HomeMy WebLinkAbout69- Gallatin County Easement (2) . - ~ 01)(, '[' ( ; .' . ~" ,.""..J . EASEMENT AND RIGHT-OF-WAY AGIlliEMENT FOR A SANITARY SE\~R PIPE LItlli THIS AGHEEJ'vlENT, Made and entered intlo this -2!.!l. day of April A.D. 196~, by :'md between Gqllatin County party of the first pp rt, herein- after called the Grantor, and THE CITY OF BOZE]'v[AN, A municip"'l sorporp,t ion of the St~te of Eont~nq, in G~illatin C01;nty, the p~rty of the Feccnd r~rt, he ('e- inafter called the Grantee. WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREAS, The Grantor is the legal record title owner of portions of the t"l.!-: W1 Sedion One (1) T2S, R5E, M.P.M. and ..i..J2, S '4, IrJlEREAS, the GrAntee, in the exerc~i.se of its pOHer and ,c,uthority as a municipa.LLt~T of the State of Mont,:ma, proposes to construct and install a s?nitary fewer interceptor trunk line to collect :md trPnsport sewage and domestic wastes from variowi areas within the City of Bo:c,eman to the new sewage dispospl plant site located in the SE~, N'd,~ rmd =)liV~, f\TTi'1 ::'ect ion :1.6, 'L.<ii' , T1S, H5F., tJ. P.f.'. would rlffi acroE'S the Gr"ntor l<nd; ":nd 'dI!ShEAS the GrAntee de8ires to acouire froE'; thp r.:i'mtor, c'c1c1 the Grantor is willing tc' gr"lnt to the Gr:mtp(~ an saF,PE<8nt and rid~I--n:-'N!l;/ ,':;:("<--',S the above described property of the Grantor, and heirs, executors, administrators, S11ccessors and ,01 Fsigns, for the purpose of installing, operating, u::,ing, repai rin p:, replacing, maintRining,and rereovinR ::,aid 2RnitRry 2swpr piDe line and for SllCh other riGhts of i',ccess and incidental right.s as n'e hereinnfter described, all AS hereinafter more particu18Tly provided. NOW, THgREI'D H.:E , in consider"tion of the ~iUm of :H.oO i.:n himd paid by the C:1.ty of Bozeman, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowlec:L:,:ed,and in further cons:Lderation of' the coven'mts and a.greernents [Jetween the p:-,rties hereto, the Gr~ntor has grRnted, bargained, sold; conveyed, And eOl'firmed, and by these presents does hereby grant, bprg'lin, E',ell, convey, and confirm unto the said Grantee and its successors and assigns the following rights !'nd rri.viler~es forever: l. A , . easement c~nd right-fa-way for the purpose of inst,alling, opera.ting, using, rev; iring, repli"cing, maint,coiningand removjng p, sanit pry sewer pipe line thereto upon pnd acrO~iS t.he above described property l:ling within ~hp City of Bozeman, County of G211~tin, Stnte of ~ontnna, in t.,r-:8 ,7A.t '"1''' (T'-~'-) f V'"'' C n+l'" e l' '1 nr,l p ("-1:'\ I",~'-'on~' " (-',.,', (-; \ .~' "j C LL,.,S n,,, j ,,';; C J. ' ~. 0 c<C, ,If ~ S, '., ~,," .,,~ r ,,:, ...-J ',' ,. .J 'r~J .1 0." ,,' - ,-- \.), c "_ " , ", '" E. P .1'; . , pnd ("'orp narticl'l"rlS desAri'oed ;0" " U'i,.t., C",,) ~ee~ w"Lds 0R,Se~}el1t: . ' .'