HomeMy WebLinkAbout62- Northern Pacific Railway Co. Easement
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NORTHER~-l PACiFIC Rt..ILWAY COMPANY, hor~jn"!I'" c"i!~d Railwjy Compa"t, her, by perrni"
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n1ainlai" the following facilities upon its right of way
h.r..;n(1l1~r coiled p.,rmiU"", to;: c,n~tr'jct, opef<,I". ,md
,,'S tl'~e J.Jce.tl:J:1 de;3CI':i.b'2cl as f)ll::;".m;
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l:a;lse '.,) '~'C'.s -'c; : ~:,:;,tC',r.8 Pr':tDc j-l-:<" J. ~=S~,~~( icen) Gall:::, t:::..:~ C JU~1t:;) :~)'.1ti:l1"2
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This perm:s.sictr. is glver~ __?Ol"\ the following te"ms:
1. P",,,,itt,,,,will 1"" ann\Jol;y i'l odva~c.. to Railway Company tor this permit the '''''" of Sc 'r(::,t'~,r an:: F)/l.O:-,
(S'TO .:})) dall"s, 0;00 ,~Ii l'Ixe. oJr,,j o.."..ments Ihal moy be l""i.." \" os.essed "gain'l -h.. locilities. ~ailw",y Compa"y
,,,s..,ves the right to ch'''13''' I~.. ~oic onnuol ch'lrge ot a'"'i Ii",,, v,hol" this p"'mir 'ema;n. in eff..cl OJpon thirty (30) days' w,ilt"n notice.
Tl,is p'ovision for pay'nenl on(1u."iiy sholl in no woy re,I,iet Ra;lw"y Company's righ, of term;"ation under Poragraph 6 h",..d.
2. (0) The enti,.. co,t ,hedl :,,, borne by Permittee, including but nol lirnii..d t~ the cost of c.,II""Jclioll, r"e.,n.lruelion, ,epc'"
op"rolion, m"inlena"~e, and remove! of soid facilities. The Divisio" ';upr.r;nt..nd..nt of Roilwo'f Compan)' will decide ...hal pO";";';, ,f
<;ny, of the work ....i II be do,,,, by Roj Iway ~ompcny, ond fo' <u<h porI;"" Perm,II.." w: II p:t 1<0; !wav (omp,my the ",timol..<l coSO- b~.
lor.. th.. work i. do"... If Ih.. acr"ol cost e~ceed, the e.limote, PermlTle.. will poy th.. eddition"i omour:t wi.,.." calleci upon, if the
cctuol co,st is less than t~~ t'stdnate, Railway C0m~Qnl wil] repay the s'LIlP:.JS. A.ll ,.....C;I,k ~erewr'd~r by p~r'TIittee 'iholi he ';~Q~~ in 0
first.class wIHkrnon!j!<e mvr'ne, to the sat:s.factio"" of rhe DivIsioi. Su::,eril1tendent of ~c;lway C()it1~ailY ar;o ir, (~.~cor,~a;1C& w!th pj,jr.f.
al,d :specUicatiOf"l$ whicn he mo). ore:::cribe or orprc'.~, T:"'H:: DiYISIOn S~lpf.Hintendent ~f ~oi!w(JY CompCln'Y' ~1;'~I;lI! riO.."e .tt-:,e ."isn.t ot O:,y
r;me whel"'! in his ;':JdS~I~nt !\" c.~~cDr'rH~,'~ l(eC~3s.JIOY :jr Ql;~j.ia6'e~ to .~e'JUrrfl! \.~n':i ;nct~er~o! U5.!'':;'' '~.,u w(jrk *{,.~::e repl',;'lC'l'H.:J ~jtt." i:~"~
7'i':~;,!t':'i.:=': :::-'{ .".;,:,~ ~,..:+~~.:~l .::'~ 11 ,..;....,.'" Of!t'n-':H,nent r::hQro.::ter' .:;,:I~,tj ~o req~Jir~ <Jddi'lion,~1 ''''od,; oi' !'.:;hons~~ o~ loc-otion of s,aid ;::.:3C,ilt~ell ,(.:;~ ;,::1
matter of ~l.':1fet"l, or nf arr.:,'~;:"lr!;:H'iCe, or O,!'"l oC":~U"t ~, additior'.ol tfQcks bf.:ln(; l~)lt;,i, chcl:~je nl; g~l"ide th~r.!:.:'.,f~ ~C~f..,'''':t:'~~.,~ ~,f ~ b.,.!>ldinIJJ
or for ony other reo!;('r': whether or not connected with ,hil! op~rcdion, rnQintenonce, Gr impi""c,~~ment of the r'Jlircod..,f Rc.i~wn,;' CClnpai:',V,
01101 whieh sh'JII be don.. a, .he e~pense of Pe'm"t.... in Ih" ",anne' he'ei"" p'ovided.
