HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx 4 BPC 11 8 18 Str Plan UpdateAct¡ve Projects: Strateg¡c Parking Management PlanNovember 2018STRATEGYDESCRIPTIONPROJECTEDCOMPTETIONACTUALCOMPLETIONCOMPLETEDPENDINGHOLD/NOT STARTEDCOMMENTSAdopted by the BPC in8/2016.Adopted by the BPC in8/20t6.PPM attending DRCmeetings, and offeringdata/comment as staffrevtew.Adopted by the BPC into/20!6.BPC a pproved Resolution2017-o3 (6/2017l,; CitvCommission approvedResolution #4837 onth4h7.1Formalize the guiding principlesas policies within the parking andtransporation system plan.Adopt the 85% rule as thestandard for measuringperformance of the parkingsupply and tr¡ggering specificmanagement strateg¡es.Strengthen the role of theParking Manager and the ParkingServices Division - to better¡ntegrate with the CommunityDevelopment and EconomicDevelopment planning.Establish a policy for adjustingrates (on and off-street)Establish a Capital MaintenanceReserve FundRe-eva luate a nd restructurecurrent cash-in-l¡eu program.Aug-16Aug-16On-GoingOn-GoingOc-t-162345CC Approval8lt4l176Jul-16PPM is working with theComm. Dev. Department;CDD has assigned this a 'fall2017' priority status; ACMWinn is re-assembling aninterna l "Parking StrategyTeam" (at instruction of CityManager); lnternal'ParkingStrategy Team' ¡s operating,strategies regarding #5,7,8are expected to beforthcoming (5/2018); BPCadopted Resolution 2018-03recommend¡ng Cl L increaseto S2s000 (6/2018),to beforwarded to CC for action.TBD
7Re-evaluate code basedmlnimum parking requirementsRe-evaluate and clarifo thepurpose and intent of thecurrent code sect¡on regardingSpecial lmprovement District #565.lmplement a FacilitiesMaintenance Plan.Develop a reasonable scheduleof data collection to assessperformance, including anaccurate on and off streetinventory (public and pr¡vateland an occupancy/utilizationanalysis.TBD72l3Ol2OL8PPM worked with the EDdept on changes to theminimum parking standards(UDC) ¡n the B2M zone,approved bV CC9|2O!7;PPM actively attendinginternal DRC meet¡ngs tooffer guidance on policyissues; ACM winn is re-assembling an internal"Parking Strategy Team" (at¡nstruct¡on of City Manager),3lLlL&; lnternal'ParkingStrategy Team' is operating,strateg¡es regarding #6,7,8are expected to beforthcoming 1612078lPPM is waiting on theAdmin./Legal Depts. Forfurther instruction on thisisue; ACM Winn is re-assembling an internal"Parking Strategy Team" (atinstruction of City Managerl,Z/I/L9; lnternal'ParkingStrategy Team' is operatinçstrateg¡es regarding.#6,7,8are expected to beforthcoming (6l2}t8lPPM ls completing researchfor facility mgt. bestpractices, starting to draftFac. Mgt. plan,8lL7;Data collection ocurred,following the StrategicParking Management Plan,Sprlng and Summer 2017;WTI report (draft) submitted9l2OL7, under staff reviewat this time; Final commentssubmitted to WTI formodification, IOl23 I t7 ; Thefinal WTI Parking OccupancyReport was released ontll t4l 20L7, a nalysis isundenuay - includingreview/memorandum fromRlck Williams Consulting.8910slLl!7 &7ltlt7
11t2ldentify off-street shared useopportunities based on datafrom strategy 9. Establish goalsfor transitioning employees,begin outreach to opportunitys¡tes, negotiate agreements, andassign employees to facilities.Complete the 2008 ParkingDistrict ldentificationSignage/Branding PlanClarify current on-street parkingsignage, particularly in areaswhere unlimited parking isallowed. Consider incorporatingthe current City parking logo intoon-street signage.Rename all publicly owned lotsand garages by address.On4oingOn-going1st shared use agreementnegotiated and aPProvedwith Big Sky Western Bank(June 2017); ComPletion ofthe WTI Parking OccuPancYStudy on tt/t4lt7 isexpected to demonstrateareas where new sharedspace agreements will bemost effective; Shared UseAgreement and GIS LaYercomplete 6/1/18; PPM isidentifying several Privateparking s¡tes as potentialareas for shared use Parkingagreements.Work has begun to designand implement lot sPecifics¡gnage on "P" towers.Likewise, the PPM isworking to develoPadditional technologyrelated and regulatorysignage for the garage andlots based on the 2008format; COMPTETE October2018PSD, in cooperation with theGIS Department, has startedan inventory of parking signsand zones within the B-3.Parking Services Divisionsubmitted completed handrecorded field map of B-3to Gls, 10/1/18; Est¡matedcompletion is lateNovember 2018. This datashould demonstrate whereadditional and/or clearersignage is needed in the B-3.Resolution 2018-{16 waspresented and aPProved at¡he8lt2l':8 meet¡nd of theBPC,13t4
