HomeMy WebLinkAbout57- County of Gallatin, Easement viNi3~~5(:EL~ -i , 1 Gfj.l(~ i"U;:;"U.___ ':";,.- THIS INSTRUMENT WAS FILED FOR RF..-CQRD.)N THIS OFFICE ON OFFICE" OF COUNTY RECORDER, THK__________J:t?,__.________________n"'..' DAY OF __....August-__________.w, A. D. 1957., STATE OF MONTANA, 55. AT."n__"m..__~3__:.~~n..~.,M., AND WAS DULY RECORDED IN BOOK__J:?______ 'COUNTY OF GALLATIN. OF_____...."..m'__.______..:..'J.$,9.~llane.QuS_______________, ,RECORDS, PAGE .", .l*~l*... i Fee $...___ .~.~~.__.. ____. ____........ ..., ..________." ..BAH.L___ ~~'itL'l'-OlL---.----.... ..RECORDER. By~;~.--.~:.7../27~DEPUTY . . . . .. . " .";-."" - . - ... ... ... .-;;',~, ~ , , i~nU~, 1'7 \~AGr 464 ., EA SE~ffiNT AGREEMENT FOR WATERPIPE LINE . THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this /tJr day of August, A.D. 1957, by and 'l'lletween the County' 'Of, Gal'lat1n, a polit1eal sub-di1tle1on of the State o~ ,'Montana, party of the first part, hereinafter calledth~ Grantor, and The City of Bozeman, a municipal corporatl'onofthe Sta te of MOl1t,ana, in Gallatin County, tho party cf the second part, hereln!."fter - ,.,......- called the' ul ~.. ....-... .II.~>>~~I~j."~ '" WIT N ES S E'T H : Tha t for and, in considers tion of the ~mm of One Dollar and other, good and valuable consideration, in hand paid by the City of Bozilman,therecelpt whereof is herebyaeknowledged, and in f\lrther consiq.era tlon Of the coven8nt~ andagreemen ts between the parties hereto, and ~ursuant to the authority granted by Section 66-lll4R.C.M.147, the Grantor has granted, bargained, sold, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents does hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confirm unto the saId Grantee and its successors and assigns the followingr1ghts and privileges 80 long as the right-of-way Is used as a right-or-way for a water- pipe line. 1. A perpetual easement and right-Of-way for the purposes oflnetalllng, operating, using, repatrlng, rt:lplaelng, maintain- ing'and'removing awa terpipe line e,ndappurteriances thereto acrosa-" -- --,W1q.f!t~""and,(pra19Bg"a"c,~r:t;a1r;\:,:Gounty highway known as the" "WeI!lt 'Babcock Road",looated in Gallatin County, Montana, being more particularly described as follows, to-Wit: Beginning at a 'point on the south right-or-way line of Baboock Streetextonded, which point 1s 25 feet east and :sO feet south of the northwest corner of the NEiof the$Wl of Sectlon12,T 2 .3, R 5 E, M.P.M.; Thence in a northerly direction 25 feet east of and parallel to the west line of the Etof the wl of said Section 12,8 distance of 60 feet more or less to apolnt on the north right-of-ws~r line'of SR.ld Babcock Street extended. 2. The perpetual right of ingress and egress to and from eaid tract of land at all reaaonable times for the purpose of in.stal1ing, operating, using, repairing, replaoing and maintain- lngsaidwaterpipellneand appurtenances thereto and foI' the removing of said waterp1pe line if and when deait-ad by the Grantee, i te succeesorsand aSSigns; TO" FrAVEA'm:>'TO HOLD THE abovedescrl bed righ t-of"wa y wi th all the appurtenances and privileges unto the said Grantee an,d to its successors and assigns so long as the right-of-way herein"" betoradeecrlbed isused as a right-of-'way for a waterpipe line.. The Grantor berebyoovenantsand agreā‚¬l~ with the Grantee as follows: 1. That it will Juse all reasonablemean~ to safeguard the waterpipeof the Grantee during highway construction, " reconetruc tion, or main tanance opera tiona along tho si te above described, and ehall give reasonable notice to Grantee ~ . . . ~ . .. ..