. (bl In the eve:,': Ihal 1.11 "ny I,me h",ea!!e' o;;y ch'Jn9"', oiterc;tiol's, .)( r..lo<::ot.on of the Fecilit,..> he,eby cov..red ore to bl< "node
or C)"y nf:er work Df ~t:> kinl1 :;. to be done ,n cC~lnectio.i wit'l ~aid f-:'lc;i;~ie~, .N'iet~\~:- ot the request ~f t;ai!wv.y ~'':'l''T'':bOt1y 0: ft... I_:n.;
cauSe what~ver, 9Qilw(.!y C:ol,..,?~ny miJ)' require ~he furnisJ;ing by Perrn!tte~ or its. c~ntrl]c:tor of j"!lJrar.co ~ol'i:...fcch_"\r'''' ti'":' Rt;J;;v.ta?' Co!";.,..
pony to protect i1 ,~gaili$t any :css or darncge iri any way ori slrlg out of cr in ony wny t;:on~'l;tc+tJd with the If.,od<.
(c) In t;le ~v~n! Railway Cornpo:1Y d~et:ls ~t nece<$sl:lry to pro\";dc eltlHH fl~9m~n or it"l~pect':H~, cl' both. during the pe<Gd or i::~;-1"':_
structior'l, recon~qfl.,..ctlO", repo-ir, ':lperatiO:i1 maintenonc::~, (Jrid removed ~f said f?c.;:iti~s b',J "dher pClrt~ os provid~~d fer In ~"r(29rn~~h
2. (0), Permittee :-S!1<JIJ b~or the experise incurred b"',,(~l:3i!woJ' CCompany -for ~u\~h 'f't'Of~glr:g 01' inspection ':..cro,icl!!. F~ailWf.lY C>~,mrl(,1ny
will notify Permittee of 1he ~sti'(1'~ted C':J~t of such ~ICi9ging 0' in5~ection $ervi<::c, ond P'!rmitt~e will pt:Jy such .es.imi:lt~d '(]r.,d ',:H:t'j~,
o::ost in the sa",,, mann..r a~ p,,,,.ideo for 'n P",o9,.ph 2. (~J.
3. (0) Pe,mitt..e ~g'''''s t.,,,, th.. foeiiilles sh~il "ot ot any 'ime dumage the roilroad ,,' s'ructures 01 Railway Ccrop'my, N b.."
menoce 10 Ih.. sofely o' ir:; op"rclion, "nd to indem"i~ eon" sa..." f,o,mless R"ilway Comp""v f'om 011 lo's and dOIT,"ge TO I, ""e>."
rcadbed, st'uelur~s, ro!I,n9 ''f<,ci<, and oth", prop",'ty of R,,;iwav Con,pony and properly "f thirdi'er~""s, aCld i'om 'n;IJ"'" '0) ",r d"oTr
of perSCdlS} i\"'l.C'lwdi'-ig r:mpiQye~s o~ 'the rar"'ies ~e..'~~o; ucc:osioneJ by tht'} exer~;se of the pe(m;~~ior'1 ~Ie.r~by g~'ant~d.
\b) Pe,,,,itt,.. h..r..by k"h"r agr..... to hoici hermle" "ne! jnd"mn,fy Railway ComF-"ny fr"m ond cT'inSI any and '0;1 Ie.. or
domage'O the f"cil,I,e., the i,""lo;\a'ion of whioh is he,eby permitt"d "n the p'emises 01 Ka;!w~y C<.mp"rlY.
.1. it ;'09'....d Iho~ 'he pr",i,io(1s of P",og""ph :3 or" for 1f-.. eql,lol p,,,tection of (lny "th." railroad eomp"n~. 0' eomp~ni~' >"",et",.
~:l:j'e or h8r(l!oher gt'(mied the i~int fJ$e of aoi;w,:'jY Cornpanyl,s property of whir.h fh~ ,~r"'mi.$~s upon which 50;-:1 ~a<::i:itif',lS are 101;\~Hed
or" 0 par'.
5, P~r;<;;!t".. .hal! ';01 t,onsfer." '''''9n Ihi~ p,,,,,,;t with"..,1 ,the w'i..~" ,,,,,,,ent "I Ro;lw<Jy Compa"t.
6" Tnis permit r.holl endC)re u"1ti! t~f~'l~i,';i'Jted bv Rcilwtl~1 C~ITIpO"Y. Poi~w::1Y COn-q.H2dY r~5erY~~ t}d! right 'it) t~frnlf1Qte thi5 per'T'it ..,t
Qr;y time ~J~~'':,:H' the gi\/if'lg 1.:'.( -, ~f -~-::~~ (/~!,= ') days) notice, either bv per~0ti(J1 driivery or by r'lajl~ or by tht po;,:~tirig i)r nO+lce o."l ,he
pr~\"'ili~~~. UFO:'i '~h~ cxp:l"t:'tion c;.f th~ !j,~e ~t\.lte~ in or.y ~u~h notice, P,,;lwr;:I)' Ccm..!;]ny may fOI"~~\i6(ith ~xpe! Pecrr!it~e~ ,tr:J1ril i1$ P"~,:.;,!:s.e~,
and (':It th:;: ..~;)~.;)f the pe,rmit Ff'~f\"(,itt~c shnli rC',S"Ci.C the pre"l:s~s of Rai:Nov Cornp.Jny t~ th~<r fcnner stai:e. UP;';'''i t~rrll;q':HI\Jri or "~'~I':";
per'mi1 :,]',"1Y unelJrri~:Q portion !Jf ~,\"le .:li"ln~)a: chc.fge paid h,!:l'"e'...lnCl"H shel! t.~.' r~LJrld6'd.
