HomeMy WebLinkAbout75- Inabnit, Myda Agreement ~ .,II, . flU.l 28 ~)AG~ 815 AGREEMENT --------- THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 30th da:>, of April 1975, by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Montana, hereinafter called the Party of the First Part, and MYDA P. INABNIT, a single woman, of Bozeman, Montana, hereinafter called the Party of the Second Part. WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREAS, the Party of the Second Part is the owner of certain real property located North of the City of Bozeman in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, which real property is set out and described in full in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. WHEREAS, the Party of the Second Part has petitioned the City of Bozeman for permission to connect the property described herein with the existing sewer lines of the City of Bozeman at the point to which said lines have been presently extended, pursuant to the provisions and author- ity given by Section 11-1001, R.C.M., 1947, and as amended by the 1971 Legislative Assembly, and WHEREAS, the Party of the Second Part agrees to pay all fees and costs required by the City of Bozeman in connection therewith, and further agrees, upon request by the City of Bozeman, to consent to the annexation of the tract of land herein described to the City of Bozeman. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the parties hereto, as follows: l. ~he Party of the Second Part may at any time hereafter connect the above-described tract of land, including the improvements in place thereon or hereafter constructed with the existing sewer lines of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at the point to which said lines have been presently extended. 2. It shall be and is hereby agreed that the Party of the First Part, being the City of Bozeman, 11ontana, shall have full and final control on the type, condition and amount of sewage entering the sanitary sewer mains. The Party of the Second Part hereby agrees to pay any and such fees as imposed by the City of Bozeman for pro- ,~ , - . . f ilY ~e ~NJ[ R16 cessing and treatment of said sewage. 3. In consideration of the permission hereby granted to connect with the existing sewer lines as herein provided for, Second Party agrees to pay all costs and charges required by the City of Bozeman in connection therewith and agrees to pay all construction costs and charges incurred in the excavation for said sewer lines and the pipe and materials, including the laying thereof, used to connect the property herein described with the existing sewer lines of the City of Bozeman, and agrees that all work done in connection therewith shall be done pursuant to the plans and specifications approved by the Bozeman City Engineer. 4. In consideration of the right to extend said sewer lines and connect thereto, Party of the Second Part agrees, that upon request by the City of Bozeman, Second Party will permit annexation of the real property herein described into the incorporated limits of the City of Bozeman. This agreement is hereby made binding upon the successors of the Party of the First Part and upon the heirs, administrators, suc- cessors and assigns of the Party of the Second Part. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Party of the First Part has caused these presents to be executed and the Party of the Second Part has set her name the day and year first above written. CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation / ~ /'/-! /' .......:k:~.:"'" / /"//../ ./ .,'. ,0// . ,"__.._.-'-'."'~"'" ' ...~,. '/,/ ....."". .~'_.._.__- ~f .,,...' .