HomeMy WebLinkAbout94- Story Mill Annexation Agreement 1 1 '\ .. ' , nl~ t59r~nt'44 ,STD E.L_MI L L ANNEXATION AGREEMENT ---.----...--.--- .), '. of" , THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this day of "--:;:r~l · 1994, by and between TilE CITY OF ROZEMA'. a municipal c rporation of the State of Montana Kith offices at 111 I East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana 59771-0640, hereinafter referred to a.s "ei_ty" , and THE MILL LIMITED, 2150 Story Mi 1 1 Road, BOI::Clllan, MT 59715, hereinafter referred to as "Landowner". WHEHF.AS, the Landowner own,s in fee simple c e r' t a. i n rea,1 property described as a tract of land located in t,he SW 1/4, Section 32, TiS, H6E, MPM and the NW 1/4, Section 5, T2S, f/6E, MPH, Gallatin County, Montana and more particularly described as Tract 1, Certificate of Survey #1224, subject to protect ivc covena.tll.,s and easements of record, if any. Said tract IS more C' o III III 0 n 1;-' \ocn Led at, 2100 and 2150 S Lo l'Y HLll Road, Bozeman, !vlon tana , anel is commonJy known as t~he "Story Mill." WHEHEAS, the Landowner has pet i t. ioned the C i t.y for annexatLon of the contiguou~,; tract; and (" WHER.EAS, the Landowner recognizes that the annexation of the above-described property, he1'e i na f tel' r'e f'p t'['cd 1,0 as the " St,ory M i J, 1 Annexat.ion" will entitle the l.anljowners 1.0 C j Ly serVlces, including municipal water and sewer servic,p; :And WHEREAS, the City's present water sUP1-,ly 1 ,-, insufficient to ." enable _LL to ~,;upply reasonably adequate water servic'f' to arldi LionaJ CllstOlllE'l'S outside., the present cj t,y boundaries; and WHEI-mAS, the landowne I.'S wish to convey to tIle City certain \>1 a Le r' rights or take SOlIle equivalent act ion to provide \vatcor' and sewer s l'~ t'V I. C co Lo the' property; and WHEREAS, the City's present se\,:er serVice system is i rl s II r f -i, c i en t t.o enable it to supply reasorlabl e seKer colll,cLion se t'v tce 1.0 additional c.\!stomel'S out,.,;j de Lhe present e'i t. \. boundaries; and Wl-JFHF\S I all pn,rt -Les recogl) i 7,(' that. the d e \. c, J 0 pIlle n L of the SlOt ,v Mi 1-1 \nnexat. i on Tra,-.t \\ill i,mpa(-'! Fi:l!,;t Cr j f'r ill Drive, L St...reeL from Nor'! h Wa I I aCl-' \'0 S lot,;- Hill Road, and I he intersl'cLion of Griffin Drive an,] Rridger I)ri\p; and WHET-IFAS, the L h.nd own" r s f inl! that thi:-:c: As;rec'rIlenL \\'i 11 provide- -, . ' . , '. \. filM 159 PACf 1745 FAGt,: ') OF 7 "'" STOEY MILL A:-JNEXATION AGREEMENT TRACT 1 , C.O,S. #1224- ['0 r- the most sa ti s fact.ory and c1epCtld;'lbJ e h'aLe.t.' su,pply or se rv i (, C~ a.v ai 'J ah 'I c, t.O furn'ish \vate r, provide Co l' Lhe 11I0 ~') t satisfactory and dependable sew(~ (' service avai .Lable to furnish sewer collection serv J,ce, and prov ide traf f ic circulation for development "i thin the Story Mill Annexation Tract; and WHEREAS, the making and performance of this ag rt'('IIl('III. IS l\csirable 1.0 1-1 r" () III () t e Lhe (lev(->1opmenl. of the llIost adequa t(', wate'I' sllpplYl sewer' coli e~ (,I, i 0 XI <-rnel tr:'lfl'ic cil'culaLion pattel'n for t,he City as it now exists and as it 1S reasonably expect.eel to enlarge; and WHEREAS, the La,ndownE'rs understand and agree that no further development shall be approved for any of t'.he S tot' ,v Mill An"nexat ion Tract unli] water, sewer and street j mprovement,s are macle r'E,'sulting in adeyua te city Lra,nsportaL ion, which i-ldeYlvll'Y shall be det,erlllined by thE' Director of Public Service or his desig;nee :lnd sa.ni t,;l t i on facilities to safely accommodate use of and travel to, frulll and w:it.hin the parcel proposed for development; and WHER.F.AS, the securing of all ::l(:Ieyua Le water sUPJ')ly, SC\\'P r c'ollection, and traffic circulation system by the C' j t Y i <C' necessary and of mut,uaJ a.d\'antage to the parties here-Ln. W..,I"_T__,N J~ ..8.