HomeMy WebLinkAbout64- Gutkoski, Joseph & Milly ... 800K .. ,I W . . 21 rY1GF.476 , , . , l . . 1; / /n:;!/ If FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of permission to connect dwelLLngs !";rected and to be erect.ed upon 1:,he premises hereinafter described Lo Lho' water and 2e~rpr syetems of the City of Boz€man, Montana, the undersigned, for and on behal f of LhemselvBc:, their heirs, executors, 3,dmini"trators and successors in interest, do hereby covenant, agree and consent to include the hereinFl,fLer described property situate in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, within the city limits and boundaries of the City of Bozeman, Montana, upom the requp:::dJ of' the City CommissLon of the City of Bozeman to annex Lhe s,'::me thereto. TRACT 8-A HOMESITES SUBDIVISION, GALLATIN COUNTY, }\ONTANA. \, The under::iigned, further (,~ovenant and a..'ree :,0 1'''','' t,o U>-:, City of F07J'i',:lr1, ~'J,.f"','_,",~':,L~..., }.-Jri.e:i" :':'0 ~.~'~e Ui.;:d\.li'J6 G.t. ;~'<iiu so.rliL.,CJ.r~)' S8'J'}(;r connection, all accol...inlJ ef money equal to the proportionate cost borne by property within SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBF~R 432 of the City of Bozeman .CiS computed on ::W . re,~ basi:". Said amount of mone,Y for the above descrilwd prof'erty bein,~ T','o IIl'ndred Twenty Three doll2.r~.; and Twenty Eight cents ($223.2g). Al~o, the undere.-i!?'1pd will pay the normal tie-on fee heinE, Sixty FiV0~ doll:c,rs (t65.()O) and T,\Jent;y do1l2ni (J~20.00) for rep3iring the pavement Cllt vrhich \,;ill necessarily ho ffi2.de in North 171h AvemJs. The toL:;l deposit made b;y the unopr2i?npd !,'ith the City oJ' BOzPf;'2n, prior to the makins: of ".aiel se"rer connection ic ThrpP HUJldred Eir'hl., doll:1rc '1TId Tv,renty Five cents ($308.25).- The undersigned, further covenant and agree to pay 1.0 L,he City of Bozem,:m, Mont'~na, prior to making of said connection to the "rater I")'d,em of the City of Bozeman, all regular connection fees and costs which may he in effpct at the time ~aid connection ie' m;J.de,t together with a proporti onate share of the cost of conc!truction of water mains v'hich mClY 'he con:tructed to mt'l,\.ce 1",'1I:,e1" servir;e .'lvailable to the Clbove described proper::.:, at son:e fut1lre rl,qt,e. 4 2Lilj~ 5T ATE OF Iv.ONT A~lA //}"l_ ." -- ,(c, c", I '::J [' ('. .(' "--~V w--'l-j~ C' ("'\ 00 COUNTY OF GALLATIN) On thi~3 LL day of /J ",/ /.:-~f'--' 1961" before me the llY10 ersigned, " Notary Public for the State ~f Mo'ntana, personod.ly 'lppe'c\red Joseph J. Gutkoski and Hilly A. Gutkoc:ki',lion to rr;e to be the persons who~e W'Jnes are subscribed to the within :Lnstrurnent, and Acknowledged 1,0 me that the executed the salLe. IN IlTNES;:; \tmEREOF, I have her81mto set m,l' hand and affixed my affi.cLal seal the dAY and ye3.Y' i.n the cert,ifi.cate fir~t cd'love "Tl.tten. "',, /;/ / /1 ./ /~>/'f/ / '.( //';.,/ ;," /. ,v Lrl No'L'lTV Public (or the SLatA' 0 r Morrtana ~J I -- ~ ~1RSid ine; Tt, Paz I">m" 1", Mon 1-)1"" Hy Cornmipsion ex pi res \-/./' ! ./ ./. '" ..', / -".' / / .'" '. " . '. T ' " i . .: \', C . /'. :'1 " i 1:., V. "~:.('~,:: ...:,:<~ ';:~':~.:\~~:f , f ,,1, ~ 'l ,.~ ~..... .... , I . , \ J I , I \.' . ~ . ' . . . clOOk 21 PAlJE471 '.. On this ;Z f- day of the City Commii'pion of the City instrument. // C' // s~~"._. {.. ~. --- / or Boz PIngn, clirl 196L1, 1\Jhile in re,!!,l1L:l.r :='p~;~don, ;:1~pY'ove and Arcept tl1 c within " /7 / f~ ,/ (7 J-"-'- ,/ / "./1,. /'1/ff-;f.1111 /l! c"----r---r<--,y-t:. 6...- E.. ARRY MOl-mO.,! M'l,yor :r~~TTFE)T : //f~ C. K. \VIL.SCJN,,'" " -', Clerk o.t: ~;he Ci ty C;ommt~)yion - , . " ,., . ,i.. '. '.... ., '. ~ I I, .T '; . " ,-, ~ . " A.-, ~ ~, ...... ~ .' . ," 4". ", .' ~ .' . ~ ' ~. /:< ' f ..! I"). . . . j ~ .' <I, I . ~ ... .... .'J I.' , ! ~ . ;': '"'1 (J- 9" ~: ,.'.. ,,-..:. ~',:'.' '- ! ~ ~, State of Mont., County of Gallatin. 8S. Filed for ,.ecord September 14 , 1984 at 1: 10 P. M.. and recorded in Book__ 2 _of ~-1ISC. _pa~e 476 EARL WALTON Reco~de~.BY _ ../ ,,-~~_/:&tf /L(t(!,,->()(j:?'_~D8PutY Rt: City of Bozeman