currently being updated and will most certainly iden�fy this
area for urban growth. As recommended in the exis�ng Community Plan the applicant
proposes a change in designa�on by amending the growth policy to then allow annexa�on
and zoning of the project site.
Objec�ve LU-4.10: Encourage development throughout Galla�n County to occur
within exis�ng municipali�es and support the local ability to address and manage
change and growth
This GPMA is an example of the growth policy being adaptable and able to respond to the
changing landscape of the City, current development pa�erns in the surrounding area and
manage future growth as the City expands. It is an opportunity to influence the growth
NW CORNER OF COTTONWOOD & OAK: Growth Policy Amendment
being experienced in the NW area of the City and establish a neighborhood commercial
des�na�on around this district by complimen�ng the High School, Bozeman Sports Park
and exis�ng and future residen�al development. The combina�on of REMU and CCMU
land use designa�ons allow flexibility in developing this area as the market changes but
s�ll ensure the character of the area has a residen�al emphasis. REMU specifically allows
mul�ple avenues for the development of commercial and support services in conjunc�on
with a diversity of residen�al development op�ons.
Goal C-1: Human Scale and Compa�bility — Create a community composed of
neighborhoods designed for the human scale and compa�bility in which the streets and
buildings are properly sized within their context, services and ameni�es are convenient,
visually pleasing, and properly integrated.
Objec�ve C-1.4: Achieve an environment through urban design that maintains and
enhances the City’s visual quali�es within neighborhood, community and regional
commercial areas.
Underlying zoning of REMU and CCMU both focus on human scale and compa�bility ] for
this district. Both designa�ons underscore center based land use, the importance of mul�
modal transporta�on and walkability, and a diversity of uses and/or housing types. All
uses are to compliment exis�ng and planned residen�al development in the area and
emphasize human scale. Through a subsequent Annexa�on and a Zone Map Amendment,
the applicant intends to pursue REMU and B-2M zoning respec�vely. Future development
for these districts will require master site planning, site plans and other significant
municipal review to ensure that the design and circula�on support and enhance the City’s
vision while establishing a neighborhood commercial node and residen�al district.
Goal C-3: Neighborhood Design – New neighborhoods shall be pedestrian oriented,
contain a variety of housing types and densi�es, contain parks and other public spaces,
NW CORNER OF COTTONWOOD & OAK: Growth Policy Amendment
have a commercial center and defined boundaries.
Objec�ve C-3.3: Establish minimum residen�al densi�es in new and redeveloping
residen�al areas.
Objec�ve C-3.4: Create neighborhood Commercial Centers that will provide uses to
meet consumer demands from surrounding Residen�al Districts for everyday goods
and services, and will be a pedestrian oriented place that serves as a focal point for
the surrounding neighborhoods.
The intent of REMU is to ‘promote neighborhoods with suppor�ng services that are
substan�ally dominated by housing’ while CCMU should include the ‘basic employment
and services necessary for a vibrant community’. The proposed GPMA will create a new
residen�al area that embodies these goals and objec�ves.
Objec�ve H-1.1: Encourage and support the crea�on of a broad range of housing types in
proximity to services and transporta�on op�ons.
Objec�ve H-3.1: Encourage the provision of affordable housing
REMU is meant to establish areas that are mixed use in character and provide op�ons for a
variety of housing. This is accomplished through diverse housing op�ons, ver�cal and
horizontal mix of commercial and residen�al and pedestrian oriented spaces. REMU is
appropriate in sites of at least five acres and adjacent to exis�ng or planned residen�al
areas. The flexibility with respect to the amount, type and density of residen�al in REMU
will allow the applicant to develop this project and develop residen�al products in a variety
of ways that respond to community need. This flexible approach combined with the
affordable housing provisions of the UDC will result in a broad range of housing types for
this project site long term.
Goal ED-1: Promote and encourage the con�nued development of Bozeman as a vital
economic center.
Objec�ve ED-1.2: Coordinate the provision of infrastructure necessary to support
NW CORNER OF COTTONWOOD & OAK: Growth Policy Amendment
economic development.
The establishment of a neighborhood commercial node in this loca�on will support new
economic development in the area. This loca�on will be a visible des�na�on in the district,
along with the High School and Bozeman Sports Park, while simultaneously providing the
commercial infrastructure to encourage economic ac�vity.
Goal R-1: Provide for accessible, desirable, and adequately maintained public parks, open
spaces, trail systems, and recrea�onal facili�es for residents of the community.
Objec�ve R-1.12: Use parks and open space to protect cri�cal and sensi�ve lands.
Objec�ve R-1.13: Use parks and recrea�on facili�es as community design features such
as a neighborhood focal point.
Wetlands and the associated 50 foot setbacks account for approximately 26 acres of the
project site, including those associated with Baxter Creek where it crosses the property.
The applicant intends to protect the wetlands and associated buffer zones, while u�lizing
and incorpora�ng them into the overall neighborhood design. The wetlands will establish
focal features while contribu�ng to the establishment of circula�on pa�erns and access
throughout the development.
While mul�ple goals and objec�ves support this GPMA, the applicant acknowledges that
there are also goals that do not. Specifically:
Goal RA-1: Coordinate amendments to balance responsiveness and predictability,
facilitate public involvement, and conserve resources.
Objec�ve RA-1.1: Changes from Suburban Residen�al and Present Rural should occur
with the regular five year review period revisions rather than individual amendments
unless an extremely compelling case can be made for significant public benefit from
the amendment. Other categories can be the subject of an amendment in connec�on
with any Commission selected schedule.