;'. Thi~ ~~:~m!~ :5 ~i(.: ',~~d si.;hj"ct.o perr'r:it~; l(l'jase"~1 (]I'Hi Iic'1'nscs., ;( ~ni'f heretcdo(~ grunt~rl b)r RClil.....'ot C(~;rp.~r:! aHect:r"tg ~I~~
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for Sower,
SPf'::: ':'fic I'j I. i "~-,
Irr igst ion r,nd :..'l' :.-,.... nIl
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under RBihl!j''i're:k!3.
':: ;,:),,31 nes
L Sewer, irrignt ion or drein lines pa"s: ,~ . ,
of i=lipe n01; 1e8S than five feet belo-w4~1; L:.: .~: !'rJ~... ,,;
I..ftse 2f' :'[::6; I;~~
feet below bottom of roadway ditch.
:~~-~S shall be pl&ced with top
~Cr cf pipe not 1e 58 thon three
2. Pipe, w'+hin 91 fe~t pl th
..~".. .... -us e depth of pipe, Br~~E 2C:,;:'C-:":":: with one of the following:
.Cast Ir::.n Pipe '._- Extra Heavy j"":"',",') "') "'"
".. t ...........J.l'il.it l"~-,,.l.,":n:~-.~<,,,,
Concret'2 ripe -- ASTh1 C-?6-~)7r CbS3 I'~ .l',,,,:l B, Cll'::;u12r :":,,il:fc.~8e!nen-'u in
circular pi~e, for pip~~ in0talled with less than 15 feet be-
tW~en tcp of pi;;2 er.c: t::!,; :;f ti.e. g:in,~ C-7::,-571 C19QsV, Wall
C, circ~13r r~in~orcl~~c~: in c~:cula~ pi~e, for pipos irl;~'Galled
with greater ~t~n 15 feet tetwcen tap of pipe and top of tie.
Corrugated Metal Fi pe -- G'l.',l;':C CJrd coating ~;t:bj ect tc review 1:'y Ra ilwey Company.
Other pipe material may be usr:-::. en special approval of the Railway Company.
:.3. for a di~tance of not less than 21 feet plus the depth of pipe each side ofthG center
line cf track crossings, the joints in the pip~ line shall be provided with suitable
j 0 lnt ieg l'l".aterial to make a water-t 19b connect ion and of such material that these
j Oi!lts w ill remain tight under roadbed loads and impact.
4. Irrigation pipe line crossings and Gyphons shall 1.:e provided throughout their length
with water-tight joints capable of re3isting the hydrostatic pressure under which they
'ire lu operate. Eithel~ lock j oint, copper strip, or rutber band type of standard make
will be setisfactory for concrete pipe syphon. Plans for syphons which are to operate at
?!'eate;-:- tban a pressure of ten pounds per square inch shall be subject to special review
by Railway Engineering Department.
5. Under certain conditions the Railway Company may require the use of f:lj'1 enCaS'%18r:.t pipe
arotmd the carrier pipe.
6. V;I",re w3.rrar:ted b:{ apecial local conditions the Railway Comp2.ny tr.ay require an emergency
bJ,-pass or waste-wliY wi t.hin effective distance of the crossing.
7. Where laws, codes, or orders of competent public authority pl'u2cribe a higher degree of
protection than specified hereio, then the higher degree of protec"tion so pr3scribed
shall be deemed a part of the specificQi;ions set forth :.n this Exhibit.
r- 3 H -"-., (ransition
Subgrade -r -'-~TI · ,---~-
fi-=r - ; _~-1 //rlvCut-O~f ~
D I' 5'Min,-~e Note I , . /;: ~Syphon Crossl~g J.
.------------- I T r-~~ Min. / / Water Tight Jomts c
/~. ' L' /// '0
-----~ ' -t . I " 0..
;i;~J.--l--~-~~/~-~ ..---- : ----t---..--.i~,-~ ~
~(~rrier , kD~11,---I ~-1!' I. ~~ ~
~9Vid_e Wafer Tight JOints~~re~~ i
See Notes 2., ~ v 4 ~
S E\^l E R, ORA I }J, 0 R I R RIG,~ T tON L I N E S
1M........~":,.N'~~~~~1C~~oII'.~~::'~A.-""!t~,;:fry?'!~~~~.,~~~~-1,. ~~",~';'...If"if'-<'o\-.tf.,.lI",:.~.':':"~~~4';'~~~' ,~~~.{'f!",.-,; '''f!..':-/'''-''I;''"1II~.t:~"","'''"'''''!'P',~:~',~C-'~...\!.<l1.~,~'''''''~~''I'',.~'';'':'\' r.
Office of ChiafEngineer
St. Faul, Minnesota
Novemb0r I, 1959.
I,~: .