HomeMy WebLinkAbout57- Gallatin County Easement . . i , , " . 1 i -- . ',it,7,'I~' EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR WA 'I'.ER PI FE LINE THIS AGR]EMENT,Ma..de and entered into this 27th d..,. af Maroh, A.D. 1957, by and betweentheOeunty of Gallatin, a l'olltioal sub-d1vision ef the State of Montana, par ty CDf the first par t, hereinafter eall ed the Gralltor 1 and The C1 ty of Boz em&.n, a munioipal corporation of the State of Montamt, in (J.j;~,~~J~~~~"!),~.l"';~~'h,~-,!,~~~."."~t",,,,~,!./,~~,~,,%t9. J?~ts .p.~,f"x,"J!l';fJ',,~2;:';I'~"; .'",; :<.~ll\,':". ',~' .f~; ....,l~ ,.,:l~', ,'/ .,,:,.:)i1.";l. ,:1 :',' (:._ ,~:<~...:,:fi~~ :,,:,~,,:~,;(~'it,*,,;. .', " ' ,,~" '.k',. /. '~':I; '......P/J, \" T." , '.' ", called the Graatee, WI 'I' N E SSE T H : That for 8Dd la consideration ofth.e slimef ORe Dollar and other good aJldva111.able cons 1deration, in hand paid by the City of .aozeman, the reeelpt whereof is hereby aokJ.l.owledged, and infu.rthercolt eidera.tlon of the covenants and agreement s between the par ties here to, aRd pursuanttotheauth or it,. g1"aRt,ed by Seot~on 66..1114 a.C.M. 1947, the Gralttor he gral'lted" bal'- gained, sold, eORveyedaJild eo nf'irmed, and by these Jr eBen te doe s hereby .grant, barg..1., l-ell.eenvey, andce nfirm unto the sa Id Qranteeand its 8Ue<3e~Sors aDd ass1gR8 the following rights and 'Privileges so Ion! as "'e right-of-way is used as a right-ot-way ter a waternipeli.e~ ' 1. A perpetUal ea,semen tend rigbt-of-way for the purposes of ins talling, $perating, using, repairing, repla.cing, maintain- ing and rem.o:vlxag awater:plpe line and appurtenances there to acroslIl, u1tder,and!oraleragportlonsf>f a certa in county highway ""::::,,,;~~ known 8.13 "The So-l1.roou~h Road" (sometimes elllled ":T};).eBozeman Creek RoadO)leca1;ed 1. GallatiaCounty, MontaRa,as shown on the plata ttaohedn$1'etoaRd na, dea part hereof.t laid por tions being mo'repa:rtloular1y d.'scrl bed as follows, to-wit: 1. Beginning at a point whioh 11e6Gn the west riQjht-of- way l'ine of SOllrdQugh Road and 11es west a.lon.g the south line of S ea,1;1on 6, T, 3 5, R6 E, M. P..M., a dll!1ta nce of 53 feet mare or leas:trom the south west corner,o,f:;theSEt of theSE1- of said Settlen 6.; Thenc~ N52(!)22-'E '.. distance of 43 feet; theftce N76052 IE ad1s tanoe of 26 feet more or leslta> apeirlt...on the east r1g.bt...of-wQ.Y line of~aid SourdGughRead. " . ,",. ' . 2. Beginrtingat a point whloh lies em the south right-of- ..y line ,Of Sourdough R&ad,:1th~~' point i8a 'dts tance of, "", 868.6 feet west 8..9,":30 fe&~_ s.c;>cu'thof'the ea8~ ,1 C0rner of Section 6, T3 S, H6 E, M.P,.M~;" Thence N01A6 IE, a dls- 'it~rceof30 fe.e.~;,:t~~Ilce N17031 IE, a distan.ce of 29.9 fee.t '}fin . mOJ"8erleeato&'Po-1>nt on the northrlght-of...way line of:,!? sa id SGurdmgh Road_xt' ",A.' 3., Begll'lninga t aplotnt on the westrtght...of-way line of::%" Sourdough Ro"d, -..hich pointi. 30 feet west and 135.8 feetl south of the ,northe~st corner of Section 6, T :3 S, -R 6 E, ;._' M.P.M.; Thence Nl'131lE adfstance of 70.5 feet more ori 10"; tl:J,on"o NOOo.Ol.'W along tho we.t borrow pit of .aid I ScurdoughRoad e.dl~tance of 7374.4 feet; therice N89059 IE;, a di stanoe sf 40 feet more or 1e s 8 to the east right.or. 'i' way line ofsalCl Sourdough Road./ . . I il I ,i { . I .' . - I , . - ..- ,.... . - to ll. ,. , .'~ \." ,," .'f".'-;"" ..< ,. 4. Be'lan1yt a point wb.iob 11.. .t along 'the 8o'l,..th ltAe' 01 "1M ,," .", Section .9, T2S f ,B6B', II ,..M. , a distance of 36ft", a.o:re or l:e ,tl'OlI the..t eorner of said _,108 29 J thdoe lU7' 45 t" &aro.8 fIourdoqlt Road a diatOM 01'129 ...tJ i:1ae!