HomeMy WebLinkAbout17- Challenge Cost Share Agreement - USDA, Forest Service, Custer Gallatin National Forest - Mystic Lake Beaver Dam Removal USDA, Forest Service OMB 0596-0217
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FS Agreement No. 18-CS-11011100-008
Cooperator Agreement No.
Between The
And The
This CHALLENGE COST SHARE AGREEMENT is hereby made and entered into by and
between the City of Bozeman, hereinafter referred to as “The City,” and the USDA, Forest
Service, Custer Gallatin National Forest hereinafter referred to as the “U.S. Forest Service,”
under the authority: Department of Interior and Related Agencies Appropriation Act of 1992,
Pub. L. 102-154
Background: The City and the U.S. Forest Service entered into a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU), 17-MU-11011100-036, for the purposes of maintaining (in the long term) a high quality,
predictable water supply for The City through cooperative efforts in implementing sustainable
land management practices. This framework of cooperation serves the mutual benefit and
interest of the parties and the public. The project cited below fits within the framework
established in the MOU and is in keeping with the goals of both The City and the U.S. Forest
A beaver constructed dam seven feet in height is currently backing up the lakes naturally
occurring outlet into Bozeman Creek. The size of the dam along with the volume of water the
dam has backed up present a significant risk to the public, property, and communities’ down-
stream of the lake. If the dam were to fail, it is estimated it would result in an in stream flow that
would approach 100-yr flow rates. Thus, attention to address the uncertainty and risk of this
non-engineered structure is necessary.
The proposal includes moving equipment and supplies to the project site for implementation of a
safe and orderly draw down of the water in Mystic Lake. This would include placing
approximately 100’ of 12”-16” plastic flex pipe into Mystic Lake for a siphoning operation. The
intake end of the pipe will be caged and a pump will be used to start the siphon. The outlet end
of the pipe will be placed into the channel of Bozeman Creek. This siphon will remain in place
until the lake level is such that normal flow through the lake’s natural outlet into Bozeman Creek
is achieved. Once the water level is reduced to that level, or during draw down of the lake, the
beaver dam will be removed with a piece of heavy equipment (either an excavator or backhoe).
Once the beaver dam is removed and dispersed at a location identified in the vicinity of Mystic
Lake, the project site will be reclaimed and all equipment and supplies will be removed.
Title: Mystic Lake Beaver Dam Removal
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The purpose of this agreement is to document the cooperation between the parties to
remove a beaver dam constructed and located on National Forest System Land at the outlet
of Mystic Lake into Bozeman Creek in order to mitigate public health and safety concerns
in accordance with the following provisions and the hereby incorporated Mystic Lake
Beaver Dam Removal Scope Summary and Financial Plan, attached as Exhibit A.
Whereby the public water supply for The City comes primarily from watersheds south of
Bozeman that are largely National Forest System lands, the U.S. Forest Service and The
City share a role in ensuring the long-term quality and quantity of water to city residents.
Each party brings resources to the collaborative process. The parties to this agreement
acknowledge that ensuring a reliable water supply from these source watersheds is not the
sole responsibility of one entity, but is a shared goal of both parties.
In Consideration of the above premises, the parties agree as follows:
A. LEGAL AUTHORITY. The City shall have the legal authority to enter into this
agreement, and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure proper
planning, management, and completion of the project, which includes funds sufficient
to pay the nonfederal share of project costs, when applicable.
B. Provide contract administration and oversight for the Mystic Lake Beaver Dam
C. Provide project management.
D. Provide all equipment and materials required through the contract.
A. PAYMENT/REIMBURSEMENT. The U.S. Forest Service shall reimburse The City
for the U.S. Forest Service's share of actual expenses incurred, not to exceed $29,000,
as shown in the Financial Plan. The U.S. Forest Service shall make payment upon
receipt of The City’s monthly invoice. Each invoice from The City must display the
total project costs for the billing period, separated by U.S. Forest Service and The
City share. In-kind contributions must be displayed as a separate line item and must
not be included in the total project costs available for reimbursement. The final
invoice must display The City’s full match towards the project, as shown in the
financial plan, and be submitted no later than 90 days from the expiration date.
Each invoice must include, at a minimum:
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1. The City name, address, and telephone number.
2. Forest Service agreement number: 18-CS-11011100-008
3. Invoice date.
4. Performance dates of the work completed (start & end).
5. Total invoice amount for the billing period, separated by Forest Service and
The City share with in-kind contributions displayed as a separate line item.
6. Display all costs, both cumulative and for the billing period, by separate cost
element as shown on the financial plan.
7. Cumulative amount of Forest Service payments to date.
8. Statement that the invoice is a request for payment by “reimbursement.”
9. If using SF-270, a signature is required.
10. Invoice Number, if applicable.
The invoice shall be forwarded to:
EMAIL: asc_ga@fs.fed.us
FAX: 877-687-4894
POSTAL: USDA Forest Service
Albuquerque Service Center
Payments – Grants & Agreements
101B Sun Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Send a copy to: Jonathan Kempff, Email: jckempff@fs.fed.us
B. Provide Resource Specialist expertise and monitoring during implementation and post
project reclamation.
C. Provide project coordination and oversight.
D. Provide helicopter support for the delivery of pipe to the project site.
E. Provide necessary State of Montana 124/318 permits.
F. Provide necessary State of Montana take permit for beavers.
A. PRINCIPAL CONTACTS. Individuals listed below are authorized to act in their
respective areas for matters related to this agreement.