__$, E .I__Il..:.. IS CONSIDER.ATION of the 11l11tual covena.tlts and agreements here-in contained, the parties hereto agree as fol1m,8 : 1. E(~_c~Lt0J_0 . The clbove recitals are true :_Hld correct. 2. Arln_~,~,flt.iQ n . The City Commission will annex the Stot'y \1 i J J Annexation Tract in accordance with its decisioll orl 21 1'1arch. 1994. 3. 8 (-, ,I' vie (' s" P r:SL\:jJi!'~.lL_.t2..Y__DJ.JnY . Pursuant to SF~C Lion 7-2-1409, H,C.A. and Commission Resolu t iorl No. 2961, the C' j L Y \\i i 11 . after annf";;\ L i 0 II , make City services, including water and ~.o>ewer , avai ];ll)le to the S tel r y :-1 j I I Annexa! ion 'I'rac t, w fRM 159~An1746 PACE 3 OF 7 STORY MTT,I, ANNFXATTON AGRFFMFNT TRACT 1 , C,O,S. #122/1 4. Munic;ipal Water Serv ice Defin~g. The term "municipal water service " as is used this In Agreement shall be t,he service which is supplied by the Ci l,y III accordance with Chapter 13.12, Bozeman Murlicipal Code, as well as any other terms and conditions which :cllJpl y- to the Cit,y's provision of 1_ rl is service. l'he term does not. conLclIlplaL~) the extension of lines or construct:, i on or nccessary improvements for delivery of water to and within the Story Mill Annexation Tract or any hook-up, connection, or development charges which may be established by the City. 5. M~!D!S::_:LI2ikJ__~~_w e T_.;?g I' v .~s,_~..J).~J in e d . The term "municipal . " as used tr-I is sewer serV1CC 1S },n agreement sha 1] be the servic(.~ which I" supplied by the City .~ in accordance with Cha.pt.er 1 :~ . 2 ,I , Roy,eman Municipal Code, as well as any other terms and conditions which apply to the City's provision of this service. The term dOF's not contelllpli.\te the extension of lines or construction of nc:cessary improvements f 0 [' eo J J e c t ion of sewage at and within the S tory Mill Annexa t ion Trae L 0 [' !':'lny hook-up, connection, or development charges which may be established by the City. (j. Water R.j~bJ,--,'i' The pi.lrties acknowledge t llC~ following City po lie y : Prior t.o annexation of property, it shall be the policy o f L h c~ Ci t y of Bo?,crnan to acqu ire usable water right.s l or an appropriate fee in lieu thereof, equal to the a vera,ge annu a.1 diversion l'cqU iremen L necessary to provi d(~ the anticipated average annual consumption or water by residents and/or users of property when flllI y developed on the basis of the zoning designation(s). The fcc' may be used to a.cquire wa,Lcr ['lght.s 0[' for improvement,s to the water system which would create additional waleI' supply capacity. This policy ] s subject to the following exceptions: I a. For any an n(~xa Lion In excess of ten ( 10) acres, it shall be carried out p [' J 0 r 1,0 final plat: a:ppr'oval, final site plan appr'oval or the ]ssuance of iHIY l , , f1l~ 159PAU1747 PAGE 4 OF 7 STORY MILL ANNEXATION AGREEMENT TRACT 1, C.O.S. #1224 building permit., whichever occurs first.. Sect.ion 2, No. 5, Commission Resolution 2716 adopted October :3 , 1988 The St.ory Mill Annexat.ion Tract consist.s