HomeMy WebLinkAbout65- Kirk Easement and Right of Way .. ., , ' dOOr.,. EASEMENT AND RIGHT-OF-WAY AGREEMENT FOR SANITARY PIPE LINE THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this /2;Y day of ;4 j?/'.I I A. D. 1965, by and between Marguerite Kirk, Bozeman, Mont~la, party of the first part, hereinafter called the Grantor, and THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corp- oration of the State of Montana, in Gallatin County, the party of the second part, hereinafter called the Grantee. 22 PAGE 93 WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREAS, The Grantors are the legal record title owners of portions of the E~ SE~, Section 11 T 2 S, R5E and WHEREAS, the Grantee, in the exercise of its power and authority as a muni- cipality of the State of Montana, proposes to construct and install sanitary sewer pipe lines for the collection and disposal of sanitarYl'astes from a portion of the area of E~ SE~, Section 11, T2S.; R5E of Bozeman, Montana. WHEREAS, the Grantee desires to acquire from the Grantors, and the Grantors are willing to grant to the Grantee an easement and right-of-way across t,he above described property of the Grantors, and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, for the purpose of installing, operating, using, repairing, sanitary replacing, maintaining, and removing said ,W~ se,-[er pipe line, and for such other rights of access and incidental rights as are hereinafter described, all as hereinafter more particularly provided. tl (;,7 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of $ J--------- in h;md paid by the City of Bozeman, the. receipt-whereof is herebyacknowledgedi""imd'"-1n~e.L con- sideration of the covenants and agreements between the parties hereto, the G~~ have granted, bargained, sold, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said Grantee and its suc- cessors and assigns the following rights and privileges forever: Marguerite Kirk, Bozeman, Montana to The City of Bozeman, Montana A utility easement 30 feet in width on and across a tract of land in the E~ SEk of Section 11, T2S, R5E for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a san- itary sewer line and more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the westerly line of Kirks Subdivision Number One to Bozeman, Montana, said point being thirty (30) feet South of the northwesterly corner of said subdivision; thence South 89' 24t West parallel to the northerly line of the southeasterly quarter of Section 11 Tovmship 2 South Range 5 East a distance of 120 feet; to the true point of beginning thence South parallel to and 120 feet distant westerly from the westerly line of South Twentieth (20th) Avenue a distance of 2027.28 feet; thence South 89' 54t 30" West a distance of thirty (30) feet; thence North parallel to and 150 feet distant westerly from the west- erly line of said South Twentieth (20th) Avenue a distance of 2027.37 feet more or less to a point thirty (30) feet South of the northerly line of said SEk of Section 11; thence North 890 24t East a distance of thirty (30) feet to the true point of beginning. .. .