HomeMy WebLinkAbout62- Border, James & Ethel A G H r,: 8: n E;N T -..--.. ~~v-\ ~i I r;/Io"L ~ t FOR I,ND DJ crN3Ir},~Rl\TIC~J of permission to COlnect dwell'i:lgs erected end to be erected u"')on the nremises hereinA,fter descri';Hl to the ,Tater and sewer sJ:::d:.urns of the City of Bozem[m, the und0rsip:ned, for and on beLalf of themselves, t,:}eir heirs, e:\ecuGors, adm:ini2trators ,~ncJ'uccessor3 Hl interest, do hf.:re',y eovenant, agree and crns::;nt to include tj,e here"LrL'<ft'"r descri ')ed nro::>erty si. tutcrLe in Ll':e County of Gallatin, State of Hontana, elL thin the city liroi ts and ~,oundario': of the City of Bozc~man, ':onkma, upnn tlle requ8sI:. of the Clty Commission of ti,e City of Bozeman to annex the same thereto. All that Dart of section 1 TownshiC) 2 south, F~ange :) East r1.P. ., to-wit: Ea'::t 85 ft. (if tract B less the North 125 ft. Homesitcs Aililition. Located at 1617 ~~st Durston Ro~d. f{?;r:N .N 7I.~:i: t'cc;{i/ ;/ ,/ (';:~';'i.I- // ".')d'" t ',L ( . 3T ^TS C2 AR.IZOlJP,) County of Naricopa) day of me the . erc,::igned, o0peered '--ZC.- e me tob be persons -"':0:10 namp.s and ae. owleJged to me that t:ley ~)ersoC1al1:r , ImovilYl t.o instrument, IN I,JITlmS~ '/n-!";R'i:OF', I have l,ereunto se l"l :,aLd and 8.ffixed my Official seal the day Clnd \Tenr in th"~ertificatef.frS). al-)ov8'i,Trltten. ,r 1/ , J;"'~_ /' L..f3...---t,~"A2--c---....,---.. Notary Public for 1:.1'8 State of Arizona. ResidinG at l'1psa, Ariz9111l .. .,.' , By Commission expirp', NI)' \.ommlSSlon Expires iiJlo..-".h 8, :')~u f