of approximately 13.4 acres. The Landowner understands and agrees t.hat su,fficicnt water rights must be provided In accordance with the Cit~y's pol icy prior to final plat. approval, final si.te plan approval or the issuance of any building permit, wh ichevcr comes f iI'S t.. The Lttndowner shall supply such water' rights or' fee i n 1 i C~ u as ('.al culated by the City in acco r'dance h'i t.h its policy ill the Lime of calculat i.on, The Landowner further understands that the City has calculated thp average annual diversion requirement nc~c:cssary to provide water on the basis of the pending "BP" (Business Park) District zoning designa.Lion of the property, Twenty s e v c~ n ( 27) acre-feet per ypar has been calculat.ed fiB the amount of water use based on the pending "RP" ( BusirlPSS Park) District zoning designation of the property. The cash-in-lieu of t.h is alTlount equals $9,65~3.6] . 7. Waivers of,E.!.ght to P [' 0 t e ~,t.....~Bi~ C~ i a 1 I mEIQ~ e m e n.L,J)i--,? t r' i_ c tf:'; .~.. for ,~J.:rget I rnpr()velT1gnJ_~_.J.o Fas t Gr ,tf.fin Dr i ve ",St:}:'e(?.t_JJllpr~L\.:.!:::J!~nt,,; __to. .. Ie___~t;, r' c e t f l:,Q"Il ...NQ. I' t h W a_L1_ctce'J::.CL_n_i?_t9r y_n~! i 11_ gort,.d..L~1Jg _Q:i,gl1aJ_U,_a t jSl..lL__Imp:roY~!lle u,l S__,9,t t. hE?_,_.In_L~:r:?12,ct_i Q,LLm.__9 f n Gl-,ifJ'J tl Q:rive an d__Br:l,sig,E:'I_D I' i v e. . The l,andowner has (> x PC u ted Waivers of Right t.o Pcotest Creation of Special Improvement District,s which include the St.ory Mil.! Annexation Tract for: A) Street improvements, including pa,v ing, curb, gutt.er, sidewalk and st.orm drainage improvements to East (;'riffin Dri vc'; this waIver is aLtached hereto as Exhibit ,\ . B) Street improvements, including pav ing, curb, gutter, sidewalk and storm draina2;e improvements La L Street. from North Wallace to Story Mill Road; this wal v(~ r' IS attached het'e to as Exhibi t. B. . nt~ 'lS9lrWCf174~ Pi\GE 5 OF 7 STORY MILL ANNEXATION AGREEMENT TRACT 1 , C.O.S. -#1224 C) Signalization improvements at the intersection of Griffin Drive and Bridger Drive; this walver is at. t ached hereto as Exhibit C' ~ . 8. KLitJ.~Jl_,~ 0 n s e n (, La the N ol)1i l}(l,ti_qn 0 f L he S'l9XY. M i J L Ann~_~,9-J i 011 '1' I' a c:t__J~ 0 the N a L i Q_H<i1 . Regi~t~~.r:_~_i_l?,tQTic,__rJ,Jo\. cs:..~ . The Landowner has consented in writing to the nomination of Lhe Story Mill Annexation Tract to the 1\a t ional Reg j, s tel' of II i s t 0 l' i c Places. This written consent lS aLtached hereto .:J.S Kxtd bit D. 9. C;QDnection Lo Exi s tj"nK__,t{un i C 1pa1 Wi3"t.~,T_ Service. The Landowner unoc>rs Lands and ag rc'C's L ha t Ci ty of Bozeman muni(~. i pa'l water service is avai] able to their l-'I'operty wi thout a water main extension. The Landowner Ilnde ['8 Lands and agrees 1.11;-1 t i mproveme.n t. s or upg ['adc s to the municipal water set'Vlce mHY be required by the City from the Landowner wi tb any fu turc' improvemenLs or development of said property in order to adequatel ;'7 serve the Story Mill AnnexaLion Trflct. 10. g9Dn e~,~_t ~i 0 n to El(lsting; M "-lni c:~i.l2.Q.l Sewer --,'i_~J:yj_(::: P . The Lanoowner understand~::; and agrees that City of Bo%eman municpal Sf~W(-~ r' sp rv Ice is not av,'1i1able to their propc~rty wi thou', -':1 sewer maJ.n c~xtens_ion. The T,andowne.r Curther unde r'st.ands and agrees that i rflpr'o\/ements or tlpgrades of the municipal sewer sf't'vice, including a sewer main p,)-;:tens i on ( s ) , w:i 1 1 be required by the City f't'OIll the Landowner wi Lh any fll Lure improvements or development of s.cd d property in orde r' Lo adecluately serve the SLory Mill Annexation Trae: L . 