Thursday, Jan. 11, 2018
Attending: Jennifer Rockne (SCAN), Kathy Powell (UNA), Gail MacMillan (BPNA),
Ginny Cowan (BCNA), Suzanne Held (NENA), Joe Genovese (NHVN), Jono McKinney
(MarLin), Bob Wall (SENA)
QUORUM Present
Tanya Andreasen (Neighborhood Coordinator)
Captain Andy Knight, Bozeman Police Dept.
Craig Woolard (Head of Dept. of Public Works)
John Van Delinder (Superintendant of Streets)
Matt Workman (Asst. Superintendant of Streets)
4:32 Jennifer convened the meeting
Commission room in City Hall
No public comment.
Reviewed Dec. minutes. Ginny moved to approve the minutes. Gail seconded. Motion
passed unanimously.
4:35 Capt. Andy Knight – BPD Updates
Working with Streets and Parking to try to get rid of vehicles that are causing problems
with plowing. Prior to Monday, 52 cars were tagged as abandoned vehicles. 30 or so were
moved voluntarily, towed about 12 on Monday. Code Compliance officer put in request
to tow 10 more today.
Residents can call to report cars that should be tagged - need to move every 48 hours.
Can also report issues with shoveling. Lost position that was doing proactive patrolling of
sidewalks, so mostly responding to complaints. Call in to non-emergency number -
582-2222. Or can report on web via code compliance link.
Last year, there were 2,586 vehicle crashes. 40 were DUI arrests. Total around 365 DUIs
last year. About 50,000 calls for service to BPD, around 2000 total arrests last year.
About 1200 thefts, 85 burglaries.
Deputy Chief just announced his retirement sometime between March and May. Just have
a swearing-in ceremony the start of the month for new officers. Starting hiring process
end of the month for August 20th starts.
Shop with a Cop worked with 4 different agencies, shopped with over 40 kids. A lot of
donations - $1000 in cash in the bucket at Target just that day.
Did blood drive with Fire Dept. last week - 27 pints of blood.
Helping Belgrade PD with recent homicide.
Question from Joe about blinking turn signals. Per Craig Woolard, MDT has a new stan-
dard that affected Main. 7th, and 19th.
4:48 Craig Woolard, Director of Public Works, John Van Delinder, Street Superinten-
dant, and Matt Workman, Asst. Street Superintendent
From Craig: current policies and constraints in snow removal. City has crew of 15 when
everyone is healthy. 8 collectors and arterials that are plowed daily - this is the key strate-
gic priority. 7th, Main, 19th, and Rouse are MDT routes. City helps in an emergency, but
these are the State’s responsibility. A lot of people are confused about this, and the City
gets a lot of complaints, particularly about Main St. Can call MDT at 556-4700.
City owns 8 plow trucks, 5 graders, and two sand trucks.
Local streets are plowed after arterials and collectors are done. Most local streets plowed
by graders with snow gates. This plowing reduces efficiency by around 30% to avoid
plowing snow into driveways.
To maintain level of service, goal is when a 4-6” snow falls, get local streets plowed
within seven days. Normal winter usually get 85” snow total. This year, over 70” in Nov.
and Dec. This year, Streets crew already put in 1900 hours of overtime in Nov. and Dec.
Trying to tell neighborhoods the day of plowing in general - need to adjust for garbage
collection schedules. Looking for good ways to get the word out to neighborhoods. Spent
around $40,000 last year on outreach specifically about snow removal.
Estimate to do predictively reliable plowing, would need a dedicated crew. Current strat-
egy is that it is better to say the crew will be in a neighborhood and be there than to make
an announcement and not show up. Estimate that it would add $1M in equipment and an-
other 4 streets employees to provide that predictability.
Working with MSU to try to get students to park on campus over breaks. There is a dedi-
cated lot by the Fieldhouse for that.
Discussed the process to get abandoned cars towed in a more timely fashion. Parking
Dept. can now tow also, which helps.
Get the question about restricting parking to one or the other side of the week on a regu-
lar schedule. Hasn’t been deemed practical to date. Probably wouldn’t get much compli-
ance, and a lot of calls about where to park.
Discussed whether volunteers could help - maybe puts signs around cars that need to
move, help enforce which side of the street people can use for parking.
This has been an atypical year, so it might be a good idea to not overcompensate.
Try to use NextDoor, Facebook, Twitter for notices. Can sign up for e-notifications.
BozemanStreetReport.com. [Subsequent check of the site didn’t turn up a place to enroll
for email notifications.]
Can contact City shops at 582-3200, or 582-3203 for more urgent issues.
Discussed how neighborhood associations can help communications - get the word out
about where neighbors can get information about plowing, discuss options with neighbors
to help keep streets cleared so plows can clear snow.
6:01 Agenda items
Post-holiday party - Gail has an update. Will be at the Lindley Center. Will be after the
next meeting, Feb. 8. Meeting open to INC reps, partners, NA officers / steering commit-
Will provide something - maybe a meat/cheese tray, and potluck for the rest.
Each neighborhood can provide some rough idea of the number of people that might at-
tend. Pass numbers along to Tanya.
6:10 FYI items from Tanya
A lot happening with new prospective associations. One issue has been demolition and
replacement of stadium at high school, and separating the parent and bus drop off spaces.
Other development issues around town are raising awareness about neighborhood associ-
ations. Tanya is meeting with representatives from the Knolls tomorrow.They have their
application ready, but want to allow residents to ask questions.
Will talk at Feb. meeting about the budget.
Meeting at library next week about City’s trees.
State of Neighborhoods
Jennifer and Tanya have been contemplating whether it would be a good idea to do the address to
the Commission this year. Agendas are full the rest of January. Things are stacking up in Feb-
ruary. Table discussion of issues for next meeting.
Tanya will send out an update of the info we assembled last year and will send it to everyone by
Jan. 24.
2018 INC initiatives
- dog poop bags provided in all City parks (Maddy)
- increasing bike path and walking path connectivity (Maddy)
Amanda had asked how to find out who owns/maintains different trails and paths
- Doing better job of disseminating info about INC activities to neighborhoods (Suzanne,
- Increase outreach to media about what is happening in neighborhoods (Suzanne)
- Continue to sign up new neighborhoods (Bob)
- City will be focused on parking, NCOD, affordable housing (Kathy)
- Branding (Kathy)
- Short term rentals and ADUs - keep track of how that is going (Kathy)
- “Active urbanism” (active Bozemanism) - projects in neighborhoods to serve as proof
of concept for something the City could do (similar to NENA traffic calming project
this summer). Maybe do something near Neighborhoods Day in Sept. Each neighbor-
hood could assemble a project, and people could tour them. (Jennifer)
- Festivals and Parks - guidelines for success (Jono)
- Affordable housing vs. preserving neighborhood character (Jono)
- Process with Heeb’s & developer reconciling differences with neighborhood went well.
Maybe try to establish some best practices to achieve significant results
Suzanne brought a pamphlet from MSU - “College Life 201 - Life after Residence
Halls”. Tanya is meeting with Good Neighbor Committee next Wednesday and might be
able to work on an update.
6:45 No objections – meeting adjourned.
Minutes recorded by Bob Wall.