HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-20-18 City Commission Minutes u cam.� THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday,August 20,2018 Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Present Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl: Present Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Present Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Present Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: Present Staff Present at the Dais: City Manager(CM)Andrea Surratt, City Attorney(CA) Greg Sullivan, Deputy City Clerk Brenda Sweeney A. 06:00:01 PM (00:01:13)Call to Order—6:00 PM-Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Mayor Andrus called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. B. 06:00:16 PM (00:01:28) Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. 06:00:56 PM (00:02:08)Changes to the Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. D. 06:01:03 PM (00:02:15) Public Service Announcements 1. No City Commission Meetings on August 27,2018 and September 3,2018,and Closure of City Offices on September 3, 2018(Sweeney) E. 06:01:18 PM (00:02:30) FYI There was no Commission FYI. F. 06:01:29 PM (00:02:41)Commission Disclosures There were no Commission disclosures. G. 06:01:35 PM (00:02:47)Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services(LaMeres) a Page 1 of 9 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 20,2018 2. Approve an On-Premises Beer and Wine License for The RSVP Motel, LLC of Bozeman, Montana to Sell Beer and Wine at 510 North 7th Avenue for Calendar Year 2018(Portnell) a 3. Formal Cancellation of the August 27,2018 and September 3,2018 City Commission Meetings (Crough) 4o 4. Authorize the Mayor to Sign a Montana Department of Commerce, Big Sky Economic Development Trust Fund Program Grant Award to FreeAgent, Contract Number MT-BSTF-1- 19-08(Fontenot) , a 5. Authorize the Mayor to Sign a Montana Department of Commerce, Big Sky Economic Development Trust Fund Program Grant Award to the Profitable Ideas Exchange ("PIE"), Contract Number MT-BSTF-1-19-06(Fontenot) " a 6. Authorize the Mayor to Sign a Montana Department of Commerce, Big Sky Economic Development Trust Fund Program Grant Award to XY Planning Network, Contract Number MT-BSTF-1-19-07 (Fontenot) 7 4- 7. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Contract Agreement with K&E Enterprises, Inc. for the Lead Service Line Removal and Replacement Project(Murray) 7 a 8. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Lift Station Agreement and Public Access Easement with Rosa Johnson Development, LLC for the Boulder Creek Phase 1 Subdivision (Rogers) , a 9. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Memorandum of Agreement, Public Use Easement,and Waiver Valuation with Gallatin Valley Presbyterian Church for Construction of Improvements to the Durston Road and Ferguson Avenue Intersection (Kohtz) " a 10. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Memorandum of Agreement, Public Use Easement,and Waiver Valuation with S. and G. Lindblom and C. and C. Croskey for Construction of Improvements to the Durston Road and Ferguson Avenue Intersection (Kohtz) Cp 11. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. (AE2S) for the Pear Street Booster Station Rehabilitation Project(Heaston) 0 a 12. Ratify the Assistant City Manager's Signature on a License Agreement with Greenspace Landscaping, Inc.for the Use of City Property for the Installation of a Walking Labyrinth at the Bozeman Public Library(Winn) 7 a 13. Resolution 4951, Authorizing Change Order Number 1 with Williams Brother Construction, LLC for the Water Reclamation Facility(WRF)Small Works Construction Project(Heaston) a 14. Resolution 4952, Authorizing Change Order Number 2 with Williams Brother Construction, LLC for the Water Reclamation Facility(WRF)Small Works Construction Project(Heaston) a 06:01:40 PM (00:02:52) City Manager Overview CM Surratt provided a summary of the highlights of the consent agenda. Page 2 of 9 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 20,2018 06:02:44 PM (00:03:56) Public Comment There was no public comment. 06:02:58 PM (00:04:10)Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items 1-14 as submitted. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Terry Cunningham:Approve H. 06:03:19 PM (00:04:31) Public Comment Mayor Andrus opened public comment. 06:03:54 PM (00:05:06)Andy Boyd,Public Comment Mr. Boyd thanked the Commission for swiftly moving on the minimum wage increase for city employees and talked about even higher minimum wages. 06:06:59 PM (00:08:11)Ben Hahn Public Comment Mr. Hahn is hereto join the conversation about the$15.00 minimum wage increase request and getting it on the agenda on September 101n 06:08:35 PM (00:09:47)Zeth Stone Public Comment Mr.Stone represents the Democratic Socialists of America and congratulated the Commissioners and City Manager for showing leadership regarding the minimum wage issue. 06:10:13 PM (00:11:25)Jesse Klein,Public Comment Ms. Klein expressed her gratitude to the Commission for their response about the minimum wage for city employees. 06:12:18 PM (00:13:30)Garrett Egner,Public Comment Mr. Egner is a graduate of MSU and an engineer in Bozeman. He talked about the difficulty of MSU graduates staying in Bozeman due to prohibitive living expenses. 06:14:04 PM (00:15:16)Mark Fiji,Public Comment Mr. Fiji works in Bozeman and thanked the Commission for raising the wages of the lowest paid city employees and talked about the much larger national problem. 