1 1 . \ddiLional Terms for Waivers and Written Consent for National "-'~._-_."..',.",,,._"'-'.,,,"--_..,., '-"..--'-.------.,-.-.".~,."'._",_...,___ - .'_'.'.'. __n________._. ,.. _._ B.e,gj s Ley' ()J__l:-LL~;_tQ!:i c; , P_ls:!&_E:9_,_Noll!tl,!,f.:!.Li!:.LD. All paJ't, ics recognize that these documents musL bE' execllt.ed at the time this Annexation Agreeme1l t lS executed, and shall be filed and of record with t.he Gallatin County C1 PI'k and Recorder. The City shaJl file these documents once the Annexation 1S officially accepted. 1 " \LLilit y Easem~.nt,~? . , c, . The T ,and own f~ J' understands ancl ;\~I'eeS thnt utility . . . fnM 159 rAn 1749 PAGE 6 OF ,.., ( STORY MILL ANNEXATION AGREEMENT TRACT 1 . C.O.S. #1224 easements, thirty ( 30 ) feet in width, may be necessary for the insLallation and maintenance of \\'aLer and sewer uti] i Ly services La the annexed parcel. The T,andowner shall create such easement.s in locations agreeable 1.0 Lhe City at such Lime Lhcy a.r'e needed. 1 ;1 . Gove l'nin~ Law. This Agreement shall be construed accordin~ to the laws of the SLate of Montana. 14. f.:l~\L~rabi 1 ity. The invalidity or unenforceability of an:-- provision of this Agreement shall noL affecL the other pro\'isions hereof, and this Agreement shall b(~ construed In all ['eSp8cts as if such invalid or unenforceable prOVlS10n were omitted. 15. Modifications or A l,_t~X_9: t ion s . No modi f icat,ion or amendment of this Agreement sha,ll be valid unless evidenced by a writing signed by the parties hereto. 16. N.2...A..e5 i ~nmen1, . It IS expressly agreed t,hat the Landowner sha l] not assign this Agreement in whole or ],n part without 1'1'101' written consent of the City. 17. Successors, Except as provided In paragraph 17, this l\greement shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the part.ies her0.t.o and lheir respective heir~, successors and aHsigns. 18. ~~YE>nan 1.8 to run with the LarlQ,. The I-,arties intend that the t,erms 0 f th i sAgreemen t shall bt' covenants running with the land ~'lnd shall not. eXpire at their deaths or upon transfer of ()\oHIe r s hip of the propert.y. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partips hereto have' caused thi :::, . , . , flLH 159f~~[1750 PAGE 7 OF 7 STORY MILL ANNEXATION AGREEMENT THACT 1, C.O.S. #1224 Agreement t.o be executed the day and year first E\,bo v e h' r: it ten. CITY OF BOZEMAN (~"'."--.,--" [,'~l \ I" """- ,/ ,: I' \. '.. , ,',. -- , \ I BY: c _~<":>-sL_ ....~ J ~~-K.... Its ,ity Mana8;er ,"" HJS~ -- ~\ LANDOWNER ..,,- .., ' ,- I^ /\ ".. ~/ (~ '\,..--, '/~ ''--,' _ "........,-'\..,-------- Ed ~r~ C.~c~rone, president The M 1 1 J 1. 1 III I Led " STATE OF,ilJ,.!).--,/\i---('~"1--,~,-'l""., (>~ ) , ," I 'I . ss C 0 u n t y 0 f ____-L;:t --,\..~,I { '.......:, } r'\ i -- , / ."/' I 7"/I!,".", ' /l O Lh', """ d f' {" II .( -- 1 q '/ b f' n ' IS" ,__~__"_,_ ay 0 -------'.::,,;/1L"-"',"" ./' M... I, " 1-~ I core me I a Notary P~blic for the State 01 -P--.r:.2~l..1...;( :: <')f~_ __', perso~a~ly appeared ~dward C. McCrone, known to me Lo be the preslden1 ot 1he Mill Li rni ted who executed the foregoing Waiver of Right to Pl'O Lest I and clcknowledged to me that such corporation (executed Lhe same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I I have hereunto set my hand and set lIlY seal the day and year fi rs1' arlOve wr-j tLen. 1 ' I , ( ~/ /---.