HomeMy WebLinkAbout93- K.B.M.N./Thompson Properties Annexation ___rr, -"'"'" - I'~. .__.~. "" _.J_ ",--- .~- I ( , i 1 r iLii 1.:)~ i.d2279 i I K. B. M. N .ITHOMP~.O~L r"' ""..,'-\ -:::: 1\ ~ ~ r- ,-. ',:~:~\;,,;:' I: _./ '~~'.;,:: ,.,. '" t 2.lQLl:QC'~: u::;:y r'IT'_.'\ \' ::f'\'[ l THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into ~'.rl is ! .- ., ~ c; ~ >' of ~_..__.- September , 1993, by CUlcJ be :'.,: iCe, the. J .-,f .i"1 a municipal corporation and political subdivision of trle State of I Montana with offices at 411 Cast Ha i " Stree L, ~',)Zl2;" ,-, I ....[: 1'. "'i.1 59771-0640, hereinafter refc,-.,.-ed to CIS "City" ",'ld '''; i 11 . ',rn ,', I ;) ~. ;1, Thompson Properties, P.o. Box 1 /8, ;':cAllister, MT, 59740 . hereinafter referred to as "L"ndOlli ,.[, WHEREAS, Will i am Thon,;J'.Orl i c. I":', '~~' :") t~ I 1n 1-",(, ,J f' ce r 't.;:,1 ~ ,'j ,-,' 'c 1 property, hereinafter referriCd to {.': .:..~ th", r( . El . :~ _ : I, p('~ t. '.. I , ~. U ,'. :.2 (j in Gallatin County, Montlln", and nIO(' e I..) d r tic u 1 a r 1 y cJ ~:~ ~JC r- i ~)~,.~ c1 as follows: Lot 1 , Gordan Mandeville State School Section Subdivision, located in the Southeast Ono-Qu0rter of f.. :::; t. i un ''" , ; .,.,ns.; p One South, Range Five East, M. P.M., Gallatin County. Montana. WHEREAS, all parties r~?r,I)'Jrli::0. thnt th,.' :1nnn>~,::"'" ; _ r ~_ ~~ e .. " K.B.M.N. Parcel pursuant to Section 7-2-4301, etseq" H.c. A. , will ~,'; ",', entitle the said parcel to City services. including rnunicipnl water i;:, and sewer service; and I" WHEREAS, the City's present watpr supply is insufficient to E enable it to supply reasonably adequate water service to additional t customers outside the present city boundaries; and WHEREAS, all parties recognize that the development of the K.B.M.N. Parcel will impact Mandeville Lane, North Seventh Avenua and Flora Lane and will require additional public streets for traffic circulation; and WHEREAS, the Landowner wishes to convey to the City v",-tain water rights or take some equivalent action to provide w,;ter and sewer service to the K.B.M.N. Parce 1 ; and WHEREAS, the Landownar finds that this agreement wi 11 provide for the most satisfactory and dependable water supply or service available to furnish water and provide traffic circulation for development w1th1n the K.8.M.N. Parca 1 ; and 1 "'-~.ItlO.-- __~,,__.._. ..,,,,,,,,,.,__.. ______,..d?'f~.~.'::;r.',~';~...~ -.~.~'~,=, ,C" ~"rI"-..,.-.., ''--'.. ~...."..,.' -- ._-, .~~_.._-- ~ ~--"" ..., ...~-"....__._._-~..,. .~--~ d_~ ..._._...~ . .., _u_ . - - ". . ~.. ~."~".~""""'r mil 152 r,\Cf2280 ... WHEREAS, the making and performance of this agreement is desirable to promote the dove1opment of the most adec;'..<ate water supply and traffic circulation pattern for t.he Cit.y 2.S it now exists and as it is reasonably expected to enlarge; and WHEREAS, the securing of an adequate water supply and traffic system by the City is necessary and of mutual acJvanta~~.~ to t.he parties hereto. h'_L.J"r.i.....L5, ~ ; IN CONSIDERATION of the mut.ual covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto a9r~a as follows: 1 . Recitals. The above recitals are t.rue and correct. 2. Annexation. The City Commission wi 11 annex the K. B. H. ~I. P,:':rCG 1 in accordance with its decision on May 24, 1993. 3. Services Provided by _<;::~ Pursuant to Section 7-2-4305(2), M.C.A. , and Commission Resolution No. 2914, t.he City wi 11, after annexation, make City services, including water and sewe r. avai lable to the ~(. B. H. N. Parcel. 