-.._ '_' .i:-' t ,0\.." _, ,. .L',~ ., _ ~ "'\.,' '._', J,i." ",~/ ,J"'- fifteen (15) feet on either side of the followin.r: deccrHecJ centerline: Beginning cot ,:'1 point Thirty (30) feet North of the South line of sa.id See tion One, five hundred eighty five And five tenths (585.5) feet He2t of the North-~3outh C~uarter line of said SecU.on One (1); ThonGe, Northerly five hundred eighty five and five tenths (585.5) feet West of and parallel to the North-South Q1.1Prtcr 1ine of said Section One (1) ,'" distence of twenty six -1- 1 "-r' '1')7 . " f~ I' .. _ " f~. hlmdred twenty nine and three t.enths (2629.3) feet to a point of terminus on the East-Viest Quarter line of Section One (1), T2S, E5E. Togetlwr with 2 ternpora.ry right to enter And occuP;Y, during construction of .') ~,ani,t2r'y sewer em additional thirty (30) feet of width, lyin,~ JveE'terly of and adjc<~ent to the a'bove described eAsement.. Totc:l length 0; centcrU_ne 2627.7 feet, as shown on'lt UlChed Exhibit A. 2. The-.L'l ~ "r right of inr,ress and egre22 to Anr: fr'o!E s;:dd tr'lct of Jc>r:d at "'11 reasonAble Limes fer the purpose of installin;, opcr"ting, usinl~ repairing, replAcinG and maintR.inin[': said sanit2ry sr:W8r pirc~ line and appur- tenances Find for the removin'; of sawe if 'co"-IO 'lihen rlesired 1':,' the Gr::ntAP, its ?:ucces sors and f) s siGn s: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described r'Lght-of-wpy with all the appur- tenances ;md privileges unto the said GrAntee and to its successors and assigns forever. The Grantee hereby coven,<mts and a.grees vd th the Granter A,S fcllm18: I. That, in connection with the installing, oper'lting, using" rep-"lir- tng, replacing, mAintaining and removing of sa:id s'mitnry sewer pipe line it. will. replace, at its sole expense, all existing fences, ditches -"Ind other appurten::nces of sRid l-"nd that may be disturbed by its oper- ation on a condition equal to the condition thereof existing before said operAtions were begun, or as neRr thereto es shp,ll be rea~;onably pOE'sible. 2. That, during opern,tions involving exc,'1vation, it will remove the topsoil from the trench areA to Ft depth of one foot, or to the full depth of the topsoil, whichever is less, and stockpile said topsoil away from the site any large rocks or surplus excavated mRterial or any kind of debris th'1t m?y have been exposed by the excavation pnd remuining after bAskfilling is complpted, and will le!Jve the finished 2urf":ce in suh~;tanti<111y L}'8 2";c,e COnc<l L'icn thnt ex: fiLed prior t.o the beginning of oper"tionn except t.h,qt, the sU,['- face of backfilled areas may be mounded sufficiently to prevent the formation of depressions after final settlement h:~s taken place. 3. To in::otell said si".nitary sewer pipe line at such '" reasonJble depth below the surfFce of the ea I'tL .']s vrill perr.'it "ormed. culti- vation of the ground. l.~. To operate, use and maint,~in said sa.nitary sewer p:i pe line in such manner a.s will not hinder or prevent the pr'oper cultivation of the tract through which this right-of-way is hereby' grRnted. 5. In the event thnt it should become necep.spr~y for the Grantee to reenter the Grantors premises for the purp02e of repr:.iring, replacing, maintaining or removing sanitRry sewer pipe line, the r;,rnntee will reimburse the Gr;mtor forc;ny i,ctual dilrG.'Jge done to the GrAntors premises or crops. The Grp,ntor hereby covenants .snd agrees with the Grimtee as folloHs: 1. ThAt at no time will they build, construct, erect or maintain Any permAnent structure over or above the sc>id sanitary sewer pipe line unless such structure is 'built, constructed cmd ma.intriined in sUc~h .,!, m"'nnpr thi:1t it Houl:i not in7Jerf'ere 'dj th U,p C'fer-Ation, use, repair, maintenance, replacement"nd remov'!l oj' said p.::;n1.t.o>ry sewer ripe line. -2- . . .... -1 ; '-I.' 228 . , . 