- .. i,V j r:..'[. ..-t-/-,.., Not ~ ~liC I-,f'~) ~:-t:, it c's,/t~-:t~;~'~;;i:--- -- ") i""- , . "'--'Y/I '~' ',-,> , -Res-idin~ ' "a: ;'~-~:L~~:?~iL /Ybti--:---~;~:;-:i My ComIDl SSl,on Expl:(es :__,_ i / -~-L:: " I' It f " ~ 9t"i~).~/ . ~ \ :: .. ~ .... . , , (-~ '"-.- '. \'f "'~'" " l. '~I , ,,J-,, i:\' ~ ,.. ..-: I' ... '" r. ..' t .' . ~ .' \.' r . ~ . , . , rIL'~ .'159r^Cfl'i5t EXHIBIT A WAI VIm OF RIGHT-TO-!?RQTEST TH E"Q.REATIQN__QE_~PEC I A L I HPROVEM~~J:1T..,D_LQTRI l''1'S FOR STREET IMPR()Y,k;r'U~;I"ns TO EAS_L GRlEF]:N 12RI_Y.E ...._.....___.. __n. I, the undersigned, owner of the real property siLU!lted .In the sw 1/4, Section :~ 2 , T1S, R6E and the NW 1/4, Section 5, T2S, RoE, MPM, (:ounl.y of Gal1at,in, SI~a te of Montana, and 1II0 r:c pari icu1a1'1y described as follows: Tract, 1 , Certificate of Survey #1224, Gclllatirl COllllty, Montana. TN CONSIDERATION of receiving annexation into the: c 0 1-)(,) l' a t. e ]jmi,Ls of t,hc Cit,y of Bozeman for the real property described herein, along with accompanying rights and privilege:s anel r 0 J' 0 the r and valuable consideration, the receipt of which IS hereby acknowledged, hElve wa-jved and do hereby waive for mysel f, my heirs, p e [' 8 0 n a '1 n'pl'csentat.ives, successors !:lnr.! ass ,i g n s , the 1'igh1 to protest t,he creation of one or mo r'(>, spec1a.! i mpl'o\crnenL districts for street improvements to East G I' i r fin Dt'lve, i nc.l ud'i rIg paving, curb, gutter, sidew!:lll<:, and storm drainage improvements, or to make any written prot.est !:lgainst the proposed work or against the extent or creation of the d i s I. r' i c: t to be assessee\ in reSl,onse t.o a duly pnssed resolution of intention to create one or 1lI0J'e SPP(' i <'),1 'improvement districts which would include t.he i1 bove -dc. sc r i bed properLy. This waIver shall be a covenant~ running with the 1 arid and shall not exp]_ re . T war l'an t Lhat T am lawfully seized and possessC'cl of t.he r'E~ a 1 property described above and Lhat I have a 1 m~ f 11 1 r'i ght t.o convey the prof-lcr'Ly or any part of it. f , l , " I.. .. " i l II "... .... I I .4 '} 4' . ~ . fltlll 159fACf175f; PAGE 2 OF 2 WATVER OF RIGHT-TO-PROTEST CREATION OF SIDs FOR SIGNALIZATION TMPROVE\1ENTS .\T THE IN'fEHSECTION ()F Ci-h',IFF J N DRIVE AND BRIDGER DRIVE TRJ\CT 1, C.O.S. #1224 _./1,\ DATED this ~ day of _(\-(.\~, ]9-11- ~': ~'- /{ / // / ,,.../ / -,---:-~:~':::"'- ~:"--~, E rc.,. McCrone, president The Mill Limited, la.ndowner S, T i~ TI,'~,' () F,(t2l?:]'~_,-7 "'~~~,/.,,~,',',-,'-.~L-.-i'?',.,,,~, v,-,"-----,,-,'---'--,,'--'" _" ) , . }'-/ ",,', / . : ss Coun ty () f~.':;!;z,:~{?d'l7,(L, ) On this ,#--ciay of ~(j,~ ,_~. t97L bdor'c ",c. " Notary Public for the SLa __ of 1,22'[:>;tL,.-_j~~ personal J~, appeared Edward C. t-1cCrone, known 'to me to be Lh(~ pres iden t 0 f The Hi t I Li ITI i t e d who executed the for e g oj n g wa j v f' r (J I' I~ig h t I 0 Protest, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. TN WTTJo.JESS WHEREOF, I have hereun to Sf'L my hand :lnd se t my seal the day and year fi 1'8 L above WI' j ttcn . (e~,-L-/ ,--:-; -..'_.~ ---- ,,'.. .,'" ,~~,-~,~, ,.._-~"--"'--'--.. .,.",--"------'., Not.ar';;/~--ttb~, :'c fZZH' the Stc ,e of: . ' /1 /' f --, /f lL... ""------",, ---'-------'-"'-', ,+:',' _1<:,__2 'ttB.