HomeMy WebLinkAbout72- R. L Stratford & Co. Inc. Utility Tie-On and Annexation Agreement ~ . fiLM 1"7 rt1G~ ? UTILITY TIE-ON AND ANNEXATION AGREEMENT November 1972 FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF permission to connect build- ings erected and to be erected upon the premises hereinafter described to the water and sewer systems of the city of Bozeman, I1ontana, the undersigned, R. L. s'rRATFORD & CO., INC., 302 North Eleventh, Billings, Montana, for and on behalf of themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and successors in interest, do hereby covenant, agree and consent to include the hereinafter described property situate in the county of Gallatin, state of Montana, within the city limits and boundaries of the city of Bozeman, Montana, upon the request of the City Commission of the city of Bozeman, to annex the same thereto. A tract of land in the Southeast one-quarter of the southwest one-quarter (SE~SW~) of Section Eleven (11), Township Two (2) South, Range Five (5) East, Montana Principal Meridian, Gallatin County, Montana, and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of the South one-half of the Southwest one-quarter (S~SW~) of said Section 11, which point is South 89023' 14" West, a distance of 200.00 feet from the East one-sixteenth (1/16) corner of said Southwest one-quarter (SW~). o Thence South 00 15'00" West parallel to and 200.0 feet west of the East line of said Southwest one- quarter (SW~), a distance of 459.54 feet to the Northwesterly right of way line of the 60 foot frontage of U. S. Highway No. 191 as now layed out and constructed, said point being +10.0 feet north- westerly when measured at right angles to centerline station 336+40.85. Thence South 42021'30" West on and along said frontage right of way, a distance of 232.73 feet to the point of curve of the Frontage Road, which point is north- westerly 110.0 feet when measured at right angles to centerline point of tangent station 334+18.0 ahead~ station 287+40.0 back. Thence in a Southwesterly direction along the curve having a radius of 1800.0 feet and through a central fILM 17 fI\Ct 8 . ' . angle of 00032'59", a distance of 17.28 feet. Thence North 24007'00" West, a distance of 199.01 feet to a point 450.0 feet West of the East line of said Southwest one-quarter (SW~). o Thence North 00 15'00" East, 450.00 feet West and parallel to the East line of said Southwest one- quarter, a distance of 459.54 feet to the North line of said South one-half (S~) of the Southwest One- quarter (SW<r). 'l'hence North 89023' 14" East on and along said North line, a distance of 250.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 3.162 acres. 1. The undersigned, further covenant and agree to con- struct and install a cast iron water main and vitrified tile sanitary sewer main at their own expense to serve the aforesaid described property, said water main and sanitary sewer main to be constructed and installed to the city of Bozeman specifications on right of way easement to be designated by the city of Bozeman. 2. The undersigned further covenant and agree to deed that portion of the completed water main and sanitary sewer main constructed on city of Bozeman right of way to the city of Bozeman, to become a part of the city water and sanitary sewer system and to be so maintained by the said city. 3. The undersigned further covenant and agree to pay to the city of Bozeman, Montana, prior to making said connection to the water system of the city of Bozeman, all regular connec- tion fees and costs which may be in effect at the time said connection is made. 4. The undersigned further covenant and agree to waive protest to future water main special improvement district which may be created to provide adequate supply of water and fire 'protection. ("". ~\ ~~I (: (,'"J .....'