Principal Cooperator Contacts:
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Cooperator Program Contact Cooperator Administrative Contact
Brian Heaston
P.O. Box 1230
Bozeman, MT 59771
Telephone: 405-582-2282
FAX: 406-582-2263
Email: bheaston@bozeman.net
Craig Woolard
P.O. Box 1230
Bozeman, MT 59771
Telephone: 406-582-2280
FAX: 406-582-2263
Email: cwoolard@bozeman.net
Principal U.S. Forest Service Contacts:
U.S. Forest Service Program Manager
U.S. Forest Service Administrative
Jonathan Kempff, Forest Engineer
P.O. Box 130
Bozeman, MT 59771
Telephone: 406-587-6732
FAX: 406-587-6848
Email: jckempff@fs.fed.us
Charlie Boucher
3710 Fallon Street, Suite C
Bozeman, MT 59718
Telephone: 406-624-3767
FAX: 406-522-2528
Email: cboucher@fs.fed.us
B. NOTICES. Any communications affecting the operations covered by this agreement
given by the U.S. Forest Service or The City are sufficient only if in writing and
delivered in person, mailed, or transmitted electronically by e-mail or fax, as follows:
To the U.S. Forest Service Program Manager, at the address specified in the
To The City, at the address shown in the agreement or such other address
designated within the agreement.
Notices are effective when delivered in accordance with this provision, or on the
effective date of the notice, whichever is later.
C. PARTICIPATION IN SIMILAR ACTIVITIES. This agreement in no way restricts
the U.S. Forest Service or The City from participating in similar activities with other
public or private agencies, organizations, and individuals.
D. ENDORSEMENT. Any of The City’s contributions made under this agreement do not,
by direct reference or implication, convey U.S. Forest Service endorsement of The
City's products or activities and does not by direct reference or implication convey the
City's endorsement of the Forest Service’s products or activities.
City agree(s) that any of their employees, volunteers, and program participants shall
not be deemed to be Federal employees for any purposes including Chapter 171 of
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Title 28, United States Code (Federal Tort Claims Act) and Chapter 81 of Title 5,
United States Code (OWCP), as The City hereby willingly agree(s) to assume these
Further, The City shall provide any necessary training to The City’s employees,
volunteers, and program participants to ensure that such personnel are capable of
performing tasks to be completed. The City shall also supervise and direct the work
of its employees, volunteers, and participants performing under this agreement.
F. MEMBERS OF U.S. CONGRESS. Pursuant to 41 U.S.C. 22, no member of, or
delegate to, Congress shall be admitted to any share or part of this agreement, or
benefits that may arise therefrom, either directly or indirectly.
G. NONDISCRIMINATION. In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its
Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering
USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national
origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation,
disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public
assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights
activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply
to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program
information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should
contact the responsible Agency or USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice
and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than
To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program
Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at How to File a Program
Discrimination Complaint and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA
and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy
of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to
USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary
for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2)
fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: program.intake@usda.gov. USDA is an equal
opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
H. ELIGIBLE WORKERS. The City shall ensure that all employees complete the I-9
form to certify that they are eligible for lawful employment under the Immigration
and Nationality Act (8 USC 1324a). The City shall comply with regulations
regarding certification and retention of the completed forms. These requirements also
apply to any contract awarded under this agreement.
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(SAM). The City shall maintain current information in the System for Award
Management (SAM) until receipt of final payment. This requires review and update
to the information at least annually after the initial registration, and more frequently if
required by changes in information or agreement term(s). For purposes of this
agreement, System for Award Management (SAM) means the Federal repository into
which an entity must provide information required for the conduct of business as a
Cooperative. Additional information about registration procedures may be found at
the SAM Internet site at www.sam.gov.
1. Financial Reporting
The City shall provide complete, accurate, and current financial disclosures of the
project or program in accordance with any financial reporting requirements, as set
forth in the financial provisions.
2. Accounting Records
The City shall continuously maintain and update records identifying the source and
use of funds. The records shall contain information pertaining to the agreement,
authorizations, obligations, unobligated balances, assets, outlays, and income.
3. Internal Control
The City shall maintain effective control over and accountability for all U.S. Forest
Service funds. The City shall keep effective internal controls to ensure that all
United States Federal funds received are separately and properly allocated to the
activities described in the award/agreement and used solely for authorized purposes.
4. Source Documentation
The City shall support all accounting records with source documentation. These
documentations include, but are not limited to, cancelled checks, paid bills,
payrolls, contract documents. These documents must be made available to the U.S.
Forest Service upon request.
K. OVERPAYMENT. Any funds paid to The City in excess of the amount entitled
under the terms and conditions of this agreement constitute a debt to the Federal
Government. The following must also be considered as a debt or debts owed by The
City to the U.S. Forest Service:
- Any interest or other investment income earned on advances of agreement funds; or
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- Any royalties or other special classes of program income which, under the
provisions of the agreement, are required to be returned;
If this debt is not paid according to the terms of the bill for collection issued for the
overpayment, the U.S. Forest Service may reduce the debt by:
1. Making an administrative offset against other requests for reimbursement.
2. Withholding advance payments otherwise due to The City.
3. Taking other action permitted by statute (31 U.S.C. 3716 and 7 CFR, Part 3,
Subpart B).
Except as otherwise provided by law, the U.S. Forest Service may charge interest on
an overdue debt.
L. AGREEMENT CLOSEOUT. Within 90 days after expiration or notice of
termination the parties shall close out the agreement.
Any unobligated balance of cash advanced to The City must be immediately refunded
to the U.S. Forest Service, including any interest earned in accordance with 2 CFR
Part 200, Subpart D, 200.305.
Within a maximum of 90 days following the date of expiration or termination of this
agreement, all financial performance and related reports required by the terms of the
agreement must be submitted to the U.S. Forest Service by The City.
If this agreement is closed out without audit, the U.S. Forest Service reserves the right
to disallow and recover an appropriate amount after fully considering any
recommended disallowances resulting from an audit which may be conducted later.