2. That the Grantee may ppacahl~ hold and P'1j()~JT tbc~ r~l. i.) ~:; a,nd privileges hprein ~~N'nted without ~n:r interruption the Gr~'ntor or its ?,UCCP2S0rs And assign:;. ~) . Th~t they have lawfully ~)e-i zed of . d . th,'1t they s::n rrP1El2P:, i h~ve ~ood right and lRwf'Jl P1;+,rCr1 t;,' to sell tllP :' PIT8 and th,"jt trey qnd their heirs, executors, :odmi n i strs ~,:; rs, sn~rps~nY'~, ,'end P,s =" i ~tn s, s1'1"11 warra.nt and defend the title to :'aid prer.'ises lLnto ",pid GrAntee, and it 0' S~]~8e8S0rs p,r:'~~ ~.5s,.igns frrev",r, ,::',~~~.~"JrlS t. t'te L".'f1l1 21::0 im .1nd dem?nd of c'll rcr:~o!':' whorrc'oever. It is understood "nd a~reed b~ and between ~h, p., rt -i ''':=; heY-Gte t,::CJt tt';i2 A ,i.;N:crrJmt sh"l1 te bin~inf upon the bei=", r.;XPC~>;.: cY'c', ~drr.lrliS~'''''A.~~c't~~' , s ~~ (.~ C 8 :_~ ~:..3 () -r' =- ""j as si f!n:3 of tYe ~r:lni~~/0r .':,-;:(; 1J ('0!'1 .~'~ L(~ 2, l, ~_ ',~; ~ e ~3 ~~~ '~:~ r ;::' R"'"-: '~,,", ..~. ='~ ::.; j ;:J 1 :':.; (1 f' t),.l (,:~' r~ ;" ~": 1-""1.;'.', ,:,~~ C . :IN WITW"::SS WHEREOF, the Grpntor hps hereunto set th0ir hnnds and se21 pnd the GrRntee, The City of Fozpmpn, h?s hsreunto set, its h,~ncl, by its ~arcr And it s Clcrl-: of tl'u.; ~itv "om'T. i " "ion, e r: ~.: h 't ~ "? r ~'~~_;_!~ ~, ' ,', i~' "" - I- J' c, Y' j '7 PC" II ,-: Ie" 1'" ~ 1..1 '" I'd l.ts scrrcf;.)t,C s'=,,,:l ' ~ 1,.,.,-., L~,::f5"ze(j, " 11 ('}--: I-~,~i? L,.'_ f.: ~ ." -, .., ". ,e-::;-: '" ,~,,', lcd, 9' ' -d., d?\ o':'f'"b , ;"'_ ,. l ~ -. -~. " ~, Ijr TIlE rOAn.D ,]f CCUl'-~;'TY CC;tj:l -~:..,:-- :(;1\'~~~< f-~ OF GALLP_TIN COUNTY. ", ,',',',' / ,~/ ,_~"2::,-~~. _ " .4 ( /14~'~7~< ~<7? ~,~~~ .,' '.", , msL rom::, Ch0imt'ln j ,\ I ,/ ,/ / 'j "'\.:', l , ( ,I ~, -~~---......,;;,;, --;-' Leslie C. Anderson, !':orn!Y'.l ". "ion 8 r ~ .~ ' ,-'. ;;r: I ,1 a .:l-L 4-_ '~-'.~., ..._~._,._~."-~,_._..'. -- ,-.-- ..._..._.~,._~-_.._-_. (' " !),~.f?:; ...J !' :,:..' rr~~';, ':"'" .:-.,~ ("\.,..~.(".')~.~ . J,.J ~ f " A'I'T!i;ST: , , CITY OF POZEEAN ~,. ,- / / '"j. I , (~,.:...~~~' '/ ,,', ,." '-')' /1 / / " ,I ,---. ~",' .c''''L- --~Y--!<:/Vv1J~.-7~?-.Z2.LJ ~,rD '1' 'I., f11th n_~, T;. ;Iarr;.' I..crrr~", >-':yc'r C](Y'k .of t.tle :::iL;r "o'nnd:.'sion .l\PIT(OV'.cSD: ;,~"~:/-"5)""~'L- ,(J.l..<Lv""',, ,/Y. fJ(~-n-~) Serg, CHy At,Jd;:'!f;/' -'3- III .~ 11II ~ . -, , II " 'r "r>,,',' ')0' . ,'~ ~ r , I.;.':,;v STAT}.: OF MONTANA ) ) S8 COUNTY OF GALLATIN) On this .Ljlt day of f7la-t.-t'4:..> , 1962- before me, the undersigned a. Notary PubLic for the St'lte of t-iontcma, personAlly appeared The Board of County Commissioners of Gallatin County known to me to be the perscns described in and who signed the foregoing instrum?nt as Gnntor and acknowledr;ed to be that they had executed the SPtDe freely and volunt':>ril;,', for the '.lses and pur- poses therein expressed. :.J~"WITN'i1:SS :fJJfEm~OF, I hAve hereunto set my )nn,j And affixed r-y NotAriAl Se,~+ eu !lhf:;'!I.oay and year in this Certificate first. -"'[cove ltJritten. ...."..... ".-' "". ?J- . ".",~,:.~-'.\. / '.1..",......-',';. h~ ,,'. ,C '\ ,.. . / '. -\ ~ . . : : ."'. c-'~ ....;' f' ~ ~~CI7~L- . 