HomeMy WebLinkAbout64- Border, James & Ethel (2) ",.. L~.,;\ ~~1 \ .>43~) " f ~ ,-,-,- ( \,.,..,..... FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of permission to connect the dwelling now located upon the premises hereinafter described to the water and sewer systems of the City of Bozeman, Montana, the undersigned, for and on behalf of themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and successors in interest, do herebY- covenant, agree and consent to include the hereinafter described property situate in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, within the city limits and boundaries of the City of Bozeman, Montana, upon the request of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman to annex the same thereto. THE EASTERLY EIGHTY FIVE (S5) FEET OF TRACT ,6B EXCEPTING THE NORTHERLY ONE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE (125) FEET OF SAID TRACT 5B OF "HOMESITES" A SUBURB OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. The undersigned, further covenant and ap:ree to p"tY to thp City of Bozeman, Montana, prior to the making of said sanitary sewer connection, an amount of money equal to the proportionate cost borne by property within SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER 432 of the City of Bozeman as computed on an area basis. Said amount of money for the above described property being One Hundred Twenty Five dollars and Forty Five Cents ($125.45). Also, the undersigned will pay the normal tie-on fee for a residential sewer service, prior to the making of said connection; said fee being Sixty Five dollars ($65.00) and Twenty dollars ($20.00) for repairing the pavement cut which will necessarily be made in Durston Road. The total deposit made by the und~rsigned with the City of Bozeman, prior to the making of said sewer connection is Two Hundred Ten dollars and Forty Five Cents ($210.45). The undersigned, further covenant and agree to pay to the City of Bozeman, Montana, pripr to making of said connection to the water system of t)1e City of Bozeman, all regular connection fees and costs which may be in effect at the time said connection is made, together with a proportionate share oft.he cost of construction of water mains being constructed within SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER 437 of the City of Bozeman. J~ ? 2# _/;r,(?~ (/ .' ---e ., ~ .'. /j7 .?,..tifi 'pI ~).?"--lL>l/ I STATE OF MONTANA ) . . COUNTY OF GALLATIN) On this ~ day of Jt..") ,/ 1964, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of M6ntana, personally appeared J//If" it [.c'/ and 1_: /<'\ / ft.', [?,.>/,,/"/ known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that the executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in the certificate first above written. '/ L::::-,~..(_/ !'~/ \;r: .:.~ ':/-t<'-( (/ / Notary Public for the State' of Montana Residing at Bozeman, Montana My Commission expires t' ,"'. '/ II /' ~ ..\ ....: ; ; jl' '-" " .'.,-; . '\ It '/ "1'1., I \' . . ..... c' .... . . . t1...f ... On this /.-??t1 day of I~~ the City Commission of the City of Boz an, instrument. ATTEST: ~1~~>"' . ' , .,I ~'. t ,.... Clerk ",o.j,. the",Qi'ty~Cb~s3ion I.... ,I I , '" \ ':.' . , . " f. -."J. < I. :1 t , \ , n n~~r.~~lr~T0 T;. ~ ll&.~ ~ ~t.,.~.v t~~, ,...\. I, ~ '.~ h~' r~ ;"l ~l(j , {JH.1i .-..-...,...--... _.~.~-~.- Ci ty }\Uorney .....~:.8. 2~ ,.~,-.jl I . INDEXED f'fLA TTED I. ~"'\ ')' l~l ",,,:4;)r, . 1964, while in regular session, did approve and accept the within Ttate of Mont., County of Gallatin. as. Fited for record July 23 at 4 : 20 P. M.. and recOrded in Book 21./ of ~ m" . _ E~RL viAL TON Recorder. By ;;z(:C'?fJ/ d'ri1:'pu,ct1J Rt: City of Bozeman r I ,1964 pal. L~J2 Deputy,