M. PROGRAM PERFORMANCE REPORTS The parties to this agreement shall
monitor the performance of the agreement activities to ensure that performance goals
are being achieved.
Performance reports must contain information on the following:
- A Summary of Project Accomplishments.
- Reason(s) for delay if established goals were not met.
- Additional pertinent information.
The City shall submit annual performance reports to the U.S. Forest Service Program
Manager. These reports are due 90 days after the reporting period. The final
performance report shall be submitted either with The City’s final payment request,
or separately, but not later than 90 days from the expiration date of the agreement.
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retain all records pertinent to this agreement for a period of no less than 3 years from
the expiration or termination date. As used in this provision, records includes books,
documents, accounting procedures and practice, and other data, regardless of the type
or format. The City shall provide access and the right to examine all records related
to this agreement to the U.S. Forest Service Inspector General, or Comptroller
General or their authorized representative. The rights of access in this section must
not be limited to the required retention period but must last as long as the records are
If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, or other action involving the records has
been started before the end of the 3-year period, the records must be kept until all
issues are resolved, or until the end of the regular 3-year period, whichever is later.
Records for nonexpendable property acquired in whole or in part, with Federal funds
must be retained for 3 years after its final disposition.
O. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA). Public access to agreement records
must not be limited, except when such records must be kept confidential and would
have been exempted from disclosure pursuant to Freedom of Information regulations
(5 U.S.C. 552). ). Requests for research data are subject to 2 CFR 215.36.
Public access to culturally sensitive data and information of Federally-recognized
Tribes may also be explicitly limited by P.L. 110-234, Title VIII Subtitle B §8106
(2009 Farm Bill).
P. TEXT MESSAGING WHILE DRIVING. In accordance with Executive Order (EO)
13513, “Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving,” any and
all text messaging by Federal employees is banned: a) while driving a Government
owned vehicle (GOV) or driving a privately owned vehicle (POV) while on official
Government business; or b) using any electronic equipment supplied by the
Government when driving any vehicle at any time. All cooperators, their employees,
volunteers, and contractors are encouraged to adopt and enforce policies that ban text
messaging when driving company owned, leased or rented vehicles, POVs or GOVs
when driving while on official Government business or when performing any work
for or on behalf of the Government.
Q. PUBLIC NOTICES. It is the U.S. Forest Service's policy to inform the public as
fully as possible of its programs and activities. The City is/are encouraged to give
public notice of the receipt of this agreement and, from time to time, to announce
progress and accomplishments. Press releases or other public notices should include a
statement substantially as follows:
"Watershed and Engineering Programs of the U. S. Forest Service, Department of
Agriculture, Custer Gallatin National Forest fully supports the Mystic Lake Beaver
Dam Removal project"
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The City may call on the U.S. Forest Service's Office of Communication for advice
regarding public notices. The City is/are requested to provide copies of notices or
announcements to the U.S. Forest Service Program Manager and to U.S. Forest
Service's Office of Communications as far in advance of release as possible.
R. FUNDING EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES. Federal funding under this agreement is
not available for reimbursement of The City’s purchase of equipment and supplies.
Equipment is defined as having a fair market value of $5,000 or more per unit and a
useful life of over one year.
S. PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS. Improvements placed on National Forest System
land at the direction or with the approval of the U.S. Forest Service becomes property
of the United States. These improvements are subject to the same regulations and
administration of the U.S. Forest Service as would other National Forest
improvements of a similar nature. No part of this agreement entitles The City to any
interest in the improvements, other than the right to use them under applicable U.S.
Forest Service regulations.
T. CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS. Any contract under this agreement must be
awarded following The City’s established procurement procedures, to ensure free
and open competition, and avoid any conflict of interest (or appearance of a conflict).
The City must maintain cost and price analysis documentation for potential U.S.
Forest Service review. The City is encouraged to utilize small businesses, minority-
owned firms, and women’s business enterprises.
Forest Service support in any publications, audiovisuals, and electronic media
developed as a result of this agreement.
AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL. The City shall include the following statement, in
full, in any printed, audiovisual material, or electronic media for public distribution
developed or printed with any Federal funding.
"In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this
institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin,
sex, age, or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
To file a complaint alleging discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil
Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington DC 20250-9410 or call toll
free voice (866) 632-9992, TDD (800)877-8339, or voice relay (866) 377-
8642. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.”
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If the material is too small to permit the full statement to be included, the material
must, at minimum, include the following statement, in print size no smaller than the
"This institution is an equal opportunity provider."
fail(s) to comply with any term of the agreement, whether stated in a Federal statute
or regulation, an assurance, or the agreement, the U.S. Forest Service may take one or
more of the following actions:
1. Temporarily withhold cash payments pending correction of the deficiency by The
City or more severe enforcement action by the U.S. Forest Service;
2. Disallow (that is, deny both use of funds and matching credit for) all or part of
the cost of the activity or action not in compliance;
3. Wholly or partly suspend or terminate the current agreement for The City’s
4. Withhold further awards for the program, or
5. Take other remedies that may be legally available, including debarment
procedures under 2 CFR Part 417.
X. TERMINATION BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT. This agreement may be terminated,
in whole or part, as follows:
1. When the U.S. Forest Service and The City agree upon the termination
conditions, including the effective date and, in the case of partial termination, the
portion to be terminated.
2. By 30 days written notification by The City to the U.S. Forest Service setting
forth the reasons for termination, effective date, and in the case of partial
termination, the portion to be terminated. If the U.S. Forest Service decides that
the remaining portion of the agreement does not accomplish the purpose for
which the award/agreement was made, the Forest Service may terminate the
award upon 30 days written notice in its entirety.
