HomeMy WebLinkAbout69- Gallatin County Easement (3) .. " -'1 ~f)' /- ~~l :SAS::;l~ENT Arm EIGHT-O f -':'IA Y Ar:q:,,?l'/':I:;:~ FOP A :;MIJTMf[ 3E':rr~R. PIP~~ LT>"--' T:n:~ AG1T':-:'JifNT, I!Am~, c'),nd cnr,cred jnto th-iC' ~b.__ da;;; Of' ...A,PJ:jJ ___~ A.D. 19f,...2....-, f)Y cnd b0tHcpn CnlJ_atin r:01mty, r~,~r+"- 0" th'" i'irrt p'_'rt, herp:inaft~er celled the Cr!"'l',0Y', end Tin;: C:::I'Y OF F1C?,'SI'tJ', ~'_ rn1IniciY_'81 corporation of thA ;::t,,,tc of }'ontani'1, in C!311ntin CO'WI-;i, iJ~,:, Y'2r+,;' cf' the second part, herein2fter c?lled the Crpntee. VV I 'T' ~!T ~ .le, :: }<; T H : vvHEPtEAS, The Grantor is the le~pl record title owner of nortions O -r 't 1-- p r.r-:'_'_~T>-:- I 1,..... 'J ...' i+, 1,1. J .'t"' ;',[: ,;, 2(, - , ;)ec+, ion rTl'l ("1 I ,.1..1.::,', n;;[i, ,1-, . F'. 10 r~~rd WH[;;:Fi.EA~;, the Grantee, in the exercise of its power'md<1ut,hority 2 ,', nJ_micirp1it~' of' the :;,t,.-,t,e of' tl,ont."'D'J, nro'nose" to constr',v,t !"ld in- st!"ll Po s?nitpr;'.f sevIer trunk line tc r:ollect ,3.'1d Lrf')lSport fOPHage .'Inri domestic ,-rF'stA2 froP.l Yi;rious Areas within the City of Bozem,':!n to the neltJ ,3ew;::-'ge dispocc,'lJ !J!":nt. site locaLecJ in the ;3E4, ,"r.: 1'" i\J ~:'J -+ '~.'.JF), :.,! ~i~! ~, . 1:"'1 -. J.'.',.,J "-+-, :)ertion ;2/), T1~, lLS2, L.P.E.'Nou1d rem across ',he Gr?n'Jl' ],"nd; 3nd l;lllEHEAS the Grnntce desires to <,co:Jjre ("~'crr, t,l,e Gy,r'ntor, "l1O :-,hc Grantor ~s VJ~llin,; to r'rent to the Grrlntee an 8"1 semwlt 'lnc~ r~;ht,-cf-':p:: "'r rc' C [,he q ::OF' de,'; c r 3_bcd r,repc rt,j of the G Y"'y,',Q r ," r:" !, C :'_.1',,', ,:x."C 1" (', ,"" a.d:'" ~ "~ ~,..:. t r',;': ~,'::~"'.:~, :~"~'::;Cf',S2cr'~" ,'.;r:,~.:, ~,,:::':3.~ :"!r:,.~ fer t,he rl,~rr,('.sc n.f' ~..;;,r:-t ')~~},'... .:.:, Op0,t',.:; t =-n,/i~, li["; tn .;, re f.v' j :r-'ing, re pl.:.~,c 'i..ng, Tn~ i.n La..~"..~i .l~n:;, ,? n.d ~~'."'~n!c"v- i f:',0 ~:,'a~: '~.i spnitary se'tJer pipe linc>"cncl for such other rif~ht.E; .:::;1 Rcccs3"nd in.;iden- L ,s '1 rj,E}"i, t t: :':3 r!"re h ,c:.':....(.; in 1'-< tt Cl"' C1.0 s~rib 0d j ~ 11 ", s ~.:,c'rr:~_n ,:'. f' tJ c-~_~ ,:nc\'.~'G lJ,: T.t- i.cul,,~"l: l'rC'v"id()d. ~\,;(}:,.,~~', ;~l.IEr~t.:FDF~, in c cn f-3 id errtion o.~~': th e f. \,.lJt;, cf .:,;.:.L. ()'J i;.