HomeMy WebLinkAbout69- Notice of Utility Occupancy and Use of State Highway System right of way '~'T"':",;, (~ .,~. ,~},"" [. .~ ~"~;,,~~::',,,"~;::!',_",.'\II,~;;..t...'; ~ .. i~ R/W 131 NOTICE OF UTILITY OCCUPANCY AND USE OF STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM RIGHT OF WAY TO: DISTRICT ENGINEER Montana Highway Commission Butte ,Montana Highway Project No. LA.'? If~' A Yr n Highway Designation neL-:r~ds tr; ~)o::e;;!"n Highway S'l-at ion 121 + '7l~ to Cit,=i of Eozernan, r'ont?D8, a })lm'icipRl it;)' proposes to occupy and use State (Name of Uti I itYI Cooperative or Common Carrier) Highway System right of way in accordance with the provisions of Sectior IV of the Montana State Highway Commission's "Regulations Governing Occupancy of State Highway System Right of Way by Uti I ity Faci I ities", as follows: Description of Faci I ity: I. a. Telephone c. Natural b. Electric ----- d. Water Overhead Cas .2. Underg ro~nd ~,jj n ~ ,- 2. PrJ ~ ~~ "'-11. :~, r< r . x e. S8'.'ier- f. Other ~pecify) r'" :'~>.r,::;.;o, ~ '(\'" ~ ~) d...~.,::~ ~ Uti I ity Faci I ity Location: (to Section 26 ,Township 1 Highway Name or route No. IT Mil e Pas t 317 .8 be supplied by utility) South ,Ra nge 5 F ":. 10 Eoutp 2 to mi 18 pest County G,., 11~_t in . (Where avai lable) Drawings: Ut i I i ty construct i on draw i ngs attached hereto and Prints No. 502-67 FE 1118 Schedule J1 Pri nts No. Photo :3tr. 0 + 29 ::clledu18 11 incorporated herein by this reference: , Dated , Dated Date Submitted k~rch 5. 1?6) / ~ito~:i' o'i" "'o~?~~:'~r:,~~n, .t,',r'n':~?n~~ Name ~f 'Ut i I i ty, Coop or Common Carr i er Tit Ie: C it'.' Man" ger By / HArold Fr;)'sli~ Prel iminary agreement to the location of uti I ity faci I ity given: .~~~?~/~~. (name) (name) ( name) I. By vis i t on ---3- - LS -C::,c-, 2. By telephone cal I on ' 3. After field inspection on (date) by (date) ty ( date) by - - To: (name and/or title) (name of uti 1 i+y, coop, or common carrier) (mai ling address) I. Occupancy and use of approve~~c Date ~ t{,~ State H;ghwoy SY(; ht 0' strict herein is 2. Occupancy and use of State Highway System right of way as described herein is not approved for the reasons I i5ted on the reverse side her~of. I Date By District Engineer, Montana Highway Comm. I. 0'" "~f) i X f:"r-.,l 0 '1>:110 G:~RO ....4' .. ~"~IK"~~ ..~..~a::';"..~.~ .'~ :",..:. .., ,__ .-i. ..........._'............."lO.:W.._~: )~...;,b.-....~(>~;, -~~.':..."'-I.-'-.:r...... ,........ . ~ \ ' R/W 131 NOTICE OF UTILITY OCCUPANCY AND USE OF STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM RIGHT OF WAY TD: .:) I S Tr;. (:T ; 1.,.':.1 \! (;, [R M:) r; "J' c1 \.~::,: ", V' a yCOMmis '$; 0 n ___",!?u.~_~_~,!.__,,__,_, M~) n +~: ~:() ,! <\ a: -10- e(' 3\ :.. "'''''''.'.-. ,....' ,,:~...,-,-~. ---,.,... ."""'-""-.. ..-.-r , ,....' 1 \. ~{2 Ij' /0/", A,. ,'~~' 1"-\- -z.f:: ,"'" A. N 1527~-+",.L.'1527.1+'2'9~-rE:B . 24':"5'.W:B. lane ,,- . , ,...- ; oi'Wi'V .'..,.'''1 .~ t l~,J::~ ~', : ;:.; I :.~ : i.'j P" -'oposes ~n occupy ~c ~5B State .......,.."""".,___"':~'~.'...,n:... -"."~"~_,:.",,,,:,,~,,_~.,.~,~-.""',,,"":,,,~,,,,-~..:.~-,,,,,,,,,,,,,".,,,,,,, ,", ....7~'._.:.....;';~"'"':-"~-''''~~. '~~"~,. "",... ~ {i\Ja:-!lC Dt ,_,I' f II tv ,L,ooperat I ve 01- .,..(.')I",Mf;ln.l-,an I ",r' , i--iigfl.",:,,/ : ("r:, <;,1h~ of way in acc()(d~'1fj;>~,;;i"th thn';"''''li'':'''-',; ofSec~';o'1 :V of- -:-h~" Montana S:'~'.~j+e 'L.'