'u"'e:ff ,... E. ,\ L .: -- .~ NoWrv Pul-lie for the St.~t8 of l<ontar:)'l " "~' ". ....::../ R 'd"n'" ,'1". P. 0, '" I.; to'''''' l>. '. .,' -', ' [ e 81, 1. ':0," ..,07" ,IT1J:L 1 , .~., 1 ""'. ~ . >' '."".' " . , ., V' , , , ,', C 'i: A~ ,.< '.,-' My ComnUc:c::o:r _:xf;lre?j.;u;u"'/ /1,/90 y- '.' "', ;.:1 /,'~, \ ;, \ ,..,"1\" f. j /' # STATE OF MONTANA ) ) ss COmJTY OF GALLATIN ) On this 10th day cf April , 1962--, before 118, the under- signed a NotB.ry Public for the State of t.:ontanFl, pers,oni:111y arpeRred R. Harry Morrow and Ern:l V. H3rding, known to me to be the tIayor and Clerk of the City COITUnission respectively, of the City of B07.pman, whose names are ~ubscr::i.bed to the wi thin instrument and acknowled ?d to me that they exerutcd ;-,)',e same for and on behalf of said City. IN vIITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my h:onc a.nd affixed Tr,y Not,~rial ~;e21 on the day !md year in this Certificpte ['i rst ,'Jl'ove ','rUt'?;-,. ? I'f '.. ' . ;'1, I , .\ 'i) FL .!) 'I" :'<<~~.I..~..,. ~ ~". .:;1!~S j...,.~.. " . . .'" . ~J ./- n.. c'l' <' ~1, t :::: .' ." c' ... '(I ~ 10,-, Y j" Ll - 1.C 01 Lon ,ana " ..... \ f'" \ . ~ - ,~ ' rl . t D ~. t 7i:':" -#oi~lo'~ ,/' ~ ~ ~ l.teSl..ln'a:? ~_.,orleman, 1" on ,[In[.l . .".' - V" . , ~,. 17 A 1 q6 9 . C""".-' --;:'1 . :: 1....\.. uornrn.Lf~~:O:2 .2.;~r-1" Lres ugust ,_ ; .. :. ; u ~ ,'"- '-. SEA L .-' .."-' ~... ..:~ ~...., I......,....,,~ .:'''~. ',r" 'r.,,:,- .....,.~~\ ",,\~\'" <,,' ./......J,f...:. ())r::' ~\ ":: ,~. '.</ { , 1 f I J J ! I : i ~ \ \ \ ~ '\ ' ~ ~ '. INDEXED ~~ 1': ~ ~, #,'"-:: (') ..'IlU~li ~,';.""~~,~ .. ,. -: ~.,' PL.ATTED '-. -I State of Mont., County of Gallatin. 55 Filed for i ~19 69 aLJJ.o...;...Q2__A.!....M., and recorded in Book 4 page~6 CARL L. STUCKY Recorder. By Deputy Rt: City of Bozeman ?/hT t?1Y !"'tIe. - +,--r;/4J -- ,('.f 9-19 -L.- ,-- . . . ADDENDUM " . 6. .It,.i..fu'rther understood and agreed that a pOrtion ofth.'.I~,. MW~, SE~,. Section 26, '1'181' R5E, M.. PC.M. is underlease and thae growing c:r-ops :are .Presently,'growing on the property covered by this agreement and in this connection it is agreed that the grantee will not diEJt:urbor destroy the crops presently growing and in the event that a~ydamages are caused to any crops by the 9J'.~"tee~.g~"I1:t.ee *naUrei.labu..the grantor or "'1e._'.8" "'fo-r. .ny:,.uoh d~9.'" THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION'ERS OF GALLA.TIN COUNTY Ra ph LL '. . -(9.~~ Leslie .0. Anderson, Commissioner .:...:....t .~L ,~<:J:~-z? C'. L. Pasha, Conun~ssione; "''''' .. .4...,.... ATTEST I - '-~ ------..- ,- -- '- ---..... ~~,."j)~~, ErnaV.. Harding,," , ,'-7 Clerk Of City Commissi.Qn APPROvED. sen E. Berg, City'Atto:r;ney T 2s-{N R5E. - - --..- --- -. --- 1 --.-.---- . -.---.-..----, I 42 ,! I I s 89" 17' E C E N TE sEC 165 oS' 3300 570 5 I .1)0 I /.1), ~ ~ ~ . 1 I I x x ^ I w ~ I ..J X to' to' U -z N to' ... 0 x 0 ~ '" '" >- ,..; l.L. '" u.. <D --.J N if ~ >- f- (/) a: w w .....J Z a.. ~ ~ 0 0 0 f- er: m --.J a.. <[ <[ ~ ~ i..&..J I ~ f- >- 0 er: 0 I <1 , er: ~ ~ f- l.L. (/) 0 W l.L. er: 0 " >- >- >- ~ f- f- f- a: z 0:: w ~ w a.. 0 il. 0 ^ u 0 ~ er: z er: a.. a f- <1 .....J --.J <[ 0 ~ I ^ X Q 00 0,' - 16 330 0 5705 '- ~€>' N88O~8W Ii. OURSTON ROAD ,__S -"30' S E COR. SE 1/4 ,