- - <,--v~,','" --"-------;- He sid :i n ~}~L : . -".l29:':"" f?:::z?z..;L~~' ,', ,)J j t ". -', ," _" t:.. My C P m'fin s' . ,..11<,,;E x P 1. rr--S . -----,-----L~---L-- -__ ?7 - . <; '-- , "r f l SEAL) ;~ (~:;;'~~ ^ ~,~~',~ } W1t \ ,.~"), f ~~ .: , . ' ' , , , , ,. I FILM 159 PACf 175.3 EXHIBIT B WAIVER OF RIGHT-TO-PROTEST THE CREATION OF SPECIAL .LMPROVEMENT DISTEICTS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS '1'0 L STHEET FROM NORTH WALLACE '1'0 STORY HI LT, ROAD J, the undersigned, owner of t~he real property situated 1.n the' SW 1/4, Section 32, T1S, R6E and the NW 1/4, Section ," '1'2s, IWE, <J , MPH, C:ounty of Gallatin, Sta t,e of Montana, and more part i Cll La,rly described as follows: Tract 1, Certificate of Survey #1224, Gallatin County, Mon'tana. TN CONSIDERATION of receivlng annexation into the- copot'aLe limits or the City of Bozeman for the real property described herein, along with accompanying rights and privileges and for othel' and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby accknowled,ged, have waived and do hereby waive for myself, lilY heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, the right to protest the creatioll of o nlC~ 01' rnOl'e special illlpr'ovc'menL districts fa r street i m1->rOVemf:,~nts t,o L Street from NortI1 \';al1ace to Stor~' ~ill Road, including paving, curb, gutt.er, sidewalk, and s LOI'Ill drai nf1se irlllirovements, or to make an~v written protest against the proposed work or against the exterlt or creation of t.he cl.ist,ri ct Lo be assessed in response to a duly passed resolution of intent.ion t.o crea. l.e one or mel r e special improvement dlstrlc:ts \v h:i c Ii wotllei include the above~described property. This \"a i,vcr sh:1.11 be a covenant running with the land alld shall ,not, expire. I \varrant that I a III 1 aw fu 11y seized and possess(~d of the' rea] property described ab()ve and that I have a la\dul right to conve:,,' Ul(~ pro p C~ r L J' o t' any part of it. , , \ , .~. ' I .. 159 rAn 1752 filM . PACE 2 OF 2 WAIVER OF RIGHT-TO-PROTEST CREATION OF SIDs FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS '1'0 EAST cmTFFIN DRIVE TRACT 1 , C.O.S. #1224 .---1-11 of . _GL,~~.. ]9J'/ D/\TED Uds ,) day 7-~ L,~ Edwa ( C. McCrone, president The Mil] Limited, landowner ___'' STATE OP 1') f' ',+-1,,~.,,-_. ) :ss Count,;,' of L---k-lll '--' " l:l ) --~- - ". - -- --- --- I-~i-- ~e /) ... ,On th i ~ __2.__ day 0 r, ,.L- ~-If~(o ]" ;;.cJ;.~be fo r ~ _ ffi: . ~ Notary Publ ],C for t.he State /,,01__ '___ ,..!L,];;;::~kr~ pel sonall;- appeared Edward C:. McCrone, known to le 1,0 b(~ Lhe pf'esiclerd" of The Mill Limited who executed the foregoing Waiver of Right to Protest, and acknowledged La me that such corporation execu tc~d the s <,-llIlP . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunt.o S(' t my hand and set my seal the (Jay arid year first al,ove writ.ten. ~ d ,- _____'~~ / -'IL t.;/;:ZC ,;;:;; NotaI' ' ~bll.c ..,for the-S-&lte of: "."--,---,,-,-),Z)LY&L4=4":~~----~- He sid i n l:!: at: /a1Z?;};?]:2'-'=~:'=--Y L/_'....,...~ My Camilli:::;:::;] on Expir s :_,_/:/='j,_'_ ( SK~Ll"'t'""" ,,~ C ~I!;"'i", ,..',,-,\y:.,... ~ ,'~ ~...' ,~t:." ,,~ ' "~,,,..~I .','~ .,:"' .Y.~~\. "': . · ~. 'i;'., p':\. ~. ~'. \ ',~ f: \ "<;,~,, ". ;,; f:/ ~ . .' ",...-/ ' ';":.l ~, -: '~~ 'J;"'\., ' I ~?'/: '. "';-- " ,.' ..~ " o"fi,' 4l". ......lilt.