HomeMy WebLinkAbout57- Kenck Easement and Right of Way ~ . .. . , -1 "') ~ r: ,..- ., '11 I -)11['.' / ".)~) ,U[)(\ __. 1"111:.1-. '.. E/l;..s~~h{T:i.:NT .AND HIGFT-OF'-viAY AGRE1i)\IB:N'r F'OI-{ WAl'E:RPIF~~ LINg THIS ~,m.mEI'{8:Nl', I'lad.e and entered into this :29 tr dev of July ,; . , A. TJ. lJh7, r)., and beb.'ieen RALFh" ;:;;. KE"'CK 8Mi TV}?OTl-Y Y";}[(;[, husbanc arld '!,jfp, and .TLi:.TA SI1'Ti,;T, 8nd (,J\]',A (;Y-1'T21:\, hnsllPnci and wife, all of0)ozemBIl, '\Ion-Cene, pBrt:i e~j of the first pe.rt, hereinafter calJ."':1 the Grantors, and '1'1':';: C Il''i OF BOZE:iVlJ<1i, e municipal corporation of Lb0 Stete ofc~lltC'nA, :in <'rdh:ctin i...J)ITity, the ~Br~ of the seccnd psrt, hereinafter called the Grentee. WITNESSETH V~FfERE.'\S, The CrrantorA 8.re the legal record til;le owners of rortions 0f [,he ]\!E~, svfi- of Section 12, T 2 S, Ji 5 Ii:, ii'J'lvTj and Jnjfi~rrP,AS, the (;rantee, in the exercise of iLs power end !"uthori ty as a mmiicipality of the State of 1\i\ontane, prof,oses to C'OlHltrl1ct and instRLl A 14 inch water MAin around t.he western side of the C:itv ~d' Pozp>mBn as a1' fidd:1.- ti0I, to its liJ!micipalwater distribution system w:i.thin the said City of Bozeman, a portion of which proposed water roein would run acrosS the Grnntors I le.nd; aml VVH8RF:t>.S, the Grantee desires to Granto,s ar'e Wil~ing tD ,:;rant to Lbe acquire from the Grantors, and the C,rantee an. ef;~rEnlen":; pr(~ right,-of"-"'!e;y ('('ress the above (:escribpc rrC'l',c..rty of tl:e Graljtor~, ana the~ir heirs, exeel.I.t.ors, adJf1~nistrators. Sl.;cceSf!ors and t?ssiL::nt;, fortL.,. [,)rrose of i!1stal1- inc, operBtjn~. usinL, repairing, replFcing. rnsintainini an~ rern0vir~ s~id .".,~'t,prflI'e l-;Tle, and for r:\ci'; ot:he~' riLbh; oJ aCCPf;B RJld jJ\('~ic'eJ)tE"l r:l LL,~' Bf; Bre hereinafter described, all ~s hereinafter more partieulerly provi0e~. i,IY:;v, Th'~T;~.Fn'i~:, iIL cODfjderat:ior. of' tl'"e sum ot":f{J.0U, in bn,d !.:g5d b;;' tLe City of Bozem<'tr, tIle receipt whereof :is I'.ereby acknf)','I<Lp"i!::Pf:, end ir further eonsidern t.ion of the covenants ,.lne:. 8srperncr.tB between the !"B.rtie~; }:c:reto. the C'rant:nrr, heve 2:ranLeC', bpi[}'dned, ['c:lrl, cc:rve:'/8o, 1'lT:C-', C0LfirY'l(:'d, ,".Dd [,? tbese f:resen t8 do hereb:!, g:rant, barg:sj,D, sell, convp~. pJld ('"nri rn. ".Wlto the Gflid ";rantee and :it,s SllCJCP,ssors ",nel 8ssie;ns the folJ.o'/dr;t ri.::[,j,,;: And rrivile~e~ forever: 1. i~ Ff.1r"f'etual ear.elnerl"t Etr~(l rl$hi.,~.-o,(.-~Nrl::/ for t.j~~.e I-l;,rr,f)se 01',. jrf~ta~.l.'lnSj operacir:[" usinG' re}.airin2:;. re}:18ci!J[;, maintrdnin: Rne: l'0T0cvin~: f' wstenire -1- .... , . SULiK 17 f'I1Gf 45B line and appurtenances thereto upon and aoroSs the above described property ot the Grantors, said easement and right-of-way to oonsist of a strip of land thirty (30)-reet in width lyin~ and being fifteen (15) feet on each side of the followin, desoribed oenter line; Beginning at a. point whic:t. is 25 feet cad t unO 30 fee t S outl.l of the nortrlwes t corner of the NEt, swt of See ti on 12, 'I' 2 S, R 5 E, 1'IPM; the'"1c:e ir, a s0utllerl~'- direction 25 feet eas~; of and parallel to t:be wea-: 11rtB of the IfK4;, SW;i :)1' saie] Sect~_on 12, a dis tance of 630 feet more or less to a po1nt of intersection with the present (;it~T Limits I1ne of tbe City of Eozeman. .- 2. The ~erpetual right of in,ress and egress to and from said traot ot land at all reasonable times for the purpose ot installing, operating, using repairing.; replacing and maintaining said waterpipe line and appurtenanoes thereto and for the removing of same if and when desired by the Grantee.; its sucoessors and assigns; TO HAVE ~D TO HOLD the above described ri~h~of-way with all the appur- tenances and privileges unto the said Grantee and to its successors and assi&ns forever. The Grantee hereby oovenants and agrees with the Grantor~ as followsl 1. Tha t in connec ti on with the ins tal ling , ope ra ting, using, repai r- ing, replacing, maintaining and removing of said waterpipe line it will replaoe, at its sole expense, all existing fences, ditches and other appurtenanoes of said land that may be disturb~d by its opera- tion in a condition equal to the condition thereof existing before said operations were begun, or as near thereto as shall be reasonably possible, and in the event that the same cannot be so replaced the Grantee will pay to the Grantors the reasonable value ot the damage done by it to the same. 2. That during operations involving excavation, it will remove from the site any large stones or any kind of debris that may have been exposed by the exoavation and remaining after backfilling is com- pleted; and shall leave the finished surface in substantially the same condition that existed prior to the beginning of operations, except that the surface of backfilled areas may be mounded suffi- ciently to prevent the formation of depressions after final settle- ment has taken place. 