HomeMy WebLinkAbout68- Watermains, Sanitary Sewers and Street Purposes .i j>hoE ;juJ RIGHT OF WAY APPLICATION NO. 6483 AFFECTING THE SEtNEt, SEt, SEC. 13, TWP. 2S, RGE. SE, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. ~l Form R.48--1M No._ __ !?:2r~~_ __- ------ RIGHT OF WAY DEED IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF MONTANA c:o gU 'VLo -born ~be)1e t0te)1ent)1 ~l)aU C1tomr: Know ye that the State of Montana, in consideration of the sum of=::::.:::..-_-_-_-.====:::..-:.-_-_ _______________________________NO CHARGE-----------------------------------------~ollars ________________________________________________________________________~___~ now paid, grants to_ =::.:..-:.. -:..-_~_-:=.= =::.:. :..CU'.x.. .oJL13.QZID1t\<<)...J1.0~j.'hNA=':.:. :.-----: ~ -=.:::.:.:.:. -----:.:.:.:::. :.:.-- a right of way for ~:. :C.Qti~T_RJJ~J'lQ~ _41~.D_ ~J!:1l'~l'Jh~g~ _Q.F:. _Wj\.:r~~!ti~L _S.b~l:!'~BY _ ~~W_E~.? _ ~12 _ ~T_REET PURPOSES--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- upon and across state lands, as follows: Tracts of land in the SEtNE~, SEt, Section 13, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, M.P.M., Gallatin County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: Tr2~_~_h A tract of land forty-five (45) feet in width lying south of and adjacent to the following described centerline of Kagy Boulevard, Bozeman, Montana bound on the easterly edge by the westerly right-of-way line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right-of-way: Beginning at a point which bears South 890 14.6' West, 145.17 feet from the east one-sixteenth (E 1/16) corner of the southeast quarter (SE~) of said Section 13; thence South 890 14.6' West, 465.83 feet to a terminus point on the easterly right-of-way line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Spur line. Tract 2. A tract of land ninety (90) feet in width, forty-five (45) feet on each side of the following described centerline of Kagy Boulevard, Bozeman, Montana, beginning at a point on the easterly line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Spur line right-of-way easement, said beginning point bearing South 890 14.6' West six hundred eleven (611) feet from the east one-sixteenth (E 1/16) corner of the southeast Quarter (SE~) of said Section 13; thence South 890 14.6' West 888.97 feet to a terminus point. Tfact 3. A tract of land sixty (60) feet in width lying thirty (30) feet each side of the following described centerline of vacated South Seventh Avenue as originally platted in the Capitol Hill Addition to Bozeman, Montana, and said South Seventh Avenue extended South; Beginning at a point which bears South 890 14.6' West 1,269.97 feet and due North 000 00.0' West 45 feet from the east one-sixteenth (E 1/16) corner of the Southeast Quarter (SEt) of said Section 13; thence due North 000 00' West 1,280.60 feet to the mid-section line of said Section 13; thence continuing due North 000 DO' West 504.34 feet to a terminus point on the northerly line of vacated Grant Street as originally platted in the Capitol Hill Addition to Bozeman, Montana. This right of way contains in all 4.62 acres, more or less.. / ./-,'--- /~ / /' / ./ / ,// /// // // / / / /-// // / / /., // /'// / // /