- clOOK 22 ~)/4GE 94 .,. 1. A per'DeL.unl cCi,2:emwlL ;-,ndd,:;H;,-of-v:a;; for the rlm'pc'::::c of j_nf;ionlli!",", 0[)(;1'2.,,]n -,' uf3in,';, repairhl':;, replnciJl{';, n;::',Lnt:-Linin:'; t:"tv: t'cmovi_n9, c, s,'nir-.",r~/ sc;'_vc.'C'pi.pe line And3ppur'tcnances Ulercto upon '"'TV! acro ~;~:: th c ,",lnve 0 e f:GJ"i bed pr'Opcl't: of tll~~ Cr:,ntorfj, s,"id :;23ernent 2nd ril'ht-of-'.,,'\,/ to GOnsi.f,t of a st,rtI, of 1:'n(1 Lj-liJ"J (y)) feeL in 1rJiuth; ,0,,: mOl"': f1Jll~y descr'jb'::',i hcr';,,-iLh: ;:;ce'.1.L, (,cH;hed ]>l'Opert;i de ~cript -Lon. ,e'. The perpcLlJal ('j_ghL of' i.r'.'''l'CS3t:;nc e""n~SfJ \:'0 and fr-olil :,-,::1< t,rn:~t of l'lnci pi; ',i Ll l'cason,~,-[)le l.D:1CS 1'0 C' t.hc purposp of i:1c;i>:.lling, oper;'l.iw,,;, US~I n.', repa,irin<, reuLicin<'lnd jfl-"?:int"inin,,, s?_id sFinil~:'ry s'?:cr )~'ine line ;,'-1" "-'-.;).-U_:'- l,ent7,n;:c::: i.')'ler~.::-<~o ,~,:.E6 ['()~( t,he :'c'(~nlovin of ~~.;,'"jr:.J' .L.r '.'rr~ ~.....'h':_'!; I..;.c:--:lr'?ci .:-l,p C},-",~,lnLee, l I' c ,,_.,\.1.,) f3UCC(;SSorn (~.:~..f1("'l (~,; s s i ,;'~:: !-12 : TO HA \IE AND TO HOLD the ;Jbove described righ [,-o1'-V,';I.;,/ \):1 UI rdl the F'lifJur- tenFlllces and privileges unto the said Gr'antee nnd to it::, succe~isors and a5si;;n5 forever. The Gr"(l':,Pc h<?rei:)~:, '.~ovenant~'_; 'onG e,,')'ees I:!i,~h l_,he Gr:-'_nl,or=: ,,[' ':::'0110"0_:: 1. Trl'.t, i.n conncct:ion',:i tl: the i-~lst,::11line, opcr,,,,j~Ln':;, Llo<in:~, {"'p"ic'in",', rcpl::'.cjng, maint.Ainirw '-'.nu ren:ovin'; of sedd snnjj:,:n',I' ::::Ci:!Ci' ej_pe line' j t vfill reDlclce, at. it,s sole 8Xpenco,c, all exisT,jnCl' fences, dj_Lch'?~-' '1'1e1 oUier apourtenanc8f: of said land th;iL ma;v be cii_sturbecl b~' j Ls operntionin n condition equa~ to the condition Lhe~cof existing before ~~id oraratjons \','el.'e bee;un, or as near Lhereto nn shall be reasonabl,y rossih}(). ,.. That, cjuring operAtions involv:jnr~ 8XC13V(ltion, :jL \,Iill rClmove i~he l,opsoil from the trench area to a ciepth of one fooL, or to t.he full depth of the top~;oil, whichever' is less, and stockpile ,;;:ticlcop,;oil Cl"'i<'-l,y from the remainder of the exca.V3 t.ea Jlli:1 teriCJ1; and ill [J3ckfillil1'i;, this topsoil ';vill be rephced n.stl:e 'LOr one foot of Ch8 trench. IT, ,'Jill remove fro!!1 the site ,c,ny large rocks or surpluf: exc,? If2 teu mc:, t,erial OY' 2ny kin.d of C1ell"is chat. may have bee: cxpo"ed ,)iP eXC'I.vA. door: ;T,l ,-',,-,i".',.inin:: c, [Ler l'-'lCkfil.Jil'l:' -'; ~.=: cr'T!':::',:,l,c.\.:',".-::d" r~c'\' _:~..L.l 1.'::'::("1\1"(; Gl,'~p ..C'l..,n,.~_:~~,~': [-.-::t:~i..f~i'_>':-' i_-"'~ ~~,~,1;"'.~."~J,~:3r: ,; "'1 t,hr~ :::,,,-unc con6.Lc.ion thaG existed prior to the oer~inninp; of operations, excepl~ t.hat Lhe: filJTface of backfilled arc? <0' m,?;y be mouncied sufficient,l,:;:' t~o prevent UlE'~ f'ormal~ion of' cie;::,n=::::sionc- ;~f't.er fined sr_l[-,I_.l,:'ment h'.