4. Municioa1 Water ~erv i ClLJ;lef i n~_Q." The term "municipal water service h as is used in this agreement shall be the service whiCh is supplied by the City in accordance with Chapter 13.12, Bozeman Municipal Code. as well as any other terms and conditions which apply to the City's provision of this service. The term does not contemplate the extension of lines or construction of necessary improvements at any cost to the City for delivery of water to and within the thrE,'e p":'1.rc~~ls of any hOOk-up, connection, or development charges which m"y be established by the City. 5. Municioal Sewer Service Defined. The term "municipal sewer service" as is Llsed in this agreement shall be the service whiCh is supplied by the City in accordance with Chapter 13.24, Bozeman Municipal Code. as well as any other terms and conditions whiCh apply to the City's provision 2 ,."""ir<<1i.~.... ,,__......._~ , f. ..,_"_"'__....,,.~,;r....n~""~~.~~.~...... ._--_.~_.. ---~~ ".....-. .-----...... -_..--....._-~. ............. ,.... ._:11. .--~-,.'...._'. ......'m .""~^i~ ~ r:1.1 ' "2"'[')281 J.:) i iI', "- of this service. The term does not contemplate the extension of lines or construction of necessary improvements at any cost to the City for collection of sewage at and within the K.B.M.N. Parcel or any hookup, connection, or development charges which may be I t established by the City. I 6. Water Riqhts, The parties acknowledge the f 01 low i n 9 C i t Y pO 1 i c/: t Prior to annexation of property, it shall be the policy of the I City of Bozeman to acquire usable water rights, or I.Hl j appropriate fee in 1 i eu thereof, equal to the anticipated average annual consumption of water by residents and/or users of the property when fully developed. The fee may be used to acquire water rights or for improvements to the water system which would create additional water supply capacity. Except, however, that for any annexation in excess of ten (10) acres, this policy shall be carried out prior to final plat approval of each development phase. Section 2, No. 4, Commission Resolution 2532. The K.B.M,N. Parcel consists of approximately 4.078 acres being: I Lot 1 , Gordan Mandeville State School Section Subdivision, ! located in the Southeast One-Quarter of Section 36, Township i One South, Range Five East, M.P.M.. Gallatin County. Montana. The Landowner understands and agrees that he must provide I sufficient water rights in accordance with the City's policy f according to the following SChedule: f ,. I A. K.B.M.N. parce 1 , consisting of a total of 4.078 acres, I prior to annexation; I The Landowners shall supply such water rights or fee in 1 ieu as calculated by the City in accordance with its policy at the time of calculation. The Landowners further understand that the City ~. shall calculate average annual diversion requirement necessary to provide water on the basis of the zoning designation for the property at the time such calculation is made. 7. Waiver of RiQht-to-Protest Soee ia 1 Imorovement~1_~Q[ Rural Imorovementa District to Flora Lane, Landowner has executed a Waiver of Right-to-Protest Creation of Special Improvements District or Rural Improvements District for improvements to Flora Lane. This waiver is attached hereto as Exhibit A. 3 . 1:(l..~_ ..~,~..~,_..._~__._"..,n_ __., ~_.P'l_..~.~".rr~~_..~-,...lIl--:;JI''''r''''' -.. - ______~_l ~...",,~..~- .~ ~ - ~ ~~~~~"Jd;. fltH 152 PACf2282 8. Waiver of RiQht-to-Protest Soecial Imorovements District for SiQnal1zation at the Intersection of North Seventh Aven.I,!.~ Mandeville Lane. Landowner has executed a Waiver of Right-to-Protest Creation of Special Improvements District for signalization improvements at the intersection of North Seventh Avenue Mandeville. This waiver is attached hereto as Exhibit B. 9. Waiver of RiQht-to-Protest Soecial Imorovements Dtstr i ct_9J: Rural Imorovements District to Mandeville La~ Landowner has executed a Waiver of Right-to-Protest Creation of Special Improvements District or Rural Improvements District for improvements to Mandeville Lane. This waiver is attached hereto as Exhibit c. If the paving improvements to Mandeville Lane are made by the landowner at landowner's expense (not otherwise reimbursed) pursuant to conditions of Conditional Use Permit in Zoning Application '2-9326, the landowner shall be given credit for half of the cost of said improvements in any Special Improvements District for additional Mandeville Lane improvements if said Special Improvements District is created within five (5) years of this agreement. 