~i~r.'l',;r~J',/ C>::fr'ii:"~is~::l,i:)n!s" HPe,9U,i..~'t',i::.Q:'n',:s..':'''(Y(';\.-;'~~r'.~:'r'~~.'J C!(~ :,,!~~<~'(':",~'.~'j 0+ ~)i'~;::tE~ Hiq ,',.It~\;t I::';/~~t(:rn Riqh1" 01 VJiJy byU'i:ily Fac.i1itie::1', 10: a.. b. :!~f~':ij\.:'~~. '<::.' '::::'.~;'i;~"/ ",\::,..' "::",' :"~"~'."~:~'~~:"'" :~~~11~k~k~>::;:'~.; sanitary P~}i!'::L, Utility Facility Location: <to be supplied by utiliTY) Section 26 , Township 150. , Range 5 El'l.st Highway Name or route No. I 90 Rte 90 Mi Ie Post to mi Ie post , County Gallatin . (Where aV8 i I ab I e) Drawings: Uti I ity construction drawings attached hereto Prints No. 502.67 FB #118 Schedule 11 Prints No. Photo Station 0-29 Schedule 11 and incorporated herein by this reference: , Dated , Dated Date Subm j tted March 5 ~ ..1969 {~ _42tf' .d~ HaroldA. Frysl:i.e . . '. '.. '. . . .... .' " II 110 .' .. ',. 'I . ..",. City of Bozeman, Montana ~arne c f ut i I i ty, Coop or Common Ca rr i er Tit Ie: City Manager By PrelimInary agreement to the locatiorttof utility facility given:' (date) byd~-,~/L. ( dat~ ),~y, ( det94': by . (name) (name) ( name ) I. By" Is i t on . ~.....'" S -. ~"1 2. By telephone' caton . 3. After field insf)e~T:ono':Y To: I ft. ;I ~Il 'tf(Jvf .. .',.",.,~:,.;~:(~c;:~;F~;;f~l.... ...' ~~J . ~I. Occupancy and use of State HighwaySyste~ approved. (name and/or titie~ H;, .~,,;:. " ~, ':; .- ....~ (name of uti I i''tV, coop, :orcOMmOR car,.. I er) (mailing address) . :'.;. descrIbed herein is Date ~~A.:? 2. Occupancy and use of State Highwa~Syst8m right of way as described herein is not approved for the reasons listed on the reverse side hereof. ' Date Ixl!:RO- By -District Engineer, Montana Highway Comm. .~ land i ~~~o -, April 11, 1969 Richlltrd L. Miller, Div. Ktce. Supervisor St~te Highway Commission Bozeml'm, Mont1na Re: 1-10-6 (13) 296 FAP 44 A & B B.lgr~de-Bozemen RW Form 131 Dear Dick: I ~ herewith submitting four (4) copies of specifications covering Construction of Hailroad and Highw~y Crossing to supplement the drawings submitted previouely on our e.pplic:>tion for pipe croMing on No. 10 and Interstate 90 for our 30 inch Interceptor Sewer. I believe theee specifications will ~n8wer most of the Questions r':ised W1der letter of Richl"rd B. Dundas District Engineer dated April 1. The time of completion ca.nnot be answered at this time with en;)' e ccurllcy . We anticipfl te a bid opening the 1st tel' part of ~ruly 0 r the first part of August. The successful bidder will h.nve to complete the entire project on or before December 1970. He will also be required to submit for ~pprovpl ~ progress schedule and being that this portion will be on the lower end of the project pnd construction would ~~8sibly be done during the f~ll Bnd winter of 1969. Once construction has begun on the crossing it will h,l',ve to be completed in the shortest poss- itle time. The Consulting Engineers do have a copy of your Occupanc}T Hegulations with reference to Amer1cl'!n Water Works Association Standards for Railway & Highway Crossings And I h~ve 8 copy in my office and to my knowledge have designed this installation to conform to the recommendations. If you have any further questions we would be glad to hear from you. Sincerely, ".~."...~. ~., ~~...~.'.,.... ~ '" ~~:."~-, ~ ,. '.". :""'~-_ .~-"'><.' -~ ~~v~~ ---;~~"--<. .""". ~.._ -- / -~ >--, . -Romf.l.n C. F'lrgo--'-- ., -~...