HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-19-18 City Commission Packet Materials - TOC. Table of ContentsTable of Contents Agenda 4 Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services Claims Memo 7 Approve the Depository Bonds and Pledged Securities as of September 30, 2018 Commission Memo - Pledged Securities - Approval 0918 8 Depository Bonds & Securities 0918 10 Approve the Final Plat for Flanders Mill – Phase 6 Subdivision and Authorize the Director of Public Works to Sign the Same on behalf of the City of Bozeman, the Director of Community Development to Sign the Improvements Agreements, and Authorize the City Manager to Sign the Perpetual Access Easement and Water Adequacy Agreement with Flanders Mill, LLC, Application 18324 (Quasi-Judicial) Cover Memo 12 Final plat drawings 14 Easement 18 water adequacy agreement 20 Adopt the Fire Impact Fee Fund Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2020-2024 memo 33 CIP Section 35 Adopt the Street and Curb Reconstruction Fund Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2020-2024 memo 39 packet 41 Adopt the Street Maintenance Fund Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2020-2024 memo 55 packet 57 Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Public Access Easement with HNA Land Co LLC for Construction of a 25 Foot Wide Multi-Use Path for the Buffalo Wild Wings Project Commission Memo: Public Access Easement for Buffalo Wild Wings 112 Public Access Easement 113 Resolution 4976, Authorizing Change Order Number 2 with Knife River - Belgrade for the East Tamarack Street Reconstruction Project Commission Memo 11-19 120 resolution 121 Change Order No. 2 123 Resolution 4961, Authorizing Change Order Number 3 with Montana Civil Contractors, Inc. for the 5.3 Million Gallon (MG) Water Storage Tank Project 1 Commission Memo 11-19 125 resolution 126 Change Order No. 3 128 Resolution 4970, Intent to Create Special Improvement Lighting District Number 749 for the West Winds SW Subdivision Memo-Intent to Create SILD 749-West Winds SW Subdivision 136 Resolution 4970 Intent to Create SILD 749-West Winds SW Subdivision 137 Exhibit A-West Winds SW Subdivision SILD 749 147 Exhibit B-West Winds SW Subdivision SILD 749 149 Resolution 4978, Intent to Consider a Growth Policy Amendment to Amend Figure 3-1 of the Bozeman Community Plan, the Future Land Use Map from Present Rural and Residential to Residential Emphasis Mixed Use and Community Commercial Mixed Use on 160 Acres Northwest of the Intersection of Cottonwood and Oak, Application 18450 18450 Resolution of Intent Memo 151 18450 Resolution of Intent 4978 153 18450 Vicinity Map 156 18450 Application Form 157 18450 Application Narrative 163 Ordinance 2015 Provisional Adoption, 16th and Olive Zone Map Amendment Designating 0.59 Acres as R-5, Residential Mixed- Use High Density, Located at 1608 West Olive Street and 215 South 16th Avenue, Application 18323 Ordinance 2015 Provisional CC Memo 181 Ordinance 2015 182 Ordinance 2015 ZMA Exhibit 186 Proclamation to Recognize Small Business Saturday Proclamation 187 Resolution 4972, Stating Conditions Necessary for the City Commission to Consider Annexation of Property Located within the Riverside Water and Sewer District Memo and Maps 188 Resolution 4972 194 Resolution 4963, Creation of Special Improvement Lighting District Number 748 for the Montana State University (MSU) Innovation Campus Memo-Creation of SILD 748-MSU Innovation Campus 204 Resolution 4963-Creation of SILD 748-MSU Innovation Campus 205 Arterial and Collector District Fund Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2020-2024 memo 209 Packet 211 Street Impact Fee Fund Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2020-2024 memo 231 2 packet 234 IFAC request 260 Ordinance 2012 Provisional Adoption, Affordable Housing Ordinance Zone Text Amendment, Zone Text Amendments Initiated by the City Commission at Request of the Affordable Housing Program Manager and the Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board (CAHAB) to Amend Certain Sections of the Affordable Housing Ordinance 1978 and Codified as Division 38.380, Application 18484 Staff report 268 Ordinance 2012 283 Division 38.380 - exhibit text 294 CAHAB supplement 309 3