HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-25-18 Public Comment - A. Koosed - Meatless Mondays Agriculture Program zz� lg --a� eC / /ro / care /ey 9Greetings m hio's Northcoast! This is Jeremy Koosed, a dedicated advocate for healthy food options and land uses that protect the Great Lakes. For several years I've engagedQ potential leaders on food sustainability issues, even writing the Meat Free Monday Resolution , o for the City of Cleveland (enclosed). I'm reaching out seeking collaboration because I'm quite r,� AK beleaguered. The FARM BILL RE-AUTHORIZATION in Congress is the perfect vehicle to advance Qt; a legislative priorities. Elected officials need pressure on these NAT L ISSUES, would you pick at least one to tackle?! O (QtIJU�e Keep King Amendment out of the Farm bill: At Stop KingsAttack.com find out how state animal we are and toodsa ety codes are t reatened by this poison-pill rider. Join the massive coalition of small-farm NGOs pressuring Congress to Reject King Amendment & protect food-democracy. Food Waste: I glean grocery store dumpsters regularly, witnessing the awful solid waste stream ooAl icy and Gordon Food Service. Rep. Blumenauer has a progressive Farm Bill called Food & Farm Act, which would authorize USDA to conduct more food waste research and diversion. We need his language in the Farm Bill. Natural Resources Defense Council, NRDC, also has a new project @SaveTheFood on twitter SavetheFood.com with fantastic PSAs. Perhaps you can get them aired! Save the Bees: BAN NEO-NIC pesticides w/ Rep Blumenauer, Protect America's Pollinators Act! Ban Dow Chemical's brain-damaging, nerve-agent pesticide -Chlorpyrifos. Senator Udall is a noble leader offering Bill #S.1624, which esperate y needs GOP cosponsors. Mental Health leaders, Farm Worker Justice, and Food Safety advocates need to become invested because organophosphate poisoning is a well-documented cause of Autism. It passes the placenta barrier O. Udall is also asking grocers to stop carrying produce grown with it- something you may be able to facilitate?! Read "Poison Fruit" article on the Intercept, which details how this pesticide-drift hurts farm communities. It's such a long article it took 40 Min of video to create a book-on-tape for my Youtube channel/Hempy209. ActOnFats.com Blog "Dumbed Down by Dow" has a lovely synopsis. #BanChlorpyrifos Surgeon General Warning on processed meats a known carcinogen: Would you convince a legislator to sponsor an amendments relateU tot is. CSPI has a petition on the USDA and FDA to declare the colon-cancer risk, but it's been several years with no traction! Please reference Ohio State Univ. Extension comprehensive PDF "Processed Meats, Red Meats and Colorectal Cancer Rick" by Shawna Hite. It revealed FIVE distinct ways processed meats cause cancer. Yet very few people realize! #HotDogCancer Label Round-up herbicide as probable carcinogen: California is implementing such a disclosure aFTItwoulcl be a shame tor the rest ot the Country to be left out. Please pressure Retailers to stop selling it. News is that it's worse than Glyphosate alone because of the formulation. General abatement of Round-Up is needed to combat toxic algae blooms. Its excessive use (Millions of gallons each year are applied to fields in the Lake Erie Basin) is creating legacy of residues and degrading the soil-micro-biology. Organic Consumers Assoc. and Mom's Across America have fact sheets to get folks to stop using Round-Up, I can FWD your way. Their safe- disposal initiative is long-overdue, and a fantastic leadership opportunity at the local level to advance health and water quality! #BanGlyphosate#RecallRoundup At ActOnFats.com you'll find my Heart Attack prevention blog to help people avoid TRANS FATS. Thankfully, FDA kept to its timeline and banned making recipes with PH Oils on June 18th. But we are not in the clear yet. Products made before the deadline are allowed to stay on the market. Please use resources on my blob to ask grocers to pull Duncan Hines Frosting and any products made with Partially Hydrogenated oil.Tweet @RealDuncanHines your chronic disease prevention pleas, as its the most pervasive exposure-risk on the market.They switched to palm oil but PH-Oil-content cartons are still on shelves with best by Dates into 11/18! #ByeTransFat#TransFatsKill If we weren't so busy fighting Trans Fats, I'd like to use @OmegaFatsAction FB+Twitter pages to promote the benefits of seeds for Omega3s. I'll gladly feature Hemp, Flax, and CHIA seed LEADERS in your community! Do you think we can address some of these issues together? If there's anything I can do for YOUR PROGRAM, thousands of followers on my pages