HomeMy WebLinkAbout81- Thieson Easement .~" EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY AGREEMENT FOR SA~ITAkY SEWER TRUNK filM 64rAGE182-1 .. THIS AGREEMENT, Made and ent~red into this 7th day 0 f I-1AY A. O. 1 98!...._, by and between Donald Thieson ~d rt~~ of the fi rs t part. here; na fter and Gloria Thieson called the Grantor~ and THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, in Gallatin County, the party of the second part, hereinafter called the Grantee. WIT N [ S 5 E T H WHEREAS, Th. Grantor~ are the legal r.cord t1tle owner of __4 5.207 dcre parcel recorded in the Gallatin County Courthouse d~ more particu1ar1y d.scrfb.d below, and WHEREAS, The Grantee, ;n the exercise! of its power and authority as a municipality of the State of Montana, proposes to construct dlld instal' d 51n1 tary sewer . and necessary dPpurtenflnces to serve vadous properties locatea-WTtnin the Eastern portion of the City of 80zeman and one or more such lines would:rUn- across the Grantors land; and C.O.D. No.21~6 WHEREAS, The Grant.. desires to acquir. from the Grantor ~. and the Grantor s are w1111ng to grant to the Grantee an easement'and right of waY-across the above described property of the Grantor~___. and the1rhe1rs, executors, administrators, SUCCISSOr.S and assigns, for the purpose of installing, operating, using, repairinq, rep1aclng, rNl1nta1ning, and removing said sanitary sewer __ and appurtenances and for such other rights of acc.ss and inc;dent~ rights as are hereinafter described, all as hereinafter more particularly pro- v; ded . : NOW. THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of S XXXX and other considerations in hand ~1d by the City of Bozeman, the receipt whereof i~ ~e~eby ackno~l~dg!d. !nd in further ~onsiderat1on of the covenflnts and agreements between the parties hpreto. the Grantor s 'ldve granted. ba rga 1 ned, so, d, con'ieyec.r;-ir,d--con f 1 nned aM by these presents do hereby grant, ba'9lin, se' 1. conlley, dnd confirm unto tne Slid Grante. and its SUCCeSIOrS and assigns the follow- ing rights and privillges forever: ,. A perpetual easement and right Of way for the purpose of installing. operatin9, using. repairing, replacing, maintaining and removing a sanitary sewer thereto u~on and across the above described property of the GrantorS . said easement and r10ht of way to ,onsist of a s tr1 p of land Ten (mf' feet 1 n width bei ng Five (5) fe~t of eelch side Of t~llOW'n9 descr1b4Kt eentarlw Beginning at a fX>int 15 feet North 14031' 43" Fast off the SOuth West proJ=€rty comer of said property al and along the Westerly bourxlary line of said pro};erty; Thence, North 70034'00" West a distance of 5 feet; 'I't'l..eoce, North 14031' 43" East parallel to the West oouOOary line of said property al distanc:e of 302.59 feet, plus or minus, to the intersection wit.