1 D. Additional Terms for Waivers. All parties recognize that these documents shall be filed and of record with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder prior to the sale of any land within the K.B.M.N. Parcel by the Landowner, and the parties agree that the City may file these documents at any time. 11. Utility Easements. The Landowner understands and agrees that utility easements, a minimum of 30 feet in width, will be necessary for the ! installation and maintenance of water and sewer utility services to the annexed parcela. The landowners shall create such easements in location. agreeable to the City during the subdivision procedure or planned unit development procedure but in no event later than the filing of any final plat or site plan or issuance of a bu i 1 d i n9 .. - __,~w.~~~.__ .""'_.,_____~~-....___.._. . .- ft_"" ...........--RP~~,. _"" 1....,1"... . . _n __ ,.. ~ - -~. ~ '..._~.- ~ ~ ....... ~~ ..., ......r ,........._......_..-M:. _...- ~...-.---:,.,.. /rr''--_..I'IIIIIII:~", , , filM 152 PAC [228J permit on any of the parcels. 12. GoverninQ Law. This agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Montana. 13. Invalid Provision. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this agreement shall not affect the other provisions hereof, and this agreement shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provision were omitted. 14. ~odifications or Alterations. No modification or amendment of this agreement ahall be valid unless evidenced by a writing signed by the parties hereto. 15. No AssiQnment. It is expressly agreed that the Landowners shall not assign this agreement in whole or in part without prior written consent of the City. llL Successors. Except as provided in paragraph 16. this agreement shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors and assigns. 17. Covenants to RutL.rlith the Land '_ The parties intend that the terms of this agreement shall be covenants running with the land and sha 11 not expire at their deaths or upon transfer of ownership of the property. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF BOZEMAN .y~~,J;'(k~~ JIM W SOCKI Its City Manager 5 .' ,..;' ' ). ,': '- ,i. . . ~...........l.,.""''''M_'~ ,.~.I._~....._ ~ _.~_ _ ~~_~.. __......;- _. ~,__ ...__._. f.Nl.~.. ...... "... . ._~~_. ----- - -------..-""-- ~ ,- --, . - ~ l~"""".JI4III.JalII'- --- -~:....:...~ .' filM 152i'ACf2284 LANDOWNER Uff3rkt- WILLIAM THOMPSON THOMPSON PROPERTIES STATE OF MONTANA ) :ss COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) On this ~ day of ~ e-ti-^.-.A.ll8L.L...-. 1993. before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared William Thompson known to me to the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. , :'I; j 6 , ""'..~~,",,","_~"""II~ __ .,_..___U_,~.."-...,,,,",-.-....... _~ ],._ u__~_--.~'IJ. ",pHI,.- ~ ..,Iih. L..- - - -- - ~...-:~~~- '~ , . , :,~i~(~i~;~'i;~~)~!;,;;.';.;::.. . ".i(b'~~;?'\';il~~~~~~ ':~~~"e.;i?(\'..;;t,';~~'t'I";':!'"!\-"';11"t"/:;'" '. 'c~;.';,,;: < ->i.'), tLH"; 152PACf228S ";!~tf,;li~11'(N~Alm :~::::":. P~EST... ';;~'~&:c::;~~,"i:;' :_<~'-' - --,),~'];:~tREATION OF SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS DISTRICTS . , . h; ;t...~ ,: \;.,..