\ce :tf02000'W &10B, the ....t bol!J'Ow p~~ INIJ.4 8cNrdoagla aoad a d1.tanoe 01 515 f..t; 'tbel1oe,~ " ',' 1 '1' al08' tbrit _n "1"1"0" pit ot said 8ourdoUCh lead a tiR'" of 945 ,.., _n or 1_ to .. point OD tile west.r1., :rl gilt of way 11ne of said Sourdough Road. 2. The pe.tual' right ot ingress and eares. to and :from said tracts of laad at all reasonable t1m.s tor tho purpose of tns'talliDl. .oSJegt1..., _~~"_ ...,,,lrt1i.rePlaciQ and _i.tala1.. ._ ....':,_.I("'I.:A........:*III.JlL~ l LLr;jLmillli .fto-'fD't1Ie" re1lSOTiqd ..1e1 _terpipe 11ne if aad wllon ...ired by tbe Grant.., 1ts .aee...ora and aBslgDS; TO BA VB AD TO II)Jd) TBI alto.. d..or1bedriaht -of --, wi th ail the appurteunoe. and prtv11et:8 t1Iltethe said Graut.. &114 ie ita SllCOuaors and _1_ 110 "~u the rlght...of...wa,. here- inbefore described 18 ..das a r:l.lht-of-way tor a wat$rptpe line. 'fhe Grantor hereby cov..ant. and agreesw1th the Grantee &8 follows: 1. To:t ti1f11l "0 all reasonable means to aaf.pard the waterpipe of tbe Grant.. "-ring hiCh", f;()utjuGtiGR t reoo_tJ."UetiaJl tor _intenaaoe operatioD8 !LlOna the 81 to. above described, aDd shall g1vereasonable notice to Grut...'of aIl1 coutructton, reconstru.tio:a, or mainten- ance operations. a.ffecting said wn.terp1psao tha.t the Grotee .,effect SlIck ohan.ges as a.re DeeeS$8ZJ as here- inafter pl'Of'td.ed. 2.. That the Gnnt" ., p$aeeably hold &ad eDjoy, the rtcllt. ~.C:l.l1",. ".Q1apoaatedW1t..t &1IJl.tel'1r&l.Ptl.. by tM ,....fW '. lta_....:r. and asaigns sa-vine aad exMP1i1aa .. 1. tJaq ~t oonta.1aed. ne Grantee hereby Goy.nuts aDd acre.. With the Gl"aat.er as follo_ : 1. 1'0 lU8tall .ucb. wa:terpipeat such depthbolow the -.,.. 01 't:Me-.rthlU!f Yill DOt iDtel"f.1"e ..ith traf:f~. \t))6Jl the hiC:ttwa,ysw1." 'W1',h;Jt~gh_y_lnteaa.nce operatio.. a.d. lathe eYe"'G1"aatcJ:r Jiv.. not1oeofconathOtioD, ..Ou:'U'uCt1-o1l, "' _$.at:.... O"ntloD alolll ea14 .it.. ,.lto.,. uscriJtedt Gra~.. Will withill a reasonable tlmechanae the lnatallatlon 01..'- waterp1pe to such a depth or locatio. below the aurfa.ce of the earth as will not illterfere 'With traffic upon the h1Shway liorw:tth h1gh....,. malDtenaa.... ,2. To ~t~I~..a:'fP~1'l"4t~~upOA tJw,k1pwa.;y , .- ~~ ""......r'..... ." ,........ oteJ'**lou of ...,. Da.t1l1'fJ . Y1thtu tile 1"1Iht-of-waJ' .f the _uty highfty. 3. To leave the f:lnlshed surface of the ground in sub8'tantial1y the.aDle codi tie. as ex1.tH prior 'to the "CilUlinc of all,. epel"a.1:1.oow1tI\1a,therlpt of,." of theeounty hi.h_, 1aV'olviaa 8....at10.; and tbat depN..iouclevelopinc as f:l.na.lsettlement occurs a-tsl1eh looatiou will be fil1edlt1' the Graatee. 4..'10 holdaadsa:ve Graa:torharmlt;tss :tI."om any aad a.ll d....ce.U'lsin. from Grantee's"~ of the rights and privilege. -2- . . _ Jill ".. _ .. . if ,. :r ; ~ .. herein graa'tod, ....d. to pay...., u..age OJ," dallaP61 Wb1cta...., ui.., t. tile PJ'OPVtJ', preJd,..., or "ipt.a of tb.e Gl'aator 'tb.l'oUaho..*..' a.., oecQa.tioa, anel po....aloB of the rlpt. hent. paatecl. It 1* understood ... apeed b7 alul 'bet... the parti.. hereto that tbi.A....._t shall 1te Iti.dins upoa tile sace..8Ora aad ...ips .f tlt.e OraatOI" ...d upoa 'th.n.....n aact _ips of the Gnat... 1. 1I'f1fM1 ......, The Co1Ulty of Gallat.in IUlCl t_ Cl ty of Boc....n have caused this Acree_t to be exec_ted b7 their proper officers thereunto duly autbD.tzed; the County by the " ;=~~J::.t;::'~:':;:~=~=~=~:II=~~=~'=;ty. Collllllission, &ad their r.....tl.... eorporate ..als to be .,fixed a8 of this ;"/ day 01 Jlarfh A.D. 1957. . COu:trlY OJ' GALLATIN, STATI or !lONTANA .,~~~. ,., , " /." ,_,"~' " ,', " "., 0_1..10..." ,', 'tJ A,tt"..,, ""t,', ,:-'~"" ",'--'{ ',~9~, ,',' ", ~" '-~', ---.., ' ." .~ "/ Ut';t"";w~ " , . ' ~ comity Cark CITY OF,BOZEMAN, STA~I-<!\.ONTAn. /~ ~./'J. \- By ?-j/ "'.-:;Jt f'..:~ ;; i./~'t,;;--,C-/ ["JA ~ Attest: .....~~ --i'..b. ' " ' ., ',t ~'_ ei't)' CnL1!!1i..iQn. ~ .~