Upon termination of an agreement, The City shall not incur any new obligations for
the terminated portion of the agreement after the effective date, and shall cancel as
many outstanding obligations as possible. The U.S. Forest Service shall allow full
credit to The City for the United States Federal share of the non-cancelable
obligations properly incurred by The City up to the effective date of the termination.
Excess funds must be refunded within 60 days after the effective date of termination.
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event of any issue of controversy under this agreement, the parties may pursue
Alternate Dispute Resolution procedures to voluntarily resolve those issues. These
procedures may include, but are not limited to conciliation, facilitation, mediation,
and fact finding.
Z. DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION. The City shall immediately inform the U.S.
Forest Service if they or any of their principals are presently excluded, debarred, or
suspended from entering into covered transactions with the Federal Government
according to the terms of 2 CFR Part 180. Additionally, should The City or any of
their principals receive a transmittal letter or other official Federal notice of
debarment or suspension, then they shall notify the U.S. Forest Service without undue
delay. This applies whether the exclusion, debarment, or suspension is voluntary or
non federal government entities working on this agreement will adhere to the below
provisions found in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016, Pub. L. 114-113,
relating to reporting fraud, waste and abuse to authorities:
(a) The recipient may not require its employees, contractors, or
subrecipients seeking to report fraud, waste, or abuse to sign or comply
with internal confidentiality agreements or statements prohibiting or
otherwise restricting them from lawfully reporting that waste, fraud, or
abuse to a designated investigative or law enforcement representative
of a Federal department or agency authorized to receive such
(b) The recipient must notify its employees, contractors, or subrecipients
that the prohibitions and restrictions of any internal confidentiality
agreements inconsistent with paragraph (a) of this award provision are
no longer in effect.
(c) The prohibition in paragraph (a) of this award provision does not
contravene requirements applicable to any other form issued by a
Federal department or agency governing the nondisclosure of
classified information.
(d) If the Government determines that the recipient is not in compliance
with this award provision, it:
(1) Will prohibit the recipient's use of funds under this award, in accordance
with sections 743, 744 of Division E of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2016, (Pub. L. 114-113) or any successor provision of law;
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Burden Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection
of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0596-0217. The
time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 4 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin,
age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political
beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all
programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.)
should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at 202-720-2600 (voice and TDD).
To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-
9410 or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (voice). TDD users can contact USDA through local relay or the Federal relay at (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or
(866) 377-8642 (relay voice). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
U.S. Forest Service OMB 0596-0217
USFS Agreement No.:Mod. No.:
Cooperator Agreement No.:
Financial Plan Matrix:Note: All columns may not be used. Use depends on source and type of contribution(s).
(a) (b)(c)(d)
COST ELEMENTS Noncash to Noncash In-Kind
Direct Costs Cooperator
Salaries/Labor $9,101.09 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,101.09
Travel $312.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $312.00
Equipment $3,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00
Supplies/Materials $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Printing $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Other $0.00 $29,000.00 $31,300.00 $0.00 $60,300.00
Other $0.00
Subtotal $12,413.09 $29,000.00 $31,300.00 $0.00 $72,713.09
Coop Indirect Costs $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
FS Overhead Costs $1,117.18 $1,117.18
Total $13,530.27 $29,000.00 $31,300.00 $0.00
(a+b) ÷ (e) = (f)
Total Cooperator Share
(c+d) ÷ (e) = (g)
Total (f+g) = (h)
Total Project Value:
Agreements Financial Plan (Short Form)
Note: This Financial Plan may be used when:
(1) No program income is expected and
(2) The Cooperator is not giving cash to the FS and
(3) There is no other Federal funding
Matching Costs Determination
Total Forest Service Share =(f)
Page 1
Standard Calculation
Job Description # Employee Cost/Day # of Days Total
Forest Engineer (Kempff)$418.52 6.00 $2,511.12
Bozeman District Ranger $500.00 4.00 $2,000.00
Forest Aviation Officer (Christman)$473.33 2.00 $946.66
Forest Aviation Crew 3 $750.00 1.00 $750.00
Resource Specialist / Hydrologist (White)$413.33 7.00 $2,893.31
Non-Standard Calculation
Total Salaries/Labor $9,101.09
Standard Calculation
Travel Expense Employees Cost/Trip # of Trips Total
Mileage to and from project site $26.00 12.00 $312.00
Non-Standard Calculation
Total Travel $312.00
Piece of Equipment # of Units Cost/Day # of Days Total
Helicopter Support 1.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00
FS Non-Cash Contribution Cost Analysis, Column (a)
Standard Calculation
Non-Standard Calculation
Use this worksheet to perform the cost analysis that supports the lump sum figures provided in the
matrix. NOTE: This worksheet auto populates the relevant and applicable matrix cells.
Cost element sections may be deleted or lines may be hidden, if not applicable. Line items may be
added or deleted as needed. The Standard Calculation sections provide a standardized formula for
determing a line item's cost, e.g. cost/day x # of days=total, where the total is calculated automatically.
The Non-Standard Calculation sections provide a write-in area for line items that require a calculation
formula that is other than the standardized formules, e.g. instead of salaries being calculated by
cost/day x # of days, costs may be calculated simply by a contracted value that is not dependent on
days worked, such as 1 employee x $1,200/contract= $1,200. Be sure to review your calculations when
entering in a Non-Standard Calculation, and provide a brief explanation of units used to make
calculation, e.g. '1 month contract,' on a line below the figures.