3. To install said waterpipe line at such a reasonable depth below the surface of the earth as will permit normal cultivation of the ground. 4. To operate, use and maintain said waterpipe line in such a manner as will not hinder or prevent the proper cultivation of the tract through which this right-ot-way is hereby granted.. ttXveD~X- ~~V:~U~~xxDIlC.lxillexJmd.1nt)Jl.XlXadxi.%l..xlk1ix~..JI!k:c_ ~~~IM.X.l1~~.uX1:lh1lxI~XOOlC::t:tlI~m:.tJJ:~<<..d ~~i:~~K~~ The Grantor s hereby oovenant and agree with the Grantee as followsl - -- 1. That at no time will the y build, construct, erect or maintain any permanent structure over or above the said waterpipe line unless such struoture is built, constructed and maintained in such a manner that it would not interfere with the operation, use.; repair, maintenance, replacement and removal of said waterpipe line. .2... \ f;; iUK J 7 rll(j~ 457 2. That the Grantee may peaoeably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GrentorL or their suocessors and assigns. 3. Thattbe~ are lawfully seized of said premisesJ that the:y ba ve good rl t and lawful author! ty to sell the same and that they and th e lr heirs.; executors, administrators, suooessors and assigns, shall warrant and defend the title to said premises unto said Grantee.; and its sucoessors and assigns forever, against the lawful olaim and demand of all persons whomsoever. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that thie Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, succes- sors and assigns ot the Grantor s and upon the suocessors Bnd assigns of the Grantee. - m WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors have hereunto set their hand s and seal S and the Grantee.; The City of 'ifcizeman.; has hereunto set its hand-;-by its Mayor and its Clerk of the City CORmlission, eaoh thereunto duly authorized, and has caused its corporate seal to be affixed.; all on this 29 th day of July . 1957. ~~ c#~ ( /JJ,~~;"~ ~ ,,/ ~A!L JlL/a4/ ,.' / ~.' ~I ~/~h THE CITY OF BOZEMAN _..~'-, .' 1..---- . ' ---+-L,'-:'-/I,--,:?61 ATTEST: ~./ .... /.;:/ ,.A .y2Md.-~~/ L. G. SHADOAN, Clerk of the City Commission APPROVED: L ~~E -€. City Attorney S TATE OF MQNTAN A ) & 88 County of Galla ti n ) .July . 1951, before me, the undersigned a , pe rs onally a ppea red lit AT, P H -H;. . If!' A!~D ANNA SUTT1i" IN WITNESS 'WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial -3- -~/. .' 1") 4(': . ;c:'GK .. ( PAGE ,J8 Seal on the day and year in this Certifioate first above written. ., " Notary Pu ic fQr the Residing at Bozeman My Commission expires 'I," , j STATE OF MONTANA ) 1 ss County of Gallatin ) On this 14 th day of AuCSUS t ,1957.; before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared Arnold M. Swanson and L. G. Shadoan, known to me to be the Mayor and Clerk of the City Commission respectively. of the City of Bozeman, whose name is subsoribed to the within instrument and aoknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of said City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal on the day and year in this Certifioate first above written. .. < ( ", . ;" .; . or t Residing at Paz ema?l~. My Commission exp~res --"'\ - -1 " - it > 19~~ tGt;22 .....'-",.-- : ' \ ,. .................-. ~ e). ~... ff.. t C . t. r C"\11""~'1 c'" TT"L,,'J f(')" y'cc"l"l "ur:Uf3t lc:th f.~~l;,'~'" ' .1.''In'j Ot~l"} y 0, :r(_.,'..;.'"f:. 1-.....;)..1 J..I.'\..,'.... ~. -,,',/ '".,. ----~,--."'...-., ,.,.li.~ ~:,.. ". .'"7..J------ .".,.,.. ...:..._1___._..__ A. . M., 1'\11d r;cOl'dcd in L:'J<J;' -it7..... oL.JJi,s.cell-aneous-- p::;~ _n_....___..~~~..~-.Ji~:I-~s~_I}.--____-_..-..-._.-n-Hecordcr. IjY_~~Ji:;:?k-.<~~f.&E~-~ ..m. Rt: City 0 f Bozeman 455 IJ l.", :.'; ~l Ly. -4-