HomeMy WebLinkAbout69- Highway Commission of MT Easement .--- ~,~. ... .. '.I i..," .._1'.... ..~..."" .. '.,. ...-,.....- ~~~,.......~.,t;.~\.~_,....,.___" R/W 131 NOTICE OF UTILITY OCCUPANCY AGO lSE OF STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM RIGHT OF WAY TO: DISTRICT ENGINEER Montana Highway Commission ,Montana Highway Project No. F (20?) 7 Highvmy Designation Bozeman - 'iI/est ~~Ain Highway Station400 + 71.'0 ~OO + 87.5 Cit~,' of Bozeman, Hont.'mA proposes to occupy and use State (Name of Uti I ity, Cooperative or COrr',mon Carrier) Highway System right of way in accordance with the ~rovisions of Section IV of the Montana State Highway Commission's "Pegulations Governin-; Occc;pancy of State Highway System Right of vlay by Uti I ity Faci I ities", as fe: !o',,,.: Description of Faci I ity: i. Cverh2ad a. Telephone c. Natural Gas b. Electric ----- d. Water e. Sewer' X f. Other- (spec i fy) City Water Main 2. Underground X Utility Facility Location: (to be suppliEd by utility) Section 12 TownshiD 23 , Range 5 E Highway Name or route t~o. !3ozemA.n West ~'lA.-in to WeFt Mi Ie Post -~o mi ie post ,County Gall~tin YeLlow:"tone . (Where avai lable) Drawings: Utility construction Prints No. Prints No. drawings attachod hereto and incorporated herein by this reference: , Dated Apdl R, ])6) , Dated Date Subm i tted Apri1 16th City of Bozeman, Montana ~dne of Uti I iiy, Coop or Common Carrier Title: City Engineer By R. C. Fargo Preliminary agreement to the location:)f utility facility given: As per letter to Richard Miller - April 8th 1969. I. By visit on (o",io) by 2. By telephone callan (eci",) hy 3. After field inspection on (d,-1+8) t)y ( name ) ( name) (name) To: (n~me and/or title) (name of uti I ity, cooP. or common carrier) (mai ling address) I. Occupancy and use of State approved. Date ,--~'I- 7 Ie f 7 I Highway S/,iC'm right of \~(JY as described herein is '~dEZ__~. Jistrict engineer, Montana Highway Comm. 2. Occupancy and use of Stato Highway Sys~em right of way as described herein is not approved for the rCiJsons lis ted or1 the r-everse side hereof. . Date hy D i srr- i ct Erlg i neer, Montana Highway Comm. I. .:l:~-;r; -.d .~~.....-. XF~Ot 1)(r;::~O ~ ;- FORREST H, ANDERSON GOVERNOR ". "'If'."f" ,......^.... .....~~." ~j~.Y.I.;.. .' ,'=&,;;; ~,~.. r. ".' "~:' ;;~.~.:.: ~""/~' . . /:1.4'~~;''''.'' -'.... ~-."."....., MONTANA HIGHWAY COMMISSION LEWIS M. CIIITTIM STA1T HIC;HWAY ENGIN[TR June 2, 1969 IN RlPLY REFER TO, Mr. Harold A. Frys1ie City Manager City of Bozeman Bozeman, Montana 59715 SUBJECT: Utility Occupancy and Use of Right of way F 203 (7) Dear Harold: Enclosed is the approved copy of form RW 131 representing the proposed underground sewer and water installation on West Main. Please consider this your authorization to proceed with the work using the proper safety measures to protect the public. Yours truly, 1 . //[/?;{//! >'-.-<_.A~~ (Richard L. Miller Division Maintenance Supervisor Bozeman, Montana RLM/bm cc: R. B. Dundas ALFX BLI::.WEll CHAIf-.'MAN (';h'I-",a.'l' FAI [ ~', JOsEplt M. NASS, VIC~ C:IIAlf~MAN F'O?I,AR ..JOHN.J LEARY KALI51-'ELL ARr-..:OLD M SWANSON BOLCMAN nAil A5W V/\N DflINnFR. DILLING:' ..JOHN D, WHFFLLH, ~;rCRF'T^,.~y IICLCNA ,<+I:'{i'JL,'2 . .. .. e e ""'!- .> ". THE CITY OF BOZEMAN 411 E. MAIN ST. PHONE (406) 586-2366 BOZEMAN. MONTANA 59715 April C, 1969 St"te H:i.<:;hwa;y Commisfion POZeII,Pl1, r-;ont"ln', Attention: hich~rd ~iller Division taintenan:::e Supervisor Dear Er. ~iller: .: pm enclosins herewith four revif:ed prints chowing the proposed s,"!nitl'lry sewer and water main~ for which we would like to have construc- tion permits. These facilities we would wieh to in~t~ll previous to the paving of the secondary construction on South 11th Avenue. 'de would also like to request permi!"sio!'i to open cd Main Street (HighWAY 191 "it the intArsection I)f 11th end MAin for the insttl.llr-tion of these fpcilities for the following reasons: 1. Tunneling will be complicAted by (a) I'Leavy grCtvel~nd boulder formation qt the depth of innLJllation. (b) High grolmd water conditions, which will require extreme safety precautions to protect workmen. 2. Jacking is Gut of the question due to formation and in keeping within hydraulic grade on the ~pnitpry sewer which if, !> verJ~ importnnt item and in m"lking ties to existing w<'lter mAins. 3. TLe ITl<>jor portion of the inter~ed,ion should be reconstructed with improvements on 11th Aven',e, }lai.r; to ~;urtif':s. 1:... Inet,<illrJtion may te accomplished h;r opening cut Acros!'! hC1lf of the street at, f\ time Md mAking complete rest0ra- tion before proceeding with the other h~lf. 5. InEtAllation could te acco~~li2hed ty open trench method with "'pp:!"oximetely or.e-fO'lrth of the cost of tunneling. f). Inf\.smuch thAt hRin Street, is an urh",n installation within the Cit~; of Boz"'.:nan, the Ci ts will require the highest qUAlity of construction, not only to ~~t:i.f':fy the State requirements, rllt to 2At::i.2fy their O'tfr, r.eed~'. Si,ncerel:,T, ~- '. .....~._" <-.--' @;-- - ',C;;'man c. ~A 1"'11'0 Cit:' Engineer HOME OF MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY GA TEW A Y TO YELLOWSTONE PARK