Total Equipment $3,000.00
Supplies/Materials # of Items Cost/Item Total
Total Supplies/Materials $0.00
Paper Material # of Units Cost/Unit Total
Total Printing $0.00
Item # of Units Cost/Unit Total
Total Other $0.00
Current Overhead Rate Total
Total FS Overhead Costs $1,117.18
Subtotal Direct Costs
Forest Service Overhead Costs
TOTAL COST $13,530.27
Other Expenses
Subtotal Direct Costs
Non-Standard Calculation
Standard Calculation
Standard Calculation
Standard Calculation
Non-Standard Calculation
Non-Standard Calculation
Job Description Cost/Day # of Days Total
Total Salaries/Labor $0.00
Travel Expense Employees Cost/Trip # of Trips Total
Total Travel $0.00
Piece of Equipment # of Units Cost/Day # of Days Total
Standard Calculation
Standard Calculation
Standard Calculation
Non-Standard Calculation
Non-Standard Calculation
Non-Standard Calculation
FS Cash to the Cooperator Cost Analysis, Column (b)
Use this worksheet to perform the cost analysis that supports the lump sum figures provided in the
matrix. NOTE: This worksheet auto populates the relevant and applicable matrix cells.
Cost element sections may be deleted or lines may be hidden, if not applicable. Line items may be
added or deleted as needed. The Standard Calculation sections provide a standardized formula for
determing a line item's cost, e.g. cost/day x # of days=total, where the total is calculated automatically.
The Non-Standard Calculation sections provide a write-in area for line items that require a calculation
formula that is other than the standardized formules, e.g. instead of salaries being calculated by
cost/day x # of days, costs may be calculated simply by a contracted value that is not dependent on
days worked, such as 1 employee x $1,200/contract= $1,200. Be sure to review your calculations when
entering in a Non-Standard Calculation, and provide a brief explanation of units used to make
calculation, e.g. '1 month contract,' on a line below the figures.
Total Equipment $0.00
Supplies/Materials # of Items Cost/Item Total
Total Supplies/Materials $0.00
Paper Material # of Units Cost/Unit Total
Total Printing $0.00
Item # of Units Cost/Unit Total
Mystic Lake Beaver Dam 1.00 $29,000.00 $29,000.00
Removal Contract/Consultant $0.00
Total Other $29,000.00
Current Overhead Rate Total
Standard Calculation
TOTAL COST $29,000.00
Total Coop. Indirect Costs
Other Expenses
Subtotal Direct Costs
Cooperator Indirect Costs
Subtotal Direct Costs
Non-Standard Calculation
Standard Calculation
Standard Calculation
Non-Standard Calculation
Non-Standard Calculation
Job Description Cost/Day # of Days Total
Total Salaries/Labor $0.00
Travel Expense Employees Cost/Trip # of Trips Total
Total Travel $0.00
Piece of Equipment # of Units Cost/Day # of Days Total
Non-Standard Calculation
Non-Standard Calculation
Non-Standard Calculation
Cooperator Non-Cash Contribution Cost Analysis, Column (c)
Use this worksheet to perform the cost analysis that supports the lump sum figures provided in the matrix.
NOTE: This worksheet auto populates the relevant and applicable matrix cells.
Cost element sections may be deleted or lines may be hidden, if not applicable. Line items may be added or
deleted as needed. The Standard Calculation sections provide a standardized formula for determing a line
item's cost, e.g. cost/day x # of days=total, where the total is calculated automatically. The Non-Standard
Calculation sections provide a write-in area for line items that require a calculation formula that is other than the
standardized formules, e.g. instead of salaries being calculated by cost/day x # of days, costs may be calculated
simply by a contracted value that is not dependent on days worked, such as 1 employee x $1,200/contract=
$1,200. Be sure to review your calculations when entering in a Non-Standard Calculation, and provide a brief
explanation of units used to make calculation, e.g. '1 month contract,' on a line below the figures.
Standard Calculation
Standard Calculation
Standard Calculation
Total Equipment $0.00
Supplies/Materials # of Items Cost/Item Total
Total Supplies/Materials $0.00
Paper Material # of Units Cost/Unit Total
Total Printing $0.00
Item # of Units Cost/Unit Total
Mystic Lake Beaver Dam 1.00 $31,300.00 $31,300.00
Removal Contract/Consultant $0.00
Total Other $31,300.00
Current Overhead Rate Total
Non-Standard Calculation
Standard Calculation
TOTAL COST $31,300.00
Total Coop. Indirect Costs
Other Expenses
Subtotal Direct Costs
Cooperator Indirect Costs
Subtotal Direct Costs
Non-Standard Calculation
Standard Calculation
Non-Standard Calculation
Standard Calculation
Exhibit A: Scope of Services
1 | P a g e
The following scope is to be completed by November 30th, 2017. The contract will be with
the City of Bozeman. The owner of the property is the United States Forest Service.
Task 1.0 - Project Management
Tasks Coordination of Services for the Owner
Communication with the USFS and City of Bozeman
Overall Management of Schedule and Budget for Project
Development of Project Management Plan
Bi-Weekly Team Coordination Conference Calls
Monthly Progress Reports
Deliverables Monthly Progress Reports
Lump Sum $3,200
Task 2.0 – Planning and Engineering
Tasks Site Visit and Investigation
Siphon Feasibility Evaluation
Evaluation and Description of Ancillary Systems for Siphon
Description of work requirements
Coordination of informal bidding from contractors for the work
Lump Sum $9,000
Task 3.0 – Procurement and Delivery of HDPE Pipe to Sourdough WTP
Tasks Procure HDPE pipe and transport pipe to Sourdough WTP
7024 Sourdough Canyon Road
Bozeman, MT 59715
Summary of pipe diameters and lengths are shown in the
table below.
Lump Sum $8,200
Task 4.0 – Fuse HDPE and Install Siphon
Tasks Fuse approximately 100-foot sections of HDPE pipe on the
grounds of the City of Bozeman’s Sourdough WTP, located at
7024 Sourdough Canyon Road. Fusing shall be per attached
specification section 02670.
