HomeMy WebLinkAbout72- BozemanTown Pump Inc., Annexation Agreement .. ., ., , , : ,Ii A.7'~ f";.n .;.:.; ~ ~ .L.. ~I;;'.t ~t')'''#'~ f\\.\\ UTILITY TIE-ON AND ANNEXATION AGREEMENT November 1972 FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of permission to connect buildings erected and to be erected upon the premises herein- after described to the water and sewer systems of the city of Bozeman, Montana, the undersigned, BOZEMAN TOWN PUMP, INC., a corporation of 600 South Main, Butte, Montana, for and on be- half of themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and successors in interest, do hereby covenant, agree and con- sent to include the hereinafter described property situate in the county of Gallatin, state of Montana, within the city limits and boundaries of the city of Bozeman, Montana, upon the request of the City Commission of the city of Bozeman, to annex the same thereto, Tract Five (5) of the plat of Tara Diteman Property as filed in the office of the county Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the West line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW~SE~) of Section Eleven (11), Township Two (2) South, Range Five (5) East, M.P.M, Which bears North 0015' East a distance of 989.31 feet from the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter (SE~) of said Section, Township, and Range, which point being on the Northwesterly right of way line of U. S. Highway #191, and 50 feet left when measured at right angles to the centerline station 338+ 71.1, thence North 0015' East a distance of 331.74 feet to the Northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW~SB~) of said Section, Township, and Range, thence North 89025' East along the North line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW~SE~) of said Section, Township, and Range, a distance of 304.04 feet to a point 50 feet left when measured at right angles to the centerline station 343+30.5 of said U. S. Highway #191, thence South 42021'30" West a distance of 459.37 feet to the point of beginning. -. . . , .' filM 2l\ ,~..,"I147? VI ;,~'.,.j At! ~ , 1. The undersigned further covenant and agree to pay to the city of Bozeman, Monmna, prior to making said connection to the water system of the city of Bozeman, all regular connection fees and costs which may be in effect at the time said connection is made. 2. The undersigned further covenant and agree to waive protest to future water main special improvement district which may be created to provide adequate supply of water and fire protection. BOZEMAN TOWN PUMP, INC. By ATTEST: '-~'7)(,;{'C'(f ;(/, , syre tary / /.:Y , , /^ v...- .) .^ .... _f:>;;1'7c,/:,/,-t':A''':''^'-;r / STATE OF MONTANA ) ss. County of Silverbow) I On this lJ {" day of {UC.' ,)Jj.,hi 197<Z, before me the under- signed, a notary public for the state of Montana, personally appeared :J/zPJlU'Z-:.L I: ~t't~lit,,~j~and /),ii<,/ tf;''';'l ../i?t4ti.'1T-l,'4~, known to me /1 /} G. / / /-"r- to be the /-:/f/,U,,1.:..- /jY and :"L.t!I"Z(:L&//,/ of Bozeman Town Pump, Inc. and acknowledged to me that they executed the same on behalf of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in the certificate first above written. '..:. ."~ I.f.- , '.,J ~iNDEXED<Vf PLATTED l31 ,t/ i) y: 1 ...t:.c,/ ..l.tc:.. ~... Notary Pu ic for the state of ~6nt~a Residin~ at ,/<j~L.7tZ: ~. M..O. n.t;~;a. ".. ':. ., My commlssion expires f"'/?j?~' ~.. , .--' , ,.,\ "ll' -.> ("J. r, ': " ~-, ......' t;.1\ ,1'~'. ~ .. I.. " 7 ,".' State of Mont., County of Gallatin. ca Flied for record August 16 at 4: 05 P. M.. and recorded In Book 20_" :;,:.SCELLANEO US ", CARL T.. STUCKY Recorder. 8Y~.~ Rt: City of Bozeman 19 73 , - p..e~71 Deputv , ... ...'" (:'- / t,.- ". <l ' . ldJ u ID I l ~ 27 February 1973 -- Town PumP. Inc. 600 South Main Butte t Montana 59701 Attention: Mr. Tham&8 F. Kenneally President Dear Mr. Kenneally: Enclosed herewith for your information and file is a copy of the Utility Tie-on and Annexation Agreement entered into by your f'irm with the City of' Bozeman. This agreement has been approved by the City Commission 01' the City 01' Bozeman. We.are pleased to have found it possible to enter into this arrangement with your tirm. Very: truly yours. HAROLD A. FRYSLIE City Manager HAF: WS enc.