-' :'~rln rj r? ~\.' ~ bS' [jJ'.,;p Cit':I of Boz8m,s.n, the reseirt ';'i~\et8C_C ts -(l,(~re.b:'.' ~~~.~knc:v.r18rl ,Z.~,~(.\ :~ r; f.urthe~; cO];2idcr~~,t,i()Yl of the coven,"'r:t3 ,0nd ar..;r(::~'~Jnent.:, l:',~}~:!...."rccrl !_Jill~::,: parties hereto,i',hc Cr'ntor h3.~) grant'?d, barr;2ined, ~"old, ":('l"'T(O;,'(~d, c';'ld 1.'_~,cnf..Lrrried, rlr:d b~)-'- 'LheS8 p:~e~)e1'lts does hcre1.1Y gr'p,n , :,,(l.t.P.~'~ , ;:.~c~ll, :~onv(>\ r! n;..: con fir.:il 'i..;,.r.tC) the ,sA..id C2.....pn t 0e 8.nd it::) tjU(.~ :.',~ e r~, sari::: nn r_t .~l2,G~. gTi3 ~ ;,~,r': :::'. rc..l~Lc'1tJi,,~ :::.~ r..i.p.;btD nnd pri vil(~}~,,~CS fore\rer: 1. A J J_ erlS0~rnent C},n:J ri.gh~~,"""c.l"-'-\."r1,~ .Pot'! th2 ru.rI~c'2c.~ cf i!~i.st,p,l].- .lng, oj~~pr? LJ.ng, usi1;.lj, rerr-1I,ring, replacinr;, HJ9intair:ing ,~'ln.d rer.";ovir'l,;'~ ;" san,LL"'ry "ewer pipe lino thereto upon ,-me,] ,"1.cros~; the ,"reve d'"scY',; lied propert;)' ]),7:L~ . '"ithin the, NOrU}8c:st, (;'l1"1'ter of the i'Jorthwes+:' qUe) 1'ter of the South~ Quarter (NEt;;, NTd;;, SE;J of Section Twer:.tY-E'ix (2h) T1:3, n,~ :~ c" r .s v: I . + \ ~ ...,+ U (.J:""" '\ r(~~~2:, }~. P.l. ;.!"~d ::~crp ~.~J.!'~-,~i.,~u.l.::" ;'1~,? de~,~~_~ ~ ("~C.l ,?<~ ,~J,~ f'cct:_i. '"idV" fLft,r;",: (:;:) r;r, "':'1,)-",;' 2',.-L" c;' :,l'e p ~~:. _1,1.(.' >,' j,,:~'-j r~ 'c) ,'c ,,' \.l. ,",1 c; ~'~Y-.:. t. s ;,.; Ii'l : ,~~~ : -1-- 'l" ..... A .'. f}f')2 /,';'" Eq;i!'T::n;o; "t : point on the nortl\prl;y Jjne 0[' ~1pjd '~ortlH?a:):, ~~w'r:~0r of ths lJorth'de,;t Quarter of the ~:ol,Ll;c"1s", ,uart,=t, ::orth ','qo ':(,1 IJlI 'F'~st and fif'c,f"cn (15) feet dist'''nt fron, the l,orthe~3!o '~c:"ner of t,Le :\lo]~:.,l'l'if("c;::, C;wlrter of the :::~OUU1C8St QUl1rLer (N"p!~ 2E~) of O"'dd?ection T'#enty-six (2n thence South 010 11' 38" '/fecit 1'pr'01181 to C'nd fifteen (15) feet distant westerly from the east line or the said Northwest Quarter of t "Ie C' nut h a.,,, t "Ui'! rt er (~"JI^rJo C)''- "-) .., dl' "t "n" e of ')() r:: ., f'p P ,. -to ., "Y' ~ ~.. 'l"l ul l.).. .).....',L....J "t" _, J. .'Ylt ~ 1.14 (1. ,_, ,c.;(., \..." . ;Ii.. I,. ).,..1 ,I. ".....,~~.' '. 1-'-)....I...J.~,.J '"..1~ the Southerly boundar;y line of s"'id Ca.l1"t:Ln County Trad, together ;,'1'.\ t~h .c' ':,emf,or"ry rlght to enter c,nd occupy during copstr"i;ction Ptiel :r"st-"lJp'U.or; of " ":'1n:itH'Y s",-.rcr an IY1.d:i tion~l thirty (30) feet in ,,,,i.dth westerly of and Adjacent to the <>00ve described e~1 scment ,'13 shO\^lP on the ,"Itt"-lchcrl sketoh. 