Joints between plain end pipes and fittings shall be made by
butt fusion or electrofusion type polyethylene fittings (ASTM
Exhibit A: Scope of Services
2 | P a g e
Heat fusion joints shall be installed in accordance with ASTM
Joints shall be made capable of supporting the full weight of
100 ft lengths of HDPE pipe for transport by helicopter to the
Refer to Specification Section 02670.
Coordinate with USFS for transport of pipe with helicopter to
beaver dam for installation.
Lump Sum $3,600
Task 4.A – Transport Pipe and Materials to Mystic Lake by Truck and Trailer
Tasks Transport Pipe and Materials to Mystic Lake for subsequent
fusing (per attached specification section 02670), assembly
and installation.
Lump Sum $12,600*
*Task 4.A is an alternate to Task 4.0 and is based on vehicle access remaining possible from
complete mobilization to de-mobilization. In an event that the road becomes impassable to truck
and trailer, material would need to be stored until conditions allow.
Task 5.0 – Install and Initiate Siphon
Tasks Transport materials including hay bales, vacuum pump(s),
generator, screens and other materials to beaver dam location.
Install hay bales or native rock temporary low head dam to
submerge the siphon discharge in stream bed below beaver dam.
Ensure all materials utilized are certified weed free.
Install erosion blanket material in area of work.
Install valved connections on the crown of the HDPE pipe for
vacuum pump connection, withdrawal of air and/or filling of pipe
to initiate siphon.
Install energy dissipation material to prevent stream channel
erosion from siphon discharge
Install upstream end of siphon in Mystic Lake and required
materials for proper suction and discharge. It is estimated that
the siphon will need to extend at least 30 feet into Mystic Lake to
enable submersion as lake level is lowered.
Install 1” screen / cage on inlet of siphon to prevent blockage
from debris, fish intake, and to inhibit vortices
Start siphon and ensure flow through siphon is stable
Lump Sum $20,000
Exhibit A: Scope of Services
3 | P a g e
Task 6.0 – As Needed Services During Lake Drawdown
Tasks Provide as needed services during lake drawdown to maintain
siphon and ensure stable flow through siphon.
Siphon observation will be provided by Others (us) but
Contractor will provide on-call/as-needed services to modify
siphon if needed to maintain performance.
Lump Sum $7,500
Task 7.0 – Beaver Dam Removal
Tasks Mobilization of excavator to beaver dam site location.
Access to site location will utilize Moser Creek Road to Mystic
Remove beaver dam in progressive portions as it is exposed by
drawdown of the lake level.
Coordinate with City and USFS for timing of beaver dam removal
based on water levels of the lake and the exposure of the beaver
Continue to remove beaver dam materials until the beaver dam
is removed to a level that maintains sufficient lake volume for
fishery (assumed 2 feet nominal dam height).
Haul beaver dam materials approximately 0.5 miles along the
road to the southeast of the lake where the materials can be
unloaded in a location specified by the USFS.
The beaver dam has the approximate dimensions of 12ft L x 18 ft
W x 7 ft H.
Lump Sum $5,600
Task 8.0 – Siphon Removal and Site Restoration
Tasks Remove siphon piping and all construction materials from site
and stream channel.
Restore site to previous condition to the extent possible.
Lump Sum $3,000
Exhibit A: Scope of Services
4 | P a g e
Task 9.0 – Adhere to USFS Project Design Criteria/Mitigation Requirements
Tasks Adhere to USFS project design criteria and mitigation
requirements as described below.
Lump Sum $1,200
Forest Service Project Design Criteria/Mitigation Requirements:
1. The Forest Service will obtain the state and federal stream alteration permits required
for the work. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of these permits.
2. Traffic control and site safety shall be the sole responsibility of Contractor. Cordon off
the work area using barricade tape or construction fence. Adequate signs, barricades,
cones, and other methods or devices shall be utilized. Coordinate with the Forest
Service on signage and barricade placement.
3. The Contractor will be issued a key to the local road gate for the duration of
construction activities. The Contractor shall be responsible for keeping the gate closed
and locked at all times in order to prevent public access to the roads. All access to the
work site shall be via Moser Creek Road.
4. The Contractor, all subcontractors, and all employees of the Contractor or
subcontractors, shall not utilize motorized access to the Bozeman Creek watershed for
any purpose other than to complete the work. Access for recreational purposes shall be
solely by non-motorized means as required for the general public.
5. In order to reduce the potential spread of noxious weeds onto National Forest System
lands, the contractor will be required to clean all construction equipment prior to the
equipment entering the National Forest boundary. Equipment will be considered free of
soil, seed, and other such debris when a visual inspection does not disclose such
material. Disassembly of equipment, components or the need for specialized inspection
tools is not required. Notify the Forest Service in writing at least 72 hours before
moving any construction equipment onto the national forest. Notification will include
an agreed upon location where the equipment will be available for inspection by the
Forest Service. Inspection will be required after every cleaning.
6. All materials brought from off-Forest shall originate from weed-free sources. Hay or
straw bales, wattles, and any other products containing plant-sourced materials, shall
be certified weed-free by the manufacturer/supplier.
Exhibit A: Scope of Services
5 | P a g e
7. The Contractor shall confine all operations (including storage of materials) to areas
authorized or approved by the Forest Service and shall not deposit rocks, excavated
materials, or other debris outside of these limits. Contractor shall be solely responsible
for the loss of or damage to materials stored on Forest Service lands or elsewhere.
8. Conduct all operations in a manner that minimizes the footprint and impact of soil and
vegetation disturbance as much as feasible.
9. The work location does not coincide with any known archeological or historic sites. If a
previously unidentified archeological or historic site is encountered, the Contractor shall
immediately discontinue work in the general area of the site and notify the Forest
Service immediately.
10. The Contractor is solely responsible for all spills or leaks that occur during the
performance of this contract. Immediately report, document, and clean up spills or leaks
to the satisfaction of the Forest Servcie and in a manner that complies with Federal,
state, and local laws and regulations.