~ :~ _'~:i"~~;;_ OR RURAL IMPROVEMENTS DISTRICT . .." ,~'~::: ':i ::J';;~"'. FOR PAVEMENT. CURB. GUTTER. SIDEWALK. AND DRAINAGE ,1/' TO FLORA LANE . ~ '; "I , ; ~:~ . I, .the underaigned owner of real property ai tuated in the Gallatin, State of Montana, and lIore particularly 'deacribed,~~,followa: ."t.,;!F~,:', Lot 1 , Gordon Mandeville State School Section Subdivision, located in the Southeast One-Quarter of Section 36, Townahip One South, Range Five Eaat, M.P.M., Gallatin County, Montana. IN CONSIDERATION, of receiving annexation approval from ...the City of Bozeman, along with the accompanying rights and privile,u and for other valuable consideration, the receipt of which ia hereby acknowledged, and in recognition of the impact to . ,Flora Lane which will be caused by the development of the above- ,described property, have waived and do hereby for myaelf, my heira, eXecutora, adminiatratora, personal repreaentativea, aUcceasora and asaigns, waive the right to protest the creation of one or more special improvement diatricts for curb, gutter, aidewalk, pavement, and drainage to Flora Lane to one-half local street standards or to make any written protest againat the aize or area or creation of the.diatrict;to be aaaeased in responae to a duly paaaed reaolution .,'; ~:'".' ,-,,' . " 1:'.1 of', intenti~~::to create one or more apecial improvement diatricts .'", "j"( .':;~" .. ',:. /:\::;':. which would; hiclude the above-described property. '..:':'\:\'.I)?~.": . a covenant running with the land and i ahaH not. expire at .y death, provided however this waiver ahall I .:.::'i',{j,,;,:: . , ..,. " .~p.rT,,~~lTtothe land. herein described. , ,":-,~, ~' . '. 'it;" The ter.a, covenanta and provisiona of the Waiver ahall r ~~: ,:',',.: .~, . 'eXtend,\to, and be bindinll upon the heira, , executors, "- ~ -, - ., . :;.:, j"'-.." ,. .-'.. . 'adliiniatratora, peraonal repreaentati vea, succeaaors and asaigna of ,('~'.,:;t~~~. :..~,.':,~ '-':":":': :"';' '::,:~~, ,:~\.t, '::~' , .' ;.~, ~h~~rU~~tt~,o, . . h .. ill ". . . ..... '..'l;:\"':~~~'; ~:. .",.:> '~~'!'.:'5"'~ , 'l.j... ,,1. ' ... .~. , . 1.~ :: ,. .-.: ~ \.'~ .'. '.~, ,', _.~ ('" .. ~,'-' ,j '- ,"~. " . . ~'~" f .' t ~ 1 '. '-:'''., ~~~..~.---IIIIIiJ..- " -' :-_.~-'-"........" ...".........,'. .. , ' " , . " -,.......-......... - " - - . ' . " , ntH "1S2PAcf228S'. DATED thh '3 da,. 0 f .}-. ~ r-L lill\ . 1993. uY~ Willia. Tho.p~on Tho.paon Propertiea I I i STATE OF MONTANA ) , , :aa COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) Pubic On thia ~ day of _~~ ,1993, before .e, a Notary for the State of Montana, personally appeared William Thompson, known to .e to be the peraon whoae name 1a aubscribed to the within in~trument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. i I i I ! , ! I I I 2 " . , ntH 152fACf2287 :'1 .,~ ! .~~... ~ ...~~;-' EXHIBIT "B" WAIVER OF RIGHT TO PROTEST CREATION OF SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS DISTRICTS FOR SIGNALIZATION AT THE INTERSECTION OF NORTH SEVENTH AVENUE AND MANDEVILLE LANE I, the undersigned owner of real property situated in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, and more particularly described as follows: Lot I. Gordon Mandeville State School Section Subdivision, located in the Southeast One-Quarter of Section 36, Township One South, Range Five East, M.P.M. . Gallatin County, Montana IN CONSIDERATION, of receiving annexation approval from the City of Bo,.;elllan, along with the accompanying rights and privileges and for other valuable consideration, the receipt of which i. hereby acknowledged, and in recognition of the impact to the intersection of North Seventh Avenue and Mandeville Lane which will be caused by the development of the above-described property, have waived and do hereby for myself. my heirs. executors. administrator.. personal representatives, successors and assigns. waive the right to protest the creation of one or more special improvement districts for signalization at the intersection of North Seventh Avenue and Mandeville Lane or to make any written protest against the si,.;e or area or creation of the district to be assessed in response to a duly passed resolution of intention to create one or more special improvement districts which would include the above-described property. This waiver shall be a covenant running with the land and shall not expire at my death, provided however this waiver shall apply only to the lands herein described. The terms. covenants and provisions of the Waiver shall extend to, and be bindin. upon the heirs. executors. i ! administrator., personal representatives. successors and assigns of the partie. hereto. I ,. .