~ ~~'.,I' .,,\ " ,(')~ "On'\ ';, "". , ,,' , I . .. . , . ' , , " . ' , . " ~ " . fiLM 1591ACft75A'i . EXHIBIT , lJ WAIVER OF RIGH1-TO-PROTEST THE CREATION OF SPt<;C I AL IMPROVEMENT DTSTRIC'I'S FOR SlGNALT%A'rTON IMPROVEMENTS AT THE IN'l'ERSECTTON OF GRIFFIN DRIVE AND BRIDGER DRIVE I, the undersigned, owner of the real property situated in the SW 1/4, Section 32, TIS, R6E and the NW 1/4, See-tion 5, T')C' R6F, '-' ,"') , MPM, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, ancl HI 0 f' e pa r ti C III a r'] :-/ descr'ibed as follows: Tract 1 , Certificate of Sut"\'c,Y # 122 'I, G a], 1 at. i n County, Montana, TN CONSTDEHATION of rece i \' ing annexation inLo the (:opora Le limits of' t.11 C' City of Bozeman for the real pr'operLy ,I e sc I'i bed herein, along with accompanying rights and privileges and for other and valuable consideration, t.he rece ipt. of which 1S hereby acknowledged, have waived and do hereby waive for myself, my heirs, perSOlli:\.] rcprcsent.at.ives, successors and ,<lssigrls, the I' i g II t 1.0 protest the (:,ITaLi,on of one or more spec in,} improvement districts fOT' signalization improvements at t.he intersect.ion of Griffin Drive ;,tlle] Rr-'j dger Drive, or to make any written protest against the proposed work or against tile ext,cnt, or creation of t,he dist,rict to be assessed in response to a duly passed resolution of intention Lo creat.e special improvement. d' t ' whicll would one or' more l. ~; , '., r '1 c t s include l. he.' above-described property. Th i~; waiver shal ], be a co\' en ,In t. running wit,h the land and s ha 11 not expire. I warrant Lhat T am lawfully seized and possessed oft he 1'C'a] property described above and thaL I have a lahful right to convey the property or any part, of it, . I , . , I " , . - \ nlt~ 15~:JP^Cfl'54 . PAGE 2 OF 2 WAIVER OF RIGHT-TO-PROTEST CREATION OF SIDs FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS '1'0 L STREET FROM NOHTH Wl\liI,ACF TO STORY MILL ROAD TRACT 1 , C.O.S. #1224 5-41 --- 19J/. DA'rE]) this day of -, n~ r C. McCrone, president Mill Limited, landowner STA'1'E OF _-4E!L-f- ~~1?/"'- ) (~()ljnt~' of _ C~,/,,---I/,~~~~L.l-~ :ss ) 5-#. Q'l _ On . t h i ~ _n~ day of__ 'L!:f ---r~.l ,19 i:::- I be for E' mE', Ii Not.ary Publ J_e ,for the statEt./ of j!__'jl:!1i,LtIi.~I~__' personally appeared Edward C. McCrone, known to me to be the president of The Mill Limit~ed who exeeutedLhe foregoing Waiver of Ri~ht~ to Protest, and .'1 c k now J ('>, d g (~ d to me that sue h eoI' p 0 rat ion e:-~ e cut e d the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set lilY tland and seL my seal the day /'Yld.! year first above written. ~ li ~' /:'~, :/'.""" :,.....~,II ~.~' ",.{;',/./ ,'~ ,~,,"'-"".~'.'-'__.",., N;;-tT~~~~i;:i&1'tate of:! _____'n_n___r'.'() '..... , ".." .,. ".,,'. ";Cr-n.n---'- ~; ~/~ ~~~:.: ~ :H1E~; i:~ }~~~L:~;.'c/t;- .--- if / ,~ 'Y~ ,(,\~ 1,:, ,p .' ,~." ",', : .."'.~ 1 ''It.~^\,; . '~ \ "'I ~. . i ~ f" ' ' If, ~. i f i ,f E< l' L l ~ ,.....' t .\ok : \~"",.., . ....... of ,"., .,.' "t.. ~. I'~ '...,.'". '~~, ('}.~,. . ~!. . ~ \ ..... EXHIBIT D · "- ~." ", _ :i " ,) .. NOTICE TO OWNERS -, FIlM 159PAC-f17S? 