11. All food, beverages, and scented or flavored toiletries must be stored unavailable to
bears at night and when unattended during the day. Attractants include canned food,
pop, beer, garbage, grease, livestock or pet food, toothpaste, and chapstick. They must
be hung at least 10-feet off the ground and 4-feet from any vertical support, or stored
inside a bear resistant container or vehicle. Cars, pick-up cabs, enclosed horse trailers,
hard sided campers or camper shells are all considered bear resistant. Food should be
stored out of sight in vehicles. Coolers, pop-up campers, backpacks, and tents are not
considered bear resistant.
12. Material generated by the beaver dam removal shall be disposed of at a location
designated by the Forest Service. Other project waste materials (e.g., non-native
materials) shall be removed from the Government lands and disposed of legally.
13. Maintain the project work areas in a clean and orderly condition throughout the
progress of work under this contract. Upon completing the work, the Contractor shall
remove from the work and premises any rubbish, tools, equipment, and materials that
are not the property of the Forest Service. Upon completing the work, the Contractor
shall leave the work areas in a clean, neat, and orderly condition satisfactory to the
Forest Service.
14. Site rehab shall include de-compaction of compacted soils and filling all ruts, holes, and
depressions created by the work. Restore all disturbed areas to their original grade and
create a smooth, loose soil surface for seeding and mulching. Do not compact or
Exhibit A: Scope of Services
6 | P a g e
“smear” the soil surface. Seed with Forest Service-supplied seed and then mulch with
certified weed-free straw.
Summary of Lump Sum Pricing:
Task Description Lump Sum Price
Task 1.0 Project Management $3,200
Task 2.0 Planning and Engineering $9,000
Task 3.0 Procure and Deliver HDPE Pipe to Sourdough WTP $8,200
Task 4.0 Fuse HDPE and Install Siphon $3,600
Task 4.A Transport Pipe and Materials to Mystic Lake $12,600
Task 5.0 Install and Initiate Siphon $20,000
Task 6.0 As-Needed Services During Lake Drawdown $7,500
Task 7.0 Beaver Dam Removal $5,600
Task 8.0 Siphon Removal and Site Restoration $3,000
Task 9.0 Adhere to Forest Service Design Criteria/Mitigation $1,200
Total Lump Sum (With Task 4.0) $61,300
Total Lump Sum (With Task 4.A) $70,300
*NOTE: Task 4.A is an Alternate to Task 4.0
Exhibit A: Scope of Services
7 | P a g e
A. Section includes:
1. Acceptable fusion technique and practice for pipe and safe
handling and storage.
B. Related Sections include, but are not limited to:
1. Section 01025 – Measurement and Payment.
2. Section 01039 – Coordination and Meetings.
3. Section 01300 – Submittals.
4. Section 01400 – Quality Control.
5. Section 01600 – Material and Equipment.
6. Section 02667 – System Water Lines.
7. Section 02675 – Disinfection of Water System.
8. Section 02704 – Pipeline Pressure and Leakage Testing.
A. Per Section 02667 – System Water Lines.
A. Fusion Technician Requirements
1. Fusion Technician shall be fully qualified by the pipe supplier to
install fusible pipe of the type(s) and size(s) being used.
Qualification shall be current as of the actual date of fusion
performance on the project.
A. Per Section 01300 – Submittals.
B. The following Product Data is required from the pipe supplier and/or fusion
1. Name of the pipe manufacturer and a list of the piping and
quantities to be provided by manufacturer.
2. Product data and pipe supplier data indicating conformance with
this specification and applicable standards, including written
documentation regarding any intended variance from this
specification and applicable standards. This will include experience
of pipe supplier by years and number of projects; warranty
Exhibit A: Scope of Services
8 | P a g e
information; and independent laboratory testing certification.
3. Material and pipe property testing in conformance with this
specification and applicable standards indicating conformance from
the pipe extruder per AWWA C900 and AWWA C905.
C. Test results will be prepared and made available from the pipe extruder to
the Owner or Engineer for each extrusion run.
D. Fusion joint data and fusion technician data indicating conformance with
this specification and applicable standards, including written
documentation regarding any intended variance from this specification and
applicable standards. This will include fusion joint warranty information
and recommended project specific fusion parameters, including criteria
logged and recorded by data logger.
A. Per Section 01700 – Contract Closeout.
B. Fusion report for each fusion joint performed on the project, including
joints that were rejected. Submittals of the Fusion Technician’s joint
reports are required as requested by the Owner or Engineer. Specific
requirements of the Fusion Technician’s joint report shall include:
1. Pipe Size and Dimensions.
2. Machine Size.
3. Fusion Technician Identification.
4. Job Identification Number.
5. Fusion Number.
6. Fusion, Heating, and Drag Pressure Settings.
7. Heat Plate Temperature.
8. Time Stamp.
9. Heating and Cool Down Time of Fusion.
10. Ambient Temperature.
A. Manufacturer Requirements
1. Fusible High Density Polyethylene pipe shall be tested at the
extrusion facility for properties required to meet all applicable
parameters as outlined in AWWA C901, AWWA C906, and Section
02667. Testing priority shall be in conformance with AWWA C901
and AWWA C906 as applicable. Pipe may be shipped in 40 or 50
foot lengths
Exhibit A: Scope of Services
9 | P a g e
A. Fusible pipe lengths shall be assembled in the field with butt-fused joints.
Follow the pipe supplier’s written instructions for this procedure. Joint
strength shall be equal to the pipe as demonstrated by testing
requirements. All fusion joints shall be completed as described in this
A. All pipe shall be bundled or packaged to provide adequate protection of
the ends during transportation to the site. Any pipe damaged in shipment
shall be replaced as directed by the Owner or Engineer.
