HomeMy WebLinkAbout51- Northern Pacific Railway Co. Water and Sewer Pipeline
Noo 74115
This permission is granted upon the following tcrms~
NOR'rHERN pA.Cn'IC RAILv,AY COHP .I\NY,9 hereinafter celled the
first party" hereby perrrli ts CITY of BOZEI'lANl' a municipal corpora,.,
tion of the State of Montana. hereinafter called the second partys
to construct, operate and maintain upon its right of way and beneath
its tracks a 21 inch sewer pipe line along the course described as
follows ~
Entering the first party?s Main Line right of way in
Section 6. Township 2 South, Range 6 East, Montana Prin=
aipal Meridian, at Bozeman station, Montana. which right
of way is 200 feet wide on each side of the center line
of its main track as now constructed. at a point in ~he
northeasterly line thereof distant 402 feet more or less.
northwe sterly, measured along said center line ,9 from Hile
Post 141 (which mile post is located 2183 feet south=
easterlY9 measured along said center line.9 from the north
line of said section), thence southwesterly to a point.
distant 85 feet, more or less, northeasterly, measured at
right angle s, from sai,eJ center line and 442 feet north=
westerly. measured along said center line. from said mile
post; thence southwesterly at right angles to said center
line 255 feet, more or less, and passing beneath the first
partyUs tracks; thence westerly to a point in the routh=
westerly line of said right of way distant 462 feet, more
or le8s.9 northwesterly&> measured along said center linej)
from said mile post where it leaves said right of way,
Also entering the first partyUs Alternate Main Line
right of way in said section and at said station9 which is
100 feet wide on the northerly side and 130 feet wide on
the southerly side of the center line of the first party's
main track as now constructed at a point in the northerly
line thereof distant 1253 feet, more or less&> westerly&>
measured along the last mentioned center linej) from Mile
Post 141 (which mile post is located 1852 feet easterlys
measured along said last mentioned center line.9 from the
west line of said section), thence westerly to a point
distant 90 feet, more or less, northerly, measured at
riQht angless from said last mentioned center line and
12~3 feet westerly, measured alone said last mentioned
center line, from the last mentioned mile post; thence
southerly at right angles to said last mentioned center
line 170 feet, more or less. and passing beneath the first
party's tracks; thence westerly to a point in the souther=
ly line of the last mentioned right of way distant 1468 feet
more or less, westerlY9 measured along said last mentioned
center line from said last mentioned mile post where it
leaves said last mentioned right of wayo
10 The entire cost shall be borne by the second party;
the division superintendent of the first party will decide what
portion if any of the work will be done by the first party, and
for such portion the second party will pay the first party thB
estimated cost before the work is done; if the actual cost exceeds
the estirnate~ the seconrl party will pay the addltional amount when
called upon; if the actual cost is less than the estimate, the first
party will repay the surplus 0 All work hereunder by the second party
shall be done in a flrst~class worlananlike manner to the satisfac~
tion of the division superintendent of the first party" and in aecor,""
dance with plans and specifications which he may prescribe or approveD
The division superintendent of the first party shall have the right
at any time when in his judgment it becomes necessary or advisable"
to require any material used in the work to be replaGed with like
material or with material of a more permanent character, alsot,o
require additional work or changes of location as a matter of safe=
ty, or of appearance, or on acconnt of additional tracks being laid"
change of grade" or for any other reason connected with the operation
of the railroad of the first party~ all of which shall be done at
the expense of the second party in the manner herein providedo
20 The second party agrees that the improvements shall
not at any time damage the railroad or structures of the first
party, or be a menace to the safety of its operation; and to
indemnify and save harmless the first party from all loss and
damage to its tracks9 roadbed9 structures" rolling stock and other'
property of the first party and property of third persons9 and
from injuries to persons occasioned by the i,mprovementso
30 It is agreed that the provisions of Section 2 are for
the equal protection of any other railroad company or companies
heretofore or hereafter granted the joint use of the first party1s
property of which the premises upon which saId improvements 81.:1>8
located are a parto
40 This permit cannot be transferred or assigned by the
second party without the wri tten consent of the ,first part Yo
50 If the second party shall at any time cease to main-
tain and operate the said pipe line or shall fail faithfully
to perform every agreement of thi s instrument" the fir'st par't:y
may forthwitl1 terminate this permit and may forthwith expel the
second party from its premises, and at the end of the permit
the second party will restore the premises of the first party
~, ,2 =
to their former stateo
60 Said pipe line shall be constructed and maintained in
accordance with the specifications hereto attacheds marked Exhibit A
~ 3 C".'
and made a part hereofo
76 Upon request of the first partY9 made at any time.g that
it be permitted to dispose of sewerage through said pipe linel the
second party will make connection therewith for the benefit of the
first party, without requiring payment of any fee therefor:, except
the actual cost of labor and material used by the second party in
making such connectiono In the event that such sewer connection
is made the first party shall pay the second party for disposal of
sewerage through said sewer pipe at the same rate as any othel:~
common use thereofo
80 This permit is granted subject to the rights granted
by the first party to Jessie Eo Francis under a cultivation
license numbered 70432 and dated April 19 1949 and To B. story
under an irrigation ditch permit numbered 16487 and dated June 1,9
90 The second party further aerees that in any contract
which it shall let for the construction of said sewer on the
right of way of the first party under this permit9 it shall
provide as followsg
a. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless
the first party from any and all claims, suitsp lossesp
damages or expenses on account of injuries to or death
of any and all personsp whomsoever9 including the Con~
tractor9 Subcontractorsp employes of the Contractor9
Subcontractors and of the first partY9 and any and all
property damage ari sing or growing out of p or in any
manner connected with the work performed under this
contractp or caused or occasioned in whole or in part
by reason of the presence of the person or of the
property of the Contractor~ Subcontractorsp their
employes or agents9 upon or in proximity to the property
of the first part Yo
b" The Contractor shall procure and furnish to
the first party the insurance policY9 or in lieu thereof
a certified copy of said policy as provided for in
paragraph "C" hereof9 together with an endorsement
thereto.? under the terms of which the insurance company
assumes the liability of the contractor hereundera
Co The Contractor shall carry regular ContractorUs
Public Liability Insurance providing for a limit of not
less than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($509000000) for all
damages arIsing out of the bodily injuries to or death
of one person9 and9 subject to that limit for each
person9 a total limit of One Hundred Thousand Dollars
(q~l009000..00) for all damages arising out of bodily
By' ,~, "
---T' .,', (;." .~:~';.:':~--:-::'::-'::,"-""'-
~n ", sty l al ,,,,..:mml c} .:'~ CA.;ul'
injuries to or death of two Dr more persons in any ono
accidents and regular Contractor's Property Damage
Liability Insurance providing for a limit of not less
than Twenty=Fi ve Thousand Dollars (.1~25 D 000 0 00) for all
damages to or destruction of property in anyone accidentg
and subject to that limit~ a total (or aggregate) limit
of j;t'ifty Thousand Dollars (~~S'O~OOOoOO) for all d81uage",
to or destruction of property during the policy periodo
All such policies shall be approved by tho first party
as to the insurance company writing sameo the amonnt and
the form"
IN WITNESS VJH8.;REOF9 the partie s have executed the se
presents this 16th day of July, 19510
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