-,,' t.f'~:r'nplC':~e. ';" To instrll: ~),:l,id o:torIn sel:\'er pipe line aL. such ,'1 ['e3.S0n8i)l.r~ upr't.h :-;i';1Q1:{ the) slH'f"'ce of t~he earth as will pcr-rnit no!'t'OAl cultivation of the <~round. 4. To oper':.J,t,r;, Wie ;"nd majnt3.in said 2; an it. A 1';)1 S(;i'}('T p'ipe line in s1lch manner Asv-;j_ll not binder' or prevent the proper cult:L v,cIU_OC1 of the Lr;:>ci~ through Hh:Lch thif; ri.l!,ht-of-\'Jay i~' hCl'erJY ,~rant,cci. :::. In the evem~ t!12-" i.t should become nr::ccss;'lry for' the Gr'Ant,ec to re- c:nt,er CraDl~ors premises fat' Ulf: pUT'DOSe of rE:pc,jrj.n_r~,l'(;DL-'c.i.n , ni"Jjnt'~inin:-; or rl"rnov_in';~ f'a;Ld saniLpr;'; ge\'ier IJinc line, the G"'-'Jn'~e(; ."i 1_1_ j'e,i,)[;DUrSe L1,,,:, Gc'nni~or",fot Any actupl dmn:"i';C none Lo Lho Grantors prem:i,'e,', or cror',c'. Tll'" GrpnLOr's hereby covenant, end agrr:e -vd_th Lhc Gr"1nl/'e 28 follo"s: L That ,cil, no t_une \'Jil1 permanent structure over sue h s :. -,'-' u ~~ '..' 1.1.~r' r.:_:. i? :..'.':.' -; .l.. the;y blJ:Llc1, construc i:" ereCT, or maintejn an;\' or above the snic! :":,F'nit," 1';,- ,'8.Ile,t' rite line unles" 1 r ,C,1.1.1,-j I, : C: ;-) :.- ~.J ,., .] (~ I,"" :,\j ,'~)- ().() ~ .L:1 t. (-:~'t" Cere ',,,; j. ..}-: 't).,~ ,:::.: oT' (;r:~', i.,J i8;'.~, 1.:~: e, r'enD \T(;l of 2,(.1 iu StOl')1l ~,1 (\'(';1" ~~)i_ pe ], -jrlC . -j ,.. '.1.-.0;, ' JTi"::JnL r~,n(.; r ("(;(? i j', r~_,~ j,"-: "'~-, ,'.:,:: n t",\,rl'" .. ,"" III . r" BOOK 22 PAGE 95 c~.rhat. the Gr:,lntee mil,V peaceabLy hol(l here-in i~rf'nced "'Iithout FJny tnl,erTuption f)nd A;)ccj;n5. and enjoy t.he ri~hts and privileges the Cr'J,ntor:", orcheir' ~:mcce5soni '~. TlktG S')e 1.5 lawfuli:' 2ei:cC) of ~_:2lCl r'remi~:es; 'lleL She- /14 J good cic:ht ;Jnci lev,-ful ciut,horit,~ ;:,0 5cl1 Lh'? ,,::mIP ".ne. t!~,':Jt ..f /Je ana /l f' I'"- hei r~i, cxecu"o 1's, C1Clmi"l. ;,d~ r':'Jt,or ;:~, St: ccc:': :=;01'5 fi,n<i a.c:~Sl;>-'5, shall WArrant and defend the tit-Ie to saiu premi:::es 'Xltc ,'-i,", G"'l' - / i_ ., SUi' ":';"""'3':J'ld .-'ssi,'IClS forev'T, .gs,<;i,~l~it the; 12i.rf'I'1 cl-:'im t'21~; C:fTc,"lC'-; of ;,11 persons "Ihomsoevct. T I. -j.;3 u..r~(j,<:'r~:,;+~OOC.J p,nd b~y t""'nd r-.":8th"c.;c.:n l-JllC r}~1 r' i(-:}s Lcrc~[,o tyu-] L',J :J..l..~_~.':, ACTOr'I!!,,,'r!' d:lr:Ll be bindirlg upon the heir:,", CX8Cl1t,OI'S, "dn,-ini3t""'V) ~'" ,"tlcce,;,coC'~~ And assi"ns of LillO; Grantors and upon the stlc;ce,';?Of'S :md a"S}"n;'3 of UlC Gn"nt,cc. TI,!'"ITe;Ess,m:lLSOF, U'C:' C""n+,o~' hqs h""1'Eunto :=<3t ;; f'/, ,~~ :~7:~r~,1 ,:l~cl th,c G',('~-:JnL~}(-~, Tl'lc '=j.'~-,~/ oi" :~,oe(:'m,:):l 1'~,~1~ h',."r~)U\lLo s~:t i~-Js h:ln.c~, ""J:. j,t~; C 1,." I';' o.f 10 h '" C: i'-, ,;:OirlVi ~';" io ";, (, .' Ai', iJ. (;"'I"1,m to :'1; 1" ,::C',;:~:. 0 ,c' i '7, '~,',\l.J~.,',=,C,i., ,i,_+.':; cor:,JO':'?t.c ",;p"l "01-. 