B. Each pipe shipment should be inspected prior to unloading to see if the
load has shifted or otherwise been damaged.
C. Each pipe shipment should be checked for quantity and proper pipe size,
color, and type.
D. Pipe should be loaded, off-loaded, and otherwise handled in accordance
with manufacturer’s instructions.
E. Off-loading devices such as chains, wire rope, chokers, or other pipe
handling implements that may scratch, nick, cut, or gouge the pipe are
strictly prohibited.
F. During removal and handling, be sure that the pipe does not strike
anything. Significant impact could cause damage, particularly during cold
G. If appropriate unloading equipment is not available, pipe may be unloaded
by removing individual pieces. Care should be taken to insure that pipe is
not dropped or damaged. Pipe should be carefully lowered, not dropped,
from trucks.
H. In preparation for pipe installation, placement of pipe should be as close to
the fusion area as practical.
A. Any length of pipe showing a crack or which has received a blow that may
have caused an incident fracture, even though no such fracture can be
seen, shall be marked as rejected and removed at once from the Work.
Damaged areas, or possible areas of damage may be removed by cutting
Exhibit A: Scope of Services
10 | P a g e
out and removing the suspected incident fracture area. Limits of the
acceptable length of pipe shall be determined by the Owner or Engineer.
B. Any scratch or gouge greater than 10% of the wall thickness will be
considered significant and can be rejected unless determined acceptable
by Owner or Engineer.
C. Pipe lengths should be stored and placed on level ground. Pipe should be
stored at the job site in the unit packaging provided by the manufacturer.
Caution should be exercised to avoid compression, damage, or
deformation to the ends of the pipe. The interior or the pipe, as well as all
end surfaces, should be kept free from dirt and foreign matter.
D. Pipe shall be handled and supported with the use of woven fiber pipe
slings or approved equal. Care shall be exercised when handling the pipe
to not cut, gouge, scratch or otherwise abrade the piping in any way. Use
of hooks, chains, wire rope or any other handling device which creates the
opportunity to damage the surface of the pipe is strictly prohibited.
E. After delivery to the project site, fusible pipe shall be stored at ambient
temperature and protected from ultraviolet light degradation. If pipe is to
be stored for periods of 6 months or longer, the pipe must be shaded or
otherwise shielded from direct sunlight. Covering of the pipe which allows
for temperature build-up is strictly prohibited. Pipe should be covered with
an opaque material while permitting adequate air circulation above and
around the pipe as required preventing excess heat accumulation.
F. Racks or dunnage to prevent damage to the bottom of the pipe during
storage should support the pipe lengths. Supports should be spaced to
prevent pipe bending and deformation. The pipe shall be stored in stacks
no higher than that given in the following table:
Pipe Diameter (inches) Max. No. of Rows Stacked
8 or less 5
12 to 21 4
24 to 30 3
A. General
1. Fusible pipe will be handled in a safer and non-destructive manner
before, during, and after the fusion process and in accordance with
Exhibit A: Scope of Services
11 | P a g e
pipe supplier’s recommendations.
2. Pipe will be fused by qualified fusion technicians, as documented
by the pipe supplier. Training records for qualified fusion
technicians shall be available to Owner or Engineer upon request.
3. Each joint fusion shall be recorded and logged by an electronic
monitoring device (data logger) affixed to the fusion machine. Joint
data shall be submitted as part of the As-Recorded information.
4. The fusible pipe will be installed in a manner so as not to exceed
the recommended bending radius.
5. Where fusible pipe is installed by pulling in tension, the
recommended Safe Pulling Force, according to the pipe supplier,
shall not be exceeded.
6. Only appropriately sized, and outfitted fusion machines that have
been approved by the pipe supplier shall be used for the fusion
process. Fusion machines must incorporate the following
properties, including the following elements:
a. HEAT PLATE – Heat Plates shall be in good condition with
no deep gouges or scratches within the pipe circle being
fused. Plates shall be clean and free of any contamination.
Heater controls shall properly function, and cord and plug
shall be in good condition. The appropriately sized heat
plate shall be capable of maintaining a uniform and
consistent heat profile and temperature for the size of pipe
being fused, per the pipe supplier’s recommendations.
b. CARRIAGE – Carriage shall travel smoothly with no binding
at less than 50 psi. Jaws shall be in good condition with
proper inserts for the pipe size being fused. Insert pins shall
be installed with no interference to carriage travel.
c. GENERAL MACHINE – Overview of machine body shall
yield no obvious defects, missing parts, or potential safety
issues during fusion.
d. DATALOGGER – The current version of the pipe supplier’s
recommended and compatible software shall be used.
Protective case shall be utilized for the hand held wireless
portion of the unit. Datalogger operations and maintenance
manual shall be with the unit at all times. If fusing for
extended periods of time, an independent 110V power
source shall be available to extend battery life.
7. Other equipment specifically required for the fusion process shall
include the following:
a. Pipe rollers shall be used for support of pipe to either side of
the machine.
b. A weather protection canopy that allows full machine motion
of the heat plate, fusion assembly and carriage shall be
provided for fusion in inclement and/or windy weather.
Exhibit A: Scope of Services
12 | P a g e
c. Fusion machine operations and maintenance manual shall
be kept with the fusion machine at all times.
d. Facing blades specifically designed for cutting the selected
fusible pipe.
B. Joint Recording
1. Each fusion joint shall be recorded and logged by an electronic
monitoring device (data logger) connected to the fusion machine.
The fusion data logging and joint report shall be generated by
software developed specifically for the butt-fusion of thermoplastic
pipe. The software shall register and/or record the parameters
required by the manufacturer and these specifications. Data not
logged by the data logger shall be logged manually and be included
in the Fusion Technician’s joint report.