-/ City Engineer ARTIC u: 4 C()NSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS RAILROAD AN D HK; HWAY CROSSI NG L,_ C;PW'j ,d. !:ncilS(!tTH'ot pipe shiJll be r:onstructed of tunnel liner plate dllj till' ('dln'~1 fHf!e ~,hdll be constructed of asbestos-cement pipe. The In- ~jt.li I,ll. lU', ~"ildll be III Cln:oru,lncT with the speclflcatlons and dPphcable drawlnqs, 2 l\1,lkriclls,_ !.1 LIH'dSl'mPllt ['lll.5::" l:nCi1sement plpe shall b(~ SImilar to ;\nni) Tunnel Liner Pill' [II' :;\,.,.1 I!nlnq sfldll consist of phtes 18" wide, each clrcurnferential 11,llj ,ildli II> "(l!I'~)US'_!C:' 01 Up, numher Ilnd ;l'fl(;til pLltes S~IOWll 0" (:',dWlIll TfF' 111SI'];. eJl,llllclt'r of the COlllpl(~tcd flnq sh,dllJC 48" clnd no part of the pill,' or It'lnlornnq ntls will l)(~ allowed to extend Inside this net diameter. Thid,'jl'::-;;; ;11' tll" 1I1'.'t,1I for thr'St' 51t'('1 pla:(';-;, ;;(1,1111.(' not l,'~:;~, than I) q"IIJ(/l'. ;\11 pl._lt(~:, shall be punched for boltlnLJ on both lonYltLidlncd and clfcllmfl'r,'Iltli'll Sf>drT1S and sholl be so fobricatecl (,,\s to permit complpt~' erection flOr[) If'l' I': Id,' 01 ti,' tllnn;>], Till' lorHiitudrJ:dl Secltn sLed] be 01 tl-,(' l.ql I'n)(~ With ott~,'L' qlld to 1j,1WJt,; of 11,I't<ll fOI full wldtll at pLlt(. IncludIng fJdnqcs dnti hd \If' :-;td1jqerr'd tlolt constrllction, so fabricated dB to dl low t:.e ctc'ss sectlon ell t!l" pl,.'I1(~ to b(~ f'ontinuous throuqh the sealll. All idiltE'~:; shall be of urliforrn f,dH1Crltlon drld those Intended for one size tunnel shall be inter'" (' II d illj p,d:>! ,-' " The' mcltc'ridl used for the construction of these plates shall be r,,'wnd \1;1U~j('d dnd ,;lllLltJIf> fot the purpose intended. f ,wh tndd('[ sh,dl furmsh ,1 drawlny showing a typical section of the tunnel deLll!:; of tl". pLllf':;, 10JlClltudlilcd and ,:ncurnferentlal seams. 517(' and Icnytl) of boj t S . i_--,,--0--.!j_~:;liI_~; tos_--'>'ll~(' ~l~,_S~_~(~r.l'l PI', As be stos -cern ent sewer pi pe s hall conform to tflp Ir:q11IiP!lit'nts of A.S.T.l\.L Desiqnfltlon C; 428-651'. Sewer pIpe shall be furrlish",j 1:1 ~otlt1ddrd If'[ltJths of 13 fcet or 6t feet and shall be Cldss 3300. _,:--,~L.\i\"~!I,Ll'_'(L_('Jdi._L2~-~_~i0__JJL~'__, Vitriftnd clay draIn tile shall conform to the re- qUlli>tlIf't\t:; ell /\..:-;,T"M. [I(:SI'--lnatlon C 4-62, The pIpe shall be fLunished In lcnyt!ls dS shown on thE drawlOqS.. ?_-,--4_Con(_}\'t"_I\TII~,(?~lFY_lL!~lts. (;oncretc masonry units shall conform to the requlren\i'llts uf A "S,T" M. f)esiqnation CSS-66T" The units shall be of the size shown on the draWl oq s " 4-1 LS G rom_i!_!l:;LlYl.qrt~s . 2..5.1 Mortar._ Mortar for placing concrete masonry units shall conform to the reqtllrCments of A.S.T.Mc C 270-64T, .~. 5_~LS!Eotd.!:. Crout for nrrssurp groutin(] the voids outside of the tunnel liner shall consist of a mixture of one part Type I cement and five parts sand, con- forming to the requin;ments of A,S.T.M. DcsignatlOn C 404-61 for fine aggreqate si Z(' 2. (rn,'lhlfactuf('d). The grout shall be lubricated with sufficient bentonite to eliminate reslstilnce to pumping.. .LJ2____J}I~klnQg }'tIT}ber:E... Blocking timbers shall be of sound lumber and shall be pldced (is ~;h(1wn ;)n the drawiogs, ~}acinllncasement Pipe. Qualified and experienced personnel should be em ployed on all tu nnel work. An approach trench or working pit is to be excavated about three feet wider than the pi PI' diontcU'r ond i1S close to the track as is safe and economical. If the soil caves it IS necessary