will celebrate your leadership! See OVER for menu-innovation resources to assist Meat Free Monday and Factory Farm Free Friday promotion programs. I hope you enjoy a healthy and food-safe Summer! v Jl� r Thanks for all you do! CC+-nT 4IJ Ck5 e- J • The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine's toolkit helps food service professionals introduce vegetari- an meals while maintaining USDA requirements. http://perm.org/pdfs/health/School_LLinch_GLlide.pdf • The USDA and Let's Move! created this collection of 30 kid-approved recipes featuring vegetables, dry beans and peas, and whole grains. http://www.fns.usda.gov/tn/recipes-healthy-kids-cookbook-child-care-centers-0 • The Humane Society of the US has so much to share like Interviews and success stories from institutional food service managers serving meatless meals.There is guidance and recipes to help K-12 cafeterias, University dining services, Hospital systems, etc. make the tastiest Meatless Monday meals possible. http:// www.humanesociety.org/issues/eating/facts/meatless Monday_toolkits.html • Toolkit for Hospitals: http://www.humanesociety.org/assets/pdfs/farm/meatless_mondays_toolkit hospitals.pdf • Good news and reports about meat-reduction going mainstream can be found on Facebook Like page "Agricultural Progress". On Twitter @MeatlessMonday and @MeatFreeMonday post phenomenal recipes and updates to propel local and National observance! 3K Likers on my Facebook page /AgriculturaIProgress will celebrate your leadership if you help us with #CleanUpCargill, a DOOZIE corporate responsibility effort to curtail toxic discharges from slaughterhouses. In 2014 this type of pollution accounted for 20% of surface water pollution discharged from factories, according to Environment America's "Wasting our Waters" report. Environmental Working Group (EWG.org) also primer info on the TENS of MILLIONS of gallons of Fresh Water being wasted to wash dead-animal bodies. We absolutely need to prioritize BETTER USES for this Fresh Water! By slowing slaughter speed with Meat Free Monday, it will improve worker safety and therefore, immigrant justice. Oxfam International has detailed reports on the deplorable conditions Poultry workers are subjected to. Tyson puts out 2x the toxic wastewater as Cargill, and bold underdog campaigns absolutely need ReTweets and Shares @StandMighty @BrighterGreenNY to expose Tyson with #CleanitUpTyson. You can rely on these NGOs for excellent ag- stewardship, science-based, newsfeeds to inform your positions! Thank you for helping RESTORE AG-SANITY!! C C Res lution No. 1065-14 AN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Declaring that the City of Cleveland recognizes Council Member Cimperman the benefits of a diet high in fruits and vegetables. c' �D ' and urging residents to participate in"Meatless FOR ADOPTION 4) -`Mondays"to improve their health and decrease August 20, 2014 � i�1 , ID their carbon footprint. Rcas,e, qL--�Ae...k --LV-e., CL4j�l JL� WHEREAS,"Meatless Monday,"is a non-profit initiative associated with the Johns u` 7 D Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health that encourages people to try food alternatives other than meat at least one day a week;and WHEREAS,the City of Cleveland and.Cleveland City Council are committed to improvin.the health of its citizens in every neighborhood,and are implementing Healthy ���� (✓� Clov.-and Standards tc improve m!!rltion vvith access t^ veL�chlhles:And �r1 n?A1,V3 44 WHEREAS,Cleveland City Council passed a resolution promoting the adoption of theHealthy Cleveland Nutrition Guidelines,aimed to help guide public agencies to increase the amounts of nutritious fonds served,thus improving the health and wellness of Cleveland n 5N\& residents;and WHEREAS,the City of Cleveland has demonstrated commitment to environmental stewardship by establishing the Mayors Office of Sustainability,and through Sustainable Cleveland 20W is facilitating helpful programs to reduce energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions,while enjoying local food and community potlucks:and 4� -v WHEREAS.the Greater Cleveland Food Bank is promoting Meatless Mondays in its �41(1 5W00[ kitchen.by serving over 7000 nutrient rich meatless meals each week to low-income children and seniors;and WHEREAS,recent reports released by the Center for Disease Control show 75%of Ohioans not meeting the daily recommended intake of five servings of£Writs and vegetables each day,contributing;to Ohio's placement as the l3th most obese state%%ith over 30%of Ohio adults Ming considered obese(BMl>30);and WHEREAS,data provided by Case Western's Reserve's Prevention Research Center (PRC)indicates that