'Before a property may be listed in the National Register of Historic Places, the owner or owners must be given an opportunity to concur in or object to the nomination in accordance'with the National Historic Preservation Act and 36CFR60. Owners are asked to sign the attached form and return it to the State Historic Preservation Office within 30 days. If the State Historic Preservation Review Board approves the nomination and the property owner(s) have not gone on record objecting to National Register listing, the nomination then may be submitted to Washington, D.C. for official National Register designation, In the case of a proposed historic district, support for a nomination is sought from all property owners, including the owners of non.historic buildings within the district boundaries, If more than 50% of property owners object to the nomination, the district will not be listed in the National Register, If a majority of property owners object to nomination, the State Historic Preservation Officer may choose to submit such nominations to the Keeper of the Register for a formal determination of whether the property or district meets the criteria for Register listing. In these cases, the property or district will not be officially included in the Register until such time as the majority of property owners declare their support for the listing of their properties in writing to the State Historic Preservation Officer. Any owner or partial owner of private property who chooses to object to listing may submit to the State Historic Preservation Officer a notarized statement certifying that the party is the sole or partial owner of the private property and objects to the listing. OWNER CONCURRENCE OR OBJECTION TO NATIONAL REGISTER USTlNG This is to confirm that I have received information on the National Register of Historic Places and am aware of the effects of National Register listing. (See enclosed NRHP brochure and 'National Register Facts. ') I recognize that under the National Historic PreseNation Act and the Montana State Antiquities Act, I may concur in or object to the listing of my property in the Register, I understand that any objection to listing must be notarized. Th. O'OO.rty Mm. .,d .dd,~, of my O,oparty ,,, ~-f ,,, f f'1 Ii I I} '1' I" ~ ,~+ '~"\ -,-;;:" ~~f c ( /2 2 ( I concur In the nomination of my property to the National Register of Historic Places, lI=-- l '" ," / "7-'-D L (.- v "'\"....--" (;> '"I ~ Owner's N Co-Owner's Signature (if applicable) , .. - ----;--::., ' ~' ----; '-2 . -~~- (I -I' ,~:;;, l~)c>-6e I' "~~';i:/ 7/ T City State I object to the nomination and request that my property not be listed in the National Register of Historic Places. ~ ~ ... -I Owner's Name (printed) Date i ,~ ~ Ownef, 51g"e1." C<>Own,,', 5ig,eMe Cd eooli"bl.) ~ ..... Address (if different than above) City State Zi~, '-" , i 8 '. ~ . ,.- .,,~,~~,l.1,".f:~/'~.. " ~- .." "'".', ~ ." ~- ~.. f "~?? / C :~':No-fi~~L ~ry Signa ure,_, : .~. -; "",... . , " \, .. .,,;; .c:.. I c-/_ - c-c',' ~, ),_~,'''"'' I ."".' '- L _t.,J . j J "--/.. ...... ftfPre:~ Only oj/ecticms (0 nomination must be notarized.) ~,', f_/.. '"}.."'1 ~- ( /1}'" "..-,) r,... j ?G, L-<2- , CiA I ! i / ,/ <:: ''/1/,'' a ,/ L? '---_,. 17 ' ""', .,!L_/_, / / . . .. ( "'?' . _./-/'--<LE-- L ,r"<---,' 7 /2 , (;. Z-<-/L '7'" .'. Cd: ,"" -;J-( l L,,/ - - ,,'" .--, ,/ ---- , " 7 <~ t. .. '"~ ~, (/ - -.7 I / '-/- . /~5 ~' c: ?:..~_/;.-- I -> '-" ( e ~'>...: ' . P / TIIIS INSTRUMENT WAS FILED FOR RECORD IN THIS OFFICE ON 317160 THE 29TH DAY OF DECEMBER , A.D., 19 95 OFFICE OF C:;OUNTY RECORDER) COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) AT 4:07 PM., AND WAS DULY RECORDED IN BOOK 159 STATE OF MONTANA ) OF MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, PAGE 1744 Fee $ 84.00 Sben8yl. Chane, RECORDER. BY 4f)n.t...~,L tdJIJlrung DEPUTY RT: CITY OF BOZEMAN, PO BOX 640, BOZEMAN MT 59771 INDEXED PLATTED