2. The I .' r r::Lght of inp;ress?nd egress to and from s0:Ld tract of land at'}ll reasonable times for the purpose of instc;,lling, ~J~. '~.: 1" :", ~::" . )-"\ .':~ J .~~;~.:, .,:,_~' ~ :.~, ~~., s:~;r' :,., -~ :-' ~, ....j :!' , :-(~r<;-': ;:.~ ~j~ g . '"".:c.l .\1,.'. 'I i~".j t;-.: :j.'j'.. oj,. I . '.~) i;C,~ Se\\ffn r:.pi:": lint': anG nJ)I,urte,![l:1c(~,,:c'l~d fer tLe reIT.ovin[; of when desired by the Gr3n~ee, its successors and assigns: ..-..... ~,; , , . . .' ~',: 3.:-:1 e .,;_ i' ~~ ~.': ~.': TO HAVE AJ\JD TO HOLD the ,<Jbavc described right-of-way with 911 ~Le appvrtenc:nces and privileges unto the :,,-,jd GNmtee'lneI t'::J its successors "Del a SSj_gi,,," for':"vsr. The Grpntee hereby covenants pneI agrees witt the Grpntor as follows: 1. Tha,t, in connection with the 'installing, oper2t ing, using, reppiring, replecins, mpintpining and removing of said sanit"ry c>>.wer pipe line it will replace, rot its S)l(~ pXp"~nsc,111 exist- ing f'3nces, ditches 'Jnri other ;;.ppurter:Anc..:es of snjrJ .L"nd t~:l1t mpy be disturbed by its orer8tion and on', condition ecu"l to the condition thereof existing before s'3,id O!)erAt'ion[' were hAem, or as near thereto a~, shall be reason8bl~7 pOEisible. 2. 'I'h8t, d;lrin;~ operC'!tions involvin-; exr;,:"vr't,'iem, i: wi::.l reI"ove the topsoil from the trenct "reA to e depth o~ o~e foo~, or to t'iP f\;11 dertlc of' U,p torsoi 1, Khichever is less, ;me~ "'':,0,~i:- p.ilc spiel topsoil P'dc"'Y ."r,;::', T,;',C ,,".,'0 '. ~'''' r':,,' ,"'. ..,r,::-. exc<:v"ted metr:;rial or .",nyk5,nd of debri:', t:lat n'.Cl\.' Ipve been exposed by the excevption and remaininG Rfter bpckfilling is completed, ,',md ,.,rill leave the finished surface in s\;bstantil'l.l1y the same condition that exi,sted prior to V:A bBf!,innin:-,; a: oper- ation,,; except th::t the surfclC8 of t-Jpci\f.illcd 8r(;" s T!':'yLe mCl)wJed sufficiently to prevent. the forn;,'lt, ion of depression,,' "ft,er final setU.pment h01E; to.ken pli'!.ce. '3. To i.nstall s,"1id si'!nit:::,r;y sewor pipe line at snch ,'1 rea sC!1Cible depth below the surface of the e"rth A.S will permit normal culti- v"tion of the ground. L". To operate, use Cind mFintc'in said S?nitpn ~,ewer r'ip8 JiY1e in s"eh menner as wi.ll not hinder or prevent the proper (~ul!:j- v,.,tion of the tract through which thi.s right-o-:'-wty i 2 hereby grnnted. 