HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-15-18 City Commission Packet Materials - SP2. Growth Policy Update and Events Presentation - SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS MT BOZEMAN COMMUNITYPLAN Shaping Our Future Together r :. 1 City If Commission Update Presentation, October 2018 AGENDA �. Welcome ��. Phase 1 : Founda-Lion i. Summary �n. Phase 2 : Analysis Et Vision i. Preliminary StFucture L,- Vision Themes iv. Next Steps 4 _ _, f�ill►,� t C!-�:�t��. 1e '_ "f.�, � � -, - yam'-{�o,-r� y - � �^�. An �I. rl �.firms i� �,•.. 1�1���4� �` _ �- � '@ 71`' sr�' `r-_ r ,�, Phase 1 : Foundation Phase 1 : Foundation Notification • Social media (Facebook/Twitter) • Posicards at high ly-trafficked locations &t events • Printed flyers throughout the community • The City's website and event calendar • Direct e-mail contact for city staff, stakeholders, and board members Community Involvement • One-on-One Interviews • Small Group Listening Sessions • Planning Board and City 360 + Commission Meetings • City Staff Meeting GA• "Y`" O • Ice Cream Social at Dinosaur Park • Online Questionnaire Other Community Involvement • 144 online survey BOZ E MAN MT ♦ responses PROJECT 165+ participants in 5 150+ participants community workshops 90% Bozeman residents • 227 comments overall - sticky notes, flags, postcards • 68 stakeholder interviews 520 + tiR Who We Heard From • Nearly 80% of respondents stated that they live and work in Bozeman • The Northeast, Northwest, and Southeast neighborhoods were the strongest represented areas • Approximately 56% of respondents have lived in the County for more than 11 years • 30-39 year olds were the most well- represented , comprising 26.4% of all respondents Who We Heard From , Neighborhood The areas in the Northeast, Northwest; and Southeast were the strongest represented areas of the City. 30 25 - - -- - - - 20 - - - ---- ....- - - L 15 Q. 10' 5 - 0 - Northeast Northwest Southwest Soudwast I live outside of Bozeman Who We Heard From , Neighborhood The areas in the Northeast, Northwest, and Southeast were the strongest represented areas of the City- ' • � � r Y ------------- ti .... __ .... . • What do you LOVE about Bozeman? Local Food Scene Architecture RestaForward Thinking Parks' & RecreLocal "'anstion Community Pride Ouality atural Beauty Shopping City Staff SchookHousing Options AffordabilitConnectivity Bike/Trail Network Preservation Comfortable Pet Friendly Authentic • Open Spoor Li ace Historic Nature Sense Of Place0 Farmers Market 1N alkabiiity e YleCommunity Events The 'People Public Transportation Family Friendly Climate .fob Market Local Business Cleanliness Arts And Culture MGdel City Local Government Safety Central Locationmail Tiown Fee Pe rfect Size Diversity New Developments Inclusive EmploymeniOpportunities Accessible Downtown Library Mountain Views What do you LOVE about Bozeman? Top 10 List : ,. Outdoor Lifestyle e. Schools z. Small gown Feel 7. Family-Friendly 3. Quality of Life s. The People 4. Downtown 9. Bike/Trail Network s. Parks and Recreation ,o. Public Transportation What wou Id you like to IMPROVE? Improve Connectivity Diversify Job Sectors Land Use Integration and Compatibility Historic Preservation Address Mental Health Improve Safety City-wide Focus Increase Walkabilityconsider Aging Population Improve Trails Improve Transparency Manage Growth Address Taxes Multimodal Transportation Focus on West Side Alleviate Traffic Focus on Education Address City Boundaries Rsource Management Preserve Farmland and Open Space'I'ncentivizeDevelopment Create an Identity Grow Workforce Improve Public Maintenance Expand Public Art Reduce Regulations . i Improve Infrastructure Housing Affordab i I i Add Parks Retain