06:15:32 PM (00:16:44)John Thiesen,Public Comment Mr.Thiesen asked the Commission to vote for the minimum wage increase for city employees as soon as Page 3 of 9 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 20,2018 possible. 06:16:02 PM (00:17:14)Julia Thibus, Public Comment Ms.Thibus thanked the Commission for listening to several presentations regarding the living wage issue requested to get this on the agenda as soon as possible. 06:18:26 PM (00:19:38)Zachary Krum, Public Comment Mr. Krum talked about the pleasure of growing up in Montana and his thoughts about the shame that such low wages are accepted. I. 06:19:58 PM (00:21:10)Other Public Hearing 1. 06:20:06 PM (00:21:18) Bozeman School District 7 Van Winkle Football Stadium Site Plan Agency Exemption Public Hearing,Applications 18192 and 18265 (Johnson) a 06:20:46 PM (00:21:58)Staff Presentation Senior Planner Courtney Johnson introduced the presentation for the agency exemption hearing for Bozeman High School Van Winkle Stadium Improvements.She outlined the Major School Development Review process and site plan review timeline.She presented a highlight of the project including two phases and seven exemptions in total.She talked about next steps. 06:32:22 PM (00:33:34)Applicant Presentation Jeff Lusin, Principal and Project Manager with NE45 Architecture, reviewed the design tasks and programming processes for a multi-use stadium with traffic improvements for Bozeman High School. He reviewed UDC Exemptions for the stadium and the project in detail. 06:44:46 PM (00:45:58)Clarification of Public Hearing Mayor Andrus reminded the public that this is a formal hearing required by the Commission but they do not take any action on this item.This is an opportunity for the public to ask questions or express their views during public comment time as well as the Commission to ask questions. 06:45:09 PM (00:46:21) Questions of Staff DM Mehl asked for the three reasons to do phasing. He asked how long the school has known they need right-of-way for 15th Avenue. He asked about the traffic impact study. He asked about the number of parking stalls. He asked about approaching a PUD process. 06:53:48 PM (00:55:00) Questions of Applicant DM Mehl asked Mr. Lusin asked about the non-motarized circulation exemption. He asked about other safety measures. He asked Andy Willett, Chair of the Bozeman School Board,about the consequences of Phase 2 not being developed and the school board's interest in a PUD. 07:03:36 PM (01:04:48) Questions of Staff continued Cr. Krauss asked detailed questions about the traffic study. He asked about an east/west bike or Page 4 of 9 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 20,2018 pedestrian path through the site plan. Cr. Cunningham asked staff about the two exemptions regarding parking lot screening and landscaping. He asked about the philosophy behind breaking up parking lots with landscaping. He asked whether there was a safety study for students using roundabouts. Mayor Andrus asked whether the traffic study was done during school time.She asked Mr. Willett whether they had considered having an agreement with MSU for use of their field. Cr. Krauss asked about full access for public safety vehicles. He asked about hosting tournaments in the stadium. Cr. Pomeroy asked CA Sullivan for clarification regarding the Commission's rights for this public hearing. Cr. Krauss stated the Commission does have power to officially act to express pleasure or displeasure about certain elements of this submission. 07:28:38 PM (01:29:50) Public Comment Mayor Andrus opened public comment. 07:28:53 PM (01:30:05)Glenn Monahan Public Comment Mr. Monahan lives one block from the high school and talked about how he impacted by decisions the school district makes. 07:33:16 PM (01:34:28)Nancy Schultz,Public Comment Ms.Schultz talked about her concerns about the multi-sports stadium and the need for a publicly vetted plan. 07:36:27 PM (01:37:39)Michael Coster,Public Comment Mr. Coster wanted to know where the buses will park for sporting events. He talked about the use of the old stadium and an endorsement of a master plan for the high school 07:37:44 PM (01:38:56)Abigail Bruer, Public Comment Ms. Bruer talked about responsible use of school property toward the safety of students and the addition of a stadium to a piece meal addition. 07:41:09 PM (01:42:21)Chris Wasia Public Comment Mr.Wasia talked about mitigating impacts of moving the stadium away from Main Street and parcels potentially being sold to developers. He talked about the parking stall count. 07:44:46 PM (01:45:58)Clarification by Applicant Mr.Willett commented on master planning and stadium committee group meetings. He talked about the improvement of intrusive lights and the announcement of games, as well as the addition of interior space to alleviate 11t'. He talked about the impact on 15t''residents. He talked about the number of parking spaces needed on a daily basis. Kyle Scar,with TD&H Engineering, provided clarification on parking lot distances. 