5. In the event th"t it. should become n(;cr;s~ary for t,Le Grantee to reenter the Grantors prerrd_ses for the purpcsc of r"'::!lirini":, repl'-'ci nr;, maintaining or removing s'1nitr'ry seWAr pipe line, the Grant.ee wil.l reimburse the Gr-'mtor for "ny actual darn,'>::;e dane to the Gr"nto~s rrpwises or crO~2. The GrPD'tor herE:l)y cnV8n~n,tG prlrl ~~rp0~ wtt~ t,l~~ Grrr~s8 ~8 ~cl]_cwp: 1. Thnt t no Lime v-fill the:' bllild, construct, ererf-, or n',,5nt, "ir, any permanent structUY'e over or ,"]:lcve the said. s,,"1nit'TY cier,.rer pi:oe line lmless such structure is bllLlL, cOilstrncted nnd ITlnln- tC'.ined in 3\1ch ," m,nner th;c,t,it would not interfercwit,b the operttion, use, repair, ~aintpn~n~A, rerl~cpment ~nd re~ovC'l of said C'anit<ry ,sewer pipe line. -2- . ;.. l~ .: ""')'3 f',,,,,,l . 2. Th?t the Grantee may pear,al1ly hold and eD,i0~T the rir:hr, S 'Dd pri viler:8s herein PT'mt:.ed "Titraut, Etny interruption J-,,, t>e GN'ntCI' or 1.Ls f~~;.~.8eS3orp. arLd r~~~,sif'll~.'.. 1. That they hnvc been 1~w~01ly seized or said premj~8~; that they heve good ri[;ht and lawful'Hltrorit:; to ~ell the ::,.'CF~e and that they nnd their heirs, executor" , "drnin i. =,trrotors, ~11cceSSON' ~nd Assign2, shall wprrent And defend the title to s~id premisnc; unto srid Grcmtee, .?nd its successors ,3nd as::;irms {'orever, aFoin~;t:. the lFi.wful claim and dem~md oS' "ill }'r:'rsGT'S '^!hr"rr's,pver. It i~ understood and a~roed by and between the pnrties hereto thet this Agreemp.nt sh: 11 bo bindinr; upon the hei rs, execl1tors. "dr:-ini".tr."itors, successors ~nd assigns of the GrAntor and upon the successors qnd assi,f']1s of the Grantee. ',,'tiTL1ji'l :':2::'~~ '/idl:i"L.~'_'...C:. y', 11"1 e C:;'~:::1.n. t.. r r k;.~l ~ :'.ll:":'~ :rC~tE~t c :r; ct t r~ ei. r h,~ r.(~~, a'l"~0. secd and the GranLee, The CU,,\' of ):osciDan, 11"8 hereUl1I:.(' set its h'md, r;;y J,ts !/;.qyor :md its Clerk of the City Commission, eric}-i th.cTc'mto d11ly ,.,uthorized, and 11'1s, CPu2;~it" corporpte,sc<;l to 11e 2ff':ixed, 2J1 or t11;8 .,) I. r1ClY (',~ _-;;r~,,?~ , 176 C; . -----+_..1....:-__ ~~ 4--- 'f'f; POAnD OF COLH'TI ::C~l~J:~c:T(~l.Er{(: CF GALLA'I'1t.: r:CU;\'TY. .,.