more than one third of Cleveland adults are suiTering from high blood pressure(34.8%),and one in eight Cleveland adults are fighting diabetes(12.4%);and NArHEREAS,diverse vegetarian meals centered around veggies,fruits,whole grains,and Plant protein sources.contain fiber.a nutrient that knocks oul hunger and protects against several diseases and i WHEREAS,Cleveland Clinic heart doctors and nutritionists at the Wellness Institute recommend eating more meatless meads to protect heart health and lower the incidence and severity of chronic illnesses;and WHEREAS,studies published in Science Daily show that high rates of fruit and vegetable consumption promote longevity and lower mortality rates;and a WHEREAS,livestock production cmits a significant share of greenhouse gases to the U� q atmosphere in the form of methane from cattle.nitrous oxide from fields growing feed-crops, tl deforestation for grazing feed-crops,and other excessive fossil fuel inputs;corresponding studies published in Science Daily show a vegan diet contributes least to greenhouse gas emissions,but that even modest adjustments to reduce the amount ofanimal-based foods we eat lowers carbon footprint significantly;and P Resolution No. 1065-14 .� e IJ WHEREAS the Cityrecognizes that it may be easier for residents to eat more meatless g Y J�u meals than it would be to drive less or reduce energy use in other ways;and WHEREAS,it takes approximately 1,8fi gallons of water to produce ti single pound of beef,but only 39 gallons to produce a pound oi'vegetables:and WHEREAS.less water-intensive,plant-strong agriculture and eating habits support resiliency to climate change while limiting the likelihood of animal manure polluting our fresh water and causing algae blooms that create aquatic dead zones;and WHEREAS,farmed animals are largely fed GMO crops that are chemical dependent; Environmental Working Group estimates that growing livestock feed in the U.S.alone requires 167 million pounds of pesticides and 17 billion pounds of nitrogen fertilizer each year across some 149 million acres of cropland;and WHEREAS,the city of Cleveland expresses thanks to fanners for feeding the community and supports efforts that promote responsible land use practices and preserve crop diversity;and WHEREAS,over ninety percent of animal foods come from factory farm style production where animals live out short lives in stressful confinement,endure various forms of mutilation,and the unhealthy smelly conditions have resulted in the overuse of antibiotics:and WHEREAS,the Humane Society of the US estimates that one billion animals could be spared the experience on factory farms if Americans ate meatless meals on Mondays;and WHEREAS,this resolution constitutes an emergency measure for the immediate preservation of public peace,property,health or safety,now,therefore, BE 1T RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLEVELAND: Section 1. That this Council declares that the City of Cleveland recognizes the benefits of a diet high in fruits and vegetables,and urges residents to participate in"Meatless Mondays"to improve their health and decrease their carbon footprint. Section 2, That this resolution is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and, provided a receives the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to Council,it shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its adoption and approval by the Mayor; otherwise it shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. lho 8.20.14 FOR' •Council Member Res: No: 10�5=14 Z /, RE 0 TIME Qy theonc j, AUGUST 2044Council Member Cimperian , •AN E1vlrRGENCY'RESOLLI'ClO\ ( 0 Declaring that the City of Cleveland recct!�nizcs the hcnetits of a Biel high in fruits and � ctrY CLERK Vegetables;and urging residents to parlicipate in N4catles5\dondays'•to improvo their f !sea!Ili slid decrease their carbon footprint. U- OVER o asnif retarmd READ FIRST T ME --- REPORTS to LU LIty the council MAYOR p READ SECOND TIME tA-rded Vol.lot Inge -agy the cauncn - Publisltcd in thaCin•RLCard H CITY CLERK m c° A m v� oMEE Bog M , a l I ryx7nor �t; �I. C2 kr ro Z r-1, AlW Lq Qt99 .�n. I.--J 3 0ff WEWON m --� O N 3 + fD N tD O Dj m O1 � O ® _w rn tta rtM Dv � C � 2DD CC .=(D a a" Cy oO ? Ifimm [a IQ Q 3FA20iA mr n • N Mo O c@ 00 i Mai m ID N \, . T LL �D �. 4 D Z n'O N N IN2o J>� �� t =er C Q ^� in Q no 0 ,6 69 rt e WZ mom m , fD G) 3 O O m _ 0 �69 (0Q, c,ti �� ', = N 4 0. CIp" ` J `c Ou �MEN 00 , O 5 � � � r 0 oO ` qc�' .Izz?Z. '�. w 'D . cb R. cn n O� � � Qq � � 16 " CD � a " O;Nzm 11 o �`� ARM O 2 � C.a, m � F,)A i cn n " ro o 469 � t 6 CD i f - -al i•� — Ffi a (14 �Yf r•.. I N 0 2 v �� p�� �W d V L cr �y co W V W CL