-...., .. ) .. -.'1/' .. .,," 7 ~ l\- . i'mOK 17 PAGf 465 .. of any construction, reconstrllotlon, or maintenance operationssrrectlng said waterplpeso that the Grantee may effect such changes as are necessary as herein after . proVided. 2:. "Tha1;.the~q~anteem9.yp.e8ceably holdand.enj,oy the rights andprl-vileges herein granted without any inter... ruptlon by 'the Grantor or, its suooessors and assigns s8ving and excepting as in this Agreement contained. The Gr a.ntee hereby covenants and agrees with the Grantor a$ follows: 1. To l.nstell such watcrp1.pe at such depth belo?' tho -~ "-'",,,,,,,, ,:':""",''''''"''''','' .', ..\t:rf.oe..o:r:";th"8"::&.;~b88" 1'J.l::J.. <nC)~.-.$.~ tr.eI'i"8,.',;1fl',\'Ih ",',' ',t:"'.fic. ,I. ",j upori-the highwa y nor w.t th "highway maintenance opera tlons and in the event Grantor gives llotlceof construct:!.on, rec()nstruction,ormaintenanca operations along said site above deAcribed, Grantee will wi thin a reasonable time change the installation oreuch wa1:erpipe to such a depth orloea ttonbelow 1:be surface of .the earth as w111 not inte.rfere with traffic upon thehlghway nor with highway maintenance. 2. To maintain and safeguard traffic upon the highway whenever the Grantee conducts opera. tlons of any ne ture within therlght...of-w,y of the county highway. :3. To lea VEl, the flnishedsurface of the ground in sub.. stan t1ally the same cqndi t10D as axis tad prior to the beginning of any opeNtlon within the right...ot...way of the count,. highway irivolvlngexc81Jstion; and that de... ,,:~,:,. pressiohs developlnga.s final se t tlemen t occurs a t such '];O<m9.tlbns'w111 bet111ed by the Grantee. "j . '.,,,'~'_~: ~ :I.tif.~jj~'~:f\"::'.':;'.": ',."1, ".',,:~.: '\, }':', :.'.:. .: ,"'~', ';~.'<, ",..,~.-,,:,:,:,.~:~~~;'.,:'," .. ': n,:-:,,,'::",; ",~':t:')' ,. ':':' ';':>\;:'I,~,' .';'.'"'I(!r..' ~:"':lr:J~'~':!""'.'::' .,'..r,', '.' ::"",' :., ,':, ,'" . 4. ., Tohold~nd 88veGrantor' harmless from: any and ell damagesar1.elng tram Grantee's use of the rights and privileges herein granted, and to pay any qamage or dam8~eBwhich ma y aris6 to the property, premises J or righ ts of the Gran tor through Gra n tee's us 0 , occupation, and possession ortho'rights herein granted. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties bereto that this Agreement shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the' Grantor and upon the successors and assigris of the Grantee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The County of Gallatin and the City of' Bozeman have caused this Agreement to be executed by their proper officers thereunto duly authorized; the County by the Chairman of its BQsrdof C9~t,.pommlss1oners and its County Clerk, and the 01 ty by its Mfilyor and the 'Clerk of the City Cornn1ssion,andthe1rrespec'ttve corporate sasIsto be affixed a SQ,r. thlS:~'.~~_l!'9f ,.Au~,I!,t A. D . 1957. COUNTY OF GALLATIN J STA TE OF MONTANA Attes t: Coun ty ,'I. '~ t \ ~'''i ~ ( ~ ,"\, ~.r" Q' _ oJ .~. .....:..." ~ ... :,' .j.t.. f'f ' . :~:,.~ t"1ii~", :t:':'~" \ ."t... ":~+'r' ) ..~' .f'~,'" ",,'.t,., ./.. .~' ,', \_. .',' t't; \ " \:'~ " . ,j' \ , ' ./', ,'~ '.. r,.j ,~ ". . ,y" ' , / :~ ~r/,.!~",: /(t~.J:\;,:',:,.., ,': ", tl ""..) r ,,'.- ' ,': """(hf'" :~ ,. .); "".,j;I:~ ,,' . " ,',i,'I".',""""'i"'rh' ..,,' , . ' ,:"}ISj!'l\'~"" ,,' '" \"I!\'" ,,' , '~ ,'..,.~ ,.';r<'j\;'i'h~j,~~t '. {", . " ,- " ,. ,.", . , ("" \" ,'1),'.,1,......9;." Shadoan,Clerko! the C1 ty ',' ,j "'C~1$Sion ~ \ .: ........ ,I.. .. ., . t (' '\.' " j'l ,"i"'",:Jl1 rl''!J.: ' ".,,"~'~ Itl'{' ,'..... \ I H \.\,l~