Talent Better Transit Access Healthcare Local Employee Wages Quality of Design Preserve the character Greater Access to Services Enhanced Amenities Infill and Revitalization Regional Coordination 1111111M What would you like to IMPROVE." Top -yen List : ,. Multimodal Transportation e. Land Use Integration and z. Preserve Farmland and Compatibility Open Space 7. Infill and Revitalization s. Housing Affordability $• Diversify Job Sectors a. Walkability 9• Grow Workforce 5. Quality of Design ,o. Address City Boundaries In 2040, Bozeman will be. . . Resource Management Technology Hub Regionol Growth Preserved Diverse Housing Stoc4r lContro �.ed GrowthVibrant cal Business Welcoming Green belt Same As Today Small Tdown FeelcompactDenseModel Cit T Environmental) Conscious v Expanded Parks System Trail NetworkBest City to Montana ,Largest Montano City ulti Modal ' eiSustainableDistinct Neighborhoods SmartCty ThrivingImproved PockinAffordable WalkableMore Accessible Services Job Center Diverse Ample Housing High Quality Life g i kea b l e Inclusive Communil, Mixed Use Communities Comfortable Well Preseedery Improved Infrastructure Enhanced Housing Stock [ �-�� 2040, Bozeman will be.. . Top Ten Ust : ,. Multimodal Transportation e. Expensive z. More Affordable 7. Sprawled s. Small Town Feel s. Dense a. High Quality of Life 9. Well-Preserved s. Controlled Growth ,o. Walkable - - 908 MAIN r L f l fI �' i r '� '•S..S. c'.,yt. ,q?T",. i YY, A�6 �.._ .. ;r ;in+t�,;}.y .�r •1,�tc�!�f-r*.^s3' 'fi� ~ gz Phase 2: Analysis + Vision Preliminary Structure and Vision Themes Preliminary Vision Themes Vision Themes Et Strategic Plan Relationship Strategic Plan Elements Vision ThemesEnp3ed eommvnlry L2C,.,.M1 `° mN'n°P This matrix Y L2CPmmnnlryEnE.e.m.nt Ip L3 Public AEanclo4 Colleboratlon d La Basineaa.na mnuonon,I PertnvrsnlPs 2.Anlnn°y,tl aEcnnnmy represents G 3.1 Buslnesa Growth 9 i2lninstrvnere Inrustmune ly - L3 Worklorce Develoomrnt Partn h1,,.m SwrEconomm VBalhv the F- C min commnm .. N E.:• 3A Public Safety 3.2 Health&Se let EM 3.3 FrlendtV Com unlit°° relationship 43 O n rownh 3AA—Recraet- EO. c N a�A PlennedClty PlanNemc between e 4.1 inrme fod cPnyersetlon o a UO O_ 4.2 HICK Quality urban...1—h ` � Q3 Stnnelc Infrastructure ChalcPs m C 4.4VibrantDowntown,DL•trlrts&Center. the Vision (D A 'p 4.5 Housing end tra n:PPrtnuon CM1alce: G C 0 5-ACnetwe,leemine Cultun �3 0 52CIyIa.ndCuP.h1knn rD DrP Themes C V 5.25uopnrt far Publk Art C C N 5.3 PertnvrshlPs for Education earl learn Ing 3 C 6-ASustelnably Envlmnment Y O Q O D b.l Clean Water SPDDlIei 6.2 Pm locvl Ak Qnaldy and the to o , 63CIIm.teARIDn k.m r v &5 Cllmetn il.& pen Space Pntl MILCn elements o f � t � 6.5 Pedcs.Trolls&OPen Space O •� O Bl )-A HIeh Parfarm,nm DM-ntlen - ,rrun N Z u 3 Ti 7.1 Velues.Drlvvn Culture SL C 7 7.2 fmPleyee Ee<ellence t h e O Q C Ur Bnl PnNns,C nal M ry&ForeslCM1t � )).4.3 Performance Menlcs v U V U U 7.5 FundlneerM Del{very of[Iry Services 4-AWell-Planned City Plan Name Strategic 4.1 Informed Conversation on Growth Plan. 4.2 High Quality Urban Approach Unifled Development Code 4.3 Strategic Infrastructure Choices Downtown Infrastructure Plan 4.4 Vibrant Downtown,Districts&Centers Downtown Plan 4.5 Housing and Transportation Choices E Affordable Mousing AClion Plan 4 . 0 A Well - Planned City (strategic Plan) The Shape of the Citv The shape of our City is defined by our low-to mid-rise skyline and the spectacular natural landscapes that surround us. s 4ine ihape of Lhe The shape of our City is defined by our low- to mid-rise skyline and the spectacular natural landscapes that surround us. a a �j 4 ,00 A WeU - Planned City A City of Neighborhoods Our City is made up of a series of distinct historic, traditional, and other great, well- planned neighborhoods, defined by commercial nodes, a variety of quality housing, walkable centers, schools, and parks . lt l JI T olmWorhoodi i •d •� , f ; 1 t ►,Rr' Our City is made up of a series of distinct { -_-- historic, traditional, and other great, well- planned neighborhoods, defined by commercial nodes, a variety of quality housing, walkable centers, schools, and parks. 