>.7 PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, ~~_~_ _/ _;:::' I:' ,~:J? k N y" 0/> yor .' _"_ ~. // ... ,~ / I "" ~"\ /\ .... //~ (: .;r'". ,'~.,~.j.,~'~~'~:~< ".(.~_ ~/. . j' ;,,/ c~----)..- / .' /'" ;. /.............. ('- .-- i~,. ~/ j--<",,'?;;r;- Clerk .-, /~// " .- -d '" .':"' ,Q~'. ' . ,- j --" ;*\ ',~" '~.. " ') "''Ji'' ' ~. .. .'",{ .,', '.' 1'\ .' I , ...._. "..___ PARTY OF THE SECOND PART: ~, .. ,.,,~~~ Myda . Inabnit...: ...""- - 2 - * - . , '.. . .' . ~'\ k,l '~8 .'.'" BiB I H~., JC; ~'I~'tl:" \. ..., STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss. County of Gallatin ) On this 30th day of April 1975, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared EDMUND P. SEDIVY, SR., Mayor, and ERNA V. HARDING, Clerk, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same on behalf of the City of Bozeman. : \ ~ t' ~ : ~ ; i I . ( ,I,~ ' , ~.~ .I', I ~ 1\10-'- '€.' ;'1, ~ J '~f I ;~.' ~.~(,~:,: I . '. ' .".. ../,f ':.,...,- ^ "..... ,,,:--.' - ~ . '., ~ ,.'., . " II JIJ -,,' " ,,; ",' ;~ ',~. ii'. '. ;'.- " \ /J v' /' .. -,,; Notar,y::,1 Pu lic for -the State of Montana .,' " " : ", l. " Resiih.ng at Bozeman, Montana. My ~;. ."n, commission expires _' . -- -';< . , .. ' .' -. flOTARY Puatle Jorth-e Sf f a e of Montana Residing at Bozeman M Mv Commiss' p' . Dmana .Ion JXPtrn!.' DeC(~mber 1,1 rni"l STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss. County of Gallatin ) On this ...:21 day of April 1975, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared MYDA P. INABNIT, a single woman, of Bozeman, Montana, known to me to be the person whose name is", " \\" \"':\.,,~ .l..,~l...(; '.. '.... ......~ '.1 "'~........ 1. ' subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that sh~', /", '-',.-:- _/ _:~~:AA- ~,' \~ '\ executed the same. i:';' ..:', .'-" ~ " \!;\<:~;:.... .....; ,,- INDEXED PL,6, TTED -''<I F €" ~; . '-'~.'ii \II '1 ",: -,.' ( " 'J State of Montana l . County .1 Gallatin f' 75 Filed May 7 . 19 at 10 : h'5 A. M.. and Recorded in book 28 _of MI SCELLA NEO 1TS Page...Jll2 CARL . STUCKY'GQ CI & Re Fee $ -- Rt: City of Bozeman - 3 - ------.- ~ . . ," . . . , . FiUI 28 :<~r., 817 EXHIBIT "A" A tract of land in the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 31~ Township 1 South, Range 6 East of the Montana Principal Meridian and being more particularly described by the following Metes and Bounds, to wit: Beginning at a point which bears North 89045' West a distance of 360 feet along the South line of said Section 31, and North 0003' East 360 feet distant from and parallel to the East line of said Section 31, a distance of 151 feet to the Southwest corner of the described tract, the point of beginning, thence continuing North 0003' East a distance of 100 feet, thence South 89045' East and parallel to the South line of said Section 31, a distance of 250.28 feet, more or less, to a point on the Westerly right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee~ St. Paul and Pacific Railway's Freightline railroad, thence in a Southerly direc- tion along said right of way a distance of 101.5 feet, more or less, thence North 89045' West and parallel to the South line of said Section 31~ a distance of 271.13 feet to the point of beginning~ containing 0.67 acres, more or less~ together with~ A perpetual Easement shall be set aside for roadway purposes only, as shown by the Plat hereunto annexed and described by the follow- ing Metes and Bounds~ to wit: Beginning at a point which bears North 89045' West a distance of 442 feet from the Southeast corner of Section 31~ Township 1 South, Range 6 East~ of the Montana Principal Meridian, thence from said point of beginning~ bearing North 0003' East a distance of 30 feet, thence North 