The applicant feels that there are site specific condi�ons that make this project a viable
NW CORNER OF COTTONWOOD & OAK: Growth Policy Amendment
GPMA candidate. Further, this is a GPMA for a large parcel rather than mul�ple, small
changes and the applicant proposes to move forward with a path that is outlined in the
Growth Policy for a change in designa�on of Present Rural. The project site is also currently
only par�ally designated Present Rural, with por�ons of it (22.94 acres) designated as
Residen�al. The Growth Policy had its most recent review and revision in 2009. Given the
development pa�ern occurring in the surrounding area, a change in designa�on may have
been realized since the 2009 update if a review and revision had been performed in 2014.
3. The proposed amendment must be consistent with the overall intent of the growth policy.
The overall intent of the Growth Policy is to “look forward and ensure that as change occurs
the things that the community values most are able to remain and thrive”. This GPMA is
consistent with the intent by responding to the growth and development pa�ern occurring
in the area. This designa�on change will reinforce the intent by designa�ng much needed
land for residen�al and mixed use development that is surrounded by community parks,
area schools, established neighborhoods, established transporta�on corridors and is
scheduled to be served by public facili�es. The future development intent is to provide
homes, services and commercial des�na�on node for this project and the surrounding area.
This will require addi�onal municipal review in the form of subdivision review, master site
plan and site plan review to ensure that the community’s values and goals are not
4. The proposed amendment will not adversely affect the community as a whole or
significant por�on by:
i. Significantly altering acceptable exis�ng and future land use pa�erns, as defined in
the text and maps of the plan
The GPMA as proposed supports and enhances the Growth Plan by suppor�ng the
current pa�ern of development and land uses in the area. It does not significantly alter
acceptable land use pa�erns and will compliment and enhance future growth of the
area. This GPMA brings the site into compliance with goals of the plan as Present Rural
NW CORNER OF COTTONWOOD & OAK: Growth Policy Amendment
will not support appropriate zoning designa�ons for the project site and district.
ii. Requiring unmi�gated larger and more expensive improvements to streets, water,
sewer, or other public facili�es or services which, therefore, may impact development
of other lands.
The project site will be adequately and efficiently served by exis�ng and planned
services and improvements. The City has a comprehensive Capital Improvements Plan
which includes extending or upgrading services and roadways in the area. Future
development will require municipal review for impacts and specifics for improvements
and connec�ng to services will be outlined and evaluated at that �me.
The current Water Facility Plan, approved in 2017, plans for the provision of City water
service to the property. A 16” water main is currently scheduled as a 2017 capital
improvement to be installed in Co�onwood Road between Oak Street and Baxter Lane.
The Water Facility Plan also iden�fies the West Transmission Main to provide water
service to this property and extend service to the west and northwest as the city grows
into those areas. This transmission main will extend west in Baxter Lane along the
north boundary of the property. The Water Facility plan also iden�fies a 12” water
main in Laurel Parkway, along the west boundary of this property, as part of the future
water system network. Water facili�es are exis�ng in Oak Street along the south
boundary of the project. Water service is readily available to this area and provisions to
expand the exis�ng water service boundary to serve this project are in place.
iii. Adversely impac�ng exis�ng uses because of unmi�gated greater than an�cipated
impacts on facili�es and services.
The exis�ng uses in the area will not be adversely affected. This is an area experiencing
significant growth with the addi�on of the new High School and increased residen�al
NW CORNER OF COTTONWOOD & OAK: Growth Policy Amendment
demand and development. Exis�ng and planned municipal u�lity expansions have been
planned and are being implemented to serve this area of the City. Again, future
development proposals will be evaluated at the site development phase and any
required mi�ga�on will be determined at that �me.
The current Wastewater Facility Plan, approved in 2015, plans for the provision of City
wastewater service to the property. Currently the City is not capable of providing sewer
service to the area due to capacity issues in the collec�on system between the project
area and the wastewater treatment plant. The capacity of the wastewater treatment
plant is adequate to treat wastewater generated by the project. The Norton Ranch East
Ou�all Diversion project, currently scheduled as a capital improvement in 2020, to
increase the capacity of the collec�on system is on hold due to right-of-way issues. City
Engineers are currently inves�ga�ng alternate improvements to upgrade the Baxter
Meadows Li� Sta�on, including the sewer lines into and out of that facility, to increase
collec�on system capacity to serve this area. The results of this inves�ga�on will be
available later this year. It is safe to assume that the City is ac�vely pursuing solu�ons
to provide service to the area and that funding is allocated to increase the capacity of
the system. The Wastewater Facility Plan also iden�fies a future project, the Aajker
Diversion, to extend the service area to the west as the city grows. While wastewater
service is not readily available to the project it is clear that provisions to expand the
exis�ng wastewater service boundary to include this area are being inves�gated for
improvement in the near future.
iv. Nega�vely affec�ng the livability of the area of the health and safety of residents.
This GPMA will enhance the livability of the area. It is highly compa�ble with the
immediate land uses by providing the founda�on for a walkable community center
with commercial services and employment opportuni�es. This founda�on will also
provide flexibility while encouraging the establishment of a neighborhood iden�ty for
the district. The long term goal is a vibrant neighborhood commercial node that
NW CORNER OF COTTONWOOD & OAK: Growth Policy Amendment
transi�ons to adjacent, diverse housing with access to a series of parks. Connec�vity
throughout the neighborhood and to adjacent neighborhoods will ensure livability
with a focus on walkability and pedestrian scale development.
NW CORNER OF COTTONWOOD & OAK: Growth Policy Amendment