~ the sout.ret:'ly ooundary of certificate of survey 00. M-3, a 0.399 acre };8rCel and the errl of the easane.nt. In addition, a t.errq;;orary easement 15 feet 00 either side of the penna_,.C:_Ilt easerrent. is granted for construction pJrpOS8S. FIlM 64 PAGE 1825 2. The perpetual right of ingress and egreRs to and from said tract of land at all reasonable times for the purpose of installing, operati.ng, using, repairing, replacing and maintaining said __ _sanitary sewer and for the removing of same if and when desired by the Grantee, its successors and aS81gns: TO HAV~ AND TO HOLD the above described right of way- with all the appurtenances and privileges unto the said Grantee and to its successors and assigns forever. The Grantee hereby covenants and agrees with the Grantor S as foll"WB: 1. That, in connection with the installing, operatinK, using, repairing, replacing, maintaining and removing, of said sanitary sewer it will replace at its sole expense, all existing fences, ditches and other appur- tenances of said land that may be disturbed by its Qr~rHtinn in a condition equal to the l;ondition thereof existing beron'! said operation. were begun, or as near thert!to 8S tlllal1 In. reasonably possible. 2. That, during operations involving excavation, it will remove the topsoil from the trench area to a depth of one foot, or to the full depth of the topsoil whichever is l~ss, and stockpile Bsid topsoil for replacement over the trench, and will remove from the tlite any large rocks or surplutl excavated material or any kind of debris that may haVl! been exposed by the excavation and remaining after backfilling is completed and will leave the finished surface in substan- tinIly the Bame condition that existed prior to the beginning of operations except that tile surface of backfilled areas may be mounded sufficiently to prevent the formation of depressions nfter final settlement has taken place. 3. To operate, use Bnd maintain said sanitary sewer in ..uch manner 8S will not hinder or prevent the proper cultivation of the tract through which this right of way i6 hereby granted. 4. In the event that it sboud become necessary for tile Grantee to re~enter the Grantors premises for the purpose of repairing, replacing, maintaining or removing said utility lines the Grantee will reimhurse the Grantors for any actual damage done to the Gr.'lntnL-S premises or crops. -2 - ---- s. FIlM 64 PAGE 1826 The GrantorL hereby ct")vcnants line! agrees wi tll the Grantee ilS 10110\";1;' 1. That at no time will they build, construct, erect or 111...110t.11:1 llny permanent structure 0ver or abov\.' the said Sdnitin-~__~ sewer unlcB9 Buch structure in built, constructed and maintained in such a manner that it ....ould !\(,t ~nl L'rfel'!' with the operation, UBC, repair, maintaincnce, rcpl.lc("lllf~nt and removal of said ~,i1ni tary sewer 2. That the Grantee may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herci~ granted without any interruption by the Grantor~ or thelr succe88~rs and assigns. 3. Tha t they have been lawfully seized of said premises; tha t they have good righ t and lawful authori ty tn se 11 t ht~ same and that they and their heirs, executors, administr.1trrs, successors and assigns, shall warrant and defend ~h(> t ~ll.' to fillid premises unt:o "aid Grantee. and its BUCCL'S:;{ll:; :Inti assigns forever. aga1ntlt the lawful claim Ilod 1.11'11111,\(1 01 ,dl peraont; whomsoever. It is l1nden~tood and agreed hy and between the partieR heret!) tl1.1[ tldtJ Agrecment shall be billding upon the heirs, cxecutors, adl1lilli/;t!,lt,ll.. "UCCl'ssor and assigns of the GrulItors and upon thlC! 8LlCCC~~Hll'S dllJ agsii~n8 of the Grantee. -)- ....i.l:;."