151617Upgrade the access/revenuecontrol system at the BridgerGarage.lnstall a vehicle counter systemat Bridger Garage and at theSurface lots,Establish best practice protocolsand performance metrics forexist¡ng enforcement personneland support enforcement withappropr¡ate technology.Expand bike parking network tocreate connections betweenparking and the downtown toencourage employee bikecommute trips and drawcustomers to Sowntownbusinesses.slL/20782ltl2oteOn€oingOn-goingRFP Selection Committee isin final stages of awardreccomendation, as of9/7 /L7. Following 9l2OI7bid award, staff is engagedin final contract negot¡ationsand project planning;Contracts signed 10/16/17 -Scope of Work signed1O / 27 h7 ; Project lau nchexpected by 12/71L7:Project kick off call held77/70/t7, data conversionand preliminary stafftraining underway; Dataconversion is nearingcompletion of second dataextraction, staff training isunderway, transitionplanning on-going;estimated GOLIVE of4/28/78; T2 Software and alltechnology (inc. LPR)installed; continuing tomake operational tweaks,and remedy fixed-cameraaccurecy ("context" I issuesas o1916lt8.lnstallation of vehiclecounting system has beenmoved to "Phase ll" of the2018 Parking TechnologyProject; followingsuccessful complet¡on of t"Phase l" - T2 andfixed/mobile tPR.Court/Appeals Packet(4/17); Uniform Policy(8/17); Enhanced SafetyProcedures; SecurityCamera Policy; LPR Policy;PEO Assigned Routes Policy;PPM met with City's'bike/pedestrian' consultantto open the door forpotential new partnerships;follow up planned forSeptember 2018L8On-going
19202L222324Explore changes to existingresidential on street perm¡tprograms and evaluatepotentially implement newresidential parking permitdistricts in the neighborhoodnortha nd south of thedowntown commercial district.Evaluate on street pricing in highoccupancy areas.Explore expanding accesscapacity with new parking supplyand/or transitDevelop cost forecasts forpreferred parking supply andshuttle options.Explore and develop fundingopt¡ons.Explore the implementation ofon street pricing.Consider consolidating cu rrentusers ofthe Carnegie Lot ¡nto theBridger Garage. Sell the CarnegieLot to fund acquisition of lbetterlocated parking parcels and/orconstruction of a parking garage.Lltl2ctg I On-golngC¡ty Comm¡ssion requestedlLLlzOl!71 that this effortbe complete, withrecommendation to them,by late Spring/Early Summer2018. PPM will providepreliminary repor to BPC on3l8lt8, final report onah2l L8¡ Presentation toCity Commisslon on41 23 I t8t Post-CC report,the PPM cont¡nues to workon revised code changesand RPPD determinationsfor eventual resubmittal tocc,tl2otgiNo act¡vity at this time.No act¡vity at this time.No act¡vity at this t¡me.No activity at this time.No activ¡ty at this t¡me.No act¡vity at this time.25
26 lnit¡ate new capac¡ty expansion.On-goingThe PPM ¡s partic¡pating inseveral separate economicdevelopment projects thatwould create new publicpa rking faciiitie s 17 lzot9l.The internal parking strategyteam has identified this as apriority action, and asiting/funding plan is beingdeveloped for furthercomment and action bycommun¡ty stakeholders -including the BPC. 7 l30lt9;Two sepaiate feasibilltystudies áre underway atth¡s t¡me 1) feasibility ofadditlonal decks to theexisting garage, 2lfeasibility of several newstructured parking sites inthe downtown - resultsfrom both expected in thenext 3-4 months.