07:50:43 PM (01:51:55) Discussion Cr. Krauss talked about this being an opportunity for the school district to listen to the neighbors and Page 5 of 9 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 20,2018 take a larger view. He talked about public safety issues and responsibility. Cr.Cunningham talked about the collaborative effort in this joint project with the community and school district and all the work done toward it. He talked about the phasing and traffic control issues. Cr. Pomeroy talked about the growing student population and the health of the community.She talked about trusting the school district to make the right decisions. DM Mehl acknowledged the success of the project and addressed the Memorandum of Understanding between the city and school district. He talked about a lack of addressing public safety according to city regulations and standards. Mayor Andrus talked about the school district coming to the Commission some day with solutions instead requests for exceptions. 08:15:10 PM (02:16:22) Recess Mayor Andrus called the Commission to recess until 8:25 PM. 08:25:12 PM (02:26:24) Call to Order Mayor Andrus called the meeting back to order at 8:25 PM. Motion: No motion is required. J. 08:25:19 PM (02:26:31)Action Items 1. 08:25:21 PM (02:26:33) Continue the Maple Terrace Zone Map Amendment to September 17, 2018,Application 18217 (Jadin) a 08:25:40 PM (02:26:52) Public Comment There was no public comment. 08:25:51 PM (02:27:03)Motion and Vote to continue the public hearing on application 18217, Maple Terrace Zone Map Amendment from August 20,2018 to September 17,2018. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl: 2nd Manor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Terry Cunningham:Approve 2. 08:26:21 PM (02:27:33) Presentation of Preliminary Information and Policy Questions for Water and Wastewater Rate Studies (Donald) , a 08:27:19 PM (02:28:31)Staff Presentation Finance Director Kristin Donald introduced the project and presentation.She explained the project was kicked off in December, 2017 after conducting Requests for Proposals (RFPs) in August, 2017.Staff has Page 6 of 9 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 20,2018 been working with Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. (AE2S)who is presenting their work tonight with important questions that will shape their final report.Shawn Getty with AE2S Nexus,sister company to AE2S, presented the Water and Wastewater Utility System Cost of Service and Rate Design Study. Mr.Getty presented interim recommendations regarding key policy decisions for the water utility.The Commission asked a series of questions following each section of the presentation with regard to recommendations on the rate structure of the water and wastewater utility system in the city. 10:00:07 PM (04:01:19) Meeting Extension Mayor Andrus extended the meeting to 10:15 PM. 10:00:52 PM (04:02:04)Questions of Presenter Cr.Cunningham asked about the definition of"drought"and who declares that. DM Mehl asked about the drought reserve versus a model for revenue loss. Cr. Krauss asked about affected users when suggested changes are made. Cr. Pomeroy asked whether low income people would be able to pay a little bit less. 10:06:05 PM (04:07:17) Discussion Mayor Andrus asked the Commission if they want to direct staff, have another policy discussion. DM Mehl is comfortable with a short-term recommendation with a final decision six months from now. Cr. Krauss talked about a rate increase needing to come in front of the commission. He talked about larger questions requiring more information. Cr. Cunningham would like to see an implementation plan regarding an educational component in communicating it to the public. Cr. Pomeroy agrees. Mayor Andrus would like the Commission to have a separate policy discussion. CM Surratt asked about the timeline about the policy discussion.The Commission confirmed late fall. She asked whether the short-term amount would be something to consider on September loth with the next fiscal year final budget resolution.The Commission confirmed. Cr.Cunningham requested any new information or data be provided well in advance of the meeting. Cr. Krauss thought all the information presented tonight was good. Cr. Pomeroy asked about the Hope House budget for the September loth agenda. Motion: No motion is required. Advertised as an Action Item so the Commission may direct staff and consultant as necessary. 3. 10:13:16 PM (04:14:28)Appointment(s)to the Design Review Board (DRB) (Sweeney) 7.F 10:13:18 PM (04:14:30)Motion to appoint Brady Ernst to the Architect position with a term ending June 30,2020, Christopher Keil to the Landscape Architect/Design position with a term ending June 30, 2020,Peter Costanti to a Non-Professional position with a term ending June 30,2020 and Troy Scherer to a Non-Professional position with a term ending June 30,2020 on the Design Review Board. Page 7 of 9 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 20,2018 Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd 10:13:43 PM (04:14:55) Vote on the Motion to appoint Brady Ernst to the Architect position with a term ending June 30,2020, Christopher Keil to the Landscape Architect/Design position with a term ending June 30,2020, Peter Costanti to a Non-Professional position with a term ending June 30,2020 and Troy Scherer to a Non-Professional position with a term ending June 30,2020 on the Design Review Board. The motion passed 5-0. Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Terry Cunningham:Approve K. 10:13:51 PM (04:15:03) FYI/Discussion Cr. Krauss talked about lack of noise towards Bozeman's taxable value. L. 10:15:32 PM (04:16:44)Adjournment Mayor Andrus adjourned the meeting at 10:15 PM. raL.Andrus r ATTEST: O 'k • `+ Robin Crough City Clerk • 1 tJ" -_ �No Page 8 of 9 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 20,2018 PREPARED BY: Brenda Sweeney Deputy City Clerk Approved on: Gccein, We,- l o. QLN 9 Page 9 of 9