......:.I..".\~ FIlM 64 PAGE 1827 !r~ l-ilrNI';" WII[IHLJI, lhl' ',did pM,tie'. 01 the fir"-,t pdt't, lid"l' hl'l'('IJJllo <,('t [hl' i t' Ildnd', .11111 ',f'd I.. the dllY (jIlt! Yf'll" f) t"; [ ,lIi!I"!' wrllU~n, ))d' , A ,/J/ d ~":!:-fl)1:21 /Z~(C" @'7~------- S fAH OF MONTANA U' . J ,~.", ,. ,.",.,. ~ , , j ,") Co IJ II ty 0 f Co 1 I d t i fI On th i s.!~ day 0 f !l1C/-J/.. _ ._ 1981, he fu n', 1(', d plJlllic in Jnd tot' said ")LdL"(ll("'SOlltll1Y appl~,\l'l:d <1 () G () -" T\ \,0. J CXJ.....0L., _'...x:.0lA.QL ,. J~.,Y'-.... k,II)Wn lo 1111' to ~)(~ the 11('1",,\.111 lti'h"'JP 'nJIIlC .tO~ ~~~~~ _ ~ _____ ___ suo<,ui bell tu tilt' WI UI) n ill:, 1I'(jJjll:n t, drHI de klll)\'J ll'IIIJI'rI to me tI\,ll._ _ ~~__ . eXeCIJ tcll Ulf~ same. ' I /}<.}J i! - ,Jm~71 ~.. }':' tfo~~Jbll1J ()'t" t il ~ - . - . ~;, Sta tct6/ Mon (na ~ " ' :d - .-' - .( Residin(] at B010lildll,j;111111"i'\'r . r~y (omllli S5 i on [x p i t'~~'~r'';'" k,., .',' t" ;,.'. ___ __..~IlR!_~~~_,!I-~'."~:I;";' !kul'Jillllll Bozualan, II10IbIlIl IIlIrIlo ~~epIM*7.1" /1- ., "!.;,,,:~' , ~.,-,"",! ,'!L" 64 PAGE 1828 By: ATTEST: ~~ d~_ ":i2", .', 'Clerk of the City COlTunission ~:; "'j!~h .......,~. ...t,.'\. ",", ~I,,'\J.',,"~':: ' - .., - '. ",. ~ ~,.., ,,'') , i.r. "9 ~....'~ "'". ,.:," -\ , Ii 4).~.""(xr , .,':' .:: .,.': ,:',j. P PRO V ED: , ". : 0,.A~', '~<., .. 'i~ ,! 7~.d/.' :- ~'_ '",', , )' 'O:.,>-":'t7.... '. -,' +-1 I / ~. ,I ~;':~~~",:~' .;>J.~J~r'10" '<", ,C /f~ //i! <:,\ '\ --"';;;\(.~"-'1 ,'.. ,', ~LL!, " ,/C" "'-?'7--('~ ,/ ".:,,';.,'<,,"",rq~,,;-':'~',,;.>:,''!~rn:.y,--; 7\tTorney-------~::r-'--- -" ,'\"ill(it". ".,~-', ~~'t.-.r''''!'"'''~~ ...;' '.,~> 1/ ' . '.' ... ... ." , .....~ t..!II'~:-+ ..." ) County of Gallatin) On this _~ _ day of STATE OF MONTANA 55 undersigned a Notary Public.: _~Ok.b.l-.' 19.tfL, before for the State of Montana, me, Lhe persona! 1y , a ppea redLO~ ~ 1)(l/....9---'~ ,U It)/.f/...:''''''''t;wwn Lo lIie to be the ~~yor and Clerk of the City Commission respectively, of the C'ity of Bozeman, whose naTlles are subscribed to the within instrument und acknowledged to me thJt thry executed the same for and on heha 1 j of sa; deity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have ht>reunto set my hand and at fixed nlY Notarial Seal on the dd'y Jnd 'year in this Certificate first above written. , '. 'I' t'~ ;r,.. J :. ','\ ", I - J.i ;...., . . .. ~ 'V ;;" .,. , ,,' .~";~ \. ,I}. "<. /~ .,,:' ...,!",~'.L',,.. ~f~~..e.": ...- ......~ .~.;!~:!~!~,::' ~ I~ )J~. . Lk..--- % . . Notilr UblC for the St<lte uf Mont.,Ir1d Rf'sid n9 at [3ozeTTldn, ~lont(lnil My Conmission EXPiresNIJIARVPUattefOr_ _'__ Itesidin, M Bozem t~ State 01 MontanllJ My comm" an, ont~nQ ISSlon expires January 6, 1984 :~~...",~ ~ 11 +"" , , 1981 AM., and 64 of By ~ Fee $ Rt: City of Bozeman c -- J'" . . . . . . . . : f M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ ,A ~ \ 1-" : \ 0 ~ . s.~t/. ) l/. . <-1- '1.- .... \ f1s";' ... '~ . \ \ ... ~"t- . 1- 1... I .. \ I .. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ f\J\ o 1\ "'. '''-~"' " "- ..".."."... ~---- [J /:::.:::~.~=:- ;1 \ ) · L) (;...... \ \ -. 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