to protect the trench with wood sheeting. The trench or pit should b'~ larqe enough to contain lighting equipment Ii tools and dewijtennq pump, Provision shall be made for disposing of the excavation from the tunnel, Two timbers 4" x 6" or larqer shall be set as a cradle on the floor of the tn.neh to tll(~ IiI1\' <lnd grade of the tunnel. l'ive rings of liner plate shall be assembl(~d on the timbers as a guide to subsequent operations" Poling plates shall be placed to cover the top half circumference of the pipe. When jacking frame with jack and jacking push-bars are installed, the liner plate structure shall be braced for the thrust of the jacks. Breast boards shall be maintallwd in the heading to the height required by the tendency of the soil tocClve-ln. Frequent instrument checks on hne and grade shall be required, The excavation for the tunnel should be kept to the outstde diameter of the lrner fJlatcs and any voids that mtqht occur due to boulders. loss of face materials. etc., shOll 1 d be immediatel Y filled with the grout as specified, to avoid any settlem(~nt of the over-burden. The ~1/8" diameter liner plate bolts should be tightened to a minimum of Cl0 ft. lbs, torque to draw the plates up snugly. A maximum of 100 ft. lbs. torque should not be exceeded to avoid excess stress tn the bolts. ~.Jlac 11l'.L~;_~u:Ji...:L~" lw'nt pipe i1S shown on the eCITlult pipe, Class 3300, The carrier pipe shall be placed within the encase- drawings. The pipe shall be constructed of asbestos- Joints shall be slip-on rubber ring gaskets as supplied 4-2 ... .. ... . ., by thl: fr,;Jl1uf"lC'tUfCf of the pipe ilnd conforming to A.S.T.M. Deslqfliltion D-IB69'-{)6. The ('llff1\'r pipe shall uc supported on wooden blocks d,; showl, or: the drdwlnqS ur ilt the contractor's option on compacted sand. 'r'he "and ~;h,31I form ,I (,{,ddle to thc' lower qUcHter paints of thc' pipe. Th(~ sand shall have d qrdddtion such that InO passes the No.4 sieve dnd 0 to l:iX, passes the 1\'0. 200:>le"I~. TtH' piue skill bc' "lid on a true CJrade dnd dliqnrnent grade. AI] section:) :..>f pipe sh,jll b!. Cdu'tuJly pldC":ed, supported dnd cf~nterpd. ,:mr:! icnf1f'd t(l form d sc:wer thdt willlidvl.~ d ullIfonn inv(~rt <jrade. The plpf~ shall be proteci'cd ,,1- 4dlnst impact shock .1nd free fal I during handling. Prior to bejnCl placeL! in the (',1r'1SC'rnc'nt pipf~, the asbestos-cement pipe shall be inspectf'd and any d,'mllCjf>d :,,'('tiOrl:; :.:h,lll:.)f' r"Jected, 4-3 FORREST H, ANDERSON GOVERNOR, ~~~mri~W$' .i?if~~~~ MONTANA HIGHWAY COMMISSION May 26, 1969 LEWIS M, CHITTIM "TATF', HIGHWAY r.NC3INEf:R IN REPLY REFER TO: Mr. Harold A. Fryslie City Manager City of Bozeman Bozeman, Montana SUBJECT: I 90-6 (13) & FAP 44 A&B Belgrade-Bozeman Dear Harold: I am sending your approved copy of form RW 131. You are hereby authorized to proceed with the proposed crossing in compliance with the "Regulations Governing Occupancy of State Highway Systems Right of Way by Utility Facilities". Yours truly, /'<::(~/ / c'// I. ,~ I'~;./~, t'.:~ ~ ~'-~ ?('c...fL.' .,'- ichard L. Miller Division Maintenance Supervisor Bozeman, Montana JOSLPH M N^::.;~:~, VICr: C)IAlf~'.IlA""; rOr'LAR .JOH~'J.J l.FA!(Y I',A I.I~:I-'E:::LL (..R!',Ol D H .'~;WA~~:;Oh~ Hc)f.EMAN U';L:""^;:,'N '-'AN ULLII'-':UFR JO~~~~ U \VHFFLFR. '.,~clir:^.r"Y II r.: i...1'~, A RLM/bm cc: R. B. Dundas Attached ALEX BLEWFTT. Cll^Ir-'\I^~j GRl-",.1' /-ALL~ ,i:',,'.-:Xil.:':