'l,pr"ix<=(i ~J] 0'" 'hi" -1 Y C'" ,,{' - ~ .' ....i <...I.L,..,'_'".." '.". ,L I..':'JI_>,.,,__~,~ ',1.'l~', r', ClC 'LL :',: 1.'"VO '" :-, n 1-.; :'.l~,~ ,. 116r; " :oJ' ~---/!-L' " I ../~ .... I, '<, I, l It \ i I I. (~ , , r f1 ~.T C,"\ C I T~~ ~~: r" .~:C)~~.;~_l~,,~~ T\T l f' /if / C, /' ._~ .J.!f2Lll.td_._/LL.~~L::::?:::~~~~,__.._ i". J.-L~ r r",',' I\;.,:,pj:' I"' 0 \''I , J:,,>':,:I.~;,"'C) J.'" Ai,llI'H{) '~' :; "'" , . 1("'" /~<j" >~,/',',:,;::;~,t>t"(:[,. Ern'), 1T.~'i:i n'~ / Cley'k of the Ci.l,}" Cotrl;rl:L~,sion hPPTi'o\r~;>) : rn-':N ('" ,~ l :~. i3I~r{G. , J n, . I\t.torney (:T "T"..", (",T,. ."'.', , -; n " , , ~ .~, ~: (;OUl':I'Y ().F Ci\LLATD . , .~ , .... ',. \. ' ~ '. ,f aOOk 22 PAGE 96 ()n rJjj~; ;2(.R" cia;i- of .h!P;, / J , 19()Y-he'fore (i,C, thlc, unclc":>:_ ,c: l'!otar'~ Pul :Lic for tl e ~3ta Le of J\on ~,'Fla, nerc:,onalJ~/';pr,c,cJre'j t! Cfr.:-I V (;" /' 1 rE k /rk <nmm to [fI(' l.O be th'~ DETEion cic;c3er:i_bec.l i~ <;{'1;;.;1\0 si;;ned the forer;o:iw},insP-'uF'-,nL '-'8 Grnntor~:; Hnc; :ccimmde::icr,ed to me t,1-'Ct d-;'(~ _ }13Ci PX'c~Clli:pci t}-lC snn,e .rr'c:el,~ ;c, (, voluncC!riJy, for th': U:C'-:,O' ('nei. plP->;lOC"';'" ',j"'?{'-',in '-'xprc[,spci.. JrJ,JITN2S5 -!IIE:~F;OF 1 lvwelwnmnc,o set my ll1Jwi ,0;:11_ a ff:i.x_p< 1'1,;' !\'ot?r1.C!l. ,~~<;:it"Ol'i +'h~ d1"\ cnci ;y,::,c,r in thi~_' cc;ct:i_fic;'te first:"bovp ;::Y't~.i:,cn. .,l'" ., " // '?:. // ..:;C: ~ g ; -_~~z:::-:C"-e./~___.__L.__-3"a_~~L~_..:r ',ic1ttd';)' Pui,lic for I.he ,'jt,c, L7n-;:-- F,ont,,'ultJI(.f':'f,::i.clinr;"lL Bo;'enlc'n, Lont'Jnr: ~! C . . ,- I'" r 24!.../.C7 /7 j':Y OnJlnSSJ_On 6xpll'es \/t7//~i'tj'y /L"'.- / / .,. . " ) : l; ~" .1 -, ......_,'. .J'I'A',L'E. ,OF' 'l'~mJTANA S2, (30UNTY OF CALLATII'! I) On tL:L~) __.;2,1- day of ,1rl/ , 19('''-' ;-Jefol'c nlC, chC' -'lnde;":'c'irrJ'<J, D. ]\10 l~nry PubLL(~ for Ute Stat(' o:~:~ntem':, p('r,,(mnll~\'gppc;:':'red Ti. riori'O. nnd Ernn V. Hardi.n,';, known Lo me to be ths }',oyor and Clerk of Lhe r;u,;, COlflJ!Ii.:s:io( r'esIy;ct tve1;:", ofLhe City of Bozenwil, 1,-lhose nnl!lr;s al';:; sur)EiCribeci 1..0 t.he within 'i.nsld'llliJen-c and_ cccknovledr:;ed to me that tl'>:;,- E"xecuLed the sPine for and on beh:i.1 f of ~;?i,-, Cit;i'. IT; jlITNESS ',JlmFEOF, I have her,?u:r:-,o :'e t m;:' h,"ln5 and :_'J.'fixpcl in.;; No-cari81 oe,<11 on the Cl!2~y and ;i'eal' in LI'ts CerT,:i.f'jc"t2 f :u'O';iJ nbovE.' ,'Ir-itccn. 1'\ .tj'l, \\'.\ , " ~ ~_ c . .'.." ."...-.;"::.:"":'.-._.#.(.<.~.-... _~.."'~r.~..x./'.~~---~..~,~.'._.~~. _. .'.... ",:or:,,":::';'-l":', I>~f',) (' 1", :)1:", '," or' hmL"'YF' E.esirJi.ng at Bozerr:an, MonLon;1 Jvl;V ComJl;ission eX'Dir(:'~;,Ji/u"'f~i7 /$7' .-~"'-'I 7-- 'L?,. '. ' i/ / ~ ' ( f ~, -I '., \' ....... . ,~ \' of ""jl' I INoExEr-v1, , PL.ATTE~ . f d May 5 . 1965 M t County of Gallatin. 55. Flied or recor - State of on., c . 22 frJlisc ellaneous.page 93 8:30, .__il.-fI,~.. c:1d recorded Iii Bo::!t------:.-'i-o~,~- ,.,/)/ aL~..~";~~.;UCkY ~~Recorder. By_La.r::;~~ /(//-;{MZd/l...,..(-, Deputy Fee: Rt. City of Bozeman