.. C /. I\~ \. .~. . .<'~ """,::.,, .... (', n ;.\ j'; ~.. "" '\~ . ~ .... c" ~ ::.. ,.... <;,., " " .. ;.....' . "'. v....: \',1. ~ ~..' ..It .. :". <J c/", .j : ~.: .).', ('~. TE;~ '.: ,....".)1" .;., ." " . ..' '-,','j R. L. STRATFORD & CO. INC. By 4.{ :tctr~ , resident J " . ' . ' filM 1'7 rA:: STATE MONTANA) OF ss. County of Yellowstone On the c27 t7. day of November, 1972, before me the undersigned, a notary ~~blic for the appeared <1 ~,~t;-J i/;,A, /-) ../ / to be the (~;'r"'+"'? '" ~/"'" , .)- and state of Montana, personally , known to me __._ //"7 ~ (,., - . ~ --~~'- a: < ?_L,-,~.!._, of R. L. Stratford & Co., Inc., and acknowledged to me that they executed the same on behalf of said corporation. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in the certificate fi;~t above written. .; .!;, . ".1). ....-.. I; '-.' "'" " / 'Y.... '...;./ 0) .- .(~~1 \ (\ ~ C ...~ ,t C .f ~.~ :: ....,..., : r'"t\' : : '.~.:, I . :: ) .', f" .;cr,:/ ~-,. rOo :~. f. . >.....':.'....:...:. ,','j,...,: fl n 'I. \ ,.~ "1'1' 2. ..... .' ./-.._--:;-" . . -. . ,- .' ' .'. ;r:.'" z-.Lb-~ ~l' c otary Public for he state 0 Mont. Residin~ a~ &-?fe..:_~..J , Montana. My commlSSlon explr ;7'-/S- ;('5 ..r:,\.{..:.....,.........'". INDEXED PLA TTEO " State of Montana ! C;ounty of Gallatin f 55. Filed__, December 6__.. 1972 aL" l&.: 3'> ..E.....M" and '~ecorded In book__..~..7_~__of MISCELLANEa US _ Page.2m_ CARL L. STUCKY___ __no ~ ~ CO"oty CI,,' & R,' .(" Ry ~ ?1:- ____o Deputy ~ .. $ -- l-ee _'___.._.....~'"~ ..~_~~~------_. Rt: City of Bozeman 9 ',n ) ',-,f '::; oiL f:',I .-:"!" ,J ~:'I"~"::"-""'''''''-~- . e I ~!" ,0) "C<;. ! "1 ~r ~ r ( ~. _l c: i : ~i .' (}~... , i.! ,- ,..- '-0 ':" r~ ~"J I".. " \ f"..., t..~ ~__ ..,} 1 ," ,.,. t ':J t.: '~, ',) r' ~ ~ .~--------.i!I..-~ <[ r~ '..' l:n t> '~. to, t> .... tr(t " .l ~~, 1- " c. I, ,< .t- (;1 H ~,! ; 'i'j, ;j~ ...(t ~ -, /,; . o't' "",,.g:'::~';""" .:-,~'~ , :' !- t., ~.-. (I~J ...~ .' ~', . . ~r~~(1)Ja[J,JQ)~[g1 R. L. STRATFORD & CO., INC. 302 NORTH ELEVENTH ~. ~I';'';'~.'....... --''''~-'- .- ,,'.. -., .. , .,...- · BOX 544 . BILLINGS, MONTANA 59103 PHONE 406-252-3436 City of Bozeman Bozeman, Montana August 15, 1972 ATTENTION: Mr. Harold Fryslie, Ci ty Manager Dear Mr. Fryslie: In regards to your letter of August 1st on the new Proposed West Annexation, we wish to let you know that we are very interested in being annexed to the city of Bozeman. At the present time, we are contiguous to the City of Bozeman and own and lease a building to Mountain states Telephone co. We are very desirous of getting into the City and obtaining City Police and Fire protection and also water and sewer service when it becomes available. Cordially yours, R. L. STRATFORD & CO., INC. ,'I 1/ /' ( / ,'J-l: /! \.. I R. L. RLS/cs 1'/-//--'-'--_; ,/ /1..4"'/// / ~.2"-~-----' \. ....1 / l/ '--' (.... (,.. \ ! Str:tf ord II' i ,/'~ , ,t,1 ~i ,J "I l~ ~\ ~l '\ { ~,,\;v \ "r' \ ' \, ){ ,') ~l! ~ ". A v \, ~ J '\ \ ... ~. ~ I .' 1'''' II ~11~" [.' ~"c. '.., . ) ,''}-':l r . \'/ ~ I 1R \....... v ' \~I ~ ~l J \ ^ .~ \'\' \., ' \~ , t' '.^It" ~~.' \Ji\ .. elLJ L l[-~l