2035' West a distance of 222.63 feet, thence South 89045' East a distance of 342.04 feet to a point on the Westerly right of way of the Chicago~ Milwaukee~ St. Paul and Pacific Railway's Freightline railroad, thence bearing Northwesterly along said right of way a distance of 30.5 feet~ more or less, thence North 89045' West a distance of 366.91 feet, thence South 2035' East a distance of 281.36 feet, more or less, to a point on the South line of said Section 31, thence South 89045' East a distance of 28 feet, more or less~ to the point of beginning. " .; ,,1 ., " ,',' ~ .. ,.. < ,1 ~, '. ':, ,-. ~ '~~ 'I~e~l.- t"di?D' .~ . . "I _~ . , ~. -' , . . '".,. ::..." ':... ,. -'~ ~--:- .... iJ~lf?iJ;;ts;r . < .. ~ ~ OESCqIFT 10 N-""'-,"', ~'.:\I," ."J .," ..... A TrRct or ll"etln the SEl of the' SEt "or S.'otioJl 31,T~WI'l.hIp i South, Range 6 E~8t pf the M~ntan. Prlncln~1 M~rl11an anj Lelng more particularly deecrIbed by th~ follewlAg Metea,ard Bounde; TO WIT: " , : " ' - R~~lrI111"g.t. poInt which b.ara North'ego45.',Weata dhtarce or '360 r",~t a.long .thlll-South l.1ne of ul.ld,Sectlo,n ~1, "and. North OU ,.03' EUlIt360 r~et11.!'1tant t'r,oM an::1naralle.lto,the,EI!t 11n. or saldSectlo)\', 31 ,a ,:lietanee ,of ~51t'e~,:,~to tt~e ')~o~~hwest corJler Dt'the 1e!c~.1b...d trect... the ,'081nt of vey,lnrlng, thence continuing North 0.03' E. et a (l1f11tancf:,of 100 f~t't, . thencf' South eg04b'Ea! t . ,alld parellelto the South llne or eald, Seotion 31, a dl!t.no. or 250.2P f~st, Mere or l~!! to . peint on the W~!ter1y right .or way of the r.hie"~o; MlllUuke!'l, 'St. Paul In1 Pllcific R.1-1w.y" ;. Frelght11n. tt'.llre.:1., 'thence, In . Southerl,.. 11rection along .!id . r1r!t or way a 11!tanc, of lOl.or.et, mGr~,cr>lfl'~!, there. ~1orth e9 45':WQs~ an1 p.rall.l to th~ South I1nf'\Or ,Iald SectioQ 31, . d.l.tan,eeof' 271.13 reet to tr~ pol"t erpe'glw:nlpg, coatainlng O.~7 acrf'!~, ,rTwre 0):'" Ieee ,T<?getbe,r wIth,' '" ,. . ..' \ ' ", ' ;'.;'. ' "7: ~ ' '. - ,. ~ ' :,. ~ ,,' > A 'p"~p,,tu.l:Ea~\!'l:nent shall o:e lIet'-.sid. f!,l' ~o":dway purpowe-8' O'Jrly, ~ a:!' tfhown by the t"l.t h~reunt!o ."....~.d'.l'lc1 de...rlbed 'b1th~ ,. r.1l..- 1N~ Metes a,"~ BO\1Jtd~;, T. WI'l'I;' - " ,,>,," - ','" ,'.;" ",J',' .,'.',. ~, ,BegtJ'lnlng at. a poInt whichb.llr. ~orth,B9,4ti~ W..,,' a dietanee or' 442, rlet from'the South...t ::corJt.r~r'!.c~;1(lJ'l31 tl'N?ttJlship ~: $euth, aaag. ,6 r;:.~t ,ef ,the Mo.-t,,,. Prl..ol12~lM.~idl..j ,h.'he. from laid pelpt of beginning, be.ring ~orth'O~3'E..'-~~jllt.nc. or 30 t.et, 'h."ce ~ort~,2.3~W.I' . 1r.ta~e.;\.t'..222~53r..t, th.~c. S&uth A9.45'Ea.tadl.tlftc. Jt 3.2.04 r..t\o . pol.t .. the We.t.rl,. rlt.ht .r w.,. at the ChIe.g., Mllw.uk.., St . ,Paul ..j P..ifi. R,aJ.lll'.:J.'-1 Fr',lght-'11..';,..al1rcaj-, t'h'"o, b..rias N"r'th...t.rl,. .lo~! I.ld r,i!h~.or ".",. !11;.ta..~ ,~! ,3,O.5t.!t, m",r...r 1..., 'lj..c, Nortl\,P9~45'. ,Welt . d:l.t.n8..f.3(5,6~ 9Lr.~,:' ,~.h.JlC.SoU'h . 2 ,,35t East .d1."..... .t. 281.36 t..t'mer.ol" 'l.a. .toa p.lat ... , the Seuth 11..''''.r 'ald' Sactto." 31, then'.'S.I.1.'h ego"S' Ea.' . .. . nl,tallc.'.r'2p.r."t mere or Ilelle to the pel.t'.r' b.!l.nhlg. '.,' ',. " >, ' , . -j,': "".":-;",,:,~,,..'..,:.,.' ,"',,' 'rhi,is -,~..c.rtlry that ~ ,alJ.'"l H..B..t ,'lrogillt.ro4 'pr.t...l..al , fbglJleer..rrlta.d" Surveyo; nay, ml1e, th, IW"v.,.;.r,tb.. lab.v. d. ..rlb.dT,...ct "that i~." .piP. mcal1U1ilintJ' have b.ew a.t at all. pelJ1l~1 lr.ldle.,.ted,t,hlt,th. ~UrYll1~..-.\~r,t~-(l ~. N~v'mb.~l., 1964..11 'compl.ted' eB that ~.t... ',;:, ,"" I, .' . , _ ,,' ,., . "';:fj'\'~;:' . . .,.'; , .',". '~:.'.. ."'r~."~,':.;f.,~'i'~ nat.d. n.a~mber ',3 ,,--19t14' . ....;, ,. , .'" ;' ::.,,:. "" '.h