--..---"-'") //;> // ..... /.. i .... ..' . ....--:<. ;hzu4 (.:.:~:Z:2Z~?;;t~..>,:c;,L~._ -Ralph P(Y'mst,Y'('n~t, C1-1'1::'.rrr:2n U :, .~~),.. ~'. \.:'~ '.". Leslie C. Anderson, Sommissicncr ~-4< ;;r, (1:1-'4-'~ --~.__., -~~~~~.._----~_.----- S. L. P?sh", (;ommisdoner >'~ ~ .~ .'\' ~l~ . , ~ .. t :' of" '. ~ ~ . A T1'EST: "" '.., I ".,; " r,;I.TY (lI' Drl"'C" ^~' '~70 >>',1 ,,,,., i . '.'?; .... .....:/'~(c'-/ L ~~~...;.-?., :.Xd.4"-,_~o/__ 'E. ,'riP V.,, ~J 13, nJ'i'n, ..' / Clf1.rk.of the.>~it.y Commission " ',' - ~ ,;: !. (. ~t~~~ APPR0VEJ) : ,- I\..- ( " 'J,- \:--. I\.' .... k-;1 II/tif'" L. \. (.\;:>-"..7'--;r-'.,c;'....(J) ~.;~\.,:~~~~-.::"" 1,..'.. ,_,----=::..:....._~,~__.,___'_____,.~~___.._,..__ R. T!;:1rry F0rro1^!, t' ?',yor ,"._1 "qQ~' ~:22;(.:;~-,.(, ~-~--, . J.?i 'i'4: ,,2. 03., ,..l At tor n(jJ ,/ -'3- r . ;. ,'" " 224 . . S T AT~'~ () F F,crTr Al: A ) ) "r COUNTY e'F GALLATIl~ ) ('1' f-).-,-i" ,//~ d..," 0-1' v') ~-L4 ( 11(., G '-P"")"!' ",C, +-;., " V I ,,J...~,_~ "'_"<.~ ..I. ///kl.t=_../'l.- "" ,.,~ ._,,_'~\_.l.._ ,1..-, \..1,... lJnC;-c'Y'?1C'PPC; .c, L;otl1r;) Put,LLc fer the ;~i-,pte of ~;ontc,~p, c'cT2,cn"111; p:'Te~rcd The '::08rc of County COITJnissionurs oi' G,'=l.ll:c,tin (-:r,I.int;, '-i'm'Jn tel r'; t'c }-" th Ie; r"c"r::: on:c. dess ri bed in. and whc :.'L ""-led the l' c l."..~ "/' in -:' ir- ,it t'llJl1er,.::, a" GrpntcY' 2nd Fick"O',rlp:i:~cc to me thAt t)-~(',} b,r:1 executed the :,,"1""'; !""C_~_ ~<nd \.rc1'G.r1"ta..r:,Ll~, .t....OI' tLe l1ses :.'~lV3. purpcsc3 t.h8re~ n r2Xr'rp2s('(";. " \ \ I "'In -..n-T;~" ,-, c' '('f' .,,- I" --, "., '.,' J'.;," 11'.,'1.. j '.,il::,J.>,,) ,N ,;,"LL;:< ....:A.) ~.: .) l\iEl1 r,l :'l J/>j{!..~ 1 er Yj ,e" rl P 'T '< ':.. .,." .-t ;.;,; .:. '~,/~~~ ~ ., , .... '^, cl -~ ,'" " 1.', r;' ,r,~ ',,~ f.\ .~ c;J / 'l;~ 0 ' , '.'.' / ': :~1 ~ (~- - T }-;~'vs :~,,:~r~l.,l,nt() ::'~,st, r.I,~.7" h;.::nd .g,nrl ~.~,='"'4.X(Jd r~'~" I:)," ;md ;ve,lY' in t'!:i:' (;prti_/:Lc-~te fi.",,!, ,<l.t:..,v",: '.JTi.:,tSr:. . ~ : . :: ~ . ~ ~ '~: .."," {.' ~.... ~~ II",. IW- l... J \ ~.~ ..~.." ~\: .......~ , -{'" '. ".... , 1'....;.. /~ ........, ...~A.., \ ......... "/"1 C F ~,~, t ," ,\<", I,' r, {! I ! : , ! ~ ; \ 1 \ .., \ '. \ r4. " // ---/' / . --.. , ',. ,..