- ~ . - - .--. --~ ~ . ", . .. , filM 1527ACf2288 DATED this ~ day Of~~~ b..c ^ , 1993. VB~ illialll Tholllpson Tholllpson Properties STATE OF MONTANA ) :ss COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) Pubic On this ~ day of 0:;:0 f:~ ,1993, before llIe, a Notary for the State of Montan, personally appeared Willialll Thompson, known to llIe to be the person whose nallle ia subscribed to the within instrullIent and acknowledged to llIe that he executed the SRme. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set lilY hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. , . ! ! ~ I. I , I 2 f \ , t , -, . filM 152 PACE2289 i. ' :~,,~".' . ./",/~=~a} EXHIBIT "C" WAIVER OF RIGHT TO PROTEST CREATION OF SPECIAL IHPROVEHENTS DISTRICTS OR RURAL IMPROVEMENTS DISTRICT FOR PAVEMENT, CURB. GUTTER. SIDEWALK. AND DRAINAGE ~NDEVILLE LANE I, the undersigned owner of real property situated in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, and more particularly described as follows: Lot I, Gordon Mandeville State School Section Subdivision, located in the Southeast One-Quarter of Section 36, Township One South, Range Five East, M.P.M. , Gallatin County, Montana. IN CONSIDERATION, of receiving annexation approval from , the City of Bozeman and Final Site Plan approval of a Conditional Use Permit application to modify an existing building for retail I use in the City of Bozeman, along with the accompanying rights and privileges and for other valuable consideration, the receipt of i which is hereby acknowledged, and in recognition of the impact to f i Mandeville Lane which will be caused by the development of the I I above-described property, have waived and do hereby for myself, my I heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, f auccessors and assigns, waive the right to protest the creation of I one or .ore special improvement districts for curb, gutter, sidewalk, pavement, and drainage to Mandeville Lane to one-half local .treet standards or to make any written protest against the aize or area or creation of the district to be assessed in response to a duly passed resolution of intention to create one or more special improvement districts which would include the above- described property. This waiver shall be a covenant running with the land and ahall not expire at my death, provided however thia waiver ahall apply only to the lands herein described. The ter.a, covenants and provisions of the Waiver ahall extend to, and be binding upon the heir., executor., 1 . I "Ill ;,......;~l~i$.'...:~.. I I ",.i .1(i"~ . \.'",. .,' .', "~..,, '. ! ' .l~-;;;;tl?,~};.' ( rll1f1s~hcr~' J I "~~ I :~ T administrators, personal representatives, successors and assigns ot i I the parties hereto. i DATED this J~ day ot ~ ~ lJ..D...... , 1993. ; l I I ',:~', I .~ ~'111a. Thoopaon Thompson Properties STATE OF MONTANA ) :ss COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) Pubic On this -L3... day of ~ ,1993, betore me, a Notary for the State of Montana, personally appeared William I Thompson, known to ~e to be the person whose name i. subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year .first above written. ~~~ -Notary Public tor the State of Hontana.~ Residing. \1... ~ ~(I..-..-.. Commisdon Expire.: -N I-c..~ . ~.it ~..1..1 I (t_.~~"~ ~"I., t ( Notal';"l" ~:. 'i. 303483 ",'::',;': .'-..~. "....i~~,. .. '. ~.:...~~':,:,'....,//.)..>"(.:.,.,',:. . '--~~'\~W'*"""'it, ". . .1i.....ofMoat.,Coantr of Ganlltrn.1S FUR for _ani APRIL 5 .19 95 :~!!I,'" i:i'-"'.!'a; IIId I1CGlded In Ioot..ill.. of MISCELy"S ~1lO -ill; "'::,,' .'. .'. - II. - I Recorder. By 6,M~I'1, .Ad/A lJopuly RTI CITY OF BOZEMAN . FEEl $72.00 .,:'",. 2