4 . 0 A WeR - Planned City A City Bolstered by Downtown and Complementary Districts Our City is bolstered by our Downtown, Midtown , and University areas that include appropriate levels of density, businesses, culture, education , and the arts, resulting in thriving, enriching, healthy, and inspiring environments. WE ed b n ` conW"witlary didrich ' Our City is bolstered by our Downtown Midtown and University areas that include appropriates _ levels of density, businesses, culture, education, and the arts, resulting in thriving, enriching, CLAP J healthy, and inspiring environments. T---. - ' - t7----. 4 . 0 A Well - Planned City A City Influenced by our Mountains , Open Space , Trails, and Parks Our City is home to an outdoor-conscious population that celebrates our natural environment and immediate access to an ever- growing, well-preserved open space, trails and parks system . { I'- 71 city &#hwAced by our nwuntairm, o enVace, trai arlm Our City is home to an outdoor-conscious population that celebrates our natural environment and immediate access to an ever-growing, well- preserved open space, trails, and parks system. ,•r ,,coo ,. r .. T(+-. ` . .. 4 . 0 A WeR - Ptanned City A City Guided by Regional Cooperation and Defined Edges Our City, in partnership with Gallatin County, Montana State University, and other regional authorities, addresses the needs of a rapidly growing and changing population through strategic infrastructure choices and thoughtful decision making. __ " . -, � . • :. s 'IMP--c4 • -•'� ` . 74 I less by _ . eration Our City, in partnership with Gallatin County, Montana - State University, and other regional authorities, u addresses the needs of a rapidly growing and changing population through strategic infrastructure choices and thoughtful decision making. M ., 4 . 0 A WeR - Ptanned City- A City that Prioritizes Mobility Choices Our City offers residents and visitors a variety of transportation choices to move efficiently and safely on complete streets, within pedestrian-friendly areas, and along pathways that connect us to our surrounding region . r city Uzat Prioritizeinwb.. - I °v ti Our City offers residents and visitors a variety of transportation choices to move efficientL,y and safely on complete streets, within pedestrian- friendly areas, and along pathways that connect us to our surrounding region. a .a+y rn Opportunities Exercise Opportunities Exercise • Please choose a vision statement, consider inspiration to date, and develop an opportunity that could help Bozeman achieve that vision ! • In other words, how do we het there? r Next Steps BOZEMAN MT Shaping Our Futut BOZEMAN DLq ........... PLANNING WEEK 2 1 OCTOBER MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 29 Group Session 1 Group Session 3 Join us for a large-scale 12-1:30 PM ca Bozeman Event 8-9:30 AM :� Bozeman Event community event to review Space at the Masonic Lodge Space at the Masonic Lodge work and outcomes from Planning Week 2. Stakeholder Interviews Group Session 2 Group Session 4 3-6 PM ,�i;Community 2:30-4 PM«L Bozeman Event 10:30 AM-12 PM ;�L Bozeman r1� Development Space at the Masonic Lodge Event Space at the Masonic Lodge Public Event City Commission Planning Board 5-7 PM a the Presentation Work Session Bozeman Public Library 6-8 PM rr City Hall 6-8 PM z� City Hall