-'It... ' , ...;( 1Il ,'- /r. ~ ,.If,,,,?j, } ,d ,,,,dT , _ ~!oUlry r1~blie fDrl)l(~ ~:~tpte or IJ,o:lt;!r;a Residing Rt Bozeman, Kont~np Fy CommjC'sicnSxfiir8c a(c~c/i F~ lyc;,9 f \ I \ I cou;-rry CF' CA:SLATI!\] ) :~:TAT~~ OF NCNTANA On Lhi_" ~..~ day cf' April .., 19(,~,hd'cr(' cc, U,"? 'JD':;crsil'TLPO a i'Iot,-ory PutIie for the E;tate e,f' ~Ion 1-,3.,18, },pr:c(,-rnJ_1,i ,"'",e.']"2(--1. it. :-tarry Lorr014 !FJc1 ErnCl V. fJardj_nf;, known t,c r.'Fe to beLh? Ii,3:;Cl' "n/j :::lcrk 01 the City '~ornmisc;ion rC2fiectivel~.", 0[' the Cit;:,' or Fo:,(;!,~,'=ln, who:;e )11:;ec: ;or',', subscrihed to the within instn.Jmen+, .3YlC; a~};nO'.^JI'''d;,;ec ,~,o ,":0 ti-,:,t bhoy exe~~ted the SRne for ?pd on behalf o~ snid City. r; iJll':lSSS ":fl-Eii..i.Xlf', ~otFiriAl Seal on the day "'rr:tt<=~n. I heve hereunto set my hand And RSfixed m~ and yeRr in this CertificRte fj~st ebove : 1111111/ ,;; n . lJ "" ,J',:..,.....,,_," -'"11 f\.'....;.,... .:." '\.~..".'. , '..6<I..."r..J" .......... .' -'!tot "'l' / r,~ .." ~\'\ ~ '"T: ,\)\' ,.....-1.-:. .: ~"?::: V. \< ~....-! '; . t'> .~ :,/',E~ ~ . : : . ~ :;: ". (' r. ~ L .. .~ -.', f",it'. ,) &... ,'>\ .... .... ... ..:- ,..\ #';4 - 11.-" ...~\ ,... .:~/.".,., /'0 '."11.41"""" ,\..(~~~-',....: "''';'' cp ~c" "", , I , I I r , ~ ! I j j \ ~ I ' I . ~ ' (J /~/ ~~/,:. _/-1' JI]ot;o-r;.('Pnr;lir:: raY' --I:":1''1e ;;totc--~f Hont8np Resi.dine; At Bozerpen, t~(1iltcma 1-',)' Commission T~;xpire~: 17 August 1969 ! f '\ r{''- ;0--' (-~ ;),',j INDCXED r~ ~~.'~',~".',.~.~ \ PLATTED I State o,f Mont., County of Gallatin. 55 Filed for record April 17 ., '19 69 at 11. OO__~.~~~. a~~ recorded in Book 4- of ' .M.I"~3CELL~N~OUS page----321 CAHL L. .JrUCKY Recorder B '-:-::~-"..-.zc' t7:;//">h"~'/.""'. , , ...--., ,y ,2.::.,/ t:? c_ (;< <,,, L -"I"t')lJty Rt: Clty of Bozeman I i -L,- f" i I I, f' I i ;,( ~. * ~<....; . " . ' 4 -. SKETCH OF COUNTY PROPERTY IN THE NE 1/4 NW 1/4 SE 1/4 SEC. 26 TIS t R 5 E N SCALf ( = .00' .~ -=- CO~TY_=ROAD~= - ~._- ..-. ~N 890 56' 13" W -- -~'--:~._~"""0295' "'s ,~,O.~._-' "- .~ I:-- GALL A $9~S'? . \.1 IQ;(:-.../.. .... ~, 9' So ..t 6' ' <t- I I I I I I a I I ~I 0 I i lr I I >, i tz I :) (), (J! I i , ! ;;-i I SOUTH 1/4 COR. r N E 1/4 SEC. 26 .,\ "t J i'" ~, .~-.!.,.i,,".I.... =:: , . I<) I . ~ --I " N:~i J~I \~ " " : "" ',,- "- '" I" ,--"- : ~"""",,- I ;: "- "- "- ',,- "" " " "- ""-"